High School Boys' 5k Class A...
Men's 400m, Finals 5...
Men's 400m, Finals 4...
Men's 400m, Finals 4...
Men's Mile Section 1, Finals 1...
Men's Mile Loucks Mile, Finals 1...
Girls' 55m, Prelims 3...
Boys' 600m, Finals 4...
Boys' 300m, Prelims 4...
High School Women's 4x400m Relay, Finals 2...
High School Women's 800m Pentathlon, Finals 1...
High School Women's 4x800m Relay, Finals 1...
High School Men's 4x800m Relay, Finals 3...
High School Women's 4x400m Relay, Finals 2...
High School Men's 4x400m Relay, Finals 3...
Boys' 4x800m Relay, Finals 2...
Girls 4x400 Relay Finals Section 2...
Girls 4x800 Relay...
Girls 4x200 Relay Finals Section 2...
Boys 4x400 Relay Finals Section 1...
Boys 4x800 Relay...
Boys 4x200 Relay Finals Section 3...
Girls 300 Finals Section 2...
Boys 300 - Sections 10 and 11...
Boys 300 Finals Section 1...
Boys 300 - Sections 6 and 7...
Boys 300 - Sections 4 and 5...
Boys 300 - Sections 8 and 9...
Girls 1500 Finals Section 3...
Boys 1600 Finals Section 2...
Girls 600 Finals Section 5...
Girls 600 Finals Section 1...
Girls 600 Finals Section 3...
Boys 600 Finals Section 3...
Boys 600 Finals Section 4...
Boys 600 Finals Section 1...
Girls 1K Finals Section 2...
Girls 1K Finals Section 3...
Boys 1K Finals Section 5...
Boys 1K Finals Section 4...
Boys 1K Finals Section 2...
Boys 1K Finals Section 1...
Boys 3200 Finals - Section 1...
Girls 1500 Racewalk Finals Section 1...
Boys' 300m Blue, Finals 1...
Boys' 300m Blue, Finals 1...
Boys' 300m Red, Prelims 1...
Girls Pole Vault - Part 2...
Girls Pole Vault - Part 4...
Girls Pole Vault - Part 10 with Lily Beattie...
Girls Pole Vault - Part 6...
Girls Pole Vault - Part 5...
Girls Pole Vault - Part 7...
Girls Pole Vault - Part 3...
Girls Pole Vault - Part 8...
Girls Pole Vault - Part 9...
Girls Pole Vault - Part 1...
High School Boys' 100m, Finals 1...
High School Boys' Mile Section 1, Finals 2...
High School Boys' Mile The Loucks Mile, Finals 2...
High School Boys' 400m, Finals 2...
High School Boys' 100m, Prelims 1...
High School Girls' 2 Mile Invitational Girls Finals 1...
High School Girls' 4x400m Relay Sophomore Girls Finals 1...
High School Boys' 4x400m Relay Freshman Boys Finals 2...
High School Boys' 4x800m Relay Sophomore Boys Finals 1...
High School Girls' 4x800m Relay Sophomore Girls Finals 1...
High School Girls' 1500m Race Walk Varsity Girls Red Finals ...
Boys Varsity B...
Boys Varsity A...
Boys JV A...
Boys Soph B...
Boys JV B...
Boys 4x800 Relay Finals Section 2...
Boys 4x400 Relay Finals Section 3...
Girls 4x400 Relay S.1 - Warwick Valley NY #2...
Boys 4x100 Relay Finals Section 3...
Girls 100 Hurdles - Prelims...
Boys 4x400 Relay Finals Section 1...
Boys 4x100 Relay Finals Section 2...
Girls 4x100 Relay Finals Section 2...
Girls 4x400 Relay Finals Section 2...
Boys 4x800 Relay...
Boys 1600 Finals Section 2...
Boys 400 Hurdles Finals S. 1 - Alex Segarra...
Boys 400 Hurdles Finals Section 3...
Girls 400 Hurdles Finals S. 1 - Torre Inzar...
Girls 800 Finals Section 2...
Girls 400 Finals Section 3...
