Athlete Entries

Boys 4x400m Boys 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:35.00h Fort Lee HS
Relay Team A 3:38.66 Westwood HS
Relay Team A 3:40.00h Ridgefield Park HS
Relay Team A 3:48.71 Ramsey HS
Relay Team A 3:50.00h Pascack Hills HS
Relay Team A 4:02.62 Mahwah HS
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Boys High Jump Boys 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ussher-Keushkerian, Jack 6-0 NV - Demarest HS
Simpson, Parker 6-0 Ramsey HS
Glass, Michael 5-8 NV - Demarest HS
Reilly, Everett 5-8 River Dell HS
Bassey, Victor 5-6 Dwight Morrow HS
Joung, Daniel 5-6 Tenafly HS
Jensen, Shane 5-6 Pascack Hills HS
Mendez, Ed 5-6 Ridgefield Park HS
McGahan, Sean 5-6 Ramsey HS
Munson, Connor 5-6 Westwood HS
O'Neill, Patrick 5-4 Ramsey HS
Munson, Stephen 5-4 Westwood HS
Tandler, Andrew 5-2 NV - Demarest HS
Kim, Julian 5-2 Fort Lee HS
Zuckerman, Max 5-2 Pascack Hills HS
Kearns, Sean 5-2 Pascack Hills HS
Harvey, Andrew 5-2 River Dell HS
Santos, Malik 5-0 Ridgefield Park HS
Cardenes, Joshua 5-0 Fort Lee HS
Aragonez, Ian 5-0 Fort Lee HS
Weinberg, Max 5-0 River Dell HS
Nunez, Persio 5-0 Ridgefield Park HS
Jang, Ethan 5-0 Tenafly HS
Greene, Chris Mahwah HS
Ryu, Hojin Mahwah HS
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Boys Pole Vault Boys 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Krakow, Elan 11-6 Tenafly HS
Nyfenger, Charles 11-0 NV - Demarest HS
Martin, Cori 10-0 Dwight Morrow HS
Ross, Colin 10-0 NV - Demarest HS
Chung, Alex 10-0 NV - Demarest HS
Benavides, Anthony 9-0 Dwight Morrow HS
Buller, Jason 8-0 River Dell HS
Ham, Chang Woo 8-0 River Dell HS
Anthony, Kyle 7-6 River Dell HS
Ocelotl, Orlando Pascack Valley HS
Furuya-Yaegashi, Daniel Tenafly HS
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Boys Shot Put Boys 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Munson, Stephen 38-3.25 Westwood HS
Kezmarsky, Jacob 36-11.5 Mahwah HS
Hennie, Ramone 35-10 Mahwah HS
Newman, Caden 35-7 Ramsey HS
Tarnovskiy, Dan 34-6 Ramsey HS
Martinez, Ricardo Jag 32-0 Ridgefield Park HS
Ruiz, Randel 32-0 Cliffside Park HS
Kwon, Eric 30-6 Fort Lee HS
Rivas, Kalil 30-0 Fort Lee HS
Park, Sam 30-0 Fort Lee HS
Isayev, Daniel 29-11 Mahwah HS
Tarabocchia, Dylan 28-0 Ramsey HS
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Girls 800m Girls 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mircovich, Amanda 2:21.65 River Dell HS
Kalkandelen, Beliz 2:26 Indian Hills HS
Mogensen, Lexi 2:29.77 Tenafly HS
Miller, Ryann 2:30.00h NV - Demarest HS
O'Reilly, Beibhinn 2:30.00h Pascack Valley HS
Halecky, Anya 2:34.00 River Dell HS
Chu, Alison 2:34.00h NV - Demarest HS
Grivas, Alex 2:37.00 River Dell HS
Dipple, Lily 2:40.00h NV - Demarest HS
Velasquez, Jasmine 2:54.59 Bergenfield HS
Hiraldo, Christine 3:00 Dwight Morrow HS
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Boys 1600M Boys 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bramley, Kevin West Milford HS
Oesterle, Jack West Milford HS
Clinton, Collin West Milford HS
Campoverde, Jesse 4:28 Lakeland Regional HS
Voll, Zachary 4:36 Lakeland Regional HS
Murphy, Mason 4:40 Lakeland Regional HS
Garrity, Steven 4:52 Passaic Valley HS
Lechguar, Akram 4:53 Passaic Valley HS
Lustberg, Michael 4:58.50 Fair Lawn HS
Scroble, Patrick 5:00 Wayne Hills HS
Bomersbach, Blake 5:00.46 Fair Lawn HS
Langbaum, Justin 5:01.19 Wayne Hills HS
Spadaccini, Jesse 5:05 Passaic Valley HS
Lemley, Ken 5:14 Wayne Valley HS
Hedian, Jeremy 5:17.55 Wayne Hills HS
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Boys 1600m Boys 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
O'Connor, Dallas Pascack Valley HS
Alepa, Chris Pascack Valley HS
Reber, Gabriel Ridgefield Park HS
Davis, Theodore 4:35 NV - Demarest HS
Mohr, Michael 4:35 Indian Hills HS
Cheema, Marcus 4:36.90 Westwood HS
Schneider, Jack 4:38.02 Ramsey HS
Chambers, Patrick 4:38.45 Ramsey HS
Martinez, Andrew 4:40 Pascack Valley HS
Macejka, Anthony 4:40 Indian Hills HS
Reyes, Ezekial 4:47.57 Ridgefield Park HS
Lee, KangHyuk 4:48 NV - Demarest HS
McElroy, Aidan 4:50.00 River Dell HS
Conteh, Ekuyami 4:51.94 Fort Lee HS
Joseph, Daniel 4:52 Fort Lee HS
Hwang, Joseph 4:52.00h NV - Demarest HS
Ford, Ryan 4:53.92 Mahwah HS
Long, Owen 4:54.15 Westwood HS
Bloem, Matisse 4:55.00h Fort Lee HS
Badenhausen, Graham 4:56.91 Ramsey HS
Kass, Jordan 4:58.00h Pascack Hills HS
Emelo, Max 5:00.00 River Dell HS
Khan, Kamal 5:02.47 Bergenfield HS
Bergen, Joe 5:04.91 Westwood HS
Lowe-Massi, Brayden 5:09.00h Mahwah HS
Gutierrez, Pablo 5:09.00h Cliffside Park HS
Orizabal, Christian 5:10.00h Cliffside Park HS
Rivas, Rudy 5:13.00h Cliffside Park HS
Syed, Saim 5:16.96 Ridgefield Park HS
Lam, Gavin 5:25 Dwight Morrow HS
Williams, Brandon 5:30 Dumont HS
Zhou, Eric 5:35 Dwight Morrow HS
Kowaga, Takanori 5:35 Dwight Morrow HS
Kearney, Kevin 5:37.87 Mahwah HS
Sung, Arvin 5:57 Dumont HS
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Boys 200m Boys 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zubikov, Ilay Tenafly HS
DeMilia, Daniel Pascack Valley HS
Drumm, Gavin Dumont HS
Supple, John Pascack Valley HS
Supple, Michael Pascack Valley HS
Kim, Aaron 22.90h Fort Lee HS
Hunt, Khaleb 23.0 Dwight Morrow HS
Taylor, El 23.0 Fort Lee HS
Londono, Lukkas 23.00h Cliffside Park HS
Fletcher, Ryan 23.1 Dwight Morrow HS
Marcelo, Matt 23.1 Indian Hills HS
Goehrig, Andrew 23.18 Ramsey HS
Christian, Christopher 23.2 Dwight Morrow HS
Chumas, Aidan 23.3 Indian Hills HS
Schoenberg, David 23.40 River Dell HS
Stewart, Lacquan 23.48 Bergenfield HS
Park, Dean 23.5 Fort Lee HS
Peng, Jack 23.50 River Dell HS
Zearfaus, Owen 23.7 Indian Hills HS
Gawrylo, James 23.90 River Dell HS
Napier, Justin 23.93 Westwood HS
Fink, Brandon 24.01 Westwood HS
Hod, Ariel 24.10h NV - Demarest HS
March, Aaron 24.15 Ramsey HS
Argueta, Cristian 24.20h Cliffside Park HS
Fall, Souleymane 24.38 Bergenfield HS
Uchida, Kenny 24.44 Tenafly HS
Meyer, Cameron 24.5 NV - Demarest HS
Bayuelo, Sebastian 24.50h NV - Demarest HS
Davidson, Elijah 24.88 Bergenfield HS
Castano, Matthew 25 Ridgefield Park HS
Nunez, Persio 25.07 Ridgefield Park HS
Dugan, Jack 25.07 Westwood HS
Robinson, Griffin 25.23 Pascack Hills HS
Peralta, Ramses 25.3 Dumont HS
Camarys, Matthews 25.60h Cliffside Park HS
Franck, Augie 25.62 Ramsey HS
Colon, Isaac 26 Ridgefield Park HS
Van Duren, Daniel 26.00h Mahwah HS
Slaughter, Jack 26.67 Mahwah HS
Kim, Justin 27.00h Mahwah HS
Krakow, Elan 27.43 Tenafly HS
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Boys 200M Boys 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cuevas, Carlos 22.1 Lakeland Regional HS
Schmitt, Ray 22.3 Lakeland Regional HS
Padavano, Jude 23.1 Lakeland Regional HS
Gonzalez, Eddionel 23.9 Passaic Valley HS
Dahhan, Zakria 23.94 Passaic Valley HS
Colon-Leon, Michael 23.97 Fair Lawn HS
Mansoor, Mounier 23.99 Passaic Valley HS
Gerard, Daniel 24.30 Wayne Hills HS
Breitkopf, Jacob 24.50h Fair Lawn HS
Malloy, Liam 24.82 Fair Lawn HS
