CVAC Championships 2024 2024

Champlain, NY

Athlete Entries

Boys 1.75 mile run 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ford, Aaron Ausable Valley
Veto, Killian Peru
Wilson, Michael Plattsburgh HS
Blanchard, Ryder Ticonderoga
Trombly, Noah Beekmantown
Wenzler, Fritz Lake Placid
Fleming, Mason Ausable Valley
Goddeau, Luke Ausable Valley
Popp, Rowan Saranac Lake
Pelkey, Brady Saranac
Recor, Will Beekmantown
Sussdorff, Elliott Ausable Valley
Major, Brody Plattsburgh HS
Zander, Levi Saranac Lake
Mack, Henry Ticonderoga
LeFerve, Matthew Saranac
Erenstone, Tyler Lake Placid
Oliveira, Lukas Ausable Valley
Schwartz, Grey Ausable Valley
Langdon, Simon Saranac Lake
Potts, Bryson Saranac
Gugliemi, Doug Lake Placid
Dearborn, Luke Beekmantown
Bilow, Elijah Seton Catholic (7)
Roberts, Liam Ausable Valley
Jackson, Dashir Plattsburgh HS
Weinrick, Gregor Saranac Lake
Grey, Andrew Ticonderoga
Carter, Andrew Saranac
Murray, Asher Lake Placid
Dumas, Wyatt Ausable Valley
Ocasio, Zeus Ausable Valley
Woods, Riley Ticonderoga
Reed, Michael Saranac
Preece, Will Lake Placid
Patnode, Gareth Beekmantown
Kirk, Isaac Seton Catholic (7)
Good, Payden Ausable Valley
Estling, Mason Saranac Lake
Goff, Madden Saranac
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Boys Varsity CVAC Championships 123 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chavez, Harley Moriah / Boquet Valley
Rella, Emanuel Peru
Laymon, Wyatt Saranac Lake
Smith, Kailer Moriah / Boquet Valley
Morin, Marco Moriah / Boquet Valley
Wells, Noah Ticonderoga
Merrill, Gideon Northeastern Clinton
Cannarella, Kai Moriah / Boquet Valley
FISHER, THOMAS Moriah / Boquet Valley
Burke, Talon Ticonderoga
Gregory, Wil Moriah / Boquet Valley
Evens, George Moriah / Boquet Valley
Kollmer, Jake 15:08.10 Saranac Lake
Fay, Aidan 15:24.40 Lake Placid
Slick, Jonathan 15:49.80 Beekmantown
Dormann, Sean 16:06.80 Saranac
Welc, Michael 16:11.90 Peru
Duda, Connor 16:19.80 Plattsburgh HS
Laidman, Nolan 16:24.50 Beekmantown
Page, Samuel 16:26.30 Beekmantown
Dupuis, Celton 16:31.90 Ausable Valley
Francis, Colin 16:37.10 Lake Placid
Page, Maxime 16:43.50 Beekmantown
Chase, Colby 16:44.80 Seton Catholic (7)
Thayer, Noah 16:48.60 Saranac
Strickland, Loghan 16:52.40 Beekmantown
Daley, Keaton 16:53.90 Saranac Lake
Lynch, James 16:57.20 Saranac
Frakes, Jonathan 17:07.00 Plattsburgh HS
Coffman, Edward 17:18.90 Ticonderoga
Long, Reece 17:23.00 Ausable Valley
Castle-Hackett, Aiden 17:23.80 Plattsburgh HS
Fletcher, Liam 17:24.60 Saranac Lake
Evans, Alex 17:26.30 Saranac Lake
Barnes, Evan 17:27.30 Saranac
VanBuskirk, Emmett 17:28.40 Saranac Lake
Leerkes, Brady 17:28.90 Ticonderoga
Moore, Cooper 17:29.40 Ticonderoga
