Albany County Champs 2019

Latham, NY

Athlete Entries

Freshmen Boys 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Picard, Matthew Christian Brothers Academy (CBA
Levin, Josh Bethlehem Central
Vargas, Howie Bethlehem Central
Nixon, Tanner Colonie
Ditzel, Corey Shaker
Novak, Luke Guilderland
Yunga, Meke Colonie
Gupta, Neil Shaker
Abatto, Nicholas Christian Brothers Academy (CBA
St.Cyr, Jackson Bethlehem Central
Grossman, Tyler Bethlehem Central
Donahue, Tony Colonie
Suh, Micah Shaker
Davis, Gavin Guilderland
McKenna, Jack Christian Brothers Academy (CBA
Hughes, Aidan Bethlehem Central
Langer, Daniel Colonie
Brunco, Alex Shaker
Bianca, Giancarlo Guilderland
Meddaugh, John Ravena
Antonikowski, Roman Christian Brothers Academy (CBA
Wang, Dylan Bethlehem Central
Meek, Sean Bethlehem Central
Ault, Justin Colonie
Doolittle, Jackson Shaker
Whalen, Ryan Guilderland
Murray, Peter Christian Brothers Academy (CBA
Johnson, Collin Shaker
Vogel, Michael Christian Brothers Academy (CBA
Murphy, Patrick Bethlehem Central
Ocampo, Jae Samuel Colonie
Cea, Joseph Bethlehem Central
Crooks, Matthew Guilderland
Lautenschlager, Aidan Colonie
Iyer, Aakash Guilderland
Ferguson, Ryan Christian Brothers Academy (CBA
Sagendorph, Tyler Bethlehem Central
Thomas, Charles Bethlehem Central
Horanlli, Eduard Colonie
Vitas, Dean Shaker
Cotten, Ian Guilderland
Smith, Noah Christian Brothers Academy (CBA
Matulu, Zacharie Shaker
Bianco, Phillip Christian Brothers Academy (CBA
Salman, Zane Bethlehem Central
Perez, Dominic Colonie
Rider, AJ Bethlehem Central
Van Ness, Richard Colonie
Stefanik, Trevor Shaker
Parsons, Will Guilderland
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Freshmen Girls 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Furgele, Ava Bethlehem Central
Warren, Abby Guilderland
Fowler, Isabel Shaker
Robin, Annika Shaker
Gorevich, Julia Guilderland
Lagios, Isabella Guilderland
Davis, Rylee Bethlehem Central
Rutherford, Olivia Guilderland
Polsinello, Trista Shaker
Shoemaker, Maya Guilderland
Irwin, Erika Guilderland
Cuccolo, Rachel Bethlehem Central
Wojcik, Maya Guilderland
Milukuri, Yuktha Shaker
Komatireddy, Trivika Guilderland
Karins, Gabby Shaker
Baldwin, Elizabeth Bethlehem Central
Nayak, Preta Guilderland
Bolke, Annie Bethlehem Central
Sajan, Shreya Guilderland
Caiano, Alyssa Shaker
Korniss, Lilla Shaker
Alpart, Maxine Guilderland
Mastrangelo, Delana Guilderland
Keruskie, Eliza Bethlehem Central
Marando, Antonella Guilderland
Bobersky, Peyton Shaker
Manley, Audrey Bethlehem Central
Kosier, Alexa Guilderland
Biddle, Sarah Shaker
Nhan, Kelly Guilderland
Conway, Maeve Bethlehem Central
Seyler, McKenna Guilderland
Diefenderfer, Birtu Shaker
Pollicino, Jenna Shaker
Bailey, Ava Guilderland
Lagios, Brooklyn Guilderland
O'Meara, Charlotte Bethlehem Central
Prakash, Rithvikka Guilderland
Piccinini, Violet Bethlehem Central
Lavin, Novalee Guilderland
Koa, Elizabeth Shaker
Reish, Angelina Guilderland
Chorbajian, Katherine Guilderland
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JV Boys 84 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pachter, Finn Bethlehem Central
Uzzo, Christian Colonie
Cao, Eric Guilderland
Davis, Robert Bethlehem Central
Colonno, Conner Bethlehem Central
Lvov, Gary Guilderland
Plummer, James Guilderland
Creaser, Gavin Bethlehem Central
Cusato, Rob Guilderland
