Whitesboro Invitational 2024

Utica, NY
Hosted by Whitesboro
Timing/Results Leone Timing

Athlete Entries

Modified Boys 2500 Meter Run 193 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Velletto, John New Hartford
Drogo, Alex Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Burns, Case Central Square (Modified)
Piekielniak, Michael Whitesboro
Gustina, Bryce Clinton
Brown-Whitcombe, Landon New York Mills High School
Morrock, Lucas Mount Markham
Pforter, Ethan Liverpool (Modified)
Walker, Gabriel Oneonta HS
Polidori, Jude Central Valley Academy
Erny, Mason Holland Patent
Karas, Walter New Hartford
Dziedzic, Watson Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Davis, Jackson New Hartford
Kimpland, Brody Liverpool (Modified)
Carrig, Colden Little Falls
White, Matthew Whitesboro
Walker, Easton Liverpool (Modified)
Retamar, Jeremiah Thomas R. Proctor
Zehr, Rowan Beaver River
Bord, Sebastian Whitesboro
Aylward, Grayson Liverpool (Modified)
Sutter, Michael Clinton
Thai, Russell New York Mills High School
Mimassi, Darin Westmoreland
Duffy, Weston Canastota
Scanlon, Lucas Notre Dame (Utica)
Yang, YeeChen Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Graham, Colton Central Square (Modified)
Scott, Callum New Hartford
Ralph, Matthew Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Chapman, Paxton Central Square (Modified)
Potts, Treyvon Liverpool (Modified)
DeMarche, Night Clinton
Lockwood, Aiden Holland Patent
McDonald, Jack Liverpool (Modified)
Small, Zander West Canada Valley
Syed, Rayan New Hartford
Brophy, Gideon Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Burke, Landon Mount Markham
Bourhim, Rayyan New Hartford
Welyczko, Gregory Little Falls
Dickinson, Thomas Liverpool (Modified)
Almayahi, Ali Thomas R. Proctor
Wright, Treshawn Corcoran (Modified)
Lasher, Cole Westmoreland
Sharkey, Patrick Whitesboro
Hoy, Jack Liverpool (Modified)
Leising, Ewan Clinton
Torres, Joevanni New York Mills High School
Murray, Asher Remsen
LeClair, Matthew Central Square (Modified)
Pereira, Patrick New York Mills High School
Colvin, Cooper Canastota
Bubnis, Declan New Hartford
Lonis, Michael Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Butera, Hunter Central Square (Modified)
Vella, Colin Whitesboro
Daughtry, Elias Clinton
Jaquay, Colton Mount Markham
Rudd, Tristan Liverpool (Modified)
Silvernail, Brandon Oneonta HS
Meszler, Cadan Central Valley Academy
Turcyzn, William Clinton
Mosher, Carter Holland Patent
Kidwell, Ben New Hartford
Gibbons, Will Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Schuster, Aaron West Canada Valley
Hyatt, Vincent New Hartford
Lapp, Brayden Liverpool (Modified)
Graves, Christopher Little Falls
Young, William Whitesboro
Carter, William Liverpool (Modified)
Gonzalez-Aponte, Carlos Thomas R. Proctor
Meszler, Mitchell Herkimer
Nortz, Bentley Beaver River
Sylvester, Robert Westmoreland
Facci, John Whitesboro
Bailey, Elijah Liverpool (Modified)
Gaetano, Angelo Clinton
Cuffe, Lucas New York Mills High School
Hilterbrandt, Desmond Notre Dame (Utica)
Zecker, Max Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Schantz, Bruce Central Square (Modified)
Murphy-Weissman, Eamon Corcoran (Modified)
Spinella, Cameron New Hartford
Yelverton, Andrew Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Pulis, Christopher Central Square (Modified)
Lesperance, Jabir Liverpool (Modified)
Walden, Matthew Clinton
Steffen, Luke New York Mills High School
McKinnon, Desmond Liverpool (Modified)
Goldblatt, Rowan Oneonta HS
Skandera, Martin Central Valley Academy
Gautam, Virat New Hartford
Chhokar, Ranveer Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Eck, Landon Mount Markham
