PSAL Grand Prix - Week 2 2023

New York, NY

Complete Results

Licensed to NYCPSAL - Randall's Island - Site License     HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                      Grand Prix - 9/26/2023 to 9/27/2023                      
                            9/26/2023 to 9/27/2023                             
Girls 5k Run CC Clove Lakes Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Results - Women
  1 # 5977 MC Comiskey, Oliv     Tottenville           22:52.80  
  2 # 6676 Tefft, Riley          Curtis                23:42.20  
  3 # 5484 Deng, Kaitlyn         McKee/Staten          24:03.30  
  4 # 5489 Kim, Audrey           McKee/Staten          24:26.30  
  5 # 5986 Sannicandro, Juli     Tottenville           24:31.30  
  6 # 5974 Lizzi, Madison        Tottenville           24:49.00  
  7 # 5492 Maller, Sofia         McKee/Staten          25:19.30  
  8 # 6667 Garcia, Lizbeth       Curtis                25:46.40  
  9 # 6670 Manneh, Christine     Curtis                26:05.50  
 10 # 5966 Dalton, Kiersten      Tottenville           26:06.60  
 11 # 6820 Kuznetsov, Mary       Tottenville           26:24.40  
 12 # 6672 Rivera, Asha Rou      Curtis                26:37.80  
 13 # 6666 Demirovic, Arijet     Curtis                26:46.70  
 14 # 5964 Buckley, Samantha     Tottenville           26:51.60  
 15 # 5978 Mejias, Sophia        Tottenville           27:22.10  
 16 # 5991 Visciano, Stephan     Tottenville           27:29.30  
 17 # 7120 Cubero, Stephanie     Tottenville           27:59.20  
 18 # 6665 Borrero, Angelina     Curtis                27:59.40  
 19 # 6671 Ramirez Perez, Sh     Curtis                28:01.10  
 20 # 6675 Stroud, Olivia        Curtis                28:03.30  
 21 # 6664 Apreza, Juliana       Curtis                28:26.20  
 22 # 5958 Abbassi, Brooke       Tottenville           28:29.60  
 23 # 6823 Perez, Vivian         Tottenville           28:31.30  
 24 # 5975 Lohr, Ella            Tottenville           28:50.10  
 25 # 6677 Villegas-Chapar,      Curtis                29:01.30  
 26 # 6186 Greenberg, Emily      Tottenville           29:11.10  
 27 # 6704 Ohenhen, Sharon       Port Richmon          29:57.50  
 28 # 5495 Ren, Serena           McKee/Staten          30:29.60  
 29 # 6707 Smith, Makayla        Port Richmon          30:34.40  
Girls 5k Run CC Cunningham P Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 # 5032 Mumford, Margaret     Forest Hills          21:57.69   1 
  2 # 5199 Medina, Caitlyn       Forest Hills          23:04.61   1 
  3 # 5038 Wang, Mandy           Forest Hills          23:52.28   1 
  4 # 5539 Niselson, Natalie     Bayside High          23:59.97   1 
  5 # 5456 Lin, Daphne           Francis Lewi          25:15.36   1 
  6 # 5453 Leon, Mia             Francis Lewi          25:44.20   1 
  7 # 5241 Pintado, Isabela      Metropolitan          25:47.05   1 
  8 # 5873 Rivera, Jaida         HS For Const          26:06.91   1 
  9 # 5543 Sakellis, Christi     Bayside High          26:25.23   1 
 10 # 5447 Chang, Madeline       Francis Lewi          26:34.59   1 
 11 # 5527 Flores, Norma         Bayside High          26:36.75   2 
 12 # 5460 Woo, Alexi            Francis Lewi          27:01.54   2 
 13 # 5542 Ryan, Jessica         Bayside High          27:05.08   2 
 14 # 5454 LI, Chloe             Francis Lewi          27:21.62   2 
 15 # 5457 Lin, YI Ran           Francis Lewi          27:22.65   2 
 16 # 5033 Naipaul, Ria          Forest Hills          27:23.51   2 
 17 # 5868 Garcia, Gabriela      HS For Const          27:38.72   2 
 18 # 5886 Ramisa, Tahsin        Young Women'          28:07.84   2 
 19 # 5531 Handa, Tvisha         Bayside High          28:37.92   2 
 20 # 5025 Chung, Karen          Forest Hills          28:46.84   2 
 21 # 5875 Dallo, Chelsea        Young Women'          28:54.66   3 
 22 # 6587 Yeung, Ashley         Francis Lewi          28:55.83   3 
 23 # 5525 Espinal-Cardona,      Bayside High          29:00.66   3 
 24 # 5194 Scotto, Amanda        The Scholars          29:12.11   3 
 25 # 5035 Stevanus, Emily       Forest Hills          29:12.80   3 
 26 # 5471 Hernandez-Salga,      Long Island           29:20.19   3 
 27 # 6643 Sabini, Kelly         Long Island           29:20.86   3 
 28 # 5885 Ragbeer, Khalila      Young Women'          29:26.68   3 
 29 # 5547 SU, Rui               Bayside High          29:28.15   3 
 30 # 5472 Jarrett, Makayla      Long Island           29:43.76   3 
 31 # 5237 Weathers, Nyima       Forest Hills          29:58.47   4 
 32 # 5238 Bolanos, Catalina     Metropolitan          30:09.21   4 
 33 # 5544 Salant, Mika          Bayside High          30:22.38   4 
 34 # 6020 Martinez-Ramos, K     Maspeth High          30:26.58   4 
 35 # 5524 Dulku, Ekjot          Bayside High          30:28.36   4 
 36 # 5545 Sen, Samiya           Bayside High          30:29.13   4 
 37 # 5880 McGrath, Sofia        Young Women'          30:30.35   4 
 38 # 6546 Kapoor, Mahika        Bayside High          30:33.36   4 
 39 # 5450 Grumbacher, Clair     Francis Lewi          30:44.18   4 
 40 # 5242 Titarenko, Sofia      Metropolitan          31:17.31   4 
 41 # 5533 Lai, Allison          Bayside High          31:18.26   5 
 42 # 6006 Perez, Priscilla      HS For Arts           31:22.24   5 
 43 # 7092 Aujla, Jasmin         Thomas Ediso          31:55.39   5 
 44 # 6522 LI, Mahlah            HS For Arts           32:22.85   5 
 45 # 7082 Smith, Andrea         The Scholars          32:23.95   5 
 46 # 5550 Yanez, Melina         Bayside High          32:28.68   5 
 47 # 5869 Lam, Dorothy          HS For Const          32:30.15   5 
 48 # 5462 Zaidi, Zainab         Francis Lewi          32:44.37   5 
 49 # 6586 Villarroel, Chels     Francis Lewi          32:47.19   5 
 50 # 6544 HU, Angela            Bayside High          33:04.76   5 
 51 # 5029 Huang, Lindsey        Forest Hills          33:10.65   6 
 52 # 5455 LI, Venus             Francis Lewi          33:41.69   6 
 53 # 5458 Magbag, Andrea-Ju     Francis Lewi          33:47.51   6 
 54 # 5548 Uscocovich, Camil     Bayside High          34:01.48   6 
 55 # 7081 Polisi, Josephine     The Scholars          34:08.69   6 
 56 # 5540 Portillo, Jade        Bayside High          34:22.29   6 
 57 # 6005 Molina, Victoria      HS For Arts           35:20.25   6 
 58 # 5197 Wasserman, Jolie      The Scholars          35:52.28   6 
 59 # 5036 Subha, Afia           Forest Hills          36:32.08   6 
 60 # 5459 Mozner, Michelle      Francis Lewi          36:35.24   6 
 61 # 5560 Ramirez, Melody       Jamaica               36:44.64   7 
 62 # 5190 Akhere, Abigail       The Scholars          36:57.54   7 
 63 # 5195 Taylor, Jordan        The Scholars          37:41.36   7 
