Ignatian Invitational 2019

New York, NY
Hosted by Fordham Prep

Athlete Entries

Freshman Boys 1600 Meter Run 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hawkes, Michael 4:50.00h Xavier
Flett, Quincy 4:50.00h Xavier
Moser, Percy 4:55.00h Xavier
Hogan, Myles 4:58.00h Fordham Prep
Nicolas, Chase 5:00.00h Xavier
Torricella, Anthony 5:03.20 Regis
Slovinski, Aidan 5:07.40 Regis
Mayo, Dean 5:10.00h Fordham Prep
Croke, Darren 5:12.14 Archbishop Stepinac
Koenig, Michael 5:14.00h St. Francis Prep
Williams, Ashauni 5:15.00h Xavier
Corcoran, Connor 5:20.00h Xavier
Carolan, Leo 5:20.00h Xavier
Carolan, Daniel 5:20.00h Xavier
Guinazu, Angel 5:25.00h Xavier
Rafael, Cato 5:28.00h Xavier
Forsythe, Aidan 5:30.00h Lab Museum United
Butkiewicz, Dean 5:30.00h Monsignor McClancy
Filipkowski, Alex 5:30.00h Archbishop Molloy
Rocque, Jacob 5:30.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Hubert, Richard 5:30.00h Monsignor McClancy
Rutledge, Ian 5:30.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Mejia, Andrew 5:35.00h Fordham Prep
Dimaggio, Brandon 5:38.00h St. Francis Prep
Dennehy, Liam 5:40.00 Fordham Prep
Brown, Jack 5:42.61 JFK Catholic
Cronin, Ryan 5:45.00h Fordham Prep
Vene, Matthew 5:45.00h St. Francis Prep
Colligan, Owen 5:45.00h Fordham Prep
Richards, Eamon 5:50 Xaverian
Meghan, Charles 5:58.00h St. Francis Prep
Serrano, Rene 6:11.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Cronin, Daniel 6:12.00h St. Francis Prep
Devoe, Giancarlo 6:25.00h St. Francis Prep
Hughes, Liam 6:28.13 Regis
Ostling, Victor 6:30.00h Archbishop Molloy
Melendez, Jayden 6:35.00h St. Francis Prep
Stravalle, John 6:40.00h Archbishop Molloy
Espinal-Santiago, Emilio 6:42.00h St. Francis Prep
Muscerella, Frank 7:08.61 JFK Catholic
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Freshman Boys 300 Meter Dash 174 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ayrovainen, Patrick 1:00.00h Archbishop Molloy
Klein, Matt 1:02.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Cabrera, Christopher 1:05.00h Cardinal Spellman
Bufano, Gregory 1:05.00h Cardinal Spellman
Arthur, Ishaque 1:10.00h Cardinal Spellman
Navarro, Thomas 1:10.00h Cardinal Spellman
Mateo, Devin 39.50 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Axiak, Justin 40.00 Xavier
Boutsikakis, Emanuel 40.00h Xavier
Barretta, Salvatore 40.00h Xavier
Singh, Keval 40.20h St. Francis Prep
Perez, George 40.81 South Bronx
Estudillo, Stanley 41.00 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Merritt-Eagan, Omari 41.00h Cardinal Hayes
Johnson, Chris 41.00h Cardinal Hayes
Hawkes, Michael 41.00h Xavier
Young, Eddie 41.00h Xavier
Oettl, Matthias 41.00h Xavier
Murray, Ciaran 41.00h Xavier
frank, Chad 41.20h St. Francis Prep
Sharpe, Nasiah 41.25 Lehman Campus
Moa, Eliezer 42.00h Cardinal Hayes
Colon, Kevin 42.00h Cardinal Hayes
Grgas, Steve 42.00h Xavier
Adair, Alexander 42.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Cappuzzi, Paolo 42.00h Monsignor McClancy
Arroyo, Alexandre 42.00h Fordham Prep
Deck, Robert 42.50h St. Francis Prep
Fernandez, Andrey 43.00 Regis
Figueroa, Luke 43.00h Xavier
Irizarry, Aramis 43.00h Cardinal Hayes
Crichlow, Cai 43.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Mena, Jerimiah 43.00h Cardinal Hayes
Barrios, David 43.00h Monsignor McClancy
Bocchieri, Christopher 43.00h Xavier
Levy, Jaden 43.00h Fordham Prep
Flett, Quincy 43.00h Xavier
Corcoran, Connor 43.00h Xavier
Lewis, Timothy 43.00h Xavier
Hargraves, Jordan 43.20h Iona Preparatory School
Talbot, Paul 43.50h Iona Preparatory School
Nunez, Andres 43.76 New Rochelle
Yu, Henry 44.00 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Machado, Max 44.00h Fordham Prep
La Rossa, Lorenzo 44.00h Monsignor McClancy
Williams, Chez 44.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Madden, Declan 44.00h Xavier
Defolice, Victor 44.00h Cardinal Hayes
Malshyti, Anthony 44.00h Xavier
Afari, Papayaw 44.00h Cardinal Hayes
Raymond, George 44.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Roman, Cesar 44.00h Cardinal Hayes
Marley, Ben 44.10h Iona Preparatory School
Bhagwan, Aaron 44.20h St. Francis Prep
WALLACE, DONTAYE 44.49 Lehman Campus
Etienne, Christian 45.00 Cardinal Spellman
Rosado, Jared 45.00 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Crisera, Jayson 45.00h Xavier
Hawkins, Brandon 45.00h Monsignor McClancy
Lopez, Diego 45.00h Xavier
Sanchez, David 45.00h Cardinal Hayes
Carolan, Daniel 45.00h Xavier
Yoo, Jason 45.00h Fordham Prep
Calvo, Peter 45.00h Xavier
Fong, Suraj 45.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Garcia, Alejandro 45.00h Cardinal Spellman
Odume, Daniel 45.00h Fordham Prep
Handal, Jonathan 45.00h Xavier
Ceffalia, Robert 45.00h Xavier
Shalvey, Conor 45.00h Xavier
Guinazu, Angel 45.00h Xavier
De-La-Cruz, Oscar 45.80h Mount St. Michael
Fields, Roncere 45.93 Lehman Campus
Estevez, Andres 46.00 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Belmonte, Peter 46.00h Xavier
Niola, Brandon 46.00h Xavier
Gotay, Branden 46.00h Monsignor McClancy
O'Shea, Eamonn 46.00h Xavier
Casimir, Kristion 46.00h Cardinal Hayes
Nicolas, Chase 46.00h Xavier
Caron, Caden 46.00h Xavier
Cordingley, James 46.00h Fordham Prep
Cabrera, Charlie 46.70h Cardinal Hayes
brown, casavion 47.00 Mott Haven
Estevez, Alex 47.00 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Fasciano, Paul 47.00h Xavier
Brogan, Luke 47.00h Xavier
Priddle, Luc 47.00h Fordham Prep
Serrano, Jacob 47.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Balanos, Anthony 47.00h Xavier
Flynn, Peter 47.00h Xavier
Bubb, Leo 47.00h Xavier
Quesada-Kunkel, Phillip 47.00h Fordham Prep
Sanchez, Diego 47.00h Xavier
Kaplan, Justin 47.00h Xavier
Reilly, Charlie 47.00h Fordham Prep
Encarnacion, Reynaldo 47.00h Cardinal Hayes
Gunthorpe, Jeffrey 47.00h Cardinal Hayes
Breen, Daniel 47.00h Xavier
Moser, Percy 47.00h Xavier
Theano, Jonathan 47.00h Mount St. Michael
Arias, Jorlan 47.00h Cardinal Hayes
Homes, Jasaih 47.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Dolan, Patrick 47.50h Iona Preparatory School
Estevez, Daniel 48.00 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Vitarelli, Sebastian 48.00h Xavier
Pasawala, Neil 48.00h Xavier
Rafael, Cato 48.00h Xavier
Matrisciani, Maximus 48.00h Xavier
Simmonds, Micah 48.00h Xavier
Yogeshwar, Krishna 48.00h Xaverian
Dockery, John 48.00h Fordham Prep
Wilson, Randall 48.00h Xavier
McCauley, Finn 48.00h Xavier
D'Angelo, John 48.00h Xavier
Campanile, John 48.00h Fordham Prep
Okwanin, Joshua 48.00h Cardinal Hayes
Gallagher, Michael 48.00h Fordham Prep
Beauvoir, Donovan 48.00h Cardinal Hayes
Santiago, Jared 48.00h Fordham Prep
Alleyne, Kalif 48.50h Mount St. Michael
Innocente, Anthony 49.00h Archbishop Molloy
D'Acierno, Vincent 49.00h Xavier
Santos, Allen 49.00h Fordham Prep
Deem, Caedmon 49.00h Xavier
Cabrera, Edgar 49.00h Fordham Prep
Drazic, Alen 49.00h Xaverian
Mahaney, Patrick 49.00h Xavier
Barnes, Dimitri 49.00h Cardinal Hayes
Dinh, Tri 49.10h Mount St. Michael
Williams, Ashauni 50.00h Xavier
Cortes, Jayden 50.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Terranova, Frank 50.00h Xavier
McLaughlin, Liam 50.00h Xavier
Vega, Christian 50.00h Xavier
White, Owen 50.00h Archbishop Molloy
Casabianca Jr., Anthony 50.50h Iona Preparatory School
O'Connell, Keelan 50.50h Iona Preparatory School
Pickney, Robert 51.00h Cardinal Hayes
Kirby, James 51.00h Fordham Prep
McFarlane, Kai 52.00h Cardinal Hayes
Rinn, Thomas 52.00h Xavier
Thompson, Thomas 52.00h Archbishop Molloy
D'Urso, Anthony 52.00h Xavier
Zaeem, Muhammad 52.00h Xavier
Storck, Daniel 52.50 Regis
Osei Owusu, Jeremy 52.66 South Bronx
Boyce, Andrew 53.00 Regis
Greci, Jason 53.00h Archbishop Molloy
Rachiele, Joseph 54.00 Regis
Stravalle, John 55.00h Archbishop Molloy
Guachichullca, Bryant 55.00h Fordham Prep
Taylor, Luke 55.00h Archbishop Molloy
Scott, Hopeton 55.00h Cardinal Spellman
Gangemi, Marco 55.50h Iona Preparatory School
Castellanos, Kevin 55.50h Iona Preparatory School
Iannacito, Matthew 55.50h Iona Preparatory School
Ciccarelli, Alex 55.50h Iona Preparatory School
Ciminello, Salvatore 55.50h Iona Preparatory School
Aylesworth, Noah 56.00h Fordham Prep
Kiernan, Corey 56.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Turner-bay, Tamir 56.00h Archbishop Molloy
Merola, Ryan 56.00h Archbishop Molloy
Molisse, Marcello 56.00h Fordham Prep
Abrams, Nicholas 58.00h Archbishop Molloy
Donowski, Chris 59.00h Archbishop Molloy
Aihara, Gaku 59.00h Archbishop Molloy
Ciaccio, Joseph 59.00h Archbishop Molloy
Mella, Jose 59.00h Archbishop Molloy
Abouzaid, Mehdi 59.00h Archbishop Molloy
Nuzzi, Anthony 59.00h Archbishop Molloy
Burke, Kevin 62 Archbishop Stepinac
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Freshman Boys 55 Meter Dash 81 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Osei Owusu, Jeremy 00:00 South Bronx
Perez, George 0:00 South Bronx
Etienne, Christian 10.00h Cardinal Spellman
Zalot, Andrew 10.1 Archbishop Molloy
Providence, Mike 10.30h Archbishop Molloy
White, Owen 10.50h Archbishop Molloy
Rodriguez, Jayden 10.50h Archbishop Molloy
Scott, Hopeton 12.00h Cardinal Spellman
Cabrera, Christopher 15.00h Cardinal Spellman
Boeheim, Jack 15.50h JFK Catholic
Legasa, Jon 49.00h Fordham Prep
Reilly, Charlie 51.00h Fordham Prep
Priddle, Luc 52.00h Fordham Prep
Fernandez, Andrey 7.20 Regis
Raymond, George 7.20h Archbishop Stepinac
Barretta, Salvatore 7.20h Xavier
Boutsikakis, Emanuel 7.20h Xavier
Arroyo, Alexandre 7.30h Fordham Prep
Haugh, Joseph 7.30h Fordham Prep
Nunez, Andres 7.30h New Rochelle
Genaro, Brandon 7.30h Fordham Prep
Sharpe, Nasiah 7.33 Lehman Campus
Adair, Alexander 7.40h Archbishop Stepinac
Cruz, Arison 7.40h Fordham Prep
Williams, Chez 7.40h Archbishop Stepinac
frank, Chad 7.44 St. Francis Prep
WALLACE, DONTAYE 7.46 Lehman Campus
De-La-Cruz, Oscar 7.50 Mount St. Michael
Grgas, Steve 7.50h Xavier
Lewis, Timothy 7.50h Xavier
Young, Eddie 7.50h Xavier
Fong, Suraj 7.50h Archbishop Stepinac
Hargraves, Jordan 7.50h Iona Preparatory School
Homes, Jasaih 7.50h Archbishop Stepinac
Marley, Ben 7.6 Iona Preparatory School
brown, casavion 7.60 Mott Haven
Fields, Roncere 7.60 Lehman Campus
Talbot, Paul 7.60h Iona Preparatory School
Singh, Keval 7.65 St. Francis Prep
Palmer, Jamaul 7.70h Archbishop Stepinac
Serrano, Jacob 7.70h Archbishop Stepinac
Handal, Jonathan 7.80h Xavier
Lui, Kyle 7.85 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Louis, Joshua 7.90 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Walsh, Denis 7.90h Fordham Prep
Levy, Jaden 7.90h Fordham Prep
Camera, John 8.00 Xaverian
Ye, Daniel 8.00 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Machado, Max 8.10h Fordham Prep
