SCAC Varsity XC Championship 2023

Baldwinsville, NY
Hosted by Baldwinsville
Timing/Results Leone Timing

SCAC Varsity XC Championship 2023 vs SCAC Varsity XC Championship 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +20 384 364
Overall Average -1:01.85 22:01.92 23:03.76
1st-10th Place -36.24 16:03.35 16:39.59
1st-25th Place -42.08 16:34.38 17:16.46
1st-50th Place -41.29 17:12.26 17:53.55
1st-100th Place -44.10 17:58.32 18:42.41
Common Athletes -- -- 200
Ran Faster 100 150 50
Ran Season Best 146 160 14
Average Time -46.36 21:26.04 22:12.41
Median Time -24.40 20:49.30 21:13.70
Middle 80% Times -40.13 21:00.55 21:40.68
Top 10% Times -13.57 16:58.21 17:11.78
Top 25% Times -16.77 17:47.95 18:04.72
Top 50% Times -22.16 18:49.46 19:11.63
Bottom 50% Times -1:10.57 24:02.63 25:13.19
Bottom 25% Times -1:25.13 26:24.62 27:49.75
Bottom 10% Times -2:09.03 29:17.87 31:26.90
Average Difference -46.36 -- --
Median Difference -16.20 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -38.70 -- --
Top 10% Difference -12.64 -- --
Top 50% Difference -19.60 -- --
Top 25% Difference -11.41 -- --
Top 50% Difference -19.60 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:13.13 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:36.32 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:21.43 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Ryan Maher Auburn -37.80 15:44.50 16:22.30
Owen Gasper Auburn -17.60 15:57.80 16:15.40
Austin Ferrin Auburn -10.70 15:58.10 16:08.80
Henry Zhe-Heimerman Nottingham +20.70 16:47.20 16:26.50
Will Ditre Fayetteville-Manlius (FM) +10.40 16:42.80 16:32.40
Charles Raymond Central Square -27.20 16:34.50 17:01.70
Daniel Dunn Oswego -40.90 16:39.60 17:20.50
Joshua Vang Liverpool -36.90 16:43.00 17:19.90
Tyler Graham Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -17.90 16:51.90 17:09.80
Coen Fierke Nottingham -4.30 16:55.00 16:59.30
Nolan Zinsmeyer Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) +27.80 17:23.70 16:55.90
Rhett Andrews Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -0.20 16:59.10 16:59.30
Sean Ringwood Auburn -37.60 17:06.30 17:43.90
Jacob Guelli Baldwinsville -7.80 17:21.90 17:29.70
Wyatt Decker Baldwinsville -17.70 17:30.10 17:47.80
Brady Petrella Liverpool -1:09.40 17:33.10 18:42.50
Logan Bolton Baldwinsville -21.70 17:35.40 17:57.10
Angelo Sawyers Baldwinsville -40.30 17:37.20 18:17.50
Ryan Carter Jamesville-Dewitt (JD) -26.60 17:38.50 18:05.10
Liam McOmber Baldwinsville +46.20 18:26.10 17:39.90
Brandon Cerlanek East Syracuse-Minoa (ESM) -50.80 17:44.50 18:35.30
Izzie Sullivan Fayetteville-Manlius (FM) -6.50 17:48.90 17:55.40
Evan Champ Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -59.00 17:50.20 18:49.20
William Cornell Baldwinsville -44.00 17:52.70 18:36.70
Colden Vitale Henninger +8.30 18:03.10 17:54.80
Brian Juston Liverpool +33.50 18:28.60 17:55.10
Mason Dinneen Liverpool -8.50 17:56.20 18:04.70
Andrew Shaver Oswego -1:41.60 17:56.30 19:37.90
London Premo Baldwinsville +31.90 18:31.70 17:59.80
Jackson Allen Liverpool -21.50 18:00.20 18:21.70
Dillan Holzwarth West Genesee -1:56.60 18:04.00 20:00.60
Dominic Petrera Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) +0.10 18:09.80 18:09.70
Mason Doran West Genesee -40.70 18:11.00 18:51.70
