ISAL Meet #2 2022

Bronx, NY

Athlete Entries

Middle School Boys XC 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lahovitsky, Rio Churchill School
Stone, Matias Churchill School
Tellgmann, Ardan Birch Wathen Lenox School
Harland, Andrew Dwight School
Athas, Kian Churchill School
Chopra, Rohan Garden School
Ahmed, Faaris York Prep School
Helfstein, Ben Birch Wathen Lenox School
Banogon, Sam Churchill School
Saadi, Wade Bay Ridge Prep
O'Sullivan, Robert Garden School
Rose, Emmett Birch Wathen Lenox School
Lacey, Michael York Prep School
Alsop, Levi Churchill School
Reale, Sebastian Bay Ridge Prep
Noven-Adler, Milo Garden School
Dolfato, Nicholas Birch Wathen Lenox School
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Middle School Girls XC 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Quinn, Tillie Bay Ridge Prep
Brinzer, Astrid Dwight School
Kramer, Chloe Garden School
Jefferson, Camille Churchill School
Allen, Max Brooklyn Friends School
Marshall, Addison Bay Ridge Prep
Woods, Maya Birch Wathen Lenox School
Downey, Genevieve Churchill School
Civita, Remi Churchill School
Sansone, Ella Churchill School
Kessler, Penelope Brooklyn Friends School
Vossoughian, Amalia Churchill School
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Varsity Boys XC 55 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Torres, Atman Garden School
Lioudis, Daniel Churchill School
Armand, Shay French American School of NY
Farnsworth, Jonathan York Prep School
Labbat, Christopher Dwight School
Markowitz, Sam Birch Wathen Lenox School
Puca, Austin Mary McDowell Friends School
Betro, Matthew Bay Ridge Prep
Field, Benji Churchill School
Berrendonner-Robin, Alexis French American School of NY
Reyes, Kenneth York Prep School
DeHaas, Alexander York Prep School
deGraft-Johnson, Gabriel Dwight School
Yoon, Jack Dwight School
Seth, Madhur Birch Wathen Lenox School
Deen, Zoheib Garden School
Hamilton, James Churchill School
Cooper, Charlie French American School of NY
Haus, Liam York Prep School
Pennisi, Andrea Dwight School
Katsos, Harry Mary McDowell Friends School
Mandalaoui, Alan Bay Ridge Prep
Ganade, Sven Churchill School
Andre, Berenger French American School of NY
Berner, Samuel York Prep School
Roschke, Brent Dwight School
Arbeiter-Hoole, Sebastian Dwight School
Weiss, Max Birch Wathen Lenox School
Chaudhry, Ali Garden School
Goldstein, Eli Churchill School
Lane, Matthew Mary McDowell Friends School
Gallagher, Owen Bay Ridge Prep
Fruchet, Jacques Churchill School
Ashby, Benjamin French American School of NY
Hubner, August York Prep School
Wilber, Samuel Brooklyn Friends School
Banchik, Benjamin York Prep School
Ruiz, Matteo Dwight School
Caridi, Gianni Birch Wathen Lenox School
Mark, Isaiah Mary McDowell Friends School
Mandalaoui, Danny Bay Ridge Prep
Graham-Eiroa, Victor Churchill School
Harrison, Bennett York Prep School
Streck, Tommy Dwight School
Knox, James Dwight School
Stern, Spencer Birch Wathen Lenox School
Moloney, Luka Garden School
Haynes, Jack Mary McDowell Friends School
Betro, Andrew Bay Ridge Prep
Ferren, Will Churchill School
Lebbrecht, Alan French American School of NY
Polack, Gur Arie York Prep School
Crovitz, James York Prep School
Barnes, Daniel Dwight School
Lefkowitz, Kyle Birch Wathen Lenox School
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Varsity Girls XC 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Psarras, Selina Bay Ridge Prep
Godina-Moriarty, Natalie Churchill School
Salett, Jessie Mary McDowell Friends School
Begoc, Jeanne French American School of NY
Laufer Barhad, Alma Dwight School
Vitale, Zoie Birch Wathen Lenox School
Knight, Eden French American School of NY
Veto, Cecily Bay Ridge Prep
Sadek, Tiya Churchill School
Shuster, Jay Mary McDowell Friends School
Knight, Alexia French American School of NY
Arutyunyan, Maria Dwight School
Vitale, Jolie Birch Wathen Lenox School
Monello, Lila Churchill School
Anselmo, Polina French American School of NY
Idels-Hamelle, Ella French American School of NY
Heimerback, Klara Dwight School
Sullivan, Onelia Churchill School
Bender, Madeline Mary McDowell Friends School
Rocquet, Marguerite French American School of NY
TUAN, Iman French American School of NY
Le Serviget, Mathilde French American School of NY
Heimerback, Ella Dwight School
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