Santiago, Jared 8.10h Fordham Prep
Alleyne, Kalif 8.20h Mount St. Michael
Valenzuela, Noah 8.20h Archbishop Stepinac
Quesada-Kunkel, Phillip 8.30h Fordham Prep
Guardavaccaro, Thomas 8.30h Xaverian
DiSalvo, Dominic 8.30h Xaverian
Theano, Jonathan 8.30h Mount St. Michael
Gallagher, Michael 8.40h Fordham Prep
Casabianca Jr., Anthony 8.5 Iona Preparatory School
Ciccarelli, Alex 8.5 Iona Preparatory School
Ciminello, Salvatore 8.5 Iona Preparatory School
Gangemi, Marco 8.5 Iona Preparatory School
Castellanos, Kevin 8.5 Iona Preparatory School
Campanile, John 8.50h Fordham Prep
La Rossa, Lorenzo 8.50h Monsignor McClancy
Ruiz, Jon 8.60 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Santos, Allen 8.60h Fordham Prep
Cabrera, Edgar 8.60h Fordham Prep
Yoo, Jason 8.60h Fordham Prep
Rosario, Bryan 8.70 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Hawkins, Brandon 8.70h Monsignor McClancy
Barrios, David 8.80 Monsignor McClancy
O'Connell, Keelan 8.9 Iona Preparatory School
Dinh, Tri 8.90h Mount St. Michael
Butkiewicz, Dean 8.90h Monsignor McClancy
Iannacito, Matthew 9.0 Iona Preparatory School
Molisse, Marcello 9.00h Fordham Prep
Caracappa, Daniel 9.20h JFK Catholic
Aylesworth, Noah 9.50h Fordham Prep
Harianto, Ethan 9.65 JFK Catholic
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Freshman Boys 55 Meter Hurdles 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Haugh, Joseph 10.20h Fordham Prep
Zalot, Andrew 10.34 Archbishop Molloy
Kennedy, Quinn 10.39 Fordham Prep
Humer, Ryan 10.71 Iona Preparatory School
Wiltshire, Kahlil 10.91 Archbishop Molloy
Dolan, Patrick 10.91 Iona Preparatory School
Fernandez, Andrey 10.93 Regis
Genaro, Brandon 11.00h Fordham Prep
Axiak, Justin 11.00h Xavier
Falero, Daniel 11.01 Iona Preparatory School
Talbot, Paul 11.05 Iona Preparatory School
Coen, Declan 11.32 Archbishop Molloy
Cruz, Arison 11.50h Fordham Prep
Torres, Eddie 11.62 Iona Preparatory School
Yoo, Jason 11.67 Fordham Prep
Khan, Omar 11.68 Archbishop Molloy
Boyce, Andrew 11.84 Regis
Caiola, Benny 11.90 Iona Preparatory School
Ciaccio, Joseph 11.92 Archbishop Molloy
Grgas, Steve 12.00h Xavier
Rotatori, Matteo 12.30 Regis
Mella, Jose 12.40 Archbishop Molloy
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Freshman Boys 600 Meter Run 62 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bernard, Nigel 1:37.00h Mount St. Michael
Hernandez, David 1:38.00h Mount St. Michael
Donaldson, Brandon 1:40.00h St. Francis Prep
DeCarvalho, Clovis 1:42.10h Mount St. Michael
Falero, Daniel 1:42.50h Iona Preparatory School
Kim, Julian 1:43.00h Archbishop Molloy
Febles, Matthew 1:45.00h Fordham Prep
Murray, Ciaran 1:45.00h Xavier
Garcia, Alejandro 1:45.00h Cardinal Spellman
Curran, Dylan 1:45.00h Mount St. Michael
Rodriguez, Jayden 1:45.00h Archbishop Molloy
Oettl, Matthias 1:45.00h Xavier
Perrotta, Luca 1:45.00h Xaverian
Dennehy, Liam 1:46.00 Fordham Prep
Providence, Mike 1:48.00h Archbishop Molloy
Gargano, Gianluca 1:48.00h Monsignor McClancy
Lysaght, Edward 1:49.00h St. Francis Prep
Vassallo, Dominic 1:50.00h Monsignor McClancy
Friend, Benn 1:50.00h Fordham Prep
Shalvey, Conor 1:50.00h Xavier
Walsh, Jack 1:50.50 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Barone, Guarien 1:51.00h Mount St. Michael
Ceffalia, Robert 1:55.00h Xavier
Bocchieri, Christopher 1:55.00h Xavier
Caron, Caden 1:55.00h Xavier
Cronin, Ryan 1:55.00h Fordham Prep
Greci, Jason 1:55.00h Archbishop Molloy
Khan, Omar 1:55.00h Archbishop Molloy
Serrano, Rene 1:56.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Messina, Nicholas 1:58.00h Xaverian
Cortes, Jayden 1:59.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Wong, Matthew 2:00.00 Xaverian
Rachiele, Joseph 2:00.00 Regis
Bufano, Gregory 2:00.00h Cardinal Spellman
Willis, Christian 2:00.00h Xavier
Maxime, Hansel 2:00.00h Archbishop Molloy
Abrams, Nicholas 2:00.00h Archbishop Molloy
Turner-bay, Tamir 2:00.00h Archbishop Molloy
Taylor, Luke 2:00.00h Archbishop Molloy
Madden, Declan 2:00.00h Xavier
Merola, Ryan 2:00.00h Archbishop Molloy
O'Shea, Eamonn 2:00.00h Xavier
Cianci, Thomas 2:00.00h Xaverian
Donowski, Chris 2:00.00h Archbishop Molloy
Navarro, Thomas 2:00.00h Cardinal Spellman
Crisera, Jayson 2:00.00h Xavier
Young, Eddie 2:00.00h Xavier
Abouzaid, Mehdi 2:00.00h Archbishop Molloy
Calvo, Peter 2:00.00h Xavier
Lopez, Diego 2:00.00h Xavier
Balanos, Anthony 2:00.00h Xavier
McLaughlin, Liam 2:00.00h Xavier
Protonentis, Leonidas 2:00.00h Xaverian
Aihara, Gaku 2:05.00h Archbishop Molloy
Nuzzi, Anthony 2:05.00h Archbishop Molloy
Terranova, Frank 2:10.00h Xavier
D'Acierno, Vincent 2:10.00h Xavier
Wilson, Randall 2:10.00h Xavier
Brogan, Luke 2:10.00h Xavier
D'Angelo, John 2:10.00h Xavier
Breen, Daniel 2:15.00h Xavier
D'Urso, Anthony 2:15.00h Xavier
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Freshman Boys High Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Walsh, Denis 5-0 Fordham Prep
Filipkowski, Alex 4-10 Archbishop Molloy
Crichlow, Cai 4-10 Archbishop Stepinac
Kennedy, Quinn 4-8 Fordham Prep
Lopez, Pavel 4-8 Fordham Prep
Palmer, Jamaul 4-8 Archbishop Stepinac
McCauley, Finn 4-6 Xavier
Kim, Julian 4-6 Archbishop Molloy
Dockery, John 4-6 Fordham Prep
Kiernan, Corey 4-6 Archbishop Stepinac
Pasawala, Neil 4-4 Xavier
Simmonds, Micah 4-4 Xavier
Cobbuzzi, Nicholas 4-0 Iona Preparatory School
Caraballo, Nicholas 4-0 Iona Preparatory School
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Freshman Boys Shot Put 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Massey, Zane 41-9 Xavier
White, Christian 39-0.5 Fordham Prep
Taylor, Gavin 38-10.5 Cardinal Hayes
Petterson, Marcus 37-9 Fordham Prep
Baddoo, Allister 35-9 Cardinal Hayes
Griffin, Albert 33-2.25 Cardinal Hayes
Pastrana, Michael 31-11.5 Cardinal Hayes
Bonowitz, Jack 31-6 Monsignor McClancy
Tully, Andrew 31-6 Fordham Prep
McCauley, Finn 29-9 Xavier
White, Jayden 29-8 Cardinal Hayes
Salamone, Luca 29-4.5 Fordham Prep
Khader, John 28-8.5 Iona Preparatory School
Rinn, Thomas 28-7 Xavier
Heerey, Stephen 27-8.25 Monsignor McClancy
Minaya, Marcel 27-5.25 Cardinal Hayes
Zaeem, Muhammad 27-5 Xavier
Barrett, Luis 27-5 Archbishop Molloy
Valenzuela, Noah 26-8 Archbishop Stepinac
Garib, Gregory 26-5.75 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Altman, Daniel 25-4.5 Monsignor McClancy
Quatela, Giuseppe 25-4 Xavier
Walpole, Matthew 25-3 Fordham Prep
Meade, Brendan 24-9 Archbishop Molloy
Legasa, Jon 24-4 Fordham Prep
Mitarotonda, Alex 24-3 Archbishop Molloy
Rondon, Adriel 24-2.5 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Tannian, Patrick 23-10 Fordham Prep
Klein, Matt 23-9 Archbishop Stepinac
Burke, Kevin 21-6.75 Archbishop Stepinac
DiMarco, Francesco 20-0 Monsignor McClancy
Schillaci, Alessandro 17-5 Xavier
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Freshman Girls 1600 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez-Burns, Brianna 5:50.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Cavalieri, Angela 6:10.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Finnerty, Hannah 6:25.00h Monsignor McClancy
Cannon, Phylicia 6:28.00h Monsignor McClancy
Comer, Mary 6:30.00h Xaverian
Mei, Cher 6:30.00h Archbishop Molloy
Keane, Rory 6:30.00h Ursuline School
Rafferty, Logan 6:45.00h Ursuline School
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Freshman Girls 300 Meter Dash 88 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hernandez, Karen 00:00 South Bronx
Vogt, Katherine 1:00.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Gashi, Denalda 1:00.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Avecillas, Michelle 1:01.10 Forest Hills
Estevez, Amaya 1:02.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Belenky, Brigette 1:03.10 Forest Hills
Parkinson, Erin 1:05.00h Cardinal Spellman
Armenia, Gianna 1:05.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Jew, Josephine 1:05.00h St. Agnes
simons, olivia 1:05.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Chowdhury, shanti 1:05.40 Forest Hills
Khan, Habiba 1:06.30 Forest Hills
Paternostro, Francesca 1:08.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Chris-Emenike, Seedel 1:10.00h Cardinal Spellman
Perez, Ashley 1:10.00h Cardinal Spellman
Sutter, Julia 1:10.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Green, Raven 1:15.00h Cardinal Spellman
Torres, Sarah 1:15.00h Cardinal Spellman
Plange, Jade 1:15.00h Cardinal Spellman
Baerga, Alyssa 1:15.00h Cardinal Spellman
Garcia, Madison 1:25.00h Cardinal Spellman
Tait, Talia 1:25.00h Cardinal Spellman
Gadpaille, Hannah 40.00 Monsignor Scanlan
Blackwood, Kieara 45.00h Cardinal Spellman
Canon, Maiya 45.00h Cardinal Spellman
Lynn, Sara 46.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Gasowski, Nya 47.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Scott, Renee 48.00 Christopher Columbus Camp
Burke, Shenel 48.00h Cardinal Spellman
Pimentel, Amelia 48.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Williams, Solana 49.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Costa, Alyssa 49.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Cassese, Brianna 50.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Beckford-Hutchinson, Tiana 50.00h Cardinal Spellman
Murray, Jamie 50.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Desulma, Rebecca 50.00h Xaverian
Danaher, Molly 50.00h Xaverian
DE JESUS, HANNAH 50.19 South Bronx
GRAY, MCKENZIE 50.66 South Bronx
Anderson, Samira 50.79 Christopher Columbus Camp
Aguilar, Maxiemaria 51.00h Archbishop Molloy
Vella, Kristen 51.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Grindley, Laila 51.00h Archbishop Molloy
Sysak, Rosemary 51.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Ginnane, Jennifer 51.20h Mary Louis Academy
Maldonado, Gabriela 51.30 Mary Louis Academy
Katsoris, Kelly 51.50h Ursuline School
Soltis, Zoe 51.66 Lab Museum United
Scott, Rachael 52.00 Christopher Columbus Camp
Martinez, Alexa 52.00h Monsignor McClancy
Aimable, Ava 52.00h Archbishop Molloy
Luk, Anya 52.00h Archbishop Molloy
Dario, Miranda 53.00h Xaverian
Ferguson, Anya 53.00h Mary Louis Academy
Ambery, Shannon 54.00h Mary Louis Academy
Williams, Raven 54.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Blackwood, Tiffany 54.28 Mary Louis Academy
Joseph, Adajah 54.34 Mary Louis Academy
Anderson, Megan 55.00h Ursuline School
Black, Zemirah 55.00h Cardinal Spellman
Mantilla, Kristine Anne 55.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Palmeri, Victoria 55.00h Archbishop Molloy
Carpio, Alejandra 55.00h Archbishop Molloy
Barber, Alexis 55.00h Monsignor McClancy
