The George Calano - Collegiate School Invitational 2024

Bronx, NY

Athlete Entries

Boys Freshman 1.5 Miles 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chi, Augustus 'Gus' Trinity School
Huang, Austen Dalton School
Halper, Noah Trinity School
Gurbuz, Can Avenues
Barajas, Joel New Rochelle
Sands, Finlay Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Lee, Jonah Trinity School
Moon, John 'Auggie' Trinity School
Flemmer, Evan Avenues
McDonagh, River Green Meadow Waldorf
Sharma, Ishaan Dalton School
Dubin, Andrew Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Caffrey, Roan Trinity School
Chovanec, William Trinity School
Methven, Jack Avenues
Reverdito, Alessandro Dalton School
Guzman, Ronald New Rochelle
Hoque, Rahib Trinity School
Frank, Jack Trinity School
Sewell, Dallas Avenues
Simmons, James Dalton School
Krasner, Jonas New Rochelle
Mehra, Devin Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
McAllister-Nevins, Theo Trinity School
Dibadj, Cameron Trinity School
Katz, Noah West End Secondary School
Estevez, Marcos Dalton School
Campo, Xavier New Rochelle
Hertzog, Kadin Trinity School
Wu, Kenneth Avenues
Blough, Holden New Rochelle
Armand, Sebastian Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Yeung, Massimo Poly Prep Country Day
Stepper, Hudson Trinity School
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Boys JV 2.5 Miles 135 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Osward, Thomas Green Meadow Waldorf
Yeung, Sean The Stony Brook School (HS)
Slesinger, Noah Avenues
Helfat, Jacob Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Williams, Ronald Yonkers Public Schools
Hong, Logan Monroe-Woodbury
Nett, Patrick The Stony Brook School (HS)
Sanchez, Michael Yonkers Public Schools
Kilroy, Clinton The Stony Brook School (HS)
Riedl-Dworkin, Jacob Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Calderon, Bryce Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Fuentes-DeGeorge, Matthew Monroe-Woodbury
Bleibel, Kareem Monroe-Woodbury
Zhao, Vincent The Stony Brook School (HS)
Badillo-Ramirez, Sneyder New Rochelle
Imafidon, Walker Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Brown, Dilan Yonkers Public Schools
Perez, Sebastian Monroe-Woodbury
Tejada, Leonard "Leo" Yonkers Public Schools
Jeffrey, Brendan The Stony Brook School (HS)
Clark, Jasper Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Reyes Flores, Gabriel Monroe-Woodbury
Esserman, Ryan Monroe-Woodbury
Benoit, Justin Monroe-Woodbury
Ahn, Daniel The Stony Brook School (HS)
Cho, Jason The Stony Brook School (HS)
Jones, Auldin Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Bailey, Jayden Yonkers Public Schools
Aber, Jackson Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Ryan, Liam Monroe-Woodbury
Dangayach, Eshaan Poly Prep Country Day
Ortiz, Xavier Monroe-Woodbury
Montanez, Lyncan Yonkers Public Schools
Lecci, Jameson The Stony Brook School (HS)
Kim, Jackson Avenues
Febus, Wyatt Yonkers Public Schools
Levato, Mario Monroe-Woodbury
Gowrie, Leonidas Monroe-Woodbury
Corcoran, Finn The Stony Brook School (HS)
De Los Santos, Matthew The Stony Brook School (HS)
Prince, Leo Avenues
Marwill, Zachary Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Patterson, Izayiah "Zay" Yonkers Public Schools
Temistokle, Ryan New Rochelle
Aber, Mason Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Wen, Yizhou Monroe-Woodbury
Morales, Zaire 15:22.00 Poly Prep Country Day
Garcia, Eric 15:29.40 New Rochelle
Lambroza, Marcus 15:59.70 Dalton School
DeGiglio, Gio 16:03.20 Monroe-Woodbury
Rosado, Lucas 16:04.60 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Aurelus, Gavin 16:06.40 Dalton School
