PSAL Manhattan Borough Champs 2024

New York City, NY

Athlete Entries

Varsity Boys 100 Meter Dash 106 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moore, Josh 11.11 Eleanor Roosevelt (NYC)
KING, MICHAEL 11.24 Murry Bergtraum
Lamaze, Sam 11.34 The Clinton School
TYLER, XAVIER 11.44 Stuyvesant High School
LANGLOIS, HADRIEN 11.44 Stuyvesant High School
Kamrowski, Victor 11.47 Stuyvesant High School
Bevans, Mark Anthony 11.54 HS of Economics & Finance
SIMON, DASHAUN 11.54 Graphic Communications
SMITH, JAYDEN 11.64 Graphic Communications
BOISSIER, NATHAN 11.64 A. Philip Randolph
Torres, Christian 11.64 A. Philip Randolph
Centeno Batiz, Andru 11.74 A. Philip Randolph
Fofana, Mohamed 11.74 Manhattan Center for Scie
Mnahsheh, Gmaryah-Nkwe 11.74 A. Philip Randolph
Villatoro, Ian 11.74 Stuyvesant High School
Essah, Emmanuel 11.74 George Washington
Bloodman, Kyiem 11.94 Murry Bergtraum
Purnawan, Reggie 11.94 HS of Economics & Finance
BARZEY, ROUNNY 11.94 A. Philip Randolph
Johnson, Chazz 11.94 Manhattan Center for Scie
Arevalo, Cody 11.94 East Harlem Pride
Attard, Idriss 12.04 The Clinton School
Zhang, Wen Yuan 12.04 Stuyvesant High School
SOBEZYNSKI, JULIEN 12.08 Fiorello H Laguardia
Yom, Richard 12.14 Stuyvesant High School
Dong, Owen 12.14 Stuyvesant High School
Marel, Nikhil 12.14 HS For Math, Science and
Li, Derek 12.14 Stuyvesant High School
Zheng, Daniel 12.20 Stuyvesant High School
Opoku, Emmanuel 12.24 A. Philip Randolph
White, Daniel 12.24 Graphic Communications
Gil, Hendrik 12.24 George Washington
Lin, Kevin 12.24 Stuyvesant High School
Qian, ryan 12.24 Stuyvesant High School
Nunez, Aiden 12.24 Murry Bergtraum
Bertoni, Nicholas 12.34 Bard High School
MURRAY, ANDRE 12.34 A. Philip Randolph
Humphrey-Alleyn, Brandon 12.34 Bard High School
Wallace, Bruno 12.34 HS For Math, Science and
Check, Andrew 12.38 West End Secondary School
Zheng, Alber 12.43 Fiorello H Laguardia
Pineda, Jasson 12.54 HS For Math, Science and
Ireland, Liam 12.54 Fiorello H Laguardia
Arias, Freddy 12.54 Graphic Communications
Fernandez, Dion 12.54 Manhattan Center for Scie
Tolliver, Cash 12.54 Manhattan Center for Scie
Aneke, Johnpaul 12.62 Fiorello H Laguardia
Alterno, Maddox 12.64 Graphic Communications
Siegel, Evan 12.64 Manhattan Center for Scie
Francois, Tyler Jean 12.64 Fiorello H Laguardia
James, Matthan 12.64 Eleanor Roosevelt (NYC)
Cole, Patrick 12.69 George Washington
Bell, Ty 12.74 Manhattan Center for Scie
Mok, Dylan 12.74 Eleanor Roosevelt (NYC)
Gonzalez, Michael 12.74 American Sign Language and Engli
Eberly, Eli 12.74 Lab Museum United
Poquita, Jaden 12.84 Stuyvesant High School
Carmi, Gavriel 12.84 Fiorello H Laguardia
Hofmann, Brendan 12.84 HS For Math, Science and
SOSA, CESAR 12.84 Murry Bergtraum
Booker, Famari 12.94 HS of Economics & Finance
Nordgren, Nicolas 12.94 HS For Math, Science and
Bark, Lucas 12.95 Stuyvesant High School
Mian, Ibrahim 13.00 Bard High School
GARCIA, HECTOR 13.04 A. Philip Randolph
Gibbs, Aziah 13.04 George Washington
Liu, Stanley 13.04 Stuyvesant High School
Simon, Denzel 13.04 Graphic Communications
Yahya, Naim 13.04 Manhattan Center for Scie
Bailey, Aiden 13.04 Stuyvesant High School
Mackay, Samuel 13.04 Graphic Communications
Sarquah, Frank 13.08 Manhattan Center for Scie
Tsai Meu Chong, Hunter 13.09 Bard High School
Mejia, Robinson 13.14 Graphic Communications
McAllister, Wyatt 13.14 Stuyvesant High School
Waraloardgoson, Tann 13.14 HS For Math, Science and
Heredia Hirschfeld, Julian 13.14 HS For Math, Science and
Rivera, Peter 13.14 A. Philip Randolph
Padilla, Jaden 13.14 A. Philip Randolph
Harris, Tre 13.15 Manhattan Center for Scie
Gomez Diaz, Ramases 13.24 Graphic Communications
Darko, Aaron 13.34 HS For Math, Science and
Dietz, Max 13.35 Lab Museum United
JONES, JADEN 13.42 West End Secondary School
Osei Poku, Emmanuel 13.44 Stuyvesant High School
Enriquez, Gabriel 13.44 HS For Math, Science and
Black, Rhys 13.44 Stuyvesant High School
Garcia Reguera, Pascal 13.44 Lab Museum United
GINYARD, AARON 13.44 Graphic Communications
Wagner, Christoph 13.44 Bard High School
D Raven, Arismendy 13.44 Graphic Communications
Malpica, Liam 13.44 Fiorello H Laguardia
Shimul, Shamin 13.54 Manhattan Center for Scie
Guzman Mendez, Leonardo 13.54 Graphic Communications
Minter-Brown, Reginald 13.54 East Harlem Pride
Ventura, Javen 13.64 East Harlem Pride
Yassin, Jaedon 13.64 Stuyvesant High School
Barak, Stav 13.64 Stuyvesant High School
Leung, William 13.73 Eleanor Roosevelt (NYC)
Chester, Allen 13.74 American Sign Language and Engli
Guo, Hector 13.84 HS of Economics & Finance
Womack, Adonis 13.84 American Sign Language and Engli
Santos, Dionelbis 13.84 George Washington
TABAR, NICOLAS 13.84 HS of Economics & Finance
Valencia, Brian 13.94 George Washington
Cortes-Torres, Luis 13.94 Lab Museum United
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Varsity Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Zachary 15.51 HS For Math, Science and
D'Angelo, Vincent 15.92 Stuyvesant High School
Kaiser, Adam 17.24 Hunter College Campus Schools
Mnahsheh, Gmaryah-Nkwe 17.34 A. Philip Randolph
Nizhner, Kai 17.44 Hunter College Campus Schools
Dupree, Javin 17.79 HS For Math, Science and
Shimbo, Max 17.80 Stuyvesant High School
SIDDIQUE, JAWAD 19.96 Stuyvesant High School
Leung, Daniel 20.25 Stuyvesant High School
Padilla, Jaden 20.54 A. Philip Randolph
Ebeh, Davidson 22.54 A. Philip Randolph