DePalma, Anthony 25.0 Wayne Valley HS
Zemser, Mateo 25.14 West Milford HS
Schloss, Ethan 26.11 Wayne Valley HS
Park, Dan 26.17 Wayne Hills HS
Testa, John 26.30 Wayne Valley HS
Cooper, Ryan 26.31 West Milford HS
Madara, Colin 26.40 West Milford HS
Rinaldo, Joseph 26.50h Wayne Hills HS
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Boys 3200M Boys 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lemley, Ken Wayne Valley HS
Clinton, Collin West Milford HS
Bennett, Joshua Wayne Hills HS
Murphy, Mason 10:05 Lakeland Regional HS
Cheema, Marcus 10:10 Westwood HS
Lustberg, Michael 10:33 Fair Lawn HS
Long, Owen 10:45 Westwood HS
Langbaum, Justin 10:45.00 Wayne Hills HS
Lehr, Ethan 10:48.92 Lakeland Regional HS
Lechguar, Akram 10:49 Passaic Valley HS
Garrity, Steven 10:49 Passaic Valley HS
Schneider, Jack 10:50.28 Ramsey HS
Badenhausen, Graham 10:52.49 Ramsey HS
Gutierrez, Pablo 10:58.00 Cliffside Park HS
Bomersbach, Blake 10:59 Fair Lawn HS
Orizabal, Christian 10:59.00 Cliffside Park HS
Conteh, Ekuyami 11:00.00 Fort Lee HS
Ocotl, Jason 11:05 Westwood HS
Spadaccini, Jesse 11:15 Passaic Valley HS
Sung, Arvin 12:10 Dumont HS
Campoverde, Jesse 9:48.39 Lakeland Regional HS
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Boys 3200m Boys 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Misra, Oliver 10:10.12 Tenafly HS
Kyung, Andrew 10:30 NV - Demarest HS
Kleinman, Andrew 10:30 NV - Demarest HS
Baruch, Jon 10:30 NV - Demarest HS
Macejka, Anthony 10:38 Indian Hills HS
Khanlian, Arthur 10:40 Indian Hills HS
Levy, Yonatan 10:50.00 Tenafly HS
Emelo, Max 10:55.00 River Dell HS
Pomeranz, Rob 11:30.00 Tenafly HS
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Boys 400M Boys 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Knapp, Austin Wayne Hills HS
Joo, Shawn Wayne Hills HS
Scheuplein, Erik 1:00 Wayne Valley HS
Patel, Aryan 1:04 Wayne Valley HS
Cuevas, Carlos 51.58 Lakeland Regional HS
Colon-Leon, Michael 53.50h Fair Lawn HS
Dahhan, Zakria 54.0 Passaic Valley HS
Malloy, Liam 54.50h Fair Lawn HS
Breitkopf, Jacob 54.50h Fair Lawn HS
Dubac, Nick 56.00 Lakeland Regional HS
Zhang, Steven 57 Wayne Hills HS
Cooper, Ryan 57.35 West Milford HS
Miles, Max 58.00h Lakeland Regional HS
Muoio, Vincent 58.1 Passaic Valley HS
Idelfonso, Justin 58.40h Passaic Valley HS
Madara, Colin 58.79 West Milford HS
Milne, Kyle 58.81 West Milford HS
Noufal, Amir 59.0 Wayne Valley HS
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Boys 400m Boys 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Drumm, Gavin Dumont HS
Powers, Luke 1:00.00 Mahwah HS
Kroczynski, Andrew 1:02.15 Mahwah HS
Londono, Lukkas 51.00h Cliffside Park HS
Perez, Jumal 51.50h Fort Lee HS
March, Aaron 51.93 Ramsey HS
Page, Carrington 52 Ridgefield Park HS
Christian, Christopher 52.00h Dwight Morrow HS
Zearfaus, Owen 52.3 Indian Hills HS
Puentes, David 52.50 River Dell HS
Aragonez, Ian 53.0 Fort Lee HS
Rivas, Kalil 53.0 Fort Lee HS
Goldstein, Ryan 53.20 River Dell HS
Turcina, Matt 54.00h Westwood HS
Les, Owen 54.11 Ramsey HS
De La Roca, Anthony 54.30h Cliffside Park HS
Beck, Adam 54.50h Westwood HS
Stewart, Lacquan 54.66 Bergenfield HS
Mercurio, Edward 54.76 Pascack Valley HS
Colon, Isaac 55 Ridgefield Park HS
Sanford, Teddy 55.30 River Dell HS
Hwang, Justin 56.00 NV - Demarest HS
Chu, Eugene 56.00h NV - Demarest HS
Gottlieb, Alan 56.00h Ridgefield Park HS
O'Neill, Patrick 56.12 Ramsey HS
Fall, Souleymane 56.60h Bergenfield HS
Polanco, Andrew 56.80h Cliffside Park HS
Schwartz, Matthew 57.00 Pascack Hills HS
Mcgowan, Zack 57.00h Westwood HS
Peralta, Ramses 58.0 Dumont HS
Kearney, Kevin 58.00h Mahwah HS
Braver, Russell 58.5 Indian Hills HS
Williams, Brandon 59.0 Dumont HS
Lim, Elliot 59.00h NV - Demarest HS
Brown, Herbert 59.17 Dwight Morrow HS
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Boys 4x400M Boys 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Fair Lawn HS
Relay Team A West Milford HS
Relay Team A 3:40.00h Lakeland Regional HS
Relay Team A 3:46.20 Passaic Valley HS
Relay Team A 3:54.01 Wayne Hills HS
Relay Team A 4:31.29 Wayne Valley HS
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Boys 4x400m Boys 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:36.00h NV - Demarest HS
Relay Team A 3:38.62 River Dell HS
Relay Team A 3:40.00h Indian Hills HS
Relay Team A 3:53.52 Pascack Valley HS
Relay Team A 3:54.80 Dwight Morrow HS
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Boys 4x800m Boys 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:02.21 West Milford HS
Relay Team A 10:36.80 Indian Hills HS
Relay Team A 11:30.90 Ramsey HS
Relay Team A 11:38.16 Wayne Valley HS
Relay Team A 8:38.75 Westwood HS
Relay Team A 8:40.00h NV - Demarest HS
Relay Team A 8:45.00 River Dell HS
Relay Team A 8:53.50 Fort Lee HS
Relay Team A 9:00.00h Passaic Valley HS
Relay Team A 9:09.90 Wayne Hills HS
Relay Team A 9:15.00h Ridgefield Park HS
Relay Team A 9:15.00h Lakeland Regional HS
Relay Team A 9:19.00h Cliffside Park HS
Relay Team A 9:59.00h Mahwah HS
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Boys 55 Dash Boys 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Uchida, Kenny Tenafly HS
Mercurio, Joe Pascack Valley HS
Castano, Matthew Ridgefield Park HS
Hunt, Khaleb 6.7 Dwight Morrow HS
Hoyle, Jalen 6.8 Dwight Morrow HS
Zayer, Sam 6.80h Pascack Hills HS
Marcelo, Matt 6.83 Indian Hills HS
Kim, Aaron 6.83 Fort Lee HS
Londono, Lukkas 6.84h Cliffside Park HS
Taylor, El 6.85 Fort Lee HS
Chumas, Aidan 6.86 Indian Hills HS
Park, Dean 6.86 Fort Lee HS
Peng, Jack 6.88 River Dell HS
Zaccaro, Cole 6.89 River Dell HS
Meyer, Cameron 7.0 NV - Demarest HS
Argueta, Cristian 7.00h Cliffside Park HS
Napier, Justin 7.01 Westwood HS
Vergeldedios, Kevin 7.03 Bergenfield HS
Martin, Cori 7.04h Dwight Morrow HS
Zearfaus, Owen 7.05 Indian Hills HS
Gawrylo, James 7.05 River Dell HS
Fokuoh-Mensah, Dyllon 7.07 Bergenfield HS
Fink, Brandon 7.07 Westwood HS
Roznitsky, Oren 7.08 Pascack Valley HS
Davidson, Elijah 7.09 Bergenfield HS
Chu, Eugene 7.10h NV - Demarest HS
Park, Andy 7.14 Tenafly HS
Goehrig, Andrew 7.14h Ramsey HS
Peralta, Ramses 7.2 Dumont HS
Polanco, Andrew 7.20h Cliffside Park HS
Cho, Sung Bin 7.22 Mahwah HS
Kim, Justin 7.25 Mahwah HS
Goehrig, Harrison 7.26 Ramsey HS
March, Aaron 7.29 Ramsey HS
Robinson, Griffin 7.29 Pascack Hills HS
Bae, William 7.30h Dumont HS
Zhu, Max 7.30h Pascack Hills HS
Bayuelo, Sebastian 7.30h NV - Demarest HS
Dugan, Jack 7.36 Westwood HS
Wu, Austin 7.38 Mahwah HS
Vetterlein, Christopher 7.48 Pascack Valley HS
Gottlieb, Alan 7.54 Ridgefield Park HS
Poss, Daniel 7.64 Ridgefield Park HS
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Boys 55 Hurdle Boys 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gilante, Egidio West Milford HS
Drumm, Gavin Dumont HS
Peralta, Ramses Dumont HS
Frederick, Jake 10.0 Indian Hills HS
Madara, Colin 10.15 West Milford HS
Iacovo, Nicolas 10.44h Passaic Valley HS
Aschenbach, Jordan 10.5 Wayne Valley HS