Macpherson, Julia 55.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Grandstaff, Abigail 55.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Garcia Manukia, Amelie 56.00h Archbishop Molloy
Migias, Sophia 56.00h Archbishop Molloy
Palma-Small, Aiyana 56.86 Mary Louis Academy
Kirkpatrick, Amanda 57.00h Ursuline School
Christoforides, Sonia 57.00h Archbishop Molloy
Will, Ella-Grace 57.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Kumar, Aneesha 57.00h Archbishop Molloy
Anicich, Audrey 57.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Paul, Jahniya 57.76 Archbishop Molloy
Handler, MacKenzie 57.85 Ursuline School
Johnson, Denver 58.00 Christopher Columbus Camp
Diaz, Briana 58.00h Archbishop Molloy
Baskinger, Michaela 59.00h Ursuline School
Michel, Johanna 59.10h Ursuline School
Morales, Natalia 59.69 Ursuline School
Moretti, Ava 59.70h Ursuline School
Keum, Olivia 59.80h Ursuline School
Elwakil, Rasha 59.90h Ursuline School
O'Flynn, Niamh 59.90h Ursuline School
Vasti, Ally 59.90h Ursuline School
Dorrian, Aileen 59.90h Ursuline School
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Freshman Girls 55 Meter Dash 72 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hernandez, Karen South Bronx
DE JESUS, HANNAH 00:00 South Bronx
O'Flynn, Niamh 10.00h Ursuline School
Tamirah, Williams 10.00h Samuel Gompers
Miller, Athalia 10.00h Samuel Gompers
Gashi, Denalda 10.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Moretti, Ava 10.00h Ursuline School
Beckford-Hutchinson, Tiana 10.00h Cardinal Spellman
simons, olivia 10.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Reyes, Mya 10.11 Samuel Gompers
Michel, Johanna 10.20h Ursuline School
Rooney, Mari 10.20h JFK Catholic
Paternostro, Francesca 10.30h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Simpson, Olivia 10.50h JFK Catholic
Vasti, Ally 10.50h Ursuline School
Sutter, Julia 10.60h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Burke, Shenel 11.00h Cardinal Spellman
Illescas, Nayelly 12.50h JFK Catholic
Cruz, Ilana 16.10h JFK Catholic
Pichasaca, Samantha 16.20h JFK Catholic
Lynn, Sara 7.50h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Gadpaille, Hannah 7.51 Monsignor Scanlan
Flynn, Siobhan 7.70h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Pimentel, Amelia 7.80h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Gasowski, Nya 7.80h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Williams, Solana 8.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Vella, Kristen 8.20h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Ginnane, Jennifer 8.36 Mary Louis Academy
Williams, Raven 8.40h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Ambery, Shannon 8.45 Mary Louis Academy
Scott, Rachael 8.50 Christopher Columbus Camp
Scott, Renee 8.50 Christopher Columbus Camp
Luk, Anya 8.50h Archbishop Molloy
Battle, Jada 8.60 Monsignor McClancy
Grindley, Laila 8.60h Archbishop Molloy
Tomaszek, Jacqueline 8.70 Monsignor McClancy
Martinez, Alexa 8.80 Monsignor McClancy
Cassese, Brianna 8.80h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Palma-Small, Aiyana 8.90 Mary Louis Academy
Barber, Alexis 8.90 Monsignor McClancy
Anderson, Megan 8.90h Ursuline School
Katsoris, Kelly 8.90h Ursuline School
Pascual, Gabrielle 8.90h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Bourne, Crystal 9.00h Samuel Gompers
Armenia, Gianna 9.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Aguilar, Maxiemaria 9.10h Archbishop Molloy
Anicich, Audrey 9.10h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Nelson, Tagecia 9.19 Christopher Columbus Camp
Davis, Gia 9.20h Xaverian
Handler, MacKenzie 9.20h Ursuline School
Aimable, Ava 9.20h Archbishop Molloy
Teal, Kiramonie 9.21 Samuel Gompers
Stanley, Phillyscia 9.30 Xaverian
Garcia Manukia, Amelie 9.30h Archbishop Molloy
Burke, Alyssa 9.30h Xaverian
Johnson, Denver 9.50 Christopher Columbus Camp
Sysak, Rosemary 9.50h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Diaz, Briana 9.50h Archbishop Molloy
Baskinger, Michaela 9.50h Ursuline School
Sestak, Kate 9.50h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Migias, Sophia 9.60h Archbishop Molloy
Christoforides, Sonia 9.60h Archbishop Molloy
Morales, Natalia 9.61 Ursuline School
Kumar, Aneesha 9.70h Archbishop Molloy
Will, Ella-Grace 9.80h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Keum, Olivia 9.80h Ursuline School
Palmeri, Victoria 9.80h Archbishop Molloy
Carpio, Alejandra 9.80h Archbishop Molloy
Grandstaff, Abigail 9.90h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Dorrian, Aileen 9.90h Ursuline School
Elwakil, Rasha 9.90h Ursuline School
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Freshman Girls 55 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kiely, Maggie 10.60h Ursuline School
Costa, Alyssa 10.90h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Kirkpatrick, Amanda 11.00h Ursuline School
Anderson, Emily 11.00h Ursuline School
Manning, Jane 11.45 Ursuline School
Suriel, Melissa 11.50h Ursuline School
Pascual, Gabrielle 11.50h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Jefferies, Abigail 9.90h Archbishop Molloy
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Freshman Girls 600 Meter Run 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gassman, Stella 1:54.23 Ursuline School
Martinez-Burns, Brianna 1:55.00 Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Hegde, Annika 1:55.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Cavalieri, Angela 1:55.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Blackwood, Kieara 1:55.00h Cardinal Spellman
Heredia, Olivia 1:58.00 Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Murray, Jamie 1:59.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Finnerty, Hannah 2:00.00h Monsignor McClancy
Katsoris, Kelly 2:02.00h Ursuline School
Kiely, Maggie 2:02.00h Ursuline School
Cannon, Phylicia 2:02.00h Monsignor McClancy
Galdabini, Anna 2:02.94 Ursuline School
Black, Zemirah 2:05.00h Cardinal Spellman
Macpherson, Julia 2:05.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Vogt, Katherine 2:05.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Tomaszek, Jacqueline 2:06.00h Monsignor McClancy
Battle, Jada 2:06.00h Monsignor McClancy
Campos, Rosario 2:07.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Anderson, Megan 2:10.00h Ursuline School
Chen, Maggie 2:10.10 Forest Hills
Handler, MacKenzie 2:10.49 Ursuline School
Manning, Jane 2:12.00h Ursuline School
Wallace, Maggie 2:15.00 Xaverian
Sestak, Kate 2:15.00 Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Bourke, Catherine 2:16.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Gutierrez Contrerus, Juliana 2:18.40 Forest Hills
Clores, Gwen 2:20.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Harmon, Maia 2:20.00h Cardinal Spellman
Martinova, Nadia 2:20.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Torres, Sarah 2:20.00h Cardinal Spellman
Baerga, Alyssa 2:30.00h Cardinal Spellman
Perez, Ashley 2:30.00h Cardinal Spellman
Peguero, Ashley 2:30.00h Cardinal Spellman
Chris-Emenike, Seedel 2:30.00h Cardinal Spellman
Garcia, Madison 2:40.00h Cardinal Spellman
Green, Raven 2:40.00h Cardinal Spellman
Avila, Allison 2:49.87 Forest Hills
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Freshman Girls High Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Liu, Jiayi 4-4 Forest Hills
Maldonado, Gabriela 4-2 Mary Louis Academy
Bessegato, Olivia 4-2 Archbishop Molloy
Anderson, Emily 4-0 Ursuline School
Suriel, Melissa 4-0 Ursuline School
Ambery, Shannon 3-9 Mary Louis Academy
Ferguson, Anya 3-9 Mary Louis Academy
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Freshman Girls Shot Put 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baker, Daniella 21-3.5 Archbishop Molloy
Tait, Talia 20-0 Cardinal Spellman
Plange, Jade 18-0 Cardinal Spellman
Nelson, Tagecia 14-3 Christopher Columbus Camp
Parkinson, Erin 12-0 Cardinal Spellman
Back to Top

Freshman-Midget Boys 300 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coen, Declan 1:50.00h Archbishop Molloy
Caffarone, Douglas 1:50.00h Archbishop Molloy
Garcia, Oliver 43.00h Fordham Prep
Carolan, Leo 43.00h Xavier
Williams, Ashauni 43.00h Xavier
Pasawala, Neil 45.00h Xavier
Harris, Marcellus 45.50h Iona Preparatory School
Humer, Ryan 45.50h Iona Preparatory School
Noriega, Eric 46.00 Regis
Gelb, Aiden 47.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Simmonds, Micah 48.00h Xavier
Loughran, Micheal 48.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Rodriques, Alex 48.50h Iona Preparatory School
Nyre, Henry 48.50h Iona Preparatory School
Detres, Joseph 49.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Iannotti, Christopher 49.50h Iona Preparatory School
Battiste, Marcus 49.50h Iona Preparatory School
Clarkin, Alex 50.00 Regis
Herrera, Denzel 50.00h Fordham Prep
Cooney, Willian 50.00h Xavier
Carruzzo, Filippo 50.00h Xavier
Connors, Michael 52.50h Iona Preparatory School
Rea, Kyle 53.00 Regis
Bonifacio, Jerold 53.00h Fordham Prep
Barker, James 53.70h Iona Preparatory School
Stinga, Luke 55.00h Iona Preparatory School
Kindberg III, David 55.60h Iona Preparatory School
Kelly, Gavin 55.90h Iona Preparatory School
Gangemi, Michael 56.70h Iona Preparatory School
Cobbuzzi, Nicholas 56.70h Iona Preparatory School
Sullivan, Patrick 57.00h Fordham Prep
Rice, Gavin 57.00h Iona Preparatory School
Caraballo, Nicholas 58.70h Iona Preparatory School
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Freshman-Midget Boys 55 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tresgallo, Carter 7.10h Fordham Prep
Croke, Michael 7.20h Fordham Prep
Noriega, Eric 7.40 Regis
Garcia, Oliver 7.60h Fordham Prep
Clarkin, Alex 7.90 Regis
Battiste, Marcus 8.00h Iona Preparatory School
Caraballo, Nicholas 8.00h Iona Preparatory School
Harris, Marcellus 8.00h Iona Preparatory School
Nyre, Henry 8.00h Iona Preparatory School
Diehl, Kyle 8.00h Fordham Prep
Rice, Gavin 8.00h Iona Preparatory School
Stinga, Luke 8.00h Iona Preparatory School
Iannotti, Christopher 8.00h Iona Preparatory School
Rodriques, Alex 8.00h Iona Preparatory School
Barker, James 8.00h Iona Preparatory School
Kindberg III, David 8.00h Iona Preparatory School
Hooper, Peter 8.20h Iona Preparatory School
Loughran, Micheal 8.30h Archbishop Stepinac
Rocque, Jacob 8.40h Archbishop Stepinac
Gangemi, Michael 8.50h Iona Preparatory School
Detres, Joseph 8.50h Archbishop Stepinac
Kelly, Gavin 8.50h Iona Preparatory School
McGovern, Oliver 8.50h Iona Preparatory School
Cobbuzzi, Nicholas 8.50h Iona Preparatory School
Bonifacio, Jerold 8.50h Fordham Prep
Connors, Michael 8.50h Iona Preparatory School