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Varsity Boys 1600 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hughes, Bohdan Lab Museum United
Cossey, Leo Lab Museum United
Koike-Sieira, Henry 4:23.30 Hunter College Campus Schools
Cohen, Isaac 4:24.28 Hunter College Campus Schools
Murphy, Shane 4:25.43 Hunter College Campus Schools
Mele Kean, Forrest 4:26.50 HS of Economics & Finance
O'Neill, Liam 4:32.52 Manhattan Center for Scie
Biehl, Niccolo 4:40.10 HS For Math, Science and
Satchit, Elan 4:42.81 Beacon High School
Hansen, Ramsey 4:45.69 Bard High School
Tan, Ethan 4:46.19 Beacon High School
Hansen, Wren 4:53.27 HS For Math, Science and
Watson, Nicholas 4:56.22 Fiorello H Laguardia
Tartanella, Lucas 4:59.66 Beacon High School
Yeung, Lex 5:05.99 HS For Math, Science and
Napoli, Gabriel 5:06.11 HS For Math, Science and
Ventura, Javen 5:43.10 East Harlem Pride
Shin, Elliot 5:44.66 HS For Math, Science and
Henry, Oliver 5:47.50 Bard High School
Greenfield, Matan 5:50.81 Martin L. King Jr
Rooney, Matthew 6:07.67 Fiorello H Laguardia
Pauls, Ezra 6:27.08 The Clinton School
Zelevinsky, Anthony 6:41.43 HS For Math, Science and
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Varsity Boys 200 Meter Dash 68 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vidra, Elle Hunter College Campus Schools
Cortes-Torres, Luis Lab Museum United
Guzman Mendez, Leonardo Graphic Communications
Moore, Josh 22.51 Eleanor Roosevelt (NYC)
Isekenegbe, Oshioke 23.54 Martin L. King Jr
Lamaze, Sam 23.54 The Clinton School
Bevans, Mark Anthony 23.54 HS of Economics & Finance
TYLER, XAVIER 23.62 Stuyvesant High School
Essah, Emmanuel 23.65 George Washington
Krigh, Snow 23.76 Stuyvesant High School
Fofana, Mohamed 24.04 Manhattan Center for Scie
KING, MICHAEL 24.44 Murry Bergtraum
SOBEZYNSKI, JULIEN 24.74 Fiorello H Laguardia
LANGLOIS, HADRIEN 24.81 Stuyvesant High School
SIMON, DASHAUN 24.84 Graphic Communications
Mnahsheh, Gmaryah-Nkwe 24.84 A. Philip Randolph
Francois, Tyler Jean 24.85 Fiorello H Laguardia
Marel, Nikhil 24.89 HS For Math, Science and
White, Daniel 24.94 Graphic Communications
SMITH, JAYDEN 25.14 Graphic Communications
Dong, Owen 25.15 Stuyvesant High School
Arevalo, Cody 25.24 East Harlem Pride
Aneke, Johnpaul 25.32 Fiorello H Laguardia
Bloodman, Kyiem 25.44 Murry Bergtraum
Essor, Ayden 25.45 Lab Museum United
Mingasson, Swann 25.52 Stuyvesant High School
Fernandez, Dion 25.54 Manhattan Center for Scie
Wallace, Bruno 25.54 HS For Math, Science and
Lin, Kevin 25.63 Stuyvesant High School
Check, Andrew 25.64 West End Secondary School
Torres, Christian 25.64 A. Philip Randolph
Ben-Zion, Ethan 25.69 Eleanor Roosevelt (NYC)
Kamrowski, Victor 25.72 Stuyvesant High School
Opuoru, Eseoghene 25.74 Martin L. King Jr
Bacchas, Ya Siin 25.84 Murry Bergtraum
BOISSIER, NATHAN 25.94 A. Philip Randolph
Tolliver, Cash 25.94 Manhattan Center for Scie
Opoku, Emmanuel 26.04 A. Philip Randolph
Simon, Denzel 26.04 Graphic Communications
SOSA, CESAR 26.04 Murry Bergtraum
Cole, Patrick 26.12 George Washington
MURRAY, ANDRE 26.14 A. Philip Randolph
Attard, Idriss 26.14 The Clinton School
Centeno Batiz, Andru 26.14 A. Philip Randolph
Yahya, Naim 26.34 Manhattan Center for Scie
Heredia Hirschfeld, Julian 26.41 HS For Math, Science and
Eberly, Eli 26.44 Lab Museum United
Mian, Ibrahim 26.51 Bard High School
Gil, Hendrik 26.54 George Washington
Nordgren, Nicolas 26.55 HS For Math, Science and
Darko, Aaron 26.56 HS For Math, Science and
Nunez, Aiden 26.66 Murry Bergtraum
Johnson, Chazz 26.84 Manhattan Center for Scie
Sarquah, Frank 26.84 Manhattan Center for Scie
Kontoleon, Konstantinos 27.04 The Clinton School
Adams, Cameron 27.14 American Sign Language and Engli
Gonzalez, Michael 27.14 American Sign Language and Engli
Mackay, Samuel 27.24 Graphic Communications
Carmi, Gavriel 27.24 Fiorello H Laguardia
Chester, Allen 27.44 American Sign Language and Engli
Malpica, Liam 27.54 Fiorello H Laguardia
Ireland, Liam 28.04 Fiorello H Laguardia
GINYARD, AARON 28.34 Graphic Communications
Dietz, Max 28.84 Lab Museum United
Jimenez, Santiago 28.85 HS For Math, Science and
Valencia, Brian 29.12 George Washington
Finn, Elliot 29.44 The Clinton School
He, Jiayuan 29.72 HS For Math, Science and
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Varsity Boys 3000 Meter Steeplechase 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Michalek, Douglas The Clinton School
Ramot, Raphael 10:16.24 Stuyvesant High School
O'Neill, Liam 10:19.61 Manhattan Center for Scie
MAKINO, MASAKI 10:30.39 Manhattan Center for Scie
MACARI, Weston 11:01.63 Bard High School
Konty, Clyde 11:19.38 Stuyvesant High School
Jung, Daniel 11:45.80 Stuyvesant High School
Huang, Geoffrey 11:51.80 Stuyvesant High School
Lipton, Lucian 11:55.57 HS For Math, Science and
Lussier, Leo 12:06.09 West End Secondary School
Fitzgerald, Makoto 12:56.91 HS For Math, Science and
Waraloardgoson, Tann 13:20.15 HS For Math, Science and
Hofmann, Brendan 13:53.93 HS For Math, Science and
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Varsity Boys 3200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yaron, Ariel 10:05.47 Fiorello H Laguardia
Cohen, Ezekiel 10:09.76 Fiorello H Laguardia
Carlisle, Dawson 10:11.58 Stuyvesant High School
Fang, Chenming 10:19.21 Stuyvesant High School
Yeung, Lex 10:35.93 HS For Math, Science and
Watson, Nicholas 10:50.40 Fiorello H Laguardia
