Meet Information
Saturday September 9, 2023
As you plan your race schedule, I hope you consider bringing your team to the Springstead Invitational this coming fall.
Meet Location: Colonie Town Park (original location of Edwin Springstead Cross Country Invitational past pool area)
Course: Brand new course! Reworked by the town of Colonie with previous Springstead Invitational trails revamped. Some elevation changes, mostly crushed gravel trails, some grass portions and road crossings. It would make a great first invitational for a modified team!
VARSITY/JV: About 2.6 miles
FRESHMEN: About 1.7 miles
MODIFIED: About 1.4 miles
Entries: Each school may enter one team of seven (7) runners in the varsity race and one team of seven (7) runners with extra runners possible in the Junior Varsity, Freshmen, and Modified races. Please complete the registration through ny.milesplit:
Entry Fees:
Varsity Boys and Girls Races - $40 per team/gender (7 runners)
J.V. Boys and Girls Races - $35 per team/gender (unlimited entries)
Freshmen Boys and Girls Races - $35 per team/gender (unlimited entries)
Modified Boys and Girls Races- $25 per team/gender (unlimited entries)
Maximum entry fee - $200 per school
***Checks should be made out to: Shaker All Sports Booster Club
8:30am Coaches meeting at the starting line 9:00 am Modified Girls 1.4 mile race 9:20 am Modified Boys 1.4 mile race 9:35am Freshmen Girls 1.7 mile race 9:55 am Freshmen Boys 1.7 mile race 10:30am Awards Ceremony for Modified and Freshmen Levels | 10:15am Girls Varsity 2.6 mile race 10:50am Boys Varsity 2.6 mile race 11:20am Girls JV 2.6 mile race 12:00pm Boys JV 2.6 mile race 12:45pm Varsity and JV Awards Ceremony |
Awards: Medals will be awarded to individual finishers placing 1-10 in Varsity, JV, Freshmen, and Modified races. The first place Varsity team will receive a team champion plaque and a set of 8 team champion customized photos (from the awards ceremony). The second place Varsity team will receive a team runner-up plaque and a set of 8 team runner-up customized photos . The winning teams in the JV, Freshmen, and Modified races will receive a team champion plaque with a set of customized photos as well!
Concessions: We will have a concession stand for drinks and snacks. Also, we plan to sell Springstead Invitational t-shirts.
I hope to see many of you soon. Meanwhile, all the best!