Brych, Nate New Hartford
Pugliese, Jacob Little Falls
Drake, Derek Liverpool (Modified)
Shoulders, Gregory Corcoran (Modified)
Tylutki, Liam Westmoreland
Slatton, Matthew Whitesboro
Razza, Benjamin Liverpool (Modified)
Kay, Ethan Clinton
Sweet, Kingston Thomas R. Proctor
Shoults, Daniel Central Square (Modified)
Turner, Clinton New York Mills High School
Melton, Isaac Canastota
Silva, Jayden New Hartford
Maines, Alexander Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Franklin, Kaydan Central Square (Modified)
Bringham, Cathan Whitesboro
Torre, Mitchell Clinton
Andreev, Ivan Owen D. Young
Smith, Ethan Liverpool (Modified)
Cavalier, Mason Clinton
Steele, Kain Holland Patent
Radell, Joseph New Hartford
Lapidus, Simon Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Hopsicker, Tucker West Canada Valley
Lockwood, Logan New Hartford
Seelman, Wyatt Mount Markham
Lashway, Mikey Liverpool (Modified)
Beiler, Miles Beaver River
Law, Jack Little Falls
Claridge, Tobias Liverpool (Modified)
Young, Wyatt Thomas R. Proctor
Johnson, Anthony Herkimer
Bronk, Gavin Westmoreland
Jerome, Leo Whitesboro
DiRubbo, Peter Liverpool (Modified)
Reardon, James Clinton
Piazza, Vincent New York Mills High School
Paciello, Ben Notre Dame (Utica)
Wormer, Griffin Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Kepner, Taylor Cooperstown
Seymour, Devin Central Square (Modified)
Tkacz-Jimenez, Atticus Corcoran (Modified)
Tallman, Garrett New Hartford
Caldwell, Quintin Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Wilson, Luke Central Square (Modified)
Trzcinski, Alexander Whitesboro
Foley, Jack Clinton
Tallman, Carter New York Mills High School
Miles, Ben Liverpool (Modified)
Caseman, Reese Oneonta HS
Hoyt, Alfred Central Valley Academy
Jones, Carter New Hartford
Chhokar, Tejveer Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Georgia, Alex Mount Markham
Conover, Grady New Hartford
Eighmey, Matteo Liverpool (Modified)
Burditt, Aaron Little Falls
Davis, Wyatt Westmoreland
Toner, Steven Whitesboro
Stala, Anthony Liverpool (Modified)
Sonia, Druss Clinton
Winston, Ty Thomas R. Proctor
Martin, Kaisyn Beaver River
Scoones, Spencer Clinton
Briggs, John New York Mills High School
Kuhn, Conner Canastota
Fortino, Thomas Notre Dame (Utica)
Singh, Savya New Hartford
Reyes, Adam Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Gilbert, Kyle Central Square (Modified)
Alcuri, Benjamin Whitesboro
Andrejko, Cole Liverpool (Modified)
Springall, Jared Liverpool (Modified)
Filippo IV, Louis Clinton
VanHatten, Owen Holland Patent
Sahbani, Mohamed New Hartford
Liebler, Kass Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Ives, Austin West Canada Valley
Lopez-Williams, Alec New Hartford
Berring, Lucas Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Donahoe, Collin Mount Markham
Marsh, Drake Liverpool (Modified)
Widrick, Kael Beaver River
Novak, John Little Falls
Cung, Paul Liverpool (Modified)
Mazzaferro, Owen Thomas R. Proctor
Brown, Rashawn Corcoran (Modified)
Charles, Carter Westmoreland
Meier, Theodore Whitesboro
Fasulo, Vincent Liverpool (Modified)
Pflanz, Blake Clinton
Holdridge, Alex New York Mills High School
Ford, Johnny Notre Dame (Utica)
Murray, Oliver Remsen
Flannigan, Wyatt Cooperstown
Tackman, Cooper Central Square (Modified)
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Modified Girls 2500 Meter Run 173 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramirez, Greyson Thomas R. Proctor
Dam, Alexis Canastota
Yesner, Krystina Notre Dame (Utica)
Slater, Chloe Liverpool (Modified)
Wood, Lillianna Owen D. Young
Terry, Gianna Central Square (Modified)
