Could this be the genesis of two At-Large Bids for the Northeast?
We look at what we're looking for at the Manhattan Invite.

Pictures from the Manhattan HS Invitational held at Van Cortland Park, Bronx, NY
We travel to Rochester, to catch up with the #1 ranked male athlete in New York State.
Could four, or even possibly more, girls break under 14mins this weekend?
Bryan, Cory and Parker discuss the Manhattan Invitational this weekend at Van Cortlandt Park
Murphy ran 12:15.2 to win the Eastern States race, and Bednar broke the NJ girls course record
PA's top two boys teams showed their stuff against the regions best.
A look at how the scoring plays out when everyone is all in the same race.
Jenna Goldberg continued her winning streak up in New York City this weekend.
We know it was good, but exactly how good was this years Manhattan?
A look at how things would play out at States.
A look at how the meet would have played out if organized by School size.
Run annually since 1972, the meet will return in 2021.