Gelb, Aiden 8.70h Archbishop Stepinac
Sullivan, Patrick 9.30h Fordham Prep
Wiltshire, Kahlil 9.80h Archbishop Molloy
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Freshman-Midget Boys 600 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tresgallo, Carter 1:35.00h Fordham Prep
Hogan, Myles 1:35.00h Fordham Prep
Croke, Michael 1:36.00h Fordham Prep
Mayo, Dean 1:40.00h Fordham Prep
Hooper, Peter 1:45.00h Iona Preparatory School
Croke, Darren 1:45.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Torres, Eddie 1:45.00h Iona Preparatory School
Diehl, Kyle 1:45.00h Fordham Prep
Rutledge, Ian 1:46.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Mejia, Andrew 1:48.00h Fordham Prep
Alejo, Jaden 1:50.00h Fordham Prep
Patel, Samir 1:50.00h Archbishop Molloy
McGovern, Oliver 1:50.00h Iona Preparatory School
Lopez, Pavel 1:50.00h Fordham Prep
Rocque, Jacob 1:50.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Colligan, Owen 1:52.00h Fordham Prep
Losada, Andres 1:55.00h Fordham Prep
Grimm, Theo 1:55.00h Fordham Prep
Ostling, Victor 1:55.00h Archbishop Molloy
Cohen, Jason 1:55.00h Fordham Prep
Loughran, Micheal 1:55.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Caffarone, Douglas 1:55.00h Archbishop Molloy
Caiola, Benny 1:55.00h Iona Preparatory School
Malshyti, Anthony 2:00.00h Xavier
Gelb, Aiden 2:01.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Rea, Kyle 2:05.00h Regis
Detres, Joseph 2:05.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Niola, Brandon 2:10.00h Xavier
Mahaney, Patrick 2:15.00h Xavier
Carruzzo, Filippo 2:15.00h Xavier
Cooney, Willian 2:15.00h Xavier
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Junior Year Boys 1600 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tobin, Connor 4:52.55 Fordham Prep
Zanetti, Fabiano 4:55.56 Fordham Prep
Antonio, Skyler 5:03.07 Fordham Prep
Torres, Elias 5:04.40 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Buckley, Stephen 5:09.32 Archbishop Stepinac
Tinson, Connor 5:09.32 Fordham Prep
Tollin, Matt 5:09.67 Fordham Prep
Brush, David 5:10.97 Xavier
Smith, Kiernan 5:12.30 Archbishop Molloy
Ligas, James 5:17.80 Archbishop Molloy
McHale, Finnian 5:20.00 Fordham Prep
JORGE, JONATHAN 5:25.00h South Bronx
Thompson, Stephan 5:27.41 Fordham Prep
Tresgallo, Dawson 5:28.40 Fordham Prep
Atiencia, Nestor 5:30.00 Monsignor McClancy
Ramirez, Diego 5:30.00 Monsignor McClancy
Greco, Vincent 5:30.00h Fordham Prep
Greenwood, Daniel 5:32.30 Monsignor McClancy
Murphy, James 5:34.30 Fordham Prep
O'Dowd, David 5:40.00h Xavier
Shepard, Christopher 5:45.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Walters, Michael 5:55.00h Xavier
Svec, Simon 6:00.00h Archbishop Molloy
Sullivan, Robert 6:42.02 Archbishop Molloy
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Junior Year Boys 300 Meter Dash 83 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Soloman, Malachi 38.00 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Attah-Gyamfi, Bernard 40.21 Mount St. Michael
Edwards, Matt 40.45 Archbishop Stepinac
Adodo, Etinosa 41.20h St. Francis Prep
Eccleston, Paul 41.26 Iona Preparatory School
Ramharak, Chavin 42.00h Mount St. Michael
McGrade, Mark 42.00h Xavier
Gould, Myles 42.20 Fordham Prep
Estevez, Armani 42.50 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Ayensu, Isaac 42.51 South Bronx
Wakefield, Anthony 42.70 Mount St. Michael
Castillo, Alexis 42.88 Mount St. Michael
Ellis, Carl-Michael 42.98 Mount St. Michael
Orr, Colin 43.00 Iona Preparatory School
Hastings, Conor 43.00h Archbishop Molloy
Jimenez-Vasconez, Angel 43.00h Xavier
Hubert, Mike 43.00h Archbishop Molloy
Gayanelo, Patrick 43.20h Fordham Prep
Gallagher, Liam 43.50 Fordham Prep
Loughran, Emmet 43.50h Archbishop Stepinac
Donaldson, Harrison 43.50h Fordham Prep
Duffy, Ian 43.67 Regis
Niles, Daniel 43.70 Xavier
Baez, Anthony 43.72 Fordham Prep
Magaletti, Victor 43.79 Archbishop Stepinac
Leon, Alex 44.00 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Rogliano, Giancarlo 44.10 Iona Preparatory School
Foley, Marc 44.78 Regis
McManus, Michael 45.00h Xavier
Cartelli, Vincent 45.00h Xavier
Lucin, Matthew 45.00h Xavier
Crea, Damian 45.20 Iona Preparatory School
Sabini, Paul 45.50 Regis
Martinez, Matthew 45.75 Mount St. Michael
Goulbourn-Campbell, Gianni 45.83 Mount St. Michael
Perez-Mendez, Elijah 46.00 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Edwards, Dalton 46.00h Mount St. Michael
Rohrbacher, Nicholas 46.00h Xavier
Daudelin, John 46.29 Xavier
Dutzer, Evan 46.29 Mount St. Michael
Ogando, Steven 46.30 Fordham Prep
Reyes, Chris 46.50h Fordham Prep
Wager, Nathan 46.90h Fordham Prep
Svec, Simon 47.00h Archbishop Molloy
Smith, Kiernan 47.00h Archbishop Molloy
Jenkins, Marcus 47.00h Xavier
McIntyre, Connor 47.10 Xavier
Hui, Tyler 47.21 Archbishop Molloy
Thomas, Zyone 47.30h Mount St. Michael
Marchesi, Matteo 47.40 Xavier
Barrios, Leonthe 47.43 Archbishop Stepinac
Chiquito, Moises 47.44h Mount St. Michael
Otero, Jack 47.50 Fordham Prep
Stravalle, Charles 47.50h Archbishop Molloy
Otoo, Lawrence 47.60h Mount St. Michael
hECMIL, MARTY 47.61 New Rochelle
Bell, Elver 47.84h Fordham Prep
Luckner, Justin 47.98 Regis
Tenam, Michael 48.00h Xavier
Kinard, Savion 48.20h Mount St. Michael
Brush, David 48.60 Xavier
Salcedo, Ciro 48.90 Regis
Mahony, Max 49.00h Fordham Prep
Ligas, James 49.00h Archbishop Molloy
Stewart, Brian 49.04 Iona Preparatory School
Bertorelli, Stephen 49.32 Iona Preparatory School
Walter, Stephon 49.42 Fordham Prep
Morgan, Jayden 49.49 Archbishop Stepinac
Feeny, Declan 49.50 Xavier
Dang, Steven 49.51 Fordham Prep
Doran, Brendan 49.90 Iona Preparatory School
McDonald, Cameron 50.00 Monsignor McClancy
Walters, Michael 50.00h Xavier
Alvarado, Brandon 50.00h Xavier
Diaz, Jared 50.00h Fordham Prep
Picciano, Anthony 50.00h Archbishop Molloy
Tran, Joseph 50.50h Fordham Prep
O'Dowd, David 51.39 Xavier
Sullivan, Robert 52.00h Archbishop Molloy
Woods, Kevin 52.00h Fordham Prep
Coello, Jeremy 53.00h Fordham Prep
Reyes, Juan 54.00h Fordham Prep
Wells, Christopher 54.54 Iona Preparatory School
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Junior Year Boys 55 Meter Dash 67 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hibbert, Nazir 6.97 Archbishop Stepinac
Adodo, Etinosa 6.99 St. Francis Prep
Todd, Ethan 7.00h Fordham Prep
Torres, Jake 7.10h Fordham Prep
Sabini, Paul 7.12 Regis
Baez, Anthony 7.20 Fordham Prep
Jimenez-Vasconez, Angel 7.20h Xavier
Jenkins, Marcus 7.30h Xavier
Acas, Jason 7.32 Archbishop Molloy
Edwards, Matt 7.34 Archbishop Stepinac
Duffy, Ian 7.37 Regis
Guerrero, Giordanis 7.37 Fordham Prep
Foley, Marc 7.39 Regis
MC CORMACK, SEAN 7.50 Lab Museum United
Gayanelo, Patrick 7.50h Fordham Prep
Niles, Daniel 7.50h Xavier
Crea, Damian 7.50h Iona Preparatory School
Radu, Tudor 7.50h Archbishop Molloy
Reyes, Chris 7.60h Fordham Prep
Eccleston, Paul 7.60h Iona Preparatory School
Donaldson, Harrison 7.60h Fordham Prep
Luckner, Justin 7.61 Regis
Ogando, Steven 7.64 Fordham Prep
Gould, Myles 7.73 Fordham Prep
Magaletti, Victor 7.79 Archbishop Stepinac
Thomas, Zyone 7.80 Mount St. Michael
Bell, Elver 7.80h Fordham Prep
McManus, Michael 7.80h Xavier
Mahony, Max 7.80h Fordham Prep
Lucin, Matthew 7.80h Xavier
Wager, Nathan 7.80h Fordham Prep
Gallagher, Liam 7.87 Fordham Prep
Orr, Colin 7.90 Iona Preparatory School
Salcedo, Ciro 7.90 Regis
Goulbourn-Campbell, Gianni 7.90h Mount St. Michael
Coello, Jeremy 7.90h Fordham Prep
Diaz, Jared 7.90h Fordham Prep
Ellis, Carl-Michael 7.94h Mount St. Michael
Rogliano, Giancarlo 7.96 Iona Preparatory School
McCooey, Sean 8.00h Iona Preparatory School
Smith, Zachary 8.00h Iona Preparatory School
Tran, Joseph 8.00h Fordham Prep
Cartelli, Vincent 8.00h Xavier
Smith, Elijah 8.10 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Castillo, Alexis 8.10 Mount St. Michael
Daudelin, John 8.18 Xavier
Yeung, Matthew 8.20 Iona Preparatory School
Woods, Kevin 8.20h Fordham Prep
Dang, Steven 8.21 Fordham Prep
Tenam, Michael 8.24 Xavier
Brown, Isaiah 8.30 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Reyes, Juan 8.30h Fordham Prep
Chiquito, Moises 8.30h Mount St. Michael
Walter, Stephon 8.34h Fordham Prep
Otoo, Lawrence 8.40h Mount St. Michael
Edwards, Dalton 8.40h Mount St. Michael
Stewart, Brian 8.48 Iona Preparatory School
Kinard, Savion 8.50h Mount St. Michael
Alvarado, Brandon 8.50h Xavier
Moore, Jayden 8.60 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Bertorelli, Stephen 8.63 Iona Preparatory School
Baker, Josh 8.80h JFK Catholic
Guastella, Paul 9.00h Xavier
Doran, Brendan 9.17 Iona Preparatory School
Otero, Jack 9.43 Fordham Prep
Wells, Christopher 9.53 Iona Preparatory School
Feeny, Declan 9.60 Xavier
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Junior Year Boys 600 Meter Run 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jordaens, Justin 1:29.50 Fordham Prep
Nanan, Nicholas 1:34.00 Monsignor McClancy
Attah-Gyamfi, Bernard 1:37.00h Mount St. Michael
McGrory, Noel 1:37.34 Regis
JORGE, JONATHAN 1:38.97 South Bronx
Hubert, Mike 1:39.00 Archbishop Molloy
Vazquez-Ortega, David 1:40.80 Regis
Ayensu, Isaac 1:40.97 South Bronx
Hastings, Conor 1:42.10 Archbishop Molloy
Loughran, Emmet 1:42.90 Archbishop Stepinac
Marquez, Matthew 1:43.50h Mount St. Michael
Radu, Tudor 1:44.40 Archbishop Molloy
McDonald, Cameron 1:45.00 Monsignor McClancy
Correa, Michael 1:45.00 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Smith, Kiernan 1:45.00h Archbishop Molloy
Stravalle, Charles 1:45.00h Archbishop Molloy
Buckley, Stephen 1:45.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Arias, Gabriel 1:45.05 Mount St. Michael
McCooey, Sean 1:45.50h Iona Preparatory School
McGrade, Mark 1:45.79 Xavier
Kiely, Timothy 1:47.00h Fordham Prep
Shepard, Christopher 1:49.18 Archbishop Stepinac
hECMIL, MARTY 1:50.37 New Rochelle
Marchesi, Matteo 1:51.80 Xavier
Hui, Tyler 1:52.00h Archbishop Molloy
Picciano, Anthony 1:52.00h Archbishop Molloy
McIntyre, Connor 1:53.82 Xavier
Barrios, Leonthe 1:54.18 Archbishop Stepinac
Morgan, Jayden 2:03.50 Archbishop Stepinac
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Junior Year Boys Shot Put 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wakefield, Anthony 45-7 Mount St. Michael
Tetteh, Michael 40-5.25 Cardinal Hayes
Negro, Francesco 38-7 Iona Preparatory School
Cornelius, Ajani 36-1 Archbishop Stepinac
Permuy, Joseph 35-2.75 Cardinal Hayes
Olowofela, Akintunde 35-2.5 St. Francis Prep
Fergilus, Flauderson 34-3 St. Francis Prep
DiSalvo, Aidan 33-3.75 New Rochelle
Polanco, Dionis 32-9 Iona Preparatory School
Guastella, Paul 32-2 Xavier
Chen, Thomas 31-10 Fordham Prep
