Cooperstown-Don Howard Invitational 2024

Cooperstown, NY
Hosted by Marathon
Timing/Results TAJ Timing

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Latella, Joseph 11.30 Holland Patent
Kadlic, Nathan 11.66 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Howe, Charlie 11.73 Holland Patent
Martinez, Edwin 11.84 Depew
Dibble, Gavin 11.9 Little Falls
Henry, Kyber 12.00 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Pawlik, Nathan 12.06 Depew
Dedominicis, Carl 12.14 Franklin (Sec 4)
Kutinsky, Mason 12.22 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Zaggout, Abdeen 12.24 Franklin (Sec 4)
Jubar, Noah 12.34 Laurens-Milford
Scanlon, Myles 12.4 Little Falls
Gable, Jameson 12.42 Cooperstown
Foutch, Jack 12.44 Laurens-Milford
Mercado, John 12.45 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Hart, Jacob 12.50h Holland Patent
Rivera, Xavier 12.55 Fort Plain
Jackson, Cameron 12.57 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Gyamasto, Sonam 12.58 Cooperstown
Sheldon, Ryles 12.62 Cooperstown
White, James 12.81 Depew
Bosc, Aiden 12.9 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Sheldon, Bryden 12.94 Franklin (Sec 4)
Bushley, Riley 13.20h Little Falls
Babcock, Trevor 13.20h Richfield Springs
Fortune, Zander 13.50 South Kortright
Gutermuth, Shawn 13.68 Fort Plain
Palmeri, Jonathan 14.27 Fort Plain
Tanner, Jacob 14.64 South Kortright
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bradley, Cooper 16.07 Cooperstown
Hibbs, Landen 17.10h Depew
Bridenbaker, Zach 17.11 Depew
Bittner, Willhelm 17.61 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Hodgdon, Cooper 18.02 Cooperstown
Bosc, Aiden 18.50h Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Chickerell, Logan 18.94 Laurens-Milford
O'Neill, Faustin 19.73 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Poland, Carter 20.00h Holland Patent
Jordan, Isaac 21.54 Franklin (Sec 4)
Antila, Rafe 21.88 Laurens-Milford
Pizza, Griffin 21.88 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Manion, John 22.00h Holland Patent
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Felton, Nathan Depew
Regan, Xavier Little Falls
Triplet, Luke 4:55.67 Depew
Hughes, Andrew 4:57.49 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Kinley, London 5:00.09 Cooperstown
Jordan, Bodie 5:05.22 Franklin (Sec 4)
Crowe, Silas 5:07.62 Holland Patent
Tissiere, Thomas 5:15.23 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
All, Ethan 5:16.34 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Carpenter, Lincoln 5:17.16 Holland Patent
Flannigan, Owen 5:20.56 Cooperstown
Schwasnick, Kenton 5:22.27 Fort Plain
Law, Wyatt 5:25.51 Little Falls
Williams, Cole 5:38.88 Laurens-Milford
Klintchev, Shon 5:44.24 Franklin (Sec 4)
Comer, Langston 5:46.00h South Kortright
Agostino, Hu 5:46.00h Cooperstown
Jensen, Cole 6:00.00h Holland Patent
Elmendorf, Cole 6:08.14 Franklin (Sec 4)
Capraro, Colin 6:08.24 Laurens-Milford
Day, Jacob 6:59.39 Little Falls
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Latella, Joseph 23.17 Holland Patent
Martinez, Edwin 23.90 Depew
Kadlic, Nathan 23.96 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Dibble, Gavin 24.0 Little Falls
Henry, Kyber 24.34 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Zaggout, Abdeen 25.04 Franklin (Sec 4)
Bernard-Wood, Colt 25.38 Cooperstown
Pawlik, Nathan 25.40h Depew
Kutinsky, Mason 25.7 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Gable, Jameson 25.8 Cooperstown
O'Neill, Faustin 25.90h Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Scanlon, Myles 25.90h Little Falls