Johnson, Luke Bethlehem Central
Convertino, Will Bethlehem Central
Avery, Ian Guilderland
Bargeer, Aayan Shaker
Molesky, William Colonie
Feltman, Micah Bethlehem Central
Field, Nolan Christian Brothers Academy (CBA
Vennard, Kyle Guilderland
Rocklein, Bodie Bethlehem Central
Stickan, Aidan Bethlehem Central
Hickey, Jack Guilderland
Berben, John Shaker
Countermine, Daniel Guilderland
Colonno, Alex Bethlehem Central
Wang, Alan Guilderland
Abbuhl, Justin Bethlehem Central
Winslow, Justice Colonie
Freedman, Korbin Guilderland
Manning, Carson Bethlehem Central
Koplik, Nathaniel Bethlehem Central
Mathew, Joyal Guilderland
Ralston, Nicholas Guilderland
Kelley, Liam Bethlehem Central
McDonough, Thomas Guilderland
Zilderberg, Tomer Bethlehem Central
Minnicks, Mason Bethlehem Central
Spanbauer, Gabe Guilderland
Gao, Henry Shaker
Friedman, Skyler Bethlehem Central
Connolly, Ethan Christian Brothers Academy (CBA
McFeeley, Sean Colonie
Horton, Anthony Colonie
Prakash, Pretesh Guilderland
Shaw, Teddy Bethlehem Central
McNay, Aidan Bethlehem Central
Fanshawe, John Guilderland
Cuevas-Ruiz, Santiago Guilderland
Bronk, John Bethlehem Central
Amineni, Pratul Guilderland
Cowin, Jackson Bethlehem Central
Pellegrini, Chris Colonie
Darrigo, Nick Guilderland
Mocerine, Joey Bethlehem Central
McDermith, Colton Bethlehem Central
Teague, Liam Guilderland
Lydon, Eamonn Bethlehem Central
LeClair, Kolby Guilderland
Vepuri, Sandeep Shaker
Thompson, Kilian Guilderland
Conners, Scott Ravena
Talmage, Hugh Bethlehem Central
Kenney, Joseph Guilderland
Koplik, Jacob Bethlehem Central
McAlary, Michael Christian Brothers Academy (CBA
Zalucky, Jarad Colonie
McNiven, Tyler Guilderland
Su, Gordon Bethlehem Central
Blendell, Sam Bethlehem Central
Groves, Roman Guilderland
Parsons, Thomas Guilderland
Calderon, James Bethlehem Central
Dan, Prithwish Guilderland
Roeder, Griffin Bethlehem Central
Martino, Stephen Shaker
Petramale, William Colonie
Morrisey, Shane Bethlehem Central
O'Brien, Dean Bethlehem Central
Wagner, Jordon Guilderland
Pattison, Alexander Bethlehem Central
Macri, Anthony Guilderland
Roczniak, Adam Shaker
Lockwood, Evan Guilderland
Tyler, Cody Ravena
Hazaz, Michael Bethlehem Central
Ericson, Kevin Guilderland
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JV Girls 89 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sun, Sunny Bethlehem Central
Jerome, Laila Guilderland
Montimurro, Kaitlyn Shaker
Khan, Sidra Guilderland
Okoniewski, Serena Bethlehem Central
Stigi, Mia Guilderland
Berner, Julia Bethlehem Central
Kennedy, Meghan Shaker
Alexander, Maryn Guilderland
Bing, Ayanna Bethlehem Central
Barker, Julia Shaker
Melanson, Lindsay Guilderland
Coton, Emma Bethlehem Central
Kim, Lauren Bethlehem Central
Thumilan, Vinishasree Shaker
Burns, Caroline Guilderland
Bright, Kierna Guilderland
Convertino, Stella Bethlehem Central
Aquino, Mia Shaker
Magenis, Jillian Guilderland
Furgele, Olivia Bethlehem Central
Sullenberger, Mary Kate Shaker
Grant, Natalie Guilderland
Colonno, Anna Bethlehem Central
Wissing, Kiera Bethlehem Central
Nautel, Abigail Bethlehem Central
Baratier, Gabriella Guilderland
Becker, Katie Guilderland
Barbato, Tory Bethlehem Central
Ross, Taylor Shaker
Mirlay, Kardelen Guilderland
Berner, Olivia Bethlehem Central
Bawla, Sara Shaker
Novak, Willow Guilderland
Cometti, Isabella Bethlehem Central
Phelan, Julia Shaker