 64 # 5451 Hassan, Zarmina       Francis Lewi          37:50.63   7 
 65 # 5537 MO, Jessica           Bayside High          38:32.69   7 
 66 # 5878 Jahan, Ishrat         Young Women'          38:52.37   7 
 67 # 6022 Tyszuk, Patricia      Maspeth High          38:53.27   7 
 68 # 5879 Kolawole, Itunuol     Young Women'          39:01.48   7 
 69 # 5881 Meertins, Amanda      Young Women'          39:02.05   7 
 70 # 6018 Carrion, Diana        Maspeth High          39:04.48   7 
 71 # 5243 Wong, Anneliese       Metropolitan          39:05.52   8 
 72 # 7096 Zamora, Shirley       Thomas Ediso          39:23.69   8 
 73 # 6585 Jin, Yihan            Francis Lewi          39:32.98   8 
 74 # 5196 Taylor, Riley         The Scholars          40:02.85   8 
 75 # 6584 Bilik, Julia          Francis Lewi          40:26.37   8 
 -- # 5039 Zavala Obando, Em     Forest Hills               DNF   8 
 -- # 5037 Valencia, Isabell     Forest Hills               DNF   8 
 -- # 5522 Andreou, Anastasi     Bayside High               DNF   8 
 -- # 5026 Debnath, Sneha        Forest Hills               DNF   8 
 -- # 5031 Misut, Nora           Forest Hills               DNF   8 
Girls 5k Run CC Van Cortland Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 # 5816 Rodriguez, Haley      HS Of Americ          21:52.20  
  2 # 5817 Roth, Sally           HS Of Americ          22:45.60  
  3 # 5014 Pasco, Raquel         Chelsea Care          23:40.00  
  4 # 6240 LI, Carla             Stuyvesant H          24:39.20  
  5 # 5819 Suozzi, Carmela       HS Of Americ          24:40.90  
  6 # 6211 Depaolo, Mia          Bard High Sc          24:54.20  
  7 # 6922 Flores Vidal, Emi     Beacon High           25:57.90  
  8 # 6228 Anwar, Zaynab         Stuyvesant H          26:03.60  
  9 # 5818 Sammarco, Avery       HS Of Americ          26:05.20  
 10 # 6256 Wong, Tiffany         Stuyvesant H          26:11.90  
 11 # 6127 Thomas, Rakae         Dewitt Clint          26:21.50  
 12 # 6213 Ferguson, Jade        Bard High Sc          26:22.90  
 13 # 5656 Valera, Dayanara      Dewitt Clint          26:38.60  
 14 # 5608 Gibbons, Lillian      Fiorello H L          26:44.20  
 15 # 5307 Nixon, Syniah         Dewitt Clint          26:46.80  
 16 # 5812 Goodman Singh, Mi     HS Of Americ          26:51.20  
 17 # 6261 Zheng, Linda          Stuyvesant H          26:52.40  
 18 # 5911 Ekokobe, Achenken     Harry S. Tru          27:00.00  
 19 # 6354 Young, Shania         Dewitt Clint          27:00.70  
 20 # 5920 Washington, Adoni     Harry S. Tru          27:02.40  
 21 # 6233 Deng, Ruiyin          Stuyvesant H          27:04.80  
 22 # 6242 Lin, Shirley          Stuyvesant H          27:09.80  
 23 # 6235 Escamilla, Abigai     Stuyvesant H          27:26.70  
 24 # 6060 Kleinberg, Samant     Beacon High           27:33.90  
 25 # 5601 Azambre, Anais        Fiorello H L          27:35.30  
 26 # 6053 Chasen, Mira          Beacon High           27:38.50  
 27 # 6064 Schwartz, Adela       Beacon High           27:40.30  
 28 # 6260 Zheng, Daphne         Stuyvesant H          27:41.50  
 29 # 5814 Martino, Luna         HS Of Americ          27:56.60  
 30 # 5709 Mares Alvarado, J     Murry Bergtr          27:58.30  
 31 # 6930 Worrell, Barrett      Beacon High           28:06.80  
 32 # 5811 Glaser, Kaela         HS Of Americ          28:26.60  
 33 # 5820 Theriault, Abigai     HS Of Americ          28:29.40  
 34 # 6315 Magassouba, Aissa     Mott Haven E          28:29.90  
 35 # 6217 Quigley, Lucy         Bard High Sc          29:01.80  
 36 # 5016 Grant, Sania          Dewitt Clint          29:13.50  
 37 # 5650 Lanclos, Janeeva      Bathgate Edu          29:22.50  
 38 # 6297 Mompoint, Keira J     Fiorello H L          29:23.90  
 39 # 5018 Jones, Amber          Dewitt Clint          29:42.40  
 40 # 5617 Marr, Sabrina         Fiorello H L          29:51.60  
 41 # 6292 Boller, Lorraine      Fiorello H L          30:51.60  
 42 # 5815 Paterniti, Quinn      HS Of Americ          30:52.70  
 43 # 5915 Jackson, Tiarra       Harry S. Tru          31:17.30  
 44 # 5628 Siller, Amelie        Fiorello H L          31:32.30  
 45 # 5891 Doumbia, Karidjat     Mott Haven E          32:33.20  
 46 # 5597 Lucero-Amigon, Ge     Chelsea Care          33:08.90  
 47 # 6209 Bullett, Bianca       Bard High Sc          33:19.20  
 48 # 6351 Djibo, Alima          Dewitt Clint          33:26.90  
 49 # 6305 Reyes, Jael           Martin L. Ki          33:34.60  
 50 # 5015 Brown, Britanique     Dewitt Clint          33:42.90  
 51 # 7053 Lawson, Saskia        Evander Chil          33:55.50  
 52 # 7049 Hazell, Amali         Harry S. Tru          33:56.90  
 53 # 6098 Analco, Esther        Murry Bergtr          34:01.30  
 54 # 6258 Zeng, Claire          Stuyvesant H          34:03.50  
 55 # 6052 Campuzano, Erica      Beacon High           35:07.20  
 56 # 5653 Vargas, Natalis       Bathgate Edu          35:36.40  
 57 # 6371 Rowe, Barriana        Evander Chil          35:42.80  
 58 # 5598 Pinnock, Danielyn     Chelsea Care          36:06.20  
 59 # 5011 Stewart, Tyla         Chelsea Care          36:26.50  
 60 # 5647 Butten Sanchez, E     Bathgate Edu          36:50.70  
 61 # 6269 Kalivogui, Janett     HS Fashion I          37:07.20  
 62 # 6905 Torres, Amaya         HS Fashion I          37:12.40  
 63 # 6263 Bermeo, Chelsea       HS Fashion I          37:31.70  
 64 # 6372 Shoy, Katelyn         Evander Chil          44:28.40  
Girls 5k Run CC Prospect Par Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 # 5675 Melican, Elizabet     Gaynor Campu          22:05.30  
  2 # 6389 Sheppard, Brooke      Benjamin Ban          23:03.20  
  3 # 5591 Sireci, Cordelia      The Clinton           23:22.90  
  4 # 6282 Zolotariov, Maya      Pace HS               23:46.60  
  5 # 5694 Giannosa, Simone      Lab Museum U          24:07.30  
  6 # 6384 George, Kailey        Benjamin Ban          24:16.10  
  7 # 6393 Wise, Ariana          Benjamin Ban          24:18.50  
  8 # 5578 Hammer, Nicole        The Clinton           24:36.50  
  9 # 5574 Barouch-Hebb, Xyl     The Clinton           24:40.50  
 10 # 5996 Milianta, Parker      The Clinton           24:42.50  
 11 # 6454 Reynolds, Alisha      Abraham Linc          24:50.60  
 12 # 6390 Sinclair, Nylah       Benjamin Ban          25:40.20  
 13 # 7066 Zaretser, Anna        Fort Hamilto          26:25.50  
 14 # 5674 Jiang, Regina         Gaynor Campu          26:32.30  
 15 # 7060 Camacho, Danis        Fort Hamilto          26:51.70  
 16 # 6281 Abarca Vazquez, G     Pace HS               27:39.30  
 17 # 6381 Adesina, Oluwabuk     Benjamin Ban          28:02.10  
 18 # 7062 Hryniv, Diana         Fort Hamilto          28:41.20  
 19 # 5703 Springer-Galst, N     Lab Museum U          29:00.90  
