Athlete Entries

Boys Roster Collection 779 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Figueroa, Ethrick St. John's Prep
Illuzzi, Michael St. Joseph by the Sea
Beckford, Adam Regis
DeCaterina, Christopher Monsignor McClancy
Baronci, David Chaminade
Mathieu, Miles Xavier
O'Grady, Jack Xavier
Forte, John St. Francis Prep
Darlington, Vishal St. Edmund Prep
Galante, Christopher Saint Anthony's
Langan, John Fordham Prep
Lessing, Maxwell Chaminade
Wuestenhoefer, Gabriel Fordham Prep
Ganatra, Akshay Xavier
Garcia, Jose Xavier
Harrington, Pat Monsignor Farrell
Rosebrock, Ryan Saint Anthony's
Maresca, Thomas Monsignor Farrell
Kelly, Ayden Chaminade
Shea, Griffin Fordham Prep
Giron, Andrew Holy Trinity
Flynn, Matthew Archbishop Stepinac
Nelson, Patrick Kellenberg Memorial
Baumbach, Alexander Saint Anthony's
Paletta, Gianluca Chaminade
Mauro, Nicholas Chaminade
Sileo, Benjamin Fordham Prep
Barnes, James Xavier
Belford, Matthew Xavier
Mick, Ben Monsignor Farrell
Lang, George Saint Anthony's
Bennett, Jaheim LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Doyle, Jameson Chaminade
Scholl, Spencer Fordham Prep
Renneisen, Alexander Holy Trinity
Hampton, Dillon Archbishop Stepinac
Howe, William Kellenberg Memorial
Augello, Joseph St. Joseph by the Sea
Corrigan, Patrick Regis
Pac, Sebastian Monsignor McClancy
Kaufmann, Michael Chaminade
Rathore, Neel Xavier
Ortiz, Jace Xavier
Madariaga, Andy St. Francis Prep
Ramos, Manuel Mount St. Michael
Perri, Christopher St. Edmund Prep
Badolato, Nicholas Kellenberg Memorial
Feramisco, Richard St. Peter's
Villa, Anthony Regis
Pastore, Cole St. John the Baptist
Brodsky, Matthew St. Joseph by the Sea
Noonan, Daniel Regis
Burns, Patrick Chaminade
Chambers, Elijah Xavier
LaBianca, Jason Xavier
Roberson, Jaden Mount St. Michael
Jorgensen, Jack Chaminade
Condon, James Chaminade
Nikci, Luke Fordham Prep
Cropper, Ladd Xavier
Penrose, Alex Xavier
Burnett, Konrad Archbishop Stepinac
Espinoza, Lucas Monsignor Farrell
Puetz, Jack Saint Anthony's
Mantilla, Joseph LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Soric, Alexander Chaminade
Kiely, Ryan Fordham Prep
Castillo, Sebastian Archbishop Molloy
Perrone, Alex Chaminade
Nitz, Gobi Xavier
Pelkowski, Victor Xavier
Britton, Matthew Monsignor Farrell
Smith, Kieran Chaminade
Dobson, Quasie Cardinal Hayes
Duffy, Michael Fordham Prep
Nicolas, Cameron Xavier
Kendall, Matthew Xavier
Stratman, Peter JFK Catholic
Shuker, Benjamin Archbishop Stepinac
Splan, Owen Monsignor Farrell
Berg, Joshua Saint Anthony's
Mastronardi, Alessandro Kellenberg Memorial
Diaz, Lucas Chaminade
Carbone, Michael Fordham Prep
Fudge, Jacob Holy Cross
Cheung, Anson Archbishop Molloy
Shen, Evan St. John's Prep
Bello, Michael St. Peter's
Joseph, Ethan Regis
Healy, John St. John the Baptist
Grum, Lukasz St. Joseph by the Sea
Oliver, Marton St. Edmund Prep
Foster, Nick Monsignor Farrell
Strang, Joseph "Luke" Saint Anthony's
Vanderberg, Thomas Kellenberg Memorial
Paulino, Tristan Chaminade
Longridge, Alexander Fordham Prep
Stuart, Hunter Holy Cross
Xuereb, John Archbishop Molloy
Chumpitaz, Jason St. John's Prep
Sclafani, Michael St. Joseph by the Sea
Conway, Griffin Regis
Rizzo, Michael Monsignor McClancy
McWilliams, Kieran Chaminade
Rosario, Hanley Xavier
Nuñez, Nicolas St. Francis Prep
Kyle, Emmanuel St. Edmund Prep
Caniano, Hagen Saint Anthony's
Anand, Jai Fordham Prep
Loggie, Sean Chaminade
Patin, Andre Xavier
Castillo, Reed Xavier
Monge, Nehemiah Bishop Loughlin
Lynch, Brian Monsignor Farrell
Galletta, Peter Monsignor Farrell
Matos, Michael Chaminade
Ntuk, Simon Bishop Loughlin
Benitez, William Fordham Prep
Eisenberg, Fillmon Xavier
Obrien, William Archbishop Stepinac
Quinn, Matthew Chaminade
Singh, Kabir Xavier
DeMeo, Lennox Xavier
Jones, Thaddeus St. Francis Prep
McGinnis, Gavin St. Edmund Prep
Ciaccio, James Saint Anthony's
Odume, Chidi Fordham Prep
St. Juste, Cruz Chaminade
Varenne, Luke Fordham Prep
Duncan, Christian Xavier
Chiafulio, Matteo Xavier
O'Connell, Liam Monsignor Farrell
Griffith, Luke Saint Anthony's
Agumbi, Assante LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Gustavson, Martin Chaminade
Guapi, Nathan Fordham Prep
Barro, Daren Holy Trinity
Barletta, Jayden Archbishop Stepinac
Lazo, Colby Kellenberg Memorial
Pizarro, Max Sacred Heart (Yonkers)
Giacchi, Michael St. Joseph by the Sea
Woodard, Rowan Regis
Martini, Elio Monsignor McClancy
Venditti, Matthew Monsignor Farrell
Napolitano, Antonio Saint Anthony's
Guzman, Jaylen LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Cleere, Liam Chaminade
Rasimas, Lucas Fordham Prep
Kozlowski, Kameron Holy Trinity
Spellman, Zaire Archbishop Stepinac
Gornstein, Michael Kellenberg Memorial
Gannon, Sean St. Peter's
Palumbo, Nick St. Joseph by the Sea
McClure, Aidan Regis
Deck, Christopher Monsignor McClancy
DeRocchis, Liam Chaminade
Kasprzcki-Rosikon, Francis Xavier
