Saugerties Invitational 2024

Saugerties, NY
Hosted by Saugerties

Athlete Entries

Boys 1.1 Mile Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Glazer, Matthew Millbrook
Celestime, Nico Red Hook
Ye, Junxi Pine Bush
Benz, August Red Hook
Andre, Joseph Pine Bush
Dolan, Gavin Millbrook
Garcia, Sebastian Red Hook
Mandato, Luca Pine Bush
Quaglietta, Liam Red Hook
Carbone, Casey Pine Bush
Gragnaniello, Giovanni Millbrook
Bradey, Declan Red Hook
Trad, Edmund Pine Bush
DeGeorge, Jaxon Red Hook
Sadaghiani, Darius Pine Bush
Magee, Ian Red Hook
Walsh, Gabriel Pine Bush
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Boys 5000 Meter Run 136 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gomez, Isaias Middletown
Villafane, Aaron Pine Bush
Kehlenbeck, Michael Fallsburg
Rodriguez, Maximus Middletown
Britto, Andrew Middletown
Russell, Riley Pine Bush
Elhardt, Dillinger Saugerties
Ryan, Archer Millbrook
Dume, Akeem Middletown
Olmstead, Austin Fallsburg
Marcos, Rodrigo Red Hook
Ramos, Scott Ellenville
Galdamez, Joseph Middletown
St. Peter, Caleb Ellenville
Freestone, Noah Pine Bush
Carpenito, Ayden Fallsburg
Thompson, Sean Pine Bush
Reppucci, John-Salvatore Red Hook
Brown, Caiden Middletown
Gorman, Jason Pine Bush
Cooper, Dwayne Middletown
Hutchinson, Josiah Pine Bush
Lammers, Maxwell Saugerties
Epsinosa Matias, Manuel Millbrook
Flynn, Cole Sullivan West
Harwood, Landon Millbrook
Charles, Matthew Middletown
Austin, Ethan Pine Bush
Iacono, Sunny Red Hook
Horne, Leonard Pine Bush
Ciferri, Lucas Millbrook
Choinsky, Nygell Red Hook
Bressler, Bryce Sullivan West
Sebastian, Jiahnny Fallsburg
Hall, Xavier Middletown
Ramsey, Tyler Pine Bush
Sakr, Fouad Ellenville
Catts, Clifton Middletown
Sonders, Keneth Mahwah HS
Somerville, Timothy Pine Bush
Lima, Alexandre Millbrook
Kavarnos, Luke Sullivan West
McNeil, Jozyr Fallsburg
Rivera-Colon, James Middletown
Bradley, Noah Red Hook
Yowell, Quinn New Paltz HS
Stallings-Small, Amir Middletown
Cosh, Jackson Pine Bush
Taylor, Brandon Saugerties
Barr, Charlie Red Hook
Gardner, Giuseppe Sullivan West
Berner, Charlie Sullivan West
Tuttle , Liam Pine Bush
Johnson, Jayden Fallsburg
San Martin, Marco Red Hook
Tiger, Isaiah Middletown
Kirk, Isaiah 17:18.70 Fallsburg
Fracasse, Landon 17:21.50 New Paltz HS
Vasquez, Dylan 17:31.10 Millbrook
Rosario, Raul 18:01.20 Pine Bush
Buret, Brandon 18:03.40 Middletown
Lerouge, Julien 18:16.60 Middletown
Kessler, Jameson 18:28.40 Red Hook
Lencsak, Nick 18:45.50 Mahwah HS
Ayala, Michael 18:53.20 New Paltz HS
O'Farrell, Will 18:55.60 Red Hook
Riozzi, Damien 19:03.90 Saugerties
Beirnat, Joseph 19:15.70 Red Hook
Hutchinson Jr, Jason 19:29.40 Pine Bush
Walsh, Kian 19:32.20 New Paltz HS
Herman, Jude 19:32.70 New Paltz HS
Massotti, Michael 19:40.00 Mahwah HS
Czukkermann, Ronin 19:42.00 Mahwah HS
Burns, Ryan 19:46.70 New Paltz HS
Sassi, Daniel 19:48.30 Pine Bush
Althouse, Jonah 19:49.10 Ellenville
Kostol, Collin 19:52.20 Saugerties
Thompson, Michael 20:06.20 Pine Bush
Reynolds, Ben 20:13.20 Saugerties
Taylor, Shane 20:21.10 Saugerties
Edley, Noah 20:22.60 Pine Bush
Brown, Eczavier 20:31.00 Ellenville
Allen, Adrian 20:35.10 Middletown
Monson, Treyvn 20:39.00 Mahwah HS
Smith, Scott 20:45.30 Middletown
Norat, Caleb 20:54.90 Ellenville
McQuillan, Cayden 21:01.40 Ellenville
Levine, Evan 21:17.00 Ellenville
Cummins, Ciaran 21:17.50 New Paltz HS
Goldsmith, Brad 21:18.00 Mahwah HS
Roszko, Colton 21:41.20 Red Hook
Powell, Calvin 21:41.60 Sullivan West
Dolan, Matthew 21:44.80 Saugerties
Sanzin, Liev 21:46.80 Saugerties
Moorhus, Owen 21:53.60 Saugerties
Gonzalez, Giovanny 21:55.10 Ellenville
Bruno, Carmine 22:00.70 Saugerties
Banegas Gallo, Jefferson 22:01.20 Fallsburg
Ramos, Esteban 22:08.40 Sullivan West
Buckley, Quinn 22:09.00 Mahwah HS
Davies, John 22:12.00 Mahwah HS
Pawlson, Odin 22:12.60 Red Hook
Henry, Jack 22:23.40 Ellenville