Cortright, George 17:32.50 Plattsburgh HS
Rose, Sean 17:34.30 Peru
Porter, Ollie 17:40.50 Ticonderoga
Prial, Sebastian 17:52.40 Saranac
Seleni, Jonah 17:56.60 Saranac Lake
MIchalak, Matthew 17:57.10 Ticonderoga
Grafstein, Ben 17:59.80 Seton Catholic (7)
Lincourt, Chris 18:11.90 Beekmantown
Miller-Whipple, Hayden 18:12.20 Beekmantown
Burke, Fox 18:14.40 Plattsburgh HS
Peters, Brennan 18:17.00 Peru
Greenley, Caidogan 18:21.70 Ausable Valley
Hoffman, Escher 18:23.50 Beekmantown
Mack, Carter 18:23.90 Ticonderoga
Coffman, Emmett 18:25.40 Northeastern Clinton
Smith, Phillip 18:32.30 Peru
Carter-Kelly, Jasper 18:33.80 Plattsburgh HS
Semenaro, Anthony 18:36.40 Ausable Valley
Campagna, Jayden 18:41.00 Ausable Valley
Mitchell, Vincent 19:00.00 Ausable Valley
Meissner, Ebin 19:05.80 Saranac Lake
Donah, Colton 19:07.50 Plattsburgh HS
Rabideau, Patrick 19:10.30 Beekmantown
Burke, Issac 19:17.50 Ticonderoga
Guglielmi, Jim 19:26.50 Lake Placid
Duttine, Donald 19:28.40 Plattsburgh HS
Slater, Harry 19:28.40 Ausable Valley
Trombley, Skyler 19:29.10 Ausable Valley
Carter, Mason 19:29.91 Beekmantown
Davis, Cooper 19:46.63 Peru
Akin, Jensen 19:49.30 Peru
Scull, Graham 20:00.89 Lake Placid
Boissey, Brock 20:03.90 Saranac
LaVarnway, Dale 20:04.88 Saranac
Slater, Van 20:09.50 Ausable Valley
Favreau, Cohen 20:17.10 Northeastern Clinton
COMER, OZZIE 20:19.00 Beekmantown
Bleau, J.d. 20:30.20 Plattsburgh HS
Mannion, Connor 20:31.30 Lake Placid
Watson, Richard 20:36.80 Northeastern Clinton
DeFranco, James 20:42.40 Ticonderoga
Dingman, Owen 20:42.90 Saranac
Slowminski, Michael 21:04.60 Plattsburgh HS
Barnes, Adrian 21:06.30 Saranac
Recor, Cole 21:07.40 Beekmantown
Sutphen, Samuel 21:07.80 Ticonderoga
Carlson, Jesse 21:10.00 Lake Placid
O'Brien, Nicholas 21:14.80 Lake Placid
Canning, Matthew 21:18.01 Saranac
Bidelspach, Christopher 21:21.40 Ausable Valley
Recore, Jakob 21:33.70 Peru
Jewell, Kaden 21:35.36 Beekmantown
Yelle, Austin 21:36.30 Beekmantown
Dearborn, Logan 21:36.80 Beekmantown
Clark, Liam 21:42.00 Peru
Cipriano, Khota 21:51.60 Plattsburgh HS
Cone, James 22:16.40 Northeastern Clinton
Caska, Gabriel 22:23.69 Peru
Horton, Collin 22:29.40 Beekmantown
Garrow, Rigby 22:33.16 Peru
Paul, Chase 22:43.50 Saranac
Deyo, Kevin 22:44.76 Beekmantown
Martineau, Reeghan 23:09.97 Northeastern Clinton
Bowen, Robert 23:31.30 Lake Placid
Glascock, Colin 23:45.10 Saranac Lake
Arts, Elias 23:52.30 Plattsburgh HS
Paul, Carter 24:21.20 Saranac
Pelkey, Scott 24:32.20 Saranac
Fountain, Micah 24:44.90 Beekmantown
Derocher, Carsen 25:27.80 Saranac
Racine, Cameron 25:40.00 Northeastern Clinton
Bennett, Cameron 25:41.09 Ticonderoga
Branchaud, Calvin 25:45.90 Lake Placid
Ortiz, Ivan 25:58.04 Ticonderoga