Frey, Tristan 16:08.10 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Sternberg, Leo 16:09.60 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
David, Will 16:09.80 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Barbanel, Aaron 16:22.07 Monroe-Woodbury
Blumenfeld, Chase 16:23.10 Dalton School
Stopnik, Cole 16:24.00 Dalton School
Wagman, Daniel 16:29.20 Dalton School
Sheff, Noah 16:31.80 Dalton School
Myers, Jeffrey 16:36.50 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Sleeper, Ben 16:37.20 Dalton School
McConnell, Lincoln 16:38.22 Monroe-Woodbury
Watts, Connor 16:42.30 Dalton School
Haber, Jerry 16:45.10 Monroe-Woodbury
Cabinte, Silas 16:50.90 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Larena, David 16:51.30 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Rand, Krish 16:55.10 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Sylvain, Bryson 16:55.50 Poly Prep Country Day
McDonald, Miles 17:01.20 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Leblang, Elijah 17:07.90 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Liss, Vaughan 17:13.80 West End Secondary School
Cender, Giacomo 17:17.40 Dalton School
Cannistraci, Gabe 17:18.70 New Rochelle
Mesajil, Bryan 17:20.90 New Rochelle
Chang, Ryan 17:24.56 Monroe-Woodbury
Albrecht, Mark 17:26.80 Horace Mann School
Johnson, Ben 17:31.60 Dalton School
Nesse, Jaidev 17:33.90 Lab Museum United
McNeil, Jordan 17:35.70 Dalton School
Khan, Justin 17:35.80 Dalton School
Hernandez, Adrian 17:38.20 Lab Museum United
Multani, Goravpreet 17:39.52 Monroe-Woodbury
Mahecha Ossa, Santiago 17:42.80 Avenues
Aboagye, Collins 17:44.10 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Kim, Alex 17:45.50 Dalton School
McConnell, John 17:48.16 Monroe-Woodbury
Scoffier, Toma 17:49.90 Avenues
Montevirgen, Jake 17:55.91 Monroe-Woodbury
Grisar, Gregory 17:56.26 Monroe-Woodbury
Liang, Ryan 17:57.28 Monroe-Woodbury
Romero, David 18:00.10 New Rochelle
Miller, August 18:01.70 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Jacobsen, Leo 18:02.10 Dalton School
Cassidy, James 18:10.20 Lab Museum United
Jacobs, Zane 18:12.30 Dalton School
Zheng, Ryan 18:13.50 West End Secondary School
Patel, Abhilash 18:23.06 Monroe-Woodbury
Stroud, Tristan 18:23.61 Monroe-Woodbury
Shaw, Jaden 18:25.44 Monroe-Woodbury
Prawer, Eli 18:32.40 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Weidman, Ben 18:35.60 Dalton School
Moskowitz, Benjamin 18:36.00 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Kim, Evan 18:37.80 Dalton School
Ballard, Callum 18:38.10 West End Secondary School
Sposito, Simon 18:39.90 West End Secondary School
Shah, Sajan 18:40.20 Dalton School
Gollust, Oscar 18:46.00 Lab Museum United
Schubert, Lincoln 18:56.90 Avenues
Schwider, Theo 19:01.40 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Minkowitz, Gedaliah 19:04.68 Monroe-Woodbury
Kothari, Rishan 19:16.10 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Njoku, Kelechi 19:27.00 New Rochelle
Henkin, Jonathan 19:30.70 Dalton School
Chodry, Hadrian 19:36.30 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Howell, Grover 19:44.90 Poly Prep Country Day
Kim, Samuel 19:58.80 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Sun, Zenchi 20:04.60 Avenues
Ferdico, Andrew 20:04.76 Monroe-Woodbury
Stoff, Finn 20:08.40 New Rochelle
Barbanel, Joshua 20:19.11 Monroe-Woodbury
Kroker-McCormack, Florian 20:40.60 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Sethi, Nakul 20:47.20 Horace Mann School
Yusuf, Merrick 20:54.49 Monroe-Woodbury
