Panther XC Prowl 2022

Wallkill, NY
Hosted by Wallkill

Athlete Entries

Boys Beginner 2 mile 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sahawneh, Amir FDR
Kaflowitz, Aaron FDR
Menezes, Kyle Highland
Pflaum, Leopold Red Hook
Hartley Yokoda, Kaden Red Hook
Seal, Ryan Wallkill
Carino, Philip FDR
Birchwood, Adam FDR
Space, George Highland
Burns, Michael Red Hook
Zayas, Danny Wallkill
Hall, Braeden FDR
Kauffman, Logan FDR
Doran, Guiseppe FDR
Miano, Michael Highland
Roszko, Colton Red Hook
Kelly, Daniel Red Hook
Austin III, Gifford Wallkill
Corbin, Kaseem FDR
Jurkowski, Jax FDR
Secor, Michael Highland
Chen-Suzuki, Keizo Red Hook
Parker, Andrew FDR
Thibault-Edmonds, Maddox Highland
Markou, Gabe FDR
O'Sullivan, Samuel Red Hook
Robinson, Reynaldo Wallkill
Ferragine, Aidan FDR
Kahlenberg, Charles FDR
Patton, Sam FDR
Adoma, Cameron Highland
Grant, Anthony Red Hook
Garabedian, Sean Murphy Red Hook
Petralia, Nicholas Wallkill
Thompson, Cooper FDR
Tomlin, Hunter Highland
Cole, Tyrus FDR
Ixcoy Ciriaco, Cristian Misael Red Hook
Driskill, Graham Wallkill
Forsythe, Logan FDR
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Boys Varsity 5k 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Weiss, Alexander Highland
Cook, Jack FDR
Ebert, Trevor Highland
Craypo, Jake 16:26.20 Wallkill
Martini, Marco 17:33.00 Wallkill
Craypo, Josh 17:44.70 Wallkill
Wagner, JJ 17:50.00 Wallkill
Missale, Nicky 18:08.40 Wallkill
Totman, Christian 18:13.60 Red Hook
Krumm, Will 18:14.90 FDR
Verruto, Mario 18:18.20 Wallkill
Smaldone, Vincent 18:18.80 Red Hook
Pritchard, Julian 18:32.80 FDR
Boyd, Liam 18:33.00 Red Hook
Koehler, Michael 18:52.80 Highland
Rinehart, Jack 19:00.30 Red Hook
Lang, Daniel 19:09.30 Wallkill
Conklin, William 19:13.20 Wallkill
Very, Ryan 19:14.70 Red Hook
Celestine, Ewan 19:28.80 Red Hook
Biernat, James 19:32.70 Red Hook
Melitski, Jonathan 19:42.60 Red Hook
Sinclair, Jake 19:56.30 FDR
O'Farrell, Will 20:20.70 Red Hook
Osterhoudt, Justin 20:31.80 FDR
Canero, Jerome 20:31.90 FDR
Hurley, Thomas 20:39.80 FDR
O'Farrell, Jack 20:44.30 Red Hook
Krumm, Gavin 20:49.60 FDR
Quiambao, Patrick 21:03.00 FDR
Haeser, Zachary 21:58.90 Highland
Buttitta, Colin 22:01.10 FDR
Papazov, Alexander 22:38.30 Highland
Reiter, Finnian 23:28.50 Wallkill
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Girls Beginner 2 mile 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Redner, Abigail Highland
Ferrara, Ava FDR
Dilemme, Emma Wallkill
Dong, Alice Highland
Mokii, Taisiia Red Hook
Reid, Delainey Highland
Allen, Riley FDR
Ortiz, Daisyanna Highland
Ferrara, Mia FDR
Forester, Emma Wallkill
Triplett, Citrus Red Hook
McGill, Amanda FDR
Sgroe, Lily Belle Highland
Pelish, Kalighan FDR
Murphy, Caitlyn Wallkill
Hillery, Maria Red Hook
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Girls Varsity 5k 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Duke, Alexis FDR
Canfield, Sofia FDR
Vasquez, Suri FDR
Brienza, Violet Highland
Gorres, Frances FDR
Smith, Erin Highland
Rose, Ella FDR
Morales, Maria 20:44.10 Wallkill
Psilopoulos, Andie 21:08.70 Wallkill
Angelillo, Erica 22:17.80 Highland
Jarvis, Emma 23:36.30 FDR
Enkler, Alex 23:52.30 FDR
Rivera, Trinity 23:53.00 Wallkill
Abitagaoglu, Derya 24:08.20 Red Hook
Smith-Mineault, Karena 24:47.90 Red Hook
Wayne, Olivia 24:54.30 FDR
Jurkowski, Elizabeth 25:34.70 FDR
Juliano, Cassandra 27:04.20 FDR
Salas, Michelle 27:11.60 Red Hook
Ramirez, Arianna 28:55.80 Red Hook
Roca, Emily 29:46.70 Red Hook
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