Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hawkins, Darrius Notre Dame (Utica)
Bryant, Hassan Notre Dame (Utica)
Poah, Campbell 11.13 Notre Dame (Utica)
Gannon, Collin 11.21 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Towns, Jack 11.36 Whitesboro
Relyear Jr, Pierce 11.69 Oneida
Babiarz, Christian 11.69 Notre Dame (Utica)
Hewitt, Logan 11.70 Central Valley Academy
O'Neal, Jaylon 11.78 Central Valley Academy
Linder, Levi 11.85 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Tapia, Lucas 11.90 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Demma, Nicholas 11.93 Whitesboro
Joseph, Wilkenson 11.93 New Hartford
Jacquays, Thomas 12.00h Central Valley Academy
Morse, Noah 12.01 Camden
Martelli, Salvatore 12.11 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Jasper, Micah 12.15 Thomas R. Proctor
Kimmel, Carson 12.2 Camden
Jackson, Robert 12.2 Camden
Joslyn, Chris 12.20 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Wittmann, Tyler 12.32 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Thompson, Requin 12.33 New Hartford
Kierpiec, Briar 12.37 Camden
Scott, Lucas 12.40 Whitesboro
Rose, Jayden 12.46 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Johnson, Kenijaymes 12.63 Thomas R. Proctor
Hart, Jacob 12.91 Holland Patent
Pardee, Michael 13.00 Oneida
Thompson, Jahleihl 13.01 Thomas R. Proctor
Antonuk, Ja'Quae 13.04 New Hartford
Wehnke, Keegan 14.04h Holland Patent
Moore, Gavin 14.61 Oneida
Dingman, Joe 14.68 Oneida
Vanhatten, Michael 14.76 Holland Patent
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dembrow, Jake 16.42 New Hartford
Gannon, Collin 16.55 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Babiarz, Christian 17.52 Notre Dame (Utica)
Hugunine, Harley 17.53 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Mogel, Dylan 17.90 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Anderson, Troy 18.39 Camden
Race, Nick 18.79 Holland Patent
Mitchell, Jayden 19.05 Thomas R. Proctor
Camarra, Antonio 19.24 New Hartford
Race, Everet 19.57 Holland Patent
Genei, Brenden 19.75 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Schroeter, Tyler 20.26 Oneida
Snodgrass, Nicholas 21.14 Whitesboro
Kapo, Adem 21.41 New Hartford
Bernabe, Billy 21.92 Camden
Bartlett, Sebastian 21.99 Oneida
Poland, Carter 22.39 Holland Patent
Marinich, Daniel 24.17 Notre Dame (Utica)
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bartlett, Alexavier Oneida
Platt, Cameron Notre Dame (Utica)
Wingert, Jordan 4:35.48 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Fuller, Tyson 4:38.88 Oneida
Little, Kyle 4:41.63 Whitesboro
Bellinger, Ben 4:47.03 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Campbell, Carson 4:48.10 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Carbone, Christopher 5:01.24 Holland Patent
Stevens, Seth 5:02.53 Whitesboro
Geroux, Nathan 5:04.10 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Bauer, Killian 5:04.98 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Zuk, Cole 5:05.26 Central Valley Academy
Jackson, Elijah 5:05.91 Camden
Cossette, Ethan 5:06.58 Oneida
Rogers, Benjamin 5:08.94 Camden
Matthewson, David 5:09.81 Holland Patent
Perrotta, Connor 5:12.38 Camden
Engelhart, Jake 5:13.19 Notre Dame (Utica)
Maxson, Liam 5:15.40h Central Valley Academy
Moore, Nolan 5:17.00h Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Mbugua, Kimani 5:24.97 New Hartford
Wengert, Leo 5:27.47 Whitesboro
Sweet, Sawyer 5:35.41 Thomas R. Proctor
Ferguson, Aidan 5:37.45 Thomas R. Proctor
Bushey, Jamarhy 5:37.73 Notre Dame (Utica)
LaFond, Austin 6:05.81 New Hartford
Smith, Jake 6:25.00h Holland Patent
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Poah, Campbell 22.83 Notre Dame (Utica)
Towns, Jack 22.98 Whitesboro
O'Neal, Jaylon 23.50 Central Valley Academy
Gannon, Collin 23.63 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Relyear Jr, Pierce 23.64 Oneida
Dawes, Connor 23.75 Whitesboro
Tapia, Lucas 23.80 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Hewitt, Logan 23.83 Central Valley Academy
Linder, Levi 24.10 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Morse, Noah 24.50 Camden
Thompson, Jahleihl 24.69 Thomas R. Proctor
Smith, Daschel 24.78 Whitesboro
Bryant, Hassan 24.86 Notre Dame (Utica)
Wittmann, Tyler 24.87 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Jacquays, Thomas 24.90h Central Valley Academy
Delasnieves, Andeury 25.20 Thomas R. Proctor
Chase, Jack 25.20h Camden
Thompson, Requin 25.23 New Hartford
Antonuk, Ja'Quae 25.25 New Hartford
Hicks, Walter 25.27 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Nguyen, Marquez 25.45 Thomas R. Proctor
Ross, Thomas 25.50h Camden
