Reebok Manhattan HS Invitational 2014

Bronx, NY

Boys Intermediate

C.F.P.I. Timing & Data - Contractor LicenseHy-Tek's MEET MANAGER  2:02 PM  10/11/2014  Page 1
Reebok- Manhattan Cross Country Invite - 10/11/2014
Results at
Van Cortlandt Park, Bronx, NY
Event 32  Boys 1.25 Mile Run CC Intermediate
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Derek Gess                 8 Haddonfield             6:10.2    1
  2 Luca Cortellese            8 Washington Episc        6:32.3    2
  3 Robert Straight            8 Brooklyn MS             6:33.9    3
  4 Tobias Zinner              8 Brooklyn MS             6:39.8    4
  5 Brandon Martin             8 Cicero-North Syr        6:41.1    5
  6 Demian Losfnes-Scott       8 Brooklyn MS             6:42.5    6
  7 Lucas Calcagni             8 BFA-St. Albans          6:43.6    7
  8 Ethan Rice                 7 Brooklyn MS             6:44.7    8
  9 Patrick McCann             8 Pearl River             6:47.1    9
 10 Nathan Poirier             8 Cicero-North Syr        6:47.7   10
 11 Dylan Bogdon               8 ND-Bish Gibbons         6:48.6   11
 12 Dan Washburn               8 Westhill                6:50.1   12
 13 Lucas Sharron              8 Cicero-North Syr        6:51.1   13
 14 Justin Smith               8 Pine Bush               6:51.7   14
 15 Michael Dua                8 Pearl River             6:52.2   15
 16 Baird Johnson              7 Robert Wagner MS        6:52.6   16
 17 Chris Giuliani             8 Islip                   6:53.0   17
 18 Ben Osborn                 7 Kingston                6:53.6   18
 19 Demere Kearney             8 St. Benedicts           6:55.6   19
 20 Tahje Flemming             7 Brooklyn MS             6:56.0   20
 21 Hugh Durcan                8 Pearl River             6:56.3   21
 22 Jeremy Plattstrack         8 Warwick Valley          6:57.0   22
 23 Jaelin Edwards             8 Pine Bush               6:57.6   23
 24 Owen Hassler               7 Brooklyn MS             6:57.8   24
 25 Jeremy Small-Hawks         8 Cornwall                6:58.1   25
 26 Owen Russell               8 Pearl River             6:58.7   26
 27 Andrew Coddington          8 Tri-Valley              6:59.1   27
 28 John Parsells              8 Pine Bush               6:59.8   28
 29 Matisse Barreira           7 O.L. Lourdes-QV         7:02.5   29
 30 Josh Turner                7 Kingston                7:03.6   30
 31 Brendan Harding            8 Pearl River             7:04.6   31
 32 Paul Ellis                 8 Westhill                7:05.7   32
 33 Nathan Slusser             8 Cicero-North Syr        7:06.0   33
 34 Oliver Branham-Upton       7 Brooklyn MS             7:06.7   34
 35 Jack Reynolds              8 Pearl River             7:07.5   35
 36 George Carr Smith          8 Robert Wagner MS        7:10.6   36
 37 Domenic Campagna           8 The Pennfield Sc        7:12.4   37
 38 Trey Poquette              8 BFA-St. Albans          7:14.1   38
 39 Miguel Rivera              8 Reading                 7:15.4   39
 40 Wil Lawson                 8 ND-Bish Gibbons         7:15.8   40
 41 Merlin Beaufils            8 Brooklyn MS             7:17.0
 42 Greg Walsh                 8 Auburn                  7:18.6   41
 43 Will Thornton              8 Westhill                7:19.8   42
 44 Maximo Turner              8 Warwick Valley          7:20.3   43
 45 Brett Darling              8 Cornwall                7:21.0   44
 46 Cook Shaw                  8 Brooklyn MS             7:22.4
 47 DeLaKwa Bernard            7 Brooklyn MS             7:23.1
 48 Karsem Chiamprasert        7 Pearl River             7:23.6   45
 49 Jayen Lare                 8 Beacon                  7:25.0   46
 50 John Meyer                 8 Pine Bush               7:25.7   47
 51 Dallas Pevny               8 Warwick Valley          7:27.6   48
 52 Michael Antonellis         7 The Pennfield Sc        7:30.2   49
 53 Ben Eagan                  8 Corcoran                7:30.8   50
 54 Nick Sturgis               8 Rush-Henrietta          7:31.1   51
 55 Andrew Reyes               7 St. Augustine           7:31.6   52
 56 Matt Krom                  7 Kingston                7:32.2   53