Horiuchi, Tyler 11:01.70 Stuyvesant High School
Shames, Aidan 11:18.68 Manhattan Center for Scie
Collmer, Jack 11:24.85 West End Secondary School
Ho, Alex 11:25.23 Stuyvesant High School
Nakayama, Leo 11:47.33 Manhattan Center for Scie
Ghai, Kylor 12:06.05 Manhattan Center for Scie
Chaudhry, Rai 12:27.80 Stuyvesant High School
Henry, Oliver 12:54.30 Bard High School
Greenfield, Matan 12:58.00 Martin L. King Jr
Mele Kean, Forrest 9:35.20 HS of Economics & Finance
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Varsity Boys 400 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Humphrey-Alleyn, Brandon 1:02.15 Bard High School
Francis, Asa Joel 1:02.44 Bard High School
Tsai Meu Chong, Hunter 1:02.74 Bard High School
LIN, SAMUEL 1:04.14 Martin L. King Jr
Wagner, Christoph 1:04.24 Bard High School
Trane, Theo 1:04.24 The Clinton School
Jimenez, Santiago 1:04.78 HS For Math, Science and
Levenson, August 1:05.44 Bard High School
Mian, Ibrahim 1:06.55 Bard High School
Ebeh, Davidson 1:06.64 A. Philip Randolph
Wong, Christopher 1:07.84 HS For Math, Science and
He, Jiayuan 1:08.24 HS For Math, Science and
Quintero Bravo, Valentin 1:09.44 A. Philip Randolph
Womack, Adonis 1:10.04 American Sign Language and Engli
Minter-Brown, Reginald 1:12.54 East Harlem Pride
Zelevinsky, Anthony 1:17.60 HS For Math, Science and
Zhumabayev, Alikhan 1:19.92 HS For Math, Science and
Isekenegbe, Oshioke 52.15 Martin L. King Jr
O'Connor, Colby 53.32 Hunter College Campus Schools
Carlisle, Dawson 54.17 Stuyvesant High School
Udo, Nicholas 55.08 Beacon High School
Kaiser, Adam 55.25 Hunter College Campus Schools
Kamrowski, Victor 56.15 Stuyvesant High School
Bevans, Mark Anthony 56.84 HS of Economics & Finance
Riley, Blake 57.44 Bard High School
Cortes-Torres, Luis 58.74 Lab Museum United
Pineda, Jasson 59.04 HS For Math, Science and
Essor, Ayden 59.28 Lab Museum United
Fernandez, Alexander 59.44 East Harlem Pride
Rafaeli, Jesse 59.54 Bard High School
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Varsity Boys 400 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Diallo, Oumar Beacon High School
Shimbo, Max 1:00.35 Stuyvesant High School
D'Angelo, Vincent 1:03.07 Stuyvesant High School
Phanchulidze, Nickolas 1:08.01 Hunter College Campus Schools
Pineda, Jasson 1:08.07 HS For Math, Science and
Bertoni, Nicholas 1:10.74 Bard High School
Amirov, Yernar 1:19.67 Beacon High School
O'Connor, Colby 59.74 Hunter College Campus Schools
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Varsity Boys 4x100 Meter "A" Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.67 American Sign Language and Engli
Relay Team A 45.62 Eleanor Roosevelt (NYC)
Relay Team A 46.84 Stuyvesant High School
Relay Team A 46.84 Hunter College Campus Schools
Relay Team A 46.99 A. Philip Randolph
Relay Team A 47.95 Graphic Communications
Relay Team A 48.08 Manhattan Center for Scie
Relay Team A 48.57 Murry Bergtraum
Relay Team A 48.91 HS of Economics & Finance
Relay Team A 49.07 George Washington
Relay Team A 49.21 HS For Math, Science and
Relay Team A 49.46 Lab Museum United
Relay Team A 50.54 Fiorello H Laguardia
Relay Team A 51.06 West End Secondary School
Relay Team A 54.20 Bard High School
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Varsity Boys 4x100 Meter "B/C.." Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team D 46.84 Stuyvesant High School
Relay Team B 46.99 A. Philip Randolph
Relay Team B 47.76 Stuyvesant High School
Relay Team C 49.07 Stuyvesant High School
Relay Team B 49.46 Lab Museum United
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Varsity Boys 4x400 Meter "A" Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A HS For Math, Science and
Relay Team A 3:40.50 Hunter College Campus Schools
Relay Team A 3:44.35 Stuyvesant High School
Relay Team A 3:49.95 Beacon High School
Relay Team A 3:55.20 Bard High School
Relay Team A 4:09.40 HS of Economics & Finance
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Varsity Boys 4x400 Meter "B/C.." Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team C 3:40.50 Hunter College Campus Schools
Relay Team B 3:41.83 Hunter College Campus Schools
Relay Team C 3:44.35 Stuyvesant High School
Relay Team B 3:49.13 Stuyvesant High School
Relay Team B 4:01.00 Eleanor Roosevelt (NYC)
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Varsity Boys 4x800 Meter "A" Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:45.20 Bard High School
Relay Team A 8:23.51 Beacon High School
Relay Team A 8:35.89 Hunter College Campus Schools
Relay Team A 8:47.50 Manhattan Center for Scie
Relay Team A 9:05.40 Stuyvesant High School
Relay Team A 9:20.07 Fiorello H Laguardia
Relay Team A 9:30.30 West End Secondary School
Relay Team A 9:57.90 HS For Math, Science and
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Varsity Boys 4x800 Meter "B/C.." Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:35.89 Hunter College Campus Schools
Relay Team C 9:05.40 Stuyvesant High School
Relay Team B 9:06.00 Stuyvesant High School
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Varsity Boys 800 Meter Run 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sorenson, Wylie Lab Museum United
Cohen, Isaac 2:00.07 Hunter College Campus Schools
Udo, Nicholas 2:02.22 Beacon High School
Benzan, Benicio 2:04.63 Manhattan Center for Scie
Tan, Ethan 2:06.40 Beacon High School
Tartanella, Lucas 2:06.84 Beacon High School
