NY Collegians Wrap-up for Nationals

-- New York Alumni Turn It On at

D1-D2-D3 National Championships




The D1 XC Nationals at Terre Haute IN, the D2 Nationals in Spokane Washington WA, and the D3 Nationals at Hanover IN were all played out last Saturday. More than 7% of the runners in the six men's and women's races (105 of 1550) were graduates of NY high schools. Ashley Murphy  of Johns Hopkins was once again on a National champion squad and this year joined by senior teammate Abby Flock. Jessie Brunett's and Hannah Cole's teams got the silver and Emily Singer and Katie Rominger's team took the bronze. A D1 trio of  Aisling Cuffe, Emily Lipari, and Rachel Sorna placed in the top 20, and a D3 quintet of Catherine Young, Amy Cymerman, Jenn Randle, Danielle Kennedy, and Rachel Malone also accomplished the same feat. Wrapping it all up on the day after the races, all you can say is that NY did good.

If you're getting the feeling that the women led the way for NY, that would be true, but the guys had their share of the highlights too in a super Saturday for NY runners. I grabbed a few pics here and there, but neither the NCAA nor most of the colleges are doing a spectacular job of providing visuals of the action. Thanks to D2 schools Adelphi and Mansfield and D3 school St. Lawrence for being modest but vital supporters of the college XC coverage.
Division 1
That tiring old Cuffe + Lipari act which will never become less than exhilarating played out again at a muddy Nationals as Stanford's Aisling Cuffe kept moving up during the race and finally boosted herself from 11th at the midway point to overtake Emily Lipari of Villanova and finish 4th to the Wildcat runner's 5th for two dazzling performances. Cornell's Rachel Sorna was about 16 seconds behind in 14th for the best top 3 showing for NY in years. None of the top three runner's teams finished in the top 10, however, but Samantha Nadel with a 47th and Rachel Paul with a 137th helped push Georgetown to a 5th place finish. Megan Patrignelli filled out the top 5 for NY with a 70th place for her 14th place Oregon Ducks. The final member of the NY top 7 was Syracuse's Brianna Nerud in 133rd for the 23rd place Orange.

Syracuse was also a big NY contributor on the men's side of the action, as MJ Erb in 59th, Martin Hehir in 113th, and Joe Whelan in 151st were a major part of the the Orange's 10th place showing. The NY guy on the top team was Tom Gruenewald, whose BYU Cougars finished 4th with the assistance of the ex-Hornet's 120nd. Another ex-Hornet Alex Hatz was in 90th place for a Wisconsin squad that took 9th. Chris Stogsdil was 147th for the top finishing NY-based school, 6th place Iona. Steve Mangan rounded out the NY top 7 with a 165th for 24th place Dartmouth.
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Pics very hard to come by for D1 runners. Alex Hatz of Wisconsin at Nationals, a bit of a headshot from Nats of EJ Erb of Syracuse and a little more for the Orange's Joe Whelan, Dartmouth's Steve Mangan from an earlier meet, and Iona's Chris Stogsdill also from earlier in the year.
Men's Nationals
Runners - Place (College - HS Teams) Top Teams Results
59. MJ Erb (Syracuse + Victor), 30:59.6
90. Alex Hatz (Wisconsin + Fayetteville Manlius) 31:14.7
113. Martin Hehir (Syracuse + Washingtonville) 31:25.0
120. Thomas Gruenewald (Brigham Young University + Fayetteville-Manlius) 31:27.7
147. Chris Stogsdill (Iona + Marcellus) 31:46.5
151. Joe Whelan (Syracuse + Hamburg) 31:48.0
165. Steve Mangan (Dartmouth + Honeoye Falls - Lima) 31:55.4
176. Thomas Awad (Pennsylvania + Chaminade) 32:01.1
226. Eddie Owens (Princeton + Packer Collegiate) 32:36.0
246. Marco Bertolotti (Stanford + Port Washington) 33:29.8
---- Max Straneva (Syracuse + Chenango Valley) ran at Regionals but not at Nationals for qualifying team.
1. Colorado 149
2. Northern Arizona 169
3. Oklahoma State 230
4. BYU 267
5. Oregon 274
6. Iona 284
9. Wisconsin 326
10. Syracuse 329
19. Stanford 417
22. Princeton 461
24. Dartmouth 551
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Aisling Cuffe of Stanford and Emily Lipari of Villanova sped home in 4th and 5th at Nationals carrying a bit of mud with them, Rachel Sorna of Cornell came home 14th. The images of Georgetown's Samantha Nadel and Oregon's Megan Patrignelli are from earlier meets, and Syracuse's Brianna Nerud was caught in a Nats' closeup.
Women's Nationals
Runners (College - HS Teams) Top Teams Results
4. Aisling Cuffe (Stanford + Cornwall) 20:09.3
5. Emily Lipari (Villanova + Roslyn) 20:10.9
14. Rachel Sorna (Cornell and Arlington) 20:26.5
47.  Samantha Nadel (Georgetown + North Shore) 20:51.2
70. Megan Patrignelli  (Oregon + Monroe-Woodbury) 21:06.0
133. Brianna Nerud (Syracuse + North Shore) 21:32.5
137. Rachel Paul (Georgetown + Sachem East) 21:34.3
148. Kiera Harrison (Loyola (MD) + Syosset) 21:39.3
185. Erin Cawley (Wisconsin + Newark Valley) 21:54.8
208. Emily de la Bruyere (Princeton + Brearley) 22:09.8
1. Providence 141
2. Arizona 197
3. Butler 200
4. Michigan 215
5. Georgetown 226
11. Stanford 322
14. Oregon 340
19. Villanova 397
21. Wisconsin 486
22. Syracuse 516
23. Cornell 569
30. Princeton 704