Byrne, Owen 30-10 Regis
Owens, James 30-10 St. Francis Prep
Manolopoulos, Emanuel 30-9.25 St. Francis Prep
Estrada, Reginold 30-6.5 St. Francis Prep
Virtudes, Matthew 30-4.5 Regis
Lowe, Levar 30-0 Lehman Campus
Thomas, Adam 28-4 New Rochelle
Guzman, Gregory 28-2 Regis
Madden, Evan 26-5.25 Regis
Moore, Jayden 23-7 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Pichardo, Adrian 22-1.5 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Miceli, Adam 19-7 Archbishop Molloy
Flores, Carlos 18-5 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
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Sophomore Boys 1600 Meter Run 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whiting, McAllister 4:55.00h Xavier
O'Shea, Colin 4:55.00h Xavier
Goell, Jacob 4:55.00h Xavier
Toledo, Richard 4:55.00h Xavier
Vizzini, Matthew 4:56.74 Regis
Avila, Denzel 5:00.00 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Cassidy, Thomas 5:06.00 Regis
Shortall, Cole 5:06.90h Fordham Prep
Fox, William 5:07.47 Iona Preparatory School
Slack, Gabriel 5:10.00h Xavier
Chrissotimos, Paul 5:14.02 Archbishop Stepinac
Paulino Portes, Miguel 5:15.00h South Bronx
Bettex, Jack 5:20.00h Xavier
Asaro, Andrew 5:20.00h Xavier
Anich, Thomas 5:20.70 Archbishop Molloy
Schimitsch, William 5:22.50 Regis
Gonzalo, Alec 5:29.00h Fordham Prep
Corbett, Thomas 5:30.00 Monsignor McClancy
Ledwith, Thomas 5:30.00h Xavier
Sotamba, James 5:30.15 Monsignor McClancy
Cleary, Colin 5:32.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Davila, Timothy 5:33.02 Xavier
D'Ambrosio, Matthew 5:33.31 Iona Preparatory School
Dowling, Ignacio 5:35.00 Regis
Corr, Daniel 5:35.00h Xavier
Sullivan, David 5:39.35 Fordham Prep
Coleman, Jack 5:39.60 Regis
O'Dea, Declan 5:39.66 Xavier
Martinez, Melvin 5:40.00h Xavier
Foster, Quincy 5:40.19 Fordham Prep
Paolo, Matthew 5:46.57 Archbishop Molloy
Irwin, Ian 5:50.00h Xavier
Quizhpilema, Steve 5:53.42 Archbishop Molloy
Napolitano, Anthony 5:55.00h Archbishop Molloy
Alsina, Gabriel 5:56.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Bien-aime, Christian 5:58.70 Archbishop Molloy
Caceres, Marcos 5:59.08 Archbishop Molloy
Young, Paris 6:00.34 Archbishop Molloy
Crabbe, Edward 6:04.56 Xavier
Mahony, Connor 6:15.92 Iona Preparatory School
Casey, Gerard 6:31.86 Archbishop Molloy
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Sophomore Boys 300 Meter Dash 134 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Khalil 38.20h St. Francis Prep
Cruz, Shane 39.00 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
JOHNSON, MALACHI 40.00 Lehman Campus
Rowe, Anthony 40.10h St. Francis Prep
Destefano, Nick 40.20h St. Francis Prep
PIMENTEL, WILLIAM 40.40 South Bronx
Mwape, Mapalo 40.80h St. Francis Prep
Guessongo, Adamou 40.84 Lehman Campus
Baret, Diostene 41.00 Lehman Campus
Denicker, Dylan 41.20h St. Francis Prep
Braun, Wesley 41.67 Lab Museum United
Brucker, Jacob 41.70 Xavier
Perez, Letxi 42.00h Fordham Prep
Banks, James 42.00h Xavier
Kim, John 42.20h St. Francis Prep
Kinard, Dayln 42.40 Mount St. Michael
Baltazar, Emmanuel 42.90 Fordham Prep
Santos, Gerardo 42.92 South Bronx
Perez Mendez, Jeremiah 43.00 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Scariano, Andrew 43.00h Xavier
ShepHerd, Kyle 43.14 Archbishop Stepinac
Leon, Jordan 43.28 St. Francis Prep
Barnett, Ian 43.77 New Rochelle
Gonzalez, Mateo 44.00 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
McKenna, Niall 44.10 Fordham Prep
Lathan, Will 44.23 New Rochelle
Colon, Sebastian 44.40h Fordham Prep
Rice, Conor 44.54 Archbishop Stepinac
Louis, Justin 44.65 New Rochelle
Lafferty, Quinn 44.90 Xavier
Whiting, McAllister 45.00h Xavier
Leach, Jack 45.00h Fordham Prep
Kemp, Stephen 45.00h Xavier
McCaffrey, Nolan 45.00h Xavier
Tan, Owen 45.00h Xavier
Ferguson, Cade 45.00h Fordham Prep
Wong, Ryan 45.00h Xavier
Rodriguez, Michael 45.00h Fordham Prep
Delatorre, Dillon 45.00h Fordham Prep
Paquette, Nicholas 45.00h Xavier
Ramos, Joshua 45.00h Fordham Prep
Eccleston, Pablo 45.50 Fordham Prep
Figueras, Ethan 45.70 Fordham Prep
Yeonaba, Fu'aad 45.70 Xavier
Occhi, Andrew 45.75 Archbishop Stepinac
Diamond, Ricky 46.00 Xavier
Selvan, Visnu 46.00h Xavier
Pena, Giancarlo 46.00h Fordham Prep
Goell, Jacob 46.00h Xavier
Slack, Gabriel 46.00h Xavier
Diaz, Pedro 46.00h Fordham Prep
Scott, Merritt 46.10 Iona Preparatory School
O'Shea, Colin 46.10 Xavier
Rodriguez, Matthew S 46.28 Regis
Torres, Cristian 46.30h Mount St. Michael
DePierro, Albert 46.41 Iona Preparatory School
Weigand, William 46.50 Iona Preparatory School
McHugh, Dilyn 46.60 Xavier
Dunat, Marcel 46.66 Xavier
Klatt, Joseph 46.69 Iona Preparatory School
MAJID, KHAREEM 46.69 South Bronx
Toledo, Richard 47.00 Xavier
Iuele, Matthew 47.00h Xavier
Jourden, Doujuan 47.00h Fordham Prep
Worrell, Giovanni 47.00h Xavier
Tagliaferri, Chris 47.00h Fordham Prep
Boccadifuoco, Nicholas 47.00h Xavier
King, Brandon 47.00h Xavier
Erichsen, Roger 47.00h Xavier
Luongo, Patrick 47.00h Xavier
Shand, Kaseam 47.50h Mount St. Michael
Darden, Soloman 47.50h Iona Preparatory School
Cuneo, Liam 47.90h Fordham Prep
Fagan, Owen 47.91 Fordham Prep
Bettex, Jack 48.00h Xavier
St. Hilaire, Justin 48.00h Fordham Prep
Galasso, Brian 48.00h Fordham Prep
Reres, Tommaso 48.00h Xavier
Ledwith, Thomas 48.00h Xavier
Asaro, Andrew 48.00h Xavier
Butkiewicz, Michael 48.00h Xavier
Reyfman, Peter 48.45 Xavier
Nieves, Raymond 48.82 Monsignor McClancy
Chiarovano, Matthew 48.84 Monsignor McClancy
Young, Paris 49.00h Archbishop Molloy
Volgende, Thomas 49.00h Fordham Prep
Zamora, Christian 49.00h Archbishop Molloy
Mosquera, Anthony 49.00h Archbishop Molloy
Castellano, Mike 49.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Noone, Jeremy 49.00h Archbishop Molloy
Colon, Critian 49.10 South Bronx
O'Dea, Declan 49.50 Xavier
Brosnan, Quinn 49.50 Xavier
Valerio, David 49.51 Archbishop Molloy
Anich, Thomas 50.00 Archbishop Molloy
Martinez, Melvin 50.00h Xavier
Visconti, Michael 50.00h Xavier
Rodriguez, Sebastian 50.00h Xavier
Dyjak, Conrad 50.00h Xavier
Tansey, John 50.00h Xavier
Haugh, Kevin 50.00h Fordham Prep
McMahon, Aidan 50.00h Xavier
Peralta, Jeremy 50.48 Xavier
Caceres, Marcos 50.50 Archbishop Molloy
Allen, Gavin 50.70 Iona Preparatory School
Montano, Anthony 51.00h Archbishop Molloy
Sullivan, John 51.30 Xavier
Bien-aime, Christian 51.40 Archbishop Molloy
Miceli, Nick 51.50h Iona Preparatory School
Ramirez, Philip 51.70 Archbishop Molloy
Prince, Troy 51.94 Fordham Prep
Priolo, Steven 52.00h Xavier
Archie, Jaden 52.00h Xavier
Rodriguez, Nicholas 52.00h Archbishop Molloy
Ramisaharidafy, Tsiry 52.00h Archbishop Molloy
Davila, Timothy 52.20 Xavier
Coons, Ben 52.50h Iona Preparatory School
Giannini, Nicolas 52.70 Xavier
Tirado, Elias 53.00h Archbishop Molloy
Crabbe, Edward 53.10 Xavier
Bartley, Myles 53.20h Fordham Prep
Masselo, Brian 53.20h JFK Catholic
Sweeney, Ben 53.30 Archbishop Molloy
Rico, Raymond 54.22 Regis
Vasquez, David 54.60 Fordham Prep
Cunniffe, Sean 55.00h Xavier
Garden, Ashtin 55.00h Fordham Prep
Yap, Ryan 55.00h Archbishop Molloy
Irwin, Ian 55.00h Xavier
Smith, William 56.66 Xavier
Huggins, Damian 57.00h Xavier
PEREZ, ADONIS 57.24 South Bronx
Richardson, Travers 58.02 Xavier
Corr, Daniel 58.53 Xavier
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Sophomore Boys 55 Meter Dash 94 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Colon, Critian South Bronx
Haque, Tahmidul South Bronx
Rodriguez, Nicholas 10.00h Archbishop Molloy
Dyjak, Conrad 10.00h Xavier
Dantone, Andrew 10.00h Xavier
Archie, Jaden 10.00h Xavier
Huggins, Damian 10.00h Xavier
Priolo, Steven 10.20h Xavier
Dhaliwal, Dhanbir 19.50h JFK Catholic
Mwape, Mapalo 6.99 St. Francis Prep
Boccadifuoco, Nicholas 7.00h Xavier
Rowe, Anthony 7.00h St. Francis Prep
Guessongo, Adamou 7.04 Lehman Campus
Johnson, Khalil 7.11 St. Francis Prep
Scariano, Andrew 7.20h Xavier
Destefano, Nick 7.20h St. Francis Prep
Kinard, Dayln 7.26 Mount St. Michael
Baltazar, Emmanuel 7.30h Fordham Prep
Rodriguez, Matthew S 7.33 Regis
Braun, Wesley 7.40 Lab Museum United
Ortiz, Sean 7.40h Fordham Prep
Arellano, Robert 7.40h Fordham Prep
McKenna, Niall 7.40h Fordham Prep
Torres, Christopher 7.40h Iona Preparatory School
Darden, Soloman 7.40h Iona Preparatory School
Denicker, Dylan 7.50h St. Francis Prep
Perez, Letxi 7.50h Fordham Prep
Kim, John 7.56 St. Francis Prep
Eccleston, Pablo 7.60h Fordham Prep
Sanchez, Stanley 7.60h Fordham Prep
Yeonaba, Fu'aad 7.60h Xavier
Torres, Cristian 7.70h Mount St. Michael
Ramos, Joshua 7.70h Fordham Prep
Rodriguez, Michael 7.70h Fordham Prep
Post, James 7.75 Regis
Diamond, Ricky 7.80h Xavier
Ferguson, Cade 7.80h Fordham Prep
Buccieri, Vincent 7.80h Fordham Prep
Colon, Sebastian 7.80h Fordham Prep
Paquette, Nicholas 7.80h Xavier
Figueras, Ethan 7.82 Fordham Prep
PIMENTEL, WILLIAM 7.89 South Bronx
DePierro, Albert 7.90h Iona Preparatory School
Jourden, Doujuan 7.90h Fordham Prep
Scott, Merritt 7.99 Iona Preparatory School
Cuneo, Liam 8.00h Fordham Prep
Galasso, Brian 8.00h Fordham Prep
Worrell, Giovanni 8.00h Xavier
McHugh, Dilyn 8.00h Xavier
Luongo, Patrick 8.00h Xavier
Diaz, Pedro 8.00h Fordham Prep
Pena, Giancarlo 8.00h Fordham Prep
Reres, Tommaso 8.00h Xavier
Castellano, Mike 8.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Haugh, Kevin 8.00h Fordham Prep
Tan, Owen 8.00h Xavier
Smith, William 8.00h Xavier
Weigand, William 8.00h Iona Preparatory School
Tagliaferri, Chris 8.00h Fordham Prep
Klatt, Joseph 8.02 Iona Preparatory School
Shand, Kaseam 8.10h Mount St. Michael
Rice, Conor 8.18 Archbishop Stepinac
Volgende, Thomas 8.20h Fordham Prep
Reyfman, Peter 8.23 Xavier
St. Hilaire, Justin 8.30h Fordham Prep
Miceli, Nick 8.30h Iona Preparatory School
Vasquez, David 8.30h Fordham Prep
Bartley, Myles 8.43 Fordham Prep
Delatorre, Dillon 8.45 Fordham Prep
Lafferty, Quinn 8.50h Xavier
King, Brandon 8.50h Xavier
Selvan, Visnu 8.50h Xavier
Sullivan, John 8.50h Xavier
McCaffrey, Nolan 8.50h Xavier
Kemp, Stephen 8.50h Xavier
Garden, Ashtin 8.50h Fordham Prep
Fagan, Owen 8.62 Fordham Prep
Coons, Ben 8.70h Iona Preparatory School
Dunat, Marcel 8.80h Xavier
Gregoire, Matthew 8.80h Archbishop Molloy
Prince, Troy 8.83 Fordham Prep
Chiarovano, Matthew 8.90h Monsignor McClancy
Tompkins, Thomas 9.00h Xavier
Butkiewicz, Michael 9.00h Xavier
Visconti, Michael 9.00h Xavier
Peralta, Jeremy 9.00h Xavier
Brosnan, Quinn 9.00h Xavier
Rodriguez, Sebastian 9.00h Xavier
Brucker, Jacob 9.00h Xavier
Tansey, John 9.00h Xavier
Masselo, Brian 9.20h JFK Catholic
Allen, Gavin 9.30 Iona Preparatory School
Richardson, Travers 9.40h Xavier
Thomas, Jason 9.50h JFK Catholic
