The Boys Field is filled with newcomers, as only one coach has gotten their team to the big show in the event's history. Saint Anthony's has made Portland more than once, and could be a quiet threat to make the field again. They took a big win in the NY-only results at Manhattan, and that's without their full squad. Saint Anthony's has been resting their #3 returner from last year, after an injury over the side-lined him. He ran 168 as a sophomore. If he returns with a minimum of 170, Saint A's could very well be in contention for the overall win.
But it's speculation on a possibility, when the reality of the racing from the rest of the State is providing much excitement. McQuaid was a stepping off point, that saw Fairport (who opened with a partial team on 9/23, hence the incline) dominate the field. Since then, they haven't been able to reach those same heights, and teams they've beat are starting to put together the pieces. Auburn has fallen victim to their 5th-man woes all season, but solved for those inconsistencies at Leagues. It was the second best performance of the year by a NY team. If they can reproduce that at States, where others falter on a course they have seen since September, they could win. Saratoga and Ithaca have both lost to teams they had previously beaten, either by comparison or head-to-head. It could be indicative of an early peak, but it could also indicate the results of a heavy-volume training load in the mid-season, leading to a big peak when it matters.
Hunter College has heavily relied on it's two low-sticks out front All-Season, but they were known quantities coming into the season. What's exciting is their success has inspired the team behind them to improve as well. That shared goal is seeing them climb the ranks, with their best marks coming most recently. Monroe-Woodbury has seen the biggest rise in the State from the Summer until now, applying what they learned last year, and trying to fix any mistakes. They were the lowest ranked team in September, but were as high as NY #2 in concurrent performances based on the week of 10/14. Churchville-Chili is the last team in the conversation. Other than McQuaid, that haven't had many significant head-to-head matchups. However, at Monroe County this past weekend, they held their own against Fairport. Continued improvement moves them up the ranks, where they had been stagnant the weeks before.
Unlike the Girls, the State Meet will provide much clarity. The Top 4 teams all come from different Sections, and a 5th will be entered as well. Hunter and Brooklyn will go head-to-head at Cities, on the same course Saint Anthony's will use for Intersectionals. We're excited for what's to come.
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