49th Bishop Loughlin Games 2003

New York, NY
Hosted by The Armory

Boys Varsity Results

EVENT- 3200 Meter Run
PL.   FIRST NAME                       LAST NAME                     SCHOOL                 TIME
1.       Keith                                      Krieger                          Cherokee                  9:30.22
2.       Mark                                      Alizzi                            Syosset                    9:31.79
3.       Brian                                      McCabe                        Fordham Prep           9:34.63
4.       Greg                                      Pries                             Chaminade               9:36.58
5.       Jeremy                                   Zagorski                        Parsippany H            9:41.54
6.       C.J.                                       Jamieson                      North Rockland         9:41.65
7.       Miguel                                    Reyes                           North Rockland         9:43.91
8.       Daniel                                    Debski                          Saint Benedicts         9:53.36
9.       Jon                                        Fox                               Hunterdon Cn            9:55.15
10.     Jon                                        Bach                             Collegiate                 9:55.21
Also:Iannoccone, Toms River East 9:55.21; Williams, Arlington 9:56.99; Webley, Transit 10:03.15; Sullivan, Port Jefferson 10:05.47; Lugo, ? 10:09.96; Van Hassel, U.N. International 10:15.2; McDermott, Chaminade 10:18.49
EVENT- 1000 Meter Run
PL.   FIRST NAME                       LAST NAME                  SCHOOL                    TIME
1.       Andrew                                 Rivello                           Eastern                      2:30.81
2.       Gabriel                                 McLaren                        Freeport                     2:33.69
3.       Ken                                      Sinkovitz                       Bergen Catholic          2:33.98
4.       Conor                                   Lanz                             Valley Stream C         2:36.67
5.       Sean                                    Mullen                           Molloy                        2:37.15
6.       TJ                                        Arcuri                            Syosset                     2:38.15
More to come
EVENT- 55 Meter Dash
PL.   FIRST NAME                       LAST NAME                  SCHOOL                    TIME
1.       Anthony                                Wisemon                      Dematha                    6.39
2.       Jalesl                                   Davis                            Boys & Girls               6.54
3.       Obaro                                   Emenike                       Fordhap Prep              6.56
4.       Kevin                                    Okolie                           Half Hollow H              6.58
5.       Joe                                       Porter                           Franklin                      6.59
6.       Sherron                                Bullock                         Camden                     6.61
7.       Jon                                       Gefford                          Poly Prep                   6.67
8.       Charles                                 Simmons                      Elizabeth                    6.68

55 Meter Dash: Under 7.04
Davis, Boys&Girls 6.64, Okolie, Half Hollow Hills East 6.51; Porter, Franklin 6.68; Martin-Williams, Ford 6.97; Royes, Christian Brother 6.71, Emenike, Fordham 6.57; Edwards, Hendrick Hudson 6.80; Siciliano, North Rockland 6.83; Susan, Princeton 6.95; Mazzant, Hewlet 6.94; Clark, Westbury 6.70; Harlan, Willingboro 6.85; Scott, Mount Vernon 6.78; Cohen, Syosset 6.93; Lavela, DeMatha Catholic 6.69; Mayerhofer, Toms River East 6.86; Bullock, Camden 6.67; Artwell, Uniondale 6.78; Wiseman, DeMatha Catholic 6.52; Taylor, Elizabeth 6.72; Rush, Toms River North 6.89; Simmons, Elizabeth 6.68; Geffrard, Poly 6.67; Mann, Port Jefferson 6.89; Kelly, Toms River East 6.87; Newsom, Elizabeth 6.87; Batista, Moore 6.87; Harris, Curtis 6.86; Douglas-Hall, Cherry Hill East 6.87; Adkins, Willingboro 6.95; St. Rose, Canarsie 6.83; Clark, Mid County 6.98; Vannes, Trenton Central 6.78; Chatwick, Trenton Central 6.88; Depalma, Old Bridge 6.86; Franklin, Brentwood 6.98; Byrd, Vineland 7.01; D. Depalma, Old Bridge 6.95; Yoon, Great Neck North 6.86; Jaronczyk, New Hyde Park 6.97; Harrison, Winslow Twp 6.86; Amer, Farrell 6.97; Gazzini, Somers 7.00; Lucus, Newark (DE) 6.81; Sellars, Winslow Twp 6.92; Reeves, Newark (DE) 6.76; Feldman, Monroe Twp 7.01; Babstock, Cohoes 7.03; Dellefemine, Middle County 6.96