Division 2
The Division 2 championship highlights featured mainly the NY women who had 13 finishers compared to the guys' 4. Jesse Brunett helped her Adams State team to a 2nd place finish (the guys were the D2 champs) with a 32nd place. The battles of main NY interest again centered on PA schools Edinboro and Mansfield, who finished 1-2 in the Atlantic regional. Edinboro's Sarah Krolick again led the NY contingent with a 23rd and teammate Kasey Jones was 78th for the 13th place Fighting Scots, but Jess Scordino was 29th, Lauren Norton was 30th, and Kristy Scordino was 58th to power Mansfield to a 9th place finish. Krolick and Jess Scordino were big finishers, and Scordino actually halved her 58th placement at the halfway point to take 29th. Chloe Boutelle of St. Michael's and Savannah Boucher of Mansfield finished in 86th and 87th for the 7th and 8th spots on the NY legion.

Nick Filippazzo's tall distinctive countenance was big out at Spokane as he took 41st representing Adelphi, and Bryan Deibel in 50th, Michael Thielman in 73rd, and Logan Kempney in 142nd helped lead Edinboro to a 9th place finish.

And for those who want to see the essence of college Nationals, I would highly advise the Adelphi video on the Panthers' XC homepage for the 11-23-2013 story, but make sure you are well grounded because parts of it are a bit dizzying, especially for the biker guy who flips over.
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Nicholas Filippazzo of Adelphi shown in first two pics led the NY contingent at D2 Nationals, and Bryan Deibel helped Edinboro take 9th place.
Men's Nationals
Runners (College - HS Teams) Top Teams Results
41. Nicholas Filippazzo (Adelphi + Wantagh) 31.18.2
50. Bryan Deibel  (Edinboro + Albion) 31:28.3
73. Michael Thielman (Edinboro + Williamsville North) 31:47.6
142. Logan Kempney (Edinboro + Beaver River) 32:42.0
201. Matt Cheney (Cedarville + Beaver River) 33:39.9
Elliott Martynkiewicz (Edinboro + East Aurora) and Peter Gelston (Shippensburg State
+ White Plains) ran at Regionals but not Nationals for qualifying team.
1. Adams State 54
2. Grand Valley State 104
3. Augustana 122
9. Edinboro 309
15. Cedarville 434
23. Shippensburg 23
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Sarah Krolick of Edinboro was tops for the NY alumni at D2 Nationals with a 23rd, and Mansfield's Jessica Scordino and Lauren Norton finished 29th and 30th. Jessie Brunett of Adams State warmed up at Nationals sporting a no. 1 bib. Kristy Scordino (no. 143) was the third runner in for 9th place Mansfield, and Kasey Jones (no. 79) was the second finisher for 13th place Edinboro.
Women's Nationals
Runners (College - HS Teams) Top Teams Results
23. Sarah Krolick (Edinboro + Pioneer) 21:38.0
29. Jessica Scordino (Mansfield + Owego Free Academy) 21:41.1
30. Lauren Norton (Mansfield + Troy) 21:41.3
32. Jessie Brunett (Adams State + Honeoye Falls-Lima) 21:43.7
58. Kristy Scordino (Mansfield + Owego Free Academy) 22:09.8
78. Kasey Jones  (Edinboro + Holland) 22:27.3
86. Chloe Boutelle  (St. Michael's + Saratoga Springs) 22:30.8
87. Savannah Boucher (Mansfield + New Hartford) 22:31.2
148. Megan Maffett  (Edinboro + Spencerport ) 23:03.6
151. Kristin Schmidt (Merrimack + Coxsackie-Athens) 23:07.0
179. Emma Sullivan (Edinboro + Mount St. Mary) 23:26.5
222. Colleen Englert (Merrimack + Fayetteville-Manlius) 24:31.9
226. Lauren Orosz (Mansfield + Canton) 24:40.3
1. Grand Valley State 54
2. Adams State 91
3. Western State Colorado 194
9. Mansfield 272
13. Edinboro 362
31. Merrimack 866


Division 3
A lot of great things happened out at Hanover, IN for the NY alumni. For the second straight year, Ashley Murphy and Abby Flock's Johns Hopkins team were national champs. The NY women comprised more than one seventh (41 of the 280) finishers in the Nationals race, and also had two runners in the top 10, 5 in the top 20, and 18 in the top 100. The guys couldn't quite pack that much power, but they finished 10 runners in the top 100 for a very good show.

