Green Mountain Lake Invitational 2009

Pawling, NY

Green Mountain Lake Invitational 2009 vs Green Mountain Lake Invitational 2010

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -563 426 989
Overall Average -20.10 22:08.10 22:28.20
1st-10th Place +42.57 17:22.83 16:40.26
1st-25th Place +51.85 17:45.83 16:53.98
1st-50th Place +58.06 18:10.50 17:12.44
1st-100th Place +1:04.86 18:42.41 17:37.55
Common Athletes -- -- 72
Ran Faster 8 40 32
Ran Season Best -- 72 72
Average Time -13.50 21:55.03 22:08.52
Median Time +17.09 21:48.01 21:30.92
Middle 80% Times -12.72 21:43.41 21:56.13
Top 10% Times +0.54 18:08.91 18:08.37
Top 25% Times -4.49 18:38.26 18:42.75
Top 50% Times -6.05 19:36.82 19:42.87
Bottom 50% Times -20.94 24:13.24 24:34.18
Bottom 25% Times -34.05 26:01.42 26:35.47
Bottom 10% Times -31.92 28:09.63 28:41.56
Average Difference -13.50 -- --
Median Difference +1:42.71 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -9.92 -- --
Top 10% Difference +2.02 -- --
Top 50% Difference -5.61 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1.63 -- --
Top 50% Difference -5.61 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -21.38 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -43.84 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -31.24 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
James Hertzel Putnam Valley -1:12.91 17:12.03 18:24.94
Declan Dwyer-McNulty Red Hook +37.70 17:53.68 17:15.98
Matt Jorgensen Pawling High School +7.05 17:56.57 17:49.52
Zachary Karas Rhinebeck +37.61 18:27.42 17:49.81
Bobby Swick Pawling High School +14.41 18:09.52 17:55.11
Charlie Fraioli Rye Neck -7.32 18:27.15 18:34.47
Cullin Burdett North Salem +2.43 18:31.02 18:28.59
Richard Cianelli Putnam Valley -49.47 18:33.89 19:23.36
Lucas Bucknavage Rye Neck -36.43 18:34.88 19:11.31
Brendan Crowley Rye Neck +1:02.97 19:51.50 18:48.53
Stephen Vandoran Goshen -2.80 18:51.17 18:53.97
Raeven Reivers Goshen -22.15 18:53.15 19:15.30
Brady McGee Pawling High School -29.44 18:53.47 19:22.91
Jordan Mcwatt Goshen -16.98 18:54.47 19:11.45
Casey Wills Rhinebeck -1:33.94 18:54.65 20:28.59
Danny Roncace Nyack +39.85 19:37.12 18:57.27
Sebastian Tanner Rye Neck +13.69 19:18.08 19:04.39
Trevor Hendrickson Red Hook +54.75 20:02.88 19:08.13
Patrick Reilly Red Hook -1:54.71 19:09.41 21:04.12
Bobby Beaumont Nyack +59.39 20:13.88 19:14.49
Christian Gonzalez Rhinebeck -32.87 19:21.33 19:54.20
Conor Prouty Nyack +0.16 19:26.87 19:26.71
Shai Ben-dor Goshen -7.70 19:44.85 19:52.55
Adam Baker Rhinebeck -2:54.20 19:49.20 22:43.40
Micky Jacobsen North Salem +1:02.37 21:12.78 20:10.41
Luke Raskopf North Salem +1:42.71 21:58.76 20:16.05
Zoe Nagasing Pawling High School -1:40.41 20:22.37 22:02.78
Jenna Holt Carmel -52.14 20:27.83 21:19.97
Trevor Mcdewell Goshen -37.20 20:29.06 21:06.26
Richard Narine Nyack -29.18 20:41.33 21:10.51
Connor Mckibbon Rhinebeck -13.71 20:42.62 20:56.33
Tom O'Rourke Carmel +1:32.26 22:18.32 20:46.06
Chris Pinto Rye Neck +29.84 21:16.52 20:46.68
Evan Londa Carmel +1:59.13 22:48.11 20:48.98
Etienne Bott Rye Neck -38.63 20:52.29 21:30.92
Liam Glynn Rhinebeck -8.65 21:01.53 21:10.18
Kylie Van Buren Rye Neck +50.89 21:57.66 21:06.77
Ryan Hendrie North Salem -5.01 21:10.81 21:15.82
C. Nager North Salem +1:01.18 22:14.77 21:13.59
Morgan Meaney Pawling High School -16.47 21:18.60 21:35.07
Anna Clark Rhinebeck +1.54 21:41.51 21:39.97
Annie Gould Carmel +11.02 21:55.95 21:44.93
Kaitlin See Pawling High School -1:20.79 21:48.01 23:08.80
Robert Tendy Putnam Valley -41.01 21:51.67 22:32.68
Terence Jennings Carmel -14.18 21:58.90 22:13.08
Ryan Henkler Goshen -3:56.78 22:03.43 26:00.21
Jason Basri Goshen -2:04.53 22:09.27 24:13.80
Billy Messemer North Salem -44.17 22:10.04 22:54.21
Ben Zevola Putnam Valley +13.85 22:34.04 22:20.19
Billy Stetson Rye Neck +1:10.92 23:33.38 22:22.46
Ellie Quinilan Red Hook +55.52 23:22.45 22:26.93
Lorna Brundrett Red Hook -1:23.21 22:55.91 24:19.12
Renee Roncace Nyack +7.72 23:04.75 22:57.03
Tina Wildrick Goshen -1:12.11 22:57.31 24:09.42
Nick Brown North Salem +19.32 23:21.64 23:02.32
Sarah Popovitch Red Hook +20.71 23:25.22 23:04.51
Jessie Hughes Pawling High School -17.17 23:24.34 23:41.51
M Geisel Carmel -1:20.92 23:39.17 25:00.09
Shannon McSherry Carmel -1:00.50 23:40.73 24:41.23
Jack Caley North Salem +1:56.05 25:47.32 23:51.27
Matt Lubitz North Salem +1:43.66 25:42.85 23:59.19
Sayaka Takahashi Rye Neck -2:25.78 24:01.12 26:26.90
Christine Cook Rye Neck -1:18.08 24:56.19 26:14.27
Julia Kent Red Hook -3:08.13 24:58.11 28:06.24
Stella Iselin Rhinebeck +1:25.16 26:41.56 25:16.40
Ryan O'connor Putnam Valley +1:17.55 26:59.42 25:41.87
Carissa Cuccia Goshen +50.96 26:35.57 25:44.61
Keira Magnetti Carmel -1:30.52 26:11.78 27:42.30
Brian Rosenbeck Putnam Valley -1:26.53 26:12.61 27:39.14
Vanessa Hensey Goshen -1:15.63 26:16.36 27:31.99
Amanda Hefner Putnam Valley -3:33.37 30:48.26 34:21.63
Diana Jadge North Salem +4:01.54 35:31.52 31:29.98