The Great New York State Meet Preview - Indoors 2023

Boys Long Jump

Event Info: 2022 Winner: Rhoan Kaulder (McQuaid) 22-10.5, State Record: 26-0.25, Meet Record (2000s): 24-2.50

State of the Action:  The first time an 8th Grade Boy has won a State Title, and it was in the Long Jump in 2022. Well, Rhoan Kaulder (McQuaid) is back, and ready to defend his title: as a freshman. He's not the top seed, but he wasn't last year either. That spot belongs to two athletes over 23-0, LaDuke Harris (William Floyd) and Putu Sutayasa (Nyack), and could be considered favorites. The event is wide open this year, and anyone (even a freshman) could grab the gold.

Tracking Shot