Lopez, Tristan Xavier
Forte, Matthew St. Francis Prep
Brown, Julius Mount St. Michael
Broomfield, Nathaniel St. Edmund Prep
Varghes, Jacob Chaminade
Guiheen, Brian Chaminade
Rizzo, Joshua Fordham Prep
Murphy, Sean Xavier
Rolland-Caillat, Tristan Xavier
Del Duca, Mateo St. John the Baptist
Garofano, Christian St. Joseph by the Sea
Bannon, Brian Regis
Benanti, Luke Chaminade
Maluga, Richard Xavier
Roddy, Brendan Xavier
Quinn, Patrick Monsignor Farrell
Cronin, John Chaminade
Collins, Aidan Chaminade
Guzman, Sebastian Fordham Prep
Thomas, Avery Xavier
Marino, James Xavier
Gentilucci, Gabriel JFK Catholic
Rooney, Luke Archbishop Stepinac
Calabrese, Joseph Monsignor Farrell
Lavelle, Adam Saint Anthony's
Power, Emmanuel LaSalle Academy (NYC)
McDuffy, Nicholas Chaminade
Fahy, Austin Fordham Prep
Pena, Eric Archbishop Molloy
Eisenhardt, James St. Peter's
Oh, Jacob Regis
Martinez, Jim Monsignor Farrell
Boni, Aiden Monsignor Farrell
Pelan, Aidan Chaminade
Challender, Caleb Bishop Loughlin
Chrostowski, Jonathan Fordham Prep
Blankenbuehler, Luca Xavier
Hoffman, Jasper Xavier
Gorman, James JFK Catholic
Zarra, Jerry Archbishop Stepinac
Rieb, Robert Monsignor Farrell
Anglum, Joseph Saint Anthony's
Hernandez, Ryan Kellenberg Memorial
Capoziello, William Chaminade
Spellman, Thomas Fordham Prep
Vaccaro, Gianluca Holy Cross
Recio, Landon Archbishop Molloy
Shea, Zachary St. John's Prep
Mariano, Christian St. Joseph by the Sea
Fitzpatrick, Kieran Regis
Taylor, Christian Chaminade
Ciucur, Edgar Xavier
Ward, Eugene St. Francis Prep
John, Beck St. Edmund Prep
Johnston, Gavin Saint Anthony's
Cathcart, Cole Fordham Prep
Martinez, Isaac Chaminade
Daniels, Josiah Holy Cross
Tully, Jack Xavier
Hammer, John Xavier
Romeo, Caiden Bishop Loughlin
Elsawwah, Yassin St. John's Prep
Keenan, Matthew St. Joseph by the Sea
Caille, Alexandre Regis
Deck, Anthony Monsignor McClancy
Canty, Michael Chaminade
Sanchez, Emmanuel Xavier
Lanzarone, Maximilian Xavier
Belczynski, Luke St. Francis Prep
Rodriguez, Michael St. Edmund Prep
Green, Maxwell Saint Anthony's
O'Hara, Declan Fordham Prep
Stack, Lachlan Chaminade
Zottner, Jadi Fordham Prep
Gordon, Matthew Xavier
Beeby, Soren Xavier
Caruana, Mike Monsignor Farrell
Garvey, Sam Saint Anthony's
DeVito, Ronnie Monsignor Farrell
Kofod, Christofer Chaminade
Young, Branden Fordham Prep
Grauso, Dominic Holy Trinity
Michelini, Cole Archbishop Stepinac
Lorentz, Viktor Kellenberg Memorial
Drakoulias, George St. Francis Prep
Mathura, Gavindra Mount St. Michael
Salas, Angel St. Edmund Prep
Curley, Liam Saint Anthony's
Sevak, Kadin Fordham Prep
O'Sullivan, Theodore Chaminade
Srinivas, Maya Fordham Prep
Cardona, Ayden Xavier
Jimenez, Peter Xavier
Gonzalez, Michael Monsignor Farrell
Smuth, Harrison Saint Anthony's
Gore, Gervais LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Duffy, William Chaminade
Warra, Lorenzo Fordham Prep
Hall, Joshua Holy Trinity
Ramharak, Sachin Archbishop Stepinac
Peek, Cameron Kellenberg Memorial
Aveneso, Mason St. Joseph by the Sea
Klimczak, Andrew Regis
Quintero, Matthew Monsignor McClancy
Lazo, Luke Chaminade
Sanders Jr., Equon Xavier
Cross, Bobby Xavier
Breen, Thomas Archbishop Stepinac
Marsanico, Colin Kellenberg Memorial
Cruz-Gomez, Edward St. Peter's
Tamang, Aiden Regis
Gillen, Peter St. John the Baptist
Pira, Michael St. Joseph by the Sea
Giordano, Thomas Regis
Victorio-Gallardo, Guillermo Monsignor McClancy
Cardarelli, Nicholas Chaminade
Cullmann, Rory Xavier
Torraca, John Xavier
Colon, Adrian St. Francis Prep
Roddy, Andrew Mount St. Michael
Schilling, Michael Chaminade
DiMinico, Eamon Chaminade
O’Leary, John-Paul Fordham Prep
Hegde, Kieran Xavier
Rajapakse, Senal Xavier
Mahoney, Enda Archbishop Stepinac
Herrera, John Monsignor Farrell
Rodriguez, Adam Saint Anthony's
Kennedy, Theodore LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Torres, Benjamin Chaminade
Lacoudre, Pierre-Elie Fordham Prep
Braithwaite, Rohan Hunter Chaminade
Macia, Tyler Xavier
Piazza, Justin Xavier
Fructman, Jack Monsignor Farrell
Stiehl, James Chaminade
LaMaina, Jack Chaminade
Fitzgerald, Patrick Fordham Prep
Opalka, Logan Xavier
Leggett, Leo Xavier
Frey, Jacob JFK Catholic
Maldonado, Fred Archbishop Stepinac
Brown, Jake Monsignor Farrell
Gloria, Matthew Saint Anthony's
Roach, Darrius Kellenberg Memorial
Duffy, James Chaminade
Cheatham, Henry Fordham Prep
Kartsonis, Dimitri Holy Cross
Del Toro Devia, Daniel Archbishop Molloy
Parianos, Harry St. John's Prep
Campbell, Caleb St. Peter's
McBride, Owen Regis
Reinhold, James St. John the Baptist
Mariano, Santino St. Joseph by the Sea
STEPHENS, Hunter Archbishop Stepinac
Athanasios, Papaspyrou St. Edmund Prep
Moore, Thomas Monsignor Farrell
Wilson, Brody Saint Anthony's
Bice, Cormick Kellenberg Memorial
Weaver, Blake Chaminade
Montilla, Manny Fordham Prep
Kassimis, Foti Holy Cross
Ryan, Garrett Archbishop Molloy
