Nassau Coaches Invitational 2010

Bethpage, NY

Nassau Coaches Invitational 2010 vs Nassau Coaches Invitational 2012

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -26 392 418
Overall Average +1:13.85 22:54.26 21:40.42
1st-10th Place -37.00 16:44.15 17:21.15
1st-25th Place -38.96 17:04.35 17:43.32
1st-50th Place -36.15 17:31.47 18:07.62
1st-100th Place -30.64 18:13.69 18:44.33
Common Athletes -- -- 12
Ran Faster -8 2 10
Ran Season Best 12 12 --
Average Time +29.39 20:42.64 20:13.25
Median Time -34.10 20:47.00 21:21.10
Middle 80% Times +30.38 21:14.34 20:43.96
Top 10% Times +24.46 18:04.16 17:39.70
Top 25% Times +27.97 18:11.41 17:43.43
Top 50% Times +41.54 19:12.27 18:30.73
Bottom 50% Times +17.25 22:13.02 21:55.77
Bottom 25% Times +37.34 23:02.07 22:24.73
Bottom 10% Times +42.30 23:24.05 22:41.75
Average Difference +29.39 -- --
Median Difference -52.70 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +30.51 -- --
Top 10% Difference +23.81 -- --
Top 50% Difference +42.52 -- --
Top 25% Difference +27.97 -- --
Top 50% Difference +42.52 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +16.27 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +53.14 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +53.40 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Joseph Miller Seaford +31.32 18:01.12 17:29.80
Shok Yamada Paul D. Schrieber / Port Washington +36.30 18:25.90 17:49.60
Leo Potters Paul D. Schrieber / Port Washington +16.30 18:07.20 17:50.90
John Mahon JFK Bellmore +2:21.80 20:27.20 18:05.40
Will Duggan South Side +21.00 19:31.10 19:10.10
Sara Rosenzweig JFK Bellmore +8.40 20:47.00 20:38.60
William Colvin W. Tresper Clarke -52.70 20:41.10 21:33.80
Lauren McDonough South Side +16.40 21:37.50 21:21.10
Cara Butcher Plainedge +52.61 22:18.11 21:25.50
Daniel Bostrom Floral Park Memorial -25.50 21:47.40 22:12.90
Kateryna Nahornyak JFK Bellmore +1:08.80 22:59.50 21:50.70
Matthew Karban Plainedge +38.00 23:48.60 23:10.60