 57 Riley Nash                 7 Cicero-North Syr        7:32.5   54
 58 Amoni Moe-Wright           7 Kingston                7:33.8   55
 59 Connor Burke               8 Corcoran                7:34.6   56
 60 Ryan Windram               8 Pearl River             7:35.3
 61 Cole Stoudt                8 Reading                 7:36.2   57
 62 Damon Chatas               8 Corcoran                7:37.7   58
 63 Jeremy Mazzella            7 Warwick Valley          7:38.2   59
 64 Michael Babcock            7 Tri-Valley              7:38.7   60
 65 Andrew Esposito            7 Kingston                7:39.4   61
 66 Kaleb Istvan               7 Beacon                  7:40.4   62
 67 Sean Golding               8 Warwick Valley          7:40.8   63
 68 Seth Bywater               8 Cornwall                7:41.5   64
 69 Zac Hufcut                 8 Pine Bush               7:42.2   65
 70 Will Stoll                 8 BFA-St. Albans          7:43.1   66
 71 James Cowie                7 Pearl River             7:44.2
 72 Angel Gonzalez             7 Elizabeth               7:45.2   67
 73 Hayes Parrelli             7 Warwick Valley          7:46.1   68
 74 Matt Pentimone             7 Pearl River             7:47.9
 75 Luke Byman                 7 Pearl River             7:50.5
 76 Joey Matala                8 ND-Bish Gibbons         7:51.4   69
 77 Cameron Hennesey           8 St. Augustine           7:51.7   70
 78 Michael Sherwood           8 Eldred                  7:52.1   71
 79 Ty Saleman                 7 Delhi                   7:52.5   72
 80 Dan Rolfe                  7 Delhi                   7:52.9   73
 81 Wyatt Gaus                 7 Batavia                 7:53.2   74
 82 Elias Rodriguez            8 Robert Wagner MS        7:53.7   75
 83 Aiden Garabed              8 Warwick Valley          7:54.4   76
 84 Konstantin van Schendel    8 Brooklyn MS             7:54.8
 85 Brendan Eder               8 Warwick Valley          7:55.4
 86 Ronan Coughlin             8 La Salle                7:57.2   77
 87 Elijah Otto                8 Wheatland-Chili         7:57.6   78
 88 Cole Elemendorf            8 Kingston                7:58.4   79
 89 Jack Micahelson            7 Pearl River             8:00.9
 90 Matt Vilaboy               7 Pearl River             8:01.3
 91 Gabe LeBeau                7 St. Augustine           8:02.0   80
 92 Devin Boone                7 Warwick Valley          8:04.4
 93 Zoe Kahane                 7 St. Augustine           8:05.6   81
 94 Nicholas Rudy              7 Cornwall                8:06.5   82
 95 Mac Kennedy                8 BFA-St. Albans          8:07.4   83
 96 Brian Roberts              8 Pearl River             8:07.7
 97 Eric Swanson               8 Warwick Valley          8:08.1
 98 Ricky Peddle               8 Warwick Valley          8:08.7
 99 Bryant Berkowitz           8 Warwick Valley          8:12.3
100 Khalil Kamara              7 Beacon                  8:13.0   84
101 Brian McAleer              8 Pearl River             8:13.3
102 Ian Kidney                 8 Warwick Valley          8:13.8
103 Andrew Garcia              8 Elizabeth               8:16.2   85
104 Josh Abbott                7 Corcoran                8:16.8   86
105 Kyliee Robyn               8 Faitch Christian        8:17.1   87
106 Kyle Polomcean             8 Tri-Valley              8:20.2   88
107 Steven Acosta              8 Elizabeth               8:21.1   89
108 Logan Palson               7 Beacon                  8:22.1   90
109 Daniel Polanco             8 Cornwall                8:22.8   91
110 John Fogarty               8 Pearl River             8:23.1
111 Harsey Singh               8 Warwick Valley          8:24.5
112 Ethan Rodriguez            8 Elizabeth               8:28.0   92
113 Lorcan O'Connor            7 Pearl River             8:29.4
114 Colin Sullivan             8 Tatnall                 8:30.0   93
115 Daniel Baran               8 Cohoes                  8:30.9   94
116 Griffin Buck               8 Corcoran                8:31.7   95
117 Paul Dreizler              8 Warwick Valley          8:32.1
118 John Bruggman              8 Batavia                 8:33.2   96