Olejarnik, Michael 25.79 Whitesboro
Hawkins, Darrius 25.97 Notre Dame (Utica)
Hart, Jacob 26.00h Holland Patent
Joslyn, Chris 26.22 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Knapp, Joshua 26.68 New Hartford
Pardee, Michael 27.63 Oneida
Vanhatten, Michael 28.00h Holland Patent
Dingman, Joe 28.12 Oneida
Wehnke, Keegan 28.65 Holland Patent
Moore, Gavin 28.98 Oneida
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Boys 3000 Meter Steeplechase 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Benjamin, Matthew Whitesboro
LaFond, Austin New Hartford
Buckingham, Brodie 11:30.26 Camden
Sweet, Owen 11:47.90 Thomas R. Proctor
Kanclerz, Andrew 11:48.59 Holland Patent
Perrotta, Connor 12:18.50 Camden
LaMore, Ethan 12:32.65 Whitesboro
Ellis, Josh 12:37.82 New Hartford
Joyce, Anthony 12:50.00 Central Valley Academy
Higgins, Jacob 13:16.69 Oneida
Chandler, Elijah 13:17.01 Central Valley Academy
Jensen, Cole 13:18.72 Holland Patent
Kearney, Paul 13:59.28 Notre Dame (Utica)
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bartlett, Alexavier Oneida
Bellinger, Ben 10:22.96 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Bauer, Killian 10:47.17 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Geroux, Nathan 10:50.00 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Stevens, Seth 10:50.00 Whitesboro
Little, Kyle 11:00.00 Whitesboro
Zuk, Cole 11:09.09 Central Valley Academy
DiGiorgio, Justin 11:10.11 Whitesboro
Cossette, Ethan 11:16.02 Oneida
Van Hoesel, Karl 11:26.45 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Rogers, Benjamin 11:31.00 Camden
Maxson, Liam 11:53.80 Central Valley Academy
Sweet, Sawyer 12:00.90 Thomas R. Proctor
Mbugua, Kimani 12:02.11 New Hartford
Loomis, Landon 12:20.00 Camden
Ferguson, Aidan 12:29.67 Thomas R. Proctor
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Patrei, Samuel Notre Dame (Utica)
DeStefanis, Evan 1:00.00 Whitesboro
Darling, Maxwell 1:00.71 Camden
Brooks, Conner 1:00.90h Central Valley Academy
Trotta, Frank 1:02.51 Whitesboro
Cresci, Peter 1:04.74 Notre Dame (Utica)
Paradis, Cohen 1:06.21 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Towns, Jack 50.67 Whitesboro
Daley, Henry 52.43 New Hartford
Tidmore, Nico 52.75 Thomas R. Proctor
Thompson, Jahleihl 53.67 Thomas R. Proctor
Wittmann, Tyler 54.22 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Colone, Anthony 54.54 Central Valley Academy
Nguyen, Marquez 55.23 Thomas R. Proctor
Savery, Caleb 56.83 Holland Patent
Gowe, Chard 57.01 Notre Dame (Utica)
Bellamy, Willie 57.06 Notre Dame (Utica)
Ruhmel, Jack 57.08 New Hartford
Krol, Jackson 57.45 Oneida
Hart, Jacob 57.50h Holland Patent
Catania, Jaiden 57.58 Camden
Howe, Jarimia 58.00h Holland Patent
Bennett, Nick 58.11 New Hartford
Lanz, Kaleb 58.66 Oneida
Buckingham, Brodie 58.89 Camden
Hilderbran, Sam 58.91 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Daley, David 59.60 New Hartford
Paradis, De 59.90 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Conley, Wyatt 59.90 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Kistner, Cash 59.95 Oneida
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Boys 400 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Muniz, Devin 1:02.57 Thomas R. Proctor
Dembrow, Jake 1:02.72 New Hartford
Hugunine, Harley 1:03.90 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Mogel, Dylan 1:04.30 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Mitchell, Jayden 1:04.85 Thomas R. Proctor
Camarra, Antonio 1:05.39 New Hartford
Bernabe, Billy 1:06.5 Camden
Anderson, Troy 1:07.05 Camden
Hicks, Walter 1:09.16 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Kapo, Adem 1:09.51 New Hartford
Snodgrass, Nicholas 1:10.14 Whitesboro
Race, Nick 1:10.62 Holland Patent
Kearney, Paul 1:10.98 Notre Dame (Utica)
Schroeter, Tyler 1:11.20 Oneida
Genei, Brenden 1:11.64h Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Joyce, Christopher 1:13.78 Central Valley Academy
Poland, Carter 1:16.57 Holland Patent
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.80 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Relay Team A 44.84 Whitesboro
Relay Team A 46.41 Notre Dame (Utica)
Relay Team A 46.65 New Hartford
Relay Team A 46.73 Camden
Relay Team A 48.48 Thomas R. Proctor
Relay Team A 48.97 Central Valley Academy
Relay Team A 49.34 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Relay Team A 49.34 Oneida
Relay Team A 51.70 Holland Patent
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:32.32 Thomas R. Proctor
Relay Team A 3:35.86 Camden
Relay Team A 3:46.87 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Relay Team A 3:48.69 New Hartford
Relay Team A 3:51.14 Oneida