 20 # 6456 Susano, Thania        Abraham Linc          29:17.20  
 21 # 5427 Priegue, Zahra        Edward R. Mu          29:20.90  
 22 # 5115 Zhang, Bonnie         HS Health Pr          29:27.40  
 23 # 5575 Chen, Emma            The Clinton           29:38.90  
 24 # 6451 Johnson, Yulessa      Abraham Linc          30:04.20  
 25 # 5588 Schmidt, Noa          The Clinton           30:09.50  
 26 # 5592 Stolar, Emily         The Clinton           30:32.50  
 27 # 5677 Landis, Emily         Edward R. Mu          30:32.80  
 28 # 5584 Reber, Noemie         The Clinton           31:08.50  
 29 # 6455 Small, Kaliyah        Abraham Linc          31:17.40  
 30 # 5506 Friedman, Grace       Queens High           31:20.60  
 31 # 7064 Nehlawi, Maryem       Fort Hamilto          31:25.80  
 32 # 5576 Clelland, Ayrleig     The Clinton           31:39.40  
 33 # 5593 WU, Lena              The Clinton           32:01.20  
 34 # 7067 Zheng, Cynthia        Fort Hamilto          32:30.30  
 35 # 7061 Chelihi, Ines         Fort Hamilto          32:34.50  
 36 # 7065 Qoku, Ganije          Fort Hamilto          32:35.10  
 37 # 5579 Hay, Roxana           The Clinton           33:16.10  
 38 # 5179 Tse, Catherine        Edward R. Mu          33:42.60  
 39 # 5111 Gallardo, Madelin     HS Health Pr          33:43.50  
 40 # 5423 Chen, Hannah          Edward R. Mu          33:45.10  
 41 # 5135 Aarlev, Dori          Queens High           33:45.90  
 42 # 5583 Paul, Eva             The Clinton           34:36.50  
 43 # 6461 Felix, Taelen         Edward R. Mu          35:06.50  
 44 # 5136 Klimathianos, Fot     Queens High           35:11.10  
 45 # 5114 Penafort, Kayla       HS Health Pr          37:41.90  
 46 # 5424 Cheung, Sze YI        Edward R. Mu          37:58.90  
 47 # 6450 Brito, Adriana        Abraham Linc          38:13.10  
 48 # 6224 Quinde, Shirley       HS Health Pr          38:47.20  
 49 # 5177 Peregrina, Jasmin     Edward R. Mu          38:49.70  
 50 # 6035 Jones, Marie          Wingate Educ          39:26.90  
 51 # 7059 Agraniou, Noor EL     Fort Hamilto          39:29.80  
 52 # 6457 Todman, Shanna        Abraham Linc          39:39.50  
 53 # 6458 Todman, Symone        Abraham Linc          39:44.80  
 54 # 6453 Peters, Kayla         Abraham Linc          42:48.50  
 -- # 7063 Jean, Gillianna       Fort Hamilto                DQ  
Girls 1.5 Mile Run CC Cunningham P Freshman
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 # 6007 Polanco, Sabrina      HS For Arts           13:48.64  
  2 # 5192 Healy, Saoirse        The Scholars          14:43.62  
  3 # 7077 Zhu, Wan              John Bowne            14:51.01  
  4 # 5947 Aracena, Ashley       Forest Hills          15:05.52  
  5 # 5948 Gorecki, Rose         Forest Hills          16:29.41  
  6 # 7093 Ramos, Iris           Thomas Ediso          16:54.25  
  7 # 6629 Chavez, Mia           Metropolitan          23:15.96  
Girls 1.5 Mile Run CC Van Cortland Freshman
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 # 5615 Lindstrom, Ginny      Fiorello H L          12:22.10  
  2 # 6271 Lin, Rebecca          HS Fashion I          12:56.30  
  3 # 6294 Dyachenko, Karoli     Fiorello H L          13:28.10  
  4 # 6059 Kilic, Esra           Beacon High           13:29.90  
  5 # 6214 Glacel Tyrtyshn,      Bard High Sc          13:32.20  
  6 # 5612 Jimenez-El, Isabe     Fiorello H L          13:33.20  
  7 # 6058 Katz, Jenna           Beacon High           13:44.00  
  8 # 5290 Espinal, Camila       Manhattan Ce          13:57.60  
  9 # 5810 Elinson, Keira        HS Of Americ          14:09.80  
 10 # 6056 Jekos, Oliver         Beacon High           14:10.40  
 11 # 6104 Koe, Sofia            Eleanor Roos          14:33.80  
 12 # 6234 Dimnaku, Julinda      Stuyvesant H          14:48.40  
 13 # 6893 Lee, Bayan            Fiorello H L          14:58.50  
 14 # 5632 Shah, Roshni          Manhattan Ce          15:22.10  
 15 # 7052 Keith, Avery          Evander Chil          15:46.80  
 16 # 6210 Craniotes, Lola       Bard High Sc          15:49.10  
 17 # 6101 Evans, Beatrice       Eleanor Roos          16:06.10  
 18 # 6352 Lewis, Shemyiah       Dewitt Clint          16:11.20  
 19 # 6939 Strachn, Kaylin       Lehman Campu          16:38.40  
 20 # 5605 Demessinova, Mali     Fiorello H L          16:48.30  
 21 # 5602 Backus, Genevieve     Fiorello H L          16:51.10  
 22 # 6317 Perez-Rodriguez,      Lehman Campu          17:06.00  
 23 # 6295 Kouklanakis, Jole     Fiorello H L          17:31.90  
 24 # 5623 Reyes, Denae          Fiorello H L          17:40.50  
Girls 1.5 Mile Run CC Prospect Par Freshman
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 # 6481 Barone, Noelle        Midwood               10:34.10  
  2 # 5699 Reisman, Lila         Lab Museum U          11:57.70  
  3 # 5126 Pardo-Blum, Phoeb     Edward R. Mu          12:13.50  
  4 # 5138 Reich-Sharpe, Ell     Queens High           12:15.50  
  5 # 5695 Hayes, Ruby           Lab Museum U          12:17.80  
  6 # 5586 Rochlin, Ella         The Clinton           12:26.50  
  7 # 6463 Schechter, Sophie     Edward R. Mu          13:14.70  
  8 # 5587 Savage, Chloe         The Clinton           13:51.80  
  9 # 5113 Mora, Natalie         HS Health Pr          14:21.50  
 10 # 6432 Folkes, Lenique       Clara Barton          14:39.50  
 11 # 5834 Nero, Jamai           Paul Robeson          14:44.20  
 12 # 6408 Dennis, Rowontae      Boys and Gir          15:13.10  
 13 # 5178 Stewart, Olivia       Edward R. Mu          15:17.80  
 14 # 5125 Samuel Jones, Cin     Clara Barton          16:22.10  
 15 # 7125 Mahon-Jefferson,      Clara Barton          16:32.80  
 16 # 5580 Hay, Skylar           The Clinton           16:38.40  
 17 # 6037 Bramble, Suzanne      Edward R. Mu          16:42.10  
 18 # 6414 Stephenson, Kelse     Boys and Gir          17:19.30  
 19 # 5929 Young, Krislynn       Clara Barton          17:30.60  
 20 # 5122 Alexis, Diane         Clara Barton          17:57.90  
 21 # 6424 George, Amelia        Paul Robeson          18:02.10  
 22 # 6977 Morales Ramos, Al     Information           18:07.90  
 23 # 6014 Bholanauth, Taara     Information           18:08.50  
 24 # 5841 Zuniga, Alani         Paul Robeson          18:57.10  
 25 # 5840 Williams, Breanne     Paul Robeson          18:59.50  
Girls 1.5 Mile Run CC Clove Lakes Novice
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 # 5674 Jiang, Regina         Gaynor Campu          10:40.80  
  2 # 5976 Mavricos, Angelin     Tottenville           10:41.30  
  3 # 6681 LI, Jenny             New Dorp              11:19.00  
  4 # 6897 Irons, Erica          Port Richmon          12:11.10  
  5 # 6682 Sanchez, Allisson     New Dorp              12:15.80  
  6 # 6683 Suliman, Muhdieh      New Dorp              12:19.40  