After finishes of 135 and 108 at Nationals last year, Chicago's Catherine Young and St. Lawrence's Amy Cymerman were on a mission this year, and they came in less than a second apart in 9th and 10th place to get the NY women off to a fantastic start. Ithaca's Jenn Randle followed quickly in 12th, Oneonta's Danielle Kennedy was 19th, and last year's NY leader Rachel Malone of Brockport State filled out the top 5 in 20th. Sophie Goobic of Heidelberg in 27th and Hannah Cole of 2nd place Williams completed the top 7 for NY. Emily Singer and Katie Rominger got to run on a 3rd place Middlebury squad, and Hannah Borenstein was the fourth runner in on the highest placing NY-base team, 6th place NYU.

On the guys' side, Dylan Karten of NYU and Nick Marcantonio of Cortland switched around their finishing order at Regionals as Karten finished 2 seconds ahead in 20th and Marcantonio took 23rd. Johns Hopkins senior Max Robinson lead Johns Hopkins to 11th place with a 30th, and teammate Julian Saliani was also in the NY top 7 at 72nd. Andris Goncarovs of Guilford was the fourth NY alumni to finish. SUNY-Geneseo's top two of Cohen Miles-Rath and Ryan Moynihan finished 57th and 61st for their 15th place team, and Pat Fannon joined teammate Marcantonio in leading the Red Dragons to 13th with a 73rd place finish. The NY guy whose team finished highest was Cole Townsend, who was 113th for 5th place Williams.
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NYU's Dylan Karten was the first NY guy in at 20th, and Cortland State's Nick Marcantonio (in a pic actually from the meet) finishes up in 23rd. Max Robinson was the top guy for 11th place Johns Hopkins. Cohen Miles-Rath once again led the SUNY-Geneseo Blue Knights as they finished 13th. Spencer Patterson was the 2nd guy in for the 29th place St. Lawrence team.
Men's Nationals
Runners (College - HS Teams) Top Teams Results
20. Dylan Karten (NYU + Millbrook) 25:08.8
23. Nick Marcantonio (Cortland State + Glens Falls) 25:10.8
30. Max Robinson (Johns Hopkins + Rye) 25:19.6
43. Andris Goncarovs (Guilford + Ithaca) 25:29.6
57. Cohen Miles-Rath (SUNY-Geneseo + Wayland-Cohocton) 25:37.2
61. Ryan Moynihan SUNY-Geneseo + Geneseo) 25:38.3
72. Julian Saliani (Johns Hopkins + Irvington) 25:44.6
73. Pat Fannon (Cortland State + West Islip) 25:44.9
76. Matt Deyo (MIT + Fayetteville-Manlius) 25:46.5
99. Brendan Wortner (SUNY-Geneseo + Dobbs Ferry) 25:53.3
113. Cole Townsend (Williams + Canisius) 26:00.2
114. Casey Austin (Cortland State + West Islip) 26:00.3
140. Dan Fritz (Clarkson + Cicero-North Syracuse) 26:11.8
148. Sean Fischer (SUNY-Geneseo + Pitssford-Sutherland) 26:13.7
149. Spencer Patterson (St. Lawrence + Saratoga Springs) 26:13.8
151. Brendan Courneene (St. Lawrence + Beekmantown) 26:14.0
169. Adam Pachek (Rochester + Baldwinsville) 26:24.1
212. Matt Byrnes (SUNY-Geneseo + West Genesee) 26:39.2
221. Evan Quinones (SUNY-Cobleskill + Saratoga Springs) 26:44.7
225. Joe Ray (Cortland State + Bayport-Blue Point) 26:47.3
238. Luca Carpinello (Middlebury + Bethlehem) 26:58.2
245. Tim Lee (Cortland State + West Babylon) 27:06.1
249. Ian Tolan (MIT + Binghamton) 27:15.1
255. Matt Jorgensen (SUNY-Geneseo + Pawling) 27:26.6
268. Scott Smolensky (St. Lawrence + Brighton) 27:52.5
270. Alex Kramer (SUNY-Geneseo + Northport) 28:00.8
1. St. Olaf 84
2. North Central 86
3. Wisconsin-La Crosse
5. Williams 218
7. Middlebury 297
11. Johns Hopkins 355
13. Cortland State 401
15. SUNY-Geneseo 430
20. New York University 521
25. Massachusetts Inst. of Technology 541
29. St. Lawrence 655
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Catherine Young of 5th place University of Chicago was the top NY finisher in 9th at D3 Nationals, and Amy Cymerman of St, Lawrence in 10th place  finished a half second behind in 10th. Jenn Randle of Ithaca holds trophy for her 12th place finish. Oneonta's Danielle Kennedy came in at 19th, and Heidelberg's Sophie Goobic of Heidelberg was caught kind of fuzzily at the back on left in black as she picked up a 27th place.
Women's Nationals
Runners (College - HS Teams) Top Teams Results

