OCIAA Divisional Championship (2,4,6) 2025

West Point, NY

Athlete Entries

Boys 1000 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wissner, Owen Cornwall
DeFazio, Michael John S. Burke Catholic
Trombetta, Gunner Highland
Krumm, Gavin FDR
Gitlan-Goss, Ben Red Hook
Piper, Lathan John S. Burke Catholic
Mynio, James Washingtonville
Dedrick, Eben Pine Plains
Wang, Derek Spackenkill
Anderson, Samuel Minisink Valley
Brenner, Shaun Goshen
Ibrahim, Zain Dover
Ganter, August Rondout Valley
Rinehart, Logan Red Hook
Hurley, Thomas 2:40.36 FDR
Palacios, Luciano 2:52.81 Minisink Valley
McGuirk, James 2:55.40 Cornwall
Adoma, Cameron 2:58.74 Highland
Foster, Kiran 3:02.01 Goshen
Vila, Noah 3:03.59 Washingtonville
Salinas, Omaury 3:09.28 Monticello
Norat, Caleb 3:10.00 Ellenville
Ramos, Scott 3:15.00 Ellenville
Roach, Patrick 3:15.00h Pine Plains
Flamhaft, Maven 3:15.62 Rondout Valley
Crawley, Jamieson 3:24.78 Monticello
Rojas, Brian 3:39.54 Dover
Bonilla, Rubin 3:40.74 Fallsburg
Giraldo, Diego 3:41.55 Spackenkill
Thompsett, Liam 4:00.88 Millbrook
Johnson, Jayden 4:40.23 Fallsburg
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Beeman, Thomas Spackenkill
Thompsett, Liam Millbrook
Carino, Philip FDR
Klugman, Noah 4:24.69 Goshen
McPherson, Daniel 4:27.63 Pine Plains
St. Lawrence, Jackson 4:33.83 Goshen
Rossi, Carter 4:34.26 Minisink Valley
Shaffer-Sermini, Owen 4:35.50 Rondout Valley
Mullan, Joseph 4:35.64 Washingtonville
Droz, Noah 4:37.70 Cornwall
Sinclair, Jake 4:48.99 FDR
Oenga, Daniel 4:56.43 Minisink Valley
Admirand, Robert 4:57.52 Washingtonville
Greene, Micah 4:58.31 Cornwall
Montoya, Nicolas 5:06.80 Pine Plains
Kelly, Stephen 5:08.27 John S. Burke Catholic
Antonio, Joseph 5:17.53 Highland
Haeser, Zachary 5:17.84 Highland
Sakr, Fouad 5:30.00 Ellenville
Calderon, Isaac 5:30.00 Ellenville
Stalter, Cameron 5:36.48 Monticello
Gonzalez, Noe 5:41.65 Dover
Duenas, Henry 5:52.34 Spackenkill
Helm, Ryan 5:56.00 Rondout Valley
Sebastian, Jiahnny 6:00.26 Fallsburg
Bonilla, Rubin 6:00.43 Fallsburg
Roszko, Colton 6:00.98 Red Hook
Ragone, Samuel 6:13.28 John S. Burke Catholic
Herrera, Frederick 6:22.50 Dover
Choinsky, Nygell 6:38.21 Red Hook
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Boys 300 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kone, Daouda FDR
Salerno, Ilunga Cornwall
Davis, Javen FDR
Schiavulli, Michael Millbrook
Snyder, Cameron Washingtonville
Taylor, Malachi 35.23 Washingtonville
Spevak, Benjamin 37.18 Minisink Valley
Thomas, Zadan 37.78 Goshen
Bishop, Joshua Kole 37.90 Highland
Shaw, Tyrese 38.23 Monticello
Avila, Santos 38.41 Goshen
Mendez, Angel 38.58 Minisink Valley
Murdoc, Anthony 38.64h Ellenville
Salerno, Beya 38.87 Cornwall
Banegas Gallo, Jefferson 39.18 Fallsburg
Lewis-Rivera, Marcus 39.50 Ellenville
Gralton, Liam 39.60 John S. Burke Catholic
Knox, Mekai 39.84h Spackenkill
Thibault-Edmonds, Maddox 40.08 Highland
Ciferri, Lucas 40.44 Millbrook
Gonzalez, Carlos 40.61 Dover
Borgen, Jayden 40.86 John S. Burke Catholic
Gieseler, Sean 40.94 Pine Plains
Dolansky, Jordan 40.97 Pine Plains
Fennell, Jalon 42.15 Monticello
Reppucci, John-Salvatore 42.65 Red Hook
Reppucci, Marcello 42.90 Red Hook
LaManna, Keegan 43.94h Spackenkill
Beach, Ethan 44.04h Dover
Mickelson, Zachary 44.44h Rondout Valley
Post, Tristan 44.99 Rondout Valley
Garcia, Erli 46.67 Fallsburg
Fein, Nason 47.98 Eldred
Gillespie, Holden 50.00h Eldred
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pizzulli, Lucas John S. Burke Catholic
Burgos, Fernando Washingtonville