  7 # 5959 Aizenberg, Ava        Tottenville           12:33.20  
  8 # 5988 Squillacioti, Jul     Tottenville           12:48.60  
  9 # 6687 Zarafonitis, Lill     New Dorp              12:53.20  
 10 # 5989 Takkouch, Sally       Tottenville           12:57.80  
 11 # 6680 Elsaid, Malak         New Dorp              13:03.40  
 12 # 6885 Lin, Alice            McKee/Staten          13:10.00  
 13 # 6655 Silva, Isabel         Petrides              13:22.00  
 14 # 5960 Barbarino, Lilian     Tottenville           13:29.60  
 15 # 6784 Garcia Martinez,      Susan Wagner          13:33.60  
 16 # 6779 Demontreux, Evely     Susan Wagner          13:40.50  
 17 # 5963 Braunstein, Gabri     Tottenville           13:42.70  
 18 # 6789 James, Najiana        Susan Wagner          13:43.40  
 19 # 6705 Olugbodi, Praise      Port Richmon          13:44.90  
 20 # 5968 Deuble, Ava           Tottenville           13:46.80  
 21 # 5995 Zheng, Kelly          Tottenville           13:47.40  
 22 # 5985 Roschbach, Kayla      Tottenville           13:54.80  
 23 # 6685 Torres, Elisa         New Dorp              13:57.20  
 24 # 5962 Berkani, Giana        Tottenville           14:01.00  
 25 # 5965 Cota, Gabriella       Tottenville           14:25.30  
 26 # 6686 Woode, Rose           New Dorp              14:28.10  
 27 # 6783 Fernando, Nicole      Susan Wagner          14:30.40  
 28 # 6776 Burton, Alana         Susan Wagner          14:43.50  
 29 # 5994 Zanoni, Angelina      Tottenville           14:49.80  
 30 # 6702 Martinez, Lillian     Port Richmon          14:53.90  
 31 # 5492 Maller, Sofia         McKee/Staten          15:02.10  
 32 # 6773 Ballesteros, Esme     Susan Wagner          15:10.10  
 33 # 6701 Jayaweera, Enara      Port Richmon          15:11.60  
 34 # 6772 Ayala, Isabella       Susan Wagner          15:26.80  
 35 # 6774 Boone, Elahana        Susan Wagner          15:36.30  
 36 # 5983 Ramush, Ebru          Tottenville           15:39.20  
 37 # 6794 Mauch, Jessica        Susan Wagner          15:52.80  
 38 # 6698 Aneke, Crystal        Port Richmon          16:20.50  
 39 # 5969 Doleh, Daniya         Tottenville           16:21.10  
 40 # 6668 Gil Borbua, Gisel     Curtis                16:35.70  
 41 # 6801 Pratt, Jada           Susan Wagner          17:13.60  
 42 # 6673 Silva, Ivalise        Curtis                17:52.10  
 43 # 5987 Scolaro, Ava          Tottenville           18:51.10  
 44 # 6678 Abdallah, Raneem      New Dorp              21:48.00  
 45 # 6674 Singletary, Tamia     Curtis                22:49.70  
Girls 1.5 Mile Run CC Prospect Par Novice
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 # 6429 Ballantyne, Kimor     Clara Barton          12:21.40  
  2 # 5832 Jones, Shaniece       Paul Robeson          12:40.40  
  3 # 6488 Lin, Jada             Midwood               12:42.80  
  4 # 6431 Edwards, Jolany       Clara Barton          12:49.30  
  5 # 6383 Evans, Jaiyana        Benjamin Ban          12:55.50  
  6 # 5827 Chung, Shaniya        Paul Robeson          13:07.90  
  7 # 5121 Aimuengheuwa, Ese     Clara Barton          13:09.10  
  8 # 6425 Jenkins, Kaleya       Paul Robeson          13:22.40  
  9 # 6387 Lionel, Shyanne       Benjamin Ban          13:38.10  
 10 # 6386 Hunter, Ajhanae A     Benjamin Ban          13:38.70  
 11 # 5425 Payne, Jaelyn         Edward R. Mu          13:50.90  
 12 # 5833 Morales, Sabrina      Paul Robeson          13:59.80  
 13 # 6388 Pollard, Sherese      Benjamin Ban          14:02.20  
 14 # 5838 Thompson, Thenica     Paul Robeson          14:19.30  
 15 # 6480 Avent, Niya           Midwood               14:29.40  
 16 # 6039 Dziekonski, Eliza     Edward R. Mu          14:29.70  
 17 # 6410 Jackson, Miciah       Boys and Gir          14:32.80  
 18 # 6479 Augustin, Brianna     Midwood               14:34.50  
 19 # 6413 Ricketts, Amelia      Boys and Gir          14:36.10  
 20 # 5831 Henriquez, Rubi       Paul Robeson          14:43.50  
 21 # 6477 Alexandre, Ava        Midwood               14:53.50  
 22 # 6499 Wedderbum, Sage       Midwood               14:54.10  
 23 # 6409 Gabriel, Kezreah      Boys and Gir          14:56.40  
 24 # 5180 Weisel, Elisheva      Edward R. Mu          15:01.40  
 25 # 6496 Sweet, Jessica        Midwood               15:03.20  
 26 # 5422 Chen, Bonnie          Edward R. Mu          15:14.90  
 27 # 5426 Petitgand, Nora       Edward R. Mu          15:41.30  
 28 # 6486 John, Nardya          Midwood               15:43.40  
 29 # 5678 Lin, Jenny            Edward R. Mu          16:25.60  
 30 # 5836 Starkey, Zyaira       Paul Robeson          16:39.50  
 31 # 5835 Roach, Abriana        Paul Robeson          16:40.10  
 32 # 6407 Connor, Jurnee        Boys and Gir          16:40.70  
 33 # 6415 Thelusma, Shesmar     Boys and Gir          17:20.40  
 34 # 6433 Illiassou, Assafa     Clara Barton          17:22.20  
 35 # 5828 Coull, Samiyah        Paul Robeson          17:58.50  
 36 # 5124 Charles, Joraya       Clara Barton          18:04.70  
 37 # 6038 Cheng, Man YI         Edward R. Mu          18:23.40  
 38 # 5921 Looby, Danea          Paul Robeson          18:23.60  
 39 # 5829 Franklin, Brielle     Paul Robeson          18:43.60  
Girls 1.5 Mile Run CC Van Cortland Novice
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 # 6103 Jackowska, Julia      Eleanor Roos          12:32.40  
  2 # 6307 Clancy, Margaret      Manhattan Ce          12:34.90  
  3 # 6271 Lin, Rebecca          HS Fashion I          12:35.80  
  4 # 6278 Fine, Rachel          Eleanor Roos          13:01.00  
  5 # 6207 Baede, Lina           Bard High Sc          13:07.70  
  6 # 6107 Sagoo-Jones, Coco     Eleanor Roos          13:22.90  
  7 # 6212 Dieudonne, Suree      Bard High Sc          13:25.40  
  8 # 6109 Tolentino, Claire     Eleanor Roos          13:36.90  
  9 # 5919 Thompson, Ramoya      Harry S. Tru          13:41.40  
 10 # 5914 Jackson, Madison      Harry S. Tru          14:39.20  
 11 # 6208 Bomse, Sabine         Bard High Sc          15:14.20  
 12 # 5303 Sylla, Massandje      Taft Educati          15:22.10  
 13 # 5663 Vilomar, Rosana       John F. Kenn          15:23.60  
 14 # 6268 Izquierdo, Dania      HS Fashion I          15:26.80  
 15 # 5636 Martinez, Dahiana     Bronx School          15:27.30  
 16 # 5659 Fosu, Kezia           John F. Kenn          15:33.40  
 17 # 6979 Levy-Mazie, Barra     Bard High Sc          15:41.40  
 18 # 5298 Marte, Destiny        Taft Educati          16:34.10  
 19 # 6068 Estrada, Katherin     John F. Kenn          16:40.10  
 20 # 6110 Trost, Naya           Eleanor Roos          16:45.90  
 21 # 6257 Zarouri, Imene        Stuyvesant H          16:50.00  
 22 # 6272 Melo, Jeymy           HS Fashion I          16:52.40  