Girls 100 Hurdles - Finals - Nadia Saunders...
Boys 3200 Finals Sect. 1 - Colin Waters wins...
Girls 3K - Aine Keaney wins...
Girls 400 Finals Section 2...
Girls 400 Finals Section 4...
Girls 400 Finals Section 3...
Boys 400 - Sections not in lanes...
Boys 400 - Seeded sections in lanes...
Boys 400 - Top seeded section...
Boys 400 Hurdles Finals Section 4...
Boys 400 Hurdles Finals Section 3...
Boys 400 Hurdles Finals Section 1...
Girls 800 Section 3 - Katelyn Tuohy NY #5...
Girls 800 Finals Section 1...
Boys 800 Finals Section 4...
Boys 800 Finals Section 3...
Boys 800 Finals Section 2...
Girls 3K - Katelyn Tuohy NY #4...
Boys 3200 - Ryan Guerci wins...
Boys Long Jump - Fils on a jump...
Girls 1500 Section 2 - Katelyn Tuohy US #1...
Girls 1500 Finals Section 1...
Boys 1600 Finals Section 2...
Girls 4x800 Relay...
Girls 4x400 Relay - Tappan Zee NY #9...
Girls 4x100 Relay Finals Section 1...
Boys 4x400 Relay - Nyack wins...
Boys 4x100 Relay Finals Section 1...
Boys 4x800 Relay - Nanuet wins...
Boys Pole Vault - Filatov ends up with 14-0...
Girls Triple Jump - Finals - Saunders repeats...
Girls Triple Jump - Flight action...
Boys Triple Jump - Finals...
Boys 2K Steeplechase - Reynolds NY #5...
High School Girls' 4x400m Relay, Finals 2...
High School Boys' 4x400m Relay, Finals 3...
High School Girls' 4x800m Relay, Finals 1...
High School Boys' 4x800m Relay, Finals 2...
High School Girls' 800m Pentathlon, Finals 1...
High School Girls' Mile Section 1, Finals 1...
High School Boys' Mile Section 1, Finals 1...
High School Girls' Mile, Finals 1...
High School Boys' Mile, Finals 1...
High School Girls' 4x800m Relay Nick Panero, Finals 1...
High School Boys' 4x800m Relay Nick Panero, Finals 2...
Boys Long Jump - Final Flight...
Boys Long Jump - Finals...
Boys Shot Put - Finals...
Boys Shot Put - Final Flight action...
Girls Shot Put - Finals...
Girls Long Jump - Later flight action...
High School Girls' 800m, Finals 1...
High School Girls' Mile Race Wa;l, Finals 1...
High School Girls' 4x400m Relay Nick Panero, Finals 2...
High School Men's 4x400m Relay Nick Panero, Finals 3...
High School Boys' 4x400m Relay Varsity, Finals 1...
High School Girls' 4x400m Relay Varsity, Finals 2...
High School Boys' 4x100m Relay Varsity, Finals 1...
High School Girls' 4x100m Relay Varsity, Finals 2...
High School Boys' 800m Varsity, Finals 5...
High School Boys' 800m Varsity, Finals 4...
High School Boys' 800m Varsity, Finals 3...
High School Boys' 800m Varsity, Finals 2...
High School Boys' 800m Varsity, Finals 1...
High School Girls' 800m Varsity, Finals 3...
High School Girls' 800m Varsity, Finals 2...
High School Girls' 800m Varsity, Finals 1...
High School Boys' 200m Varsity, Finals 14...
High School Boys' 200m Varsity, Finals 12...
High School Boys' 200m Varsity, Finals 7...
High School Boys' 200m Varsity, Finals 6...
High School Boys' 200m Varsity, Finals 5...
High School Girls' 200m Varsity, Finals 15...
High School Girls' 200m Varsity, Finals 12...
High School Girls' 200m Varsity, Finals 11...
High School Girls' 200m Varsity, Finals 6...
High School Girls' 200m Varsity, Finals 5...
High School Boys' 200m Hurdles Frosh/soph, Finals 1...