Ruiz, Nathaniel Spackenkill
Capper, Brian Minisink Valley
Kelly, Stephen John S. Burke Catholic
Lewis, Colin 10:10.30 Cornwall
Capo, Ryan 10:22.80 Minisink Valley
Shaffer-Sermini, Owen 10:36.10 Rondout Valley
Buttitta, Colin 11:04.33 FDR
Althouse, Jonah 11:30.00 Ellenville
Kirk, Isaiah 11:30.32 Fallsburg
Haeser, Zachary 11:50.33 Highland
Weiss, Alexander 12:10.97 Highland
St. Peter, Caleb 12:45.00 Ellenville
Helm, Ryan 12:49.59 Rondout Valley
Mazzuto, Jack 12:58.70 Spackenkill
McNeil, Jozyr 13:05.34 Fallsburg
Roszko, Colton 14:10.50 Red Hook
Marcos, Uri 16:07.90 Red Hook
McPherson, Daniel 9:31.47 Pine Plains
Klugman, Noah 9:35.64 Goshen
Mullan, Joseph 9:40.61 Washingtonville
St. Lawrence, Jackson 9:41.70 Goshen
Potter, Luke 9:58.64 Cornwall
Sinclair, Jake 9:59.16 FDR
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:31.80 Cornwall
Relay Team A 1:36.24 Minisink Valley
Relay Team A 1:39.30 FDR
Relay Team A 1:39.39 Highland
Relay Team A 1:40.00 Ellenville
Relay Team A 1:40.95 Goshen
Relay Team A 1:41.05 John S. Burke Catholic
Relay Team A 1:41.66 Washingtonville
Relay Team A 1:42.29 Monticello
Relay Team A 1:45.45 Fallsburg
Relay Team A 1:46.00h Pine Plains
Relay Team A 1:46.40 Red Hook
Relay Team A 1:46.54 Rondout Valley
Relay Team A 1:46.59 Dover
Relay Team A 1:52.60 Spackenkill
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Red Hook
Relay Team A 3:24.16 Washingtonville
Relay Team A 3:24.74 Minisink Valley
Relay Team A 3:36.97 Cornwall
Relay Team A 3:37.43 Goshen
Relay Team A 3:45.00h FDR
Relay Team A 3:48.75 Fallsburg
Relay Team A 3:54.47 John S. Burke Catholic
Relay Team A 3:59.50 Rondout Valley
Relay Team A 4:05.77 Highland
Relay Team A 4:11.75 Dover
Relay Team A 4:20.85 Pine Plains
Relay Team A 4:30.00h Spackenkill
Relay Team A 4:39.40 Ellenville
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:25.70 Rondout Valley
Relay Team A 10:29.74 Dover
Relay Team A 11:02.20 Spackenkill
Relay Team A 11:20.21 Fallsburg
Relay Team A 11:23.20 Pine Plains
Relay Team A 8:45.50 FDR
Relay Team A 8:53.81 Cornwall
Relay Team A 9:00.94 Minisink Valley
Relay Team A 9:02.97 Washingtonville
Relay Team A 9:12.24 Goshen
Relay Team A 9:25.27 Highland
Relay Team A 9:30.00h John S. Burke Catholic
Relay Team A 9:45.00 Ellenville
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Boys 55 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Snyder, Cameron Washingtonville
Stevens, Colin Pine Plains
Holloway, David 6.82 Cornwall
Shaw, Tyrese 6.82 Monticello
Bishop, Joshua Kole 6.85 Highland
Taylor, Malachi 6.88 Washingtonville
Labarbera, Robert 6.91 Minisink Valley
Lewis-Rivera, Marcus 6.94h Ellenville
Mack, Tyiese 6.97 Fallsburg
Ortiz, Aiden 6.98 John S. Burke Catholic
Holmes, Joshua 6.98 FDR
Vasquez, Dylan 7.00 Millbrook
Lee, Matthew 7.01 Cornwall
Knox, Mekai 7.04h Spackenkill
Alfonso, Joshua 7.04h FDR
Ibrahim, Majd 7.04h Dover
Avila, Santos 7.15 Goshen
Spevak, Benjamin 7.15 Minisink Valley
Thibault-Edmonds, Maddox 7.15 Highland
Hadden, Max 7.18 Goshen
Bonachea, Pedro 7.24h Ellenville
Borgen, Jayden 7.26 John S. Burke Catholic
Haycraft, Myles 7.39 Dover
Myer, Logan 7.40 Rondout Valley
DiCarlo, Joseph 7.50 Pine Plains
Reppucci, Marcello 7.51 Red Hook
Arhinful, Benedict 7.56 Monticello
MCCONNELL, Kristofer 7.60h Eldred
Castro, Diego 7.64h Rondout Valley
Facci, Nathan 7.74h Spackenkill
Hernandez Ojeda, Joel 7.79 Red Hook
Ciferri, Lucas 7.79 Millbrook
Gillespie, Holden 7.80h Eldred
Wall-Carty, Avery 7.81 Fallsburg
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Boys 55 Meter Hurdles 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stankavich, Peter Highland