Relay Team A 3:54.69 Whitesboro
Relay Team A 3:59.40 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Relay Team A 4:14.20 Holland Patent
Relay Team A 4:23.40 Central Valley Academy
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:58.79 Camden
Relay Team A 8:50.77 New Hartford
Relay Team A 8:54.32 Thomas R. Proctor
Relay Team A 8:56.74 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Relay Team A 8:59.72 Whitesboro
Relay Team A 9:19.16 Oneida
Relay Team A 9:20.15 Notre Dame (Utica)
Relay Team A 9:26.28 Central Valley Academy
Relay Team A 9:50.00h Rome Free Academy (RFA)
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Boys 800 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hopkins, Ben Notre Dame (Utica)
Wingert, Jordan 2:00.72 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Sweet, Owen 2:02.21 Thomas R. Proctor
Thorngren, Tyler 2:03.86 Whitesboro
Stevens, Seth 2:06.00h Whitesboro
Geroux, Nathan 2:11.94 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Jackson, Elijah 2:14.02 Camden
Brindisi, Anthony 2:14.34 Thomas R. Proctor
Carbone, Christopher 2:14.76 Holland Patent
Campbell, Carson 2:15.00 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Colone, Anthony 2:15.23 Central Valley Academy
Norales, Alexis 2:15.45 Thomas R. Proctor
Matthewson, David 2:16.83 Holland Patent
Kanclerz, Andrew 2:17.91 Holland Patent
Engelbert, Grady 2:18.50 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Kidwell, Ethan 2:20.00h Whitesboro
Perrotta, Connor 2:20.79 Camden
Syed, Fateh 2:20.90 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Shene, Cayden 2:22.69 Oneida
Allen, Samson 2:23.71 New Hartford
Getman, Jack 2:25.23 Central Valley Academy
Ludwig, Alex 2:35.21 Oneida
Bushey, Jamarhy 2:38.40 Notre Dame (Utica)
Patrei, Samuel 2:43.97 Notre Dame (Utica)
Jensen, Cole 2:46.20 Holland Patent
Clanton, Ryan 2:47.44 Central Valley Academy
Hopkins, James 3:25.57 Notre Dame (Utica)
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Boys Discus 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Swavely, Jacob 153-4 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Marji, Jacob 146-7 Oneida
Tobiasz, Anthony 140-6 Whitesboro
Hill, Tanner 137-4 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Randall, Ethan 122-9 Central Valley Academy
Hill, Timothy 120-2 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Lynch, Isaac 108-9 Camden
Welch, Noah 108-4 Central Valley Academy
Geloso, Vincenzo 106-11 Central Valley Academy
McRedmond, Jeremy 106-7 Central Valley Academy
Anyango, Camron 105-10 Thomas R. Proctor
Jennings, Quinn 105-10 Oneida
Nelson, Benjamin 105-1 Whitesboro
Kotwica, Jeremy 104-5 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Britschge, Jeff 102-1 Camden
Pawlikowski, Nick 100-0 Oneida
Royce, Chad 100-0 Camden
Beaulac, Ryan 96-7 Camden
King, Henry 95-5 Holland Patent
Vitagliano, Tommy 94-9 New Hartford
Cashman, Ryan 93-2 Oneida
Brinck, Matthew 86-4 Whitesboro
Barlow, Kaden 85-10 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Shlotzhauer, Cole 83-11 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Garcia, Jariel 81-11 Thomas R. Proctor
Cristiano, Cutler 79-9 New Hartford
Kiszelewski, Matthew 77-8 Whitesboro
Cuda, Logan 76-4 Holland Patent
Bennison, Nathan 75-7 Holland Patent
Dorozynski, Collin 63-10 Notre Dame (Utica)
Hayes, Duane 63-8 Notre Dame (Utica)
Elwood, Noah 62-10 New Hartford
Brittingham, Charles Notre Dame (Utica)
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Boys High Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mateo, Chris 6-3 Thomas R. Proctor
Stockwell, Jameson 5-10 New Hartford
O'Neal, Jaylon 5-10 Central Valley Academy
Howe, Jarimia 5-10 Holland Patent
Hilderbran, Max 5-8 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
D'Agata, William 5-8 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Ruiz, Micah 5-8 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Joseph, Wilkenson 5-8 New Hartford
Joseph, Rishon 5-8 Whitesboro
Mitchell, Jayden 5-6 Thomas R. Proctor
Syed, Fateh 5-6 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Heretz, Avery 5-4 Whitesboro
Bliss, Orion 5-2 Central Valley Academy
Rogowski, Scott 5-2 Whitesboro
Floge, Pedro 5-0 Camden
Smith, Landon 5-0 New Hartford
DeLuca, Cole 5-0 Central Valley Academy
Ross, Thomas 4-9.75 Camden
Marinich, Daniel Notre Dame (Utica)
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Boys Long Jump 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wands, Patrick 20-1 Whitesboro
Ruiz, Micah 19-10 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Stockwell, Jameson 19-4.75 New Hartford
Delasnieves, Andeury 19-2 Thomas R. Proctor