Koch, Katie Whitesboro
Carney, Sophia Liverpool (Modified)
Catterson, Quinn Clinton
Holmes, Tahleya New York Mills High School
Dorsagno, Giada Thomas R. Proctor
Winn, April West Canada Valley
Kubat, Ryleigh Whitesboro
Jackstadt, Leah Liverpool (Modified)
Townsend, Sierra Clinton
Mitchell, Victoria New York Mills High School
Malay, Claire Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Hamlen, Heaven Central Square (Modified)
McDowell, Ella Central Valley Academy
Terranova, Morgan New Hartford
Chen, Lia Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Lewis, Reegan Central Square (Modified)
Jones, Aubrey Herkimer
Evans, Lillian Thomas R. Proctor
Gates, Lydia Remsen
Telford, Jordyn Beaver River
Heavner, Maggie Cooperstown
Carcone, Octavia New Hartford
Fetahaj, Eliza New Hartford
Johnson, Karissa Notre Dame (Utica)
Warney, Amara Poland
Tsukayama, Victoria Whitesboro
Jaquin, Hannah Liverpool (Modified)
Collins, Treveyah New York Mills High School
Calabrese, Juliet Thomas R. Proctor
Young, Dhevin Canastota
Cooper, Nora Oneonta HS
Shepard, Sophia Central Valley Academy
Moore, Aubrey Whitesboro
Barth, Kinley Liverpool (Modified)
Westmoreland, Gwendolyn Clinton
Bolick, Ashley New York Mills High School
Hayden, Reese Central Square (Modified)
Cameron, Payton Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Wenham, Sadira Central Square (Modified)
Woodcock, Kyle Whitesboro
Lamach, Addyson Thomas R. Proctor
Anthony, Aubrey Herkimer
Lyndaker, Karol Beaver River
Lints, Arya New Hartford
Zhang, Anna New Hartford
Thompson, Isabel Thomas R. Proctor
Piersall, Emma Notre Dame (Utica)
Beecher, Ella New Hartford
Smith, Alexandra Liverpool (Modified)
Browell, Haley Owen D. Young
Whitmarsh, Alaina Central Square (Modified)
Carlson, Sophia Whitesboro
Chapman, Alexis Liverpool (Modified)
Sumner, Grayson New York Mills High School
Gazzilli, Gabriella Thomas R. Proctor
Parmeter , Savannah Canastota
Mariani, Eleni Whitesboro
Rosales, Kaitlyn Liverpool (Modified)
Hepler, Claudia Clinton
Moser, Lia New York Mills High School
Marsh, Elsa Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Boehm, Karmella Central Square (Modified)
Hand, Havyn Central Valley Academy
Wagner, Ella New Hartford
Gormel, Jenna Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Murphy, Saidee Central Square (Modified)
Schoen, Elizabeth Whitesboro
Berroa, Yeisy Thomas R. Proctor
Van Exter , Kiera Remsen
Simpson, Avery Beaver River
Burr, Willow Cooperstown
Haddad, Lilah New Hartford
Hyatt, Cecilia New Hartford
King, Emma Notre Dame (Utica)
Harris, Javaya Poland
Park, Averie Whitesboro
Maliszewski, Kadence Liverpool (Modified)
Ku, Eh Thomas R. Proctor
Shanahan, Teagan Canastota
Servello, Natalie Whitesboro
Beaudin, Makayla Liverpool (Modified)
Boucek, Mathilde Clinton
Dzwonkowski, Cailtlyn New York Mills High School
Stone-Smith, Lilly Deruyter
Paye, Ivy Central Square (Modified)
Dressing, Francesca Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Whitney, Hannah Central Square (Modified)
Reinhardt, MIranda West Canada Valley
Manion, Emma Whitesboro
Dana, Lily Liverpool (Modified)
Leon, Oktober Little Falls
Parmon, Faith Herkimer
Gates, Maya Beaver River
Schilling, Hannah New Hartford
Ambrose, Anabella New Hartford
Yager, Ella Thomas R. Proctor
Ivey, Anna Notre Dame (Utica)
Brooks, Abigail New Hartford
Thomas, Claire Liverpool (Modified)
Eppolito, Elaina Central Square (Modified)
Collea, Emma Whitesboro
Devendorf, Violet Liverpool (Modified)
Williams, Kendall New York Mills High School
Gazzilli, Giavanna Thomas R. Proctor
Hayden, Isabelle Canastota
Storms, Hayden Central Valley Academy
Roberts, Olivia Whitesboro