Russo, Derek St. John's Prep
Trudeau, Brendan St. Joseph by the Sea
Driscoll, Declan Regis
Sassi, Ryan Monsignor McClancy
Pizzardi, James Chaminade
Hutkoff, Declan Xavier
Sanchez, Daniel St. Francis Prep
Fakeye, Joshua St. Edmund Prep
Guber, Zachary Saint Anthony's
Calligaris, Ronald Fordham Prep
Rekus, Joseph Chaminade
Peterson, Travis Xavier
Castro, Mason Xavier
Henry Jr, Roman Bishop Loughlin
DeVito, Vincent Monsignor Farrell
Madigan, Patrick Monsignor Farrell
McLaughlin, Liam Chaminade
Joseph, Justin Bishop Loughlin
Canario, Alexander Fordham Prep
Fales, Henry Xavier
Rao, Matthew Chaminade
Ramos Carpio, Mauricio Xavier
Amin, Shaan Xavier
Pantaleo, Lorenzo St. Francis Prep
Lala, Andrew St. Edmund Prep
Sorrentino, Vincent Saint Anthony's
Rivera, Jason Fordham Prep
Taylor, Andrew Chaminade
Verlezza, John Francis Fordham Prep
Falcon, Jayden Xavier
Andujar, Carmine Xavier
Hertzler, Leeland Monsignor Farrell
Cereste, Nick Saint Anthony's
Naraza - Reyes, Jayden LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Harwood, Benjamin Chaminade
Sillah, Saibou Fordham Prep
Boston-Hill, Keith Holy Trinity
Chu, Brandon Archbishop Stepinac
Stemberger, Aidan Kellenberg Memorial
Lah, Mohamad St. John's Prep
Gough, Ryan St. Joseph by the Sea
Spruiell, Jack Regis
Gawelko, Max Monsignor McClancy
Woods, James Monsignor Farrell
Leo, Brody Saint Anthony's
Almonte, Jayden LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Cook, Gevin Chaminade
Rivera, Luca Fordham Prep
Flores, Sebastian Holy Trinity
Saenz, Halen Archbishop Stepinac
Steimer, Daniel Kellenberg Memorial
Reonegro, Nicholas St. Peter's
Sarnicola, Jason St. Joseph by the Sea
Bulter, Colin Regis
Rosado, Tristan Monsignor McClancy
Dunphy, John Chaminade
Moeller, Harrison Xavier
Demogenes, Diego Xavier
Singh, Amanveer St. Francis Prep
Qyumiyi, Adetoyese Mount St. Michael
Joseph, Jason St. Edmund Prep
Wilder, Eric Chaminade
Kasschau, Henry Chaminade
Rooney, James Fordham Prep
Sternberg, Kevin Xavier
Won, Julian Xavier
Theisen, Brendan St. John the Baptist
Brown, Jason St. Joseph by the Sea
Klimczak, Ethan Regis
Brancaccio, Andrew Chaminade
Alvarez, Arturo Xavier
West, Luke Xavier
Anzurez, Joaquin Monsignor Farrell
Fleming, Colin Chaminade
Bruendl, John Chaminade
Leone, Christian Fordham Prep
Uruchima, Danny Xavier
Morgan, Carter Xavier
Turner, John JFK Catholic
McKenna, Vincent Archbishop Stepinac
Casale, Nicholas Monsignor Farrell
Lessing, Edward Saint Anthony's
Chan, Joe LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Schmitt, James Chaminade
Gilardi, Lucas Fordham Prep
Roca, Joshua Archbishop Molloy
Silver, Brendan St. Peter's
Pacella, William Regis
O'Brien, Declan Xavier
Kern, Hudson Xavier
Cruz, Xavier Bishop Loughlin
Cordero, Javier Monsignor Farrell
Barlotta, Chris Monsignor Farrell
Santana, Alejandro Chaminade
Jefferson, Paul Bishop Loughlin
Delos Santos, John Matthew Fordham Prep
Brown, D'Angelo Xavier
Hom, Brady Xavier
Traynor, Aidan JFK Catholic
Raneri, Andrew Archbishop Stepinac
DeVito, Nicholas Monsignor Farrell
Kalinowski, Liam Saint Anthony's
Hopkins, Aidan Kellenberg Memorial
Chatterton, Henry Chaminade
Garvey, Sean Archbishop Molloy
DeMelo, Brandon Fordham Prep
Capasso, Anthony Holy Cross
Chan, Austin Archbishop Molloy
Ashkenazi, Atticus St. John's Prep
Karlowich, Marius St. Peter's
Forte, Antonio Regis
Broegg, Jack Chaminade
Bennett, Colin St. Joseph by the Sea
Cuellar-Doran, Jake Xavier
Corona, Carmine St. Edmund Prep
Rodriguez, Daniel Saint Anthony's
Howley, Colin Fordham Prep
Braithwaite, Rohan Chaminade
Tomao, Joseph Holy Cross
Poma, Connor St. John's Prep
Pira, Vincent St. Joseph by the Sea
Camas, Brian Regis
Fennelly, Kieran Monsignor McClancy
Chaffee, Timothy Chaminade
Lin, Lucas Xavier
Gerasoulis, Perseus St. Francis Prep
Livingston, Mark-Lee St. Edmund Prep
Baldwin, Timothy Saint Anthony's
Chen, Ethan Fordham Prep
Collins, Liam Chaminade
Kelley, Teddy Xavier
Bocchino, Giovanni Xavier
Simon, Matthew Bishop Loughlin
Saccenti, John Monsignor Farrell
Fitzgibbon, Luke Saint Anthony's
LaCroce, Robert Monsignor Farrell
Louis, Justin Chaminade
Thomches, Adam Fordham Prep
Lee, Patrick Holy Trinity
Mistal, Gabriel Archbishop Stepinac
Paggi, Zach Kellenberg Memorial
Scalere, Gavin Xavier
Tait, Theo Xavier
Ochoa, Kyle St. Francis Prep
Benavides, Adam Mount St. Michael
Sollecito, Aidan St. Edmund Prep
Macpherson, Regan Saint Anthony's
moran, charles Fordham Prep
Prince, Finley Chaminade
Taylor, Christopher Fordham Prep
Cocozzelli, Pompeo Xavier
O'Malley, Kieran Xavier
Kiselev, Oscar Monsignor Farrell
Bridges, Logan Saint Anthony's
Hunt, Jadon LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Flatley, Quinn Chaminade
Daiga, Gustavs Fordham Prep
Hanomanjie, Devin Holy Trinity
Agee, Elden Archbishop Stepinac
Barkirdjian, Sarkis Kellenberg Memorial
DeMarco, Thomas St. Joseph by the Sea
