Complete Results

NYCPSAL Headquarters                                      Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                 PSAL Outdoor Track & Field City Championships           Page 1
           St. John's University - Monday 05/20/02 to Sunday 05/26/02          
                           TOP 6 RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                          
 WOMEN'S TEAM SCORES: 1. A. P. Randolph, 83; 2. Paul Robeson, 82; 3. South     
 Shore, 67; 4. Brooklyn Technical, 36; 5. Boys & Girls, 35; 6. Dewitt Clinton, 
 33; 7. Curtis, 32; 8. Murry Bergtraum, 28; 9. Tottenville, 27; 10. Far        
 Rockaway, 22; 11. Washington Irving, 18; 11. Stuyvesant, 18; 13. Samuel J.    
 Tilden, 17; 14. Bronx HS Of Science, 16; 15. Townsend Harris, 15; 15. Thomas  
 Jefferson, 15; 17. Benjamin Cardozo, 13; 18. Sheepshead Bay, 12; 18.          
 McKee/Staten Island Tech, 12; 20. Theodore Roosevelt, 6; 20. Midwood, 6; 20.  
 John F. Kennedy, 6; 23. Canarsie, 4; 23. Harry S. Truman, 4; 23. Clara Barton,
 4; 26. Petrides, 3; 27. Richmond Hill, 2; 27. Evander Childs, 2; 27.          
 Christopher Columbus, 2.                                                      
 MEN'S TEAM SCORES: 1. Thomas Jefferson, 130; 2. South Shore, 54; 3. Martin Van
 Buren, 37; 4. Tottenville, 34; 5. East New York Transit Tec, 31; 6. John      
 Adams, 28; 7. Brooklyn Technical, 23.50; 8. George Washington, 23; 8. A. P.   
 Randolph, 23; 10. Science Skills Center, 22; 11. Samuel J. Tilden, 20; 12.    
 Canarsie, 19; 13. McKee/Staten Island Tech, 17; 14. Park West, 12; 15.        
 Midwood, 11; 15. Dewitt Clinton, 11; 15. Curtis, 11; 18. Susan Wagner, 10; 18.
 Port Richmond, 10; 20. Hunter College HS, 8; 21. Campus Magnet, 6; 21. Grover 
 Cleveland, 6; 21. Erasmus Hall Campus, 6; 21. Christopher Columbus, 6; 21.    
 Evander Childs, 6; 26. Stuyvesant, 5; 27. Townsend Harris, 4; 27. Martin L.   
 King Jr, 4; 29. Paul Robeson, 3; 30. Bayside, 2; 30. Harry S. Truman, 2; 30.  
 Boys & Girls, 2; 33. William E. Grady, 1; 33. Benjamin Cardozo, 1; 35. William
 H.Taft, 0.50.                                                                 
                          Event 11 Boys 100 Meter Dash                         
                    Preliminaries - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                 
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME  HT    
      ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ==    
          1 Enita Okodiko                A. P. Randolph            11.05  1    
          2 Courtne Jones                Campus Magnet             11.24  3    
          3 Joseph Boaheng               Dewitt Clinton            11.35  2    
          4 Damian Fontaine              Sheepshead Bay            11.38  4    
          5 Marlon McFarlane             Samuel J. Tilden          11.10  1    
          6 Jaleel Davis                 Boys & Girls              11.31  3    
                     Semi-Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                  
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME  HT    
      ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ==    
          1 Enita Okodiko                A. P. Randolph            11.03  2    
          2 Joseph Boaheng               Dewitt Clinton            11.15  1    
          3 Marlon McFarlane             Samuel J. Tilden          11.05  2    
          4 Courtne Jones                Campus Magnet             11.28  1    
          5 Jaleel Davis                 Boys & Girls              11.30  1    
          6 Jamar Hall                   Canarsie                  11.35  2    

NYCPSAL Headquarters                                      Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                 PSAL Outdoor Track & Field City Championships           Page 2
           St. John's University - Monday 05/20/02 to Sunday 05/26/02          
                           TOP 6 RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                          
                          Event 11 Boys 100 Meter Dash                         
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
     PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME  PTS    
     ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ===    
         1 Enita Okodiko                A. P. Randolph            10.89  10    
         2 Marlon McFarlane             Samuel J. Tilden          11.01   8    
         3 Joseph Boaheng               Dewitt Clinton            11.09   6    
         4 Courtne Jones                Campus Magnet             11.17   4    
         5 Jaleel Davis                 Boys & Girls              11.18   2    
         6 Curtis ST Rose               Canarsie                  11.28   1    
                      Event 26 Boys 110 Meter High Hurdles                     
                    Preliminaries - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                 
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME  HT    
      ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ==    
          1 Saidu Ezike                  Port Richmond             14.82  2    
          2 Peter Greaves                Thomas Jefferson          14.85  3    
          3 Kwame Pemberton              South Shore               15.06  1    
          4 ST Clai Deshong              Brooklyn Technical        15.40  1    
          5 Kurtis Cameron               Martin Van Buren          15.59  2    
          6 Duran Griffith               South Shore               16.47  3    
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
     PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME  PTS    
     ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ===    
         1 Saidu Ezike                  Port Richmond             14.38  10    
         2 Peter Greaves                Thomas Jefferson          14.44   8    
         3 Kwame Pemberton              South Shore               14.94   6    
         4 Kurtis Cameron               Martin Van Buren          15.29   4    
         5 ST Clai Deshong              Brooklyn Technical        15.33   2    
         6 John McCollin                Benjamin Cardozo          15.36   1    
                          Event 41 Boys 200 Meter Dash                         
                    Preliminaries - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                 
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME  HT    
      ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ==    
          1 Enita Okodiko                A. P. Randolph            22.29  1    
          2 Marlon McFarlane             Samuel J. Tilden          22.73  3    
          3 Jamar Hall                   Canarsie                  22.75  1    
          4 Kendon Pope                  Erasmus Hall Campus       23.23  2    
          5 Marc Benoit                  John Adams                23.25  3    
          6 Geoffre Skeete               Curtis                    23.26  1    