Stauff, Jordan 10.59 Mahwah HS
Simmers, Andrew 11.0 Indian Hills HS
Kiame, Neil 11.0 Wayne Valley HS
Wallach, Chad 11.2 Lakeland Regional HS
McGinty, Liam 11.93 Lakeland Regional HS
Van Duren, Daniel 8.00 Mahwah HS
Reilly, Everett 8.18 River Dell HS
Perez, Jumal 8.2 Fort Lee HS
Bassey, Victor 8.4 Dwight Morrow HS
Munson, Connor 8.44h Westwood HS
Ilardi, A.J. 8.45 Indian Hills HS
O'Neill, Patrick 8.47 Ramsey HS
Hod, Ariel 8.5 NV - Demarest HS
Afriat, Itai 8.56 Fair Lawn HS
Gu, Steven 8.56 River Dell HS
Joung, Daniel 8.65 Tenafly HS
Slotky, Ori 8.7 NV - Demarest HS
Bussanich, Ryan 8.77 Ramsey HS
Lowe, Tyson 8.9 Fort Lee HS
Lim, Elliot 8.9 NV - Demarest HS
McGahan, Sean 8.90 Ramsey HS
Armwood, Justin 8.90h Fort Lee HS
De La Roca, Anthony 8.90h Cliffside Park HS
Harvey, Andrew 8.91 River Dell HS
Munson, Stephen 9.04h Westwood HS
Kwon, Richard 9.17 Ridgefield Park HS
Findlay, Isaiah 9.5 Dwight Morrow HS
Zhu, Max 9.50h Pascack Hills HS
Victoria, Temoc 9.54h Passaic Valley HS
Idelfonso, Justin 9.80h Passaic Valley HS
Slaughter, Jack 9.84 Mahwah HS
Joo, Shawn 9.90h Wayne Hills HS
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Boys 55m Boys 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schmitt, Ray 6.5 Lakeland Regional HS
Gonzalez, Eddionel 6.82 Passaic Valley HS
Kislenko, Alexander 6.84 Fair Lawn HS
Mansoor, Mounier 6.84 Passaic Valley HS
Padavano, Jude 6.89 Lakeland Regional HS
Dahhan, Zakria 6.98 Passaic Valley HS
Paduani, Josh 7.0 Lakeland Regional HS
Breitkopf, Jacob 7.00 Fair Lawn HS
Colon-Leon, Michael 7.04 Fair Lawn HS
Gerard, Daniel 7.08 Wayne Hills HS
Zemser, Mateo 7.16 West Milford HS
Park, Dan 7.19 Wayne Hills HS
Minogue, Kyle 7.40h Wayne Hills HS
Cooper, Ryan 7.57 West Milford HS
Testa, John 7.66 Wayne Valley HS
Noufal, Amir 7.8 Wayne Valley HS
Delacruz, Nacier 7.82 West Milford HS
Casey, Trey 8.04h Wayne Valley HS
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Boys 800M Boys 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Milne, Kyle West Milford HS
Bramley, Kevin West Milford HS
Oesterle, Jack West Milford HS
Voll, Zachary 1:59 Lakeland Regional HS
Gibson, Owen 2:08 Lakeland Regional HS
Soriano, Jessier 2:09.00h Passaic Valley HS
Koch, Frank 2:12 Passaic Valley HS
Matari, Leith 2:15.00h Passaic Valley HS
Rodriguez, Daniel 2:16.69 Fair Lawn HS
Gostev, Alexander 2:17.94 Fair Lawn HS
Munoz, Anthony 2:18.95 Wayne Hills HS
Knapp, Austin 2:19.12 Wayne Hills HS
Crilly, Divine 2:20 Lakeland Regional HS
Hedian, Jeremy 2:20.00h Wayne Hills HS
Kiame, Neil 2:22 Wayne Valley HS
Bates, Brian 2:23.05 Fair Lawn HS
Lee, Robert 2:30 Wayne Valley HS
Funiciello, Nino 2:35.57 Wayne Valley HS
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Boys 800m Boys 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez, Andrew 2:01 Pascack Valley HS
Cheema, Marcus 2:01 Westwood HS
Davis, Theodore 2:01 NV - Demarest HS
Mohr, Michael 2:03 Indian Hills HS
Chambers, Patrick 2:03.97 Ramsey HS
Lei, Jason 2:05.00h Fort Lee HS
Kwon, David 2:06 NV - Demarest HS
Holland Fincher, O'Dell 2:06.00h Fort Lee HS
McElroy, Aidan 2:06.20 River Dell HS
Kim, Taehoon 2:07.00h NV - Demarest HS
Reyes, Ezekial 2:07.81 Ridgefield Park HS
O'Connor, Dallas 2:08 Pascack Valley HS
Page, Carrington 2:08.46 Ridgefield Park HS
Fiorino, Luke 2:10 Pascack Valley HS
Berzon, Jason 2:10.00 River Dell HS
Ford, Ryan 2:10.00h Mahwah HS
Osterhus, Jonah 2:11.50 Westwood HS
Paolucci, Marcus 2:12.53 Ramsey HS
Wu, Austin 2:13 Mahwah HS
Kearns, Sean 2:14.00 Pascack Hills HS
Shimizu, Gen 2:15.00h Fort Lee HS
Ocotl, Jason 2:15.00h Westwood HS
Syed, Saim 2:17.62 Ridgefield Park HS
Rivas, Rudy 2:18.00h Cliffside Park HS
Vazquez, Evien 2:18.06 River Dell HS
Connelly, James 2:19.05 Ramsey HS
Williams, Brandon 2:20 Dumont HS
Rivera, Johannes 2:22.00h Bergenfield HS
Sung, Arvin 2:25 Dumont HS
Lowe-Massi, Brayden 2:28.11 Mahwah HS
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Boys High Jump Boys 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
DePalma, Anthony 6-0 Wayne Valley HS
Van Es, Ryan 5-0 Wayne Valley HS
Bhuiyan, Hasan 5-0 Passaic Valley HS
Gonzalez, Eddionel 5-0 Passaic Valley HS
Connors, Donald 4-10 West Milford HS
Scheuplein, Erik 4-6 Wayne Valley HS
Dubac, Nick Lakeland Regional HS
Wallach, Chad Lakeland Regional HS
Gilante, Egidio West Milford HS
Bloomfield, Javoun Passaic Valley HS
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Boys Long Jump Boys 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Evans, Vanton 22-4 Dwight Morrow HS
Glass, Michael 21-0 NV - Demarest HS
Kislenko, Alexander 20-5.75 Fair Lawn HS
Rhee, Justin 19-6.25 River Dell HS
Poggioli, Connor 19-6 Indian Hills HS
Calem, Justin 19-3.5 River Dell HS
Munson, Stephen 19-3.5 Westwood HS
Stewart, Lacquan 19-2.75 Bergenfield HS
Bassey, Marvellous 19-0 Dwight Morrow HS
Ussher-Keushkerian, Jack 19-0 NV - Demarest HS
Londono, Lukkas 19-0 Cliffside Park HS
Goehrig, Harrison 19-0 Ramsey HS
Joung, Daniel 18-11.5 Tenafly HS
Mironis, Antonio 18-11.5 Ridgefield Park HS
Zayer, Sam 18-10.75 Pascack Hills HS
Park, Andy 18-10.75 Tenafly HS
Kim, Justin 18-10 Mahwah HS
DePalma, Anthony 18-10 Wayne Valley HS
Munson, Connor 18-9 Westwood HS
Uchida, Kenny 18-7.75 Tenafly HS
Aragonez, Ian 18-7.5 Fort Lee HS
Findlay, Isaiah 18-6 Dwight Morrow HS
Fokuoh-Mensah, Dyllon 18-6 Bergenfield HS
Batista, Javian 18-0 Bergenfield HS
Meyer, Cameron 18-0 NV - Demarest HS
Lowe, Tyson 18-0 Fort Lee HS
Simpson, Parker 18-0 Ramsey HS
Park, Dean 18-0 Fort Lee HS
Dugan, Jack 18-0 Westwood HS
DeMilia, Daniel 17-10.5 Pascack Valley HS
McGahan, Sean 17-10.5 Ramsey HS
Gawrylo, James 17-7.5 River Dell HS
Schloss, Ethan 16-9.75 Wayne Valley HS
Cho, Sung Bin 16-4 Mahwah HS
Camarys, Matthews 16-0 Cliffside Park HS
Padavano, Jude Lakeland Regional HS
Van Es, Ryan Wayne Valley HS
Idelfonso, Justin Passaic Valley HS
Piper, Hansel Lakeland Regional HS
Mercurio, Joe Pascack Valley HS
Minogue, Kyle Wayne Hills HS
Joo, Shawn Wayne Hills HS
Dubac, Nick Lakeland Regional HS
Suarez, Jose West Milford HS
Gilante, Egidio West Milford HS
Gonzalez, Eddionel Passaic Valley HS
Bhuiyan, Hasan Passaic Valley HS
Park, Dan Wayne Hills HS
Mercurio, Edward Pascack Valley HS
Delacruz, Nacier West Milford HS
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Boys Pole Vault Boys 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zuckerman, Max 14-3 Pascack Hills HS
Munson, Connor 13-6 Westwood HS
Zemser, Mateo 12-6 West Milford HS
Horsa, Chris 12-0 Mahwah HS
Muller, Reese 11-6 Mahwah HS
Levin, Jason 11-0 Fort Lee HS
Rodriguez, Daniel 10-0 Mahwah HS
Munson, Stephen 10-0 Westwood HS
Garofalo, Nicholas 9-6 Ramsey HS
Steiner, Gabe 8-6 Ramsey HS
Castaneda, Jaidon 8-0 Passaic Valley HS
Bhuiyan, Hasan 8-0 Passaic Valley HS
Stella, Mark 8-0 Ramsey HS
Dunn, Connor Lakeland Regional HS
Minunni, Matthew Lakeland Regional HS
Pedatella, Anthony Lakeland Regional HS
