NYSPHSAA - NY State Champs 2014

Cicero, NY

Boys Fed Team Scores

Licensed to Leone Timing and Results Services - Contractor License
                                                 HY-TEK's Meet Manager 6/7/2014
                  New York State Track & Field Championships                   
           Cicero-North Syracuse High School  - 6/6/2014 to 6/7/2014           
                       Team Rankings - Through Event 569                       
                  Male Team Scores -  5 Championship Division                  
            Place School                                          Points
                1 Warwick Valley-1                   WARW$            34  
                2 Longwood-1                         LONG             23  
                3 Monroe-Woodbury-1                  MW               21  
                4 Saratoga-1                         SARA             20  
                4 Amsterdam-1                        AMST             20  
                4 Charlotte-1                        CHAR             20  
                7 Mount Vernon-1                     MV               18  
                8 Smithtown West-1                   SW               16  
                8 Medgar Evers-1                     MDME             16  
               10 Arlington-1                        ARL              15  
               11 Clara Barton-1                     CB               14  
               11 Northport-1                        NPT              14  
               13 Fayetteville-Manlius-1             FM               13  
               14 Corning-1                          CORN             12  
               15 Ticonderoga-2                      TIC              10  
               15 Fordham Prep-1                     FORD             10  
               15 Alexander-2                        ALEX             10  
               15 James Madison-1                    JMA              10  
               15 Tappan Zee-1                       TZ               10  
               15 Beacon-1                           BEAC             10  
               15 Hilton-1                           HILN             10  
               15 Rush-Henrietta-1                   RH               10  
               15 Barker-2                           BARK             10  
               15 Lake Shore-1                       LS               10  
               25 Greece Olympia-1                   OLYM              9  
               26 Williamsville South-1              WS                8  
               26 Sheepshead Bay-1                   SBAY              8  
               26 Orchard Park-1                     OP                8  
               26 Highland-2                         HIGH              8  
               26 Maple Grove-2                      MGRV              8  
               26 North Rockland-1                   NR                8  
               26 Sachem East-1                      SACE              8  
               26 Syosset-1                          SYOS              8  
               26 LeRoy-2                            LERO              8  
               26 Bay Shore-1                        BAYS              8  
               36 Cornwall-1                         CORN$             6  
               36 Pearl River-1                      PR                6  
               36 Tilden Educational Campus-1        STIL$             6  
               36 Broadalbin-Perth-2                 BPCS              6  
               36 Ithaca-1                           ITH               6  
               36 Central Islip-1                    CI                6  
               36 Washingtonville-1                  WASH              6  
               36 Mt. St. Michaels-1                 MSM               6  
               36 ENY Transit Tech-1                 ENY               6  
               36 Dewitt Clinton-1                   DWC               6  
               46 Clarence-1                         CLAR              5.5
               47 Huntington-1                       HUNT              4  
               47 Shenendehowa-1                     SHEN              4  
               47 Half Hollow Hills West-1           HHHW              4  
               47 Shoreham Wading River-1            SWR               4  
               47 Chaminade-1                        CHAM              4  
               47 Jamestown-1                        JAM               4  
               47 Newburgh-1                         NEW               4  
               47 Iona Prep-1                        IONA              4  
               47 Forest Hills-1                     FH$               4  
               47 Bethlehem-1                        BETH              4  
               47 Vestal-1                           VEST              4  
               47 Alden-2                            ALD               4  
               59 Schuylerville-2                    SCHU              2  
               59 Taft Educational Campus-1          WHT               2  
               59 Lakeland/Panas-1                   LAKP              2  
               59 Xavier-1                           XAV               2  
               59 Lancaster-1                        LANC              2  
               59 Greenwich-2                        GREW              2  
               59 Riverhead-1                        RIV               2  
               59 Msgr. McClancy-1                   MCCL              2  
               59 New Paltz-2                        NPAL              2  
               68 Maine-Endwell-2                    ME                1.5
               69 Cicero-North Syracuse-1            CNS               1  
               69 Cardinal Hayes-1                   CRHA              1  
               69 Liverpool-1                        LIV               1  
               69 Greece Athena-1                    GATH              1  
               69 Hudson-2                           HUDS              1  
               69 Archbishop Molloy-1                AMOL              1  
               69 Brentwood-1                        BREN              1  
               69 Jamesville-Dewitt-1                JD                1  
               69 Spring Valley-1                    SV                1  
               69 Port Washington-1                  PW                1  
               69 Baldwin-1                          BLDW              1