Joseph Massett jr Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -7.50 18:13.50 18:21.00
Elliot Newell Oswego -55.70 18:14.40 19:10.10
Teagan Wilbur Auburn +30.50 18:45.30 18:14.80
Alex Bojarski West Genesee +52.40 19:10.80 18:18.40
Marcus Strout Nottingham -55.10 18:19.00 19:14.10
Bryce Oviedo East Syracuse-Minoa (ESM) -28.90 18:22.20 18:51.10
Michael Hoey Liverpool -1:09.90 18:23.40 19:33.30
Sean Moser West Genesee +22.70 18:47.80 18:25.10
Paul Fischi Jamesville-Dewitt (JD) -1:21.80 18:27.60 19:49.40
Archer Macholl West Genesee -3.70 18:29.10 18:32.80
Mary Alice Pineau Auburn -25.10 18:29.50 18:54.60
Elijah Evelyn East Syracuse-Minoa (ESM) +35.10 19:04.80 18:29.70
Peter Drew Jamesville-Dewitt (JD) -28.70 18:33.80 19:02.50
Brodie Wood Oswego -58.90 18:36.00 19:34.90
Ben Prendergast Fayetteville-Manlius (FM) +9.50 18:46.90 18:37.40
Kennedy Jones Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -1:06.40 18:37.80 19:44.20
Ryan Trainor Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -38.90 18:39.40 19:18.30
Taylor Page Liverpool -19.40 18:39.80 18:59.20
Cooper Kohanski Liverpool +36.90 19:21.90 18:45.00
Camille Ryan Fayetteville-Manlius (FM) -37.50 18:48.90 19:26.40
Ethan Millard Baldwinsville +51.70 19:46.00 18:54.30
David Miller Henninger +13.80 19:08.80 18:55.00
Abigail Ringwood Auburn -34.80 18:59.80 19:34.60
William Madden West Genesee +4.90 19:06.70 19:01.80
Benjamin Rose Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -47.20 19:03.90 19:51.10
Joseph Lore Jamesville-Dewitt (JD) -1:14.10 19:07.50 20:21.60
Jordan Giannetti Fayetteville-Manlius (FM) -18.10 19:09.40 19:27.50
Kaitlyn Hotaling Liverpool -9.00 19:12.30 19:21.30
Kamryn Barton Baldwinsville -47.50 19:12.90 20:00.40
Claire McDonald Fayetteville-Manlius (FM) -1:28.20 19:15.00 20:43.20
Ella DeFio Baldwinsville -1:07.30 19:17.20 20:24.50
Scott McDonald Baldwinsville -1:08.10 19:18.50 20:26.60
Thomas Gallery East Syracuse-Minoa (ESM) -3:34.00 19:19.30 22:53.30
Noah Arnold Liverpool -27.40 19:24.50 19:51.90
Chase Croop Syracuse West +58.10 20:27.60 19:29.50
Sophia Graham Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -35.50 19:30.60 20:06.10
Cameron Sisk Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -13.50 19:32.20 19:45.70
Jacob Surita Syracuse West -7.80 19:34.70 19:42.50
Trevor Salzman Baldwinsville -14.40 19:35.70 19:50.10
Ian Downey Central Square -1:31.70 19:38.80 21:10.50
Rachael Burt East Syracuse-Minoa (ESM) -18.10 19:39.40 19:57.50
Peyton Brutcher Baldwinsville -2:49.30 19:40.00 22:29.30
Tyler Brown Liverpool -1:00.80 19:40.40 20:41.20
Jacob Vaccaro Fayetteville-Manlius (FM) +3:35.10 23:16.50 19:41.40
Thomas Wood Fulton -9.70 19:46.80 19:56.50
Katy Harbold Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) +9.30 19:56.40 19:47.10
Garrett Fuller Jamesville-Dewitt (JD) -4:07.80 19:49.60 23:57.40
Gabrielle Putman Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -16.50 19:50.60 20:07.10
Rebecca Dickey West Genesee -1:21.50 19:54.00 21:15.50
Haralambos Sakellariou Jamesville-Dewitt (JD) -28.70 19:59.30 20:28.00
Owen Wilson Baldwinsville +1:32.60 21:32.70 20:00.10
Zachary Lapidus Jamesville-Dewitt (JD) +18.60 20:20.40 20:01.80
Kadence Williams Central Square -1:15.40 20:02.20 21:17.60
Thomas Louise Jamesville-Dewitt (JD) -58.20 20:10.20 21:08.40
Ryan O'Hern West Genesee -1:06.50 20:14.00 21:20.50