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Boys Shot Put Boys 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Iyonsi, Joshua 54-11 River Dell HS
Watson, Dane 53-10.75 Bergenfield HS
Garrison, VeRon 53-10.5 Dwight Morrow HS
Choi, Jin-Hyuk 50-7 NV - Demarest HS
McGarrity, Gavin 45-9 Wayne Valley HS
MacDonald, Ryan 45-6.5 River Dell HS
Lehman, Michael 45-5.5 Wayne Hills HS
Kuren, Kyle 45-3 Passaic Valley HS
McCormack, TJ 45-2.5 Lakeland Regional HS
De Croce, Joseph 44-0 NV - Demarest HS
Ruggerio, Rick 43-8 Wayne Valley HS
Kabiawu, Tami 42-2 Fair Lawn HS
Estevez, Christopher 41-10.75 Bergenfield HS
Forster, Chris 40-7.5 River Dell HS
Georges, Ryan 37-10 Passaic Valley HS
Reynoso, Marco 37-3 Fair Lawn HS
Hong, Roger 37-1.75 NV - Demarest HS
Manning, Nick 37-0 Lakeland Regional HS
LaRusso, Aidan 36-11 Wayne Hills HS
Ali, Nazmeir 36-2 Passaic Valley HS
Uribe, Juan 35-9 Fair Lawn HS
Qurbanzada, Mozamel 33-5 Dwight Morrow HS
Del Forno, Louis 32-0.5 Wayne Valley HS
Kinney, Andrew 28-6 Wayne Hills HS
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Boys Triple Jump Boys 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Evans, Vanton 42-7.25 Dwight Morrow HS
Mahabee, Albert 42-0.75 Dwight Morrow HS
Zayer, Sam 41-9.25 Pascack Hills HS
Joung, Daniel 41-0 Tenafly HS
Bassey, Marvellous 40-11.75 Dwight Morrow HS
Rhee, Justin 39-11.25 River Dell HS
Calem, Justin 39-8.75 River Dell HS
Peng, Jack 39-6.5 River Dell HS
DePalma, Anthony 39-5.5 Wayne Valley HS
Kislenko, Alexander 38-10 Fair Lawn HS
Mironis, Antonio 38-9 Ridgefield Park HS
Simpson, Parker 38-6.25 Ramsey HS
Poggioli, Connor 38-6 Indian Hills HS
Perez, Jumal 38-0 Fort Lee HS
Huang, Taiyi 37-5 Fort Lee HS
Khassa, Ismail 37-1 Tenafly HS
Lowe, Tyson 37-0 Fort Lee HS
Schloss, Ethan 36-7.75 Wayne Valley HS
Kim, Justin 36-6.75 Mahwah HS
McGahan, Sean 36-6 Ramsey HS
Glass, Michael 36-0 NV - Demarest HS
Slotky, Ori 36-0 NV - Demarest HS
Bussanich, Ryan 36-0 Ramsey HS
Park, Andy 35-6 Tenafly HS
Van Itale, Jack 35-2 Mahwah HS
Nyfenger, Charles 35-0 NV - Demarest HS
De La Roca, Anthony 35-0 Cliffside Park HS
Frederick, Jake 30-6 Indian Hills HS
Piper, Hansel Lakeland Regional HS
Padavano, Jude Lakeland Regional HS
Bloomfield, Javoun Passaic Valley HS
Van Es, Ryan Wayne Valley HS
Idelfonso, Justin Passaic Valley HS
Iacovo, Nicolas Passaic Valley HS
Gilante, Egidio West Milford HS
Suarez, Jose West Milford HS
Dubac, Nick Lakeland Regional HS
Back to Top

Girls 1600m Girls 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Toleno, Stephanie Ridgefield Park HS
Santos, Amalia Ridgefield Park HS
Puccio, Mia Pascack Valley HS
Lounsbury, Allison 5:15 Indian Hills HS
Barney, Corinne 5:15 Indian Hills HS
Garofalo, Kaitlyn 5:33.89 Ramsey HS
Lester, Ellie 5:42.00h NV - Demarest HS
Walter, Casey 5:42.00h NV - Demarest HS
Pereira, Kelsey 5:44.00h Cliffside Park HS
Najarian, Sylvie 5:47.00 Pascack Hills HS
Luo, Miranda 5:47.00 Pascack Hills HS
Bender, Maya 5:48.54 Ramsey HS
O'Neil, Kayla 5:50 Indian Hills HS
Gwak, Robin 5:50.00h NV - Demarest HS
Patire, Alena 5:50.00h Mahwah HS
Calderon, Veronica 5:51.00h Cliffside Park HS
Eissa, Tasnim 5:52.00h Cliffside Park HS
Simeonidis, Cleo 5:54.65 Westwood HS
Chin, Olivia 5:56.00 Pascack Hills HS
Winger, Maya 5:57.65 Ramsey HS
Newman, Amanda 5:57.75 River Dell HS
Jansen, Grace 6:00 Pascack Valley HS
Dursema, Megan 6:01.70 Mahwah HS
Armendariz, Ana 6:04.07 Mahwah HS
Lopez, Casey 6:08.52 Dumont HS
Bergqvisit, Annika 6:11.00h Tenafly HS
O'Malley, Meghan 6:11.05 Westwood HS
Kahtane, Yasmine 6:15 Fort Lee HS
Ozdemir, Elif 6:15 Dwight Morrow HS
Cookson, Sarah 6:20.00h River Dell HS
Amitai, Danna 6:21.85 Tenafly HS
Sudol, Katie 6:25 Dwight Morrow HS
Fisher, Ainsley 6:26.02 Westwood HS
Krumerman, Ella 6:30.00h Tenafly HS
Park, Tiffany 6:31.35 Fort Lee HS
Back to Top

Girls 1600M Girls 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wardlaw, Ashley West Milford HS
Cinquino, Lauren Wayne Valley HS
Clinton, Cassidy West Milford HS
Cummings, Elizabeth Wayne Valley HS
Graf, Kristen West Milford HS
Perez, Angelina 5:40 Lakeland Regional HS
Horevay, Abigail 5:47 Lakeland Regional HS
Cottone, Katharine 5:49 Passaic Valley HS
Gerritsen, Jenna 5:51.00 Fair Lawn HS
Fahy, Caitlin 5:55 Lakeland Regional HS
Leathers, Kyla 6:01.40 Wayne Hills HS
Strauss, Leah 6:29.68 Wayne Hills HS
Coronado-Luz, Auriella 6:30 Passaic Valley HS
Rivere, Rebekah 6:36.00 Fair Lawn HS
Viellette, Megan 6:41.73 Fair Lawn HS
Cronin, Kaitlyn 7:13.20 Passaic Valley HS
Back to Top

Girls 200M Girls 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hodgson, Jenna West Milford HS
Mullin, Katie 27.50h Lakeland Regional HS
McNutt, Tamara 27.50h Wayne Valley HS
Kulesha, Irina 28.50 Lakeland Regional HS
Victoria, Zuania 28.9 Passaic Valley HS
Koman, Lauren 29 Passaic Valley HS
Liput, Joanna 29.56 Wayne Valley HS
Rodriguez, Jadalynn 29.6 Passaic Valley HS
Collicchio, Jenna 29.7 Wayne Valley HS
Doucet, Emily 30.00 Fair Lawn HS
Adamo, Amanda 30.2 Wayne Hills HS
Crespo, Mia 30.50 Fair Lawn HS
Holley, Layla 30.73 Fair Lawn HS
Kearney, Sophia 31.2 Wayne Hills HS
Mehnert, Alex 31.76 Wayne Hills HS
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Girls 200m Girls 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stewart, Tyonna 27.0 Dwight Morrow HS
Kalvani, Ashna 27.10 NV - Demarest HS
O'Keeffe, Claire 27.12 Ramsey HS
Connolly, Shannon 27.2 Pascack Valley HS
Pialtos, Kyra 27.2 NV - Demarest HS
Grubb, Emily 27.23 Ramsey HS
Smith, Lynaisha 27.5 Dwight Morrow HS
Torres, Daniella 27.5 Ridgefield Park HS
Valentine, Nyla 27.8 Dwight Morrow HS
Bryant, Sanai 28.0 Dumont HS
Lee, Hana 28.0 Tenafly HS
Cunningham, Sophie 28.11 Ramsey HS
Knowles, Jenaliah 28.23 Bergenfield HS
DeLosSantos, Olivia 28.24 Tenafly HS
Sen, Nicole 28.30h Pascack Hills HS
Lukaszcyk, Kate 28.39 Westwood HS
Jacobson, Hailey 28.5 Pascack Valley HS
Forcellati, Isabel 28.5 Pascack Valley HS
Kim, Sheryl 28.50h Tenafly HS
Byrne, Darcy 28.57 River Dell HS
Rosolanko, Kaitlyn 29.0 Indian Hills HS
Constantine, Victoria 29.00h NV - Demarest HS
Ra, Gabriella 29.04 River Dell HS
Powers, Sydney 29.13 Mahwah HS
Muller, Skylar 29.5 Dumont HS
Martinez, Arianna 29.5 Cliffside Park HS
Chesney, Brooke 29.8 Indian Hills HS
Martos, Kimberly 29.8 Cliffside Park HS
Pena, Shayla 29.80h Dumont HS
Poppe, Ashlyn 29.9 Indian Hills HS
Chappell, Holly 30.00h Mahwah HS
Hic, Stephanie 30.2 Cliffside Park HS
Ohlendorf, Abigail 30.29 River Dell HS
Lim, Alina 30.39 Fort Lee HS
Sarnoff, Bella 30.47 Fort Lee HS
Palminteri, Nya 30.70 Fort Lee HS
Buquicchio, Kelly 30.85 Pascack Hills HS
Cabrera, Emily 31.15 Ridgefield Park HS
Asterita, Alexandria 31.45 Mahwah HS
Ardese, Kristen 31.71 Westwood HS
Back to Top

Girls 3200M Girls 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cronin, Kaitlyn Passaic Valley HS
Cummings, Elizabeth Wayne Valley HS
Perez, Angelina 11:07.25 Lakeland Regional HS
Najarian, Sylvie 11:47.00 Pascack Hills HS
Horevay, Abigail 11:48.82 Lakeland Regional HS
Fahy, Caitlin 11:55.00 Lakeland Regional HS