Gralton, Liam John S. Burke Catholic
Rodriguez, Ojani Washingtonville
Thomas, Elijah Goshen
Haycraft, Myles 10.34h Dover
Wilson, Jahmier 10.38 Washingtonville
Thibault-Edmonds, Noah 10.39 Highland
Cocco, Matthew 10.46 John S. Burke Catholic
Acosta Padilla, Kaleb 10.82 Dover
Spratley, Charief 10.90h Ellenville
McAssey, Dylan 11.01 Monticello
Salerno, Ilunga 7.65 Cornwall
Holloway, David 7.79 Cornwall
Schupner, Logan 8.50 Minisink Valley
Keriazes, Peter 8.53 Goshen
Murdoc, Anthony 8.90h Ellenville
Lynch, Rogan 9.03 Minisink Valley
Gachechiladze, George 9.06 Monticello
Dolansky, Jordan 9.08 Pine Plains
Kurkevych, Yarema 9.12 Rondout Valley
Hayden, Treyvon 9.14 Fallsburg
Minihane, David 9.19 FDR
Biernat, Joseph 9.54 Red Hook
Jurkowski, Jax 9.72 FDR
LaManna, Keegan 9.84h Spackenkill
Banegas Gallo, Jefferson 9.85 Fallsburg
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Boys 600 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chulo Henriquez, Cristian Millbrook
Roosa-Dunphy, Oliver Rondout Valley
Trapp, Aiden John S. Burke Catholic
Pizzulli, Lucas John S. Burke Catholic
Biernat, Joseph Red Hook
Schramm, Ryan 1:23.24 Goshen
Labarbera, Robert 1:23.89 Minisink Valley
Rich, Gavin 1:25.48 Washingtonville
Vasquez, Dylan 1:27.43 Millbrook
Kraft, Jacob 1:28.20 Rondout Valley
Diglio, Logan 1:29.75 Goshen
Metz, Basil 1:29.80 Highland
Kosowicz, John 1:29.88 Washingtonville
Kirk, Isaiah 1:31.93 Fallsburg
Mausling, Jon 1:32.62 Minisink Valley
Valdez, Nathanial 1:32.80 Ellenville
Adoma, Cameron 1:33.06 Highland
Martinez, William 1:34.01 Fallsburg
Sahawneh, Amir 1:36.40 FDR
Thompson, Cooper 1:36.50 FDR
Reppucci, John-Salvatore 1:37.77 Red Hook
Brown, Eczavier 1:38.00 Ellenville
Cibirka, Christian 1:39.37 Cornwall
Ferrara, Jack 1:40.62 Cornwall
Salinas, Omaury 1:42.80 Monticello
Rivera, John 1:45.30 Spackenkill
Campbell, William 1:48.05 Pine Plains
D'Alessandro, John 1:50.00h Pine Plains
Della Rossa, Anthony 2:02.00 Dover
Rojas, Brian 2:06.15 Dover
MCCONNELL, Kristofer 2:08.00h Eldred
Gillespie, Holden 2:17.00h Eldred
Cruz, Andrew 2:17.80 Spackenkill
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Boys High Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mack, Tyiese 6-2 Fallsburg
Bohan, Brady 6-0 Washingtonville
Tarkos, Noah 6-0 FDR
Burger, Gavin 5-10 Pine Plains
Murphy, Braden 5-9 Cornwall
Mauras, Justin 5-6 Minisink Valley
Zelinsky, Crystian 5-6 Ellenville
Vasquez, Dylan 5-6 Millbrook
Vallinino, Carter 5-4 Cornwall
Piper, Lathan 5-3 John S. Burke Catholic
Hayden, Treyvon 5-3 Fallsburg
Jurkowski, Jax 5-3 FDR
Haycraft, Myles 5-3 Dover
Metz, Basil 5-0 Highland
Maldonado, Frankie 5-0 Ellenville
Secor, Michael Highland
Thomas, Elijah Goshen
Keriazes, Peter Goshen
Paley, Hudson Rondout Valley
Pena, Angel Washingtonville
Schupner, Logan Minisink Valley
Langly, Marco John S. Burke Catholic
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Boys Long Jump 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tarkos, Noah 20-6 FDR
Mendez, Angel 19-10 Minisink Valley
Zelinsky, Crystian 19-2.75 Ellenville
Salerno, Beya 18-10.75 Cornwall
Ortiz, Aiden 18-8.5 John S. Burke Catholic
Theodore, Tarius 18-5 Minisink Valley
Vallinino, Carter 18-3 Cornwall
Kalemba, Imran 18-3 FDR
Schiavulli, Michael 18-0.5 Millbrook
Paley, Hudson 16-10.75 Rondout Valley
Rosa Gonzalez, Jansel 16-7.75 Fallsburg
Myer, Logan 16-5.75 Rondout Valley
Hadden, Max 16-3.75 Goshen
Spratley, Charief 16-0 Ellenville
Stevens, Colin 15-8 Pine Plains
