NYRR 2010

New York, NY


NYRR �Thursday Night at the Races�
January 7th, 2010
It was another cold night in New York City but that did not deter a hardy crowd from participation in the 11th year of this popular series. Megan Guiney with a mile/two mile double and Christopher Spooner who also had a mile/2 mile winning double as well as running sub 2 minutes in the 800m arguably made the most impression.
And more good news� Jerry Macari of Urban Athletics is offering a $100 gift certificate to the outstanding performance for both men and women in the series. Ian Brooks and Jerry will be the judges.
Women�s Mile
Heat 1 of 3
1Megan Guiney5:00.7
2Abbi Antablin5:05.3
3Lesley Higgins5:07.2
4Felice Kelly5:13.0
5Lauren Orager5:15.7
6Marge Demarrais5:16.1
7Alma Liebrecht5:27.3
8Christine Michael5:28.4
9Barbara Gubbins5:47.2
10Amanda Barber5:48.7
11Gerale Middleton6:04.8
Heat 2 of 3
1Mandy West5:38.4
2Christine Hoffman5:50.0
3Felicia Wagner6:01.5
4Stefanie Myers6:09.3
5Katherine ?6:10.2
6Marysa Vargas6:17.9
7Cinthya Sandaval6:18.3
8Katherine Tadich6:20.0
9Sue Pearsall6:26.3
10Wendi Glassman6:26.7
11Siobhan Cooney6:29.7
Heat 3 of 3
1Rita Siminkas5:57.8
2Ani Loo6:06.5
3Wanda Shulman6:17.2
4Ellen Tovin6:39.2
5Tavish Donahue6:51.0
6Megan Kelly6:57.0
Men�s Mile
Heat 1 of 8
1Christopher Spooner4:22.6
2Mike Dixon4:27.7
3Jason Ostenson4:28.2
4Michael Pressler4:29.6
5Patrick McDonagh4:29.8
6Tim Mulligan4:30.0
7Jonevan Hornsby4:31.3
8Mike Anis4:33.5
9Tim Hartnett4:36.8
10Neil Fitzgerald4:38.3
11Rutger Anmirano4:39.9
12Devin Kelly4:46.0
Heat 2 of 8
1Bob McGinty4:36.6
2Anselm Le Bourne4:37.1
3Sean Fortune4:37.3
4John MacConnell4:37.6
5Declan Foley4:43.2
6Erik Lawrence4:44.4
7Gary Rosenberg4:45.0
8Bill Wells4:48.7
9Andrew Roddin4:49.1
10Irfan Anwar4:58.1
11Nathan Bruno5:08.5
12Otis Robinson5:09.2
Heat 3 of 8
1Peter Binney4:38.1
2Andy Elken4:41.6
3Gerry O�Hara4:47.5
4Glen Carnes4:48.0
5Dan Pszeniczny4:49.6
6Steve Desmond4:49.9
7Tom Fitzpatrick4:50.2
8Kevin Ford4:51.2
9Mike Clary4:52.2
10Kenny Jacques4:55.1
11Sergio Soto4:59.3
12Jerry Francois5:28.8
Heat 4 of 8
1Ray Coyle4:49.9
2Tom Cawley4:50.6
3Kelsey Louie4:51.6
4John Goldthorp4:51.8
5Chuck Shields4:53.3
6Jerry Macari4:56.1
7William Zink4:58.0
8Brian Register5:00.9
9James Register5:01.2
10Bob Rimkis5:02.2
11Kevin Beganics5:02.8
12Chris Pszeniczny5:06.6
Heat 5 of 8
1Adam Yohanan5:00.4
2Joshua Novack5:02.0
3Chris Pister5:03.1
4Edward Ackerly5:05.6
5Brett Albright5:08.5
6Lee Sossen5:09.5
7Scott Dunlop5:12.1
8Jose Matute5:17.1
9Christopher Stoia5:19.0
10Giancarlos Zambriano5:24.0
11David Tryk5:30.3
12Johnny Bruno5:35.1
Heat 6 of 8
1David Dorsey4:56.5
2Joseph Koelbel4:59.8
3David Greenberg5:00.2
4Martin Suresh5:03.7
5David Yockelson5:05.8
6Logan Scott5:06.2
7Armando Oliveira5:06.5
8Romain Mareuil5:07.9
9Steven Eick5:13.4
10Robert James Reese5:18.8
Heat 7 of 8
1Christopher Ryan5:12.7
2Antonie Aguilar5:14.1
3Tony Plaster5:17.0
4Kevin Lavare5:18.4
5W. Cieszkowski5:24.4
6Bill Dorney5:24.6
7Chris Donnelly5:25.5
8Allan Dias5:36.2
9Jesse Contrera5:39.6
10Robert Mauriello5:47.6
11Theo Spilka5:58.2
Heat 8 of 8
1Michael Lee5:30.7
2John Dean5:31.2
3Mark Thompson5:42.5
4Randy Miller5:45.2
5Tom Pinzino5:50.6
6Sean Bailey5:55.5
7Benny Tam5:56.9
8David Ash6:08.3
9Jovoni Zambrone6:10.2
10Nick Mitchell6:11.5
11Anthony Boyadjis6:13.0
12Merrill Nodin6:13.3
13Al Rabil6:14.9
14John Kuhi7:00.4
15Bill Hart7:06.6
Women�s 800m
Heat 1 of 2
1Abby Antablin2: 22.2
2Moira Cunningham2:24.8
3Lauren Brazer2:27.4