Francis, Julian 2:07.18 West End Secondary School
Mele Kean, Forrest 2:08.10 HS of Economics & Finance
Satchit, Elan 2:08.31 Beacon High School
Isekenegbe, Oshioke 2:10.40 Martin L. King Jr
Kolar, Noam 2:10.90 Hunter College Campus Schools
Capanu, Rayan 2:12.12 Stuyvesant High School
Kogiantis, Filippos 2:12.40 Stuyvesant High School
Brockway, Silas 2:12.71 Bard High School
Loeb-Lojko, Thomas 2:12.86 West End Secondary School
Lester, Marques 2:15.34 West End Secondary School
O'Brien, David 2:15.80 Stuyvesant High School
Ramot, Raphael 2:17.90 Stuyvesant High School
Nakayama, Leo 2:18.49 Manhattan Center for Scie
Ho, Alex 2:18.50 Stuyvesant High School
Chen, Jayden 2:18.70 Hunter College Campus Schools
Alzougbi, Mounif 2:19.30 Murry Bergtraum
Lijin, Ethan 2:19.60 Stuyvesant High School
Napoli, Gabriel 2:19.60 HS For Math, Science and
Shepard, Maddox 2:19.85 Beacon High School
Levin, Max 2:21.30 Hunter College Campus Schools
Shah, Aahan 2:21.60 Stuyvesant High School
Balkaran, Yash 2:22.51 Stuyvesant High School
Burns, Declan 2:22.54 West End Secondary School
Yeung, Lex 2:22.69 HS For Math, Science and
Morris, George 2:24.40 Hunter College Campus Schools
Collmer, Jack 2:24.43 West End Secondary School
Berkson, Max 2:24.87 HS For Math, Science and
Krigh, Sky 2:25.65 Fiorello H Laguardia
Gao, Jacky 2:26.60 Stuyvesant High School
Quintero Bravo, Valentin 2:26.70 A. Philip Randolph
Yahya, Naim 2:28.21 Manhattan Center for Scie
Bailey, Dylan 2:30.00 West End Secondary School
Clark, Tre 2:31.85 West End Secondary School
Goodrow, Tadashi 2:37.60 Bard High School
Rooney, Matthew 2:40.30 Fiorello H Laguardia
Cruz, Luis 2:49.10 American Sign Language and Engli
Mansfield, Charle 2:57.10 Bard High School
Nutkevitz, Idan 3:08.70 HS For Math, Science and
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Varsity Boys Discus 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
PIERROT, LENZ 103-7 A. Philip Randolph
LI, WILSON 96-0 Stuyvesant High School
Flores Garcia, Yeshua 91-9 HS For Math, Science and
Santos, Joseph 76-4 HS For Math, Science and
Williams, Vawn 75-0 HS For Math, Science and
BARZEY, ROUNNY 74-7 A. Philip Randolph
Castillo, Dylan 74-2 HS For Math, Science and
Cheong, Tay 73-11.5 Stuyvesant High School
Meraja, Mario 72-7 West End Secondary School
Laryea, David 65-6 HS For Math, Science and
Duculan, Luke 57-3 HS For Math, Science and
Brener, Elon 42-0 Bard High School
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Varsity Boys High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
BRITTON, JACK XAVIER 6-0 Eleanor Roosevelt (NYC)
Jones, Zachary 5-8 HS For Math, Science and
Ruan, Justin 5-6 Stuyvesant High School
Gindeh, Abraham 5-6 HS For Math, Science and
Camara, Ady 5-6 Hunter College Campus Schools
Pravda, Michael 5-2 Hunter College Campus Schools
Listanowsky, Henry 5-0 HS For Math, Science and
Riley-Driver, Damian 4-9 HS For Math, Science and
Jimenez, Santiago 4-4 HS For Math, Science and
Humphrey-Alleyn, Brandon 4-2 Bard High School
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Varsity Boys Javelin 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wallace, Bruno 136-6 HS For Math, Science and
Ahn, Matthew 121-4 Stuyvesant High School
Trumper, Ilan 111-3 HS For Math, Science and
Katz, Matthew 103-5 HS For Math, Science and
BARZEY, ROUNNY 99-2.25 A. Philip Randolph
Kogiantis, Filippos 97-4 Stuyvesant High School
PIERROT, LENZ 93-10 A. Philip Randolph
Zaid, Taha 82-5 HS For Math, Science and
Lin, Darren 81-9 Stuyvesant High School
Zheng, Alber 79-2.75 Fiorello H Laguardia
Cheong, Tay 78-3 Stuyvesant High School
Laytner , Gavriel 65-8 HS For Math, Science and
Wang, Jacky 58-3 Stuyvesant High School
Mody, Kayaan Hunter College Campus Schools
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Varsity Boys Long Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Krigh, Snow 19-8.5 Stuyvesant High School
Efthimiou, Peter 18-0.25 HS For Math, Science and
Arevalo, Cody 17-11 East Harlem Pride
Bacchas, Ya Siin 17-10 Murry Bergtraum
Riley-Driver, Damian 16-10 HS For Math, Science and
Camara, Ady 16-3.25 Hunter College Campus Schools
Menard, Brian 16-3 West End Secondary School
Kim, Noah 16-0 HS For Math, Science and
Tsai Meu Chong, Hunter 15-10.5 Bard High School
Wyatt, Luke 15-10 Lab Museum United
James, Matthan 14-10 Eleanor Roosevelt (NYC)
WILLIAMS, ALIJAH 14-9.5 Frederick Douglass Academy
Mok, Dylan 14-9 Eleanor Roosevelt (NYC)
Lin, Allen 14-3.25 Stuyvesant High School
Sharif, Daniel 14-1.5 HS For Math, Science and
Chang, Ethan 13-8 HS For Math, Science and
Darko, Aaron 13-7 HS For Math, Science and
Minkis, Jonathan 13-2 HS For Math, Science and
John, Dane 13-0 A. Philip Randolph
Owens-Berger, Asa 12-4 HS For Math, Science and
Drill, Max 12-2.5 HS For Math, Science and
Connolly, Owen 12-2 Beacon High School
Dufallo, Lee 11-11 HS For Math, Science and
Nakayama, Leo Manhattan Center for Scie
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Varsity Boys Pentathlon 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gindeh, Abraham HS For Math, Science and
Ruan, Justin Stuyvesant High School
Jones, Zachary HS For Math, Science and
Ebeh, Davidson A. Philip Randolph
NAM, JINPENG Stuyvesant High School
Efthimiou, Peter HS For Math, Science and
Landa, Theodore Stuyvesant High School
Dupree, Javin HS For Math, Science and
Mnahsheh, Gmaryah-Nkwe A. Philip Randolph
Chen, Ethan Stuyvesant High School