McAssey, Dylan 15-7.75 Monticello
Blake, Brandon 15-6.75 Monticello
Beach, Ethan 15-6.5 Dover
Thompsett, Liam 15-0.25 Millbrook
Tettah, Joshua 15-0 Fallsburg
Bakatsias, Anastasios 14-7.75 Highland
James, Adrian 13-6.5 Spackenkill
Fein, Nason 11-2.75 Eldred
Curtis, Evan 10-10 Pine Plains
MCCONNELL, Kristofer 10-3.25 Eldred
Stankavich, Peter Highland
Thomas, Elijah Goshen
Wilson, Jahmier Washingtonville
Hernandez Ojeda, Joel Red Hook
Bartges, Johann Red Hook
Barreto, Wilson Dover
Pena, Angel Washingtonville
Langly, Marco John S. Burke Catholic
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Boys Pole Vault 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schupner, Logan 15-9 Minisink Valley
Wilson, Cole 13-1.5 Washingtonville
Cloidt, Tyler 12-3 Minisink Valley
Willems, Logan 10-7 Goshen
Kurkevych, Yarema 9-6 Rondout Valley
Cooper, William 9-0 Monticello
Carola, Jeff 8-0 Washingtonville
Hayden, Treyvon 7-0 Fallsburg
Minihane, David 7-0 FDR
Valens, Adam Goshen
Roosa-Dunphy, Oliver Rondout Valley
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Boys Shot Put 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Greene, Christopher 43-2.25 Spackenkill
Andros, Brendan 42-3.75 FDR
FitzPatrick, Ryan 39-5.25 Goshen
Biernat, Joseph 38-8.5 Red Hook
Cushing, Kevin 36-11.5 John S. Burke Catholic
Kang, Jaskaran 36-6 FDR
Christie, Tyler 36-1 Dover
Wall-Thomas, Senecere 36-0.25 Monticello
Ochse, Liam 33-1.25 Ellenville
Burns, William 32-10.75 Monticello
Williams, Myles 32-8.5 Washingtonville
Bridges, Colby 32-2.5 Goshen
Zocchi, Dylan 31-6 Highland
Lee, Brandon 31-3 Cornwall
Cotton, Mason 30-9 Cornwall
Paley, Hudson 30-9 Rondout Valley
Higgins, John 30-4.75 Dover
Gray, Cassius 30-0 Ellenville
Lynch, Rogan 28-5.75 Minisink Valley
Kaplan, Jonathan 27-8.75 Minisink Valley
Kalb, David 27-5 Pine Plains
DeLonge, Dominick 27-4 Pine Plains
Koljenovic, Daris 25-9.5 Fallsburg
Rauch, Tyler 25-6.5 John S. Burke Catholic
Searles, Jack 25-4 Red Hook
Moocz, Eric 25-2 Fallsburg
Santiago Lopez, Diego 23-7.25 Millbrook
Surprise, Kieran 23-1.5 Highland
Bangs, Patrick 22-6.5 Eldred
Wilhelm, Jamison 22-3.25 Rondout Valley
Vega, Hugo 21-10.75 Millbrook
Murphy, Malcolm Spackenkill
Crain, Randall Washingtonville
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Boys Triple Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zelinsky, Crystian 41-5.5 Ellenville
Kalemba, Imran 39-8 FDR
Burger, Gavin 38-4.25 Pine Plains
Schiavulli, Michael 37-2 Millbrook
Mauras, Justin 36-6 Minisink Valley
Tuttle, Connor 36-3 FDR
Cloidt, Tyler 36-1.5 Minisink Valley
Paley, Hudson 35-8 Rondout Valley
Gonzalez, Carlos 35-3 Dover
Murphy, Braden 34-4.5 Cornwall
Zvonik, Daniel 34-3.25 Cornwall
Antonio, Joseph 33-7 Highland
Rosa Gonzalez, Jansel 32-10 Fallsburg
Bakatsias, Anastasios 32-5.5 Highland
Maldonado, Frankie 32-5.5 Ellenville
Acosta Padilla, Kaleb 30-8.25 Dover
Zayas, Braiden 29-11 Goshen
James, Adrian 29-4.5 Spackenkill
Estrella, Izayah 29-4 Washingtonville
Padilla, Dillan 27-4 Fallsburg
Fein, Nason 25-7.75 Eldred
Arita, Byran 20-0 Pine Plains
Dookhie, Tiernan Washingtonville
Keriazes, Peter Goshen
Kleister, Christopher John S. Burke Catholic
Trapp, Aiden John S. Burke Catholic
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Boys Weight Throw 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bridges, Colby 47-3.25 Goshen
Andros, Brendan 46-7.5 FDR
Palmatier, Colton 45-7.75 FDR
Sahlstrom, Austin 38-0 Ellenville
Zulme, Huguh 37-0 Washingtonville
Cushing, Kevin 36-1.75 John S. Burke Catholic
