Bowdoin XC Classic 2009

Wappingers Falls, NY

Bowdoin XC Classic 2009 vs Bowdoin XC Classic 2011

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +479 761 282
Overall Average -1.79 21:48.83 21:50.62
1st-10th Place -10.80 16:19.01 16:29.81
1st-25th Place -10.77 16:39.56 16:50.32
1st-50th Place -16.77 17:00.26 17:17.03
1st-100th Place -37.06 17:29.40 18:06.46
Common Athletes -- -- 38
Ran Faster -19 13 32
Ran Season Best -1 37 38
Average Time +41.05 21:53.20 21:12.15
Median Time +1:07.85 21:59.40 20:51.55
Middle 80% Times +45.61 21:54.95 21:09.34
Top 10% Times +40.82 18:00.72 17:19.91
Top 25% Times +49.42 18:45.78 17:56.36
Top 50% Times +52.30 19:45.27 18:52.97
Bottom 50% Times +29.81 24:01.14 23:31.33
Bottom 25% Times +15.29 25:11.87 24:56.58
Bottom 10% Times +0.90 26:26.70 26:25.80
Average Difference +56.01 -- --
Median Difference +1:27.86 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +47.97 -- --
Top 10% Difference +27.85 -- --
Top 50% Difference +58.32 -- --
Top 25% Difference +37.04 -- --
Top 50% Difference +58.32 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:06.33 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:32.20 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -26.11 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Austin Coneys Harborfields +43.79 17:40.50 16:56.71
Declan Dwyer-McNulty Red Hook +25.88 17:40.80 17:14.92
Ty Gamble Harborfields +2:03.56 19:33.30 17:29.74
Ryan Tancin Roy C. Ketcham (RCK) +1:34.63 19:12.90 17:38.27
Conor Murphy Harborfields +51.31 18:33.80 17:42.49
Austin Miller Guilderland -9.58 18:07.80 18:17.38
Josiah Zoodsma Roy C. Ketcham (RCK) +2:43.75 21:03.40 18:19.65
Cameron Coneys Harborfields +25.35 18:52.10 18:26.75
Ray Bartolucci Roy C. Ketcham (RCK) +7:36.57 26:14.80 18:38.23
Walter Brandsema Harborfields +1:55.38 20:34.80 18:39.42
Nathan Scott Guilderland -2.06 19:01.80 19:03.86
Jonathon VonReusner Red Hook +13.30 19:25.90 19:12.60
Caleb Rudge Onteora +4.17 19:32.60 19:28.43
Juan Lucido Tottenville -29.00 19:29.60 19:58.60
Alex Gilbert Red Hook +1:33.55 21:03.20 19:29.65
Connor Swanson Red Hook +2:32.97 22:41.90 20:08.93
Deirdre Dwyer Spackenkill -56.24 20:13.10 21:09.34
Jonas Kemp Red Hook +1:27.86 21:59.40 20:31.54
Jenna Robinson Guilderland +23.59 21:06.80 20:43.21
Emily Waligurski Onteora -2.21 20:43.90 20:46.11
Jonathan Fleming Red Hook +1:36.95 22:28.50 20:51.55
Joe Harkins Roy C. Ketcham (RCK) +1:38.14 22:45.90 21:07.76
Anna Picket Guilderland -19.05 21:37.70 21:56.75
Lea Cure Guilderland -2:05.44 21:46.20 23:51.64
Kelly Mahoney Harborfields +1:59.45 24:16.30 22:16.85
Paulina Stefanowski Archbishop Molloy +1:24.28 23:47.40 22:23.12
Olivia Popovitch Red Hook +9.60 22:41.20 22:31.60
Chelsea Farinacci Harborfields +1:01.05 23:33.00 22:31.95
Shannon Mackesey Guilderland -31.94 22:38.30 23:10.24
Anya Joynt Guilderland +44.61 23:25.20 22:40.59
Lorna Brundrett Red Hook -43.60 22:50.80 23:34.40
Victoria Carchiett Tottenville -1:40.19 22:51.70 24:31.89
Naomi Iwamoto Red Hook +1:13.30 24:52.10 23:38.80
Jessica Wohlfahrt Red Hook -1:55.41 24:20.40 26:15.81
Estee Braginsky Tottenville +2:42.77 27:38.40 24:55.63
Andrew Liu Spackenkill +20.71 25:31.30 25:10.59
Luisa Neves Spackenkill -2:20.34 25:22.70 27:43.04
Anastasia Bulgako Tottenville -11.45 26:22.30 26:33.75