Brickman, Elijah Hunter College Campus Schools
Hofmann, Brendan HS For Math, Science and
Flor, Oliver Hunter College Campus Schools
Padilla, Jaden A. Philip Randolph
LI, WILSON Stuyvesant High School
Camara, Ady 1590 Hunter College Campus Schools
Tynan, Siorai 1625 Hunter College Campus Schools
Nizhner, Kai 1715 Hunter College Campus Schools
Pravda, Michael 1722 Hunter College Campus Schools
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Varsity Boys Pole Vault 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
ANDERSON, JAMES 11-0 Hunter College Campus Schools
Bouchard, Kent 9-0 HS For Math, Science and
Chang, Ethan 9-0 HS For Math, Science and
Huang, Gary 8-0 Stuyvesant High School
King, Oliver 8-0 Stuyvesant High School
Wong, Christopher 8-0 HS For Math, Science and
Higgins, Christian 7-6 HS For Math, Science and
Minkis, Jonathan 7-0 HS For Math, Science and
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Varsity Boys Shot Put 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
LI, WILSON 41-0 Stuyvesant High School
PIERROT, LENZ 35-8.75 A. Philip Randolph
Williams, Vawn 35-4 HS For Math, Science and
Duculan, Luke 34-10.5 HS For Math, Science and
Dupree, Javin 34-5 HS For Math, Science and
Cheong, Tay 33-8 Stuyvesant High School
Lu, Carl 33-6.5 Eleanor Roosevelt (NYC)
Castillo, Dylan 32-10.5 HS For Math, Science and
BARZEY, ROUNNY 32-2.5 A. Philip Randolph
Choe, Daniel 31-9 Stuyvesant High School
Santos, Joseph 31-5 HS For Math, Science and
Lin, Darren 29-11.5 Stuyvesant High School
Zaid, Taha 29-9 HS For Math, Science and
Laryea, David 29-8.5 HS For Math, Science and
John, Dane 28-9 A. Philip Randolph
Fang, Daniel 28-5.5 Manhattan Center for Scie
Meraja, Mario 28-4 West End Secondary School
Flores Garcia, Yeshua 27-8.25 HS For Math, Science and
Hatzigeorgiou, Gerasimos 27-8 Stuyvesant High School
Chen, Ryan 27-1.25 HS For Math, Science and
Ortega, Christian 26-10.5 Manhattan Center for Scie
Arcentales, Haidyn 25-6 West End Secondary School
Jorge, Yadiel 25-0.75 HS For Math, Science and
Wang, Jacky 22-2.5 Stuyvesant High School
Brener, Elon 22-1.75 Bard High School
Zheng, Sean 21-6.5 Stuyvesant High School
Stephenson Jr, Wycliffe Lab Museum United
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Varsity Boys Triple Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lin, Allen 35-8 Stuyvesant High School
Araujo, Joao 32-9.25 West End Secondary School
Listanowsky, Henry 32-6.75 HS For Math, Science and
Gonzalez, Michael 32-4 American Sign Language and Engli
Riley-Driver, Damian HS For Math, Science and
Nizhner, Kai Hunter College Campus Schools
Connolly, Owen Beacon High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Romani, Iysis 13.24 George Washington
Veal, Serenity 13.41 East Harlem Pride
Kalivogui, Janette 13.44 HS Fashion Industries
Evans, Mikelle 13.44 Manhattan Center for Scie
Mares Alvarado, Jasmine 13.68 Murry Bergtraum
Hamilton, Kezia 13.83 East Harlem Pride
Smilie, Empress 13.94 HS Fashion Industries
Tadross, Charlotte 14.04 Manhattan Center for Scie
Philius, Rebecca 14.10 HS Fashion Industries
Mok, Olivia 14.14 Eleanor Roosevelt (NYC)
Mcallister, Nasia 14.14 HS of Economics & Finance
Ukrakpo, Onoriode 14.15 Manhattan Center for Scie
Evans, Sarah 14.23 Manhattan Center for Scie
Kim, Jana 14.24 Stuyvesant High School
Caherly, Megan 14.25 West End Secondary School
BUTLER, TESS 14.28 West End Secondary School
Tokarczyk, Sofia 14.34 The Clinton School
Gordon Perez De, Siena 14.44 Bard High School
Shim, Zoe 14.47 Bard High School
Brutton-Williams, Laeonnie 14.47 George Washington
Webb-Campbell, Sariyah 14.64 A. Philip Randolph
Atkins, Kori 14.64 HS Fashion Industries
Donohue, Isis 14.74 Stuyvesant High School
Edwards, Jamyla 14.84 HS Fashion Industries
Rivers, Jewel 14.84 HS Fashion Industries
Mui, Ashley 14.94 Stuyvesant High School
McNab, Mikayla 14.94 George Washington
Lin, Vanessa 14.94 Stuyvesant High School
Keogh, Sadie 14.94 HS Fashion Industries
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
DE LA CRUZ, LAIA Health Professions HS
Oconnor, Lilyanne Beacon High School
PATEL, AYESHA Hunter College Campus Schools
DI GIROLAMO, BEATRICE 17.13 Hunter College Campus Schools
SAUNDERS, SIENNA 19.14 Fiorello H Laguardia
Lewis-Coffey, Siona 19.91 HS For Math, Science and
Castillo-Diaz, Leila 21.33 A. Philip Randolph
Bae, Madelyn 22.00 Hunter College Campus Schools
Vasquez, Jaritza 22.43 Bard High School
Walsh, Margo 22.44 Hunter College Campus Schools
Sanchez, Jade 22.44 A. Philip Randolph
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Varsity Girls 1500 Meter Race Walk 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kaushansky, Kayla Hunter College Campus Schools
AKLUFI, MICHELLE Hunter College Campus Schools
JANG, HANA 10:11.77 Hunter College Campus Schools
Chough, Caroline 10:50.20 West End Secondary School
DERISE, JENNIFER 10:50.40 Bard High School
Cho, Isabel 12:09.50 Stuyvesant High School
GUO, YLAN 9:30.56 Hunter College Campus Schools
MAO, KATE 9:51.26 Hunter College Campus Schools
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Varsity Girls 1500 Meter Run 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McElhinney, Dylan Hunter College Campus Schools
Douglas, Naomi 4:47.95 Fiorello H Laguardia
Backus, Genevieve 5:03.27 Fiorello H Laguardia
Sonn-Lees, Rebecca 5:06.99 Hunter College Campus Schools
Murphy, Melia 5:07.20 The Clinton School