Varia, Rohan 21:05.10 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Borthwick, James 21:09.00 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Dalal, Aarav 21:17.20 Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Hernandez Sorto, Miguel 21:19.90 Monroe-Woodbury
Fernandez, Felix 21:33.50 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Wilson, Jacopo 22:08.80 Horace Mann School
Patterson, Noah 22:23.50 West End Secondary School
Straussberg, Max 22:43.70 New Rochelle
Smith, Wesley 23:04.30 Avenues
Shams, Mahid 24:28.70 Dalton School
Malik, Ali 32:01.00 Monroe-Woodbury
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Boys Varsity 5K 87 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chan, Tyler Poly Prep Country Day
Angel, Ricardo Yonkers Public Schools
Felczak, Conor Horace Mann School
Chuquichaico, Paolo Liberty High School Academy for
Budhram, Arin Poly Prep Country Day
Calderon, Kyler Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Love, Mazin Horace Mann School
Tarax, Andy Liberty High School Academy for
Barz, Graydon Dalton School
Brodsky, Walker Poly Prep Country Day
Mowrey, John Horace Mann School
Gaspar, Liam Dalton School
Diallo, Alpha Liberty High School Academy for
Cohen, Bram Horace Mann School
Diallo, Ibrahime Liberty High School Academy for
Larson, Owen 16:23.20 Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Maiese, Isaac 16:32.60 New Rochelle
Ziff, Leo 16:39.30 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Rossi, Kofi 16:42.00 Poly Prep Country Day
Rodriguez Perez, Ronaldo 16:43.90 Monroe-Woodbury
More, Ansh 16:44.70 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Schoellerman, Marco 16:46.25 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
O'Rourke, Jackson 16:50.60 New Rochelle
Krasner, Anderson 16:50.70 New Rochelle
Smith, Dorsey 16:55.50 Poly Prep Country Day
Wynn, Gavin 17:06.30 Avenues
O'Rourke, Riley 17:07.30 New Rochelle
Meng, Troy 17:24.40 The Stony Brook School (HS)
Pirson, Max 17:26.20 New Rochelle
Duggal, John 17:32.30 The Stony Brook School (HS)
Tackney, Roman 17:47.10 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Hassler, William 17:49.40 Monroe-Woodbury
Shapiro, Sam 18:00.20 Dalton School
de Haan, Rhys 18:13.20 Rye Country Day School
Ponichter, Gabe 18:14.80 Dalton School
Collmer, Jack 18:16.80 West End Secondary School
Sim, Matthew 18:17.50 Monroe-Woodbury
Rodriguez, Aidan 18:18.50 New Rochelle
Gonzalez, Esaias 18:18.70 Rye Country Day School
Williams-Murray, Mason 18:27.90 Monroe-Woodbury
Burns, Declan 18:32.00 West End Secondary School
Wolfe, Dainan 18:36.71 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Ziff, Samuel 18:45.30 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Wang, Andrew 18:46.60 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Sullivan, Aidan 18:56.90 Monroe-Woodbury
Bukai-Leite, Elias 18:58.71 Avenues
Prinz, Ethan 19:00.21 The Stony Brook School (HS)
Yairi, Noah 19:00.60 New Rochelle
Francis, Jaylin 19:04.95 Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Francis, Julian 19:05.90 West End Secondary School
Joncic, Luka 19:14.20 Monroe-Woodbury
Shah, Rohan 19:16.80 Dalton School
Loeb-Lojko, Thomas 19:19.90 West End Secondary School
Slovin, Jack 19:25.40 Rye Country Day School
Almendares, Alexander 19:29.87 Liberty High School Academy for
Zhou, Roger 19:34.71 The Stony Brook School (HS)
Montevirgen, Jake 19:35.00 Monroe-Woodbury
Lussier, Leo 19:38.60 West End Secondary School
Jin, Bruce 19:38.70 Rye Country Day School
Speaker, Ryan 19:40.40 Poly Prep Country Day
Baxter, Sebastian 19:43.40 Horace Mann School
Jacobs, Lucas 19:43.80 Dalton School