Howe, Jarimia 18-10.25 Holland Patent
Hilderbran, Max 18-8 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Sullivan, Devion 18-6.75 Thomas R. Proctor
Rose, Jayden 18-6.5 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Joseph, Rishon 18-5.5 Whitesboro
Jackson, Robert 18-4 Camden
Scott, Lucas 18-4 Whitesboro
Jacquays, Thomas 18-3 Central Valley Academy
Savery, Caleb 17-11 Holland Patent
Knapp, Joshua 17-9.25 New Hartford
Pawlowski, Xavier 17-8.5 Whitesboro
Mount, Aiden 17-6 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Kistner, Cash 17-6 Oneida
Floge, Pedro 17-0 Camden
Paradis, De 17-0 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Lynch, Isaac 17-0 Camden
Muniz, Devin 16-10.25 Thomas R. Proctor
View, Zachery 16-8.75 Central Valley Academy
Thompson, Requin 16-5.5 New Hartford
Hart, Jacob 15-11.5 Holland Patent
Gowe, Carlloyd 15-6 Notre Dame (Utica)
Ludwig, Alex 14-11 Oneida
Shene, Cayden 14-9.25 Oneida
Bushey, Jamarhy 14-8.5 Notre Dame (Utica)
Rivera, Brian 14-0.5 Central Valley Academy
Engelhart, Jake Notre Dame (Utica)
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Boys Pentathlon 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Ethan New Hartford
Bushardt, Zackery Central Valley Academy
North, Ben New Hartford
Odom, Azier 1750 Camden
Harrington, Colton 1754 Camden
O'Bryan, Reid 1891 Whitesboro
Wickham, Kaiden 1987 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Sanchez, Christian 2079 Thomas R. Proctor
Dean, Connor 3040 Camden
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Boys Pole Vault 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
D'Agata, William 14-0 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Grant, Neil 11-6 New Hartford
Campbell, Elijah 10-6 New Hartford
Poole, Dylan 10-0 Camden
Chase, Jack 10-0 Camden
Jones, Sharborn 10-0 Thomas R. Proctor
Grabski, Richard 10-0 Central Valley Academy
Rizzo, Alexander 9-6 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Bernabe, Billy 9-6 Camden
Martinez, Matthew 8-6 Central Valley Academy
Marrero, Derek 8-0 Whitesboro
Pawlowski, Xavier 8-0 Whitesboro
Little, Kyle 8-0 Whitesboro
Feduccia, Matthew 7-0 New Hartford
Shene, Cayden 6-6 Oneida
Pawlikowski, Nick Oneida
Dearmore, Nathan Oneida
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Boys Shot Put 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jennings, Quinn 50-1.25 Oneida
Tobiasz, Anthony 46-8.75 Whitesboro
Swavely, Jacob 44-3 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Brinck, Matthew 42-2 Whitesboro
Vitagliano, Tommy 41-3.5 New Hartford
Anyango, Camron 40-8 Thomas R. Proctor
Hill, Tanner 40-7.75 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
McRedmond, Jeremy 40-3 Central Valley Academy
Doran, Joseph 40-2.25 Camden
Joseph, Wilkenson 39-7.5 New Hartford
Hewitt, Logan 39-1 Central Valley Academy
Kuc, Gavin 39-0.75 Camden
Randall, Ethan 38-2 Central Valley Academy
Fresco, Salvatore 37-10 Central Valley Academy
Wilcox, Aiden 37-6 Central Valley Academy
Ciccone Jr, Albert 37-4 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Norris, Jovani 36-6 Whitesboro
Beaulac, Ryan 36-5.5 Camden
Miller, Merrick 35-7.25 Oneida
King, Henry 35-6 Holland Patent
Barlow, Kaden 35-0 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Steele, Dylan 34-8.25 Camden
Perez, Hector 34-0.5 Thomas R. Proctor
Brittingham, Charles 33-10.5 Notre Dame (Utica)
Kowalski, Tanner 33-0 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Hashimoto, Takeshi 33-0 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Faccioli, Santino 31-9.5 Notre Dame (Utica)
Elwood, Noah 30-11 New Hartford
McCorkle, Jahvontay 30-10 New Hartford
Cieslak, Brady 30-1.5 Oneida
Earl, Zachary 29-0 Holland Patent
Cuda, Logan 28-5 Holland Patent
Garcia, Jariel 26-11.5 Thomas R. Proctor
Dorozynski, Collin Notre Dame (Utica)
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Boys Triple Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Constantine, Nitesh 41-5.5 New Hartford
Wands, Patrick 40-1.75 Whitesboro
O'Neal, Jaylon 40-0 Central Valley Academy
Wingert, Jordan 38-10.5 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Stovall, Ethan 38-2 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Daley, Henry 37-8.5 New Hartford
Knapp, Joshua 37-5 New Hartford
Thompson, Requin 37-4.5 New Hartford
Lynch, Isaac 37-3.5 Camden
Kistner, Cash 37-0 Oneida
Savery, Caleb 36-7 Holland Patent
Jacquays, Thomas 36-5.25 Central Valley Academy
Randall, Ethan 36-4.75 Central Valley Academy
Ross, Thomas 36-3 Camden
Sullivan, Devion 36-1.5 Thomas R. Proctor
Dauch, James 35-6 Whitesboro
Race, Nick 35-4.5 Holland Patent
Willson, Carter 33-2.25 Camden
Krol, Jackson 33-1 Oneida