Race, Nick 26.00h Holland Patent
Gyamasto, Sonam 26.04 Cooperstown
Dedominicis, Carl 26.14 Franklin (Sec 4)
Mercado, John 26.94 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Sheldon, Bryden 26.94 Franklin (Sec 4)
Edwards, Shane 27.25 South Kortright
Fortune, Zander 27.44 South Kortright
Gutermuth, Shawn 27.99 Fort Plain
Marranca, Torey 28.01 Depew
Edson, Isaiah 28.10 Laurens-Milford
Grant, Alex 28.20h Fort Plain
Makarchuk, William 28.50h Holland Patent
Presley, Meleki 29.22 Little Falls
Palmeri, Jonathan 29.30 Fort Plain
Genardo, Scott 30.14 Laurens-Milford
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Caddell, Ashton Depew
Hughes, Andrew 10:40.00 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Stevens, Carter 10:42.58 Laurens-Milford
Crowe, Silas 11:13.16 Holland Patent
Tissiere, Thomas 11:35.40 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
All, Ethan 11:57.76 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Poland, Carter 12:04.90 Holland Patent
Schwasnick, Kenton 12:40.72 Fort Plain
MacLeish, Elias 12:57.10 Cooperstown
Jensen, Cole 13:00.00 Holland Patent
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bernard-Wood, Colt 1:00 Cooperstown
Kinley, London 1:00.00h Cooperstown
Grant, Alex 1:00.00h Fort Plain
Edwards, Shane 1:00.35 South Kortright
Race, Nick 1:00.58 Holland Patent
Edson, Isaiah 1:03.24 Laurens-Milford
Pizza, Griffin 1:03.61 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Wright, James 1:04.11 Richfield Springs
Drake, Waylon 1:06.60 Laurens-Milford
Davis Fralick, Seton 1:07.00h Cooperstown
Polyak, Shane 1:10.30h Little Falls
Youker, Xavier 1:12.00h Richfield Springs
Hernigle, Cody 1:15.20h Little Falls
Jackson, Cameron 55.20h Cobleskill-Richmondville
Savery, Caleb 56.06 Holland Patent
Kutinsky, Mason 56.30h Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Stubley, Zachary 56.45 Depew
Strang, Aidan 57.0 Depew
Rivera, Xavier 57.46 Fort Plain
Hamilton, Isaiah 58.4 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Zaggout, Abdul-Jamil 59.09 Franklin (Sec 4)
Strobeck, Griffin 59.10h Cobleskill-Richmondville
Vadney, Adam 59.20h Little Falls
Newell, Kody 59.50h Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Marranca, Torey 59.80 Depew
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HS Boys 400 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bridenbaker, Zach 1:02.46 Depew
Hibbs, Landen 1:03.0 Depew
Bosc, Aiden 1:05.25 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Hantho, Caleb 1:05.67 Cobleskill-Richmondville
O'Neill, Faustin 1:07.46 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Hodgdon, Cooper 1:07.88 Cooperstown
Bittner, Willhelm 1:08.00h Cobleskill-Richmondville
Griffin, Tanner 1:08.37 Cooperstown
Poland, Carter 1:10.70h Holland Patent
VanPatten, Clayton 1:13.00h Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Jordan, Isaac 1:15.55 Franklin (Sec 4)
Antila, Rafe 1:16.25 Laurens-Milford
Dorritie, Lucas 1:16.80 Laurens-Milford
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Relay Team A 45.97 Depew
Relay Team A 46.50h Holland Patent
Relay Team A 46.76 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Relay Team A 48.90h Cooperstown
Relay Team A 50.42 Little Falls
Relay Team A 51.04 Laurens-Milford
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:44.00h Cobleskill-Richmondville
Relay Team A 3:48.34 Depew
Relay Team A 3:56.00h Holland Patent
Relay Team A 4:05.55 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Relay Team A 4:21.62 Cooperstown
Relay Team A 4:24.24 Laurens-Milford