Lee, Benjamin Regis
Ruiz, Jayden Monsignor McClancy
McElhone, Matthew Chaminade
Marcell, Dylan Fordham Prep
Chin, Jordan Archbishop Stepinac
Smith, Ethan Kellenberg Memorial
Goldstein, Matthew St. Peter's
Wyman, Thomas Regis
Thankachan, Brad St. John the Baptist
Cristino, Marco St. Joseph by the Sea
Giordano, Andrew Regis
Guerrero, Nicholas Monsignor McClancy
Cheeseman, Warren Chaminade
Dolan, Tommy Xavier
Perea, Alex Xavier
Oztemel, Kyle St. Francis Prep
Campbell, Dylan Mount St. Michael
Silk, Tarkin Chaminade
Dircks, Luke Chaminade
Owen, Thomas Fordham Prep
Wong, Hau Son Xavier
Reilly, Liam Xavier
Wills, Shaamar Archbishop Stepinac
Iacona, Christopher Monsignor Farrell
Caroddo, Nicholas Saint Anthony's
Cerda, Jose LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Binnie, Sterling Chaminade
Donovan, Joseph St. John the Baptist
Pisapia, DJ St. Joseph by the Sea
Stappenbeck, James Regis
Bounds, Alex Chaminade
Leung, Lucas Xavier
Purdie, Amari Xavier
Rieb, Ryan Monsignor Farrell
Ceriello, Christopher Chaminade
Rafferty, Nolan Chaminade
Goett, Colin Fordham Prep
Pavlakos, George Raphael Xavier
Macom, Dilan Xavier
Kessler, Zachary JFK Catholic
Palmer, Jude Archbishop Stepinac
Walek, Allan Monsignor Farrell
Lanigan, Liam Saint Anthony's
Belizaire, Benedict LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Dutta, Dhruv Chaminade
Costa, Ravi Fordham Prep
Cortese, anthony Holy Cross
Del Grosso, Sean Archbishop Molloy
Medina, Julian St. John's Prep
Carrano, Matthew St. Peter's
Minson, Edward Regis
Chamberlain, Ryan Fordham Prep
Basso, Nicolas Xavier
Fascianella, Joseph Xavier
O'SULLIVAN, Timothy Archbishop Stepinac
Mikey, Viola St. Edmund Prep
Brewer, Chris Monsignor Farrell
Castillo, Justin Saint Anthony's
Diegnan, Alexander Kellenberg Memorial
Reres, Christian Chaminade
Pinter, Michael Fordham Prep
Panagiopoulos, Lambros Holy Cross
Ally, Amir Archbishop Molloy
Ruiz, Max St. John's Prep
Yulfo, Santino St. Joseph by the Sea
Duggal, Roshan Regis
Ruhs, Douglas Chaminade
Ante, Michael Xavier
Sweeney, Arthur St. Francis Prep
Howie, Conor St. Edmund Prep
Gunsel, Aidan Saint Anthony's
McGrath, Brendan Fordham Prep
Viggiano, Andrew Chaminade
Ryland, Sam Xavier
Chmurski, Christian Xavier
Pauyo, Kingston Bishop Loughlin
Gajewski, Eric Monsignor Farrell
Borgognone, Francesco Monsignor Farrell
Murcott, Connor Chaminade
Liles, Alijah Bishop Loughlin
Defendini, Dean St. John's Prep
Herrara, James St. Joseph by the Sea
Barker, Joseph Regis
Rey, Samuel Monsignor McClancy
Wolf, Kenneth Chaminade
Laquercia, Shane Xavier
Todadze, Tengo Xavier
Paniccia, Eddie St. Francis Prep
Birchfield, Dylan St. Edmund Prep
Vahey, Jack Saint Anthony's
Kramer-Griffith, Gabriel Fordham Prep
Wingert, Liam Chaminade
Walsh, Colin Fordham Prep
Fernandez, Asher Xavier
Dufailly, Valentin Xavier
Micciolo, Josh Monsignor Farrell
Kennedy, Ryan Saint Anthony's
Kake, Daouda LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Hoffman, Brody Chaminade
Ramirez, Bryan Fordham Prep
Carrello, Luca Holy Trinity
Cabanillas, Diego Archbishop Stepinac
Hanley, Owen Kellenberg Memorial
Scocozza, Vincent Fordham Prep
Bane, Joseph Xavier
Biviano, Matthew Xavier
Volpe, Thomas Monsignor Farrell
Rodriguez, Frankie Saint Anthony's
Flowers, Marcus LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Covelli, Christopher Chaminade
Ruiz, Dereck Fordham Prep
Dean, Carter Holy Trinity
Berrios, Jaiden Archbishop Stepinac
Meenan, Daniel Kellenberg Memorial
Mollah, Adam St. Joseph by the Sea
Chrostowski, Adam Regis
Lenzo-Carroll, Lucio Monsignor McClancy
Flohr, Francis Chaminade
Pope, Ossian Xavier
Murphey, Declan Xavier
Norris, Luke St. Francis Prep
Flanigan, Aaron Mount St. Michael
Costantino, Daniel St. Edmund Prep
Zeppie, Christopher Chaminade
Kierez, Lucas Chaminade
Tierney, Timothy St. Peter's
Pichardo, Xavier Regis
Valente, Ryder St. John the Baptist
Walz, Jonathan St. Joseph by the Sea
Cartano, Adam Regis
Curran, Riley Chaminade
Young, John Xavier
Martinez, Matthew Xavier
Anzurez, Leonidas Monsignor Farrell
Gardner, Luke Chaminade
Clarke, Masato Chaminade
Lima-Corcoran, Lucas Fordham Prep
Woodruff, Seamus Xavier
Nicotra, Jake Xavier
Lombardi, Andrew JFK Catholic
Finley, William Archbishop Stepinac
Cohen, Tyler Monsignor Farrell
Miller, Adam Saint Anthony's
Calderon, Yasser LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Sombrotto, Stevyn Chaminade
Kaplan, Alex Fordham Prep
Collins, Matthias Archbishop Molloy
Riccio, Christian Holy Cross
Sebastian, Matthew Xavier
O'Mara, Patrick Xavier
Darrch, Jai Bishop Loughlin
Curich, Michael Monsignor Farrell
Maresca, Mike Monsignor Farrell
Santana, Michael Chaminade
Anderson, Bryson Cardinal Hayes
Dinham, Chase Fordham Prep
Gill, Aaron Xavier
Jackson, Liam Xavier
Roche, James JFK Catholic
Ramirez, Andy Archbishop Stepinac
Villamagna, Nicholas Monsignor Farrell
Aitken, Quinn Saint Anthony's