Paradis, Cohen 33-1 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Grieco III, John 32-3.5 Whitesboro
Syed, Fraz 31-10 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Race, Everet 31-4.5 Holland Patent
Marinich, Daniel 30-8 Notre Dame (Utica)
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Acey, Gianna Notre Dame (Utica)
Hawkins, Haylee New Hartford
Sparrow, Shornce Notre Dame (Utica)
Patterson, Raiyah 13.11 Thomas R. Proctor
McLeod, Amya 13.16 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Stalker, Makenzie 13.38 Holland Patent
Frazier, Dianndra 13.40h Thomas R. Proctor
Croft, Grace 13.41 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Garner, Jaleea 13.45 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Wheeler, Cora 13.50 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Hinds, Jacey 13.54 Camden
Chen, Mandy 13.59 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Cornine, Haley 13.69 Whitesboro
Thompson, Omarianna 13.83 Thomas R. Proctor
Rodriguez, Lleneila 13.85 Thomas R. Proctor
Mirabelli, Mia 14.02 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Santa Maria, Nicole 14.07 Holland Patent
Polce, Megan 14.12 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Osilovskiy, Angelina 14.12 Whitesboro
Gadziala, Marisol 14.23 New Hartford
Eysaman, Baleigh 14.28 Central Valley Academy
Ball, Zakiya 14.31 Holland Patent
Kelley, Peyton 14.36 Camden
Hayes, Isabella 14.37 New Hartford
Cook, Alex 14.47 Whitesboro
Watkins, Sophia 14.50h Central Valley Academy
Fernandez, Elizha 14.54 Holland Patent
Mitchell, Kathryn 14.56 Oneida
Guiliano, Gracie 14.78 Notre Dame (Utica)
Benazzoli, Emma 14.85 Oneida
Bland, Sa'mari 15.20h Whitesboro
Kearney, Coral 15.32 Notre Dame (Utica)
Fox, Arianna 15.44 Camden
Hermann, Annabelle 15.74 Oneida
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pugh, Imani 15.27 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Locke, Chennia 15.81 Thomas R. Proctor
Wheeler, Cora 16.89 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Howlett, Jordyn 16.94 Whitesboro
Jones, Maddie 17.22 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Callahan, Julia 17.71 Holland Patent
Jepsen, Izabelle 18.07 Oneida
Clark, Christianna 18.27 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Judah, Rijanna 18.88 Thomas R. Proctor
Carrasquillo, Akasia 19.03 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Albertina, Jane 19.26 Oneida
Sahm-Khiamdavanh, Kiara 19.40h Whitesboro
Carter, Julia 19.62 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Primarolo, Isabella 19.84 New Hartford
Kostic, Mathea 19.91 New Hartford
Robinson, Jamisha 20.06 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Glova, Elana 20.20 Central Valley Academy
Collis, Riley 20.71 Whitesboro
Hawkins, Haylee 20.74 New Hartford
Geigel, Kaeyani 20.78 Thomas R. Proctor
Gilsenan, Anna 20.79 Camden
Van Dyk, Lylah 21.35 Whitesboro
Quackenbush, Eva 21.73 Whitesboro
Storey, Isabelle 24.20h Oneida
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Girls 1500 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
DeSanctis, Emma New Hartford
Townsend, Marlo 4:56.78 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
McQueeney, Caleigh 5:22.44 Whitesboro
Leonardo, Kasadee 5:28.80h Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Torrey, Jessica 5:30.73 Oneida
Hurd, Natalie 5:31.67 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Heenan, Riley 5:31.77 New Hartford
Badolato, Gianna 5:32.39 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Liuzzi, Maria 5:33.43 Whitesboro
Murphy, Ivy 5:34.40h Camden
Carey, Aileen 5:38.92 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Peplinski, Julia 5:51.26 New Hartford
Burton, Ella 5:55.00h Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
York, Charlotte 6:00.35 Camden
Donahue, Anna 6:02.18 Central Valley Academy
Pouliot, Rachael 6:02.80 Holland Patent
Fosu, Tatiyana 6:34.28 Thomas R. Proctor
Salsman, Chloe 6:34.44 Central Valley Academy
Mattia, Mia 6:35.39 Whitesboro
SIMPSON, KIERSTIN 6:39.85 Thomas R. Proctor
Verdejo, Isabella 6:44.29 New Hartford
Connor, Jasmine 6:58.86 Thomas R. Proctor
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Appler, Kaitlyn New Hartford
Hayes, Isabella New Hartford
McLeod, Amya 27.15 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Celia, Sophia 27.30h Whitesboro
Garner, Jaleea 27.35 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Patterson, Raiyah 27.67 Thomas R. Proctor
Thompson, Omarianna 27.73 Thomas R. Proctor
Hinds, Jacey 27.74 Camden
Cornine, Haley 27.94 Whitesboro
Kinney, Alexis 28.23 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Szeflinski, Morgan 28.80h Central Valley Academy