 23 # 6255 Wang, Jessie          Stuyvesant H          16:53.00  
 24 # 5300 Mensah, Star          Taft Educati          17:32.90  
 25 # 7043 Darkwa, Daniella      John F. Kenn          17:46.90  
 26 # 6309 Cedeno Pena, Tiff     Community He          17:47.30  
 27 # 6276 Chime, Tenzin         Eleanor Roos          18:01.50  
 28 # 6049 Ufuah, Sofia          Murry Bergtr          18:04.70  
 29 # 5785 Diaz, Ambar           Lehman Campu          18:09.70  
 30 # 5658 Feliz Salazar, Ge     John F. Kenn          18:15.10  
 31 # 7044 Fletcher, Tamia       John F. Kenn          18:19.50  
 32 # 5662 Valdez, Andrilayn     John F. Kenn          18:27.00  
 33 # 6318 Pol, Priscilla        Lehman Campu          18:35.00  
 34 # 6111 Yang, Fiona           Eleanor Roos          18:37.30  
 35 # 5652 Vargas, Nashly        Bathgate Edu          19:12.00  
 36 # 5707 Contreras, Maya       Murry Bergtr          19:28.30  
 37 # 5786 Laboy, Adrianna       Lehman Campu          19:54.70  
 38 # 7053 Lawson, Saskia        Evander Chil          20:02.30  
 39 # 5649 Jiminian, Ashley      Bathgate Edu          20:38.70  
 40 # 5648 Feliz Ciprian, El     Bathgate Edu          20:41.10  
 41 # 6232 Chowdhury, Sarzil     Stuyvesant H          20:55.50  
 42 # 5631 Ramos, Joselin        Manhattan Ce          22:50.20  
 43 # 5784 Patterson, Kylah      Bronx School          22:57.60  
 44 # 7034 Lugo-Cano, Alexen     Bronx School          29:28.10  
 45 # 7122 DE LA Cruz, Keira     Murry Bergtr          30:04.20  
Girls 1.5 Mile Run CC Cunningham P Novice
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 # 5207 Ulerie, Karina        Campus Magne          12:03.39   1 
  2 # 5582 Murphy, Melia         The Clinton           12:58.41   1 
  3 # 5200 Samaniego, Denise     Forest Hills          12:59.41   1 
  4 # 6010 Douglas, Charisma     Campus Magne          13:10.77   1 
  5 # 5208 Waithe, Gairana       Campus Magne          13:11.31   1 
  6 # 5206 Muir, Aaliyah         Campus Magne          13:18.04   1 
  7 # 5532 Hayden, Emma          Bayside High          13:29.81   1 
  8 # 6166 Jean, Jasmine         John Bowne            14:19.92   1 
  9 # 6011 Gousse, Madison       Campus Magne          14:32.77   1 
 10 # 6009 Bryson, Tyreka        Campus Magne          14:39.15   1 
 11 # 5027 Grande, Veronica      Forest Hills          14:46.15   2 
 12 # 6536 Grande, Yessenia      John Bowne            15:09.05   2 
 13 # 6547 Lin, Fang Bing        Bayside High          15:24.47   2 
 14 # 5057 Iglesias, Mia Apr     Forest Hills          15:45.69   2 
 15 # 5202 Brown, Chemona        Campus Magne          15:58.99   2 
 16 # 6551 Zheng, Eve            Bayside High          15:59.51   2 
 17 # 6548 Lin, Hao              Bayside High          16:50.08   2 
 18 # 5034 Persaud, Alana        Forest Hills          17:56.00   2 
 19 # 6012 Simmonds, Bryanna     Campus Magne          19:03.23   2 
 20 # 5204 Lamb, Kiana           Campus Magne          19:04.33   2 
 21 # 6545 Huang, Cathy          Bayside High          19:05.65   3 
 22 # 5030 Illery Kelley, Sh     Forest Hills          19:44.82   3 
 23 # 6543 Arca, Nala            Bayside High          19:52.67   3 
 24 # 5528 Garcia, Lindsay       Bayside High          20:14.13   3 
 25 # 6550 Wang, Yaling          Bayside High          22:55.47   3 
Boys 5k Run CC Clove Lakes Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Results - Men
  1 # 6175 Esposito, Anthony     Tottenville           17:55.10  
  2 # 6174 Conlin, Everett       Tottenville           19:45.20  
  3 # 6697 Walsh, Tyler          Port Richmon          19:47.30  
  4 # 5480 Zacasa, Manuel        Curtis                20:26.40  
  5 # 6658 Dale, Jordan          Curtis                20:32.50  
  6 # 5476 Karounos, Salvato     Curtis                22:20.60  
  7 # 6182 Razo, Daniel Anth     Tottenville           22:36.70  
  8 # 6178 Gottlieb, Joseph      Tottenville           22:39.70  
  9 # 5956 Westhafer, Franci     Curtis                23:24.10  
 10 # 5479 Wright, Charles       Curtis                24:28.20  
 11 # 6695 Pommerenk, Aidan      Port Richmon          25:30.30  
 12 # 6690 Johnson, Amari        Port Richmon          28:56.50  
Boys 5k Run CC Cunningham P Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 # 5853 Dunlop, Resean        HS For Const          19:00.65   1 
  2 # 6072 Gambino, Giuseppe     HS For Const          19:01.50   1 
  3 # 6563 LI, Aiden             Francis Lewi          19:20.92   1 
  4 # 6614 Mahmud, Piyal         Forest Hills          19:24.39   1 
  5 # 6565 Liang XU, Roberto     Francis Lewi          19:48.53   1 
  6 # 6172 Kaplan, William       Academy of A          20:00.38   1 
  7 # 6611 Lee, Jackson          Forest Hills          20:02.21   1 
  8 # 6607 Higgins Casas, Un     Forest Hills          20:11.49   1 
  9 # 6601 Chen, Alfred          Forest Hills          20:32.87   1 
 10 # 6562 Kowalski, Kacper      Francis Lewi          20:45.79   1 
 11 # 5857 Insuasti, Jeremy      HS For Const          20:47.63   2 
 12 # 5465 Paguada Alvarad,      Metropolitan          21:04.95   2 
 13 # 5185 Jones, Isaiah         The Scholars          21:05.25   2 
 14 # 6582 Zhang, Jason          Francis Lewi          21:08.34   2 
 15 # 6512 Takita, Koji          Aviation Car          21:25.12   2 
 16 # 5517 Trosten, Douglas      Bayside High          21:36.54   2 
 17 # 5951 Islam, Amenul         Metropolitan          21:43.58   2 
 18 # 5508 Hansen, Nathanael     Bayside High          21:46.39   2 
 19 # 6555 Chaparro, Mattias     Francis Lewi          21:50.63   2 
 20 # 5521 Zhuo, Justin          Bayside High          21:58.81   2 
 21 # 5442 Petrinas, Paschal     Benjamin N.           22:18.20   3 
 22 # 5513 Palacios, Robert      Bayside High          22:21.80   3 
 23 # 5439 Jugenheimer, Dani     Benjamin N.           22:24.06   3 
 24 # 7091 Vender-Wilson, Mi     Thomas Ediso          22:25.87   3 
 25 # 6073 SU, Jorden            HS For Const          22:32.43   3 
 26 # 6557 Chung, Kevin          Francis Lewi          22:41.55   3 
 27 # 5514 Ramirez, Josue        Bayside High          22:41.92   3 
 28 # 5953 Panameno, Christi     Metropolitan          22:48.34   3 
 29 # 5565 Costakis, Xavier      Academy of A          22:48.90   3 
 30 # 6168 Brady, Daniel         The Scholars          23:01.57   3 
 31 # 5573 Volpe, Alessio        Academy of A          23:05.97   4 
 32 # 6580 YE, Jeffrey           Francis Lewi          23:25.53   4 
 33 # 5187 Smith, Maxwell        The Scholars          23:48.82   4 
 34 # 6506 Geronimo, Axel        Aviation Car          23:52.43   4 
 35 # 7079 Mossallam, Ismaee     The Scholars          23:58.40   4 
 36 # 6602 Esquivel, Steven      Forest Hills          23:58.85   4 