Shore, Evelyn Liverpool (Modified)
Bauer, Josey Clinton
Ryan, Madison New York Mills High School
Mueller, Clara Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Fischmann, Kathrynn Central Square (Modified)
Wassel, Juliana New Hartford
Sanders, Simran Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Quackenbush, Lylah Central Square (Modified)
West, Shelby Whitesboro
Htoo, Eh Thomas R. Proctor
Dew, Elsa Remsen
Roggie, Abagail Beaver River
Huang, Caroline New Hartford
Sheehy, Isabella New Hartford
Emmons, Megan Canastota
Kotary, Abbie Notre Dame (Utica)
Falchi, Isabelle Poland
Sederstrand, Glory Liverpool (Modified)
Mbabazi, Lucie Thomas R. Proctor
Kendic, Ella Whitesboro
Carlesco, Natalie Liverpool (Modified)
Giannone, Veronica Clinton
Holmes, Layla New York Mills High School
Dorham, Violet Owen D. Young
Scoville, Jazmine Central Square (Modified)
Bolick, Mckenna New York Mills High School
Kirch, Helene Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Montclair, Isabella Central Square (Modified)
Skwara, Annalee West Canada Valley
Fitzgerald, Brooke Whitesboro
Dorsey, Briana Liverpool (Modified)
Grumley, Megan Central Square (Modified)
Slowik, Zoey Herkimer
Syed, Ishaal New Hartford
Brown, Amorin New Hartford
Bach, Isla Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Mccurdy, Vivianna Thomas R. Proctor
Cooper, Annie Cooperstown
Burns, Olivia New Hartford
Goodney, Farrah Poland
Pericho, Riley Central Square (Modified)
Davis, Khloe Whitesboro
Hines, Gabrielle Liverpool (Modified)
Faustino, Morgann New York Mills High School
Kemp, Jaylen Thomas R. Proctor
Williams, Briana Canastota
Davis, Sophia Central Valley Academy
Shepardson, Kiarah Whitesboro
Amidon, Elyana Liverpool (Modified)
Reaves, Emilia Clinton
Bilal, Ela New York Mills High School
Fragale, Reese Central Square (Modified)
Weaver, Carly New Hartford
Bouck, Emma Jamesville-Dewitt (Modified)
Weeks, Tessa Central Square (Modified)
Denman, Katherine Whitesboro
Whitehurst, Arianna Thomas R. Proctor
Maurer, Isabella Beaver River
Kress, Kylee New Hartford
Weaver, Lia New Hartford
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Varsity/JV Boys 5,000 Meter Run 232 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dougherty, Luke West Canada Valley
Monnat, Matthew Beaver River
Kryczkowski, Christian Westmoreland
Chirangwarophoj, Pooh West Canada Valley
Bullock, Klymir Syracuse West
Agostino, Hu Cooperstown
Grande, Bryce New York Mills High School
Wu, Evan Canastota
Raulli, Ivan Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Remis, Elijah Central Valley Academy
Simmonds, Miguel Westmoreland
Fisher, Liam West Canada Valley
Adams, Ra'id New York Mills High School
Bringham, Damien Whitesboro
Moshier, Gavin Hamilton
Legname, Caio Oneonta HS
Tan, Nick New York Mills High School
Wehnke, Keegan Holland Patent
Studebaker, Trace Canastota
Jenkins, Khadeim Syracuse West
Strife, Kiel Westmoreland
Boyce, Tyler Poland
Cosentino, Anthony Clinton
Maida, Logan West Canada Valley
Luley, Aidan New Hartford
Norwood, Ryan Cooperstown
Santiago, Marco New York Mills High School
Bradley, John Whitesboro
Cowen, Collin Westmoreland
Boliver, Andrew Beaver River
Gus, Daniel Clinton
Madle, Nathan Canastota
Kacic, Eljas New York Mills High School
Fazekas III, Joseph Holland Patent
Fisher, Justin Westmoreland
Baker, Drew Hamilton
Michaud, Bryce Poland
Broadbent, Glenn West Canada Valley
Pereira, Aaron New York Mills High School
Reisenfeld, George Cooperstown
Margari, Frank Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Dodson, Xavier Westmoreland
Sinsawat, Sittha (Hero) Hamilton
Burt, Tyler Whitesboro
Piaschyk, Ean 16:27.00 Remsen