Lack, James Kellenberg Memorial
Collins, Jake Chaminade
Barker, Thomas Archbishop Molloy
Ventura, Alexangel Fordham Prep
Scullin, Shane Holy Cross
Reiss, Jonathon Archbishop Molloy
McKenna, Dillon St. John's Prep
Zboinski, Matthew St. Peter's
Granshaw, James Regis
Jendras, Ryan Chaminade
DeVito, Russell St. John the Baptist
Doskocil, Cody St. Joseph by the Sea
Earls, Patrick Xavier
Carona, Devin St. Edmund Prep
Rodriguez, Erick Saint Anthony's
Khan, Sameer Fordham Prep
Boyd, Kevin Chaminade
Muir, Declan St. John's Prep
Ramos, Luke St. Joseph by the Sea
Cassidy, Patrick Regis
Gonzalez, Zavier Monsignor McClancy
Ciaffone, Richard Chaminade
Kodra, Michael Xavier
Lawrence, Nicholas St. Francis Prep
Sobolow, Christopher St. Edmund Prep
Caiazza, Anthony Saint Anthony's
Canale, John Fordham Prep
Hilton, Daniel Chaminade
Mulligan, Jackson Xavier
Camma, Jack Xavier
Softley, Deronne Bishop Loughlin
Buckley, Pat Monsignor Farrell
Lincoln, Dan Monsignor Farrell
MacDonald, Gavin Chaminade
Swenson, Joshua Fordham Prep
Sanders, Dylan Holy Trinity
Moriarty, Bradyn Archbishop Stepinac
Gallagher, Thomas Kellenberg Memorial
Sereda, Adrian Xavier
Gradassi, Luca Xavier
Corrao, Frank St. Francis Prep
Cepeda, Aaron Mount St. Michael
Montgomery, Jeremy St. Edmund Prep
Weiner, Justin Saint Anthony's
McCormack, Matthew Fordham Prep
Santiago, Tristan Chaminade
Toomey, Charlie Fordham Prep
Dirks, Benjamin Xavier
Devlin, Archibald Xavier
Adamkiewicz, Peter Monsignor Farrell
Heruska, Louis Saint Anthony's
Kubsch, Jaime LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Going, Ryan Chaminade
Torres, Luis Fordham Prep
Anaya-Pichardo, Noah Holy Trinity
Bailie, Daniel Archbishop Stepinac
Doyle, Evan Kellenberg Memorial
DeJesus, Ethan Sacred Heart (Yonkers)
Garisto, Nicholas St. Joseph by the Sea
Mecane, Thomas Regis
Nieves, Jordan Monsignor McClancy
McEneaney, Aiden Chaminade
Clarke, Kazuma Chaminade
Pinter, Matthew Fordham Prep
Butler, Declan Archbishop Stepinac
Ajenishe, Amir Kellenberg Memorial
McGinley, Dylan St. Peter's
Austin, Kieran Regis
Filocomo, Anthony St. Joseph by the Sea
LaMons, Brian Regis
Diaz, Jon-Marcus Monsignor McClancy
Cook, Brayden Chaminade
Garcia, Mason Xavier
Littlewood, Daniel Xavier
Calderon, Mosiah St. Francis Prep
Monegro, Steven Mount St. Michael
Breslin, Matthew St. Edmund Prep
Trupia, Joseph Chaminade
Egan, Daniel Chaminade
Radin, Cooper Fordham Prep
Teiling, Axel Xavier
Rodrigues, Nathan Xavier
LaBella, Vincent Monsignor Farrell
Carriero, Luca Saint Anthony's
Carvalho, Hilton LaSalle Academy (NYC)
McCreery, Thomas St. John the Baptist
Imparato, Robert St. Joseph by the Sea
Pizzulli, Thomas Regis
Urquiola, Aidan Chaminade
Tai, Gabriel Xavier
Suaco, Janison Xavier
Lombardi, Robert Monsignor Farrell
Conte, Benjamin Chaminade
Sack, Eamon Chaminade
Groepler, Paul Fordham Prep
Schafer, Max Xavier
Mantel, Luke Xavier
Connelly, Paul JFK Catholic
Goldman, Lucas Archbishop Stepinac
Alleva, Edwin Monsignor Farrell
Laurinavicius, Jack Saint Anthony's
Nieves, Jaydon LaSalle Academy (NYC)
Kovios, Christopher Chaminade
Diehl, Miles Fordham Prep
Romero, Santiago Holy Cross
Mulhall, Michael Archbishop Molloy
Corson, Dennis St. Peter's
Moran, Logan Regis
O'Hara, James Chaminade
Kerr, Kevin Bishop Loughlin
Chang, Jake Fordham Prep
Baynes, Reid Xavier
Hansen, Lucas Xavier
Riverso, Joseph Archbishop Stepinac
LaBarbera, Jeremiah Monsignor Farrell
Engelmann, Michael Saint Anthony's
Grimpel, Matthew Kellenberg Memorial
Sheehan, Jack Chaminade
Reyes, Paxton Fordham Prep
Anderson, Peter Holy Cross
Mompoint, Dylan Archbishop Molloy
Assas, Wasseem St. John's Prep
Zucconi, Joshua St. Joseph by the Sea
Fedyna, Mark Regis
Wagner, Nolan Chaminade
Bruno, Joseph Xavier
Victorio, Aiden St. Francis Prep
Strausberg, Daniel St. Edmund Prep
Hickerson, John Saint Anthony's
Bustamante, Christopher Fordham Prep
Butler, Jack Chaminade
Sugrue, Timothy Xavier
Ericson, Ryan Xavier
Morris, Austin Bishop Loughlin
Berntsen, Ryan Monsignor Farrell
Sultan, Umer Monsignor Farrell
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Girls Roster Collection 423 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Perez, Chloe Fontbonne Hall
King, Angela Notre Dame Academy
Wenerski, Mariella Kellenberg Memorial
Marsh, Makaylah Bishop Loughlin
Bryant, Alanna St. Francis Prep
Szczesny, Veronica Saint Anthony's
Gigliotti, Adriana St. Joseph by the Sea
Kelly, Ava Ursuline School
Olsen, Annalise Saint Anthony's
Gorman, Emily Archbishop Molloy
Jaffres Bell, Charlotte Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Kane, Cecilia Kellenberg Memorial
Smith, Najea Bishop Loughlin
Woods, Maya St. Francis Prep
Crispo, Alessia Saint Anthony's
Comello, Adrianna St. Joseph by the Sea
Mitchell, Lily Ursuline School
Gilsenan, Jayden Sacred Heart (Yonkers)
Devaney, Riley Archbishop Molloy