High School Boys' 4x400m Relay Frosh/soph, Finals 1...
High School Girls' 4x400m Relay Frosh/soph, Finals 2...
High School Boys' 200m Hurdles Frosh/soph, Finals 1...
High School Boys' 200m Frosh/soph, Finals 25...
High School Boys' 200m Frosh/soph, Finals 23...
High School Boys' 200m Frosh/soph, Finals 20...
High School Boys' 200m Frosh/soph, Finals 10...
High School Boys' 200m Frosh/soph, Finals 4...
High School Girls' 200m Frosh/soph, Finals 26...
High School Girls' 200m Frosh/soph, Finals 22...
High School Girls' 200m Frosh/soph, Finals 20...
High School Girls' 200m Frosh/soph, Finals 19...
High School Girls' 200m Frosh/soph, Finals 18...
High School Girls' 200m Frosh/soph, Finals 16...
High School Girls' 200m Frosh/soph, Finals 10...
High School Girls' 200m Frosh/soph, Finals 9...
High School Girls' 200m Frosh/soph, Finals 6...
High School Boys' 3k Frosh/soph, Finals 1...
High School Girls' 3k Frosh/soph, Finals 1...
Boys Discus - Finals third attempts...
Boys Discus - Finals second attempts...
Boys Discus - Finals first attempts...
High School Girls' 800m Pentathlon , Finals 1...
High School Boys' 1600m, Finals 2...
High School Girls' 1600m, Finals 4...
Boys Pole Vault...
High School Girls' Distance Medley Relay Varsity Red, Finals...
High School Boys' Sprint Medley Relay Varsity Red, Finals 1...
High School Girls' Sprint Medley Relay Varsity Red, Finals 2
High School Boys' 4x400m Relay Varsity Red, Finals 2...
High School Girls' 2 Mile Invitational, Finals 1...
High School Girls' 4x200m Relay Freshman, Finals 2...
High School Girls' 55m Hurdles Varsity Red, Finals 1...
High School Boys' 4x800m Relay Freshman, Finals 1...
Girls 3K - Last laps - Tuohy wins US #1 9:41...
Girls A...
Boys A...
Boys JV...
Girls Varsity...
Boys Varsity...
Girls JV...
Boys JV...
Boys Varsity...
Girls Varsity...
Girls 3K - D1 - Katelyn Tuohy US #1, 9:15.20...
Boys Pole Vault - Attempts at 12-3...
Girls 4x400 Relay Finals Section 3...
Boys 4x400 Relay Finals Section 3...
Girls 4x800 Section 2 - Ward Melville NY #2...
Boys 1600 Finals Section 1...
Boys 1600 Finals Section 2...
Girls 400 Hurdles Finals Section 2...
Girls 800 Finals Section 1...
Girls 800 Finals Section 2 - Tuohy and Flynn...
Boys 400 Hurdles Finals Section 2...
Girls 400 Finals Section 2...
Boys 400 Finals Section 2...
Girls 100 Hurdles - Final...
Girls 3K - Tuohy first of three wins on day...
Girls 100 Hurdles Finals Section 1...
Girls 100 Hurdles Finals Section 2...
Boys 3K Steeplechase...
Girls 4x400 Relay...
Girls 4x100 Relay Finals Section 1...
Girls 4x800 Relay...
Boys 4x400 Relay...
Boys 4x800 Relay...
Boys 4x100 Relay Section 2 - Nyack NY #8...
Girls 100 Hurdles - Final...
Girls 400 Hurdles Finals Section 2...
Girls 400 Finals Section 4 - seeded...
Girls 400 Finals Section 1 - seeded...
Girls 400 Finals Section 3 - seeded...
Girls 800 Finals Section 3 - Touhy NY #5...
Girls 3K - Katelyn Touhy NY #2...
Girls 800 Finals Section 1...
Girls 1500 Finals Section 2 - Borkoski NY #5...
Boys 1600 Finals Section 2 - Politis NY #10...
Boys 1600 Finals Section 1...
Boys 800 Finals Section 4...