Musante, John 16:34.90 Clinton
Dunn, Daniel 16:39.60 Oswego
Stevens, Seth 16:49.20 Whitesboro
Wengert, Leo 16:58.00 Whitesboro
Karis, Ethan 17:03.00 Remsen
Gates, John 17:05.90 Remsen
Knisely, Brandon 17:14.50 Mount Markham
Nelson, Gavin 17:16.20 Remsen
Fletcher-Foster, Colin 17:21.30 Oneonta HS
Ziaie, Keyon 17:25.30 Oneonta HS
Hitchcock, Jonah 17:29.10 Cooperstown
Carter, Ryan 17:30.70 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Hurlbert, Braedon 17:33.60 Deruyter
Zehr, Mason 17:39.40 Beaver River
Hawkins, Ty 17:39.70 Canastota
Forbes, Jackson 17:40.70 Oneonta HS
Drew, Peter 17:42.50 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Wallace, Colin 17:48.40 Oswego
Divine, Lees 17:50.70 Clinton
Forbes, Wyatt 18:02.00 Clinton
Daley, David 18:06.60 New Hartford
Reale, Jack 18:07.50 New Hartford
Fischi, Paul 18:09.90 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Flannigan, Owen 18:10.10 Cooperstown
Lema, Donovan 18:10.40 Oneonta HS
Luley, Troy 18:12.50 New Hartford
Hecker, Jonah 18:13.70 Mount Markham
Newell, Elliot 18:14.40 Oswego
Dickenson, Johnathan 18:14.70 Remsen
Pellecchia, Antimo 18:15.10 Clinton
Rissberger, Gabriel 18:16.50 Oneonta HS
Boliver, Tyler 18:16.80 Beaver River
Heretz, Avery 18:23.20 Whitesboro
Morford, Benjamin 18:23.60 Clinton
Berry, Matthew 18:24.90 Hamilton
Joyce, Anthony 18:30.90 Central Valley Academy
Logue, Brighton 18:33.10 Oneonta HS
Wood, Brodie 18:36.00 Oswego
LaMore, Ethan 18:40.40 Whitesboro
Crowe, Silas 18:42.90 Holland Patent
St. James, Mason 18:43.00 New York Mills High School
Benjamin, Luke 18:48.30 Whitesboro
Kelly, Chris 18:49.30 Holland Patent
Gaiser, Brycen 18:50.40 New Hartford
Johnson, Jacob 18:51.40 Cooperstown
Roberts, Reece 18:54.50 New Hartford
Joyce, Christopher 18:55.30 Central Valley Academy
DeStefanis, Evan 18:55.40 Whitesboro
Lore, Joseph 19:05.90 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Maxson, Liam 19:09.10 Central Valley Academy
Heavner, Brendan 19:09.80 Cooperstown
Young, Jared 19:10.40 Poland
Bolos, Zecharia 19:12.36 Clinton
Getman, Jack 19:12.90 Central Valley Academy
Schreppel, Sean 19:13.70 Clinton
Jordan, Jaden 19:13.80 Remsen
Cooley, Calvin 19:15.40 Whitesboro
Foley, Alexander 19:18.50 Clinton
Valent, Luca 19:20.50 New Hartford
Ferguson, Connor 19:20.90 New Hartford
Surita, Jacob 19:22.10 Syracuse West
Race, Nick 19:25.30 Holland Patent
Fuller, Garrett 19:28.40 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Jones, Dylan 19:32.00 Remsen
Haver, Troy 19:33.10 Poland
Kowalsky, Max 19:33.60 Holland Patent
Wilken, Colin 19:34.60 Deruyter
Stephens, Gavin 19:35.20 New Hartford
Stafford, Cameron 19:41.50 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Niles, Bryce 19:42.00 Canastota
Hougland, William 19:42.80 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Luce, santino 19:45.60 Herkimer
Dean, Colin 19:46.70 Central Valley Academy
Saunders, Brady 19:48.40 Herkimer
Danseco, Dylan 19:51.20 Oswego
Law, Wyatt 19:54.90 Little Falls
Dreier, Gideon 19:56.30 Clinton
Getman , Samuel 19:56.80 New Hartford
Sakellariou, Haralambos 19:59.30 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Croop, Chase 20:05.40 Syracuse West
Jensen, Cole 20:05.69 Holland Patent
Cooper, William 20:08.40 Oneonta HS
Haggart, Jacob 20:08.90 Deruyter
Kidwell, Ethan 20:08.90 Whitesboro
Lapidus, Zachary 20:09.50 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Louise, Thomas 20:10.20 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
McCarthy, Deklan 20:12.70 New Hartford
Tytler, Owen 20:14.80 Deruyter
Brych, Jacob 20:15.90 New Hartford
O'Brien, Aaron 20:16.80 Oswego
Wengert, Brodie 20:22.70 Whitesboro
Dawes, Rowan 20:23.70 Clinton