Polce, Megan 29.20 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Williams, Simone 29.32 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Rodriguez, Lleneila 29.41 Thomas R. Proctor
Locke, Chennia 29.66 Thomas R. Proctor
Eysaman, Baleigh 29.95 Central Valley Academy
Hawkins, Haylee 29.97 New Hartford
Davis, Trinity 30.10h Central Valley Academy
Callahan, Julia 30.12 Holland Patent
Pemberton, Iyonna 30.30 Thomas R. Proctor
Jerome, Isabella 30.44 New Hartford
Kelley, Peyton 30.76 Camden
Ball, Zakiya 31.20 Holland Patent
Spartano, Gianna 31.20h Whitesboro
Bland, Sa'mari 31.44 Whitesboro
Maynard, Grace 32.05 Whitesboro
Kearney, Coral 32.51 Notre Dame (Utica)
Tickell, Chloe 32.60 Holland Patent
Hermann, Annabelle 32.66 Oneida
Moracova, Anna 32.97 Oneida
Dowd, Taralyn 33.22 New Hartford
Thomas, Sally 33.73 Oneida
Olson, Zoey 34.00 Camden
Wagner, Eliza 36.24 Oneida
Lohr, Alyssa 36.97 Oneida
Acey, Gianna 38.54 Notre Dame (Utica)
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Girls 2000 Meter Steeplechase 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Balarezo, Paula New Hartford
Ruhmel, Maggie New Hartford
Fosu, Tatiyana Thomas R. Proctor
Garrabrant, Sarah New Hartford
Townsend, Marlo 7:33.39 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
McQueeney, Caleigh 8:21.06 Whitesboro
Parry, Shavaia 8:51.47 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Leonardo, Kasadee 8:55.00h Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Witzigman, Kaylynn 9:25.83 Camden
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Girls 3000 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Freytag, Alexandra New Hartford
Townsend, Marlo 10:49.57 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Myatt, Molly 11:13.67 Oneida
Murphy, Ivy 11:54.46 Camden
Hurd, Natalie 12:11.50 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Carey, Aileen 12:12.30 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Davis, Sophia 12:44.00 Oneida
Scott, Riley 13:36.42 Central Valley Academy
White, Isabella 14:07.10 Central Valley Academy
SIMPSON, KIERSTIN 14:13.14 Thomas R. Proctor
Appler, Madeline 14:24.20 New Hartford
Garrabrant, Sarah 14:48.48 New Hartford
Beiderbecke, Allyson 15:49.29 Holland Patent
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dowd, Taralyn New Hartford
Storey, Isabelle Oneida
Valentine, Amie 1:02.31 Thomas R. Proctor
Serafin, Grace 1:03.32 New Hartford
Szeflinski, Morgan 1:03.40h Central Valley Academy
Kinney, Alexis 1:03.40h Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Cornine, Haley 1:04.11 Whitesboro
Hunley, Liz 1:04.2 Camden
Croft, Grace 1:04.40h Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Osilovskiy, Angelina 1:07.15 Whitesboro
Williams, Simone 1:07.17 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Watson, Makayla 1:08.17 Thomas R. Proctor
Davis, Trinity 1:09.20h Central Valley Academy
Jerome, Isabella 1:09.68 New Hartford
Tien, Hannah 1:09.74 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Maynard, Grace 1:10.37 Whitesboro
Capotosto, Josie 1:10.77 Oneida
Kearney, Coral 1:11.25 Notre Dame (Utica)
Day, Arionna 1:11.80h Central Valley Academy
Walters, Sylvia 1:12.37 Oneida
Baker, Lily 1:12.40h Camden
Davis, Sophia 1:12.82 Oneida
Pittman, Julissa 1:15.76 Thomas R. Proctor
Ragin, Jaida 1:16.26 Thomas R. Proctor
Bailey, Melody 1:16.69 Holland Patent
Beiderbecke, Allyson 1:27.74 Holland Patent
Olson, Zoey 78 Camden
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Girls 400 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ruhmel, Maggie New Hartford
Celia, Sophia 1:08.56 Whitesboro
Bathrick, Molly 1:09.43 Holland Patent
Pugh, Imani 1:10.47 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
GONZALEZ-RIVERA, JASMIN 1:11.21 Thomas R. Proctor
Croft, Eva 1:13.95 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Judah, Rijanna 1:15.06 Thomas R. Proctor
Wheeler, Cora 1:15.20h Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Albertina, Jane 1:16.09 Oneida
Griffiths, Kyra 1:16.65 Whitesboro
Clark, Christianna 1:16.81 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
White, Isabella 1:18.85 Central Valley Academy
Howlett, Jordyn 1:18.92 Whitesboro
Carrasquillo, Akasia 1:19.41 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Scaparo, Sophia 1:19.48 New Hartford
Glova, Elana 1:22.70h Central Valley Academy
Geigel, Kaeyani 1:24.63 Thomas R. Proctor
Frank, Kamryn 1:27.98 Central Valley Academy
Delmedico, Addison 1:32.73 New Hartford
Witzigman, Kaylynn 1:35.44 Camden
Carman, Amber 1:45.00h Holland Patent
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:00.63 Oneida