Patel, Andrew 20:00.20 Poly Prep Country Day
Guo, David 20:00.70 The Stony Brook School (HS)
Tang, Sunny 20:04.10 The Stony Brook School (HS)
Bailey, Dylan 20:18.70 West End Secondary School
Qian, Jason 20:32.07 The Stony Brook School (HS)
Lopez Gonzalez, Jesus 20:38.10 Liberty High School Academy for
Leung, William 20:38.50 Rye Country Day School
Ansari, Zain 20:39.60 Rye Country Day School
Liu, Lucius 20:40.10 Rye Country Day School
Lau, Anthony 20:41.00 Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Angel, Alejandro 21:04.10 Yonkers Public Schools
Brener, Joseph 21:14.60 Horace Mann School
Guerrero, Justin 21:18.60 Yonkers Public Schools
Vimont, Jonah 21:26.21 West End Secondary School
Benson, Peter 21:36.40 Horace Mann School
Hamm, Jackson 21:36.40 Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Kim, Charlie 21:44.10 Dalton School
Rivera, Ethan 22:54.90 Avenues
Zherka, Ali 22:59.60 Yonkers Public Schools
Kaleem, Riyan 24:01.90 Yonkers Public Schools
Tucker, Emmett 24:26.30 Yonkers Public Schools
Yuan, William 24:59.10 Avenues
Kye, Tyler 25:19.29 Avenues
Zokou, David 26:21.50 Liberty High School Academy for
Ali, Syed "Simba" 27:41.00 Yonkers Public Schools
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Girls Freshman 1.5 Miles 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mukherjee-Sze, Aria Dalton School
Bogaty, Elyse Poly Prep Country Day
Grant, Piper Marymount School
Shah, Reyna Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Faiman, Eloise Avenues
Uranga, Olivia Marymount School
St. Leger, Sophie West End Secondary School
Trumbo, Ann French Convent of the Sacred Heart
Lee, Claire Horace Mann School
St. Bernard, Kayla Convent of the Sacred Heart
Coles, Zoe Marymount School
Lin, Clara West End Secondary School
Pfeiffer, Annike Dalton School
Speaker, Molly Poly Prep Country Day
Javeri, Sarina Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Gendell, Sophia Avenues
Galaz, Sophie Marymount School
Johnston, Hannah Convent of the Sacred Heart
Samson, Grace Horace Mann School
Anderson, Kate Green Meadow Waldorf
Lafourcade, Helene Convent of the Sacred Heart
Hicks, Ashley Marymount School
Ruffini, Zoe West End Secondary School
Bengston, Anna Convent of the Sacred Heart
Ishikawa-Georgi, Maya Dalton School
Hart, Sadie Poly Prep Country Day
Palkhiwala, Reena Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Goettler, Victoria May Marymount School
Sullivan, Lucy Convent of the Sacred Heart
Sharma, Zia Horace Mann School
Kang, Maiya Dalton School
Nunez, Maila Green Meadow Waldorf
Webb, Finley Convent of the Sacred Heart
Wright, LaBriana-Rose Marymount School
Ejiogu, Iheoma Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Myatt, Josephine Marymount School
Krause, Noa West End Secondary School
Parasher, Sahana Convent of the Sacred Heart
Agarwal, Naina Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Toure, Zahra Convent of the Sacred Heart
Coffey, Miren Marymount School
Hegsted, Amelia West End Secondary School
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Girls JV 2.5 Miles 81 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Koster, Elise The Stony Brook School (HS)
Calderon, Isabella Marymount School
Cavalli, Luisa Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Lyons, Sophie Dalton School
Steingard, Paloma The Stony Brook School (HS)
Richardson, Elena Avenues
Garbaccio, Isabel Marymount School
O'Reilly, Isabelle Convent of the Sacred Heart
Cesario, Molly Marymount School
Li, Lisa The Stony Brook School (HS)
Levitt, Mackenzie Marymount School
Lyu, Alice Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Yan, Lisa The Stony Brook School (HS)