Gati, Connor 35-0.25 Goshen
Burns, William 33-5.5 Monticello
Astudillo, Derek 33-2.75 John S. Burke Catholic
Mrani, Aaron 32-3.25 Spackenkill
Torres, Jonathan 31-7 Ellenville
Wall-Thomas, Senecere 31-0 Monticello
Kaplan, Jonathan 30-2.5 Minisink Valley
DeLonge, Dominick 29-1.5 Pine Plains
Searles, Jack 28-0 Red Hook
Higgins, John 25-11.5 Dover
Zocchi, Dylan 25-7.75 Highland
Moocz, Eric 24-2 Fallsburg
Vega, Hugo 23-10 Millbrook
Morse, Gavin 23-1 Minisink Valley
Christie, Tyler 22-10.25 Dover
Koljenovic, Daris 21-4.25 Fallsburg
Cotton, Mason 20-11.5 Cornwall
Bangs, Patrick 19-10 Eldred
Santiago Lopez, Diego 19-8 Millbrook
Wilhelm, Jamison 19-7.25 Rondout Valley
Gillespie, James 18-3 Washingtonville
Surprise, Kieran Highland
Greene, Christopher Spackenkill
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Girls 1000 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wipf, Paula Mount Academy
Haire, Emmaline Pine Plains
Zheng, Zoey Goshen
Winter, Christina Mount Academy
Jennings, Madison Pine Plains
Cibirka, Olivia 2:59.20 Cornwall
Jones, Alexis 2:59.98 Washingtonville
Barnhorst, Isabel 3:08.02 Goshen
DeCarvalho, Olivia 3:08.89 Washingtonville
Sutherland-Roth, Greta 3:20.36 Rondout Valley
Jones, Kathryn 3:22.14 Minisink Valley
Hartwig, Kaitlyn 3:22.22 Cornwall
Wayne, Olivia 3:27.89 FDR
Patel, Diya 3:28.02 Monticello
Castro, Gabriella 3:30.50h Rondout Valley
Carey, Alexandra 3:31.69 Highland
Murphy, Emily 3:34.84 Minisink Valley
Conlon, Maeve 3:35.15 John S. Burke Catholic
Broomhead, Lily 3:41.70 FDR
Francia, Adileen 4:00.00h Millbrook
Torres, Jayanna 4:05.00h Ellenville
Agustin, Emily 4:15.31 Red Hook
Sebastian, Jaily 5:00.45 Fallsburg
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Girls 1500 Meter Race Walk 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pelkey, Olivia John S. Burke Catholic
Cavan, Noemie FDR
Cuello, Sophia 10:16.00 John S. Burke Catholic
Vanderpool, Grace 10:21.58 Goshen
Rourke, Finley 11:21.00 Cornwall
Coonrod, Chloe 11:31.77 Rondout Valley
Parada Escalante, Tatiana 13:41.00 Fallsburg
Inestroza, Genesis 14:00.53 Fallsburg
Mokii, Taisiia 8:22.00 Red Hook
Kelly, Aislinn 8:38.00 Cornwall
Peek, Olivia 9:35.50 FDR
Wilhelm, Beatrice 9:57.74 Rondout Valley
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Girls 1500 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Boller, Corah Mount Academy
Ferraro, Abigail John S. Burke Catholic
Finch, Molly Highland
Duke, Alexis FDR
Gill, Jacqueline Spackenkill
Semo, Sophia 4:46.52 Cornwall
Jones, Alexis 4:57.30 Washingtonville
Barnhorst, Isabel 4:57.97 Goshen
Goitia, Noemi 5:05.22 Cornwall
Lozza, Sydney 5:10.07 Washingtonville
Jones, Kathryn 5:14.88 Minisink Valley
Swinger, Jenaya 5:20.40 Mount Academy
Patel, Diya 5:22.24 Monticello
Chapin, Hannah 5:26.80 Rondout Valley
Loftus, Emily 5:27.66 Goshen
Turner, Julia 5:37.70 FDR
Conlon, Maeve 5:40.79 John S. Burke Catholic
Parker-Myers, Flora 5:57.50 Rondout Valley
Francia, Adileen 5:58.99 Millbrook
DePuy, Dempsey 6:17.53 Minisink Valley
Hillery, Maria 6:17.96 Red Hook
Macias, Luna 6:23.33 Dover
Jacobs, Sophiana 6:23.50 Ellenville
Fisher, Lillian 6:28.05 Eldred
Atkinson, Autumn-Rain 7:16.54 Fallsburg
Alam, Fareen 7:17.45 Highland
Sebastian, Jaily 7:36.45 Fallsburg
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Girls 300 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Huleatt, Brooke Mount Academy
Zengen, Audrey Pine Plains
Terpak, Zoey Minisink Valley
VanDyke, Jahzeigha 1:00.00h Ellenville
Cheung, Sabrina 1:02.54h Spackenkill
Jessica, Bowers 1:13.38 Eldred