Pereira, Kelsey 12:05.00 Cliffside Park HS
Clinton, Cassidy 12:19.49 West Milford HS
Garofalo, Kaitlyn 12:20.72 Ramsey HS
Eissa, Tasnim 12:25.00 Cliffside Park HS
Kayabas, Buket 12:30.00 Cliffside Park HS
Gerritsen, Jenna 12:49.00 Fair Lawn HS
Winger, Maya 12:55.43 Ramsey HS
Armendariz, Ana 12:56.76 Mahwah HS
O'Malley, Meghan 13:00 Westwood HS
Bravo, Kenya 13:10.65 Ramsey HS
Leathers, Kyla 13:19.00 Wayne Hills HS
Lopez, Casey 13:20 Dumont HS
Strauss, Leah 13:21.00 Wayne Hills HS
Viellette, Megan 13:44 Fair Lawn HS
Schwartz, Alexa 13:50.00 Mahwah HS
Campbell, Evangeline 14:10 Fair Lawn HS
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Girls 3200m Girls 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barney, Corinne 11:02 Indian Hills HS
Lounsbury, Allison 11:15 Indian Hills HS
Lester, Ellie 12:00.00 NV - Demarest HS
Walter, Casey 12:20.00 NV - Demarest HS
Newman, Amanda 12:59.00 River Dell HS
Weikl, Lauren 13:40.00 NV - Demarest HS
Back to Top

Girls 400M Girls 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gonzalez Batista, Elianne Wayne Hills HS
Galesi, Julia Wayne Hills HS
Kearney, Madeline Wayne Hills HS
Matari, Leila Passaic Valley HS
McNutt, Tamara 1:01 Wayne Valley HS
Miles, Hanna 1:02.81 Lakeland Regional HS
Passaglia, Lauren 1:05 Wayne Valley HS
Tanajewski, Devyn 1:05.82 Lakeland Regional HS
Kaspar, Rebecca 1:11.00h Passaic Valley HS
Namendorf, Samantha 1:12 Wayne Valley HS
Crespo, Mia 1:12.00h Fair Lawn HS
Holley, Layla 1:13.00 Fair Lawn HS
Pampliega, Tara 1:16.00 Fair Lawn HS
Koman, Lauren 68 Passaic Valley HS
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Girls 400m Girls 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Klanke, Alexandra 1:01.00h Mahwah HS
O'Keeffe, Claire 1:01.21 Ramsey HS
Kalvani, Ashna 1:02.00h NV - Demarest HS
Scipioni, Adriana 1:03.00 River Dell HS
Gjini, Erica 1:03.26 Ramsey HS
Pialtos, Kyra 1:03.86 NV - Demarest HS
Kim, Sheryl 1:04.00h Tenafly HS
Mckeon, Emma 1:04.90 River Dell HS
Demoraes, Julia 1:05.00h Tenafly HS
Ryu, Casey 1:05.00h Fort Lee HS
Wu, Michelle 1:05.30 NV - Demarest HS
Bergen, Katelyn 1:05.53 Ramsey HS
Powers, Sydney 1:06.13 Mahwah HS
Kalkandelen, Beliz 1:07 Indian Hills HS
Joung, Hannah 1:07 Tenafly HS
Kim, Tiffany 1:07.00h Fort Lee HS
Koo, Robyn 1:07.00h Fort Lee HS
Martos, Kimberly 1:07.00h Cliffside Park HS
Levine, Lauren 1:07.31 River Dell HS
Mullaney, Julianna 1:07.50h Pascack Valley HS
Canciani, Allie 1:07.87 Pascack Hills HS
Chesney, Brooke 1:08 Indian Hills HS
Martinez, Arianna 1:08.00h Cliffside Park HS
Aguilar, Estela 1:09.00h Cliffside Park HS
Cabrera, Emily 1:12.00h Ridgefield Park HS
Sen, Nicole 1:13.80 Pascack Hills HS
Garger, Brianna 66 Westwood HS
Richardson, Angelique 66.0 Dwight Morrow HS
Damascus, Kaitlin 67.0 Pascack Valley HS
Recchia, Emily 68 Westwood HS
Mullaney, Katherine 68.0 Pascack Valley HS
Back to Top

Girls 4x400m Girls 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Tenafly HS
Relay Team A 4:14.00h NV - Demarest HS
Relay Team A 4:14.97 Ramsey HS
Relay Team A 4:21.87 River Dell HS
Relay Team A 4:27.58 Westwood HS
Relay Team A 4:35.73 Pascack Hills HS
Relay Team A 4:36.24 Indian Hills HS
Relay Team A 4:42.76 Fort Lee HS
Relay Team A 4:45.41 Pascack Valley HS
Relay Team A 4:50.00h Ridgefield Park HS
Relay Team A 4:59.40 Mahwah HS
Back to Top

Girls 4x400M Girls 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:25.00h Wayne Valley HS
Relay Team A 4:30.00 Lakeland Regional HS
Relay Team A 4:40.36 Passaic Valley HS
Relay Team A 4:45.23 Wayne Hills HS
Relay Team A 5:00.00h Fair Lawn HS
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Girls 4x800m Girls 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:00.47 Ramsey HS
Relay Team A 10:19.76 River Dell HS
Relay Team A 10:20.00 Indian Hills HS
Relay Team A 10:40.00 Tenafly HS
Relay Team A 10:40.00 NV - Demarest HS
Relay Team A 10:40.00 Cliffside Park HS
Relay Team A 10:48.21 Mahwah HS
Relay Team A 10:57.13 Westwood HS
Relay Team A 11:00.00 Lakeland Regional HS
Relay Team A 11:03.60 Passaic Valley HS
Relay Team A 11:33.00 Wayne Hills HS
Relay Team A 12:10.80 Fort Lee HS
Relay Team A 13:04.60 Wayne Valley HS
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Girls 55 Dash Girls 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lukaszcyk, Kate Westwood HS
Bryant, Sanai 7.3 Dumont HS
Stewart, Tyonna 7.7 Dwight Morrow HS
O'Keeffe, Claire 7.76 Ramsey HS
Caballero, Kendall 7.77 Fort Lee HS
Valentine, Nyla 7.8 Dwight Morrow HS
Torres, Daniella 7.80h Ridgefield Park HS
Knowles, Jenaliah 7.89 Bergenfield HS
Lee, Gloria 7.89 River Dell HS
Byrne, Darcy 7.90 River Dell HS
Pialtos, Kyra 7.90h NV - Demarest HS
Sewell, Jada 7.90h NV - Demarest HS
Ricco, Jessica 7.92 Pascack Valley HS
DeLosSantos, Olivia 7.95 Tenafly HS
Berman, Kenia 8.00 Bergenfield HS
Hic, Stephanie 8.00h Cliffside Park HS
Lee, Hana 8.02 Tenafly HS
Cunningham, Sophie 8.06 Ramsey HS
Grubb, Emily 8.07 Ramsey HS
Reichert, Kelly 8.10h NV - Demarest HS
Randolph, Sonia 8.14h Dwight Morrow HS
Orsino, Katelyn 8.2 Dumont HS
Rosolanko, Kaitlyn 8.2 Indian Hills HS
Demoraes, Julia 8.20h Tenafly HS
Buquicchio, Kelly 8.30h Pascack Hills HS
Chappell, Holly 8.38 Mahwah HS
Powers, Sydney 8.38 Mahwah HS
Chesney, Brooke 8.4 Indian Hills HS
Palminteri, Nya 8.41 Fort Lee HS
Morra, Annmarie 8.41 Mahwah HS
Sarnoff, Bella 8.44 Fort Lee HS
Ra, Gabriella 8.45 River Dell HS
Poppe, Ashlyn 8.5 Indian Hills HS
Ardese, Kristen 8.53 Westwood HS
Schnur, Hailey 8.84h Pascack Valley HS
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Girls 55 Hurdle Girls 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sen, Nicole Pascack Hills HS
Garcia, Isabella 10.00h Mahwah HS
Caballero, Kendall 10.08 Fort Lee HS
Adamo, Amanda 10.09 Wayne Hills HS
Liput, Joanna 10.13 Wayne Valley HS
Bergen, Katelyn 10.24h Ramsey HS
Manetovic, Alexandra 10.44h Fort Lee HS
Philp, Delaney 10.50h Wayne Valley HS
Manzi, Emma 10.50h Mahwah HS
Galesi, Julia 10.56 Wayne Hills HS
Prendergast, Reilly 10.60 Pascack Hills HS
Lee, Diane 10.60h Wayne Valley HS
Ifezue, Chioma 10.65 Passaic Valley HS
Koo, Robyn 10.77 Fort Lee HS
Martos, Kimberly 11.00h Cliffside Park HS
Mantilla, Sarah 11.02 Fair Lawn HS
Mercado, Michelle 11.04 Fair Lawn HS
Muller, Skylar 11.2 Dumont HS
Mehnert, Alex 11.26 Wayne Hills HS
Pena, Shayla 11.4 Dumont HS
Matari, Leila 11.46 Passaic Valley HS
Grubb, Emily 8.83 Ramsey HS
Tanajewski, Devyn 9.44 Lakeland Regional HS
Carroll, Jada 9.64 Ridgefield Park HS
D'Amico, Julia 9.69 Ramsey HS
Kulesha, Irina 9.7 Lakeland Regional HS
Victoria, Zuania 9.74h Passaic Valley HS
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Girls 55 Hurdle Girls 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Levine, Lauren 10.00 River Dell HS
Knowles, Jenaliah 10.19 Bergenfield HS
Forcellati, Jessica 10.5 Pascack Valley HS
Rilveria, Abreeana 10.60 River Dell HS
O'hare-barrows, Colleen 10.80 River Dell HS
Dongaris, Sophia 8.58 Tenafly HS
Smolyak, Julia 9.10 Tenafly HS