NYCPSAL Headquarters                                      Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                 PSAL Outdoor Track & Field City Championships           Page 3
           St. John's University - Monday 05/20/02 to Sunday 05/26/02          
                           TOP 6 RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                          
                          Event 41 Boys 200 Meter Dash                         
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
     PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME  PTS    
     ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ===    
         1 Enita Okodiko                A. P. Randolph            22.15  10    
         2 Marlon McFarlane             Samuel J. Tilden          22.83   8    
         3 Kendon Pope                  Erasmus Hall Campus       22.98   6    
         4 Geoffre Skeete               Curtis                    23.13   4    
         5 Jamar Hall                   Canarsie                  23.15   2    
         6 Roman Henry                  William E. Grady          23.18   1    
                      Event 56 Boys 400 Meter Int Hurdles                      
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
    PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME  HT PTS  
    ===== ============================ ========================= ===== == ===  
        1 Dixley Simms                 Thomas Jefferson          55.22  2 10   
        2 Shimron Eccleston            Thomas Jefferson          57.10  2  8   
        3 Dwayne Dufeal                Science Skills Center     58.19  2  6   
        4 ST Clai Deshong              Brooklyn Technical        58.38  2  4   
        5 Joseph Bernard               Curtis                    58.64  2  2   
        6 Duran Griffith               South Shore               59.88  1  1   
                          Event 71 Boys 400 Meter Dash                         
                    Preliminaries - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                 
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME  HT    
      ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ==    
          1 Marvin Rainford              Christopher Columbus      49.92  1    
          2 Melvill Rogers               East New York Transit Tec 50.23  1    
          3 Jacob Dennis                 Science Skills Center     50.63  1    
          4 Jeremy Alvarez               Martin L. King Jr         51.15  2    
          5 Micah Nation                 East New York Transit Tec 51.19  2    
          6 Pierre Ville                 Paul Robeson              51.42  2    
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
     PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME  PTS    
     ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ===    
         1 Melvill Rogers               East New York Transit Tec 48.25  10    
         2 Jacob Dennis                 Science Skills Center     49.86   8    
         3 Marvin Rainford              Christopher Columbus      50.35   6    
         4 Jeremy Alvarez               Martin L. King Jr         50.54   4    
         5 Pierre Ville                 Paul Robeson              50.81   2    
         6 Micah Nation                 East New York Transit Tec 51.68   1    

NYCPSAL Headquarters                                      Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                 PSAL Outdoor Track & Field City Championships           Page 4
           St. John's University - Monday 05/20/02 to Sunday 05/26/02          
                           TOP 6 RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                          
                          Event 86 Boys 800 Meter Run                          
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
    PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    PTS   
    ===== ============================ ========================= ======= ===   
        1 Chase McKenzie               South Shore               1:56.15  10   
        2 Lindel Pope                  Canarsie                  1:56.22   8   
        3 Mark Lee                     South Shore               1:56.65   6   
        4 Michael Webley               East New York Transit Tec 1:57.27   4   
        5 Kevin Dacres                 Harry S. Truman           1:58.03   2   
        6 Rafael Paredes               George Washington         1:58.81   1   
                         Event 101 Boys 1,600 Meter Run                        
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
    PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    PTS   
    ===== ============================ ========================= ======= ===   
        1 Luis Garcia                  George Washington         4:25.27  10   
        2 Lawrenc Schau                Tottenville               4:32.08   8   
        3 Michael Webley               East New York Transit Tec 4:32.40   6   
        4 Tushar Gurjal                Stuyvesant                4:44.06   4   
        5 Kristof Olbrich              Midwood                   4:46.58   2   
        6 Kirk Brown                   Paul Robeson              4:48.25   1   
                    Event 116 Boys 3,000 Meter Steeplechase                    
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
    PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME     PTS  
    ===== ============================ ========================= ======== ===  
        1 Anthony Mio                  Susan Wagner              10:08.64  10  
        2 James Amberger               Hunter College HS         10:11.12   8  
        3 MACHELL Cooper               South Shore               10:18.61   6  
        4 Pernell Duncan               John Adams                10:18.67   4  
        5 Aaron Ishmael                Bayside                   10:27.98   2  
        6 Christo Joanis               Midwood                   10:31.00   1  
                         Event 131 Boys 3,200 Meter Run                        
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
    PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME     PTS  
    ===== ============================ ========================= ======== ===  
        1 Luis Garcia                  George Washington         10:00.05  10  
        2 Michael Cassidy              McKee/Staten Island Tech  10:03.40   8  
        3 Samir Halilovic              Grover Cleveland          10:09.89   6  
        4 Alejand Gonzalez             Townsend Harris           10:11.89   4  
        5 Maurice Harewood             Curtis                    10:18.08   2  
        6 Boris Kirichansky            Curtis                    10:18.26   1  