 37 # 5184 Hylton, Tristan       The Scholars          24:02.64   4 
 38 # 5860 Liu, Orlando          HS For Const          24:04.98   4 
 39 # 6576 Wibowo, Darren        Francis Lewi          24:05.38   4 
 40 # 6558 Field, Bruce          Francis Lewi          24:23.04   4 
 41 # 5434 Chu, Jayden           Benjamin N.           24:31.44   5 
 42 # 5952 Ortiz Mejia, Sant     Metropolitan          24:32.21   5 
 43 # 5571 Shirazi, Diego        Academy of A          24:33.55   5 
 44 # 6564 Liang XU, Jun Che     Francis Lewi          24:43.89   5 
 45 # 6553 Abela, Alexander      Francis Lewi          24:54.15   5 
 46 # 7087 Roach, Daniel         Thomas Ediso          25:06.25   5 
 47 # 5519 Zhao, Weixuan         Bayside High          25:06.75   5 
 48 # 5440 Ngo, Jayden           Benjamin N.           25:09.64   5 
 49 # 6639 Bonilla, Gary         Long Island           25:10.93   5 
 50 # 6569 Mazariegos, Kenne     Francis Lewi          25:11.25   5 
 51 # 6574 Tieu, Andy            Francis Lewi          25:53.15   6 
 52 # 6560 Guandique, Kyle       Francis Lewi          25:54.25   6 
 53 # 6581 Zaidi, Haider         Francis Lewi          25:57.11   6 
 54 # 5562 Buron, Jacob          Academy of A          26:02.85   6 
 55 # 5468 Fajardo, Justin       Long Island           26:12.86   6 
 56 # 6572 Shi, Zeng Wei         Francis Lewi          26:14.67   6 
 57 # 7086 Peguero, Joshua       Thomas Ediso          26:15.33   6 
 58 # 6578 Wong, Loong Linco     Francis Lewi          26:34.53   6 
 59 # 6559 Georgiadis, Steve     Francis Lewi          26:43.41   6 
 60 # 5866 Weaver, Christian     HS For Const          26:43.99   6 
 61 # 5464 Mendoza, Jeremiah     Metropolitan          27:07.18   7 
 62 # 6566 Liu, Oskar            Francis Lewi          27:07.61   7 
 63 # 5572 Staley, Gehrig        Academy of A          27:11.72   7 
 64 # 5189 Vision, Titan         The Scholars          27:16.54   7 
 65 # 5509 Herrera, Christia     Bayside High          27:25.53   7 
 66 # 6076 Dawkins, Elijah       Hillcrest             27:26.01   7 
 67 # 5861 Morales, Carlos       HS For Const          27:39.87   7 
 68 # 5569 Kappell, Alexande     Academy of A          28:12.31   7 
 69 # 6579 YE, Eric              Francis Lewi          28:46.79   7 
 70 # 6075 Barrett, Lamar        Hillcrest             28:47.18   7 
 71 # 6086 Samuels, Tyler        Hillcrest             29:03.74   8 
 72 # 6083 Mitchell, Jaylin      Hillcrest             29:04.91   8 
 73 # 7089 Simon, Dmitry         Thomas Ediso          29:05.53   8 
 74 # 6571 Sham, Matthew         Francis Lewi          29:24.26   8 
 75 # 5556 Dunn, Messiah         Queens HS of          29:25.03   8 
 76 # 5566 Dzaferovic, Arian     Academy of A          29:34.26   8 
 77 # 7075 Valiente, Jherwin     Robert F. Ke          29:50.34   8 
 78 # 5518 Youmans, Christop     Bayside High          29:51.70   8 
 79 # 5563 Chauca, Christian     Academy of A          30:03.57   8 
 80 # 5554 Miah, Tayeem          Benjamin N.           30:05.60   8 
 81 # 6568 LU, Jerry             Francis Lewi          30:44.01   9 
 82 # 5188 Velazquez Perez,      The Scholars          31:10.26   9 
 83 # 7088 Seelall, Aiden        Thomas Ediso          31:12.60   9 
 84 # 5570 Ruiz Ponce, Peter     Academy of A          31:22.63   9 
 85 # 6573 Tateo, Marcus         Francis Lewi          31:38.63   9 
 86 # 5467 Rosales, Sebastia     Metropolitan          33:16.69   9 
 87 # 6002 Colmena, Moises       HS For Arts           33:28.05   9 
 88 # 6519 Barba, Jacob          HS For Arts           33:40.36   9 
Boys 5k Run CC Van Cortland Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 # 5008 Mele Kean, Forres     Chelsea Care          17:20.80  
  2 # 5668 Osunkwo, Fidelis      Harry S. Tru          18:23.20  
  3 # 6914 Satchit, Elan         Beacon High           18:44.20  
  4 # 6205 MACARI, Weston        Bard High Sc          19:18.40  
  5 # 6917 Tan, Ethan            Beacon High           19:22.30  
  6 # 6204 Katz, Bruno           Bard High Sc          20:06.90  
  7 # 7002 Jung, Daniel          Stuyvesant H          20:35.50  
  8 # 6918 Tartanella, Lucas     Beacon High           20:46.90  
  9 # 5005 Gillespie, Justin     Chelsea Care          20:48.40  
 10 # 7012 Shah, Aahan           Stuyvesant H          20:51.40  
 11 # 5004 Batchelor, Owen       Chelsea Care          20:52.20  
 12 # 7019 Burke, Peter          Martin L. Ki          20:57.10  
 13 # 6285 Carmi, Gavriel        Fiorello H L          21:00.50  
 14 # 6916 Shepard, Maddox       Beacon High           21:03.20  
 15 # 6202 Habert, Zachary       Bard High Sc          21:21.20  
 16 # 6331 Godinger, Ari         Bronx HS Of           21:22.20  
 17 # 5642 Konteh, Muhamadu      Bathgate Edu          21:39.60  
 18 # 6995 Gao, Jacky            Stuyvesant H          22:01.40  
 19 # 6050 Loof, Noah            Beacon High           22:08.50  
 20 # 6201 Godinger, Daniel      Bard High Sc          22:09.20  
 21 # 6343 Loh, William          Bronx HS Of           22:10.30  
 22 # 6203 Hansen, Ramsey        Bard High Sc          22:30.40  
 23 # 6324 Berman, Jesse         Bronx HS Of           22:30.80  
 24 # 6347 Shan, Raymond         Bronx HS Of           22:32.30  
 25 # 6321 Arbisser, Meir        Bronx HS Of           22:35.90  
 26 # 7048 Sealey, Nicholos      Harry S. Tru          22:45.50  
 27 # 6332 Harrington, Charl     Bronx HS Of           22:53.70  
 28 # 6999 Huang, Gary           Stuyvesant H          22:56.80  
 29 # 5104 Ghai, Kylor           Manhattan Ce          23:03.50  
 30 # 6334 Hunt, Ethan           Bronx HS Of           23:05.60  
 31 # 5289 Nakayama, Leo         Manhattan Ce          23:09.40  
 32 # 6337 Kim, Ryan             Bronx HS Of           23:10.50  
 33 # 5666 Downer, Jeremiah      Harry S. Tru          23:12.80  
 34 # 6335 IM, Joshua            Bronx HS Of           23:17.90  
 35 # 5279 Lazovskiy, Larry      Fiorello H L          23:19.70  
 36 # 6290 Rayas-Gribben, Sa     Fiorello H L          23:21.10  
 37 # 7011 Scribner, Oscar       Stuyvesant H          23:29.70  
 38 # 6906 Aiken, Arleigh        Beacon High           23:42.80  
 39 # 6326 Choi, Julian          Bronx HS Of           23:51.50  
 40 # 6199 Esguerra, Brandon     Bard High Sc          24:02.90  
 41 # 6991 Chen, Ronald          Stuyvesant H          24:05.90  
 42 # 5645 Rodriguez, Jayden     Bathgate Edu          24:12.00  
 43 # 5664 Bailey, Darren        Harry S. Tru          24:34.90  
 44 # 6121 Sanchez, Diego        Taft Educati          24:44.50  
 45 # 6320 Graham, Kyheem        Bathgate Edu          24:45.60  
 46 # 6119 Rashid, Razak         Bathgate Edu          24:48.70  
 47 # 5596 Rodriguez, Andrew     Chelsea Care          25:01.10  