Relay Team A 52.17 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Relay Team A 52.32 Thomas R. Proctor
Relay Team A 52.98 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Relay Team A 53.31 Holland Patent
Relay Team A 55.07 Camden
Relay Team A 56.36 New Hartford
Relay Team A 56.40h Central Valley Academy
Relay Team A 57.38 Whitesboro
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:14.85 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Relay Team A 4:15.42 Thomas R. Proctor
Relay Team A 4:29.14 Whitesboro
Relay Team A 4:41.43 New Hartford
Relay Team A 4:42.00h Camden
Relay Team A 4:49.71 Central Valley Academy
Relay Team A 4:51.20 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Relay Team A 4:53.68 Oneida
Relay Team A 5:01.67 Holland Patent
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Thomas R. Proctor
Relay Team A 10:28.86 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Relay Team A 11:11.13 Whitesboro
Relay Team A 11:19.49 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Relay Team A 11:24.32 Oneida
Relay Team A 11:33.04 New Hartford
Relay Team A 12:06.16 Camden
Relay Team A 12:12.00 Central Valley Academy
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Girls 800 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Verdejo, Isabella New Hartford
Lew, Megan 2:28.04 Thomas R. Proctor
Manna, Catherine 2:32.55 Whitesboro
LaMore, Emily 2:34.73 Whitesboro
Watson, Makayla 2:36.21 Thomas R. Proctor
Maguire, Leah 2:37.01 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Badolato, Gianna 2:37.58 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Luciano, Julissa 2:39.80 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Leonardo, Kasadee 2:41.10h Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Gormley, Mackenzie 2:45.85 Oneida
Heenan, Riley 2:46.23 New Hartford
Levkovets, Angelina 2:47.34 Whitesboro
Balarezo, Paula 2:49.81 New Hartford
Swift, Chloe 2:52.14 Holland Patent
Donahue, Anna 2:53.78 Central Valley Academy
Walters, Sylvia 2:54.32 Oneida
Watkins, Olivia 2:56.59 Central Valley Academy
Capotosto, Josie 2:58.27 Oneida
York, Charlotte 2:59.1 Camden
Henderson, Hailey 3:05.10h Camden
Grounds, Gabby 3:07.94 Central Valley Academy
Wood, Sierra 3:12.40h Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Rondon, Alejandra 4:01.71 Thomas R. Proctor
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Girls Discus 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilbur, Kiera 94-7 Central Valley Academy
Laguna, Sierra 90-7 Holland Patent
Toth, Jordyn 85-9 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Giess, Leah 85-3 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Hook, Kylie 84-2 Whitesboro
Masner, Avilene 81-3 Oneida
Cook, Elaina 80-1 Oneida
Ferebee, Amyiah 79-6 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Jaros, Mikayla 74-9 New Hartford
Robinson, Wealthy 72-3 Thomas R. Proctor
Helmer, Samantha 71-11 Central Valley Academy
Coakley, Olivia 70-3 Oneida
Appler, Kaitlyn 69-0 New Hartford
Gwozdz, Hanna 68-8 Holland Patent
Thomas, Maylasia 68-2 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Dam, Emma 67-2 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Forbes, Cassidy 63-7 Oneida
Boris, Lillian 63-4 Holland Patent
Larrabee, Emma 63-4 Holland Patent
Sumner, Nick 62-6 Camden
Hurd, Kaitlynn 60-7 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Henderson, Abby 58-4 Camden
Sorensen, Diana 58-4 New Hartford
SANTILLO-PONDER, ALANNA 57-5 Thomas R. Proctor
Beniot, Dean 57-2 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Joseph, Ashley 56-5 Central Valley Academy
Hernandez, Mya 56-0 Whitesboro
Agan, Isabella 55-10 Camden
Tickell, Chloe 53-8 Holland Patent
Holliman, NiYanna 50-1 Thomas R. Proctor
Castelluzzo, Gena 46-10 Camden
Lynch, Madison New Hartford
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Girls High Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pugh, Imani 5-3 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Wilbur, Kiera 5-2 Central Valley Academy
DeHimer, Katherine 5-0 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Jones, Maddie 4-11 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Collis, Riley 4-8.75 Whitesboro
Maganati, Mylee 4-8 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Hooker, Olivia 4-6 Camden
Benson, Olivia 4-6 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Jepsen, Izabelle 4-6 Oneida
Rayhill, Meghan 4-4 New Hartford
Gilsenan, Emily 4-4 Camden
Santa Maria, Nicole 4-4 Holland Patent
GOWE, ARIANA 4-2 Thomas R. Proctor
Davis, Kamari 4-2 Thomas R. Proctor
Mariano, Jayden 4-2 Camden
Locke, Chennia 4-0 Thomas R. Proctor
Fernandez, Elizha 4-0 Holland Patent