Shorter, Katherine Guilderland
DeVane, Mary Bethlehem Central
Smith, Elissa Bethlehem Central
Ewing, Victoria Guilderland
Dal Pos Murphy, Dania Guilderland
Maritato, Isabella Bethlehem Central
Biazon, Sarah Shaker
Powers, Grace Guilderland
Kotary, Ava Bethlehem Central
Zheng, Angela Shaker
Ledermann, Kathrine Guilderland
O'Connell, Caitlyn Bethlehem Central
McCutchen, Jenna Shaker
Ridgeway, Sophie Bethlehem Central
Fanshawe, Victoria Guilderland
Mandato, Kimberly Guilderland
Burdick, Amy Bethlehem Central
Shamlian, Ellie Shaker
Brown, Jaden Guilderland
Brock, Sarah Bethlehem Central
Fox, Natalie Shaker
Reilly, Lauren Guilderland
Cotton, Aliza Bethlehem Central
Jacob, Sarah Shaker
Mcgrath, Grace Bethlehem Central
Wronoski, Gwen Guilderland
Moszulski, Michelle Bethlehem Central
Spath, Grace Bethlehem Central
Fahsel, Kasia Guilderland
Gupta, Aditri Shaker
Johnson, Caroline Guilderland
Hughes, Nia Bethlehem Central
Powers, Hannah Guilderland
Fiske, Ainsley Bethlehem Central
Hasan, Azka Shaker
Rutherford, Lucy Guilderland
Roberts, Shay Bethlehem Central
Korniss, Virag Shaker
Bowerman, Morgan Bethlehem Central
Adami, Savannah Guilderland
Gross, Abby Guilderland
Du, Neinei Bethlehem Central
Hallock, Arietta Shaker
Thompson, Taylor Guilderland
Aquirre, Sabina Guilderland
Knox, Irely Bethlehem Central
Martin, Kara Shaker
Pierro, Angelina Guilderland
VanSteele, Katerina Bethlehem Central
Fraley, Hanna Shaker
Maney, Kelly Bethlehem Central
Bortell, Hailey Guilderland
Sanders, Talia Bethlehem Central
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Varsity Boys 94 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Atkinson, Jasper Albany Academy
Abatto, Ryan Christian Brothers Academy (CBA
Cusato, Will Guilderland
Vazquez-Lopez, Rufino Shaker
Dunn, Ryan Colonie
Mcleod, Kevin Albany High School
Mohammed, Asa Albany High School
Barnett, Jackson Albany Academy
Pieterse, Themba Albany High School
Fu, Lucas Albany Academy
Hayes, Eamonn Bethlehem Central
Gregoire, Jameson Cohoes
Graber, Noah Albany High School
Toomey, Joseph Christian Brothers Academy (CBA
Colonno, Alex Bethlehem Central
Pavelec, Daniel Shaker
Wallace, William Colonie
Spanbauer, Daniel Guilderland
Baker, Matthew Albany High School
Bryant, John Li Albany Academy
Chittur, Neel Albany High School
Dailey, John Albany Academy
Madan, Jay Albany Academy
Clemens, Dacoda Albany High School
Rarick, Christopher Ravena
Kelly, Ross Cohoes
Rocklein, Bodie Bethlehem Central
Russell, Quinn Albany Academy
Toman, Evan Christian Brothers Academy (CBA
Burke, Finn Guilderland
Diehl, Zack Shaker
Keller, Quinn Colonie
Quist, Benjamin Albany High School
Kam, Chai Albany High School
Guthrie, Will Albany Academy
Eveleth, William Albany High School
Reid, Ethan Albany Academy
Friedman, Skyler Bethlehem Central
Hada, Vishal Albany Academy
Schwarz, Elior Albany High School
Williams, Evan Christian Brothers Academy (CBA
Pattison, Alexander Bethlehem Central
Flanagan, Evan Colonie
Gent, Alexander Guilderland
Garretson, Christopher Shaker
Martinelli, Santino Albany High School
Desrosiers, Josh Albany Academy
Pieterse, Luyanda Albany High School
Simeone, Joseph Albany Academy
Reynolds, Boden Albany Academy
Hendricks, Devin Albany High School
Pecora, Jeb Ravena
Kelly, Jack Cohoes
Su, Gordon Bethlehem Central
Bowden, Ethan Albany Academy
Caldon, Ezekiel Christian Brothers Academy (CBA