Shupp, Gwyneth 5:07.39 Fiorello H Laguardia
Savonije, Emma 5:15.60 Stuyvesant High School
Li, Emily 5:18.15 Stuyvesant High School
Estep, Phoebe 5:21.30 HS For Math, Science and
Yirmiyahu, Noa 5:22.70 Hunter College Campus Schools
MURATORI, HONORA 5:24.87 Stuyvesant High School
Peacock, Isabel 5:26.00 Beacon High School
Baltrusaitis, Emma 5:26.21 Hunter College Campus Schools
Mailer, Mattie 5:26.31 Fiorello H Laguardia
Selib, June 5:30.00 Beacon High School
Kouyate, Mahawa 5:30.62 Frederick Douglass Academy
Bernard, Bo 5:37.37 HS For Math, Science and
Patel, Jiya 5:43.84 Stuyvesant High School
Noh, Isabel 5:45.28 Stuyvesant High School
Kono, Yuma 5:50.80 Stuyvesant High School
Eder, Anya 5:53.10 Fiorello H Laguardia
Bieker, Daphne 5:53.36 HS For Math, Science and
Landis, Sophie 5:54.60 Beacon High School
Li, Jasmine 5:59.24 Stuyvesant High School
Seltz, Tessa 6:05.91 Fiorello H Laguardia
Depaolo, Mia 6:06.50 Bard High School
Kilic, Esra 6:07.13 Beacon High School
LEONE, AMELIA 6:07.30 Bard High School
Montano-Ubeda, Amanda 6:13.00 A. Philip Randolph
Mejia, Kate 6:22.54 Manhattan Center for Scie
Espinal, Camila 6:26.70 Manhattan Center for Scie
Morales, Nathalia 7:04.30 Health Professions HS
Fine, Isabel 7:16.90 The Clinton School
Ferguson, Isabella 7:46.10 American Sign Language and Engli
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Varsity Girls 200 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
HARRINGTON, NALAH 27.38 Beacon High School
GRANT, KIMORA 28.26 Martin L. King Jr
Mares Alvarado, Jasmine 28.46 Murry Bergtraum
Phillip, Rory 28.74 HS Fashion Industries
Sagoo-Jones, Coco 28.91 Eleanor Roosevelt (NYC)
Smilie, Empress 28.94 HS Fashion Industries
Raikes, Elizabeth 29.01 HS For Math, Science and
Li, Ava 29.07 Hunter College Campus Schools
BUTLER, TESS 29.11 West End Secondary School
Orr, Sasha 29.24 Stuyvesant High School
Ricks, Mya 29.24 HS Fashion Industries
Evans, Mikelle 29.24 Manhattan Center for Scie
Veal, Serenity 29.34 East Harlem Pride
Evans, Sarah 29.44 Manhattan Center for Scie
Linton, Melany 29.74 West End Secondary School
Mcallister, Nasia 29.74 HS of Economics & Finance
Romani, Iysis 29.86 George Washington
Longville, Charlize 34.54 Lab Museum United
Gordon Perez De, Siena 34.74 Bard High School
Reisman, Lila 34.84 Lab Museum United
Stolar, Emily 35.44 The Clinton School
Philips, Charli 35.44 American Sign Language and Engli
McNab, Mikayla 35.54 George Washington
Vasquez, Jaritza 35.84 Bard High School
Porta, Luna 36.34 Bard High School
Dong, Rita 36.74 The Clinton School
Montgomery, Cecilia 36.94 The Clinton School
Parris, Madison 37.74 Bard High School
BARRIE, FATUMATA 39.54 Health Professions HS
Jones, Alyssa 40.14 American Sign Language and Engli
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Varsity Girls 2000 Meter Steeplechase 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pardo-Blum, Phoeb Bard High School
Sonn-Lees, Rebecca Hunter College Campus Schools
Chen, Ruxia 10:10.94 Stuyvesant High School
CHEUK, ANKEA 10:11.24 Stuyvesant High School
Mertens-Schill, Alina 8:18.59 HS For Math, Science and
Hon, Caroline 8:31.98 Stuyvesant High School
Selib, June 8:53.11 Beacon High School
Kilic, Esra 9:11.89 Beacon High School
Zhang, Kanchanok 9:19.83 Stuyvesant High School
Kosta-Cetin, Nora 9:29.91 West End Secondary School
Franco, Ada 9:31.98 Beacon High School
Fromm, Beatrix 9:36.76 West End Secondary School
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Varsity Girls 3000 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Douglas, Naomi 10:12.41 Fiorello H Laguardia
Sonn-Lees, Rebecca 10:25.92 Hunter College Campus Schools
Murphy, Melia 10:56.80 The Clinton School
Shupp, Gwyneth 10:57.78 Fiorello H Laguardia
Savonije, Emma 11:02.56 Stuyvesant High School
Li, Emily 11:18.80 Stuyvesant High School
MURATORI, HONORA 11:26.41 Stuyvesant High School
Patel, Jiya 11:42.00 Stuyvesant High School
Hon, Caroline 11:47.48 Stuyvesant High School
Baltrusaitis, Emma 11:48.20 Hunter College Campus Schools
Zhang, Kanchanok 12:07.71 Stuyvesant High School
Kono, Yuma 12:09.77 Stuyvesant High School
McArthur, Skye 12:26.20 Stuyvesant High School
Noh, Isabel 12:54.20 Stuyvesant High School
Li, Jasmine 12:54.50 Stuyvesant High School
Montano-Ubeda, Amanda 13:25.60 A. Philip Randolph
Kantrowitz, Leah 13:26.90 West End Secondary School
Munoz, Daisy 14:47.50 Bard High School
QUIGLEY, LUCY 14:57.90 Bard High School
Cohen, Ella 9:52.95 Hunter College Campus Schools
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Varsity Girls 400 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Layne, Antonia Lab Museum United
Newton, Jasper 1:00.94 Hunter College Campus Schools
Keita, Foune 1:03.79 Frederick Douglass Academy
Raikes, Elizabeth 1:03.79 HS For Math, Science and
Mares Alvarado, Jasmine 1:06.91 Murry Bergtraum
GRANT, KIMORA 1:06.94 Martin L. King Jr
Ricks, Mya 1:07.25 HS Fashion Industries
Sachs, Avery 1:08.34 Beacon High School
Fein-Vargo, Clara 1:08.55 Hunter College Campus Schools
Morston, Londyn 1:08.64 HS Fashion Industries
Lorenzi, Adriana 1:09.10 HS Fashion Industries
Quinn Crandall, M 1:10.30 Fiorello H Laguardia
Begley, Virginia 1:11.54 Fiorello H Laguardia
Bernard, Bo 1:12.14 HS For Math, Science and
Mui, Ashley 1:12.43 Stuyvesant High School
Hegan, Lily 1:14.28 Beacon High School
Roundy, Willow 1:14.44 Beacon High School