Niebuhr, Michael 20:29.00 New Hartford
Garabito, Julius 20:30.60 Oswego
Anthony, Blaze 20:31.90 Herkimer
Militello, Anthony 20:34.10 Poland
Dzwonkowski, Nathaneal 20:39.40 New York Mills High School
Reader, Sean 20:40.50 Whitesboro
Page, Nate 20:41.00 Herkimer
LaBuzzetta, Mark 20:44.40 Whitesboro
Germain, Richard 20:45.60 Oswego
Ryan, Matthew 20:46.00 Whitesboro
Antrosio, Samuel 20:49.50 Oneonta HS
Chandler, Elijah 20:49.90 Central Valley Academy
MacLeish, Elias 20:50.70 Cooperstown
George, Landon 20:52.50 Whitesboro
Centollela, Matthew 20:53.60 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Bennett, Ryan 20:54.50 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Feury, Theo 20:58.90 Cooperstown
Chen, Yufan Ryan 20:59.10 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Lorraine, Caden 21:00.00 New York Mills High School
Gamarra, Edson 21:01.10 New Hartford
Gruneich, Isaac 21:05.00 New Hartford
Steiger, Zach 21:05.10 Oswego
Spadea, Mac 21:06.60 Clinton
Wightman, Cyrus 21:06.60 Oneonta HS
Shupp, Henry 21:10.50 New Hartford
Temming, Logan 21:11.40 Oneonta HS
Vella, Christian 21:12.40 Whitesboro
Speck, Rowan 21:13.70 Hamilton
Durant, Greg 21:16.40 Central Valley Academy
Leo, Josh 21:16.50 New Hartford
Drogo, Ryan 21:23.80 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Nelson, Connor 21:27.00 Remsen
Foley, Jeff 21:30.00 Clinton
Squires, Ryan 21:35.90 Clinton
Exton, Austin 21:45.40 New York Mills High School
Scrimgeour, Andrew 21:48.50 New Hartford
Phelps, Alex 21:49.10 Whitesboro
Jordan, Cooper 21:53.40 Herkimer
Baker, Dakota 21:54.50 Deruyter
Fralick, Seton 21:57.30 Cooperstown
Verdejo, Anibal 22:03.30 New Hartford
Kapo, Adem 22:09.20 New Hartford
Jones, Xizavier 22:14.00 Central Valley Academy
Mazzei, Lucas 22:14.50 Clinton
Storms, Parker 22:27.20 Oswego
Knisely, Jacob 22:39.50 Mount Markham
Meszler, Ethan 22:39.70 Central Valley Academy
Holmes, Kaylin 22:40.60 New York Mills High School
Costello, Jackson 22:45.00 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Whaley, Kaiden 22:51.80 Holland Patent
Holm, Andrew 22:52.10 Hamilton
Kinney, Daniel 22:58.70 Whitesboro
Nolan, Owen 23:09.00 Cooperstown
Fuller, Aiden 23:14.80 Central Valley Academy
Wratten, Jack 23:16.80 Clinton
Fanelli, David 23:28.20 New Hartford
Meszler, Ryan 23:33.40 Central Valley Academy
Pezdek, Brenden 23:47.90 Whitesboro
Baker, Hunter 23:54.10 Deruyter
Hilts, Weston 24:10.30 Canastota
Helton, Toby 24:11.70 Oswego
Huyck, Evan 24:13.00 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Poland, Cooper 24:15.17 Holland Patent
Falicetti, Kameron 24:19.80 Oswego
Beitzel, Nathan 24:28.30 Oneonta HS
Root, Austin 24:28.80 Poland
Davis, Eli 24:42.00 Clinton
Aumell, Holden 24:44.10 Canastota
Rorick, Cooper 24:55.60 Clinton
Velardi, Ben 24:57.70 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Cavalluzzi, Robert 25:06.50 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Murray , Daniel 25:10.10 New Hartford
Hopkins, Ben 25:11.10 Notre Dame (Utica)
Pullman, Logan 25:12.70 Herkimer
Brown, Frank 25:19.20 Whitesboro
Sojewicz, Ryan 25:23.80 Syracuse West
Mosler, Rowan 25:28.60 Syracuse West
Detraglia, Ramiro 25:54.80 New Hartford
Fitzgerald, Michael 25:55.50 Notre Dame (Utica)
Berg, Derek 26:08.10 New Hartford
Feng, Aaron 26:08.80 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Latendress, Tristan 26:09.70 Whitesboro
Piaschyk, Owen 26:13.10 Remsen
Lints, Wyatt 26:24.20 New Hartford
Bean, Jackson 26:27.50 Clinton
Edkins, Brody 26:32.80 New Hartford
Moffet, Colden 27:18.20 Deruyter
Cavalier, Angelo 27:58.30 Whitesboro
Rys, Matt 28:23.70 Central Valley Academy
Steere, Colin 28:31.00 Whitesboro