Lam, Casey 9.20 NV - Demarest HS
Gilmour, Shea 9.56 Indian Hills HS
Quayle, Kimi 9.64h NV - Demarest HS
Tulsariam, Gabby 9.69 NV - Demarest HS
Smith, Lynaisha 9.7 Dwight Morrow HS
Williams, Sachi 9.87 Tenafly HS
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Girls 55m Girls 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dennison, Mei West Milford HS
Picariello, Olivia Passaic Valley HS
Hodgson, Jenna West Milford HS
Rodic, Milica 7.80h Wayne Valley HS
Mullin, Katie 7.85 Lakeland Regional HS
Holley, Layla 8.17 Fair Lawn HS
Doucet, Emily 8.25 Fair Lawn HS
Kearney, Sophia 8.49 Wayne Hills HS
Kearney, Madeline 8.5 Wayne Hills HS
Mehnert, Alex 8.50h Wayne Hills HS
Pampliega, Tara 8.51 Fair Lawn HS
Rodriguez, Jadalynn 8.72 Passaic Valley HS
Collicchio, Jenna 8.72 Wayne Valley HS
Vanwinkle, Savannah 8.83 Passaic Valley HS
Namendorf, Samantha 8.95 Wayne Valley HS
Metcalf, Colette 8.97 West Milford HS
Back to Top

Girls 800M Girls 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wardlaw, Ashley West Milford HS
Clinton, Cassidy West Milford HS
Graf, Kristen West Milford HS
Cinquino, Lauren Wayne Valley HS
Fahy, Caitlin 2:30 Lakeland Regional HS
Cottone, Katharine 2:38.00h Passaic Valley HS
Devita, Alyssa 2:39 Lakeland Regional HS
Victoria, Zuania 2:39.00h Passaic Valley HS
Murri, Samantha 2:40.48 Fair Lawn HS
Stepien, Kirsten 2:44.85 Wayne Hills HS
Bryzek, Claudia 2:45.20 Wayne Hills HS
Chrisbacher, Julia 2:47.70 Wayne Hills HS
Rivere, Rebekah 2:49.00 Fair Lawn HS
McNutt, Kaitlyn 2:50.00h Wayne Valley HS
Boylan, Sarah 3:00.00h Passaic Valley HS
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Girls 800m Girls 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coletti, Carolyn 2:22.15 Ramsey HS
Bender, Maya 2:27.89 Ramsey HS
Luo, Miranda 2:32.00h Pascack Hills HS
Nixon, Jessica 2:32.36 Ramsey HS
Sirois, Lindsey 2:34.95 Westwood HS
Calderon, Veronica 2:35.00h Cliffside Park HS
Martinez, Nelda 2:36 Cliffside Park HS
Arcila, Samantha 2:38 Cliffside Park HS
Chin, Olivia 2:40.00 Pascack Hills HS
Dursema, Megan 2:40.00h Mahwah HS
Lopez, Casey 2:47.52 Dumont HS
Michelis, Chrissy 2:50.46 Pascack Hills HS
Toleno, Stephanie 2:53.32 Ridgefield Park HS
Iraheta, Stephanie 2:55 Fort Lee HS
Park, Tiffany 2:55.75 Fort Lee HS
Santos, Amalia 2:57.05 Ridgefield Park HS
Carroll, Josephine 3:01.06 Ridgefield Park HS
Merryman, Zoe 3:04.00h Mahwah HS
Almquist, Emma 3:04.03 Mahwah HS
Stein, Michelle 3:13.50 Fort Lee HS
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Girls High Jump Girls 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Paulsen, Kaia 5-3 Pascack Hills HS
Williams, Sachi 5-2 Tenafly HS
Coletti, Carolyn 5-2 Ramsey HS
Haray, Gretchen 5-2 NV - Demarest HS
Dongaris, Sophia 4-10 Tenafly HS
Carroll, Jada 4-10 Ridgefield Park HS
Monaco, Julia 4-10 NV - Demarest HS
Woods, Nicole 4-10 NV - Demarest HS
Khanzada, Norina 4-10 Tenafly HS
Smith, Lynaisha 4-8 Dwight Morrow HS
Bennorth, Katie 4-8 Lakeland Regional HS
Manetovic, Alexandra 4-8 Fort Lee HS
Lloyd, Kristin 4-7 Ramsey HS
Randolph, Sonia 4-6 Dwight Morrow HS
O'Reilly, Beibhinn 4-6 Pascack Valley HS
Lee, Gloria 4-6 River Dell HS
D'Amico, Julia 4-5 Ramsey HS
Cabrera, Emily 4-4 Ridgefield Park HS
Ra, Gabriella 4-4 River Dell HS
Canciani, Allie 4-3 Pascack Hills HS
Metcalf, Colette 4-2 West Milford HS
Golden, Kathleen 4-2 River Dell HS
Simmons, Kayla 4-0 Dwight Morrow HS
Rodic, Milica Wayne Valley HS
McDermott, Madelyn Wayne Valley HS
Rehberger, Katarina Wayne Valley HS
Balboni, Giuliana Pascack Hills HS
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Girls Long Jump Girls 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Lynaisha 17-3 Dwight Morrow HS
Dongaris, Sophia 17-3 Tenafly HS
Ricco, Jessica 16-4.5 Pascack Valley HS
Grubb, Emily 16-1.25 Ramsey HS
Sharpe, Maya 16-0 Fort Lee HS
Williams, Sachi 15-8 Tenafly HS
Rodic, Milica 15-8 Wayne Valley HS
Gjini, Erica 15-3.75 Ramsey HS
Smolyak, Julia 15-0.5 Tenafly HS
Lee, Gloria 15-0.5 River Dell HS
Doran, Katherine 15-0 NV - Demarest HS
Woods, Nicole 15-0 NV - Demarest HS
Hecker, Jordan 15-0 NV - Demarest HS
Caballero, Kendall 14-11.5 Fort Lee HS
Berman, Kenia 14-6.75 Bergenfield HS
Knowles, Jenaliah 14-6 Bergenfield HS
Byrne, Darcy 14-6 River Dell HS
Carroll, Jada 14-5 Ridgefield Park HS
Keane, Katherine 14-0 Ramsey HS
Levine, Lauren 14-0 River Dell HS
Chappell, Holly 13-10.5 Mahwah HS
McDermott, Madelyn 13-6 Wayne Valley HS
Martinez, Arianna 13-0 Cliffside Park HS
Rehberger, Katarina 12-8.25 Wayne Valley HS
Hic, Stephanie 12-0 Cliffside Park HS
Bennorth, Katie Lakeland Regional HS
Doucet, Emily Fair Lawn HS
Kulesha, Irina Lakeland Regional HS
Tanajewski, Devyn Lakeland Regional HS
Ifezue, Chioma Passaic Valley HS
Dennison, Mei West Milford HS
Morales, Maria West Milford HS
Metcalf, Colette West Milford HS
Crespo, Mia Fair Lawn HS
Forcellati, Jessica Pascack Valley HS
Matari, Leila Passaic Valley HS
Back to Top

Girls Pole Vault Girls 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dakwar, Julia 9-6 Ramsey HS
Tucci, Julia 9-6 NV - Demarest HS
Metcalf, Colette 9-0 West Milford HS
Fowler, Abigal 9-0 NV - Demarest HS
Hecker, Jordan 9-0 NV - Demarest HS
Bunagan, Corinne 8-0 Ramsey HS
Bonura, Selena 7-6 Mahwah HS
Martino, Kayla 7-0 Ramsey HS
Kluev, Varya 7-0 Tenafly HS
McDermott, Madelyn Wayne Valley HS
Mazus, Livia Lakeland Regional HS
Lee, Hana Tenafly HS
DeLorenzo, Alyssa River Dell HS
Grisham, Gianna River Dell HS
Back to Top

Girls Shot Put Girls 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sewell, Jada 42-6 NV - Demarest HS
Sposato, Bella 37-0 NV - Demarest HS
Campbell, Alyssa 36-6.25 Bergenfield HS
Ambartsoumian, Julietta 36-0 NV - Demarest HS
Martir, Kristina 32-9.5 Passaic Valley HS
Pardi, Victoria 32-4.75 Passaic Valley HS
Golden, Kathleen 30-2.5 River Dell HS
LaMorges, Gianna 30-1.5 Wayne Valley HS
Harrison, Elise 30-0 Dwight Morrow HS
Moon, Amelie 28-8.5 River Dell HS
Garcia, Lessly 27-2.5 River Dell HS
El-Dakkak, Angy 26-2 Cliffside Park HS
Moubayed, Saly 25-0 Cliffside Park HS
Peralta, Izabella 24-02.50 Lakeland Regional HS
Garrity, Julie 24-0.5 Passaic Valley HS
Reyes, Catherine 23-7.5 Fort Lee HS
Reyes, Madison 23-1.25 Fort Lee HS
Fine, Aislin 22-11.75 Ramsey HS
Cinquino, Lauren 22-5 Wayne Valley HS
Monico, Katie 22-0.75 Ramsey HS
Gaetani, Ashley 20-2.25 Ridgefield Park HS
Reyonlds, Zoe Lakeland Regional HS
Dahhan, Rawan Ridgefield Park HS
Almuttalebi, Raneen Ridgefield Park HS
Passaglia, Lauren Wayne Valley HS
Heredia, Siris Fort Lee HS
Back to Top

Girls Triple Jump Girls 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dongaris, Sophia 35-9.5 Tenafly HS
Rodic, Milica 34-2.5 Wayne Valley HS
Gilmour, Shea 33-7 Indian Hills HS
Carroll, Jada 33-5.75 Ridgefield Park HS
Ha, Natalie 33-2 Tenafly HS
Martinez, Arianna 33-0 Cliffside Park HS
Smolyak, Julia 32-8.5 Tenafly HS
Manetovic, Alexandra 32-6.75 Fort Lee HS
Coletti, Carolyn 32-5 Ramsey HS
Sharpe, Maya 32-0 Fort Lee HS