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Sophomore Boys 55 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barnett, Ian 10.06 New Rochelle
Buccieri, Vincent 10.10h Fordham Prep
Occhi, Andrew 10.19 Archbishop Stepinac
Gregoire, Matthew 10.55 Archbishop Molloy
Brucker, Jacob 10.62 Xavier
Wong, Ryan 12.00h Xavier
Hernandez, Nathaniel 12.00h Regis
Selvan, Visnu 12.00h Xavier
Griffin, Charlie 8.64 Iona Preparatory School
Ortiz, Sean 8.80h Fordham Prep
Leach, Jack 9.60h Fordham Prep
Chin Too, Michael 9.70h Fordham Prep
Torres, Christopher 9.71 Iona Preparatory School
Sanchez, Stanley 9.90h Fordham Prep
Back to Top

Sophomore Boys 600 Meter Run 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Haque, Tahmidul South Bronx
Ramsey, Wesley 1:27.00h St. Francis Prep
Solano, Ilan 1:34.40 Mott Haven
Paulino Portes, Miguel 1:34.45 South Bronx
Chin Too, Michael 1:37.80h Fordham Prep
Banks, James 1:38.80 Xavier
Krashi, Hekelio 1:39.10 Lehman Campus
Santos, Gerardo 1:40.99 South Bronx
ShepHerd, Kyle 1:41.24 Archbishop Stepinac
Cleary, Colin 1:42.75 Archbishop Stepinac
Chrissotimos, Paul 1:43.41 Archbishop Stepinac
Mills, Gunnar 1:45.00 Monsignor McClancy
Lathan, Will 1:46.00 New Rochelle
DePierro, Albert 1:47.20 Iona Preparatory School
Fienco, Michael 1:48.00 Lehman Campus
Louis, Justin 1:48.00 New Rochelle
Paolo, Matthew 1:48.00h Archbishop Molloy
Gonzalez, Justin 1:48.20 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Napolitano, Anthony 1:50.00h Archbishop Molloy
Noone, Jeremy 1:50.00h Archbishop Molloy
Sweeney, Ben 1:50.00h Archbishop Molloy
Nieves, Raymond 1:50.20 Monsignor McClancy
Valerio, David 1:51.19 Archbishop Molloy
Quizhpilema, Steve 1:53.00 Archbishop Molloy
Alsina, Gabriel 1:54.00h Archbishop Stepinac
Zamora, Christian 1:55.00h Archbishop Molloy
Erichsen, Roger 1:55.00h Xavier
Mosquera, Anthony 2:00.00h Archbishop Molloy
Tirado, Elias 2:00.00h Archbishop Molloy
Ramirez, Philip 2:01.90 Archbishop Molloy
Montano, Anthony 2:03.00h Archbishop Molloy
Giannini, Nicolas 2:03.38 Xavier
Yap, Ryan 2:05.00h Archbishop Molloy
Ramisaharidafy, Tsiry 2:05.00h Archbishop Molloy
McMahon, Aidan 2:10.00h Xavier
Casey, Gerard 2:10.00h Archbishop Molloy
Iuele, Matthew 2:10.00h Xavier
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Sophomore Boys Shot Put 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baldwin, Saquan 42-9.5 Cardinal Hayes
Dominguez, Kevin 39-7 Cardinal Hayes
Anderson, Mack 39-7 Cardinal Hayes
Bonowitz, Gregory 37-7.5 Monsignor McClancy
Wenz, Matthew 36-10.25 Monsignor McClancy
Dilullo, Matthew 36-8 Archbishop Stepinac
Menocal, Robert 36-7 Fordham Prep
Athanailos, Peter 36-2.75 St. Francis Prep
Ward, Shawn 36-0.5 Cardinal Hayes
Agosta, Anthony 34-8.25 Monsignor McClancy
Berkery, Andrew 34-6 Iona Preparatory School
Draus, Piotr 33-6 Monsignor McClancy
Maldanado, Anthony 33-2 St. Francis Prep
Bencivingo, Paul 32-7.25 Iona Preparatory School
Huggins, Damian 32-7 Xavier
Santiago, Dimitrios 32-2 St. Francis Prep
Gutierrez, Brian 32-2 St. Francis Prep
Futrell, Marshall 32-0.75 Iona Preparatory School
Vanadia, Daniel 31-2 Fordham Prep
Dharia, Shwet 30-1.75 Archbishop Molloy
McShane, Eamon 29-3 Regis
Liberatore, Joseph 28-9.75 Regis
Constanzo, Byran 28-2 Lehman Campus
Peragine, Salvatore 26-5.5 Regis
Archie, Jaden 26-3.5 Xavier
Priolo, Steven 25-8.5 Xavier
O'Sullivan, Paul 25-5 Fordham Prep
Tansey, John 25-0 Xavier
Visconti, Michael 25-0 Xavier
Bell Jr, Marcus 25-0 Lehman Campus
Tompkins, Thomas 24-7.5 Xavier
Gonzalez, Mateo 24-1.5 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Surace, Vincenzo 23-4.5 Regis
Cunniffe, Sean 23-0 Xavier
Dantone, Andrew 21-11.5 Xavier
Brady, Seamus 21-3 Archbishop Molloy
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Sophomore Girls 1600 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lin, MIchelle 6:08.00 Forest Hills
Kemp, Elizabeth 6:15.00h Ursuline School
Moreno, Ashley 6:30.00h South Bronx
DeSantis, Isabella 6:31.32 Archbishop Molloy
Gilroy, Casey 6:37.80 Archbishop Molloy
Tsimisiris, Marina 6:50.00h Archbishop Molloy
Nanjad, Anjali 6:55.00h Archbishop Molloy
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Sophomore Girls 300 Meter Dash 71 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fabian, Carlet 1:00.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Carrion, Jocelyn 1:00.00h St. Agnes
Najarro, Nathalia 1:00.17 Archbishop Molloy
Katcher, Angelica 1:00.30h Archbishop Molloy
Estevez, Alanis 1:00.78 Christopher Columbus Camp
Garvey, Torrance 1:01.80 Archbishop Molloy
Ho, Rachel 1:02.50 Forest Hills
Perrone, Katherine 1:03.32 St. Agnes
DARWISH, FATIMA 1:03.52 South Bronx
DiMaggio, Isabella 1:05.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
FIGUEROA, ZOE 1:09.50 South Bronx
Morgan, Makayla 46.70h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Cunningham, Hannah 47.80h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Blake, Amoy 48.80 Lehman Campus
Kain, Olivia 49.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Vacca, Grace 49.05 Ursuline School
Gassman, Stella 49.12 Ursuline School
Mitenberga, Elizabeth 49.17 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Danso, Vanessa 49.94 Lehman Campus
Massoni, Megan 50.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Sandler, Charlotte 50.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Walters, Amber 50.10h Archbishop Molloy
Maio, Kathryn 50.20h Archbishop Molloy
Ivanoski, Tessa 50.78 Ursuline School
Arnao, Brianna 50.80 Monsignor McClancy
Galvin, Fiona 51.07 Ursuline School
Pena, Seline 52.02 South Bronx
Lande, Rachel 52.24 Mary Louis Academy
SOTO, ANATERESA 52.45 South Bronx
Tunney, Lia 52.50h Ursuline School
Lee, Nicole 52.63 Ursuline School
Osman, Jillian 52.70 Monsignor McClancy
Wisemen, Isabella 53.00 Monsignor McClancy
Perez, Elaina 53.00h Archbishop Molloy
McMahon, Megan 53.10 Ursuline School
Horsham, Ahayla 53.10 Archbishop Molloy
Dunbar, Chelsea 53.49 Ursuline School
Akhrass, Thea 53.75 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Mcnamara, Nikki 53.88 Archbishop Molloy
Kosakowski, Sarah 54.00 Monsignor McClancy
Wallace, Heather 54.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Gousse, Caitlyn 54.00h Mary Louis Academy
MOLINA, JANELLE 54.78 South Bronx
Valdez, Estefany 54.80 Archbishop Molloy
Gregory, Sophia 54.80h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Rodriguez, Chasity 55.00 Christopher Columbus Camp
Maturi, Valentina 55.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Garrison, Brianna 55.00h Archbishop Molloy
Jaimes, Victoria 55.17 South Bronx
Rodriguez-Ortiz, Allison 55.60h Archbishop Molloy
Tranquilino, Jessica 56.00h St. Agnes
Murphy, Ciara 56.10h Ursuline School
Wojciechowska, Emilia 56.46 Archbishop Molloy
Lindo, Kiara 56.64 Archbishop Molloy
Shin, Kayla 56.71 Archbishop Molloy
Vella, Lauren 56.80h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Nelson, Naja 56.90h Ursuline School
Leveau, Juliette 57.00h Archbishop Molloy
vilches, ashley 57.00h Archbishop Molloy
Bulfamante, Maria 57.50h Ursuline School
Hennessy, Sophie 57.61 Ursuline School
Caisaguono, Vanessa 57.70 Monsignor McClancy
Vasey, Emma 57.80h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Dudzinski, Jessica 58.00h Archbishop Molloy
Maldonado, Genesis 58.48 South Bronx
Galluccio, Genevieve 58.54 Ursuline School
Dallas, Chantae 59.48 Christopher Columbus Camp
Daly, Ciara 59.50h Ursuline School
Fritsch, Miranda 59.6 Ursuline School
Mahoney, Ava 59.65 Ursuline School
Back to Top

Sophomore Girls 55 Meter Dash 76 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Capnojevic, Bryanna South Bronx
Pena, Seline South Bronx
FIGUEROA, ZOE 10.39 South Bronx
Ciolli, Taylor 10.44 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Morgan, Makayla 7.20h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Cunningham, Hannah 7.60h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
MOLINA, JANELLE 8.03 South Bronx
Arnao, Brianna 8.40 Monsignor McClancy
Williams, Mychael 8.45 St. Barnabas
Burke, Alana 8.45 St. Barnabas
George, Tamirrah 8.45 St. Barnabas
Norwood, Jenesis 8.45 St. Barnabas
Rodriguez, Chasity 8.50 Christopher Columbus Camp
Cruz, Angel 8.50 Christopher Columbus Camp
Maio, Kathryn 8.50h Archbishop Molloy
Mitenberga, Elizabeth 8.50h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Vasey, Emma 8.50h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Walters, Amber 8.60h Archbishop Molloy
Gregory, Sophia 8.60h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Vacca, Grace 8.60h Ursuline School
Osman, Jillian 8.62 Monsignor McClancy
Dunbar, Chelsea 8.63 Ursuline School
Sowe, Fatoumatta 8.70 Lab Museum United
Tunney, Lia 8.70h Ursuline School
Horsham, Ahayla 8.73 Archbishop Molloy
Valdez, Estefany 8.75 Archbishop Molloy
McMahon, Megan 8.80h Ursuline School
Okei, Antonia 8.88 Christopher Columbus Camp
Blake, Amoy 8.88 Lehman Campus
Mcnamara, Nikki 8.90 Archbishop Molloy
Massoni, Megan 8.90h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Bulfamante, Maria 8.90h Ursuline School
Crispi, Julia 8.90h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Daly, Ciara 8.90h Ursuline School
Gwozdz, Alicja 8.90h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Sanchez, Elizabeth 8.90h Lehman Campus
Kosakowski, Sarah 8.94 Monsignor McClancy
Lande, Rachel 8.95 Mary Louis Academy
Wojciechowska, Emilia 8.98 Archbishop Molloy
Galvin, Fiona 8.99 Ursuline School
Tranquilino, Jessica 9.00h St. Agnes
Perez, Nathalie 9.00h Monsignor McClancy
Ivanoski, Tessa 9.10h Ursuline School
Lopez, Andrally 9.10h Lehman Campus
DiMaggio, Isabella 9.14 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Wallace, Heather 9.20h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Cato, Ashayla 9.20h Lehman Campus
Fritsch, Miranda 9.20h Ursuline School
Adams, Aleigha 9.26 Lehman Campus
Dorsainvil, Hailey 9.29 Ursuline School
Shin, Kayla 9.30 Archbishop Molloy
Perez, Elaina 9.30h Archbishop Molloy
Maturi, Valentina 9.30h St. Joseph Hill Academy
vilches, ashley 9.30h Archbishop Molloy
Lindo, Kiara 9.36 Archbishop Molloy
Blank, Lily 9.40h Ursuline School
Nelson, Naja 9.50h Ursuline School
Murphy, Ciara 9.50h Ursuline School
Garrison, Brianna 9.50h Archbishop Molloy
Joyce, Jessica 9.50h St. Agnes
Reynoso, Amy 9.50h Lehman Campus
Carrion, Jocelyn 9.50h St. Agnes
Katcher, Angelica 9.50h Archbishop Molloy
Lasko, Benicia 9.65 Monsignor McClancy
Leveau, Juliette 9.80h Archbishop Molloy
Rodriguez-Ortiz, Allison 9.80h Archbishop Molloy
Dudzinski, Jessica 9.80h Archbishop Molloy
Garvey, Torrance 9.83 Archbishop Molloy
Galluccio, Genevieve 9.87 Ursuline School