Aaron O'Brien Oswego +0.70 20:16.80 20:16.10
Blake Bild Oswego -2:37.60 20:16.30 22:53.90
Nora Burroughs Auburn -17.50 20:21.60 20:39.10
Vienna Ritter-Yelle Auburn -30.90 20:22.40 20:53.30
Jaelyn Jordan East Syracuse-Minoa (ESM) -29.90 20:29.20 20:59.10
Keegan Lee Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) +5.60 20:41.70 20:36.10
Tyler Gorzka West Genesee -2:27.70 20:37.40 23:05.10
Drew Errante Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -0.30 20:38.90 20:39.20
Lily Pellegrino West Genesee -1:02.30 20:39.70 21:42.00
Rose Piorkowski Liverpool -12.00 20:41.00 20:53.00
Kailyn Barth Liverpool -1:27.70 20:41.20 22:08.90
Gus Gallery East Syracuse-Minoa (ESM) -4:27.70 20:44.60 25:12.30
Lester Cateforis Nottingham +2:26.40 23:11.40 20:45.00
Yolanda Wei Baldwinsville +37.70 21:22.90 20:45.20
Shannon McMahon West Genesee -2:00.80 20:46.80 22:47.60
Sabeeh Islam West Genesee +34.40 21:22.90 20:48.50
Thomas Warne Nottingham -4.30 20:49.20 20:53.50
Paige Baker Liverpool -4.70 20:49.30 20:54.00
Garret Bleskoski West Genesee -1:05.50 20:49.30 21:54.80
Cerrah Colton East Syracuse-Minoa (ESM) +37.10 21:26.40 20:49.30
Waylon Watson Fulton +25.70 21:18.10 20:52.40
Troy Andrews Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -3:38.40 20:53.20 24:31.60
Claire Griffin West Genesee -57.80 20:57.00 21:54.80
Collin Powers East Syracuse-Minoa (ESM) -2:29.40 20:59.10 23:28.50
Sean Loughlin Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -1:37.00 21:00.30 22:37.30
Braiden Armelino Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -13.30 21:00.40 21:13.70
Matthew Vargason Baldwinsville -54.90 21:02.80 21:57.70
Julian Panebianco Baldwinsville +0.20 21:03.00 21:02.80
Joslyn Cantine Fulton +6.80 21:09.70 21:02.90
Zach Steiger Oswego -15.90 21:05.10 21:21.00
Addison Ziegler Liverpool +24.10 21:31.10 21:07.00
Thalie Petrie West Genesee -19.50 21:07.80 21:27.30
Saige Hayden Central Square -1:53.20 21:08.40 23:01.60
Maggie Sherlock Liverpool +2:44.20 23:52.80 21:08.60
Noah Pendergast Baldwinsville -16.20 21:10.20 21:26.40
Richard Germain Oswego -15.70 21:11.20 21:26.90
Eythan Raso Auburn -1:15.60 21:12.50 22:28.10
Calvin Graham Baldwinsville -2:08.90 21:13.00 23:21.90
Nicola Petrera Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -53.60 21:13.10 22:06.70
Allison Moran Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -32.40 21:15.90 21:48.30
Ryan O'Donnell West Genesee -2:06.80 21:16.60 23:23.40
Joseph Copeland Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -48.40 21:22.10 22:10.50
Makayla Fowler Baldwinsville -43.50 21:24.60 22:08.10
Mariah LeGrow Baldwinsville -12.20 21:30.60 21:42.80
Liam Unterweger Fayetteville-Manlius (FM) +1:27.50 23:03.40 21:35.90
Darren He Henninger -1:22.30 21:41.00 23:03.30
Nicholas Fiori Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -1:39.70 21:43.20 23:22.90
Isabella Arria Baldwinsville +1:08.80 22:53.00 21:44.20
Dylan Mazariegos East Syracuse-Minoa (ESM) -51.70 21:45.60 22:37.30
Erik Allen Central Square -4:33.50 21:49.90 26:23.40
Addison Miles Liverpool -4:26.30 21:51.10 26:17.40
Rebeca Mendez Siquier Jamesville-Dewitt (JD) -17.20 21:57.60 22:14.80
Ashley Foss West Genesee -4:40.30 21:58.30 26:38.60
Danika Besig East Syracuse-Minoa (ESM) -1:36.70 22:02.70 23:39.40
