Ignatian Invitational 2017

New York, NY
Hosted by Fordham Prep

Meet Information

Ignatian Invitational
Sun, December 18th, 2016
Fordham University Lombardi Center
Time: 11:00am 5:30pm
Awards: Medals to Top 5 in all events, Top 10 in Shot Put

To Enter: add this meet to your milesplit team schedule so that your team name appears at right. Then update your roster, print and mail in form below.

IMPORTANT: There are multiple University Basketball Games at the Rose Hill Gym, please enter the Lombardi through the back entrance: walk between football field and Rose Hill gym around to the back entrance. Thanks.

Please note: Long Jump added at end of meet.

BOYS Events (Events may run ahead of schedule)

10:45am Varsity 1600m Run _______ (new event)
11:00am Varsity 1000 Run _______
11:10am Junior Year 1000m Run ______
11:15am Sophomore 1000m Run _______
11:25am Freshman 1000m Run _______
11:35am Varsity 600m Run _______
11:45am Junior Year 600m Run _______
11:50am Sophomore 600m Run _______
11:55pm Freshman 600m Run _______
12:05pm Freshman-Midget 600m Run______ (Freshman under 120 lbs only)
12:10pm Senior year 300m Dash _______
12:20pm Junior year 300m Dash _______
12:30pm Sophomore 300m Dash _______
12:40pm Freshman 300m Dash _______
12:50pm Freshman-Midget 300m Dash ______ (Freshman under 120 lbs only)
12:55pm Varsity 800m Relay _______
1:05pm Sophomore 800m Relay _______
1:15pm Freshman 800m Relay _______
1:25pm Junior Weight 800m Relay _______ (any runners under 130 lbs.)
1:30pm Varsity 55m HH _______
1:40pm Sophomore 55m HH _______
1:50pm Freshman 55m HH _______

GIRLS Events: (may /start/run ahead of schedule)
Varsity 55m High Hurdles ____
2:05pm Soph 55m High Hurdles ____
2:10pm Freshman 55m High Hurdles ____
2:20pm Varsity 1600m Run _____ (new event)
2:30pm Varsity 1000m Run _______
2:40pm Sophomore 1000m Run _______
2:45pm Freshman 1000m Run ________
2:50pm Varsity 600m Run _______
2:55pm Sophomore 600m Run _______
3:00pm Freshman 600m Run _______
3:05pm Varsity 300m Dash _______
3:10pm Sophomore 300m Dash ______
3:15pm Freshman 300m Dash _______
3:25pm Varsity 800m Relay _______
3:30pm Sophomore 800m Relay _______
3:35pm Freshman 800m Relay _____

Field Events
11:00am Boys Freshman Shot Put ____
12:00pm BOYS Soph Shot Put ____
1:00pm Boys Junior Year Shot Put
1:45pm Boys Varsity Shot Put ____
11:00am BOYS Freshman High Jump _______
12:00pm BOYS Sophomore High Jump _______
1:00pm BOYS Varsity High Jump _______

2:30pm Girls Freshman Shot Put ____
3:00pm Girls Varsity Shot Put ____
2:00pm GIRLS Freshman High Jump _______
2:00pm GIRLS Varsity High Jump _______

New in 2015!

3:30pm Boys Long Jump ______
4:30pm Girls Long Jump ______

Team______________________________ Coach_________________________________

Coach Email_______________________________Coach Cell________________________

____ # of Individuals x $5.00 = ___________
____ # of Relays x $20.00 = ___________
Blanket: $350______ Total Entry = ___________
Looking forward to seeing you on the 18th!

Make check payable to: Fordham Prep Spiked Shoe Club
Mail entry to: George Febles
3207 Rawlins Ave.
Bronx, NY 10465
Attn: Ignatian

* Entries and Rosters due: Fri Dec. 16 (simply update your indoor roster at http://ny.milesplit.com/teams )

* Be sure to follow http://www.twitter.com/chsaatrack (and set for texting to cell phone) to get any weather-related updates

* Individual seeding: no cards needed, just send runners with realistic seed time in mind

* Relay seeding: index card with team (A,B, etc. and runners names in order)

* Pick up stickers at check-in table and have each athlete wear stickers

* Medals to top 6 in each event. Pick up medals at check in table when results are posted

* results will be posted at http://ny.milesplit.com

* NO SPIKES ALLOWED - new track at the Lombardi Center -- NO SPIKES

* 2 Event maximum per athlete - No athletes on wooden basketball floor

* All Shot Put Events: 3 throws, no finals. - No pre-flight warm-ups, only pre-event warm-ups.

* Throwers must help retrieve shots if asked. Those who refuse will be disqualified.