Ercolano, Julia 9.96 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Sanfo, Guemila 9.97 Christopher Columbus Camp
Najarro, Nathalia 9.99 Archbishop Molloy
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Sophomore Girls 55 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crispi, Julia 10.61 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Gwozdz, Alicja 11.30 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Kain, Olivia 11.36 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Lee, Nicole 11.45 Ursuline School
Cregin, Claire 11.92 Ursuline School
Azcona, Alina 12.73 Monsignor McClancy
Vella, Lauren 13.60h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
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Sophomore Girls 600 Meter Run 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McMahon, Megan 1:58.26 Ursuline School
Vacca, Grace 1:58.70h Ursuline School
Danso, Vanessa 1:58.84 Lehman Campus
Weisz, Greta 1:59.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Moreno, Ashley 2:00 South Bronx
Sandler, Charlotte 2:00.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Galvin, Fiona 2:01.38 Ursuline School
Capella, Madeline 2:05.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Tunney, Lia 2:05.60h Ursuline School
Akhrass, Thea 2:10.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Mokhtar, Salma 2:10.42 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Maldonado, Genesis 2:10.52 South Bronx
Chen, Tina 2:12.29 Forest Hills
Jaimes, Victoria 2:13.73 South Bronx
Bland, Janae 2:15.00 Forest Hills
Huang, Bonnie 2:15.40 Forest Hills
Dorsainvil, Hailey 2:17.19 Ursuline School
Hennessy, Sophie 2:18.57 Ursuline School
Wiszniewska, Veronica 2:19.31 Forest Hills
Mahoney, Ava 2:21.32 Ursuline School
Blank, Lily 2:21.93 Ursuline School
Gioiosa, Kathryn 2:25.15 Forest Hills
Contreras, Nicole 2:26.03 Mary Louis Academy
CARABALLO, WILDALYZ 2:26.57 South Bronx
Bulfamante, Maria 2:27.00h Ursuline School
Loginov, Alexandra 2:28.60 Forest Hills
Klemmer, Molly 2:29.41 Mary Louis Academy
Calderon, Mariajose 2:32.70 Forest Hills
Tlaczani, Daisy 3:08.00h St. Agnes
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Sophomore Girls Shot Put 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kosakowski, Sarah 24-0 Monsignor McClancy
Joyce, Jessica 23-0 St. Agnes
Johnson Stewart, Finesse 21-6 Lehman Campus
Baker, Daniella 21-3.5 Archbishop Molloy
Capnojevic, Bryanna 20-3.75 South Bronx
Ercolano, Julia 19-11 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Doyle, Erin 19-8 Mary Louis Academy
Gaynor, Brittanya 19-6.25 Archbishop Molloy
Okei, Antonia 17-4.5 Christopher Columbus Camp
Ciolli, Taylor 16-6 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Fabian, Carlet 13-4 St. Joseph Hill Academy
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Varsity Boys 1600 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ellwood, Luke 4:44.16 Regis
Bayo, Muhamed 4:44.61 Mott Haven
Jamshahi, Sebastian 4:49.00 Regis
Kounios, Asterios Aidan 4:54.38 JFK Catholic
Thoman, Colin 4:56.23 Regis
Deneny, Terence 4:57.90h Fordham Prep
Ruiz, Christian 4:58.10 Xavier
Jitsukawa, Hikaru 4:58.87 Regis
Moriarty, Terence 5:05.00h Xavier
Fitzgerald, Ryan 5:05.90 Xavier
Gomez, Dylan 5:17.83 Regis
Caracappa, Matthew 5:20.00 JFK Catholic
Bacile, Andrew 5:20.00h St. Francis Prep
Deem, Christian 5:20.14 Xavier
Fennell, Samuel 5:20.22 South Bronx
Gange, Arthur 5:25.00h Xavier
Cooney, Patrick 5:25.00h Xavier
O'Malley, Finn 5:26.53 Regis
Elmlinger, William 5:29.43 Fordham Prep
Loncar, Daniel 5:30.01 Archbishop Molloy
Zuniga, Gustavo 5:45.00h Lab Museum United
Rizzotti, Joseph 5:49.90 Archbishop Molloy
Pindulic, Nick 6:00.86 Archbishop Molloy
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Varsity Boys 300 Meter Dash 56 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Antwi, Prince 36.99 Lehman Campus
Rutledge, Ason 37.40 Mount St. Michael
Providence, Jordan 37.79 Monsignor Scanlan
Johnson, Justin 38.74 Archbishop Stepinac
Williams, Eric 39.38 Lehman Campus
Gimballa, Osuman 39.46 South Bronx
Manderson, William 39.50h St. Francis Prep
Miraglia, Nick 39.55 Fordham Prep
Moore, Dwayne 39.55 Lehman Campus
Castillo, Brandon 40.69 Fordham Prep
Estrada, Johnny 41.00 Fordham Prep
O'Sullivan, Sean 41.00h Fordham Prep
Alexander, Dylan 41.71 Xavier
Tavarez-Vega, Jonathan 42.00h Xavier
Cirelli, Aj 42.00h Xavier
Smith, Aidan 42.20 Xavier
Niola, Jason 42.84 Xavier
Seidu, Sharef 42.86 South Bronx
Ge, Shi Yuan 43.00h Xavier
Quigley, John 43.20 Xavier
Fitzgerald, Ryan 43.30 Xavier
DeFlorio, Michael 43.80 Iona Preparatory School
Rogers, Andrew 43.81 Xavier
N'Diaye, Marius 44.23 Xavier
Deem, Christian 44.30 Xavier
Amadife, Chidera 44.54h Fordham Prep
Ansa Addai, Peniel 44.92 South Bronx
Hanson, Tyrique 45.00h Monsignor Scanlan
Bartley, John 45.00h Xavier
Moriarty, Terence 45.00h Xavier
Navarro, Julian 45.00h Xavier
Ruiz, Christian 45.30 Xavier
Piparo, Steven 45.42 Fordham Prep
Gerrity, Liam 45.50h JFK Catholic
Lawrence, Eden 45.70 Monsignor Scanlan
Neri, Arterio 45.96 Fordham Prep
Silva, Deven 46.00h Mount St. Michael
Harrison, Miles 46.10h Mount St. Michael
Gange, Arthur 46.80 Xavier
Marquez, Matthew 46.84h Mount St. Michael
Rizzotti, Joseph 46.90 Archbishop Molloy
Hastings, Ryan 46.91 Xavier
Farquharson, Kaelon 47.05 Mott Haven
Anazco, Angel 47.25 South Bronx
Mallory, Jamal 47.50 Archbishop Molloy
Elgue, Nelson 48.00h Xavier
Edinborough, Isaac 48.30h Mount St. Michael
Loncar, Daniel 48.50 Archbishop Molloy
Trombetta, Michael 49.00 Fordham Prep
Cooney, Patrick 49.10 Xavier
Reynoso, Bryan 49.90 South Bronx
Cottingham, Brendan 50.00h Xavier
Pocius, Prisco 52.00h Xavier
Pindulic, Nick 53 Archbishop Molloy
Ding, Mark 53.50h Iona Preparatory School
Francois, Trei 8.00 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Back to Top

Varsity Boys 55 Meter Dash 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Eric 6.94 Lehman Campus
Moore, Dwayne 6.99 Lehman Campus
Alexander, Dylan 7.00h Xavier
Johnson, Justin 7.02 Archbishop Stepinac
Daly, Jack 7.12 Regis
Miraglia, Nick 7.16 Fordham Prep
Manderson, William 7.20h St. Francis Prep
Dove, Elijah 7.20h Xavier
N'Diaye, Marius 7.20h Xavier
Longshore, Rasheen 7.22 Mott Haven
Seidu, Sharef 7.23 South Bronx
Peralta, Memphis 7.25 Regis
Graham, Tyler 7.35 Regis
Harrison, Miles 7.40h Mount St. Michael
DeJesus, Tyler 7.43 Fordham Prep
Castillo, Brandon 7.44 Fordham Prep
Gimballa, Osuman 7.45 South Bronx
Mehler, Patrick 7.47 Fordham Prep
Amadife, Chidera 7.49 Fordham Prep
Baimbridge, Daniel 7.50 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Ge, Shi Yuan 7.50h Xavier
Estrada, Johnny 7.50h Fordham Prep
Tavarez-Vega, Jonathan 7.50h Xavier
Silva, Deven 7.60h Mount St. Michael
Brun, Andres 7.62 Monsignor McClancy
Piparo, Steven 7.67 Fordham Prep
Gerrity, Liam 7.68 JFK Catholic
Rogers, Andrew 7.79 Xavier
Mallory, Jamal 7.80h Archbishop Molloy
Gristina, George 7.84 Fordham Prep
Ordonez, Jean Carlos 7.89 Monsignor McClancy
Torres, Jonathan 7.89 Monsignor McClancy
Sidhu, Ranvir 7.90 Archbishop Molloy
Quigley, John 7.99 Xavier
Trombetta, Michael 8.00 Fordham Prep
Ding, Mark 8.00h Iona Preparatory School
Farquharson, Kaelon 8.04 Mott Haven
Goell, Charles 8.04h Xavier
Neri, Arterio 8.09 Fordham Prep
Anazco, Angel 8.18 South Bronx
Hanson, Tyrique 8.30h Monsignor Scanlan
Reynoso, Bryan 9.00 South Bronx
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Varsity Boys 55 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Seidu, Sharef South Bronx
Smith, Zachary 10.00 Iona Preparatory School
Keshinro, Abdul 10.20 New Rochelle
Mehler, Patrick 8.30 Fordham Prep
Rhea, Janssen 8.38 Fordham Prep
Torres, Jake 8.40 Fordham Prep
Reyes, Jonas 8.80h Fordham Prep
Gristina, George 9.0 Fordham Prep
O'Sullivan, Sean 9.00h Fordham Prep
Acas, Jason 9.30 Archbishop Molloy
Newton, Craig 9.69 Regis
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Varsity Boys 600 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rutledge, Ason 1:28.36 Mount St. Michael
Fennell, Samuel 1:32.62 South Bronx
Providence, Jordan 1:34.80 Monsignor Scanlan
Dutzer, Justin 1:35.00 Mount St. Michael
Gstalder, Charles 1:35.10 Fordham Prep
Clayton, Ancil 1:35.58 Mount St. Michael
Hastings, Ryan 1:36.06 Xavier
Owusu, Prince 1:40.00h Mott Haven
Marquez, Matthew 1:40.00h Mount St. Michael
Cirelli, Aj 1:40.50 Xavier
Muhammad, Waleed 1:40.50 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Martinez, Matthew 1:41.00h Mount St. Michael
Cambiasso, Gregorio 1:42.30 Regis
Lawrence, Eden 1:42.56 Monsignor Scanlan
Cardenas, Jonatan 1:43.5 Mount St. Michael
Sidhu, Ranvir 1:44.00 Archbishop Molloy
Smith, Aidan 1:45.46 Xavier
Polanco, Jared 1:48.58 Monsignor McClancy
Navarro, Julian 1:50.00h Xavier
Prince, Mekhi 1:50.00h Mount St. Michael
Elgue, Nelson 1:50.40 Xavier
Penafiel, Robert 1:53.38 Monsignor McClancy
Ordonez, Jean Carlos 1:56.38 Monsignor McClancy
Gunaratnam, Kughon 1:57.35 LaSalle Academy (NYC)
DeFlorio, Michael 2:06.74 Iona Preparatory School
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Varsity Boys High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hibbert, Nazir 6-0 Archbishop Stepinac
Arellano, Robert 5-8 Fordham Prep
Ramharak, Chavin 5-8 Mount St. Michael
Keshinro, Abdul 5-6 New Rochelle
Griffin, Charlie 5-2 Iona Preparatory School
Wenz, Matthew 5-0 Monsignor McClancy
Nanan, Nicholas 5-0 Monsignor McClancy
Dove, Elijah 5-0 Xavier
Rohrbacher, Nicholas 5-0 Xavier
Post, James 4-10 Regis
Scott, Merritt 4-4 Iona Preparatory School
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Varsity Boys Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Salamone, Joseph 44-1 Fordham Prep
LaBranche, Nicholas 40-11 Archbishop Molloy
Tetteh, Michael 40-5.25 Cardinal Hayes
Walter, Charles 39-4 Monsignor McClancy
Griffin, Will 38-0.5 Iona Preparatory School
Roman, Edgar 37-5 Cardinal Hayes
Begonja, Ivan 37-2.25 St. Francis Prep
James, Gavin 36-9 Cardinal Hayes
Permuy, Joseph 35-2.75 Cardinal Hayes
Galvinhine, Christopher 35-2 St. Francis Prep
Mendez, Kazunari 34-4 Cardinal Hayes
Terry, Gregory 33-6.5 Regis
Destefano, Gabriel 32-0 Lehman Campus
Bartley, John 31-11 Xavier
Torres, Eric 30-8.25 New Rochelle
De Los Santos, Wilkin 29-4 Regis
Cottingham, Brendan 28-11 Xavier
Gonzalez, Elbys 27-9 Regis
Pocius, Prisco 25-11 Xavier
Walls, Tim 25-9 Monsignor McClancy
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Varsity Girls 1600 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ba, Rokhaya South Bronx
Maza, Michelle 16:05.10 St. Barnabas
McCabe, Brigid 5:20.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Cruz, Brianna 5:45.00h St. Agnes
McDade, Paige 6:01.72 Archbishop Molloy