Piekielniak, Matthew 28:34.60 Whitesboro
Vander Molen, Sam 28:41.60 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Dening, Jakob 31:17.70 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Hagadorn, Liam 33:50.30 Whitesboro
Burgdoff, Gavyn 35:39.80 Whitesboro
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Varsity/JV Girls 5,000 Meter Run 179 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ingerham, Chloe Herkimer
Kinville, Madison Little Falls
Pecorella, Savanna Oswego
MacLeish, Ada Cooperstown
Johnson, Destiny Syracuse West
Durdisova, Marie Remsen
Dadey, Caleigh Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Luce, Claudia Herkimer
Mierek, Megan Holland Patent
Loranty, Cora Hamilton
Pope, Ariel Poland
Decker, Emma New York Mills High School
Miller, Izabella Westmoreland
Young, Paiton Canastota
Jenkins, Azia Syracuse West
Stokes, Jolleen West Canada Valley
Peruzzi, Lia Herkimer
Brown, Lucy Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Williams, Kathryn New York Mills High School
Temp, Olivia Cooperstown
Howard, Leah Holland Patent
Pope, Alexa Poland
Turner, Tionna Syracuse West
Malagese, Grayce Holland Patent
Gemelli, Gabriella Clinton
Stokes, Joslin West Canada Valley
Edick, Natalie Herkimer
Dzwonkowski, Keira New York Mills High School
Bravin, Anna Cooperstown
Abdi, Yerey Syracuse West
Dziuban, Cordelia Mount Markham
Forbes, Ryan Oneonta HS
Wood, Ashley Notre Dame (Utica)
Baldwin, Rachel Holland Patent
French, Alexandria 19:12.00 New Hartford
Piazza, Arianna 19:54.70 New York Mills High School
Heselton, Natalie 20:03.40 Clinton
Heenan, Riley 20:59.80 New Hartford
Kuhl, Greta 21:01.00 Beaver River
Davignon, Wynnyn 21:02.20 Clinton
Neale, Abigail 21:04.10 New Hartford
Moore, Lana 21:09.10 Whitesboro
Rioux, Beatrix 21:13.90 Clinton
Friot, Elizabeth 21:14.80 Whitesboro
Loranty, June 21:23.00 Hamilton
Lyon, Isabelle 21:27.80 West Canada Valley
Mendez Siquier, Rebeca 21:31.00 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Brehaut, Ella 21:33.30 Clinton
Brennan, Caiden 21:34.10 West Canada Valley
Celia, Sophia 21:36.40 Whitesboro
Lally, Grace 21:40.50 Central Valley Academy
Zehr, Adria 21:42.00 Beaver River
Campeau, Ava 21:50.90 Beaver River
LaBarbera, Annette 21:51.70 Notre Dame (Utica)
Moser, Hannah 21:58.90 Beaver River
Anderson, Addison 22:00.00 Canastota
Aitbayeva, Nagi 22:07.50 Syracuse West
Rukavena, Emma 22:10.80 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Craig, Nora 22:15.30 Cooperstown
Fobare, Tara 22:15.40 New Hartford
Gwilt, Evangeline 22:15.60 Whitesboro
Parker, Hailey 22:29.00 Remsen
Attilio, Ashley 22:29.70 Whitesboro
Roggie, Claire 22:32.50 Beaver River
Doolen, Leah 22:32.60 Remsen
Gillander, Rebecca 22:38.00 New Hartford
Salvo, Ella 22:41.40 New Hartford
Waugh, Gabrielle 22:42.60 Beaver River
Case, Mia 22:53.80 Mount Markham
Scott, Riley 23:00.20 Central Valley Academy
Kress, Hailie 23:00.50 New Hartford
Mattia, Mia 23:02.70 Whitesboro
Karis, Marissa 23:12.10 Remsen
Fehlhaber, Hallie 23:14.20 West Canada Valley
Smithson, Addison 23:16.40 Central Valley Academy
DeSanctis, Emma 23:22.20 New Hartford
Cortright, Natalie 23:24.10 Clinton
Calhoun, Abbey 23:24.50 New York Mills High School
Trunfio, Gabriella 23:29.00 New Hartford
Sloth, Sasha 23:29.30 Oneonta HS
Gates, Evalyn 23:29.70 Remsen
Morkevicius, Ingrida 23:33.00 Hamilton
Bilal, Selen 23:34.90 New York Mills High School
Bailey, Melody 23:37.20 Holland Patent
Verdejo, Isabella 23:39.40 New Hartford
Garrabrant, Sarah 23:39.70 New Hartford
Kimble, Nevaeh 23:41.00 New York Mills High School
Appler, Madeline 23:41.40 New Hartford