119 Jacob Chenier              7 Kingston                8:35.0   97
120 Sean Conroy                7 Pearl River             8:37.7
121 Jimmy Byrne                7 Cornwall                8:39.7   98
122 Daniel Marques             7 Elizabeth               8:40.5   99
123 Dax Roy                    7 Robert Wagner MS        8:41.0  100
124 Phillip Reguinho           7 Elizabeth               8:43.1  101
125 Conor Hoban                7 Robert Wagner MS        8:44.6  102
126 Owen Miller                7 Kingston                8:45.4
127 Lucas Dingman              7 Robert Wagner MS        8:46.3  103
128 Jacob Smith                8 Elizabeth               8:47.3  104
129 Juan Barrientes            8 Elizabeth               8:47.7
130 Armando Chinno             8 Elizabeth               8:50.4
131 Nick Bogedal               7 Warwick Valley          8:51.3
132 Ryan Dorman                7 Pearl River             8:52.4
133 Steven Burns               7 Pearl River             8:55.0
134 Andrew Aeberli             8 Warwick Valley          8:55.5
135 Juan Malagon               8 Elizabeth               8:56.1
136 Elijah Flores              8 Wheatland-Chili         9:03.5  105
137 Mason Day                  7 Warwick Valley          9:15.5
138 Daniel Rodriguez           7 Beacon                  9:17.8  106
139 Matt Percival              7 Warwick Valley          9:18.4
140 Elias Chermak              7 Warwick Valley          9:20.6
141 Kenneth Eaton             12 Wheatland-Chili         9:25.5  107
142 Nick Berube                8 Mohonasen               9:31.1  108
143 Chris Eggelson             8 Kingston                9:46.2
144 Zakk Lecocq                7 Robert Wagner MS        9:48.2  109
145 Joe McGrane                7 Pearl River             9:51.0
146 Frankie McKiernan          7 Pearl River             9:53.1
147 Anthony Augello            7 Cohoes                  9:55.8  110
148 Rashad Taylor              7 Beacon                  9:58.0  111
149 Tristen Wenzel             7 Kingston               10:05.5
150 John Ward                  7 Cornwall               10:30.1  112
151 Andre Gutierrez            7 Kingston               10:32.8
152 Doug Krenzer               8 Wheatland-Chili        10:34.0  113
153 Alex Dua                   7 Pearl River            10:39.1
154 Mike Glynn                 8 Pearl River            10:56.2
155 John Bergin                7 Pearl River            11:18.4
156 Colin Hogue                8 Wheatland-Chili        13:28.6  114
                                   Team Scores
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Brooklyn MS                  41    3    4    6    8   20   24   34
      Total Time:    33:36.90
         Average:     6:43.38
   2 Pearl River                 102    9   15   21   26   31   35   45
      Total Time:    34:38.90
         Average:     6:55.78
   3 Cicero-North Syracuse       115    5   10   13   33   54
      Total Time:    34:58.40
         Average:     6:59.68
   4 Pine Bush                   177   14   23   28   47   65
      Total Time:    35:57.00
         Average:     7:11.40
   5 Kingston                    217   18   30   53   55   61   79   97
      Total Time:    36:42.60
         Average:     7:20.52
   6 Warwick Valley              235   22   43   48   59   63   68   76
      Total Time:    37:03.90
         Average:     7:24.78
   7 Cornwall                    306   25   44   64   82   91   98  112
      Total Time:    38:29.90
         Average:     7:41.98
   8 Robert Wagner Middle Scho   329   16   36   75  100  102  103  109
      Total Time:    39:22.50
         Average:     7:52.50
   9 Corcoran                    345   50   56   58   86   95
      Total Time:    39:31.60
         Average:     7:54.32
  10 Beacon                      388   46   62   84   90  106  111
      Total Time:    40:58.30
         Average:     8:11.66
  11 Elizabeth                   432   67   85   89   92   99  101  104
      Total Time:    41:31.00
         Average:     8:18.20
  12 Wheatland-Chili             517   78  105  107  113  114
      Total Time:    50:29.20
         Average:    10:05.84