Boys 800 Finals Section 3...
Boys 800 Finals Section 1...
Boys 400 Hurdles Finals S. 4 - Curtis NY #11...
Boys 800 Finals Section 2...
Boys 400 Finals Section 1 - seeded...
Boys 100 - Final...
Boys 1600 Finals Section 3...
Boys 400 Finals Section 2 - seeded...
Boys 400 Finals Section 4 - seeded...
Boys 400 Finals Section 3 - seeded...
Boys 400 Hurdles Finals Section 1...
Boys 400 Finals Section 5 - seeded...
Boys 400 Hurdles Finals Section 2...
Girls 400 Finals Section 3 - unseeded...
Girls 400 Finals Section 4 - unseeded...
Girls 400 Finals Section 1 - unseeded...
Boys 400 Finals Section 13 - unseeded...
Boys 400 Finals Section 12 - unseeded...
Boys 400 Finals Section 8 - unseeded...
Boys 400 Finals Section 10 - unseeded...
Boys 400 Finals Section 5 - unseeded...
Boys 400 Finals Section 11 - unseeded...
Boys 400 Finals Section 2 - unseeded...
Boys 400 Finals Section 7 - unseeded...
Boys 400 Finals Section 6 - unseeded...
Boys 400 Finals Section 4 - unseeded...
Boys 400 Finals Section 3 - unseeded...
Boys 400 Finals Section 1 - unseeded...
Girls 1600 Finals Section 5 - Red...
Girls 1600 Finals Section 4 - Red...
Girls 1K Finals Section 2 - White...
Girls 1K Finals Section 1 - Blue...
Girls 4x200 Relay Finals Section 3 - White - part 2...
Boys 4x200 Relay Finals Section 6 - White...
Boys 4x200 Relay Prelims Heat 3 - Red...
Girls 600 Finals Section 4 - Red...
Girls 600 Finals Section 7 - Red...
Girls 600 Finals Section 8 - Red...
Girls 600 Finals Section 3 - Blue...
Boys 600 Finals Section 4 - Blue...
Boys 600 Finals Section 11 - Red...
Boys 600 Finals Section 10 - Red...
Boys 600 Finals Section 1 - White...
Boys 600 Finals Section 2 - Blue...
Boys 600 Finals Section 2 - White...
Girls 1600 Finals Section 1 - Red...
Girls 4x200 Final Heat 3 - White...
Boys 1K Finals Section 6 - White...
Boys 1K Finals Section 7 - Blue...
Boys 1K Finals Section 6 - Blue...
Boys 1K Finals Section 4 - Blue...
Boys 1K Finals Section 2 - White...
Boys 300 Finals Section 2 - Blue...
Boys 300 Finals Section 9 - Blue...
Boys 300 Finals Section 17 - White...
Girls 300 Finals Section 6 - White...
Girls 1K Finals Section 1 - Blue...
Girls 1600 Finals Section 4 - Red...
Girls 1600 Finals Section 5 - Red...
Girls 1600 Finals Section 1 - Red...
Boys 1600 Heat 5 - White...
Boys 1600 Heat 8 - White...
Boys 1600 Heat 4 - Blue...
Boys 4x200 Finals Section 2 - Nyack in 1:35.40 (pre 1:34.70...
Girls 300 Heat 1 - Louise Jones wins in 41.50...
Girls 1500 Heat 1 - Haleigh Morales in NY #10 at 4:52.60...
Boys 1600 Section 1 - Patrick Tuohy wins in 4:32.20...
Girls 1K Heat 1 - Mary Hennelly wins in NY #7 at 3:02...
Girls 600 Heat 1 - Gabby Johnson wins in 1:43.10...
Boys 600 Heat 1 - Bryan Ivey in NY #8 at 1:24.30...
Boys 1K Heat 1 - Thomas McKiernan wins in 2:38...
Training Videos
More VideosSanya Richards-Ross 400m Training: Week 1...
ALBERTO SALAZAR: You're Never Too Young To Train At A High L...
ASHTON EATON: Technique | The Pole Vault...