NYCPSAL Headquarters                                      Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                 PSAL Outdoor Track & Field City Championships           Page 5
           St. John's University - Monday 05/20/02 to Sunday 05/26/02          
                           TOP 6 RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                          
                        Event 136 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay                       
                    Preliminaries - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                 
      PL RELAY     AFFILIATION                                      TIME  HT   
      == ========================================================== ===== ==   
       1 TJ        Thomas Jefferson                                 43.64  2   
          1) Earl Barnwell             2) Anthony Powell                       
          3) Dane Dehaney              4) Delion Badenock                      
       2 CAN       Canarsie                                         44.39  3   
          1) Curtis ST Rose            2) Jamar Hall                           
          3) Christo MACHARIE          4) Kwesi West                           
       3 DWC       Dewitt Clinton                                   44.46  3   
          1) Joseph Boaheng            2) Antonio Feliciano                    
          3) Mark Tatham               4) Lowery Rhoden                        
       4 JADM      John Adams                                       44.65  3   
          1) Marc Benoit               2) Tristan Leefoon                      
          3) Kern Marcelle             4) Cheyne Charles                       
       5 SSHO      South Shore                                      44.85  2   
          1) Tristan Walker            2) Donnel Lewis                         
          3) Darron Kennedy            4) Tyrone Washington                    
       6 EVAN      Evander Childs                                   45.05  1   
          1) Tenness Palmer            2) Kemar Lindsay                        
          3) Renaldo Brown             4) Bjorn Baker                          
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
     PL RELAY     AFFILIATION                                      TIME  PTS   
     == ========================================================== ===== ===   
      1 TJ        Thomas Jefferson                                 42.80  10   
         1) Earl Barnwell             2) Anthony Powell                        
         3) Dane Dehaney              4) Delion Badenock                       
      2 CAN       Canarsie                                         43.79   8   
         1) Curtis ST Rose            2) Jamar Hall                            
         3) Kwesi West                4) Christo MACHARIE                      
      3 EVAN      Evander Childs                                   43.94   6   
         1) Tenness Palmer            2) Kemar Lindsay                         
         3) Renaldo Brown             4) Bjorn Baker                           
      4 JADM      John Adams                                       44.14   4   
         1) Marc Benoit               2) Tristan Leefoon                       
         3) Kern Marcelle             4) Cheyne Charles                        
      5 CM        Campus Magnet                                    44.34   2   
         1) Courtne Jones             2) Ansel Wallace                         
         3) Jerrell Wisdom            4) Ian Odom                              
      6 SSHO      South Shore                                      44.35   1   
         1) Tristan Walker            2) Donnel Lewis                          
         3) Darron Kennedy            4) Tyrone Washington                     

NYCPSAL Headquarters                                      Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                 PSAL Outdoor Track & Field City Championships           Page 6
           St. John's University - Monday 05/20/02 to Sunday 05/26/02          
                           TOP 6 RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                          
                        Event 146 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay                       
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
   PL RELAY     AFFILIATION                                      TIME    HT PTS
   == ========================================================== ======= == ===
    1 ENY       East New York Transit Tec                        3:18.84  4 10 
       1) Marlon McIntosh           2) Micah Nation                            
       3) Kelston Peters            4) Melvill Rogers                          
    2 SSC       Science Skills Center                            3:20.59  4  8 
       1) Jason Mitchell            2) Jason McNeil                            
       3) Dwayne Dufeal             4) Matthew Dennis                          
    3 TJ        Thomas Jefferson                                 3:21.09  4  6 
       1) Dixley Simms              2) Dane Dehaney                            
       3) Dwayne Lee                4)                                         
    4 STIL      Samuel J. Tilden                                 3:21.34  4  4 
       1) Lennox London             2) Fabian Huggins                          
       3) Cassius Verneige          4) Ashton Ollivierre                       
    5 SSHO      South Shore                                      3:23.62  4  2 
       1) Mark Lee                  2) Dwayne Griffiths                        
       3) Christo Evans             4) Chase McKenzie                          
    6 DWC       Dewitt Clinton                                   3:25.25  4  1 
       1) Dwight Crooks             2) Jeremia Wilson                          
       3) Joseph Boaheng            4) Henry Brown                             
                        Event 151 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay                       
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
    PL RELAY     AFFILIATION                                      TIME    PTS  
    == ========================================================== ======= ===  
     1 SSHO      South Shore                                      7:53.58  10  
        1) Christo Evans             2) Mark Lee                               
        3) Dwayne Griffiths          4) Chase McKenzie                         
     2 MDW       Midwood                                          7:56.33   8  
        1) Gregory Sagnan            2) Marius Skarbauskas                     
        3) Tchedly Desire            4) Nathani McDonald                       
     3 TJ        Thomas Jefferson                                 8:04.08   6  
        1) Dixley Simms              2) Darius Gray                            
        3) Jamie Gonzales            4) Shimron Eccleston                      
     4 SSHO "B"  South Shore                                      8:07.08   4  
        1) MACHELL Cooper            2) Lee Cuffie                             
        3) Donnel Lewis              4) Paul AN Tyrrell                        
     5 GWA       George Washington                                8:13.84   2  
        1) Joan Polanco              2) Luis Garcia                            
        3) Jeremia Paniagua          4) Rafael Paredes                         
     6 CUR       Curtis                                           8:24.86   1  
        1) Maurice Harewood          2) Juan Campbell                          
        3) Geoffre Skeete            4) Joseph Bernard                         