Hecker, Jordan 32-0 NV - Demarest HS
Monaco, Julia 32-0 NV - Demarest HS
Woods, Nicole 32-0 NV - Demarest HS
McDermott, Madelyn 30-4.5 Wayne Valley HS
Chappell, Holly 30-3 Mahwah HS
Bennorth, Katie 30-3 Lakeland Regional HS
Lloyd, Kristin 29-3 Ramsey HS
McNeill, Kayleigh 29-1 Ramsey HS
Fernandez, Isabella 28-10 River Dell HS
Ra, Abigail 28-7.5 River Dell HS
Turschmann, Emily 27-10 River Dell HS
McNutt, Tamara Wayne Valley HS
Doucet, Emily Fair Lawn HS
Matari, Leila Passaic Valley HS
Ifezue, Chioma Passaic Valley HS
Back to Top

Meet Roster Collection 850 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wolford, Cole Wayne Valley HS
Yaglidere, Meryem Wayne Valley HS
Varghese, Aaron Wayne Valley HS
Wojcickyj, Marko Wayne Valley HS
Van Es, Ryan Wayne Valley HS
Zarb, Jack Wayne Valley HS
Schloss, Ethan Wayne Valley HS
Scharen, Jaden Wayne Valley HS
Sibilski, Juliana Wayne Valley HS
Servance, Jamari Wayne Valley HS
Scheuplein, Erik Wayne Valley HS
Sabino, Jon Wayne Valley HS
Saadah, Saleh Wayne Valley HS
Testa, John Wayne Valley HS
Rodic, Milica Wayne Valley HS
Ruggerio, Rick Wayne Valley HS
Rikowich, James Wayne Valley HS
Rodic, Vasilije Wayne Valley HS
Patel, Aryan Wayne Valley HS
Rehberger, Katarina Wayne Valley HS
Saeger, Matthew Wayne Valley HS
Passaglia, Lauren Wayne Valley HS
Phillips, Braedon Wayne Valley HS
McGarrity, Gavin Wayne Valley HS
Pagnotta, John Wayne Valley HS
Popek, Samantha Wayne Valley HS
McNutt, Tamara Wayne Valley HS
Rocker, Alexis Wayne Valley HS
McNutt, Kaitlyn Wayne Valley HS
Medeiros, Steven Wayne Valley HS
Noufal, Amir Wayne Valley HS
Philp, Delaney Wayne Valley HS
Liput, Joanna Wayne Valley HS
Lee, Diane Wayne Valley HS
Machado, Maggie Wayne Valley HS
Namendorf, Samantha Wayne Valley HS
Lemley, Ken Wayne Valley HS
Li, Logan Wayne Valley HS
McCarthy, Ian Wayne Valley HS
McDermott, Madelyn Wayne Valley HS
McFadden, Zoeanna Wayne Valley HS
Funiciello, Nino Wayne Valley HS
Kowalczyk, Sebastian Wayne Valley HS
Gencarelli, Sal Wayne Valley HS
Lee, Robert Wayne Valley HS
LaMorges, Gianna Wayne Valley HS
Leshik, Evan Wayne Valley HS
Funiciello, Maria Wayne Valley HS
DePalma, Anthony Wayne Valley HS
Deutsch, Dylan Wayne Valley HS
Cinquino, Lauren Wayne Valley HS
Jimenez, Nick Wayne Valley HS
DiCristina, Jessica Wayne Valley HS
Kiame, Neil Wayne Valley HS
Gencarelli, Angelo Wayne Valley HS
Edmonds, Devon Wayne Valley HS
Cummings, Elizabeth Wayne Valley HS
Collicchio, Jenna Wayne Valley HS
Campos, Angela Wayne Valley HS
Cakir, Ramiz Wayne Valley HS
Cassanova, Matthew Wayne Valley HS
Casey, Trey Wayne Valley HS
Barbera, Andrew Wayne Valley HS
Aschenbach, Jordan Wayne Valley HS
Alvarez, Gabriel Wayne Valley HS
Fernandez, Gianessa Lakeland Regional HS
Fanning, Connor Lakeland Regional HS
Dunn, Connor Lakeland Regional HS
Dubac, Nick Lakeland Regional HS
Doran, Katie Lakeland Regional HS
DaSilva, Kieran Lakeland Regional HS
DeSimone, Gabby Lakeland Regional HS
Canning, Liam Lakeland Regional HS
Fahy, Caitlin Lakeland Regional HS
Dilone, Giovana Lakeland Regional HS
Dammers, Samantha Lakeland Regional HS
Del Rio, Aiden Lakeland Regional HS
Campoverde, Jesse Lakeland Regional HS
Conte, Anthony Lakeland Regional HS
Downey, Ally Lakeland Regional HS
Kennedy, Connor Lakeland Regional HS
Cook, TJ Lakeland Regional HS
Cotronen, Nina Lakeland Regional HS
Conte, Jared Lakeland Regional HS
Cuevas, Carlos Lakeland Regional HS
Horevay, Owen Lakeland Regional HS
Guerrieri, Sam Lakeland Regional HS
Jacela, Theo Lakeland Regional HS
Devita, Alyssa Lakeland Regional HS
Eboli, Chris Lakeland Regional HS
Kiasericz, Payton Lakeland Regional HS
Hulahan, Jacqueline Lakeland Regional HS
Henderson, Ryan Lakeland Regional HS
Grzesinski, Nikki Lakeland Regional HS
Hennessy, Angelina Lakeland Regional HS
Jacela, John Lakeland Regional HS
Ferraro, Amanda Lakeland Regional HS
Karp, Alexander Lakeland Regional HS
Gibson, Owen Lakeland Regional HS
Karp, Evan Lakeland Regional HS
Crilly, Divine Lakeland Regional HS
Cintron, Alefris Lakeland Regional HS
Carrasco, Angela Lakeland Regional HS
Horevay, Abigail Lakeland Regional HS
Gilligan, TY Lakeland Regional HS
Hoogmoed, Robert Lakeland Regional HS
Lochli, Elizabeth Lakeland Regional HS
Fernandez- Santena, Gianessa Lakeland Regional HS
Lehr, Ethan Lakeland Regional HS
Leeds, Melanie Lakeland Regional HS
Li, Neo Lakeland Regional HS
Malson, Frank Lakeland Regional HS
Marks, Keira Lakeland Regional HS
Mezzina, Stevie Lakeland Regional HS
Griegel, Rachel Lakeland Regional HS
Mena, Sean Lakeland Regional HS
Lopez, Jayden Lakeland Regional HS
McGinty, Liam Lakeland Regional HS
McCormack, TJ Lakeland Regional HS
Manning, Nick Lakeland Regional HS
Mullin, Katie Lakeland Regional HS
Gillman, Tyler Lakeland Regional HS
Lochli, Gabby Lakeland Regional HS
Krzesinski, Nikki Lakeland Regional HS
Pedatella, Anthony Lakeland Regional HS
Minunni, Matthew Lakeland Regional HS
McCormack, Kate Lakeland Regional HS
Padavano, Jude Lakeland Regional HS
Kulesha, Irina Lakeland Regional HS
Robinson, Kimelia Lakeland Regional HS
Paduani, Josh Lakeland Regional HS
Mazus, Livia Lakeland Regional HS
Mooney, Jackson Lakeland Regional HS
Piazza, Sierra Lakeland Regional HS
Proksch, Brandan Lakeland Regional HS
Miles, Hanna Lakeland Regional HS
Perez, Angelina Lakeland Regional HS
Pucheta, Natalie Lakeland Regional HS
Lomascola, Reaghan Lakeland Regional HS
Miles, Max Lakeland Regional HS
Peplowski, Bryan Lakeland Regional HS
Montya, Luz Lakeland Regional HS
Nynuis, Karly Lakeland Regional HS
Slaman, Julia Lakeland Regional HS
Murphy, Gillian Lakeland Regional HS
Vidal, James Lakeland Regional HS
Peralta, Izabella Lakeland Regional HS
Schroeder, Christian Lakeland Regional HS
Murphy, Mason Lakeland Regional HS
Reyonlds, Zoe Lakeland Regional HS
Renton, Holly Lakeland Regional HS
Smith, Renee Lakeland Regional HS
Widerynski, Jakob Lakeland Regional HS
Piper, Hansel Lakeland Regional HS
Butardo, Angelica Lakeland Regional HS
Tanajewski, Devyn Lakeland Regional HS
Shoulars, Cianni Lakeland Regional HS
Peplowski, Elizabeth Lakeland Regional HS
Suarez, Justyn Lakeland Regional HS
Barnhardt, Ryan Lakeland Regional HS
Webb, Alexus Lakeland Regional HS
Stout, Maddy Lakeland Regional HS
Bennorth, Katie Lakeland Regional HS
Star, Precious Lakeland Regional HS
Powers, Kayleigh Lakeland Regional HS
Weinpel, Emily Lakeland Regional HS
Watkins, Dorian Lakeland Regional HS
Schmitt, Ray Lakeland Regional HS
Barna, Alie Lakeland Regional HS
Worrell, Brianna Lakeland Regional HS
Rose, Emily Lakeland Regional HS
Sprado, Leah Lakeland Regional HS
Bell, Gabriella Lakeland Regional HS
Vogt, Dominick Lakeland Regional HS
Beshaw, Alana Lakeland Regional HS
Abels, Amber Lakeland Regional HS
Bhavsar, Viren Lakeland Regional HS
Wilber, Annika Lakeland Regional HS
Yang, Rosemary Lakeland Regional HS
Wallach, Chad Lakeland Regional HS
Berardi, Antonio Lakeland Regional HS
Starace, Sara Lakeland Regional HS
Voll, Zachary Lakeland Regional HS
