Marvin Johnson Memorial Meet 2020

Staten Island, NY
Hosted by Fordham Prep

Meet Information

The Marvin Johnson Memorial Meet

Sat. Oct 17, 2020

Ocean Breeze Track & Field Facility

Father Capodano Blvd

Staten Island, NY

Honoring the memory of Mr. Marvin Johnson;  longtime NYC, State, National and Olympic official and dedicated friend to the CHSAA 

Course:4,000 meters for  Varsity & JV

              3,000 meters for Freshmen

Teams: This is a CLOSED meet, open only to invited teams

APPROXIMATE Schedule - will be updated by Thursday night based on entries

9:00am - Boys Freshman A Race 

9:30am - Boys Freshman B Race

10:00am - Boys Freshman C Race

10:30am - Girls Freshman Race

11:00am - Girls Varsity Race

11:30am - Boys Varsity A Race

12:00pm - Boys JV A Race

12:30pm - Boys JV B Race

 -Teams:  St. Joe Sea, Msgr. Farrell, Fordham Prep, Xavier, Xaverian, Regis, St. Francis Var Boys, Molloy Var Girls, Cathedral HS, Moore Catholic, Notre Dame Manhattan , St. joseph Hill

- numbers per team will be determined by entry.  

Races will be scored as "double dual" meets


-athletes/parents may arrive no earlier than 45 min before their races

- park in lot across Fr. Capodano Blvd

* spectators can ONLY view race from balcony on 2nd floor of facility; 30% of race including finish is visible

-athletes must depart as soon as possible after their race

* ALL athletes, coaches, spectators and officials must wear masks at all times; only exception will be that athletes in races may lower masks/gaiters after the first 400 meters and should raise them as they cross finish line; social distancing must be maintained

Coaches' Notes:

-please enter your athletes on milesplit by Thursday, Oct  15h at 10am

-Do not use bib numbers from last week.  We will issue new bibs each week.   

-Coaches will have surgical gloves in their packets; please use them when distributing bibs and pins

-Encourage parents to transport athletes too and from the meet; if busses are needed, please keep below 50% capacity

* please allow students to depart immediately after their races; and when your team has completed it's last race, please leave the campus immediately; no team "debrief"

* all results will be posted on the Ocean Breeze Results page and shortly after the meet; they will not be posted at the facility; please do not ask finish line for results

* Team areas: All teams should set up on field just north of the Track facility, but clearly separated. Please remind athletes to maintain social distancing and masks at all times.  No handshakes, high fives.

Good luck! And have a great meet!

Questions? Contact George Febles (646-554-4453); Lauren Primerano; Lou Vazquez

updated maps to come