NYCPSAL Headquarters                                      Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                 PSAL Outdoor Track & Field City Championships           Page 7
           St. John's University - Monday 05/20/02 to Sunday 05/26/02          
                           TOP 6 RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                          
                       Event 181 Boys Outdoor Pentathlon                       
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                     PTS PTS    
      ===== ============================ ========================= ==== ===    
          1 Darius Gray                  Thomas Jefferson          3087  10    
          2 Earl Barnwell                Thomas Jefferson          2817   8    
          3 Lynson Willis                Park West                 2630   6    
          4 Henry Brown                  Dewitt Clinton            2554   4    
          5 Jahmar Rutherford            Martin Van Buren          2508   2    
          6 Dane Buchanan                McKee/Staten Island Tech  2230   1    
                           Event 186 Boys Triple Jump                          
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
     PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK          PTS    
     ===== ========================== =================== =========     ===    
         1 Peter Greaves              Thomas Jefferson    45'01.25"     10     
         2 Jahmar Rutherford          Martin Van Buren    44'02.25"      8     
         3 Sean Graham                Thomas Jefferson    41'11.50"      6     
         4 Jean Pickering             Thomas Jefferson    41'08.50"      4     
         5 Earl Barnwell              Thomas Jefferson    41'00.50"      2     
         6 Maurice Selby              Curtis              40'08.50"      1     
                            Event 191 Boys High Jump                           
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK         PTS    
      ===== ========================== =================== ========     ===    
          1 Braxton Lumford            Tottenville         6'03.00"     10     
          2 Kwame Pemberton            South Shore         6'03.00"      8     
          3 Lynson Willis              Park West           5'11.00"      6     
          4 Ndubisi Nwade              Martin Van Buren    5'09.00"      4     
          5 Ezekiel Akinyemi           Martin Van Buren    5'09.00"      2     
          6 Harriso Newman             Stuyvesant          5'07.00"      1     
                            Event 196 Boys Long Jump                           
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
     PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK          PTS    
     ===== ========================== =================== =========     ===    
         1 Dwayne Lee                 Thomas Jefferson    20'06.50"     10     
         2 Ezra Harris                Thomas Jefferson    20'02.00"      8     
         3 Sean Graham                Thomas Jefferson    19'10.25"      6     
         4 Peter Greaves              Thomas Jefferson    19'09.00"      4     
         5 Justin Graham              Martin Van Buren    19'07.25"      2     
         6 Ndubisi Nwade              Martin Van Buren    19'05.75"      1     

