Meet Information
The NYC Cross Country Carnival
formerly known as the
Fordham Prep Freshman Cross Country Relays
and the
Eastern States Cross Country Meet
Van Cortlandt Park, Bronx, NY
October 21, 2017
To enter:
1) Update your MileSplit team roster.
2) Click REGISTER ONLINE at top right of this page
3) ADD athletes to this meet.
Registration Closes: Wednesday, 10/18/17 @ 10 AM
Send in payment to:
Fordham Prep Spiked Shoe Club
c/o George Febles
3207 Rawlins Ave.
Bronx, NY 10465
Attn: NYC XC Carnival
Schedule (updated 10/19/17)
9:15am Boys Freshman Relay "A" Race Your team's top 5 Freshmen - limit one team per school
9:50am Boys Freshman Relay "B" Race Your 6th-10th, 11-15, etc., unlimited 5-person teams - must enter an "A" team in order to enter B race
10:25am Girls Freshman Relay unlimited 5-person teams
11:10am Boys Freshman Overflow Race One lap individual race for all runners not on a 5-person team; no more than 4 runners per school
11:20am Girls Freshman Overflow Race One lap individual race for all runners not on a 5-person team; no more than 4 runners per school
Vars/JV Races 2.5 miles
11:30am Boys Varsity "A" Race (One Team of 7 permitted in Boys "A" or "B" race)
11:40am Girls Varsity Race (One Team of 7 permitted in Girls Varsity race)
12:00pm Boys Varsity "B" Race
12:10pm Girls JV Race Unlimited Teams permitted
12:30pm Boys JV Race Unlimited Teams permitted
Coaches you may use this form for your bursar:
NYC XC Carnival Oct 21, 2017
______ Frosh Relay Teams (of 5) x $35/team =$__________
______ Frosh Overflow Races x $7 per indvidual $_________
______ Varsity/JV Runners x $7/runner = $___________
$300 blanket fee per school
Fordham Prep Spiked Shoe Club
c/o George Febles
3207 Rawlins Ave.
Bronx, NY 10465
Attn: NYC XC Carnival
Make Checks payable to: Fordham Prep Spiked Shoe Club
Questions: Please feel free to call George Febles at 646-554-4453 or email at
Frosh Boys A Race: top 10 teams; plaque to winning team
Frosh Boys B Race: top 7 Teams
Frosh Girls Race: top 10 teams; plaque to winning team
Boys Overflow: top 10 individuals
Girls Overflow: top 10 individuals
Varsity Boys A: top 25; plaque to winning team
Varsity Girls: top 25; plaque to winning team
Varsity Boys B Race: top 20
Boys JV: top 20
Girls JV: top 20
Freshman Relays Instructions
Leadoff starts at Varsity start near mansion, runs flats and Freshman hills (1.2 mi); legs 2-5 start and finish near finish line, run 1 frosh hill loop (.9 mi)
Freshman Boys A Race - all teams' top 5 runners. 1 team per school
Freshman Boys B Race - unlimited, intact 5-man teams, provided your top 5 were in Boys A race
Freshman Girls Race - unlimited intact 5-person teams
Overflow races - for teams with less than 5 freshmen and for freshmen not on 5-man relays. Max 4 athletes per team. Start and finish at finish line. 1 freshman hill loop
2017 Varsity Boys Race Assignments
Vars Boys A Race - 11:30a
Archbishop Molloy |
Bay Shore |
Chaminade |
Curtis |
Fordham Prep |
Haddon Twp HS (NJ) |
Highland Reg HS (NJ) |
Monsignor Farrell |
Regis |
Saint Anthony's |
St. Francis Prep |
Xaverian |
Xavier |
Varsity B Race 12:00pm
All Hallows |
Archbishop Stepinac |
Bishop Loughlin |
Cristo Rey |
Hampton Bays |
Holy Cross |
JFK Catholic |
Kellenberg Memorial |
LaSalle Academy (NYC) |
Monsignor McClancy |
Mount St. Michael |
Newark Collegiate Charter (NJ) |
Salesian |
St. Edmund Prep |
The Kew Forest School |
St. John's Prep