CHSAA Relay Carnival 2012

New York, NY

Varsity Boys Pole Vault

RaceTab 3 by MileSplit                  Registered to: George Febles, Fordham Prep HS

                 CHSAA Indoor Relay Carnival - 12/10/2011 3:52:40 AM                 
                      Armory Track & Field Center, New York, NY                      

                      Varsity Boys Pole Vault                       
    Name                      Yr Team                           Mark
  1 Greg Gallagher            12 Iona Preparatory School    15-00.00
  2 Michael Brunoforte           Saint Anthony's            15-00.00
  3 Matt Urbano               11 Iona Preparatory School    14-00.00
  4 Brian Doyle                  Saint Anthony's            13-00.00
  5 Conor Simons              12 Chaminade                  12-06.00
  6 Steven Neocleos           11 Archbishop Molloy          12-00.00
  6 Daniel Kaul               11 Fordham Prep               12-00.00
  8 Joe Crispi                   Monsignor Farrell          12-00.00
  9 Christian Petersen           Saint Anthony's            11-06.00
 10 Adam Loughlin             12 Fordham Prep               11-00.00
 11 Patrick Collins           12 St. John the Baptist       11-00.00
 11 Edward Logsdail           10 Iona Preparatory School    11-00.00
 13 Michael Sabarese          11 St. John the Baptist       10-06.00
 14 Michael Janny             11 Fordham Prep               10-00.00
 15 Tyler Thiele                 Saint Anthony's            10-00.00