Akcoglu, Insa Avenues
Wu, Anastasia Dalton School
Zhang, Sisi The Stony Brook School (HS)
Blackburne, Xanthe Avenues
Gaffigan, Katie Marymount School
Dimitrievich, Sage Avenues
Ahmed, Sophia Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Rosenbeg, Lila Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Guerrero, Yaretzi West End Secondary School
Qian, Cici The Stony Brook School (HS)
Hembrey, Jasmine Avenues
Cruzado Espuch, Laura The Stony Brook School (HS)
Yin, Doris Avenues
Herron-Nava, Zayanna Avenues
Eiting, Becca Marymount School
Weinig, Ella Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Noboa, Camila West End Secondary School
Brancale, Sadie The Stony Brook School (HS)
Richardson, Cate Avenues
Kluth, Layla 18:53.80 Avenues
Mehta, Eliana 19:30.80 Marymount School
Toulouse, Delphine 19:58.40 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Tanini, Adele 20:28.30 Convent of the Sacred Heart
Salzmann, Remi 20:34.30 Marymount School
Kunzer, Liv 20:34.70 Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Wood, Ayah 20:42.60 Dalton School
McGee, Cameryn 20:57.90 Marymount School
Charen, Ella 21:02.00 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Galaz, Ines-Marie 21:06.00 Marymount School
Eiting, Johanna 21:09.20 Marymount School
Watkins, Alexandra 21:10.90 Marymount School
Gwin, Maya 21:17.40 Marymount School
Nieznalski, Natalia 21:20.10 West End Secondary School
Casey, Vienna 21:38.50 Marymount School
Stocks, Anna 22:15.30 Marymount School
Ewig, Charlotte 22:26.50 Marymount School
Rosenthal Roberts, Alessandra 22:34.30 Dalton School
Halloran, Elena 22:45.70 Marymount School
Abularrage, Payton 22:50.80 Convent of the Sacred Heart
Crivelli, Emma 22:58.10 Convent of the Sacred Heart
Chan, Ellen 23:08.40 Marymount School
Moszer, Alexa 23:30.90 Dalton School
Wang, Jenny 23:33.70 Dalton School
Roche, Grace 23:37.10 Convent of the Sacred Heart
Spillmann, Camilla 23:46.00 West End Secondary School
Chippas, Ana 23:47.80 Convent of the Sacred Heart
Yang, Hannah 24:00.40 Marymount School
Punj, Dayanita 24:05.80 Lab Museum United
Seth, Inaya 24:11.00 Dalton School
Liu, Yanyi 24:15.80 Horace Mann School
Russell, Caroline 24:20.90 Convent of the Sacred Heart
Doheny, Ailish 24:22.60 Marymount School
Grace, Sutton 24:24.90 Convent of the Sacred Heart
Martini, Chloe 24:47.20 Convent of the Sacred Heart
O'Sullivan, Kelly 24:54.20 Marymount School
Lee, Anderson 25:36.60 Lab Museum United
Root, Frankie 25:48.90 Marymount School
Threadgold, Mirabelle 25:49.70 Lab Museum United
Berkman, Lily 26:05.80 West End Secondary School
Rasiwala, Arshia 26:11.00 Horace Mann School
Yuvienco, Ava 26:17.70 Marymount School
Tait, Juliette 26:22.50 West End Secondary School
Tsomo, Pema 26:46.80 Dalton School
Margolies, Julia 27:22.20 Marymount School
Shin-Nikulin, Violet 27:35.10 Lab Museum United
Howard, Leia 29:14.50 West End Secondary School
Barreto, Crystal 29:32.80 West End Secondary School
Rosero, Sophia 29:34.30 Marymount School
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Girls Varsity 5K 82 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lawsky, Lexi Horace Mann School
Pepushaj, Xhesika Liberty High School Academy for
Malone, Jacqueline Poly Prep Country Day
Walsh, Gillian Yonkers Public Schools
Silva Vargas, Sharick Liberty High School Academy for
Allen, Isabel Dalton School
Walcott, Caiden Yonkers Public Schools
Mo, Ivy Horace Mann School
Finn, Layla Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Acan, Karina Liberty High School Academy for
Sinco, Olive Yonkers Public Schools
Aguilar, Priscila Liberty High School Academy for