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Cobleskill-Richmondville
Relay Team A South Kortright
Relay Team A 10:17.64 Laurens-Milford
Relay Team A 9:02.00h Depew
Relay Team A 9:10.00h Holland Patent
Relay Team A 9:57.53 Cooperstown
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Triplet, Luke 2:15.34 Depew
All, Ethan 2:16.75 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Jordan, Bodie 2:18.64 Franklin (Sec 4)
Peszko, Andrew 2:18.68 Depew
Wright, James 2:20.00h Richfield Springs
Law, Wyatt 2:20.57 Little Falls
Carpenter, Lincoln 2:21.26 Holland Patent
Zike, Carter 2:25.00h Holland Patent
Agostino, Hu 2:25.21 Cooperstown
Paliwoda, Evan 2:25.53 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Wayman, Carter 2:28 South Kortright
Wehnke, Keegan 2:30.00h Holland Patent
Tissiere, Thomas 2:30.50h Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Heavner, Brendan 2:30.56 Cooperstown
Klintchev, Shon 2:35.64 Franklin (Sec 4)
Regan, Xavier 2:39.29 Little Falls
Williams, Cole 2:43.65 Laurens-Milford
Elmendorf, Cole 2:57.41 Franklin (Sec 4)
Feury, Theo 2:58.00h Cooperstown
Sturniolo, jansen 2:58.69 South Kortright
Fellinger, Zachary 2:59.07 Depew
Day, Jacob 3:00 Little Falls
Nickol, Anthony 3:17.24 Laurens-Milford
Munson, Matthew 3:25.5 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
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HS Boys Discus Throw 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McConnelee, Thomas 179-5 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Hantho, Caleb 135-8 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Kaufmann, Michael 130-0 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Miller, Andrew 108-4.5 Cooperstown
Frost, Robert 105-3 Depew
Douglas, Jed 103-7 Fort Plain
Earl, Zachary 97-2 Holland Patent
King, Henry 96-11 Holland Patent
Paradowski, David 93-9 Depew
Newell, Kody 91-10 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Cook, Mason 90-3 Fort Plain
Boyles, Nolan 88-7 Franklin (Sec 4)
Bennison, Nathan 87-8 Holland Patent
Morganstern, Hunter 84-7 South Kortright
Hungerford, Jesse 81-1 South Kortright
Pernat, Alexander 77-3 Cooperstown
Murphy, Shamus 77-0 Cooperstown
Sturniolo, jansen 72-8 South Kortright
Edmonds, Luke 70-2 Laurens-Milford
Babcock, Trevor 70-0 Richfield Springs
Zaggout, Abdeen 69-9 Franklin (Sec 4)
Dorritie, Lucas 67-2 Laurens-Milford
Rodger, Clark 65-3 Little Falls
Munson, Matthew 60-4 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Barnes, Ryan 59-4 Little Falls
Tissiere, Devin 45-6 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Wypij, Jonathan Depew
Dillenbeck, Conner Fort Plain
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HS Boys High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bradley, Cooper 6-2 Cooperstown
Hibbs, Landen 5-10 Depew
Gable, Jameson 5-6 Cooperstown
Carpenter, Lincoln 5-2 Holland Patent
Walrath, Benjamin 5-0 Cobleskill-Richmondville
White, James 5-0 Depew
Polyak, Shane 4-10 Little Falls
Dorritie, Lucas 4-8 Laurens-Milford
Fritts, Cameron Cooperstown
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HS Boys Long Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dibble, Gavin 19-05 Little Falls
Sheldon, Ryles 18-11.75 Cooperstown
Latella, Joseph 18-9.25 Holland Patent
Pawlik, Nathan 18-8 Depew
Hamilton, Isaiah 18-4 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Savery, Caleb 17-11 Holland Patent
Law, Wyatt 17-08 Little Falls
Maillard, Patrick 17-2.25 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Webb, Bryan 17-0 Richfield Springs
