Hispanic Games presented by The Navy 2011

New York, NY

Class Girls Pole Vault

                   Hispanic Games 2011 Day 2 - 1/9/2011                    
          New Balance Armory Track and Field Center, New York, NY          

                    Class Girls Pole Vault Finals                    
    Name                      Yr Team                           Mark
  1 Leong Hunt                   Midwood                        15-0
  2 Hanson Leote                 Peal                           14-0
  3 Kouorik Loughson             Pearl River                    14-0
  4 Barr Mizutani                Pine Plains                     9-0
  5 Leopold Crossad              New Rochelle                    7-0

                  Class Girls Pole Vault Individuals                   
    Name                      Yr Team                           Mark
  1 Julia Mizutani               Pine Plains                     9-0
  2 Nicole Leote                 Pearl River                     7-6
  3 Mary Leong                   Midwood                         7-6
  4 Alyse Hunt                   Midwood                         7-6
  5 Michelle Steinberg           East Meadow                     7-0
  6 Amie Kouorik                 Pearl River                     7-0
  7 Ned Loughson                 Pearl River                     7-0
  8 Keira Fellegara              Ursuline                        6-6
  9 Kristin Hanson               Pearl River                     6-0
 10 Carly Crossad                New Rochelle                    6-0