9. Catherine Young (Chicago + Massapequa) 21:31.5
10. Amy Cymerman (St. Lawrence + Pittsford Sutherland)
12. Jenn Randle (Ithaca + Cincinnatus) 21:37.7
19. Danielle Kennedy (Oneonta + Albertus Magnus) 21:48.7
20. Rachel Malone (Brockport State + Fairport) 21:49.4
27. Sophie Goobic (Heidelberg + Canton) 21:54.7
29. Hannah Cole  (Williams + Honeoye Falls-Lima) 21:56.8
46. Ashley Murphy  (Johns Hopkins + Sacred Heart) 22:09.0
55. Olivia Beltrani (Tufts + Arlington) 22:15.1
58. Emily Singer (Middlebury + Harrison) 22:17.1
61. Katie Rominger (Middlebury + Packer Collegiate) 22:19.1
70. Beth Schwab (Marywood + Dryden) 22:22.8
76. Sarah Ohanesian (Hamilton + Emma Willard) 22:27.0
77. Hannah Borenstein (NYU + Edgemont) 22:27.6
84. Cassie Goodman (SUNY-Geneseo + Midlakes) 22:30.9
88. Ruth Steinke (Carleton + Honeoye Falls-Lima) 22:34.4
93. Winny Chen (SUNY-Geneseo + Beekmantown) 22:35.5
94. Brooke Johnson (MIT + Shoreham-Wading River) 22:35.7
105. Joanna Castrogivanni (SUNY-Geneseo + Smithtown West) 22:40.8
118. Kelley Driscoll (Plattsburgh State + Geneva) 22:45.0
127. Keira Wood (SUNY-Geneseo + Sachem North) 22:47.4
131. Mary Kate Bida (SUNY-Oneonta + Millbrook) 22:48.3
136. Abby Flock (Johns Hopkins + Hackley) 22:49.8
141. Jackie Huben (SUNY-Geneseo + Clarence) 22:52.6
150. Elizabeth Chichester (Oneonta + Mt. Morris) 22:56.3
151. Rebekah Steinke (SUNY-Geneseo + Honeoye Falls-Lima) 22:56.8
163. Samantha LaForgia (Marywood + Notre Dame-Staten Island) 23:02.5
164. Victoria Sanford (Brandeis + Arlington) 23:02.5
166. Claire Brawdy (Dickinson + Eden) 23:04.7
181. Ashton Villeneuve (Utica + Holland-Patent) 23:13.0
183. Jaime Lisack (Ithaca + Goshen) 23:14.6
184. Emily Smith (Ithaca + Orchard Park) 23:14.9
186. Alyssa Knott (SUNY-Geneseo + Smithtown West)
205. Anna Rabideau  (St. Lawrence + Seton Catholic-Plattsburgh) 23:24.0
219. Marielle Genovesi (Oneonta + North Shore) 23:34.6
232. Eileen Cody (Elizabethtown + Jamesville-Dewitt) 23:43.2
239. Jaclyn Masucci (Oneonta + St. Joseph by the Sea) 23:46.5
240. Alyssa Drapeau (Oneonta + Burnt Hills) 23:48.2
249. Carolyn Malone (Ithaca + Eastridge) 23:58.6
267. Samantha Wilks (Oneonta + Maine-Endwell) 24:22.0
279. Maggie Hensler (Brandeis + Niskayuna) 25:16.0

Sara Rosenzweig  (SUNY-Geneso + JFK-Bellmore) and Allison Ryley
(Oneota + Arlington) ran at Regionals but not at Nationals for qualifying teams.

1. Johns Hopkins 85
2. Williams 137
3. Middlebury 185
4. MIT 261
5. University of Chicago 261
6. NYU 278
10. St. Lawrence 363
13. Tufts 382
15. Dickinson 393
16. SUNY-Geneseo 406
18. Carleton 442
22. Brandeis 517
23. Ithaca 549
24. Marywood 578
25. Oneonta 579
29. Elizabethtown 644