This weekend, Maryland athletes worked hard to show that the state is a force to be reckoned with at big time meets. The Hispanic games were held this weekend at the NY Armory, with a number of athletes garnering high finishes. Top honors must go to Brett Brown of CH Flowers and Theresa Lewis of Western, who dominated the 55 Hurdles. Brown won in 7.42, while Lewis won her race in 8 flat, a meet record...
8:10pm B800m Issac Richardson - Mervo - 6th 1:58.26 G800m Tameka Jameson Roosevelt - 6th 2:16.99 B200m Gordo Hall - Catonsville - 2nd in 22.10 G200 Shanell Smith ER - 6th 25.36 B4x4 Flowers 3:28.21 7th Woodlawn 3:29.73 8th BTJ Justin Payne - Woodlawn - 3rd 45-01.50 5:12pm B200m Trials Hall of Catonsville - Fastest time in 22.07 4:38pm B2Mile Dwight Parker - Woodlawn - 2nd in 9:32.16 1st place 9:31.36 G 4x2 Finals Roosevelt WINS in 1:40.49 Roosevelt B Team in 4th @ 1:42.64 Invitational G 400 #1 Elan Hilaire - PARK - 3rd in 56.16 Winner NJ 55.16 Invitational G 400 #2 Shaliyah Somerville - Western - 57.95 2nd place B Invitational 400 Marcus Dickerson - CHF - 6th in 50.62 1:05pm B55 Dash Finals Dominique Weaver - REG - 4th - 7.42 Mark Whitfield - CHF - 6th - 6.78 Winning time - 6.38 - Fastest in nation and ties MR B55HH Brett Brown - CHF - WON in 7.42 G55HH Theresa Lewis - WES - WON in 8.01 Holladay - LAR - 3rd in 8.35 4x2 Boys Qualifying Roosevelt 1st in heat @ 1:32.04 Flowers 2nd in heat @ 1:33.55 11:41am B55h Made Finals - CH Flowers 7.65 G55h Made Finals - Holladay, Lewis B55d Made Finals - Whitfield CHF, Weaver REG fastest time 6.48 to qualify 6.56
Thanks to meet management, will have live updates from the Citibank Hispanic Games tomorrow. Check in periodically to see how Maryland athletes and other prominent athletes are doing at the prestigious New York Armory.
It is the weekend of meets statewide, with the TSTCA getting underway at Slippery Rock, a meet in State College, and college-hosted meets at East Stroudsburg, Kutztown and Lebanon Valley... plus a big meet at the NY Armory, the two-day Hispanic Games. Remember, if we don\'t receive results, we can\'t publish results. Your help will ensure our coverage is timely and complete! Thank you.