Meet Information
Wasaren League Cross Country Championships and Modified Invitational
Tuesday, October 25.2022
Grafton Lakes State Park
*Coaches Meeting at 4:00 near the starting line
Race Schedule:*Girls first this year*
4:15 PM - Modified Girls and Boys Combined
4:30 Varsity Girls
5:00 Varsity Boys
Team Starting Order (Boxes):
Emma Willard
Hoosic Valley
Spa Catholic
10- Hoosick Falls
Modified Invitational Races:
1st and 2nd place teams receive trophies, 1st-30th finishers receive ribbons.
Varsity Races:
-Boys and girls 1st and 2nd place teams receive trophies.
-Boys and girls 1st-30thfinishers receive ribbons.
-Scoring (7) boys and girls championship team members and 2 coaches get shirts
All Stars: Top 14 individual finishers from each race receive a t-shirt, and a group photo will be taken.
Athletes: Athletes must wear their own bib. Appropriate language and behavior is expected. Rules will be enforced, as we should be preparing our athletes for Sectionals. The Park is carry-out, and all park facilities are off-limits. Porta-Johns will be available.
Entries and Results: *New this year.* Please enter all athletes in advance into MileSplit. A team may have unlimited athletes at the starting line, but only the top 7 count toward scoring. Enter rosters into MileSplitNY. by Friday 10/21