Drollette, Gavin 26:46.62 Saranac
Ganter, Chase 26:54.40 Ausable Valley
Suprenant, Isaiah 27:54.78 Northeastern Clinton
Seymour, Bradley 28:03.90 Beekmantown
Santor, Stephen 28:15.60 Peru
DeBerardinis, Jarod 28:53.03 Northeastern Clinton
Prial, Luke 29:09.08 Saranac
Dupee, Nathan 30:01.14 Northeastern Clinton
Paola, Domanick 32:22.23 Northeastern Clinton
Fisher, Dylan 34:32.30 Beekmantown
Warren, Joey 35:25.00 Beekmantown
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Girls 1.7 mile run 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cappiello, Gianna Seton Catholic (7)
Cone, Geri Northeastern Clinton
Hilborne, Alianah Ausable Valley
Orapallo, FinnLee Saranac Lake
Villaronga, Reagan Saranac
Garrand, Ellie Northeastern Clinton
Akey, Evelyn Ausable Valley
Lawson, Miranda Peru
Landry, Iris Plattsburgh HS
Nashett, Meadow Saranac Lake
Akin, Olivia Saranac
Ballard, Allison Northeastern Clinton
Gradis, Emilia Seton Catholic (7)
Suloff, Bree Ausable Valley
Blackman, Arianna Peru
Mason, Lanie Saranac Lake
Theeman, Lilah Plattsburgh HS
Harvey, Sophia Northeastern Clinton
Slim, Thalia Seton Catholic (7)
Lawrance, Danielle Ausable Valley
Rabideau, Samantha Peru
Zantana, Aylen Plattsburgh HS
Kidder, Bryce Saranac Lake
Burroughs, Elena Ticonderoga
Davidson, Elise Saranac
Carton, Abigail Northeastern Clinton
Wells, Mya Ausable Valley
Rock, Ava Peru
Brooks, Ava Plattsburgh HS
Russo, Elle Saranac Lake
Sample, Avah Northeastern Clinton
Delisle, Madeleine Beekmantown
Forrence, Ella Seton Catholic (7)
Cobb, Addisyn Ausable Valley
Rivers, Czarina Peru
Otap, Evelyn Plattsburgh HS
Henderson, Ellie Saranac Lake
Gough, Lydia Saranac
Favreau, Alyssa Northeastern Clinton
Combs, Spencer Ausable Valley
Peters, Mallory Peru
Dermody, Margaret Plattsburgh HS
Smith, Sherry Saranac Lake
Devins, Aliza Saranac
Irland, Zilpha Beekmantown
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Girls Varisty CVAC Championships 93 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rozon, Rachel Saranac Lake
Porter, Irelan Ticonderoga
Haney, Gwen Saranac Lake
Bartells, Rikki Moriah / Boquet Valley
Trybendis, Lydia Moriah / Boquet Valley
Varner, Abilene Saranac Lake
Patenaude, Hailey Moriah / Boquet Valley
Giddings, Gracey Ausable Valley
Stewart, Olive Moriah / Boquet Valley
Zobel, Eloise Saranac Lake
Cota, Mikaela Moriah / Boquet Valley
Daley, Nora Saranac Lake
Cota, Audie Moriah / Boquet Valley
Welc, Maddy 17:49.30 Peru
Boulds, Sienna 18:29.10 Saranac
Denial, Laura 18:54.70 Saranac
Bruno, Asa 19:03.00 Saranac Lake
McKinnon, Kai 19:21.40 Lake Placid
Mesec, Nora 19:31.30 Saranac
Drowne, Olivia 19:32.80 Beekmantown
Kennedy, Cadence 20:20.70 Saranac Lake
Ash, Addison 20:24.20 Saranac Lake