O'Brien, Sean Guilderland
Ledezma, Dan Bethlehem Central
Levchenko, Vinny Shaker
Prevratil, Frank Colonie
Gordon, Graham Albany High School
Roper, Maxwell Albany High School
Sahota, Jasraj Albany Academy
Bourgeois, Henry Albany High School
Vartuli, William Albany Academy
Drucker, Aviv Albany Academy
Weisberg, Daniel Albany High School
Hendricks, Sean Christian Brothers Academy (CBA
McNay, Aidan Bethlehem Central
Stevens, Matt Albany Academy
Tindale, Micah Guilderland
Randall, T.J. Shaker
Tsykun, Max Colonie
Martinelli, Cosmo Albany High School
Richard, Graham Albany High School
Stevens, Sean Albany Academy
McDuffie, Rah-Mene Albany High School
DeMarco, Nicholas Albany Academy
Betrand, Connor Cohoes
Winston, Ezra Bethlehem Central
Gotlieb, Maxim Albany High School
Mangione, Jack Christian Brothers Academy (CBA
PARSONS, Jack Guilderland
Pokat, Zach Bethlehem Central
Mendonca, Francisco Shaker
Judge, Matt Colonie
Farrell, Andrew Albany High School
Sears, Brady Albany Academy
McNeil, Michael Albany High School
He, Keqing Albany Academy
Li, Alex Albany Academy
Fong, Isaac Albany High School
DeCelle, Matthew Cohoes
Vincelette, Jack Bethlehem Central
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Varsity Girls 66 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Losee, Emma Bethlehem Central
Colafati, Amelia Albany High School
Savaria, Elaine Cohoes
Ticer, Laurel Ravena
O'brien, Brooke Albany Academy
Desharnais, Eileen Academy of the Holy Names
Casavant, Abby Guilderland
Kearns, Alyssa Shaker
Cooney, Kara Albany Academy
Franchini, Sarah Academy of the Holy Names
Vellekoop, Alex Guilderland
Kelly, Grace Albany High School
Grossman, Katie Bethlehem Central
Opalka, Amanda Cohoes
Hubbell, Ella Albany High School
Ingerson , Morgen Albany Academy
Coughlin, Sinead Academy of the Holy Names
Scanlan, Kate Guilderland
Higgins, Kaleigh Shaker
Swierzeski, Rylyn Albany High School
Graham, Kirstin Bethlehem Central
Levin, Shira Albany High School
Boyd, Michaela Cohoes
Quinto, Melania Ravena
Green, Ilana Albany Academy
Smith, Jenaya Cohoes
Phillips, Sarah Albany Academy
Drindak, Adrianna Academy of the Holy Names
McFerran, Grace Guilderland
Miles, Olivia Shaker
Lamont, Hannah Albany High School
Evans, Amelia Bethlehem Central
Hubbell, Adeline Albany High School
Cunsolo, Miranda Cohoes
Levy, Dalia Albany High School
Amadore, tessa Albany Academy
Ottman, Livingston Academy of the Holy Names
Chorbajian, Emily Guilderland
Bullington, Ciara Shaker
Smith, Emily Bethlehem Central
Norton, Michelle Ravena
Morrison, Eleeza Albany Academy
Barret, Shaelah Cohoes
Doolan, Caroline Albany Academy
Valois, Rachel Academy of the Holy Names
Czaban, Nicole Guilderland
Mariano, Tori Shaker
Tierney, Sarah Albany High School
Roeder, Gillian Bethlehem Central
Griffin, Leonni Shaker
Kebade, Zelalem Albany High School
LeBlanc, Julia Cohoes
Su-Morrill, Clare Albany High School
Jones, Jaleina Ravena
Carter, Jade Albany Academy
Donlon, Theresa Academy of the Holy Names
Irwin, Elizabeth Guilderland
Broderick, Alina Albany Academy
Hodge, Rachel Bethlehem Central
O'Brien, Makalya Cohoes
Penna, Natalie Albany High School
Epstein , Jessica Albany Academy
Dreslin, Nora Academy of the Holy Names
Howard, Tyler Guilderland
Miles, Madelyn Shaker
Dollar, Brianna Albany High School
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