NYCPSAL Headquarters                                      Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                 PSAL Outdoor Track & Field City Championships           Page 8
           St. John's University - Monday 05/20/02 to Sunday 05/26/02          
                           TOP 6 RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                          
                            Event 201 Boys Shot Put                            
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
     PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK          PTS    
     ===== ========================== =================== =========     ===    
         1 Michael Fladell            John Adams          46'07.00"     10     
         2 Jason Chance               Martin Van Buren    44'05.75"      8     
         3 Joseph Gambella            Tottenville         43'09.00"      6     
         4 Antonio Acevedo            McKee/Staten Island 42'07.50"      4     
         5 Donnie Taylor              A. P. Randolph      42'05.25"      2     
         6 Hasan Dutton               A. P. Randolph      42'04.00"      1     
                          Event 206 Boys Discus Throw                          
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
     PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK           PTS   
     ===== ========================== =================== ==========     ===   
         1 Michael Fladell            John Adams          139'06.00"     10    
         2 Ezra Harris                Thomas Jefferson    122'02.50"      8    
         3 Kurt Parks                 Martin Van Buren    121'06.00"      6    
         4 Robert Pietrocola          McKee/Staten Island 119'09.50"      4    
         5 Jerome Thompson            Thomas Jefferson    114'04.50"      2    
         6 Marvin James               Thomas Jefferson    108'06.50"      1    
                           Event 211 Boys Pole Vault                           
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
     PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK          PTS    
     ===== ========================== =================== =========     ===    
         1 Braxton Lumford            Tottenville         11'00.00"     10     
         2 Paul Wilkens               Brooklyn Technical  10'01.00"      8     
         3 Josif Kharazishvil         Brooklyn Technical   9'01.00"      6     
         4 Darius Gray                Thomas Jefferson     8'07.00"      3     
         4 Sayem Islam                Brooklyn Technical   8'07.00"      3     
         6 Dominic Sanyah             William H.Taft       8'01.00"      0.50  
         6 Igor Petrakov              Brooklyn Technical   8'01.00"      0.50  
                         Event 511 Girls 100 Meter Dash                        
                    Preliminaries - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                 
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME  HT    
      ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ==    
          1 Virgil Hodge                 Washington Irving         12.00  1    
          2 Jessica Clarke               Murry Bergtraum           12.26  3    
          3 Shakira Robinson             Paul Robeson              12.81  2    
          4 Erica Alston                 Paul Robeson              12.31  1    
          5 Driskel Rolle                Thomas Jefferson          12.34  3    
          6 Denecia Gardener             August Martin             12.88  2    

NYCPSAL Headquarters                                      Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                 PSAL Outdoor Track & Field City Championships           Page 9
           St. John's University - Monday 05/20/02 to Sunday 05/26/02          
                           TOP 6 RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                          
                         Event 511 Girls 100 Meter Dash                        
                     Semi-Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                  
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME  HT    
      ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ==    
          1 Virgil Hodge                 Washington Irving         11.96  2    
          2 Jessica Clarke               Murry Bergtraum           12.23  1    
          3 Erica Alston                 Paul Robeson              12.34  2    
          4 Natasha Emmanuel             A. P. Randolph            12.56  1    
          5 Janice Burrell               Theodore Roosevelt        12.61  1    
          6 Driskel Rolle                Thomas Jefferson          12.65  2    
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
     PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME  PTS    
     ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ===    
         1 Virgil Hodge                 Washington Irving         11.77  10    
         2 Erica Alston                 Paul Robeson              12.15   8    
         3 Driskel Rolle                Thomas Jefferson          12.27   6    
         4 Jessica Clarke               Murry Bergtraum           12.28   4    
         5 Jodyann Raymond              Theodore Roosevelt        12.58   2    
         6 Janice Burrell               Theodore Roosevelt        12.68   1    
                     Event 526 Girls 100 Meter High Hurdles                    
                    Preliminaries - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                 
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME  HT    
      ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ==    
          1 Fatmata Fofanah              Bronx HS Of Science       14.58  2    
          2 Angelic Reed                 A. P. Randolph            14.82  1    
          3 Shana Brown                  Murry Bergtraum           15.34  3    
          4 Okema Morris                 South Shore               15.41  1    
          5 Leigh Lumford                Tottenville               15.81  3    
          6 Nakia Jenkins                Dewitt Clinton            16.34  2    
                     Semi-Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                  
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME  HT    
      ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ==    
          1 Fatmata Fofanah              Bronx HS Of Science       14.27  2    
          2 Angelic Reed                 A. P. Randolph            14.93  1    
          3 Okema Morris                 South Shore               15.52  2    
          4 Shana Brown                  Murry Bergtraum           15.58  1    
          5 Shakira Robinson             Paul Robeson              15.60  1    
          6 Leigh Lumford                Tottenville               15.61  2    

NYCPSAL Headquarters                                      Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                 PSAL Outdoor Track & Field City Championships          Page 10
           St. John's University - Monday 05/20/02 to Sunday 05/26/02          
                           TOP 6 RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                          
                     Event 526 Girls 100 Meter High Hurdles                    
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
     PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME  PTS    
     ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ===    
         1 Fatmata Fofanah              Bronx HS Of Science       14.12  10    
         2 Angelic Reed                 A. P. Randolph            14.98   8    
         3 Shakira Robinson             Paul Robeson              15.19   6    
         4 Tinita Ortega                McKee/Staten Island Tech  15.45   4    
         5 Okema Morris                 South Shore               15.46   2    
         6 Shana Brown                  Murry Bergtraum           15.86   1    
                         Event 541 Girls 200 Meter Dash                        
                    Preliminaries - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                 
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME  HT    
      ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ==    
          1 Nekisha Franklin             Thomas Jefferson          25.15  1    
          2 Yendy Gilchrist              A. P. Randolph            25.21  2    
          3 Nikeshia Brown               Boys & Girls              25.28  1    
          4 Candace Holness              Benjamin Cardozo          25.30  1    
          5 Natasha Emmanuel             A. P. Randolph            25.45  3    
          6 Driskel Rolle                Thomas Jefferson          25.64  2    
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
     PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME  PTS    
     ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ===    
         1 Yendy Gilchrist              A. P. Randolph            24.82  10    
         2 Driskel Rolle                Thomas Jefferson          25.27   8    
         3 Candace Holness              Benjamin Cardozo          25.30   6    
         4 Nikeshia Brown               Boys & Girls              25.32   4    
         5 Sesaree Cesar                Paul Robeson              25.75   2    
         6 Nekisha Franklin             Thomas Jefferson          25.88   1    
                     Event 556 Girls 400 Meter Int Hurdles                     
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    HT PTS 
   ===== ============================ ========================= ======= == === 
       1 Yanique Doyley               Paul Robeson              1:05.66  3 10  
       2 Nzinga Alleyne               Paul Robeson              1:08.00  3  8  
       3 Nakia Jenkins                Dewitt Clinton            1:08.94  3  6  
       4 Leigh Lumford                Tottenville               1:09.28  3  4  
       5 Selena Sappleton             A. P. Randolph            1:09.55  2  2  
       6 Trudi A Thompson             Harry S. Truman           1:11.00  3  1  