Fey, Leila 20:46.87 Lake Placid
Carpenter, Zoe 21:00.30 Saranac Lake
Chase, Elizabeth 21:02.00 Plattsburgh HS
Suloff, Kaelin 21:04.50 Ausable Valley
Williams, Lindsey 21:22.80 Northeastern Clinton
Thayer, Molly 21:28.60 Saranac
Deso, Lucille 21:29.50 Northeastern Clinton
Marro, Emily 21:34.30 Beekmantown
McLean, Abigail 21:43.90 Plattsburgh HS
Zobel, Lila 21:54.30 Saranac Lake
Lashway, Lahla 22:01.00 Peru
Pelkey, Emma 22:07.60 Ausable Valley
Henley, Abigail 22:12.90 Plattsburgh HS
Spiegel, Bella 22:16.60 Seton Catholic (7)
Garrison, Maya 22:18.87 Lake Placid
Erenstone, Holly 22:24.90 Lake Placid
Wynnik, Elizabeth 22:28.80 Saranac
Provost, Bristol 22:29.70 Beekmantown
Pandolph, Gracen 22:37.91 Peru
Fountain, Sarah 22:38.30 Beekmantown
Sutphen, Haley 22:53.20 Ticonderoga
LaBarge, Sierra 22:55.90 Northeastern Clinton
Fay, Jenna 22:58.70 Lake Placid
Welch, Samantha 23:01.50 Beekmantown
Palma, Evelyn 23:06.60 Seton Catholic (7)
Porter, Hailey 23:14.30 Beekmantown
Benware, Cameron 23:21.60 Beekmantown
Francis, Norah 23:22.73 Lake Placid
Arana, Isabella 23:24.00 Peru
Guenette, Clementine 23:36.54 Saranac Lake
Welch, Dakota 23:52.50 Northeastern Clinton
Yost, Eliza 23:53.90 Beekmantown
Durney, Taylor 24:13.30 Seton Catholic (7)
Stainken, Jenna 24:14.40 Ausable Valley
Harvey, Lizzie 24:14.80 Saranac Lake
Burgin, Olivia 24:17.80 Beekmantown
Williams, Megan 24:27.20 Northeastern Clinton
Baker, Ryleigh 24:29.90 Beekmantown
Lukasiewicz, Savanah 24:36.70 Beekmantown
Welc, Meredith 25:01.60 Peru
Cook, Audrey 25:05.30 Ticonderoga
Jewell, Addison 25:06.30 Beekmantown
Yost, Sophie 25:08.20 Beekmantown
Hayes, Aubrey 25:19.40 Ticonderoga
Muller, Elliot 25:31.50 Beekmantown
Smart, Makayla 25:34.02 Saranac
Garrow, Ellanore 25:40.94 Peru
Caldwell, Lauryn 25:51.00 Saranac Lake
Perry, Ava 25:56.60 Plattsburgh HS
Andrews, Nevaeh 25:58.50 Plattsburgh HS
Reed, Maggie 26:08.30 Saranac Lake
Perry, Maddy 26:13.30 Ausable Valley
Grizzle, Hailey 26:13.90 Beekmantown
Warren, Kiersten 26:22.80 Beekmantown
Robinson, Julianna 27:10.90 Beekmantown
Zantana, Mimi 27:17.43 Plattsburgh HS
Yelle, Molly 27:49.94 Northeastern Clinton
Young, Madeline 27:58.62 Ausable Valley
Favro, Eliana 28:03.66 Saranac
Post, Ardyn 28:25.20 Ausable Valley
Samson, Rosalie 28:32.80 Seton Catholic (7)
Charboneau, Emmie 28:37.10 Ticonderoga
Snyder, Maisey 29:37.66 Peru
Joyce, Alysa 30:12.20 Saranac Lake
Bartiss, Emily 31:22.93 Saranac Lake
DuBrey, Piper 31:32.40 Saranac
Cruz, Sabrianna 32:34.59 Saranac
Spaulding, Danika 33:51.94 Northeastern Clinton
Wenzler, Rose 34:35.30 Lake Placid
Wells, Gracie 34:35.90 Ticonderoga
Sinclair, Alexis 34:51.59 Saranac Lake
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