Raftery, Jolie Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Bonetto, Emma Poly Prep Country Day
Colon, Angelina Yonkers Public Schools
Diallo, Aicha Liberty High School Academy for
Alonzo, Isabelle Yonkers Public Schools
Silverstein, Sierra Convent of the Sacred Heart
Biscardi, Madeline Horace Mann School
Lasluisa, Deisy Liberty High School Academy for
Peterson, Annabelle Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Bogaty, Maeve Poly Prep Country Day
Reyes, Claudia The Stony Brook School (HS)
Tandon, Asha Horace Mann School
Diallo, Oumou Liberty High School Academy for
Ballou-Aares, Sabine Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Garcia Cruz, Valeria Yonkers Public Schools
Mamaysky, Talia 19:08.90 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Murphy, Natalie 19:17.50 Poly Prep Country Day
Walsh, Blair 19:30.10 Leman Manhattan
Leyton, Isabella 19:36.00 Poly Prep Country Day
Ostfeld, Vivian 19:47.70 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Conboy, Harper 20:33.60 Marymount School
Braun, Madeleine 20:52.40 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Roy, Asha 21:04.80 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
McCullough, Zoe 21:07.80 Poly Prep Country Day
Goacher, Amelie 21:11.20 Rye Country Day School
Dabbraccio, Sophia 21:33.23 The Stony Brook School (HS)
Matheson, Elizabeth 21:37.10 Convent of the Sacred Heart
Keefe, Elise 21:37.80 Convent of the Sacred Heart
Citron, Jordan 21:57.10 West End Secondary School
Friedmann, Moorea 22:11.10 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Furey, Avery 22:40.50 West End Secondary School
Tripp, Clara 22:42.10 Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Usdin, Ellie 22:43.30 Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Anschlowar, Penelope 22:48.10 Marymount School
Kampouris, Madeleine 22:54.90 Marymount School
Fueno, Taeko 23:00.00 Rye Country Day School
Sossen, Story 23:00.00 Horace Mann School
Slovin, Lauren 23:05.70 Rye Country Day School
Kosta-Cetin, Nora 23:05.90 West End Secondary School
Paraschac, Anna 23:06.40 Marymount School
Fitzpatrick, Genevieve 23:08.80 Convent of the Sacred Heart
Zhang, Selena 23:12.00 Rye Country Day School
Diker, Hannah 23:23.50 Dalton School
Nichter, Reina 23:30.80 Yonkers Public Schools
Lynch, Alexandra 23:38.30 Rye Country Day School
Tsai, Hailey 23:38.30 Horace Mann School
Leibowitz, Avery 23:56.10 West End Secondary School
Castle, Emily 24:03.70 Convent of the Sacred Heart
Sheehy, Isabella 24:04.40 Marymount School
Elghanayan, Orly 24:07.30 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Richardson, Payton 24:20.80 Rye Country Day School
Carss, Lola 24:26.91 Poly Prep Country Day
Burnett, Francesca 24:28.00 Dalton School
Perkins, Chiara 24:44.10 Rye Country Day School
Diaz, Olivia 24:47.50 Convent of the Sacred Heart
Sharma, Ani 24:58.00 Dalton School
Kantrowitz, Leah 25:01.20 West End Secondary School
Van Dusen, Ava 25:09.30 Dalton School
Nichols, Autumn 25:12.20 The Stony Brook School (HS)
Ment, Madeline 25:32.50 Horace Mann School
Rightmyer, Li 25:48.80 Riverdale Country Day High Schoo
Cosenza, Olivia 26:13.50 Marymount School
Ewig, Charlotte 26:27.40 Marymount School
Donovan, Riley 26:30.90 Convent of the Sacred Heart
Johnson, Pepper 26:32.29 The Stony Brook School (HS)
Valera, Isabel 27:13.80 West End Secondary School
Guadalupe-Pena, Sury 27:27.01 The Stony Brook School (HS)
Zhao, Naomi 28:57.40 The Stony Brook School (HS)
Marciano, Daisey 29:21.10 West End Secondary School
Shu, Emily 29:37.60 The Stony Brook School (HS)
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