4Maureen Zivic2:28.6
5Felice Kelly2:29.4
6Alma Liebrecht2:32.0
7Helen Dole2:32.5
8Henmeyer, C2:33.2
9Meijna Healey2:33.6
10Celene Menschel2:34.3
11Mandy West2:35.6
12Christine Hoffman2:50.9
Heat 2 of 2
1Rita Siminkas2:43.0
2Ciathya Sandaval2:46.7
3Sue Pearsall2:48.2
4Latifa Dobbins2:49.7
6Wanda Shulman2:51.9
7Nicole Risdall2:53.0
8Felicia Wagner2:54.0
9Elisa Uwurozo3:24.1
Men�s 800m
Heat 1 of 10
1Mike Brown1:57.8
2Hugh Prince1:58.6
3Julian Wood1:59.3
4Greg Taylor1:59.4
5Christopher Spooner1:59.8
6Jason Ostenson2:01.5
7Charles Snodgrass2:01.7
8Lance Fleming2:02.9
9Jamsel Reyes2:03.3
10Jean Desrosiers2:07.6
Heat 2 of 10
1Neil Fitzgerald2:02.4
2Derek Petit2:02.7
3Patrick McDonough2:04.7
4Mike Dixon2:06.5
5Scott McCollester2:07.0
6Sean Fortune2:08.0
7Basea Walker2:08.5
8Jordan Rollieson2:09.1
9Gary Rosenberg2:09.7
10Pat McDonnell2:10.9
Heat 3 of 10
1Eros Cain2:05.2
2Chris Davis2:05.9
3Patrick Hashmali2:07.0
4Irfan Anwar2:07.9
5Bill Wells2:08.1
6Andy Elkan2:09.1
7Steve Desmond2:11.2
8Tim Mulligan2:11.5
9Frandy Osias-Louis2:15.8
10Andrew Roddin2:16.7
Heat 4 of 10
1Gladstone Jones2:05.1
2Mike Anis2:07.0
3Armando Oliveira2:08.2
4Andrew Hogue2:09.4
5Devin Kelly2:09.9
6Tim Hartnett2:11.0
7Erik Lawrence2:13.2
8Braulio Peralta2:14.4
9Dan Pszeniczny2:14.6
10Matt Colloufi2:16.0
Heat 5 of 10
1Sergio Soto2:07.3
2Corey Johnson2:09.4
3Valentine Lyashenko2:11.9
4John Milone2:15.7
5Mike Chaey2:16.4
6James Register2:16.8
7Brian Register2:19.1
8Chris Fisher2:19.8
9Otis Robinson2:21.0
10David Salmon2:21.7
Heat 6 of 10
1Rafael Nunez2:12.0
2Azi Ayafor2:14.1
3Christopher Ryan2:15.9
4Joshua Novack2:19.6
5Chris Pszeniczny2:22.6
6Romain Mareuil2:23.1
7Harold Nolan2:30.1
8Tom Pinzino2:30.8
9Tim Gunn2:32.4
Heat 7 of 10
1Laurent Matherin2:22.6
2Cziancatios Zambrano2:23.5
3Mike Potter2:23.9
4David Greenberg2:28.2
5Michael Lee2:29.7
6Travion Joseph2:32.0
7Marc McKeniss2:36.6
8Robert Mauriello2:36.9
9W. Cieszkowski2:39.8
Heat 8 of 10
1Rich Alexander2:20.2
2Antonio Aguilar2:22.4
3John Benven2:24.1
4Chris Donnelly2:27.0
5Jesse Contrera2:29.6
6Allan Dias2:31.7
7Tony Plaster2:33.8
8Herbie Medina2:38.9
9Akeim Brown2:42.0
10Todd Rhoda2:45.7
Heat 9 of 10
1David Blumel2:27.5
2Tsing Cheng2:38.9
3Mark Thompson2:39.7
4Hank Schiffman2:41.8
5Anthony Boyapjd2:50.6
6David Toung2:53.4
7Kelid Lewis3:10.3
8Muktar Adebays3:11.6
9Jerel Jeffrey3:12.1
10Pirette Lee3:15.0
Heat 10 of 10
1Salih Talib2:40.2
2Brendan Cheney2;43.2
3Merrell Noden2:44.9
4Niele Mutdew2:47.2
5David Ash2:47.6
6Julio Rodriguez2:49.6
7Al Shabana2:59.2
8John Snarmann3:03.6
9Jovani Zambrano3:06.5
10John Kuhi3:10.5
11Bill Hart3:23.5
12Andrew Buchanan3:38.5
2 mile � Women
1Megan Guiney10:59.5
2Emma Clarke11:35.0
3Clene Menschel11:40.4
4Esther Lok12:39.4
5Felicia Wagner13:09.7
6Cinthaya Sandoval13:32.3
7Caitlin Smith13:47.3
2 mile � Men
Heat I of 3
1Christopher Spooner9:27.0
2Atilla Sabahoglu9:35.1
3Jesse McAlman9:40.2
4Tim Mulligan9:53.9
5Christian Altamera10:05.7
6Jesus Mateo10:12.0
7Greg Cass10:16.3
8Keiran Newcomb10:28.0
9Ray Coyle10:29.9
10Thomas Speicher10:38.3
11Mike Chary10:45.0
12Lee Sossen10:59.6
Heat 2 of 3
1Matt Chaston9:57.4
2Edward Ackerly10:11.5
3Kevin Beganics10:52.6
4Gean Hamilton11:07.0
5Armando Oliveira11:10.2
6Alex Arsian11:29.0
7Frank Prial11:42.6
8Bill Dorney11:53.8
Heat 3 of 3
1Uhs Rolanson11:23.0
2Javier Skwara11:42.3
3Kevin Lavare11:44.1
4John Benson11:50.7
5Christopher Ryan12:38.2
6Mark Thompson12:38.6
7Benny Tam12:59.7
8Tom Pinzino14:10.9
9Nick Mitchell14:57.1
10Al Shabana15:46.9