Vann Andrews Central Square +4:02.90 26:09.60 22:06.70
Nagi Aitbayeva Syracuse West -24.00 22:07.50 22:31.50
Emily Clonan East Syracuse-Minoa (ESM) -1:29.90 22:09.70 23:39.60
Helen Zhe-Heimerman Nottingham -3:26.00 22:12.00 25:38.00
Isabella Petrera Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -59.10 22:12.70 23:11.80
Parker Storms Oswego -1:33.80 22:27.20 24:01.00
Owen Enright Central Square -2:08.00 22:28.70 24:36.70
Aila Paye Central Square -1:12.90 22:38.90 23:51.80
Mariane Dima Henninger -26.70 22:59.60 23:26.30
Josalyn Massett Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -47.10 23:01.40 23:48.50
Jacquelyn Gangemi Baldwinsville -1:09.50 23:07.30 24:16.80
Alannah Edwards Liverpool -2:05.90 23:19.00 25:24.90
Lucas Walz Baldwinsville -1:45.90 23:21.70 25:07.60
Kevin Wei Baldwinsville -1:39.70 23:23.20 25:02.90
Erin Seitzer Baldwinsville +43.10 24:10.40 23:27.30
Brogan Quirk Fulton -1:01.60 23:34.90 24:36.50
Myles Reynolds Baldwinsville +1:01.60 24:38.40 23:36.80
Evalyn Coyne Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) +14.90 23:59.20 23:44.30
Wyatt Cole Nottingham +16.50 24:13.00 23:56.50
Jocelyn Bates Auburn +38.70 24:39.60 24:00.90
Sara Alberici Auburn -1:03.90 24:01.70 25:05.60
Charlotte Raymond Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -1:06.50 24:04.80 25:11.30
Tucker Hogan Auburn +24.00 24:32.60 24:08.60
Lilyanna Kupiec West Genesee -3.70 24:15.80 24:19.50
Amelia Miller Baldwinsville -1:32.10 24:18.30 25:50.40
Luke Rodman Central Square -1:12.20 24:21.10 25:33.30
Ryan Sojewicz Syracuse West +2:45.20 27:07.40 24:22.20
Kate DeFio Baldwinsville -1:33.40 24:25.00 25:58.40
Kate Callahan East Syracuse-Minoa (ESM) -1:56.10 24:25.20 26:21.30
Olivia Kapuscinski Oswego +19.30 24:52.80 24:33.50
Nicole Sherpa Baldwinsville -18.50 24:36.60 24:55.10
Gretchen Kirch Jamesville-Dewitt (JD) -1:11.20 24:40.80 25:52.00
Julia Conmy West Genesee -6:30.30 24:53.60 31:23.90
Ben Velardi Jamesville-Dewitt (JD) -2:46.10 24:57.70 27:43.80
Emma Ridzi Jamesville-Dewitt (JD) -7:50.90 25:25.30 33:16.20
Robert Cavalluzzi Jamesville-Dewitt (JD) -4:07.60 25:27.50 29:35.10
Sophia Reed East Syracuse-Minoa (ESM) +2:31.70 28:02.30 25:30.60
Reese DeRosa Auburn -36.70 25:34.70 26:11.40
Margaret Hobbs Central Square -5:08.30 25:38.60 30:46.90
Megan Darby Cicero-North Syracuse (CNS) -3:47.60 25:38.60 29:26.20
Brendan Miller Central Square -5.40 25:54.20 25:59.60
Jack Johnson Baldwinsville +1:36.00 27:48.00 26:12.00
Treyvin Munger Fulton +1:33.80 27:51.00 26:17.20
Alissa Revenaugh Central Square +48.20 27:09.00 26:20.80
Evan Huyck Jamesville-Dewitt (JD) -1:06.30 26:24.30 27:30.60
Reagan Wood Oswego -39.00 27:39.30 28:18.30
NyJhaya Lyles Henninger -40.40 27:42.60 28:23.00
Savannah Shoen Baldwinsville -3:36.90 28:08.60 31:45.50
Lauren Bennett Jamesville-Dewitt (JD) -7:05.20 28:16.80 35:22.00
Amina Salat Henninger -59.90 28:24.40 29:24.30
Emma Spaulding Fulton -2:29.20 28:47.20 31:16.40
Dilnura Abdullaeva Jamesville-Dewitt (JD) -24.30 29:23.70 29:48.00
Brandon Roberts Baldwinsville -5.30 29:40.40 29:45.70
Meghan Winks Auburn -5:50.40 30:15.20 36:05.60
Matthew LaDue Jr. Baldwinsville +4:57.40 35:26.70 30:29.30
Lauren Cary Baldwinsville +3.50 31:58.60 31:55.10
Abigail Somers Fulton -1:06.10 34:27.20 35:33.30
Sivienne Wenham Central Square -5:53.60 35:15.10 41:08.70