NYCPSAL Headquarters                                      Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                 PSAL Outdoor Track & Field City Championships          Page 11
           St. John's University - Monday 05/20/02 to Sunday 05/26/02          
                           TOP 6 RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                          
                         Event 571 Girls 400 Meter Dash                        
                    Preliminaries - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                 
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME  HT    
      ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ==    
          1 Jeavon Benjamin              Far Rockaway              56.03  3    
          2 Meisue Francis               Boys & Girls              56.20  3    
          3 Tameika Hunter               Dewitt Clinton            56.44  3    
          4 Dominiq Blake                Harry S. Truman           56.81  1    
          5 Anulika Anosike              Curtis                    57.06  1    
          6 Candace Holness              Benjamin Cardozo          58.75  2    
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
     PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME  PTS    
     ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ===    
         1 Meisue Francis               Boys & Girls              55.02  10    
         2 Jeavon Benjamin              Far Rockaway              55.47   8    
         3 Tameika Hunter               Dewitt Clinton            55.97   6    
         4 Anulika Anosike              Curtis                    56.47   4    
         5 Dominiq Blake                Harry S. Truman           58.42   2    
         6 Candace Holness              Benjamin Cardozo          58.83   1    
                         Event 586 Girls 800 Meter Run                         
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
    PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    PTS   
    ===== ============================ ========================= ======= ===   
        1 Stacey Livingston            Boys & Girls              2:10.59  10   
        2 Selena Sappleton             A. P. Randolph            2:12.55   8   
        3 Robin Mortel                 A. P. Randolph            2:13.85   6   
        4 Shermik Bennett              Samuel J. Tilden          2:15.22   4   
        5 Kelly Wallace                A. P. Randolph            2:16.31   2   
        6 Whitney Mitchell             Petrides                  2:17.45   1   
                        Event 601 Girls 1,500 Meter Run                        
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
    PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    PTS   
    ===== ============================ ========================= ======= ===   
        1 Shermik Bennett              Samuel J. Tilden          4:54.44  10   
        2 Jasmine Barreto              Curtis                    4:56.66   8   
        3 Taishi Hyatt                 Far Rockaway              5:01.80   6   
        4 Akilah Bates                 A. P. Randolph            5:02.52   4   
        5 Whitney Mitchell             Petrides                  5:06.60   2   
        6 Triva Alleyne                Samuel J. Tilden          5:21.92   1   

NYCPSAL Headquarters                                      Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                 PSAL Outdoor Track & Field City Championships          Page 12
           St. John's University - Monday 05/20/02 to Sunday 05/26/02          
                           TOP 6 RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                          
                    Event 616 Girls 2,000 Meter Steeplechase                   
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
    PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    PTS   
    ===== ============================ ========================= ======= ===   
        1 Naomi Reynolds               Stuyvesant                7:36.61  10   
        2 Shamere McKenzie             Murry Bergtraum           7:48.61   8   
        3 Katya Gunderson              Bronx HS Of Science       8:01.03   6   
        4 Jessica Krivac               Townsend Harris           8:08.87   4   
        5 Danniel MC Neilly            A. P. Randolph            8:18.84   2   
        6 Ann Guerrier                 South Shore               8:22.62   1   
                        Event 631 Girls 3,000 Meter Run                        
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
    PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME     PTS  
    ===== ============================ ========================= ======== ===  
        1 Jonatta Moore                Curtis                    10:45.72  10  
        2 Naomi Reynolds               Stuyvesant                10:59.08   8  
        3 Bridget Realmuto             Benjamin Cardozo          11:19.37   6  
        4 Kerry Salzano                McKee/Staten Island Tech  11:30.58   4  
        5 Marian Roman                 Richmond Hill             11:32.33   2  
        6 Rosalin Adams                Townsend Harris           11:34.57   1  
                       Event 636 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay                       
                    Preliminaries - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                 
      PL RELAY     AFFILIATION                                      TIME  HT   
      == ========================================================== ===== ==   
       1 PROB      Paul Robeson                                     48.21  4   
       2 MB        Murry Bergtraum                                  49.23  3   
       3 WI        Washington Irving                                49.67  1   
       4 SSHO      South Shore                                      50.29  4   
       5 PROB "B"  Paul Robeson                                     50.51  4   
       6 TR        Theodore Roosevelt                               50.59  3   
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
     PL RELAY     AFFILIATION                                      TIME  PTS   
     == ========================================================== ===== ===   
      1 PROB      Paul Robeson                                     47.56  10   
         1) Erica Alston              2) Sesaree Cesar                         
         3) Yanique Doyley            4) Shakira Robinson                      
      2 WI        Washington Irving                                48.47   8   
         1) Yanique Drummond          2) Andreen Williams                      
         3) Kameria Corridon          4) Virgil Hodge                          
      3 MB        Murry Bergtraum                                  48.50   6   
         1) Jessica Clarke            2) Cassie Harris                         
         3) Nicole Bailey             4) Shana Brown                           