EVENT- 55 Hurdles
PL.   FIRST NAME                       LAST NAME                  SCHOOL                    TIME
1.       Suido                                   Ezike                            Port Richmond            7.42
2.       Irving                                    Stills                             Trenton Central           7.54
3.       Jeff                                       Porter                           Franklin                      7.55
4.       Basil                                    Campbell                       Ewing                        7.60      
5.       Ron                                      Jules                             Toms River                 7.61
6.       Herlentz                                Mesidor                         Uniondale                   7.64
7.       Stanley                                 Ralph                            Westbury                   7.76
8.       Bill                                       Gilmartin                       Middle Country           7.81
55 Meter HH: Under 8.64
Palicka, Fordham 8.42; Campbell, Ewing 7.66; Ralph, Westbury 7.76; Dimola, Sutton 7.90; Hardy, Newark (DE), 8.41; Adams, St. Anthony’s 8.26; Penn, Winslow 7.88; Boone, Trenton Central 8.19; Blenk, Lawrence 7.95; Porter, Franklin 7.50; Joseph, Willingboro 8.27; Berger, Dematha Catholic 8.27; Dehshong, Brooklyn Tech 8.16; Goode, Old Bridge 8.00; Gilmartin, Middle County 7.82; Lee, Virelond 8.06; Jules, Toms River East 7.53; Ezike, Port Richmond 7.55; Genao, Comsewogue 8.16; Aba-onu, Ewing 8.60; Brunson, Ewing 8.18; Cartagena, Elizabeth 8.51; Fattan, Toms River North 8.49; Cerutti, St. Anthony’s 8.33; Stills, Trenton Central 7.70; Bates, Winslow 8.33; Cruz, LaSalle 8.59; Simuel, Franklin 8.20; Griffith, South Shore 8.59; Menzerov, Jackson 7.90; Scott, Winslow Twp 8.16; Kinkead, Valley Stream Central 8.04; Pemberton, South Shore 7.98; Mohammad, Willingboro 8.13; Mesidor, Uniondale 7.64; Howard, Jackson 8.39; Cowan, Toms River North 8.01; Zongo, Colonie 8.18; Mohrman St. Anthony’s 8.40; Branche, New Rochelle 8.49; Sargent, Truman 8.18; Sosa, Brentwood 8.59; Darko, Lawrence 8.59; Dent, Vineland 8.48; Sheppherd, North Rockaway 8.36; Brown, Camden 8.40; Byrd, Trenton Central 8.44;
EVENT- 600 Meter Run
PL.   FIRST NAME                       LAST NAME                  SCHOOL                    TIME
1.       Conrad                                 Dalton                           Fordan Prep              1:21.09
2.       Shannon                               Sherrer                          Vineland HS              1:21.16
3.       Keneek                                 Williams                        Canarsie                   1:21.29
4.       Che                                      Chavez                          Poly Prep                 1:22.27
5.       Seren                                   Ozcan                           Syosset                    1:23.06
6.       Billy                                     McEvoy                         MSGR Farrell    1:25.27           
600 Meter Run: Under 1:28
Obaseki, St. Francis 1:26.36; Jules, Toms River East 1:34.15; Schovitz, North Pocono 1:26.82; Visdom, Campus Magnet 1:26.26; Olson, Smithtown 1:26.24; Batista, Moore 1:26.82; Provenzano, Masapequa 1:25.98; Skeete, Curtis 1:26.65; Lawrence, Clinton 1:27.42 Briggs PRHS 1:26.10; Alleyne, DeMatha 1:27.37, Donaldson, Loughlin 1:25.88; DuFeal, Sciene Skills 1:26.85; Gomez, Franklin 1:27.85, Kearney, Bergen Catholic 1:26.41; Pearson Glasgow 1:26.63; Hagstrand, 1:26.66; Thompson, Bayshore 1:28.00
EVENT- Pole Vault
PL.   FIRST NAME                       LAST NAME                  SCHOOL                    DIS
1.       Gavin                                    McMahon                      Fordham Prep           14 Ft  6 In
2.       Rob                                      Smythe                         Shenendehowa          14 Ft  0 In
3.       Nick                                     Jones                            Shenendehowa          14 Ft  0 In
4.       Andy                                    O’Connor                       Molloy                      13 Ft  6 In
5.       Jared                                    O’Connor                       Shenendehowa          13 Ft  6 In
6.       Carl                                      Stuart                           Toms River Nt          13 Ft  6 In
Mohrmann, St Anthony’s 12’6; Gage, Vineland 12’6; Corsillo, Fordham 12’0; Mcgeever, Fordham 12’0; Hulme, Eastern NJ 13’0; Aba-Onu, Ewing 11’0; Taylor, North Rockland 13’0; Duggan, Farrel 11’6; Zubrat, Hendrick Hudson 13’0; Manthos, Bayshore 12’0 
EVENT- 1 Mile Run
PL.   FIRST NAME                       LAST NAME                  SCHOOL                    TIME
1.       Chris                                    Pannane                       Hunterdon Cn            4:24.71
2.       Dan                                      Deichert                        Eastern                    4:28.86
3.       Dennis                                  Gutterrez                       North Rockland         4:30.50
4.       Mark                                    Caroleo                         No. Babylon              4:30.81
5.       Michael                                Dulong                          Montclair                  4:33.56
6.       Danny                                 Singh                           Monroe-Wd              4:35.02
Also: (timers took times only for top 3 in heats 2+, h=hand timed)
h1: Hermann, Middle Country 4:35.81; Menard, Loughlin 4:39.13; Harewood, Curtis 4:41.4h; Egan, Fordham Prep 4:41.7h; Andrade, McClancy 4:43.5h; Hoite, Xaverian 4:44.5h; 
h2:Singh, Monroe Woodbury 4:35.02; Burrow, Burnt Hills 4:35.41; Saladin, Mt. Vernon 4:35.93, Romero, Fordham Prep 4:45.1h; Hunt, Fordham Prep 4:51.3
h3: Wilcox, Newark DE 4:38.74; Breen, Farrell 4:41.81; Williams, Whitman 4:42.65;
h4: Uy, Syosset 4:42.13; Silva, Middle country 4:46.73; Ceceres, Loughlin 4:47.36
h5: Lamourex, Msgr. Bonner PA 4:51.86; Mariano, Colonie 4:53.68; Tierney, Toms River E 4:53.77
h6: Kennedy, Newark De 4:50.13; Persaud, So Brunswick 4:53.49; Castro, VS Central 4:54.57

