Albany County Champs 2021

Loudonville, NY

Meet Information

Dear Coaches,

It is that time of year when the Albany County teams come together for our Championship Cross Country Meet sponsored by The Albany Kiwanis Club. However, because of scheduling issues, this years meet has been moved to The Crossings of Colonie. Please let you AD and transportation department know about the change of venue.

The date has been set for Friday, October 22, 2021. The awards have all been ordered. The Kiwanis Club has been contacted. The new course will be ready and course maps are attached to this email. All we need now is for Mother Nature to cooperate and give us a great day to race.

We will be scoring the meet using his Hy-tek computer program.

AWARDS: Provided by The Albany Kiwanis

Frosh Boys and Girls

Trophy to individual winner

Medals to Places 2-10

Medals to 7 members of 1st and 2nd place teams

JV Boys and Girls

Medals to Places 1-10

Medals to 7 members of 1st and 2nd place teams

Trophy to 1st and 2nd place teams

Varsity Boys and Girls

Trophy to individual places 1-5

Medals to Places 6-15

Medals to 7 members of 1st and 2nd place teams

Trophy to 1st and 2nd place teams

**A concession stand will be available for food and drink purchases**

Additional Notes about Meets at The Crossings:

Please tell Parents and Bus Drivers to use the parking area near the South Pavilion.

Parking attendants will be there to direct traffic.

Do Not Park Along The Park Roads. Do Not Park In The Lot Near The Playground.

Please Clean Up Your Team Area Before Leaving. Carry In Carry Out.

Check with park staff if you want to make arrangements to run on the course before race day.

Stay away from the park bathrooms. Please use the Port-A-Johns that are on site.

Runners need to stay off of all roads and bike trails. Run on the grass.

The course will have several course marshals and be marked with flags.