Kramm, Amelia 1:14.44 HS For Math, Science and
LEI, VANNA 1:14.93 Stuyvesant High School
Neufeld, Phoebe 1:15.86 Beacon High School
Molina Quezada, Juliana 1:16.51 East Harlem Pride
Belkas, Sarah 1:17.75 The Clinton School
Tyrtyshn, Glacel 1:17.84 Bard High School
Stolar, Emily 1:18.55 The Clinton School
Ferguson-Strohm, Evey 1:19.74 Bard High School
Azambre, Anais 1:21.86 Fiorello H Laguardia
Garcia, Julisa 1:21.89 East Harlem Pride
Li, Ya Li 1:22.29 East Harlem Pride
Morales Rivas, Sabrina 1:23.04 American Sign Language and Engli
Diop, Touty 1:24.42 George Washington
Porta, Luna 1:24.44 Bard High School
Fine, Isabel 1:28.23 The Clinton School
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Varsity Girls 400 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Oconnor, Lilyanne Beacon High School
Bae, Madelyn Hunter College Campus Schools
Walsh, Margo Hunter College Campus Schools
Orr, Sasha 1:17.53 Stuyvesant High School
Ferguson, Jade 1:22.48 Bard High School
LEI, VANNA 1:23.34 Stuyvesant High School
Caherly, Megan 1:25.71 West End Secondary School
SAUNDERS, SIENNA 1:26.37 Fiorello H Laguardia
Graham Eiroa, Sofia 1:27.26 HS For Math, Science and
Sanchez, Jade 1:34.14 A. Philip Randolph
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Varsity Girls 4x100 Meter "A" Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:01.64 The Clinton School
Relay Team A 1:02.54 Health Professions HS
Relay Team A 1:05.19 Lab Museum United
Relay Team A 1:06.64 Beacon High School
Relay Team A 1:14.23 Stuyvesant High School
Relay Team A 52.18 HS Fashion Industries
Relay Team A 54.64 A. Philip Randolph
Relay Team A 56.84 Manhattan Center for Scie
Relay Team A 58.34 George Washington
Relay Team A 58.44 East Harlem Pride
Relay Team A 59.11 Bard High School
Relay Team A 59.54 Eleanor Roosevelt (NYC)
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Varsity Girls 4x100 Meter "B/C.." Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B 1:05.19 Lab Museum United
Relay Team B 1:06.64 Beacon High School
Relay Team B 58.34 George Washington
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Varsity Girls 4x400 Meter "A" Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:26.20 Stuyvesant High School
Relay Team A 4:31.64 Hunter College Campus Schools
Relay Team A 4:37.70 HS For Math, Science and
Relay Team A 4:59.63 Beacon High School
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Varsity Girls 4x400 Meter "B/C.." Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B 4:26.20 Stuyvesant High School
Relay Team B 4:31.64 Hunter College Campus Schools
Relay Team B 4:59.63 Beacon High School
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Varsity Girls 4x800 Meter "A" Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:01.37 Hunter College Campus Schools
Relay Team A 10:26.47 Fiorello H Laguardia
Relay Team A 11:02.75 HS For Math, Science and
Relay Team A 11:15.80 Stuyvesant High School
Relay Team A 11:35.76 Beacon High School
Relay Team A 11:37.61 Eleanor Roosevelt (NYC)
Relay Team A 11:38.81 West End Secondary School
Relay Team A 13:05.80 Bard High School
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Varsity Girls 4x800 Meter "B/C.." Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:01.37 Hunter College Campus Schools
Relay Team B 11:15.80 Stuyvesant High School
Relay Team B 11:35.76 Beacon High School
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Varsity Girls 800 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cohen, Ella Hunter College Campus Schools
McElhinney, Dylan Hunter College Campus Schools
Newton, Jasper 2:20.52 Hunter College Campus Schools
Backus, Genevieve 2:29.49 Fiorello H Laguardia
Yirmiyahu, Noa 2:31.28 Hunter College Campus Schools
Citron, Jordan 2:33.76 West End Secondary School
Savonije, Emma 2:34.29 Stuyvesant High School
Estep, Phoebe 2:34.61 HS For Math, Science and
MURATORI, HONORA 2:35.40 Stuyvesant High School
Lorenzi, Adriana 2:35.42 HS Fashion Industries
Patel, Jiya 2:38.47 Stuyvesant High School
Kouyate, Mahawa 2:40.40 Frederick Douglass Academy
Begley, Virginia 2:43.39 Fiorello H Laguardia
Kilic, Esra 2:43.43 Beacon High School
Parsons, Liv 2:44.94 Hunter College Campus Schools
Bieker, Daphne 2:45.55 HS For Math, Science and
Jackowska, Julia 2:47.70 Eleanor Roosevelt (NYC)
Franco, Ada 2:52.45 Beacon High School
Mihalyi, Scarlett 2:52.50 West End Secondary School
Schonfeld, Scheherazade(Zadie) 2:53.92 Hunter College Campus Schools
CIUCUR, ELLA 2:54.29 West End Secondary School
Montano-Ubeda, Amanda 2:54.97 A. Philip Randolph
Keita, Sayon 2:55.40 Frederick Douglass Academy
Mailer, Mattie 2:56.29 Fiorello H Laguardia
Jung, Alexis 2:56.64 HS For Math, Science and
Furey, Avery 2:58.00 West End Secondary School
Kosta-Cetin, Nora 2:58.61 West End Secondary School
Seltz, Tessa 3:01.00 Fiorello H Laguardia
Escamilla, Abigail 3:01.50 Stuyvesant High School
Lopiccolo, Silvanna 3:08.36 HS Fashion Industries
Garcia, Julisa 3:20.30 East Harlem Pride
Morales Rivas, Sabrina 3:21.80 American Sign Language and Engli
Minan Rodriguez, Alejandra 3:58.10 Health Professions HS
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Varsity Girls Discus 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Konate, Aichiatou 70-8 A. Philip Randolph
Cisse, Sonya 66-4.75 Stuyvesant High School
Doukoure, Zeinab 60-1 A. Philip Randolph
Robinson, Norshana 57-11 A. Philip Randolph
Smirnova, Elizabeth 57-0 Hunter College Campus Schools