Chickerell, Logan 17-0 Laurens-Milford
Lampron, Brady 16-8 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Manion, John 16-5 Holland Patent
Dedominicis, Carl 16-3.5 Franklin (Sec 4)
Frasier, Elliott 16-0 Richfield Springs
Murphy, Braden 15-10 Laurens-Milford
Begin, Jackson 15-7.25 Cooperstown
Talbot, Braden 15-5 Little Falls
Gyamasto, Sonam 15-1 Cooperstown
Rivera, Xavier 14-7 Fort Plain
Morrison, Noah 14-5 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Fountain, John 14-1 Fort Plain
White, James Depew
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HS Boys Pole Vault 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bridenbaker, Zach 11-0 Depew
Hodgdon, Cooper 10-6 Cooperstown
Haley, Ashten 9-0 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Roennpagel, Damian 8-6 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Bushley, Riley 8-0 Little Falls
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HS Boys Shot Put 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McConnelee, Thomas 53-10.25 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Wade, Connor 42-10.25 Cobleskill-Richmondville
King, Henry 38-10 Holland Patent
Fritts, Cameron 34-10.75 Cooperstown
Bennison, Nathan 34-7 Holland Patent
Miller, Andrew 34-6.75 Cooperstown
Douglas, Jed 33-10.75 Fort Plain
Fritts, Liam 33-2 Cooperstown
Cook, Mason 33-0.75 Fort Plain
Newell, Kody 32-10 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Dedominicis, Carl 32-0 Franklin (Sec 4)
Munoz, Dominic 31-9.75 Little Falls
Webb, Bryan 31-9.5 Richfield Springs
Earl, Zachary 31-8 Holland Patent
Wypij, Jonathan 31-1.5 Depew
Paradowski, David 30-8.25 Depew
Edmonds, Luke 30-1.75 Laurens-Milford
Boyles, Nolan 30-0.25 Franklin (Sec 4)
Frost, Robert 29-11 Depew
Rodger, George 28-6.75 Little Falls
Hungerford, Jesse 28-2 South Kortright
Eckler, Ethan 28-0.25 Laurens-Milford
Munson, Matthew 27-10.75 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Sturniolo, jansen 24-10.5 South Kortright
Filippi, Luke 23-7 Little Falls
Tissiere, Devin 23-6.25 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Babcock, Trevor Richfield Springs
Brackett, Gami Fort Plain
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HS Boys Triple Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bridenbaker, Zach 39-10.5 Depew
Savery, Caleb 36-11 Holland Patent
Webb, Bryan 36-5 Richfield Springs
Maillard, Patrick 36-0.25 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Frasier, Elliott 35-5 Richfield Springs
Lampron, Brady 34-8 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Jordan, Isaac 34-6 Franklin (Sec 4)
Hart, Jacob 34-4 Holland Patent
Sheldon, Ryles 33-9.75 Cooperstown
Chickerell, Logan 33-4 Laurens-Milford
Murphy, Braden 32-2 Laurens-Milford
Vadney, Adam 31-9 Little Falls
Begin, Jackson 29-8.5 Cooperstown
Makarchuk, William 28-0 Holland Patent
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stevens, Jenna Depew
Hotaling , Sophia 12.70h Cooperstown
Spain, Inylah 12.84 Depew
Dupree, Me'Kailyn 13.14 Depew
Chickerell, Eowyn 13.43 Laurens-Milford
Connelly, Addyson 13.82 Little Falls
Cox, Irene 14.14 Franklin (Sec 4)
Mccann, Joanna 14.26 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Elwood, Julia 14.57 Fort Plain
Wick, Iris 14.6 Little Falls
Begin, Celia 15.10 Cooperstown
Cox, Libby 15.15 Laurens-Milford
Fortune, Zariah 15.29 South Kortright
Eddy, Alexa 15.32 Little Falls
Snell, Sadie 15.75 Fort Plain
Rawitch, Emily 16.00h Cooperstown
Jones, Zoe 16.02 Fort Plain
Hyzer, Madelyn 16.24 Franklin (Sec 4)