EVENT- Long Jump
PL.   FIRST NAME                       LAST NAME                  SCHOOL                    DIS
1.       Mike                                     Morrison                        Willingboro                23 Ft  8.25 In
2.       Felipe                                   Reyes                           Christian B A            23 Ft  4.5 In
3.       Khaliq                                   Price                             Winslow HS              22 Ft  3.25 In
4.       Shonn                                  Greene                          Winslow HS              21 Ft  6.75 In
5.       Kunle                                   Salim                            Poly Prep                 21 Ft  3  In
6.       Rob                                      Babstock                      Cohoes                     21 Ft  2.25 In
7.       Antoine                                 Tramel                          Harry Truman            20 Ft  7.75 In
8.       Jason                                  Pilar                             Paul Robeson     20 Ft   5 In
EVENT- Shot Put
PL.   FIRST NAME                       LAST NAME                  SCHOOL                    DIS
1.       Marlon                                  Powells                         DeMatha                 54 Ft  8.75 In
2.       Glenn                                   Cain                              Ewing                     50 Ft  7.75 In
3.       Jovan                                    Hairsten                        Huntington               49 Ft  9.75 In
4.       Sean                                    Cacclio                         Xaverian                  49 Ft  0 In
5.       Gerald                                  Lewis                            Vineland                  48 Ft  4.5 In
6.       Ell                                        Ash                              Willingboro              47 Ft  7 In
7.       Chris                                   Okolie              Half Hallow     44 Ft  9 In
EVENT- 300 Meter Dash
PL.   FIRST NAME                       LAST NAME                  SCHOOL                 TIME
1.       Melville                                 Rogers                          Transit                    34.25
2.       Adian                                   Sanderson                     Ewing                     34.56
3.       Drew                                    Harrison                        Westbury                35.20
4.       Anthony                                Costagliola                    Chaminade              35.66
5.       Charles                                 Simmons                      Elizabeth                 35.92
6.       Sherron                                Bullock                         Camden                  38.01
300 Meter: Under 37.74
Reeves, Newark (DE) 36.20; Massey, Fashion Industries 37.00; Mazzanti, Hewlett 37.16; Stewart, Uniondale 37.41; Clark, Middle Country 37.64; Black, Newark (DE) 36.44; Whittingham, Canarsie 36.18; Melville, Transit 34.25; Lewis, Camden 37.50; Baltuti, Huntington 37.69; Sanderson, Ewing 35.23; Smith, DeMatha Catholic 36.85; Harrison, Westbury 35.10; Costagliola, Chaminade 35.56; Woods, DeMatha Catholic 37.01; Bullock, Hendrick Hudson 37.63, Geffard, Poly Prep 35.88; Rager, Truman 36.32; Natuon, Transit 35.80; Kelly, Toms River East 36.59; Alvarez, Clinton 36.78; Harris, Curtis 37.72; Washington, DeMatha 36.22; Taylor, Bay Shore 37.29; Ward, Regis 36.01: Papitto, Monroe Woodbury 37.20; Lewis, South Shore 36.68; Guja, St. Anthony’s 37.11; Boyajian, Lasalle Inst (Troy) 37.27; Ensel, Shenededowa 36.54; Daniels, Trenton Central 36.94; Winkeleer, St. John Baptist, 37.36; Susan, Princeton 36.71 Ballen, Loughlin 37.34; Feliciano, Clinton 36.97; Franklin, Brentwood 37.19; Junior, Willingboro 37.31
EVENT- High Jump
PL.   FIRST NAME                       LAST NAME                  SCHOOL                 DIS
1.       Mike                                     Morrison                        Willingboro              7 Ft  2 In *
2.       Che                                      Chavez                          Poly Prep                6 Ft  6 In
3.       Joseph                                 Drew                             St. Benedicts          6 Ft  2 In
4.       Rahmel                                 Huffman                        Uniondale                6 Ft  2 In