NYCPSAL Headquarters                                      Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                 PSAL Outdoor Track & Field City Championships          Page 13
           St. John's University - Monday 05/20/02 to Sunday 05/26/02          
                           TOP 6 RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                          
                 Event 636 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay (Continued)                 
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
     PL RELAY     AFFILIATION                                      TIME  PTS   
     == ========================================================== ===== ===   
      4 SSHO      South Shore                                      49.92   4   
         1) Aneka Clarke              2) Reannah Lewis                         
         3) Kinda Ceasar              4) Okema Morris                          
      5 PROB "B"  Paul Robeson                                     50.30   2   
         1) Shakira Browne            2) Nzinga Alleyne                        
         3) Jasmine Montgomery        4) Dionne Williams                       
      6 TR        Theodore Roosevelt                               50.31   1   
         1) Janice Burrell            2) Jodyann Raymond                       
         3) Sharnal Stewart           4) Italys Joseph                         
                       Event 646 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay                       
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
   PL RELAY     AFFILIATION                                      TIME    HT PTS
   == ========================================================== ======= == ===
    1 BG        Boys & Girls                                     3:52.40  3 10 
       1) Meisue Francis            2) Nikeshia Brown                          
       3) Shani Neverson            4) Stacey Livingston                       
    2 DWC       Dewitt Clinton                                   3:57.94  3  8 
       1) Sheneik Pemberton         2) Tashana Ferguson                        
       3) Teneshi Thomas            4) Tameika Hunter                          
    3 MB        Murry Bergtraum                                  4:03.41  2  6 
       1) Jessica Clarke            2) Nicole Bailey                           
       3) Cassie Harris             4) Shamere McKenzie                        
    4 FAR       Far Rockaway                                     4:08.34  3  4 
       1) Jessica Belgrave          2) Jeavon Benjamin                         
       3) Gaelle Okio               4) Doreen Russell                          
    5 STIL      Samuel J. Tilden                                 4:09.63  2  2 
       1) Shermik Bennett           2) Alain Thomas                            
       3) Nicola Benjamin           4) Triva Alleyne                           
    6 APR       A. P. Randolph                                   4:10.69  3  1 
       1) Delilah Collington        2) Selena Sappleton                        
       3) Danniel MC Neilly         4) Jhanell Brown                           
                       Event 651 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay                       
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
    PL RELAY     AFFILIATION                                      TIME     PTS 
    == ========================================================== ======== === 
     1 CUR       Curtis                                            9:27.18  10 
        1) Amoy Barnes               2) Jasmine Barreto                        
        3) Anulika Anosike           4) Jonatta Moore                          
     2 APR       A. P. Randolph                                    9:33.38   8 
        1) Danniel MC Neilly         2) Akilah Bates                           
        3) Kelly Wallace             4) Robin Mortel                           

NYCPSAL Headquarters                                      Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                 PSAL Outdoor Track & Field City Championships          Page 14
           St. John's University - Monday 05/20/02 to Sunday 05/26/02          
                           TOP 6 RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                          
                 Event 651 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay (Continued)                 
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
    PL RELAY     AFFILIATION                                      TIME     PTS 
    == ========================================================== ======== === 
     3 TH        Townsend Harris                                   9:58.31   6 
        1) Arica Wade                2) Victori Lopez                          
        3) Alexand Lore              4) Jessica Krivac                         
     4 BT        Brooklyn Technical                               10:06.23   4 
        1) Jolan Browne              2) Tamika Calliste                        
        3) Anita Moore               4) Muyinat Lediju                         
     5 SSHO      South Shore                                      10:24.71   2 
        1) Andreen Francis           2) Ann Guerrier                           
        3) Janel Drummond            4) Jeanae Stephenson                      
     6 DWC       Dewitt Clinton                                   10:29.98   1 
        1) Tamara White              2) Cynthia Bernardez                      
        3) Nakia Jenkins             4) Donisha Sheppard                       
                       Event 681 Girls Outdoor Pentathlon                      
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                     PTS PTS    
      ===== ============================ ========================= ==== ===    
          1 Okema Morris                 South Shore               2570  10    
          2 Aneka Clarke                 South Shore               2456   8    
          3 Andreen Francis              South Shore               2364   6    
          4 Idara Otu                    Canarsie                  2264   4    
          5 Kinda Ceasar                 South Shore               2085   2    
          6 Sadebeu Carter               Murry Bergtraum           2071   1    
                          Event 686 Girls Triple Jump                          
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
     PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK          PTS    
     ===== ========================== =================== =========     ===    
         1 Dionne Williams            Paul Robeson        35'11.75"     10     
         2 Jasmine Montgomery         Paul Robeson        35'03.50"      8     
         3 Sheena Bowman              A. P. Randolph      35'00.50"      6     
         4 Sophia Francis             Brooklyn Technical  34'10.00"      4     
         5 Nicole Bailey              Murry Bergtraum     34'08.50"      2     
         6 Shelly Wright              Evander Childs      33'07.00"      1     
                           Event 691 Girls High Jump                           
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK         PTS    
      ===== ========================== =================== ========     ===    
          1 Leigh Lumford              Tottenville         5'04.00"     10     
          2 Angelic Reed               A. P. Randolph      5'02.00"      8     