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dimick, Avrie 17.80 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Durham, Julie 17.84 Depew
Taggart, Haylee 18.96 Franklin (Sec 4)
Rathbun, Jossalyn 19.01 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
LeRoy, Katie 19.11 Fort Plain
Rushing, Destiny 19.4 Little Falls
Stanley, Nicole 19.44 Laurens-Milford
Brower, Leah 19.74 Franklin (Sec 4)
Stenzel, Mia 19.90h Cooperstown
Redman, Gabriella 19.94 Depew
Fuller, Grace 20.14 Cooperstown
Schmidt, Mia 20.84 Franklin (Sec 4)
Sharkey, Dezeray 21.98 Fort Plain
Wachowiak, Bailey 22.22 Depew
Falso, Maria 22.26 Cooperstown
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HS Girls 1500 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Paradowski, Lilly 5:36.00h Depew
Higley, Elisabeth 5:36.09 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Craig, Nora 5:39.72 Cooperstown
Handy, Kayla 5:46.39 Fort Plain
Rachon, Aaliyah 5:50.00h Fort Plain
Mentiply, Samantha 5:52.31 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Elmendorf, Sydney 5:56.77 Franklin (Sec 4)
Luczynski-Perch, Nalla 6:05.75 Little Falls
Willett, Maddie 6:09.00h Little Falls
McFee, Grace 6:10 Fort Plain
Dillon, Breya 6:10.00h Little Falls
Farley, Danica 6:25.00h Richfield Springs
Walker, Eleanor 6:30.00h Cooperstown
Skotarski, Allyson 6:53.00h Depew
Houshmond, Zara 7:24.52 South Kortright
Colwell, Lilianna 8:02.24 Laurens-Milford
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hotaling , Sophia 26.90 Cooperstown
Dupree, Me'Kailyn 27.84 Depew
McLaughlin, Avery 28.7 Little Falls
Baldo, Claire 29.00h Cooperstown
Cox, Irene 29.34 Franklin (Sec 4)
Murdock, Olivia 29.56 Cooperstown
Gonzalez, Mia 29.60h Little Falls
Barown, Julia 30.52 Laurens-Milford
Taggart, Jesslyn 30.84 Franklin (Sec 4)
Fortune, Zariah 31.1 South Kortright
Stanley, Nicole 31.54 Laurens-Milford
Muldoon, Teagan 31.64 Depew
Walker, Miyeara 31.84 Depew
Sharkey, Dezeray 32.0 Fort Plain
Wick, Iris 32.14 Little Falls
Jones, Zoe 32.21 Fort Plain
Carcasole, Josephia 32.40 Fort Plain
Boren, Zoe 34.44 Franklin (Sec 4)
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HS Girls 3000 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Handy, Kayla Fort Plain
Raffo, Margaret 11:53.35 Cooperstown
Marigliano, Elsa 12:30.00 South Kortright
Comer, Aurelia 12:39.01 South Kortright
Mentiply, Samantha 13:33.59 Cobleskill-Richmondville
McCarthy, Courtney 13:46.24 Laurens-Milford
Straney, Kalena 13:47.00 Little Falls
Walton, Matilda 13:52.70 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Foster, Adah 13:58 Little Falls
Monnin, Brook 15:25.96 Depew
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kingsbury, Shannon 1:03.84 Franklin (Sec 4)
Jensen, Annelise 1:04.30h Cooperstown
Smaczniak, Addisyn 1:05.34 Depew
McKoy, Alycia 1:05.8 Little Falls
Baldo, Claire 1:06.45 Cooperstown
Elwood, Julia 1:07.19 Fort Plain
Jaskier, Madison 1:07.84 Depew
Murdock, Olivia 1:07.99 Cooperstown
Faulkner, Caylee 1:08.00h Cobleskill-Richmondville
Felton, Emma 1:08.24 Depew
Temple, Valentina 1:09.15 Franklin (Sec 4)
Dengler, Lauren 1:10.00h South Kortright
Cox, Kelsey 1:10.70 Laurens-Milford
Handy, Isabel 1:10.97 Fort Plain
Eddy, Alexa 1:12.00h Little Falls
Smith, Talan 1:13.00h Cobleskill-Richmondville
Cox, Libby 1:15.24 Laurens-Milford
Velazquez, Katherine 1:16.19 Little Falls
Przestrzelski, Kendall 1:23.29 Fort Plain
Smith, Emma 1:27.46 South Kortright
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HS Girls 400 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anderson, Paige South Kortright