Cuttler, Desiree 1:16.58 Eldred
Scott, Marina 41.54h FDR
Larkin, Madeline 41.64 Cornwall
Murphy, Kaleigh 43.55 Minisink Valley
Semo, Lydia 44.06 Cornwall
Reuben, Laila 45.24h FDR
Grant, Daniella 45.29 Goshen
McLean, Erin 46.43 John S. Burke Catholic
Luzzi, Isabel 46.75 Red Hook
Harris, Tiara 47.08 Monticello
Wipf, Isabella 47.54h Mount Academy
Ketcham, Zoey 47.59 Fallsburg
Rocchio, Ellis 47.96 Goshen
Harris, Kalene 48.16 Monticello
Summo, Gabriella 48.52 John S. Burke Catholic
Chiu, Lauren 48.79 Millbrook
Lovell, Scarlet 48.88 Highland
Andersen, Abigail 49.44h Dover
Griffin, Moira 49.56 Washingtonville
Marcos, Mary 49.74h Dover
Jones, Athena 50.07 Washingtonville
Darboe, Kaddyjatou 51.86 Fallsburg
Roper, Kai 52.72 Highland
Browne, Candace 53.50h Rondout Valley
Garcia, Elia 54.08 Red Hook
Johnson, Keira 54.84h Rondout Valley
Lewis-Rivera, Isabela 54.94h Ellenville
Gendron, Hadami 59.74h Spackenkill
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Girls 3000 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fritzsch, Allison Minisink Valley
McAndrews, Grace Goshen
DeCarvalho, Emelia Washingtonville
Loftus, Emily Goshen
Roa, Elizabeth Washingtonville
Goitia, Noemi Cornwall
Ferraro, Abigail John S. Burke Catholic
Bliss, Violet 10:07.00 Pine Plains
Wish, Gypsy 11:41.81 Rondout Valley
Sherwood, Lola 12:06.54 Rondout Valley
Capo, Trinity 12:08.21 Minisink Valley
Tester, Madeline 12:13.01 FDR
Fisher, Lillian 13:37.00 Eldred
Klein, Rylie 13:54.27 Highland
Torres, Jayanna 14:30.00 Ellenville
Hillery, Maria 14:44.74 Red Hook
Atkinson, Autumn-Rain 15:00.00 Fallsburg
Odell-Schreier, Joslyn 15:00.00 Fallsburg
Semo, Sophia 9:58.96 Cornwall
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:47.75 Cornwall
Relay Team A 1:49.70 Minisink Valley
Relay Team A 1:54.00h Monticello
Relay Team A 1:54.70 FDR
Relay Team A 1:54.92 Goshen
Relay Team A 1:55.00h Mount Academy
Relay Team A 1:55.60 Rondout Valley
Relay Team A 1:57.86 Fallsburg
Relay Team A 1:57.95 John S. Burke Catholic
Relay Team A 2:01.86 Washingtonville
Relay Team A 2:02.64 Red Hook
Relay Team A 2:11.90 Ellenville
Relay Team A 2:19.26 Pine Plains
Relay Team A 2:24.60 Spackenkill
Relay Team A 2:45.00 Highland
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:08.46 Minisink Valley
Relay Team A 4:25.60 Cornwall
Relay Team A 4:35.60 Goshen
Relay Team A 4:38.77 John S. Burke Catholic
Relay Team A 4:45.70 Pine Plains
Relay Team A 4:48.71 Red Hook
Relay Team A 4:49.23 Dover
Relay Team A 4:50.88 Washingtonville
Relay Team A 4:52.00 Mount Academy
Relay Team A 4:57.29 Rondout Valley
Relay Team A 4:59.16 FDR
Relay Team A 5:27.60 Ellenville
Relay Team A 6:00.63 Fallsburg
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:07.99 Cornwall
Relay Team A 11:23.50 Rondout Valley
Relay Team A 11:33.29 FDR
Relay Team A 11:35.91 Minisink Valley
Relay Team A 11:51.24 Goshen
Relay Team A 12:08.52 Highland
Relay Team A 12:16.00 Mount Academy
Relay Team A 12:46.22 John S. Burke Catholic
Relay Team A 14:21.20 Fallsburg
Relay Team A 9:43.00 Washingtonville
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Girls 55 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Turpin, Nireti Washingtonville
Roper, Kai Highland
Turpin, Tolani Washingtonville
Campbell, Tori 10.80h Eldred
Galanius, Ashleigh 11.00h Eldred
Almonte, Gabriela 7.50h Monticello
Whitaker, Shawna 7.54h Rondout Valley
Scott, Marina 7.58 FDR
Ketcham, Zoey 7.76 Fallsburg
Sierra, Olivia 7.92 Minisink Valley
Harris, Tiara 7.92 Monticello
McLean, Erin 8.02 John S. Burke Catholic