 48 # 6910 LI, Kenny             Beacon High           25:03.30  
 49 # 6342 Lin, Owen             Bronx HS Of           25:07.40  
 50 # 5706 Sosa, Cesar           Murry Bergtr          25:28.30  
 51 # 6206 YE, Enson             Bard High Sc          25:46.10  
 52 # 6299 Belladonna-Papa,      Martin L. Ki          25:46.90  
 53 # 5640 Cepeda, Starlin       Bathgate Edu          25:53.90  
 54 # 6913 Rivera, Jose          Beacon High           25:57.20  
 55 # 5643 Lanclos, Louis        Bathgate Edu          25:58.80  
 56 # 6197 Bertoni, Nicholas     Bard High Sc          26:01.30  
 57 # 6344 Mason, Alexander      Bronx HS Of           26:23.50  
 58 # 7136 Ekuni, Riki           Fiorello H L          26:27.80  
 59 # 5639 Medine, Jaiden        Mott Haven E          26:35.10  
 60 # 6341 Lei, Zikang           Bronx HS Of           26:38.90  
 61 # 6200 Francis, Asa Joel     Bard High Sc          27:14.20  
 62 # 5641 Espinoza, Jayson      Bathgate Edu          27:17.10  
 63 # 6346 Rollin Dijkhuis,      Bronx HS Of           27:42.50  
 64 # 6325 Boccara, Nathan       Bronx HS Of           27:44.40  
 65 # 5595 Edelson, Benjamin     Chelsea Care          27:47.80  
 66 # 6118 Cordero, David        Bathgate Edu          27:51.80  
 67 # 5893 Allen, Oscar          Bronx HS Of           27:58.90  
 68 # 6300 Garcia, Freimy        Martin L. Ki          29:55.50  
 69 # 7024 Jorge, Juan           Community He          31:41.40  
 70 # 7026 Ovalle, Fidel         Community He          31:50.80  
 71 # 6935 DE Los Angeles, L     Community He          32:51.40  
 72 # 7023 Boutte, Corey         Community He          35:16.20  
 73 # 6936 Ramirez, Jared        Community He          35:18.50  
Boys 5k Run CC Prospect Par Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 # 6373 Alexandre, Brando     Benjamin Ban          19:06.50  
  2 # 6376 Greene, Joshua        Benjamin Ban          19:37.80  
  3 # 6955 Gorelik, Samuel       Midwood               19:38.50  
  4 # 6962 Pravich, Alexi        Midwood               19:50.90  
  4 # 6965 Ting, Denny           Midwood               19:50.90  
  6 # 6947 Berger, Finn          Midwood               20:05.40  
  7 # 6963 Roseman, Emmanuel     Midwood               20:13.50  
  8 # 5688 Hughes, Bohdan        Lab Museum U          20:15.30  
  9 # 5003 Weiner, Dexter        James Madiso          20:15.50  
 10 # 5672 Zhao, Martin          Gaynor Campu          20:28.10  
 11 # 6949 Borruso, Donnie       Midwood               20:38.30  
 12 # 5132 Gao, Ausdon           Queens High           21:05.10  
 13 # 6225 Hernandez, Adrian     Lab Museum U          21:46.80  
 14 # 5128 Clement, Tayshawn     James Madiso          21:50.80  
 15 # 6900 Cossey, Leo           Lab Museum U          22:12.10  
 16 # 5420 Norman, Ethan         Medgar Evers          22:27.20  
 17 # 5503 Miller-Rosenfel,      Queens High           22:49.20  
 18 # 5134 Ryan, Tomas           Queens High           23:01.50  
 19 # 5209 Azbel, Eric           James Madiso          23:37.80  
 20 # 6948 Bodnarchuk, Andre     Midwood               23:45.90  
 21 # 5504 Shapiro, Ruvane       Queens High           23:49.30  
 22 # 5211 Zambrana, Isaac       James Madiso          23:52.90  
 23 # 5685 Cassidy, James        Lab Museum U          23:59.30  
 24 # 6420 Palmer, Ethan         Erasmus Hall          24:11.70  
 25 # 5181 Thayer, Christoph     Queens High           24:25.80  
 26 # 5225 Vilbon, Aasiah        Medgar Evers          24:26.60  
 27 # 5020 Levin, Jonathan       James Madiso          25:46.70  
 28 # 6280 Bacchas, YA Siin      Pace HS               25:46.90  
 29 # 5930 Alamu, Daniel         South Shore           26:25.70  
 30 # 6636 Brown, Kwame          Information           26:50.70  
 31 # 5133 Jimenez, Francisc     Queens High           27:30.40  
 32 # 5417 Britton, Matthew      Medgar Evers          28:00.80  
 33 # 6045 Balladares Agre,      Information           29:17.30  
 34 # 5217 Bryan, Kellan         Medgar Evers          29:44.80  
Boys 1.5 Mile Run CC Cunningham P Freshman
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 # 6071 Correa, Jayden        HS For Const           9:27.16   1 
  2 # 6592 Briones, Ryan         HS For Const           9:30.77   1 
  3 # 5851 Bindra, Devin Yuv     HS For Const          11:07.94   1 
  4 # 5444 Seegobin, Aiden       Benjamin N.           11:19.00   1 
  5 # 5023 Rivera, Maxxluis      Queens HS of          11:21.42   1 
  6 # 6169 Camara, Cheickne      HS For Const          11:26.70   1 
  7 # 6528 Volpe, Giuseppe       Townsend Har          11:37.33   1 
  8 # 6521 Healing, Finn         HS For Arts           11:38.72   1 
  9 # 7073 Gutierrez Grand,      Robert F. Ke          12:11.05   1 
 10 # 5852 Carbone, Joseph       HS For Const          12:23.75   1 
 11 # 5435 Furey, Sean           Benjamin N.           13:45.34   2 
 12 # 7090 Singh, Prabhjyot      Thomas Ediso          14:47.61   2 
 13 # 6525 Maleki, Daniel        Townsend Har          15:02.97   2 
 14 # 5850 Asphall, Emeka        HS For Const          15:40.91   2 
 15 # 6041 Bracey, Justin        Queens HS of          15:45.87   2 
 16 # 5682 Ware, Christian       Queens HS of          15:56.16   2 
 17 # 6042 Setari, Michael       Queens HS of          16:03.17   2 
Boys 1.5 Mile Run CC Van Cortland Freshman
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 # 6130 Engel, Aidan          HS Of Americ          10:09.30  
  2 # 6097 Perez, Eddie          Murry Bergtr          10:35.40  
  3 # 6291 Sellars, Fred         Fiorello H L          10:44.20  
  4 # 5667 Huang, Ting Xiang     Harry S. Tru          11:07.40  
  5 # 5277 Jean-Francois, Ty     Fiorello H L          11:07.70  
  6 # 6339 Lawson, Oliver        Bronx HS Of           11:26.30  
  7 # 5803 Pinelli, Tristan      HS Of Americ          11:33.60  
  8 # 5796 Lee, Edward           HS Of Americ          11:48.50  
  9 # 6987 Bonilla-Jimenez,      Stuyvesant H          11:50.60  
 10 # 6990 Chaudhry, Rai         Stuyvesant H          12:02.70  
 11 # 5789 Aragaki, Kai          HS Of Americ          12:13.90  
 12 # 6908 Frank, Jackson        Beacon High           12:18.70  
 13 # 5801 Mow, Owen             HS Of Americ          12:20.10  
 14 # 5799 Mendez, Zachary       HS Of Americ          12:23.50  
 15 # 6747 Montes IV, Wilfre     Susan Wagner          12:33.40  
 16 # 6998 HO, Ryan              Stuyvesant H          12:37.90  
 17 # 6996 Gray, Aidan           Stuyvesant H          12:38.30  
 18 # 5795 Heng, Noah            HS Of Americ          12:55.80  
 19 # 7137 Leventhal, Sam        Fiorello H L          13:26.90  
 20 # 6113 Vasileuski, Makar     Martin L. Ki          19:22.60  
Boys 1.5 Mile Run CC Prospect Par Freshman
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 # 6048 Schaffer, Audrick     Lab Museum U          10:25.50  