NYCPSAL Headquarters                                      Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                 PSAL Outdoor Track & Field City Championships          Page 15
           St. John's University - Monday 05/20/02 to Sunday 05/26/02          
                           TOP 6 RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                          
                     Event 691 Girls High Jump (Continued)                     
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK         PTS    
      ===== ========================== =================== ========     ===    
          3 Melinda Huang              Midwood             5'00.00"      6     
          4 Deanna Morelli             McKee/Staten Island 5'00.00"      4     
          5 Ayana Arnaud               A. P. Randolph      5'00.00"      2     
          6 Hannah Omolade             Far Rockaway        4'10.00"      1     
                           Event 696 Girls Long Jump                           
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
     PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK          PTS    
     ===== ========================== =================== =========     ===    
         1 Erica Alston               Paul Robeson        19'00.75"     10     
         2 Kerry A White              Paul Robeson        17'07.00"      8     
         3 Angelic Reed               A. P. Randolph      16'05.25"      6     
         4 Kemoi Jones                Clara Barton        16'00.00"      4     
         5 Janice Burrell             Theodore Roosevelt  16'00.00"      2     
         6 Shellya Finnigen           Evander Childs      15'10.75"      1     
                            Event 701 Girls Shot Put                           
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
     PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK          PTS    
     ===== ========================== =================== =========     ===    
         1 Krystle Daniels            South Shore         38'00.50"     10     
         2 Uzoma Okafor               Dewitt Clinton      35'00.25"      8     
         3 Suzniel Dorvil             South Shore         35'00.00"      6     
         4 Antonel Benedetto          Tottenville         33'08.25"      4     
         5 Lillian Williams           Christopher Columbu 30'06.00"      2     
         6 Shani Neverson             Boys & Girls        30'04.00"      1     
                          Event 706 Girls Discus Throw                         
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
     PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK           PTS   
     ===== ========================== =================== ==========     ===   
         1 Suzniel Dorvil             South Shore         109'03.50"     10    
         2 Jomaree Boyd               A. P. Randolph      104'03.50"      8    
         3 Krystle Daniels            South Shore         101'01.00"      6    
         4 Uzoma Okafor               Dewitt Clinton       91'03.00"      4    
         5 Marie Fofanah              A. P. Randolph       89'04.00"      2    
         6 Antonel Benedetto          Tottenville          88'09.00"      1    

NYCPSAL Headquarters                                      Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                 PSAL Outdoor Track & Field City Championships          Page 16
           St. John's University - Monday 05/20/02 to Sunday 05/26/02          
                           TOP 6 RESULTS - ALL ROUNDS                          
                           Event 711 Girls Pole Vault                          
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK         PTS    
      ===== ========================== =================== ========     ===    
          1 Eva Sawyer                 Brooklyn Technical  8'02.50"     10     
          2 Lana Licciardi             Brooklyn Technical  6'07.00"      7     
          2 Alana Abel                 Brooklyn Technical  6'07.00"      7     
          4 Lauren Cybulska            Brooklyn Technical  5'04.00"      4     
          5 Michell Beckford           Far Rockaway        4'10.00"      1.50  
          5 Shamar Stewartson          Far Rockaway        4'10.00"      1.50  
                     Event 726 Girls 1,500 Meter Race Walk                     
                       Finals - Results  - Monday 05/20/02                     
    PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    PTS   
    ===== ============================ ========================= ======= ===   
        1 Olga Beschastnykh            Sheepshead Bay            7:14.35  10   
        2 Iris Moore                   Tottenville               7:25.27   8   
        3 Indiana Ripoll               John F. Kennedy           8:08.11   6   
        4 Jenifer Pepen                Townsend Harris           8:23.90   4   
        5 Kamoy Cooper                 Sheepshead Bay            8:25.93   2   
        6 Kerry L Francis              Harry S. Truman           9:05.14   1