Brady, Lily Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Ching, Kaitlynn St. John's Prep
McKinney, Adrianna Fontbonne Hall
Longo, Melanie St. Joseph by the Sea
Locurto, Juliette Archbishop Molloy
Giancaspro, Gabriella Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Ucinek, Weronika Monsignor McClancy
Harper, Rylyn Mary Louis Academy
Etienne, Madison St. Francis Prep
Kylie, Poulard St. Edmund Prep
Gunsel, Abigail Saint Anthony's
Pulis, Shannon Kellenberg Memorial
Terry, Adriana St. Francis Prep
Anthony, Leah Saint Anthony's
Diaz, Madison Holy Trinity
Poletti, Liliana St. Francis Prep
Couloute, Carlo St. Edmund Prep
Sudentas, Sophia Saint Anthony's
Timmons, Alani St. Francis Prep
Zivan, Eliza Saint Anthony's
Poulos, Christina Kellenberg Memorial
Dolengewicz, Alba Archbishop Molloy
McElroy, Sophie Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Piscopo, Ava Notre Dame Academy
Golec, Julia Monsignor McClancy
Muller, Valerie Mary Louis Academy
Cameron, Kiera P Saint Anthony's
LaMorte, Giulia St. Joseph by the Sea
Fairweather, Scarlett Ursuline School
Devery, Isabella Saint Anthony's
Gavin, Ella Archbishop Molloy
Solomon, Bella Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Groarke, Alexa Kellenberg Memorial
Kantor, Emma Fontbonne Hall
Chan, Abigail St. John the Baptist
Sadelski, Ella St. Joseph by the Sea
Ritchie, Brianna Notre Dame Academy
Cruz, Sofia Monsignor McClancy
Mroz, Victoria Mary Louis Academy
Mitarotonda, Aileen Mary Louis Academy
Byrnes, Rachel Notre Dame Academy
Hamilton, Sofia Holy Cross
Schiffer, Maggie Kellenberg Memorial
Cox, Ariana St. Francis Prep
Mangan, Kristen St. Edmund Prep
Pinner, Ireland Saint Anthony's
Nolan, Shayna Ursuline School
Arrigale, Caroline JFK Catholic
Coyne, Elizabeth Notre Dame Academy
DiMaio, Rita Kellenberg Memorial
Elcock, Jada Bishop Loughlin
Kwiatkowski, Lara St. Francis Prep
James, Allison Saint Anthony's
Englebert, Angie St. Joseph by the Sea
Moriarty, Meredith Ursuline School
Pacheco Vasquez, Arianna Archbishop Molloy
Wilcox, Andera Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Kyroglou, Violetta St. John's Prep
Shin, Scarlett Fontbonne Hall
Ortiz, Cara St. Francis Prep
Paul, Kathryn Saint Anthony's
Zuppardi, Sara St. Joseph by the Sea
Romero Cruz, Melanie Sacred Heart (Yonkers)
CHIN, Cindy Archbishop Molloy
Torres, Camila Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Sowder, Paris St. John's Prep
Minasyan, Christina Fontbonne Hall
Pinner, Kerrington Saint Anthony's
Malewski, Caroline Kellenberg Memorial
Walker, Moriah Bishop Loughlin
Rodriguez, Elba Monsignor McClancy
Adamonis, Cecilia Mary Louis Academy
Kulpa, Natalia St. Francis Prep
Eva, Kogan St. Edmund Prep
Conneely, Kate Saint Anthony's
Burton, Alexis St. Francis Prep
Monahan, Brigid Saint Anthony's
Gravino, Kaya Holy Trinity
Walsh, Brigid Kellenberg Memorial
DeSimone, Kaitlyn St. Joseph by the Sea
CANTY, Elizabeth Archbishop Molloy
Codd, Fiona Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Liriano, Celeste St. Francis Prep
Ragoobar, Neveah St. Edmund Prep
Savona, Alexa Saint Anthony's
McNamara, Kaelyn St. Francis Prep
O'Brien, Casey Saint Anthony's
Morton, Taylor St. Joseph by the Sea
Connor, Chloe Ursuline School
Anselmo, Maya Saint Anthony's
Mioduszewski, Magdalene Archbishop Molloy
Nolan, Hayden Kellenberg Memorial
Mussalli, Kristen Archbishop Molloy
Saffageh, Charlotte Fontbonne Hall
DiLegge, Amber St. John the Baptist
Vitale, Julia St. Joseph by the Sea
Liu, Sarah Notre Dame Academy
Vincenzi, Madi Monsignor McClancy
Hargaden, Patricia Mary Louis Academy
Arguello, Sofia Mary Louis Academy
King, Caroline Notre Dame Academy
Principe, Monica Kellenberg Memorial
Cretu, Olga Fontbonne Hall
Russo, Maggie Notre Dame Academy
Lollo, Harper Kellenberg Memorial
Rodriquez, Joie Bishop Loughlin
Chin, Elin St. Francis Prep
Ullrich, Sarah Saint Anthony's
Grady, Sophia St. Joseph by the Sea
Naughton, Natalie Ursuline School
McKnley, Reilly Saint Anthony's
Caimares, Sophia Archbishop Molloy
Korzonkiewicz, Lillian Notre Dame (Manhattan)
O'Doherty, Caroline Kellenberg Memorial
Berry, Amiyah Bishop Loughlin
Kougiemitros, Sophia St. Francis Prep
Salgado, Adrianna Saint Anthony's
Cunningham, Addison St. Joseph by the Sea
Jennings, Marley Ursuline School
Echeverria, Valentina Sacred Heart (Yonkers)
Lahoz, Beatriz Archbishop Molloy
Isik, Ella Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Greer, Demi St. John's Prep
DiMaggio, Ava Fontbonne Hall
Fuller, Juliana Holy Trinity
Marcello, Eliana St. Joseph by the Sea
Gonzalez, Helen Archbishop Molloy
Alderson, Madeleine Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Watters, Shannon Mary Louis Academy
Rullow, Chelsea St. Edmund Prep
Halhoul, Sofia Saint Anthony's
Suttmiller, Anna Kellenberg Memorial
Hatzipavlou, Elizabeth St. Francis Prep
Ciaccio, Elena Saint Anthony's
Texidor, Xiomara St. Francis Prep
