Athlete Entries

Boys Roster Collection 105 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dargent, Cyprien Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Raberin, Joseph Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Black, Charlie Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Youg, Garrett Calhoun School Middle School
De Las Heras, Gabriel Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Hickox, Nathan Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Poole, Oliver Calhoun School Middle School
De Picciotto, Edward Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Raberin, Nathaniel Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Bouvet, Enzo Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Ruffin, Quetin Calhoun School Middle School
Moreno, Cielo Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Kadio-Morokro, Glen Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Wang, Prince Calhoun School Middle School
Small, Joshua Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Dalassandris, Luca Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Baltrusaitis, Julien Andre Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Lellouche, Sam Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Sarwahi, Biraat Calhoun School Middle School
Trottereau, Orfeo Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Grouzinoff, Arthur Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Harvey, Liam 18:32.60 Calhoun School
Llodra, Owen 18:38.30 Calhoun School
Khazatsky, Andrei 19:11.90 United Nations International Sch
Kron, Malcolm 19:35.20 Trevor Day School
De Lardemelle, Maxance 19:37.80 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Robertson, Nicholas 19:52.70 United Nations International Sch
Louvard, Tristan 20:04.30 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Perlman, Zach 20:04.50 Calhoun School
Davis-Sanchez, Michael 20:11.20 Loyola School (NYC)
Guillemot, Henry 20:19.50 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Alby, Julien 20:33.40 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Slavin, Gabe 20:38.30 Trevor Day School
Sturza, Alex 21:04.40 Calhoun School
Land, Jeremy 21:12.80 United Nations International Sch
Silverman, Wiley 21:38.70 Loyola School (NYC)
Maslenikov, Sasha 21:58.90 Browning School
Mirza, Ozan 22:08.40 Trevor Day School
Froehlich, William 22:10.40 Loyola School (NYC)
Naber, Andrew 22:15.50 Loyola School (NYC)
Soto, Justys 22:16.80 Browning School
Echevarria, Pable 22:27.10 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Daneker, Benjamin 22:32.80 United Nations International Sch
Bonneau, Theodore 22:33.00 United Nations International Sch
Getman, Charlie 22:34.20 Trevor Day School
Dhumale Smyth, Ravin 22:54.70 United Nations International Sch
Fitzsimons, Christian 23:04.50 United Nations International Sch
Fox, Nicholas 23:09.40 Loyola School (NYC)
John, Patrick 23:14.40 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Edgerton Black, Titan 23:15.40 United Nations International Sch
Oosterhuis, Pepijn 23:20.20 Calhoun School
Aublin, Raphael 23:21.30 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Johnson, Keith 23:23.10 Calhoun School
Jackman, Dominic 23:34.80 United Nations International Sch
Miller, Nathaniel 23:35.60 Browning School
Pang, Luca 23:38.00 United Nations International Sch
Petochi, Axel 23:54.50 United Nations International Sch
Nwosu, Zoey 24:03.60 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Moulai Roche, Victor 24:14.20 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Kurani, Kabir 24:15.00 Browning School
Yu, Kefan 24:19.90 United Nations International Sch
Weinberger, Neil 24:25.50 Trevor Day School
Bordas, Carlos 24:32.30 United Nations International Sch
Canahuati, Ari 24:40.20 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Theofilaktidis, Dimosthenis 24:40.90 Loyola School (NYC)
Greene, Montgomery 25:02.40 Calhoun School
Teeter, Reilly 25:10.20 Loyola School (NYC)
Girodon, Luca 25:36.00 Browning School
Corcoran, Julian 25:36.90 Loyola School (NYC)
Kron, Nathaniel 25:42.70 Trevor Day School
Georges, Damien 25:47.20 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Boorady, Paul 25:58.00 Loyola School (NYC)
Kim, Ryan 26:07.40 Columbia Prep
Mateo, Aidan 26:15.60 Loyola School (NYC)
Jordan-levy, Henry 26:26.50 Calhoun School
Kenny, Colin 26:47.30 United Nations International Sch