Edorisiagbon, Jurnee 8.04h Goshen
Terpak, Zoey 8.07 Minisink Valley
Chiu, Lauren 8.08 Millbrook
Harris, Shanel 8.09 Cornwall
Moser, Kendall 8.20 FDR
Giannetto, Demi 8.21 John S. Burke Catholic
Hoefling, Camdyn 8.21 Fallsburg
Jones, Ja'nylah 8.24h Ellenville
Abreu, Gabriella 8.49 Cornwall
Rocchio, Ellis 8.49 Goshen
Marcos, Mary 8.59 Dover
Luzzi, Isabel 8.60 Red Hook
Morris, Madison 8.74h Spackenkill
Rodriguez, Talia 8.74h Dover
Metz, Nadia 8.79 Highland
Garcia, Ema 8.82 Red Hook
Brewer, Lillian 8.94h Rondout Valley
Nero, Nicole 9.04h Ellenville
Brown, Julissa 9.44h Spackenkill
Zele, Mackenzie 9.59 Pine Plains
Dugan, Brittany 9.84 Pine Plains
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Girls 55 Meter Hurdles 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ossman, Claudia Washingtonville
Metz, Nadia Highland
Bala, Larianna 10.06 Goshen
Collins-Cox, Rhyanna 10.14h Ellenville
Knuschke, Kellee 10.30 Red Hook
Toro, Cameron 10.74h FDR
Zelinsky, Charlotte 11.00h Ellenville
Mock, Iszabella 11.19 FDR
Turpin, Nireti 11.26 Washingtonville
Bauer, River 11.44 Rondout Valley
Gonzalez, Lorena 11.51 Dover
Tate, Tharah 11.52 Monticello
Rahgo, Alexa 12.00 Dover
Colon, Nadayabyah 12.24h Minisink Valley
Davis, Chardae 12.54 Monticello
Allan, Grace 12.67 John S. Burke Catholic
Riccardi, Madison 8.30 Cornwall
Filosa, Isabella 9.08 John S. Burke Catholic
Kronimus, Delila 9.16 Minisink Valley
Whitaker, Shawna 9.55 Rondout Valley
Johnson, Hannah 9.62 Fallsburg
Darboe, Kaddyjatou 9.63 Fallsburg
Hinchcliff, Victoria 9.72 Cornwall
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Girls 600 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garcia, Elia Red Hook
Semo, Lydia Cornwall
Gonzalez, Maya Mount Academy
Hill, Ferrah Minisink Valley
Cibirka, Olivia 1:42.03 Cornwall
Scott, Marina 1:42.15 FDR
Logan, Laila 1:43.37 Goshen
Nedorost, Paulette 1:45.03 Goshen
Sinacori, Lila 1:45.33 Washingtonville
Wright, Alexis 1:46.21 Washingtonville
LaBarbera, Lyla 1:47.00 Minisink Valley
Blackburn, Michelle 1:48.07 Pine Plains
Conlon, Kathleen 1:54.67 John S. Burke Catholic
Carey, Alexandra 1:56.48 Highland
Lovell, Scarlet 1:57.04 Highland
Maendel, Marina 1:58.20 Mount Academy
Johnson, Rowan 1:59.98 Rondout Valley
D'Agostino, Olivia 2:00.89 John S. Burke Catholic
Andersen, Abigail 2:02.09 Dover
Watterson, Grace 2:11.50 FDR
Negron, Mikayla 2:15.00h Ellenville
Reyes, Jocelyn 2:20.00 Pine Plains
Aguilar Torres, Gelsey 2:23.25 Fallsburg
Wieland, McKenzie 2:31.90 Ellenville
Painuli, Trisha 2:32.49 Spackenkill
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Girls High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Filosa, Isabella 5-4 John S. Burke Catholic
Farina, Anderson 5-2 Cornwall
Logan, Laila 5-0 Goshen
Johnson, Hannah 4-10 Fallsburg
Beck, Chloe 4-9 Minisink Valley
Hagan, Bridget 4-8 Washingtonville
Cimorelli, Kathryn 4-7 FDR
Hinchcliff, Victoria 4-4 Cornwall
Darboe, Kaddyjatou 4-2 Fallsburg
Nero, Nicole 4-0 Ellenville
Samdaoui, Salma 4-0 Minisink Valley
Bauer, River Rondout Valley
Pawliske, Stella John S. Burke Catholic
Lozza, Lilliana Washingtonville
Harris, Elizabeth Highland
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Girls Long Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Filosa, Isabella 17-6.5 John S. Burke Catholic
Larkin, Madeline 17-4 Cornwall
Wall-Carty, Jordyn 16-4 Fallsburg
Reuben, Laila 16-3.5 FDR
Riccardi, Madison 15-11.5 Cornwall
Beck, Chloe 15-4.5 Minisink Valley
Kronimus, Julia 15-2.5 Minisink Valley
Scott-Greaves, Shiloh 14-11.5 Dover