Kayla, Pozo St. Edmund Prep
Anazagasty, Isabella Saint Anthony's
Bostick, Beautiful St. Francis Prep
Conneely, Erin Saint Anthony's
Russo, Bridget Kellenberg Memorial
Dzioba, Karolina Archbishop Molloy
Carruzzo, Nathalie Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Costello, Addison Notre Dame Academy
Magliulo-Orsini, Isabelle Monsignor McClancy
Opre, Antonia Mary Louis Academy
Bailey, Mia JFK Catholic
Gilmartin, Caitlyn Saint Anthony's
MacPherson, Skyla St. Joseph by the Sea
Hanniffy, Meave Ursuline School
Czoch, Olivia Saint Anthony's
Galarza, Kelly Archbishop Molloy
Walters, Noelle Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Lynn, Monica Kellenberg Memorial
Kovacic, Bella Fontbonne Hall
DeLegge, Amber St. John the Baptist
Salimeni, Sienna St. Joseph by the Sea
Backstrom, Madison Notre Dame Academy
Guzman, Valentina Monsignor McClancy
Ho, Emilia Mary Louis Academy
Picarello, Gabriella Mary Louis Academy
Perez, Celeste Notre Dame Academy
Deabreu, Lilly Ann Holy Cross
Overs, Samantha Kellenberg Memorial
DeAlmeida, Julia St. Francis Prep
Crespo, Mia St. Edmund Prep
Reyling, Sage Saint Anthony's
Van Ness, Gabriela Ursuline School
Moore, Jordan Notre Dame Academy
Estrella, Jessica Kellenberg Memorial
Alexis, Allysse Bishop Loughlin
Hammond, Nia St. Francis Prep
Reynolds, Madeline Saint Anthony's
Flynn, Madison St. Joseph by the Sea
Lambrakos, Emma Ursuline School
Stroehlein, Erin Saint Anthony's
Hegarty, Julia Archbishop Molloy
Arkin, Sasha Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Smargiassi, Evelyn Fontbonne Hall
Darcy, Ella-Jane Kellenberg Memorial
Olusanya, Tomi Bishop Loughlin
Stanescu, Gisselle St. Francis Prep
Savage, Catherine Saint Anthony's
Guastamacchia, Angelina St. Joseph by the Sea
Avellaneda, June Sacred Heart (Yonkers)
Almonte, Sophia Archbishop Molloy
Madamba, Addison Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Hollowell, Iyana St. John's Prep
Koutsivitis, Anastasia Fontbonne Hall
Forgione, Gianna Saint Anthony's
Cruz, Miojare Monsignor McClancy
Gagliardo, Gabrielle Mary Louis Academy
Rolon, Sofia St. Francis Prep
Mitchaela, Melinet St. Edmund Prep
Favata, Abigail Saint Anthony's
Iacono, Francesca St. Francis Prep
Reich-Hale, Amelia Saint Anthony's
Hobbie, Elizabeth Holy Trinity
Baker, Lourdes Kellenberg Memorial
Collegio, Giuliana St. Joseph by the Sea
Dramitinos, Tessa Archbishop Molloy
McCabe, Maggie Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Alabre, Alainna Kellenberg Memorial
Matheou, Evangelia St. Francis Prep
Chernichkin, Marie St. Edmund Prep
Siriban, Fallon Saint Anthony's
Joy, Sophia St. Francis Prep
Poulos, Kaitlyn Saint Anthony's
Pappalardo, Lili St. Joseph by the Sea
Flammang, Riley Ursuline School
Aitken, Elizabeth Saint Anthony's
O'Brien, Katelyn Kellenberg Memorial
Liriano-Montalvo, Kylie Archbishop Molloy
Saleh, Hala Fontbonne Hall
Piangozza, Rose St. John the Baptist
Surendrajit, Yashini Notre Dame Academy
Vincenzi, Mia Monsignor McClancy
Bonanno, Sabrina Mary Louis Academy
Skiadas, Eleni Mary Louis Academy
Slattery, Grace St. John the Baptist
Holman, Shiloh Notre Dame Academy
Daloui, Eliana Fontbonne Hall
Tavares, Sofia Mary Louis Academy
Conti, Sonia Notre Dame Academy
Maher, Hannah Holy Cross
Driscoll, Molly Kellenberg Memorial
Chery, Jacquelien St. Francis Prep
Marte, Olivia Saint Anthony's
Illuzzi, Violet St. Joseph by the Sea
Allen, Mary Ursuline School
Guilfoyle, Elizabeth Saint Anthony's
Crescenzo, Valentina Archbishop Molloy
Lowe, Isabella Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Pepe, Alana Kellenberg Memorial
Bryant, Liyah Bishop Loughlin
Roman, Vanessa St. Francis Prep
Bisogno, Mary Saint Anthony's
D'Agostino, Frances St. Joseph by the Sea
Kindelan, Alana Ursuline School
Palmer, Emma Sacred Heart (Yonkers)
Win, Liliana Archbishop Molloy
Long, Phoebe Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Fortune, Madison St. John's Prep
DiToro, Carina Fontbonne Hall
Mendoza, Cecilia Holy Trinity
Ortiz, Juliana St. Joseph by the Sea
Gonzalez, Gianna Archbishop Molloy
Rokeach, Alivia Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Amendolara, Giada Fontbonne Hall
Siddiqui, Khadijah St. Edmund Prep
Holdort, Robyn Saint Anthony's
Brown, Mackenzie Kellenberg Memorial
Joy, Isabella St. Francis Prep
Gulle, Aubrey Saint Anthony's
O'Grady, Ashling Monsignor McClancy
Moliterno, Sylver Mary Louis Academy
Xerakias, Lambrini St. Francis Prep
Santiago, Heaven St. Edmund Prep
Aurelus, Aida Sy'rai-Ann Saint Anthony's
Soja, Teresa St. Francis Prep
Capo, Isabella Saint Anthony's
Sferrazza, Alexa Kellenberg Memorial
Kahn, Jillian Archbishop Molloy
Owens, Kaitlyn Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Criscuola, Catherine JFK Catholic
Glassberg, Emma Saint Anthony's
Manzione, Leah St. Joseph by the Sea
Mahindru, Kavya Ursuline School
Hazel, Clover Saint Anthony's
Pustovoytov, Angelina Archbishop Molloy