Mateo, Tristan 26:48.50 Loyola School (NYC)
Balber, Quinny 26:54.10 Browning School
Buttigieg, Zachary 26:59.10 Loyola School (NYC)
Macchiarulo, Stephen 27:04.00 Trevor Day School
Downey, Austen 27:12.60 Browning School
Lambris, John 27:18.80 Loyola School (NYC)
Onanuga, Tolwanimi 27:25.30 Columbia Prep
Clyde, Harrison 27:27.70 Browning School
Fajgenbaum, Emmett 27:30.30 Trevor Day School
Baratta, Luca 27:37.20 Trevor Day School
Kosciusko Morizet, Paul Elie 27:46.00 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Jolivet, Lucien 27:52.30 Columbia Prep
Parasher, Ishan 27:55.40 Loyola School (NYC)
Kleinman, Teddy 28:36.80 Columbia Prep
Gringauz, Samuel 28:38.50 Trevor Day School
Maier, Liam 28:38.70 Trevor Day School
Epstein, Ilan 28:39.40 Columbia Prep
Florack, Elliot 29:05.20 Columbia Prep
Buckley, Thomas 29:42.10 Loyola School (NYC)
Katz, Owen 30:00.30 Trevor Day School
Rubenfeld, Jack 30:28.80 Columbia Prep
Dunn, Jack 30:56.20 Browning School
Santos, Miguel 31:55.00 Loyola School (NYC)
Castle, Joseph 33:13.80 Loyola School (NYC)
Bennett Weltman, Zach 33:30.40 Calhoun School
Mensah, Caleb 33:45.30 Loyola School (NYC)
Quere, Angelin 34:16.60 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Russel, Ethan 44:16.20 Loyola School (NYC)
Vakulabharanam, Nishant 47:47.00 Calhoun School
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Girls Roster Collection 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Uspenskaya, Alisa Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Vaturi, Jenai Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Trotterreau, Berenice Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Adusei, Simone Calhoun School Middle School
Johnson, Sierra Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Offor, Amaya Calhoun School Middle School
Hoffman, Alixe Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Mordacq, Eleonore Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Smith, Scarlett Calhoun School Middle School
Brennan, Azadeh Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Conboy, Harper 20:59.40 Calhoun School
Weingard, Alexandra 21:23.20 Trevor Day School
Shaw, Talia 22:57.70 Columbia Prep
Johnson, Oceana 23:18.00 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Olafsdottir, Soley 23:19.50 Trevor Day School
Ghandour, Tamara 23:46.40 United Nations International Sch
Asseilly, Clara 24:03.60 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Gullikstad +, Selma 24:55.00 United Nations International Sch
Pizenberg, Adelie 25:10.70 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Iyer, Mira 25:55.30 Calhoun School
Braunstein, Samantha 26:11.20 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Barton, Alicia 26:20.50 United Nations International Sch
Mehrnia, Daria 26:25.40 United Nations International Sch
Jose, Emma 26:58.80 Trevor Day School
Addison, Mary 27:14.40 Loyola School (NYC)
John, Clara 27:16.80 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Goldstein, Leah 27:19.80 Columbia Prep
Tran, Mai 27:44.40 United Nations International Sch
Pieper-Wetmore, Caitlin 27:51.60 Loyola School (NYC)
Petruccelli, Emma 28:10.20 Loyola School (NYC)
Spinna, Sara 29:04.90 Loyola School (NYC)
Robert, Marian 29:12.80 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Pastore, Sofia 29:21.90 Loyola School (NYC)
Abramovitz, Ava 29:53.80 Columbia Prep
Levine, Maggie 29:55.90 Columbia Prep
Schwartz, Delilah 30:34.40 Calhoun School
Hespel, Amelie 30:40.80 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Clerc, Chloe 31:06.70 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Zaikowski, Caroline 31:11.70 Columbia Prep
Parker, Tess 31:14.70 Columbia Prep
O'Hea, Muireen 31:18.20 Loyola School (NYC)
Roizen, Salome 31:29.10 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Georges, Anouk 31:34.80 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Brazzo, Chloe 31:40.50 Loyola School (NYC)
Dymant, Gabrielle 31:59.70 Columbia Prep
Le Feuvre, Carla 32:25.60 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Mirza, Alara 33:09.40 Trevor Day School
Batsaihan, Suzie 33:22.30 Loyola School (NYC)
Dahlman, Chase 34:28.20 Columbia Prep
Kant, Laetitia 34:29.10 Lycee Francais De New York (LFNY
Kapadia, Karina 37:55.00 Columbia Prep
Ongoren , Selin 38:52.00 Calhoun School
Gammarati, Gianna 39:03.70 Loyola School (NYC)
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