Please remember Freedom Games is a two day meet. The girls will compete on Saturday and the boys on Sunday! Entries are due Wednesday at midnight
Athletes may compete in three events!
Seeding - athletes should be seeded with their best time from this season or that of the 2023 outdoor season. Coaches may override seed times but times will be verified for the top two heats and top 24 athletes in events conducting trials. Any teams putting in outrageous seed times, will have their athletes changed to NT. Please take into account the integrity of the meet and appropriate seed times are expected.
Payments may be made by credit card (preferred option), check or purchase order. No cash will be accepted! Payments should be made in a timely manner.
Thank you for entering the Ocean Breeze Freedom Games.
The Ocean Breeze Freedom Games is now a two day meet! Girls will compete on Saturday, January 6th and the boys will compete on Sunday, January 7th.
Please keep an eye on OceanBreezeNYC.org for up to the date information and announcements about the 2024 Ocean Breeze Freedom Games.
Please send questions to OBEntries@gmail.com