Collins, Hannah South Kortright
Dimick, Avrie 1:13.43 Cobleskill-Richmondville
DeNinno, Jordan 1:15.48 Fort Plain
Rathbun, Jossalyn 1:16.20h Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Durham, Julie 1:17.61 Depew
Brower, Leah 1:22.74 Franklin (Sec 4)
Rushing, Destiny 1:24.43 Little Falls
Stanley, Nicole 1:24.94 Laurens-Milford
Bridenbaker, Lexi 1:26.00h Depew
Schmidt, Mia 1:26.45 Franklin (Sec 4)
Brodie, Jaidon 1:30.24 Laurens-Milford
Becker, Brooke 1:31.30h Little Falls
Temp, Olivia 1:36.00h Cooperstown
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Cobleskill-Richmondville
Relay Team A 1:01.31 Fort Plain
Relay Team A 1:02.00h Little Falls
Relay Team A 51.96 Depew
Relay Team A 55.10 Cooperstown
Relay Team A 55.56 Laurens-Milford
Relay Team A 57.44 Franklin (Sec 4)
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Cobleskill-Richmondville
Relay Team A 4:29.11 Cooperstown
Relay Team A 4:48.00h Little Falls
Relay Team A 5:00.00h Depew
Relay Team A 5:26.88 Fort Plain
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Cobleskill-Richmondville
Relay Team A South Kortright
Relay Team A 11:45.29 Cooperstown
Relay Team A 12:08.00 Little Falls
Relay Team A 12:50.14 Laurens-Milford
Relay Team A 13:10.85 Depew
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jensen, Annelise 2:23.91 Cooperstown
Higley, Elisabeth 2:43.68 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Trimbell, Nora 2:48.00h South Kortright
Elmendorf, Sydney 2:49.92 Franklin (Sec 4)
Paradowski, Lilly 2:50.53 Depew
Rachon, Aaliyah 2:51.67 Fort Plain
Cox, Kelsey 2:52.13 Laurens-Milford
Shepardson, Brynn 2:52.82 Little Falls
Hauser, Rebecca 2:54.82 Little Falls
Smith, Scarlet 2:55 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Stenzel, Mia 3:00.00h Cooperstown
Dillon, Breya 3:01.00 Little Falls
Woodard, Peyton 3:03.34 Franklin (Sec 4)
Richardson, Bailie 3:03.67 Fort Plain
Huff, Morgan 3:05.00h Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Marigliano, Lily 3:10.00h South Kortright
DeMola, Madison 3:11.00h Depew
Svecharnik, Ivana 3:15.24 Franklin (Sec 4)
McFee, Grace 3:15.54 Fort Plain
Bookhout, Tara 3:23.97 Laurens-Milford
Farley, Danica 3:24.61 Richfield Springs
Smith, Emma 3:37.01 South Kortright
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HS Girls Discus Throw 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Kailey 98-10 Depew
Bohringer, Nola 93-7 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Hughes, Danielle 92-3 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Hughes, Elizabeth 90-0 Cooperstown
John, Alesa 87-11 Laurens-Milford
Green, Riley 87-8 Cooperstown
Philips, Tara 86-3 Cooperstown
Taggart, Haylee 83-3 Franklin (Sec 4)
Brown, Jordan 81-6 Fort Plain
Kulczynski, Monika 78-7 Fort Plain
Schwasnick, Danica 74-10 Fort Plain
McKoy, Nakeshia 74-7 Little Falls
Stevens, Victoria 73-5 Laurens-Milford
Luczynski-Perch, Nalla 65-5 Little Falls
Huff, Morgan 60-9 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Aubry, Deziray 57-11 Franklin (Sec 4)
Collins, Hannah 54-4.5 South Kortright
Dixon, Julissa 53-11 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Petrauskas, Bella 50-7 Depew
Martin, Madison 44-4 Richfield Springs
Lord, Haleigh 40-2 Richfield Springs
Francis, Riley Richfield Springs
Anderson, Paige South Kortright
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HS Girls High Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mccann, Joanna 5-0 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Swart, Allison 4-8 Cooperstown
DeNinno, Jordan 4-6 Fort Plain