5.       Kwame                                 Pemberton                    South Shore            6 Ft  2 In
6.       Mark                                    Stephen                        LaSalle                   6 Ft  0 In
also: Dante Freeman, Winslow 5’10; Murray, Clinton 5’10; Duan Freeman, Winslow 5’10; Johnson, Franklin 5’10; Addiss, Comsewogue 5’8; Gonzalez, Elizabeth 5’8; Branche, New Rochelle 6’0; Carew, Jackson 5’10; Hansen, Farrell 5’8; Baldi 5’10; Newman, Stuyvesant 5’10; Adams, Shenendehowa 5’8; Woodward, Shenendehowa 5’8’ ; Roche, No Rockland 5’8; 
EVENT- 3200 Meter Relay
PL.    SCHOOL                                      TIME
1.       Fordham Prep                                  8:01.43
2.       Willingboro                                      8:01.90
3.       Arlington                                         8:12.59
4.       North Rockland                                8:15.63
5.       St. John’s Prep                                8:17.42
6.       Bishop Loughlin                                8:17.61
Also: Kellenberg 8:18.01, St. Anthony’s 8:18.02 (no other 1st heat times recorded)
2nd heat: Trenton 8:18.31; Molloy 8:23.13; Eastern 8:27.54; St. Joseph Sea 8:31.49; Clinton 8:33.36; Midwood 8:33.57; Old Bridge 8:33.66 (no more 2nd heat times recorded)
3rd heat: Franklin 8:32.25; Massapequa 8:32.52; Carmel 8:46.90; Newark DE 8:48.38; Holy Trinity 8:49.12; Xaverian 8:49.52; Burnt Hills 8:50.64; All Hallows 8:57.62; South Shore 8:57.68
EVENT- Triple Jump
PL.    FIRST NAME                     LAST NAME                SCHOOL                  DIS
1.       Eric                                         Church                     Westbury                  45 Ft  4 In
2.       Sadio                                      Ezike                       PR HS                      43 Ft  11 In
3.       Paul                                        Roulette                    St. Anthony              42 Ft   4 In
4.       Chris                                       Adams                     St. Anthony              41 Ft   9 In
5.       Jermel                                     Wilson                      Bay Shore                41 Ft   8.75 In
6.       Kunle                                      Saliu                        Poly Prep                 41 Ft   8.5 In
7.       Billy                                        Gilmartin                   Middle Country          41 Ft   6 In
Triple Jump: Over 39’
Palusck, middle Country 40’6; Roctie, North Rockland 41’0.5; Brown, Westbury 39’5; Newman Stuyvesant 39’9; Georgeopoulos, Great Neck South 40’1; Earley, Kellenberg 40’6.75; Smith, Camden 40’6.75; Parris, North Babylon; 39’1.5 –more to come
EVENT- 800 Meter Relay
PL.   SCHOOL                                                                    TIME
1.       Dematha                                                                      1:30.34
2.       Transit                                                                         1:30.79
3.       Winslow “A”                                                                 1:31.55
4.       Winslow “B”                                                                 1:31.94
5.       Trenton                                                                        1:32.15
6.       Willingboro                                                                  1:32.94

EVENT- 1600 Meter Relay
PL.   SCHOOL                                                                    TIME
1.       Westbury                                                                     3:25.70
2.       Dematha                                                                      3:26.21
3.       DeWitt Clinton                                                              3:27.70
4.       South Shore                                                                 3:29.21
5.       Shenendehowa                                                             3:32.17
6.       Ewing                                                                        3:32.36
Also under 3:45:Erasmus 3:34.51; Tilden 3:36.94; St. John’s Prep3:39.96; Loughlin 3:41.04; Colonie 3:41.17; Bay Shore 3:34.55; Old Bridge 3:35.42; Carmell 3:35.96; Willingboro 3:37.69; Jackson 3:39.01; Wiinslow 3:38.41; VS Central 3:38.67; AP Randolph 3:40.51; Mt. Vernon 3:41.26; St. Peter’s 3:41.73; Ewing 3:32.36; Freeport 3:39.33;
MIKE  MORRISON                                           WILLINGBORO