Pettiford, Rachel 23:46.00 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Williams, Caitlin 23:52.40 Notre Dame (Utica)
Hagos, Liliana 24:01.10 Hamilton
Rioux, Josie 24:01.50 Clinton
Kapuscinski, Olivia 24:02.10 Oswego
Seelman, Amelia 24:16.20 Mount Markham
Dutcher, Lia 24:17.20 Poland
Roller, Clare 24:23.50 Hamilton
Padmanabhan, Maya 24:24.10 New Hartford
Van Dyk, Lylah 24:33.90 Whitesboro
Velletto, Sofia 24:37.60 New Hartford
Protasovitskiy, Sofia 24:38.40 Whitesboro
Stoffle, Jacqui 24:39.90 Beaver River
Kirch, Gretchen 24:40.80 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Stofanak, Alexia 24:49.00 West Canada Valley
White, Isabella 24:56.80 Central Valley Academy
Levkovets, Angelina 24:58.70 Whitesboro
Manno, Alexandra 25:00.10 Notre Dame (Utica)
Juarez, Sophia 25:03.10 Hamilton
Conrad, Olena 25:13.70 Canastota
Vulcano, Claire 25:24.10 Whitesboro
Ridzi, Emma 25:25.30 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Brazier, Ava 25:29.00 New Hartford
Kostic, Mathea 25:30.20 New Hartford
Villarreal, Zhyleece 25:39.00 Syracuse West
Huang, Felicia 25:42.60 New Hartford
Platt, Anna 25:43.60 Hamilton
Protasovitskiy, Leah 25:45.80 Whitesboro
Novak, Mary 25:46.20 Little Falls
Bunce, Lia 25:48.70 Holland Patent
Tibbitts, Adeline 25:54.10 Whitesboro
Achen, Abby 26:01.70 New Hartford
Syed, Inayah 26:08.20 New Hartford
Beiderbecke, Allyson 26:47.10 Holland Patent
Haddad, Caroline 26:47.20 New Hartford
Scaparo, Sophia 26:49.50 New Hartford
Polidori, Angelina 26:55.90 West Canada Valley
Delmedico, Addison 26:58.00 New Hartford
Nietes, Rosie 26:59.20 Herkimer
Haggart, Emma 27:04.50 Deruyter
Wilson, Sadie 27:06.40 New Hartford
Spiwak, Mia 27:09.60 New Hartford
Wise, Caelia 27:11.40 New Hartford
Conrad, Gretchen 27:11.70 Canastota
Secor, Ellie 27:13.30 Remsen
Alt, Caitlin 27:14.40 New Hartford
Bacon, Avery 27:21.30 Central Valley Academy
Conover, MacKenzie 27:34.60 New Hartford
Lonis, Logan 27:35.00 Poland
Spencer, Kara 27:36.20 New Hartford
Tinkler, Emily 27:36.90 Clinton
Wood, Reagan 27:39.30 Oswego
Philipkoski, Allie 27:40.80 New Hartford
Bennett, Lauren 27:41.70 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
Dowdell, Serinity 27:43.00 Syracuse West
Seymour, Peyton 27:45.10 Clinton
Sharkey, Karen 27:45.20 Whitesboro
Gay, Cheyanne 27:52.30 Poland
Barnard, Natalie 27:53.40 Remsen
Wu, Crystal 27:54.90 Canastota
Williams, Delainey 28:01.20 Clinton
Usyk, Alexandria 28:01.40 New Hartford
Kearney, Coral 28:05.70 Notre Dame (Utica)
Patrei, Sophia 28:14.10 Notre Dame (Utica)
Rugovaj, Floresa 28:20.20 New Hartford
Jeff, Rose 29:08.30 New York Mills High School
Conover, Bridget 29:10.40 New Hartford
Bilal, Rana 29:17.60 New York Mills High School
Abdullaeva, Dilnura 29:23.70 Jamesville-Dewitt (JD)
McLaughlin, Gabriella 29:36.50 Holland Patent
Favata, Lauren 29:43.00 Holland Patent
Walker, Sydney 29:43.50 New Hartford
Quille, Giuliana 29:47.90 New Hartford
Johnson, Kimberlee 30:03.20 Central Valley Academy
Kernan, Brooke 30:04.40 Whitesboro
Roberts, Julia 30:11.00 West Canada Valley
Peck, Julia 31:08.50 Hamilton
Denoon, Chloe 31:26.20 Clinton
LaBella, Mia 31:38.90 New Hartford
Stevens, Joslyn 31:55.30 Whitesboro
Burns, Ava 32:13.70 New Hartford
Redmond, Alexah 33:08.70 Notre Dame (Utica)
Christiano, Mackenzie 33:16.80 West Canada Valley
Brown, Cecelia 34:43.10 Central Valley Academy
Schieble, Autumn 35:00.00 Holland Patent
Westcott, Shania 35:03.70 Holland Patent
Suits, Arika 35:20.10 New Hartford
Grawrock, Ainsley 36:45.50 Hamilton
Virkler, Alyssa 38:07.20 New Hartford
Briggs, Sheala 38:09.20 Central Valley Academy
Betsinger, Makayla 42:12.60 Canastota
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