Conly, Caitlin 6:03.70 Ursuline School
Karmazinas, Ilona 6:05.00h Archbishop Molloy
Shanahan, Mya 6:19.00 Ursuline School
Russo, Alexandra 6:20.00 Xaverian
Alfano, Arianna 6:30.00h St. Agnes
Carabajo Tlatoa, Atziry 6:34.10 Forest Hills
Kochanek, Monika 6:34.20 Forest Hills
Rai, Ninamma 6:34.80 Forest Hills
Liu, Yen-Chun 6:45.00h St. Agnes
Patel, Priya 6:46.38 Archbishop Molloy
Palacios Merino, Berenice 6:47.70 Forest Hills
Jerome, Rita 6:50.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Gallagher, Kara 6:59.90 Archbishop Molloy
Luo, Lily 7:10.30 Forest Hills
Derisme, Christelle 7:20.00h Archbishop Molloy
Chan, Kelly 7:33.20 Forest Hills
Mendez, Jazera 8:06.50 Forest Hills
Tsai, Jia Hui 8:06.80 Forest Hills
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Varsity Girls 300 Meter Dash 62 entries

Athlete Seed Team
CHOWDHURY, EASMIN 00:00 South Bronx
Stanger, Isobel 1:00.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Simpson, Divia 1:00.21 St. Agnes
Narine, Nirmala 1:00.49 Archbishop Molloy
Zimmer, Alessandra 1:03.64 Ursuline School
Guaman, Jennifer 1:04.60 Forest Hills
Vargas, Citlally 1:04.87 Forest Hills
Petzolt, Hailey 1:05.00h St. Agnes
Avila, Sharlene 1:06.35 Forest Hills
Zimmer, Isabella 1:07.83 Ursuline School
Gidi, Agatha 1:10.00h St. Agnes
Villafana, Rebecca 1:15.00h St. Agnes
Figueroa, Erica 1:15.00h St. Agnes
John Ogam, Jennifer 46.23 Forest Hills
Koomson, Baaba 46.42 South Bronx
Figetakis, Nina 46.48 Archbishop Molloy
Baldassarre, Sophia 47.34 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Yeung, Shannon 48.07 Ursuline School
Losada, Carla 48.62 Forest Hills
Gaffney, Sophianna 49.07 Ursuline School
Meyers, Allyson 49.48 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Barry, Fanta 49.81 South Bronx
Ivanoski, Laurel 50.16 Ursuline School
Mosaku, Anike 50.30h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Nicolo, Inessa 50.58 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Neysmith, Catherine 50.63 Ursuline School
Thomann, Anna 50.66 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Colon Robles, Maricela 50.70 Mott Haven
Shanks, Maeve 50.80h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Dai, Helen 50.95 Forest Hills
Pellegrino, Victoria 51.30h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Joseph, Destiny 51.50 Lab Museum United
Smith, Kaitlyn 51.70 Monsignor McClancy
Heredia, Leyla 52.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Hartmann, Samantha 52.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Contegiacomo, Gianna 52.40h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Panker, Erin 52.50 JFK Catholic
Bellamy, Jniyah 52.60 Mary Louis Academy
Fermin, Emelyn 52.60 South Bronx
Allen, Nina 53.49 Mary Louis Academy
Makrinos, Irene 54.00h Xaverian
Tulloch, Sienna 54.00h Mary Louis Academy
Rivera, Alanis 54.36 South Bronx
Thompson, Ilene 54.38 South Bronx
Augello, Ariana 55.00h Mary Louis Academy
Abernethy, Mollie 55.00h Mary Louis Academy
Donowski, Rebecca 55.30 Archbishop Molloy
Sonitis, Athina 55.44 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Kolic, Florentina 55.80h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Maynard, Nikayla 55.88 South Bronx
Malloy, Chloe 56.00h Mary Louis Academy
Sibley, Keelin 56.38 Ursuline School
Joseph, Cassandra 57.26 JFK Catholic
Zanotti, Sara 57.29 Ursuline School
Collado, Suzanne 57.50 JFK Catholic
Daughty, Maya 57.50h Ursuline School
Lazo, Natalie 58.81 Forest Hills
Morales, Tatiana 58.83 Ursuline School
Rukaj, Diana 59.00h Archbishop Molloy
Khrimian, Nicole 59.90h Archbishop Molloy
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Varsity Girls 55 Meter Dash 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maynard, Nikayla 00:00 South Bronx
CHOWDHURY, EASMIN 00:00 South Bronx
Simpson, Divia 10.00h St. Agnes
Reese, Julia 10.00h St. Agnes
Zimmer, Isabella 10.02 Ursuline School
Zimmer, Alessandra 10.16 Ursuline School
Ramos, Dimitra 10.18 Christopher Columbus Camp
Colon Robles, Maricela 8.00 Mott Haven
Moultrie, Nicole 8.10h Lehman Campus
Joseph, Destiny 8.11 Lab Museum United
Perrin, Laurah 8.30h Archbishop Molloy
Koomson, Baaba 8.37 South Bronx
Bellamy, Jniyah 8.38 Mary Louis Academy
Yeung, Shannon 8.40 Ursuline School
Caufield, Elizabeth 8.40h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Baldassarre, Sophia 8.45 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Panker, Erin 8.50 JFK Catholic
Meyers, Allyson 8.50h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Thomann, Anna 8.51 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Gaffney, Sophianna 8.66 Ursuline School
Ivanoski, Laurel 8.70h Ursuline School
Kolic, Florentina 8.70h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Tulloch, Sienna 8.77 Mary Louis Academy
Colon, Alyssa 8.81 Lehman Campus
Leach, Shantae 8.90 Christopher Columbus Camp
Daughty, Maya 8.90h Ursuline School
Sikorski, Francesca 8.99 Monsignor McClancy
Smith, Kristen 9.00 Monsignor McClancy
Harrington, Rebecca 9.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Kegel, Olivia 9.00h St. Agnes
Fernante, Erica 9.04 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Khrimian, Nicole 9.10h Archbishop Molloy
Aliendre, Zuri 9.10h Lehman Campus
Zanotti, Sara 9.11 Ursuline School
Barry, Fanta 9.12 South Bronx
Collado, Suzanne 9.22 JFK Catholic
Rivera, Alanis 9.22 South Bronx
Masood, Fizza 9.30h Xaverian
Sosa, Sarah 9.31 St. Agnes
Walker, Rene 9.31 Mary Louis Academy
Donowski, Rebecca 9.36 Archbishop Molloy
Morales, Tatiana 9.40 Ursuline School
Deveikis, Sophia 9.40 Monsignor McClancy
Baker, Jahairah 9.46 Lehman Campus
Zapata, Isabella 9.50 Monsignor McClancy
Narine, Nirmala 9.55 Archbishop Molloy
Rukaj, Diana 9.90h Archbishop Molloy
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Varsity Girls 55 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Neysmith, Catherine 10.66 Ursuline School
Heerey, Megan 10.67 Monsignor McClancy
Lynch, Lauren 10.71 Monsignor McClancy
Caufield, Elizabeth 11.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Flanagan, Kelly 11.10 Ursuline School
Mulligan, Kacee 11.10 Ursuline School
Moultrie, Nicole 11.23 Lehman Campus
Harrington, Rebecca 11.33 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Sibley, Keelin 11.65 Ursuline School
Fernante, Erica 11.70 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Joseph, Cassandra 13.61 JFK Catholic
Lahura, Melanie 9.49 St. Agnes
Giambrone, Gianna 9.70 St. Joseph Hill Academy
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Varsity Girls 600 Meter Run 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Valasiadis, Victoria 1:49.62 Lab Museum United
Giambrone, Gianna 1:50.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Sonitis, Athina 1:54.77 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Jerome, Rita 1:55.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Tristano, Emilie 1:55.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Nicolo, Inessa 1:55.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Conly, Caitlin 1:58.00h Ursuline School
Mosaku, Anike 1:58.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Shanks, Maeve 1:58.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Piccolo, Elizabeth 1:58.71 Mary Louis Academy
Luby, Ailish 1:58.76 Ursuline School
Konstantinou, Rafaela 1:59.30 Forest Hills
Ba, Rokhaya 1:59.33 South Bronx
Frontera, Nicole 1:59.60h Ursuline School
Heredia, Leyla 2:00.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Pellegrino, Victoria 2:00.00h St. Joseph Hill Academy
Leach, Shantae 2:00.00h Christopher Columbus Camp
Lahura, Melanie 2:00.00h St. Agnes
Smith, Kristen 2:00.03 Monsignor McClancy
Fermin, Emelyn 2:00.08 South Bronx
Nyre, Hadley 2:00.30 Ursuline School
Contegiacomo, Gianna 2:05.00 Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Flanagan, Kelly 2:05.12 Ursuline School
Wyche, Gabrielle 2:05.20 Christopher Columbus Camp
Fields, Julia 2:05.50 Forest Hills
Grande, Jacqueline 2:05.62 Forest Hills
Ou, Grace 2:07.73 Forest Hills
Gomez, Daniela 2:10.00h Christopher Columbus Camp
Stanger, Isobel 2:10.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Wone, Caroline 2:13.89 Forest Hills
Mena, Jessica 2:14.35 St. Agnes
Sarabia, Jenni 2:17.75 Forest Hills
Ortiz, Ashely 2:18.01 Forest Hills
Chen, Annie 2:18.60 Forest Hills
Thompson, Ilene 2:19.09 South Bronx
Vasey, Emma 2:20.00h Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Carchi, Silvia 2:20.70 Forest Hills
Aglibot, Bhea 2:21.70 Forest Hills
Ibatullina, Kamila 2:25.40 Forest Hills
Azad, Natalia 2:28.10 Forest Hills
Suarez, Emily 2:30.75 Forest Hills
Maynard, Autumn 2:42.05 Forest Hills
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Varsity Girls High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maloney, Fiona 4-8 Mary Louis Academy
Figetakis, Nina 4-7 Archbishop Molloy
DiTommaso, Olivia 4-6 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Holt, Lindie 4-6 Forest Hills
Tzimorotas, Emma 4-5 Mary Louis Academy
McGonnell, Tara 4-4 Mary Louis Academy
Cregin, Claire 4-4 Ursuline School
Walters, Amber 4-4 Archbishop Molloy
Kegel, Olivia 4-4 St. Agnes
Gousse, Caitlyn 4-2 Mary Louis Academy
DeSantis, Isabella 4-2 Archbishop Molloy
Patrissy, Cara 4-2 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Cruz, Angel 4-0 Christopher Columbus Camp
Augello, Ariana 4-0 Mary Louis Academy
Mulligan, Kacee 3-9 Ursuline School
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Varsity Girls Shot Put 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Heaney, Maureen 33-0 Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Karpowicz, Victoria 30-3 Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Petrasovic, Ashley 28-5.25 Monsignor McClancy
Gillenwater, Cindy 26-8 Ursuline School
Sosa, Sarah 26-6.25 St. Agnes
Koch, Anna 25-6 Lehman Campus
Paolino, Lara 23-2.5 St. Agnes
DiTommaso, Olivia 22-10 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Reese, Julia 21-1.25 St. Agnes
Walker, Rene 21-0 Mary Louis Academy
Patrissy, Cara 20-2 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Pinto, Alexis 20-0 Ursuline School
Robinson, Danielle 20-0 Ursuline School
Braswell, Bettany 20-0 Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Gaynor, Brittanya 19-6.25 Archbishop Molloy
Vitolo, Sophia 19-3 Ursuline School
Gutierrez Hicia, Briffany 18-7 Lehman Campus
Lugo, Gianna 18-5 Archbishop Molloy
Gately, Christy 18-5 Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Colon, Alyssa 16-11.5 Lehman Campus
Hartmann, Samantha 14-11 St. Joseph Hill Academy
Penaranda, Samantha 14-3.5 St. Agnes
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