McLaughlin, Avery 4-6 Little Falls
Velazquez, Katherine 4-4 Little Falls
Brodie, Jaidon 4-4 Laurens-Milford
Gallup, Evelyn 4-0 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Woodard, Peyton 4-0 Franklin (Sec 4)
Taggart, Jesslyn 4-00 Franklin (Sec 4)
Redman, Gabriella 4-0 Depew
Beecher, Sierra 4-0 Laurens-Milford
Wachowiak, Bailey 3-9 Depew
Thayer, Alissa 3-9 Cooperstown
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HS Girls Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McLaughlin, Avery 15-10.5 Little Falls
Jaskier, Madison 14-11.5 Depew
Munson, Alison 14-11 Laurens-Milford
Chickerell, Eowyn 14-0 Laurens-Milford
Chickerell, Lakota 13-11 Laurens-Milford
Gonzalez, Mia 13-10 Little Falls
Rushing, Destiny 13-8 Little Falls
Francis, Riley 13-7 Richfield Springs
Begin, Celia 13-5.75 Cooperstown
Stenzel, Mia 13-4 Cooperstown
Falso, Maria 13-2 Cooperstown
Trimbell, Nora 12-9.25 South Kortright
Jones, Zoe 12-7 Fort Plain
Sharkey, Dezeray 11-11.5 Fort Plain
Gallup, Evelyn 11-2.25 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Marigliano, Lily 10-8.75 South Kortright
Stevens, Jenna Depew
Minotti, Madilyn Depew
Farley, Danica Richfield Springs
Przestrzelski, Kendall Fort Plain
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HS Girls Pole Vault 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Durham, Julie 7-6 Depew
Redman, Gabriella 7-0 Depew
Soucia, Elizabeth 6-6 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Craig, Nora 6-6 Cooperstown
Feury, Charlotte 6-6 Cooperstown
Hardendorf, Alana 6-0 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Power, Saphira 6-0 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Richardson, Bailie Fort Plain
Falso, Maria Cooperstown
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HS Girls Shot Put 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Kailey 30-0.5 Depew
Green, Riley 29-9 Cooperstown
Bohringer, Nola 28-10 Cobleskill-Richmondville
McKoy, Nakeshia 28-5 Little Falls
Hughes, Elizabeth 28-3.25 Cooperstown
Shepardson, Brynn 28-3 Little Falls
Hughes, Danielle 27-9.25 Cobleskill-Richmondville
Carcasole, Josephia 26-4.25 Fort Plain
Taggart, Haylee 26-2 Franklin (Sec 4)
Kulczynski, Monika 25-11.5 Fort Plain
Kenyon, Margaret 25-10 Laurens-Milford
Philips, Tara 25-1 Cooperstown
Brown, Jordan 24-8 Fort Plain
Stanley, Brooke 24-3.75 Laurens-Milford
Huff, Morgan 23-6 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Dixon, Julissa 23-5 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Martin, Madison 21-2 Richfield Springs
Collins, Hannah 21-1.5 South Kortright
Francis, Riley 20-2 Richfield Springs
Aubry, Deziray 18-8.5 Franklin (Sec 4)
Petrauskas, Bella 17-2 Depew
Lord, Haleigh 15-11 Richfield Springs
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HS Girls Triple Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McKoy, Alycia 34-2 Little Falls
DeNinno, Jordan 33-4.75 Fort Plain
Munson, Alison 31-2.25 Laurens-Milford
Brodie, Jaidon 30-0 Laurens-Milford
Gonzalez, Mia 29-6 Little Falls
Cox, Irene 29-5 Franklin (Sec 4)
Connelly, Addyson 28-10 Little Falls
Begin, Celia 28-7 Cooperstown
Chickerell, Lakota 28-4.5 Laurens-Milford
Gallup, Evelyn 27-2.5 Cherry Valley-Springfield (CVS)
Lesko, Ava 26-9 Cooperstown
Wachowiak, Bailey 26-4.25 Depew
Elmendorf, Sydney 24-10.5 Franklin (Sec 4)
Falso, Maria 24-9 Cooperstown
Redman, Gabriella 24-6.75 Depew
Snell, Sadie 24-2.25 Fort Plain
Svecharnik, Ivana 23-5 Franklin (Sec 4)
Stevens, Jenna Depew
Francis, Riley Richfield Springs
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