Brugglia, Sofia Kellenberg Memorial
Munoz, Camille Archbishop Molloy
Melli, Gianna Fontbonne Hall
Marino, Lilyanna St. John the Baptist
Vermaat, Annalise St. Joseph by the Sea
Pantaleo, Abrianna Notre Dame Academy
Soriano, Haley Monsignor McClancy
Glancy, Aisling Mary Louis Academy
Chopra, Amrit Mary Louis Academy
Rice, Savanah Notre Dame Academy
Becerra, Sophia Holy Cross
Dyasi, Marley Kellenberg Memorial
Graziosi, Lia St. Francis Prep
Young, Ellie St. Edmund Prep
Russo, Isabella Saint Anthony's
Varbero, Charlie Fontbonne Hall
Kliesch, Katelyn Notre Dame Academy
Pulis, Kelly Kellenberg Memorial
Robinson, Lahzai Bishop Loughlin
Quizhpi, Ashley St. Francis Prep
Sullivan, Lillian Saint Anthony's
Flynn, Sophia St. Joseph by the Sea
Barrio, Katherine Ursuline School
Scarpinato, Nicolette Saint Anthony's
Mignot, Chloe Archbishop Molloy
Chociey, Isla Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Nasso, Ryleigh Kellenberg Memorial
Nosiles, Stevie - Jolie Bishop Loughlin
Stormer, Teagen St. Francis Prep
Perreira, Charlotte Saint Anthony's
Cabello, Lillianna St. Joseph by the Sea
Geoghegan, Kelly Ursuline School
Aliberti, Laura Sacred Heart (Yonkers)
French, Briandra Archbishop Molloy
Nawaz, Ameera Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Tarantino, Violette St. John's Prep
Koutsivitis, Vasilia Fontbonne Hall
Rocco, Monica Saint Anthony's
Fasino, Sophia St. Joseph by the Sea
Whitmore, Claudia Archbishop Molloy
Murray, Caitlin Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Moreno, Adriana Monsignor McClancy
Estevez, Sophia Mary Louis Academy
Erby, Madison St. Francis Prep
Olech, Lisa St. Edmund Prep
Gross, Sofia Saint Anthony's
Chavannes, Giselle St. Francis Prep
Albano, Ava Saint Anthony's
Huynh, Stephanie Holy Trinity
Callinam, Veronica Kellenberg Memorial
DeMicco, Jillian Kellenberg Memorial
Niguyen, Olivia St. Francis Prep
Coluccio, Giuliana St. Edmund Prep
Stein, Britta Saint Anthony's
Logan, Gabrielle St. Francis Prep
Rafferty, Caitlin Saint Anthony's
Pena, Aria St. Joseph by the Sea
Lambe, Fiona Ursuline School
Acharya, Zill Saint Anthony's
Orlando, Sofia Kellenberg Memorial
Badalamenti, Maria Archbishop Molloy
O'Keefe, Christina Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Gregory, Zoe Notre Dame Academy
Cruz, Sara Monsignor McClancy
Ibanez, Leila Mary Louis Academy
Maldonado, Alexa Mary Louis Academy
Ryan, Elizabeth St. John the Baptist
Rabich, Alina Notre Dame Academy
Krug, Jessica St. Joseph by the Sea
McDonagh, Meghan Ursuline School
Gross, Anna Saint Anthony's
Valdez, Cristina Archbishop Molloy
Seidenstein, Zoe Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Doherty, Teresa Fontbonne Hall
Becker, Caralinn Mary Louis Academy
Woods, Lily Notre Dame Academy
Mulvey, Mary Holy Cross
Pizzardi, Catherine Kellenberg Memorial
Childs, Savannah St. Francis Prep
Collins, Stella St. Edmund Prep
Nunez, Angelina Saint Anthony's
Roberts, Adrianna Kellenberg Memorial
Cruz, Camille Bishop Loughlin
Xhumri, Iris St. Francis Prep
Fierro, Anna Saint Anthony's
Elder, Gabrielle St. Joseph by the Sea
O'Keefe, Kyleigh Ursuline School
Filos, Marilena Archbishop Molloy
Lozito, Julianna Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Thopten, Tenzin St. John's Prep
Perez, Bella Fontbonne Hall
Michalakis, Christina Saint Anthony's
Plaia, Ashley Holy Trinity
Walz, Abigail St. Joseph by the Sea
Carbone, Victoria Archbishop Molloy
Maxwell, Dolores Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Solis, Lesly St. John's Prep
Sayad, Gabriella Fontbonne Hall
Judice, Anneliese Saint Anthony's
Dennean, Michaela Kellenberg Memorial
White, Chelsea Bishop Loughlin
Norris, Ava St. Francis Prep
O'Grady, Rowan Monsignor McClancy
Adamonis, Audrey Mary Louis Academy
Brown, Kennedy St. Francis Prep
Wu, Michele St. Edmund Prep
Cameron, Quinn Saint Anthony's
Wong, Rebecca St. Francis Prep
Amato, Karolena Saint Anthony's
Sullivan, Anna Kellenberg Memorial
DeSimone, Grace St. Joseph by the Sea
Rocco, Rosetta Archbishop Molloy
Radziszewicz, Alexandra Notre Dame (Manhattan)
Sampugnaro, Juliana Saint Anthony's
Cregan, Josephine JFK Catholic
Kulpa, Karolina St. Francis Prep
Griffin, Riley Saint Anthony's
Marange, Jillian St. Joseph by the Sea
Jacob, Emily Ursuline School
Koch, Olivia Saint Anthony's
Blanco, Zoeth Archbishop Molloy
McLoughlin, Alexa Kellenberg Memorial
Garvey, Aoife Archbishop Molloy
Perez, Juana Fontbonne Hall
Webber, Braelyn St. John the Baptist
Victoria, Giadonna St. Joseph by the Sea
Smith, Lauren Notre Dame Academy
Louisa, Brooke Monsignor McClancy
Mei, Samantha Mary Louis Academy
Gerlak, Zuzanna Mary Louis Academy
Dellecave, Bella Notre Dame Academy
Navas, Solmarie Holy Cross
O'Reilly, Brigid Kellenberg Memorial
LaBorde, Gabriella St. Francis Prep
Perlowitz, Faith St. Edmund Prep
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