Former Chaminade, Duke star Kevin McDermott making progress

Kevin McDermott, a Chaminade High School and Duke University track and XC star, continues to make progress two years after he was hurt diving into a pool.  Check out this video that has a message form Kevin and some footage of his progress.


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Former Chaminade star injured in pool accident 

Former Chaminade steeplechase state champ Kevin McDermott suffered a severe injury in a pool accident in the Hamptons in Long Island two weeks ago.  He is currently at Burke Rehabilitation Center in White Plains.



McDermotts launch website, Kevin McDermott Trust (Article)

Former Chaminade star Kevin McDermott, who was severely injured in a pool accident in July, now has a vehicle for you to help.  The McDermott family has created the Kevin McDermott Irrevocable Trust and launched a website –