  2 # 5690 Nesse, Jaidev         Lab Museum U          11:22.30  
  3 # 5002 Goodman, Joshua       James Madiso          11:23.50  
  4 # 5686 Eberly, Eli           Lab Museum U          11:35.70  
  5 # 6047 Finn, Elliott         Lab Museum U          11:36.70  
  6 # 5001 Baruwa, Abiola        James Madiso          11:40.50  
  7 # 5937 Joseph, Camden        James Madiso          11:44.60  
  8 # 5689 Lin, Haden            Lab Museum U          12:57.60  
  9 # 5127 Almonord, Joe         James Madiso          12:58.70  
Boys 1.5 Mile Run CC Clove Lakes Novice
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 # 6876 Zarrilli, Adam        McKee/Staten           9:01.00  
  2 # 6689 Davies, Favor         Port Richmon           9:22.70  
  3 # 6852 LI, Aaron             McKee/Staten           9:31.80  
  4 # 6834 Calderon, Jordan      McKee/Staten           9:45.90  
  5 # 6744 McGinley, Brayden     Susan Wagner           9:57.80  
  6 # 6183 Sergheev, Stanisl     Tottenville            9:58.20  
  7 # 6899 Perez, Nicholas       Tottenville            9:59.10  
  8 # 6179 Jiang, Andrew         Tottenville           10:05.20  
  9 # 6840 Dong, Raymond         McKee/Staten          10:13.20  
 10 # 6653 WU, Danny             Petrides              10:15.90  
 11 # 6842 Fasanella, Matthe     McKee/Staten          10:19.80  
 12 # 6659 Daniel, Bolaji        Curtis                10:21.40  
 13 # 6872 Wong, Wynton Wan      McKee/Staten          10:27.20  
 14 # 6662 Terzino-Torres, R     Curtis                10:40.40  
 15 # 6860 OU, Kieren            McKee/Staten          10:40.80  
 16 # 6832 Bernadskiy, Benja     McKee/Staten          11:20.30  
 17 # 6721 Desroches, Kyle       Susan Wagner          11:24.10  
 18 # 5473 Ate, Inyene           Curtis                11:29.50  
 19 # 6756 Solis, Jackson        Susan Wagner          11:35.30  
 20 # 5478 Vazquez Moran, Os     Curtis                11:39.60  
 21 # 6742 Mayer, Ezra           Susan Wagner          11:49.50  
 22 # 6692 Lin, Perry            Port Richmon          12:03.60  
 23 # 5957 Zacasa Moran, Jes     Curtis                12:07.80  
 24 # 6663 Tobon, Jesus          Curtis                12:15.80  
 25 # 6749 Nieto, Jose           Susan Wagner          12:16.20  
 26 # 6726 Farmer, Dante         Susan Wagner          12:16.30  
 27 # 6688 Bardina, Jeremiah     Port Richmon          12:18.50  
 28 # 6881 Zhong-Jing, Kai       McKee/Staten          12:26.60  
 29 # 6752 Perera, Shenuka       Susan Wagner          12:30.50  
 30 # 6652 Spagnuolo, Vincen     Petrides              12:35.30  
 31 # 6851 Lei, Lawrence         McKee/Staten          12:35.60  
 32 # 6751 Pastor, Dominick      Susan Wagner          12:37.60  
 33 # 6693 Manso, Tyler          Port Richmon          12:40.10  
 34 # 6657 Cepeda, Aaron         Curtis                15:52.80  
 35 # 6650 Alkhatib, Ammar       Petrides              18:53.00  
Boys 1.5 Mile Run CC Prospect Par Novice
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 # 6374 Benjamin, Tyler       Benjamin Ban           9:35.10  
  2 # 5130 Weiner, Calvin        James Madiso           9:55.10  
  3 # 6375 Charles, Michelle     Benjamin Ban          10:26.60  
  4 # 5174 Maxwell, Zachary      South Shore           10:49.60  
  5 # 6400 Genao, Prince         Boys and Gir          10:52.90  
  6 # 6404 Smith, Tyler          Boys and Gir          11:20.90  
  7 # 6379 Thomas, Keion         Benjamin Ban          11:23.10  
  8 # 6401 Millar Prass, Sav     Boys and Gir          11:40.20  
  9 # 5176 Pierre, Steven        South Shore           11:48.40  
 10 # 5687 Ecke, Samuel          Lab Museum U          12:21.90  
 11 # 5173 Lavine, Tarike        South Shore           12:38.50  
 12 # 5175 Ortega, Michael       South Shore           12:43.20  
 13 # 7068 Hinds, Stephen        James Madiso          12:51.20  
 14 # 6405 Walcott, Demario      Boys and Gir          12:53.90  
 15 # 6089 TU, Leo               Lab Museum U          13:22.40  
 16 # 6403 Padilla Northin,      Boys and Gir          18:13.10  
 -- # 6399 Atkinson, Jalen       Boys and Gir                NT  
Boys 1.5 Mile Run CC Van Cortland Novice
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 # 7039 Daniels, Adam         John F. Kenn          11:31.10  
  2 # 5288 McNish, Reilly        Manhattan Ce          11:32.50  
  3 # 6112 Greenfield, Matan     Martin L. Ki          11:58.60  
  4 # 5644 Riles, Shayne         Bathgate Edu          13:01.60  
  5 # 6116 Ingersoll, Seth       Manhattan Ce          13:03.70  
  6 # 5109 Ulloa, Joseph         Manhattan Ce          13:04.80  
  7 # 6978 Mansfield, Charle     Bard High Sc          13:14.60  
  8 # 5783 Freeman, Jody         Bronx School          13:16.40  
  9 # 7038 Burton, M Kye         John F. Kenn          13:52.10  
 10 # 7040 Hoyt, Darius          John F. Kenn          13:56.90  
 11 # 7041 Jawara, Muhammad      John F. Kenn          14:01.30  
 12 # 6302 Lin, Samuel           Martin L. Ki          14:16.80  
 13 # 7123 Stemley, Denaar       Bronx School          14:18.90  
 14 # 6033 Abreu, Daniel         Bronx School          15:12.10  
 15 # 6940 Montilla, Elvis       Bathgate Edu          15:14.80  
 16 # 5012 Delagarde, Jordan     Chelsea Care          15:18.40  
 17 # 5635 Kouyate, Kalilou      Bronx School          15:43.10  
 18 # 5665 Busumuru, Daniel      Harry S. Tru          15:52.90  
 19 # 6017 Dukureh, Omar         Bathgate Edu          16:57.90  
 20 # 5892 Cohetero, Ezequie     Bathgate Edu          18:22.50  
 21 # 6932 Leclercq, Noah        HS For Math,          22:41.70  
Boys 1.5 Mile Run CC Cunningham P Novice
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 # 6526 Nath, Uttam           Townsend Har          10:36.71   1 
  2 # 5511 LI, Andrew            Bayside High          11:01.31   1 
  3 # 5849 Irons, Matthew        Queens HS of          11:06.42   1 
  4 # 6159 Addo, Samuel          John Bowne            11:34.42   1 
  5 # 6162 KC, Sovann            John Bowne            11:38.75   1 
  6 # 6500 Castillo Cazare,      Grover Cleve          11:39.80   1 
  7 # 6161 Hernandez Salva,      John Bowne            11:40.67   1 
  8 # 6163 Mike Odokpe, Abra     John Bowne            11:45.42   1 
  9 # 6164 Ofori, Kai            John Bowne            11:48.92   1 
 10 # 6160 Cooke, Troy           John Bowne            11:50.10   1 
 11 # 6527 Saji, Illan           Townsend Har          12:24.51   2 
 12 # 6896 Kim, Yoonwon          Benjamin N.           15:01.11   2 
 13 # 5510 Leiva, Jeffrey        Bayside High          15:04.25   2 
 14 # 5512 Nadan, Keith          Bayside High          15:08.19   2 
 15 # 5507 Augustin ST Hil,      Bayside High          15:13.24   2