Dwyer, Joseph 22:23.91 Middletown
Burns, Michael 22:24.80 Red Hook
Jirka, Matei 22:29.30 New Paltz HS
Hirsch, Jordan 22:31.20 Mahwah HS
Allen, Ashton 22:33.00 Middletown
Kosgei, Michael 23:11.70 New Paltz HS
Veaz, Jace 23:22.40 Pine Bush
Paz, Julian 23:28.00 Mahwah HS
Singh, Mandeep 23:28.00 Mahwah HS
Everett, Matthew 23:37.60 Sullivan West
Hayden, Treyvon 23:38.50 Fallsburg
Pflaum, Leopold 23:42.10 Red Hook
Cunningham, Ben 23:42.50 New Paltz HS
Miller, Seth 23:47.00 Pine Bush
Rosen, Wren 23:52.40 Saugerties
Hollman, Sam 23:55.30 New Paltz HS
O'Malley, Jamison 24:05.80 Saugerties
Maraday, Jackson 24:18.00 Middletown
Nocross, Cortland 25:12.10 Saugerties
Bedward, Jonathan 25:14.32 Pine Bush
Rogers, Nicholas 26:01.30 Pine Bush
Thompsett, Liam 26:09.10 Millbrook
Ames, James 26:19.40 New Paltz HS
Tuccillo, Alessandro 26:34.60 Saugerties
Adoni, Eric 26:47.00 Mahwah HS
Hopf, Owen 26:57.10 Saugerties
Patel, Ved 27:45.00 Mahwah HS
Calardo, Rowan 27:55.80 New Paltz HS
Dume, Jadon 29:11.00 Middletown
Moocz, Eric 30:15.60 Fallsburg
Stokes, Jeremy 30:24.30 Saugerties
Rodriguez, Eddy 30:52.40 Millbrook
Pignataro, Anthony 31:32.70 Fallsburg
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Girls 1.1 Mile Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gray, Elizabeth Red Hook
Thibodeau, Juliette Pine Bush
Hutchinson, Joy Pine Bush
Sniderheidt, Ruka Red Hook
Yannone, Harley Pine Bush
Potter, Allison Pine Bush
Mouligneau, Elsa Red Hook
Sadaghiani, Catherine Pine Bush
Lorusso, Madalena Millbrook
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 69 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bartko, Iliana Pine Bush
Rodriguez, Lily Middletown
Smith, Ceceila Saugerties
Johnson, Grace (Nancy) Millbrook
Beals, Grace Saugerties
Edelman, Samira Red Hook
Parades, Marilyn Middletown
Campbell, Kate Mahwah HS
Sorge, Emma Pine Bush
Smoller, Liv Saugerties
Lucal, Magdalena Millbrook
Kibbee, Elinor Saugerties
Magee, Elenna Red Hook
Galdamez, Jillian Middletown
Francia, Adileen Millbrook
Chillogallo, Naomi Pine Bush
Rosen, Wanda Saugerties
Hurtado, Valentina Millbrook
Varner, Noelle Fallsburg
Welch, Emma Pine Bush
Lopez, Mariel Middletown
Quinlan, Alexis Saugerties
Sihapanya, Julian Oneida
Spafford, Magnolia Millbrook
Johnson, Julianne Millbrook
Atkinson, Autumn-Rain Fallsburg
Markiewicz, Anna Mahwah HS
Doherty, Charlie Red Hook
Escarpeta, Brittani Middletown
Silencieux, Makeelah Pine Bush
Malak, Ashley Saugerties
Myatt, Molly 19:18.20 Oneida
Gabriele, Julianne 19:37.20 Pine Bush
Ridgeway, Ella 21:14.90 Oneida
Candee, Isabella 22:12.40 Oneida
Davis, Sophia 22:14.60 Oneida
Ramos, Adriana 22:15.60 Saugerties
Capotosto, Josie 22:28.40 Oneida
Dymond, Ava 22:37.40 Pine Bush
Odell-Schreier, Joslyn 22:39.60 Fallsburg
Jablonsky, Hailey 23:13.90 Mahwah HS
Hillery, Maria 23:15.20 Red Hook
Lopez, Abygail 23:41.10 Millbrook
Mokii, Taisiia 23:53.70 Red Hook
Wilkin, Layla 24:12.00 Sullivan West
McCann, Nola 24:25.50 Red Hook
D'Angelo, Bianca 24:26.50 Mahwah HS
Laming, Beth 24:40.20 Oneida
Ramirez, Arianna 24:44.20 Red Hook
Tittleback, Savannah 25:09.30 Saugerties
Mills, Meredith 25:20.30 Saugerties
Chiu, Lauren 25:32.50 Millbrook
Sanders, Riley 26:47.80 Saugerties
Farruggia, Ava 28:00.60 Oneida
Sidibe, Nadiara 28:05.70 Middletown
Kaplan, Gabriella 28:23.00 Mahwah HS
Cordischi, Valantou 28:27.10 Sullivan West
Darmstadt, Victoria 28:27.80 Saugerties
Hagan, Rosa 29:03.70 Red Hook
Brentnall, Kathryn 29:14.00 Mahwah HS
Garcia, Eva 29:35.00 Red Hook
Mahvidi, Sophia 29:36.00 Mahwah HS
Sebastian, Jaily 29:54.40 Fallsburg
Torres, Jayanna 29:57.60 Ellenville
Chait, Joline 30:01.00 Mahwah HS
VanValkenburg, Jordan 30:53.00 Saugerties
O'Malley, Abigail 31:15.00 Mahwah HS
Dlugolecki, Zooey 33:16.80 Oneida
Tremper, Alisha 35:16.50 Fallsburg
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