Cimorelli, Kathryn 14-8 FDR
Turner, Juliana 14-0 Rondout Valley
Knuschke, Kellee 13-6 Red Hook
Hippolyte, Moonandre 13-5.5 John S. Burke Catholic
Harris, Kalene 12-11 Monticello
Jennings, Madison 12-7.75 Pine Plains
Lu, Maggie 12-6.5 Goshen
Zelinsky, Charlotte 12-6 Ellenville
Hagan, Bridget 12-2 Washingtonville
Ramos, Larissa 12-1.5 Goshen
Brown, Chole 11-9.5 Monticello
Gonzales, Isabella 11-4.25 Fallsburg
Castano, Aliyana 11-3 Ellenville
Bowers, Aylah 10-9 Eldred
Zengen, Audrey 10-6 Pine Plains
Geer, Ella 10-3.5 Spackenkill
Morris, Madison 8-11.5 Spackenkill
Osaro, Dream Washingtonville
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Girls Pole Vault 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kronimus, Delila 11-6 Minisink Valley
Farina, Anderson 10-6 Cornwall
DeFelice, Lilliana 9-9 Cornwall
Bala, Larianna 7-0 Goshen
Hoefling, Camdyn 6-0 Fallsburg
Kiszkiel, Grace Rondout Valley
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Girls Shot Put 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Berisha, Dafina 30-1.5 FDR
Fitzgerald, Irelynn 28-10.25 FDR
Tudrej, Maya 28-5 John S. Burke Catholic
Lopez, Fatima 25-4.25 Pine Plains
Dechon, Riley 25-0 Ellenville
Potter, Chelsea 24-4.5 Eldred
Cantave, Arslyn 24-0 Fallsburg
Brewster, Amarianna 23-7 Ellenville
McDonnell, Amelie 23-6 Goshen
Wood, Aaliyah 22-7 Minisink Valley
Castro, Alanis 22-5 Washingtonville
Ayla, Bowers 20-10.5 Eldred
Hunter, Madison 20-4.25 Goshen
Terner, Annika 20-3 Mount Academy
Clark, Alexia 20-0 Fallsburg
Doyle, Emma 19-9 Cornwall
Burton, Peyton 19-7.5 Pine Plains
Fisher, Isabella 17-5.75 Cornwall
Lozza, Liliana 17-0.5 Washingtonville
Zemko, Natalia 16-10 Dover
Heagney, Mira 14-1.25 Rondout Valley
Rios, Angelina 12-9.5 Highland
Williams, Hope Highland
Chiu, Lauren Millbrook
Robertson, Natalie John S. Burke Catholic
Wright, May Mount Academy
Coonrod, Chloe Rondout Valley
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Girls Triple Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Riccardi, Madison 36-7 Cornwall
Grant, Daniella 32-4 Goshen
Farina, Anderson 31-9.25 Cornwall
Cimorelli, Kathryn 29-8.5 FDR
Kiszkiel, Grace 29-3 Rondout Valley
Wall-Carty, Jordyn 29-0 Fallsburg
Kronimus, Julia 28-9 Minisink Valley
Hippolyte, Moonandre 28-8 John S. Burke Catholic
Brown, Chole 28-5 Monticello
Zelinsky, Charlotte 28-0 Ellenville
Angel, Lizbet 27-10 FDR
Cuello, Sophia 27-5.25 John S. Burke Catholic
Ramos, Larissa 26-8.75 Goshen
Zengen, Audrey 26-2.5 Pine Plains
Castano, Aliyana 25-0 Ellenville
Davis, Aaliyah 20-0 Fallsburg
Finch, Molly Highland
Jones, Athena Washingtonville
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Girls Weight Throw 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Berisha, Dafina 38-0.75 FDR
Fitzgerald, Irelynn 32-0.25 FDR
Tudrej, Maya 31-10 John S. Burke Catholic
Cantave, Arslyn 29-5.75 Fallsburg
McDonnell, Amelie 26-10.5 Goshen
Butcher, Caitlin 24-10 Washingtonville
Wood, Aaliyah 23-2 Minisink Valley
Lopez, Fatima 22-10.25 Pine Plains
Burton, Peyton 22-6 Pine Plains
Robertson, Natalie 22-0.5 John S. Burke Catholic
Doyle, Emma 20-0 Cornwall
Potter, Chelsea 19-7.75 Eldred
Dechon, Riley 18-10 Ellenville
Williams, Hope 18-8 Highland
Galvin-Bliefernich, Alyena 18-2 Eldred
Kozachuk, Adryana 18-0 Fallsburg
Hunter, Madison 17-5 Goshen
Heagney, Mira 15-1 Rondout Valley
Brewster, Amarianna 15-0 Ellenville
Harris, Elizabeth Highland
Sampson, Cheyenne Washingtonville
Zemko, Natalia Dover
Wilhelm, Beatrice Rondout Valley
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