Delmedico, Addison New Hartford
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Girls Long Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Patterson, Raiyah 17-1.5 Thomas R. Proctor
Pugh, Imani 16-9 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Hinds, Jacey 16-1.5 Camden
Mirabelli, Mia 15-10 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Jones, Maddie 15-9.25 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
King, Alice 15-4.5 Holland Patent
Colvin, Addison 15-3 Oneida
Chen, Mandy 15-2.75 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Wheeler, Cora 14-10.75 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Ball, Zakiya 14-9 Holland Patent
Glova, Elana 14-4.5 Central Valley Academy
Kinney, Alexis 14-4 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Maganati, Mylee 13-10.5 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Thomas, Leilani 13-8 Thomas R. Proctor
Hayes, Isabella 13-6.5 New Hartford
Collis, Riley 13-6.25 Whitesboro
Eysaman, Baleigh 13-4.5 Central Valley Academy
Hite, Ellie 13-3 Camden
Primarolo, Aryana 13-2 New Hartford
Quackenbush, Eva 12-9 Whitesboro
Jepsen, Izabelle 12-3 Oneida
Henderson, Brianna 12-1 Camden
Snider, Madeline 11-8.25 Holland Patent
Ragin, Jaida 11-5 Thomas R. Proctor
Benazzoli, Emma 11-1 Oneida
Petrovski, Emili 10-11.75 New Hartford
Mitchell, Kathryn Oneida
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Girls Pentathlon 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gilsenan, Anna Camden
Snider, Addison 1248 Holland Patent
Dam, Grace 1732 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Aldridge, McKenzie 1980 Camden
Durso, Kaleigh 2063 New Hartford
Kubat, Mackenzie 2933 Whitesboro
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Girls Pole Vault 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frazier, Dianndra 9-0 Thomas R. Proctor
DeHimer, Katherine 9-0 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
White, Isabella 7-6 Central Valley Academy
Carter, Julia 7-6 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Mullins, Brianna 7-1 Holland Patent
Benson, Olivia 7-0 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Komacek, Olivia 7-0 Whitesboro
White, Ava 7-0 Whitesboro
Manzo, Gia 6-6 New Hartford
Cruz, Niessa 6-6 Camden
Fanning, Avarie 6-0 Oneida
French, Julie 5-1 New Hartford
Lohr, Alyssa 5-0 Oneida
Calogero, Nicole New Hartford
Wagner, Eliza Oneida
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Girls Shot Put 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ferebee, Amyiah 32-6 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Robinson, Wealthy 31-0 Thomas R. Proctor
Wilbur, Kiera 30-3.5 Central Valley Academy
Cook, Elaina 30-3 Oneida
Thomas, Maylasia 29-9.5 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Hook, Kylie 29-6 Whitesboro
Giess, Leah 28-10 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Gwozdz, Hanna 28-3.5 Holland Patent
Johnson, Faith 27-6 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Henderson, Abby 27-1 Camden
Helmer, Samantha 25-5.25 Central Valley Academy
Hurd, Kaitlynn 25-1 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
White, Ava 25-0.5 Whitesboro
Holliman, NiYanna 24-10.5 Thomas R. Proctor
Jaros, Mikayla 24-5.5 New Hartford
Dam, Emma 24-4.25 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Larrabee, Emma 24-0.5 Holland Patent
Sorensen, Diana 23-4.25 New Hartford
Laguna, Sierra 23-4 Holland Patent
Sumner, Nick 23-1 Camden
SANTILLO-PONDER, ALANNA 22-6.5 Thomas R. Proctor
Lynch, Madison 22-1.5 New Hartford
Simzer, Giana 21-7 Oneida
Forbes, Cassidy 20-4 Oneida
Clark, Aziah 19-6.5 Thomas R. Proctor
Rowe, Melanie 18-10 Camden
Ashley, Karli 18-7 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Lundrigan, Emma 18-3 Camden
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Girls Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shea, Camryn 33-11.75 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Chen, Mandy 33-3.5 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Garner, Jaleea 32-9.5 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Mirabelli, Mia 32-3.5 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Hinds, Jacey 32-1.75 Camden
King, Alice 32-0.75 Holland Patent
Colvin, Addison 31-9 Oneida
Clark, Christianna 31-4.5 Rome Free Academy (RFA)
Gadziala, Marisol 29-11 New Hartford
Thomas, Leilani 28-9.25 Thomas R. Proctor
Maguire, Leah 28-6.75 Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS)
Hooker, Olivia 27-4 Camden
Rieben, Eva 27-0 New Hartford
Snider, Madeline 26-0.5 Holland Patent
Hildenbrandt, Maddy 21-10 Camden
Smith, Hannah 20-8 Camden
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