Nadoban, Brodie 49-4 HS For Math, Science and
Murtala, Khairiya 49-3 A. Philip Randolph
Benfield, Rushlin 48-7.5 HS Fashion Industries
Nkunga, Daniella-Malous 41-7 Stuyvesant High School
Gabin, Talia 40-9 West End Secondary School
BLASSER MULLIGAN, ATHALIA 39-0 Hunter College Campus Schools
Melo, Jeymy 37-4.5 HS Fashion Industries
Vasyukevich, Katerina Hunter College Campus Schools
GUO, YLAN Hunter College Campus Schools
JANG, HANA Hunter College Campus Schools
BELOBROVKA, ARIELLE Hunter College Campus Schools
Leng, Vera Hunter College Campus Schools
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Varsity Girls High Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
DI GIROLAMO, BEATRICE 4-6 Hunter College Campus Schools
BRATTON, SYDNEY 4-4.75 Hunter College Campus Schools
WERNER, NIAMH 4-2 Stuyvesant High School
Chandumont, Ariane 4-2 HS For Math, Science and
Forouhar, Mina 3-8 HS For Math, Science and
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Varsity Girls Javelin 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Konate, Aichiatou 78-9 A. Philip Randolph
Doukoure, Zeinab 53-7.75 A. Philip Randolph
Robinson, Norshana 52-8 A. Philip Randolph
Leng, Vera 52-0 Hunter College Campus Schools
ANOWAR, NASID 51-1 HS For Math, Science and
Akoto Bamfo, Petronella 42-5 A. Philip Randolph
Cisse, Sonya 41-1 Stuyvesant High School
Benfield, Rushlin 38-2.75 HS Fashion Industries
Melo, Jeymy 27-8.25 HS Fashion Industries
JANG, HANA Hunter College Campus Schools
Vasyukevich, Katerina Hunter College Campus Schools
Smirnova, Elizabeth Hunter College Campus Schools
BELOBROVKA, ARIELLE Hunter College Campus Schools
BLASSER MULLIGAN, ATHALIA Hunter College Campus Schools
Monaco, Felix Hunter College Campus Schools
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Varsity Girls Long Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sagoo-Jones, Coco 14-7 Eleanor Roosevelt (NYC)
Donohue, Isis 14-5 Stuyvesant High School
BRATTON, SYDNEY 14-4.5 Hunter College Campus Schools
Kalivogui, Janette 14-0.5 HS Fashion Industries
Leng, Vera 13-1.75 Hunter College Campus Schools
Hamilton, Kezia 12-10 East Harlem Pride
Ferguson, Jade 12-6.5 Bard High School
Konate, Aichiatou 12-4 A. Philip Randolph
Almond, Charlotte 12-3.25 HS For Math, Science and
Chung, Alyssa 12-2.5 HS For Math, Science and
Katz, Jenna 12-1.25 Beacon High School
Brown, Danika 11-10.5 A. Philip Randolph
DERISE, JENNIFER 11-10 Bard High School
McCollum, Malia 11-10 HS For Math, Science and
Morston, Londyn 11-9.5 HS Fashion Industries
Adams, Lucille 11-8.5 HS For Math, Science and
Fan, Kayla 11-7.5 Hunter College Campus Schools
Pitagorsky, Marley 10-11.5 Beacon High School
Bridges, Charlotte 10-10 Beacon High School
Lin, Connie 10-9 HS For Math, Science and
Campuzano, Erica 10-2.25 Beacon High School
Li, Ya Li 9-10 East Harlem Pride
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Varsity Girls Pentathlon 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mertens-Schill, Alina HS For Math, Science and
BRATTON, SYDNEY Hunter College Campus Schools
Kang, Alyssa Stuyvesant High School
Brown, Danika A. Philip Randolph
Walsh, Margo Hunter College Campus Schools
DI GIROLAMO, BEATRICE Hunter College Campus Schools
Kim, Hannah Stuyvesant High School
Konate, Aichiatou A. Philip Randolph
Monaco, Felix Hunter College Campus Schools
PATEL, AYESHA Hunter College Campus Schools
Wilson, Shayna Stuyvesant High School
Sanchez, Jade A. Philip Randolph
BELOBROVKA, ARIELLE Hunter College Campus Schools
Ferguson, Jade 1445 Bard High School
WERNER, NIAMH 1800 Stuyvesant High School
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Varsity Girls Pole Vault 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCollum, Malia 7-6 HS For Math, Science and
Lewis-Coffey, Siona 7-0 HS For Math, Science and
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Varsity Girls Shot Put 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Benfield, Rushlin 29-8 HS Fashion Industries
Bimpeh, Lieselle 28-9.75 Bard High School
Akoto Bamfo, Petronella 27-0 A. Philip Randolph
Cisse, Sonya 23-11.75 Stuyvesant High School
Konate, Aichiatou 23-9 A. Philip Randolph
BLASSER MULLIGAN, ATHALIA 23-6.5 Hunter College Campus Schools
Doukoure, Zeinab 23-1 A. Philip Randolph
Nadoban, Brodie 22-4 HS For Math, Science and
Ceesay, Tida 22-4 A. Philip Randolph
Gabin, Talia 19-10.5 West End Secondary School
Murtala, Khairiya 19-10 A. Philip Randolph
Nandji, Joyce 19-8 HS Fashion Industries
Graves, Zy Icia 19-0 Beacon High School
Melo, Jeymy 17-11 HS Fashion Industries
Vasquez, Jaritza 16-10.5 Bard High School
Harrison, Laila 16-10.5 East Harlem Pride
ANOWAR, NASID 13-11 HS For Math, Science and
Thomas, Cheyenne 12-7 Eleanor Roosevelt (NYC)
Smirnova, Elizabeth Hunter College Campus Schools
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Varsity Girls Triple Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
BUTLER, TESS 32-4 West End Secondary School
Chung, Alyssa 32-2 HS For Math, Science and
Katz, Jenna 28-1 Beacon High School
Donohue, Isis 26-10 Stuyvesant High School
Pitagorsky, Marley 25-11 Beacon High School
Adams, Lucille 25-8 HS For Math, Science and
Bridges, Charlotte 24-10.5 Beacon High School
Wilson, Shayna Stuyvesant High School
Sun, Hanning Beacon High School
Fan, Kayla Hunter College Campus Schools
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