Biss, Sarah Lakeland Regional HS
Berardi, Beth Lakeland Regional HS
Cabrera, Genesis Lakeland Regional HS
Aston, Emily Lakeland Regional HS
Bennett, Sophia Lakeland Regional HS
Caldwell, Nathan Lakeland Regional HS
Adams, Jess Lakeland Regional HS
Andino, Katherine Lakeland Regional HS
Boorse, Hannah Lakeland Regional HS
Rodas, Eduardo Passaic Valley HS
Cottone, Katharine Passaic Valley HS
Scielzo, Anthony Passaic Valley HS
Krassos, Zoe Dumont HS
Garcia, Alenia Dumont HS
Lopez, Casey Dumont HS
Nasr, Hana Dumont HS
Manderson, Annalise Dumont HS
Manderson, Brianna Dumont HS
Sung, Arvin Dumont HS
Estive, Samantha Dumont HS
Segura, Kamilah Dumont HS
Papadopoulos, JoAnna Dumont HS
Larios, Fatima Dumont HS
Orsino, Katelyn Dumont HS
Muller, Skylar Dumont HS
Pena, Shayla Dumont HS
Cabello, Brendon Dumont HS
Drumm, Gavin Dumont HS
Dloughy, Heather Dumont HS
Buchheister, Lindsey Dumont HS
McCollum, Aishling Dumont HS
Bryant, Sanai Dumont HS
Fermin, Camilla Dumont HS
Peralta, Ramses Dumont HS
Morena, Daniela Dumont HS
Bobadilla, Alejandra Dumont HS
Nolasco, Daniela Dumont HS
Buchheister, Shannon Dumont HS
Durve, Angel Dumont HS
Serrao, Alexandra Dumont HS
Aldana, Melissa Dumont HS
Marti, Isabella Dumont HS
Cazeau, Niya Lee Dumont HS
Bae, William Dumont HS
Williams, Brandon Dumont HS
Rossig, Maeve Pascack Hills HS
Paulsen, Kaia Pascack Hills HS
Merson, Bradley Pascack Hills HS
Zhu, Max Pascack Hills HS
Canciani, Allie Pascack Hills HS
Zuckerman, Max Pascack Hills HS
Wheeler, Miranda Pascack Hills HS
Bell, Madeleine Pascack Hills HS
Prendergast, Reilly Pascack Hills HS
Najarian, Sylvie Pascack Hills HS
Ligasan, Zach Pascack Hills HS
Sen, Nicole Pascack Hills HS
Bestrisky, Nathan Pascack Hills HS
Lokshin, Matt Pascack Hills HS
Khosla, Idhant Pascack Hills HS
DiBella, Matthew Pascack Hills HS
Aherne, Connor Pascack Hills HS
Quinn, Kelly Pascack Hills HS
Luo, Miranda Pascack Hills HS
Robinson, Griffin Pascack Hills HS
Balboni, Giuliana Pascack Hills HS
Kearns, Sean Pascack Hills HS
Buquicchio, Kelly Pascack Hills HS
Zayer, Sam Pascack Hills HS
Torres, Javier Pascack Hills HS
Kass, Jordan Pascack Hills HS
Behar, Eli Pascack Hills HS
Sanchez, Emma Pascack Hills HS
Gowthaman, Varun Pascack Hills HS
Maday, Melissa Pascack Hills HS
Chin, Olivia Pascack Hills HS
Catalfumo, Dan Pascack Hills HS
Cerdeira, Avelina Pascack Hills HS
Ataalla, Amy Pascack Hills HS
Schwartz, Matthew Pascack Hills HS
Maywether, Dream Pascack Hills HS
Jensen, Shane Pascack Hills HS
Dobrow, Paul Pascack Hills HS
Sethi, Akul Pascack Hills HS
Michelis, Chrissy Pascack Hills HS
Ioselevich, Nick Pascack Hills HS
Beato, Grayson Pascack Hills HS
Audia, Christine Pascack Hills HS
Hughes, Riley Pascack Hills HS
Bargiel, Antonio Passaic Valley HS
Spadaccini, Jesse Passaic Valley HS
Pena, Vallyk Passaic Valley HS
Victoria, Temoc Passaic Valley HS
Vanwinkle, Savannah Passaic Valley HS
Garrity, Steven Passaic Valley HS
Coronado-Luz, Auriella Passaic Valley HS
Garofalo, Natalie Passaic Valley HS
Muoio, Vincent Passaic Valley HS
Mansoor, Mounier Passaic Valley HS
Matari, Leith Passaic Valley HS
Kaspar, Rebecca Passaic Valley HS
Ifezue, Chioma Passaic Valley HS
Idelfonso, Justin Passaic Valley HS
Koman, Lauren Passaic Valley HS
Minaya, Mauricio Passaic Valley HS
Matari, Leila Passaic Valley HS
Lechguar, Akram Passaic Valley HS
Koch, Frank Passaic Valley HS
Cronin, Kaitlyn Passaic Valley HS
Boylan, Sarah Passaic Valley HS
Fisher, Tyler Passaic Valley HS
Bloomfield, Javoun Passaic Valley HS
Bhuiyan, Hasan Passaic Valley HS
Boiter, Jasir Passaic Valley HS
Bennett, Edward Passaic Valley HS
Gurrieri, Michael Passaic Valley HS
Iacovo, Nicolas Passaic Valley HS
Gallo, Nicolino Passaic Valley HS
Tran, Kiet Ridgefield Park HS
Torres, Daniella Ridgefield Park HS
Ye, George Ridgefield Park HS
Toleno, Stephanie Ridgefield Park HS
Villa, Adriel Ridgefield Park HS
Torres, Daniela Ridgefield Park HS
Syed, Saim Ridgefield Park HS
Syed, Murtaza Ridgefield Park HS
Santos, Malik Ridgefield Park HS
Safdar, Saim Ridgefield Park HS
Santos, Amalia Ridgefield Park HS
Recio, Katelyn Ridgefield Park HS
Reyes, Ezekial Ridgefield Park HS
Reber, Gabriel Ridgefield Park HS
Poss, Daniel Ridgefield Park HS
Recio, Jadelyn Ridgefield Park HS
Perez, Gabriel Ridgefield Park HS
Perez Alcantara, Samuel Ridgefield Park HS
Page, Carrington Ridgefield Park HS
Castillo, Justin Ridgefield Park HS
Ibrahim, Hana Ridgefield Park HS
Carroll, Josephine Ridgefield Park HS
Ibrahim, Hassan Ridgefield Park HS
Nunez, Persio Ridgefield Park HS
Gottlieb, Alan Ridgefield Park HS
Mironis, Antonio Ridgefield Park HS
Khan, Sadaf Ridgefield Park HS
Castano, Matthew Ridgefield Park HS
Kamel, Abanoub Ridgefield Park HS
Lin, Mandy Ridgefield Park HS
Gaetani, Ashley Ridgefield Park HS
Carroll, Jada Ridgefield Park HS
Mendez, Emanuel Ridgefield Park HS
Dahhan, Rawan Ridgefield Park HS
Cano, Isabel Ridgefield Park HS
Martinez, Ricardo Jag Ridgefield Park HS
Almuttalebi, Raneen Ridgefield Park HS
Mancera, Jesus Ridgefield Park HS
Colon, Isaac Ridgefield Park HS
Castillo, Matthew Ridgefield Park HS
Kwon, Richard Ridgefield Park HS
Feliciano, Edward Ridgefield Park HS
Cabrera, Emily Ridgefield Park HS
Akerele, Deborah Ridgefield Park HS
Encarnacion, Christian Ridgefield Park HS
Mendez, Ed Ridgefield Park HS
Elhomsi, Samantha Ridgefield Park HS
Antwi, Chelsea Ridgefield Park HS
Magalhaes, Kyle Ridgefield Park HS
Shim, Jessica Fort Lee HS
Taylor, El Fort Lee HS
Sok, Min Young Fort Lee HS
Sarnoff, Bella Fort Lee HS
Rodriguez, Huascar Fort Lee HS
Sharpe, Maya Fort Lee HS
Shimizu, Gen Fort Lee HS
Wang, Katherine Fort Lee HS
Sanchez, Brianna Fort Lee HS
Park, Tiffany Fort Lee HS
Pena Rodriguez, Huscar Fort Lee HS
Reyes, Catherine Fort Lee HS
Perez, Jumal Fort Lee HS
Reyes, Madison Fort Lee HS
Park, Dean Fort Lee HS
O'Loughlin, Vivan Fort Lee HS
Lei, Jason Fort Lee HS
Ryu, Casey Fort Lee HS
Park, Sam Fort Lee HS
Park, Jinha Fort Lee HS
Lim, Alina Fort Lee HS
Kuzmich, Ivan Fort Lee HS
Levin, Jason Fort Lee HS
Kwon, Eric Fort Lee HS
Rivera, Dominick Fort Lee HS
Manetovic, Alexandra Fort Lee HS
Palminteri, Nya Fort Lee HS
Rivas, Kalil Fort Lee HS
Hudgins, Jesse Fort Lee HS
Kim, Aaron Fort Lee HS
Koo, Robyn Fort Lee HS
Stein, Michelle Fort Lee HS
Kim, Tiffany Fort Lee HS
Iraheta, Stephanie Fort Lee HS
Lowe, Tyson Fort Lee HS
Hong, Ian Fort Lee HS
Hong, Sam Fort Lee HS
Chan, Kaden Fort Lee HS
Huang, Taiyi Fort Lee HS
Conteh, Ekuyami Fort Lee HS
Kijima, Eisuke Fort Lee HS
Attiyyeh, Adam Fort Lee HS
Choi, Jude Fort Lee HS
Cardenes, Joshua Fort Lee HS
Joseph, Daniel Fort Lee HS
Kahtane, Yasmine Fort Lee HS
Martirosov, Greg Fort Lee HS
Caballero, Kendall Fort Lee HS
Holland Fincher, O'Dell Fort Lee HS
Bloem, Matisse Fort Lee HS
Gegechkori, Alex Fort Lee HS
Armwood, Justin Fort Lee HS
Duncan, Travis Fort Lee HS
Guldavi, Rushank Fort Lee HS
Aragonez, Ian Fort Lee HS
Lee, Noah Fort Lee HS
Kim, Samuel Fort Lee HS
Sun, Kevin Fort Lee HS
Kim, Julian Fort Lee HS
Heredia, Siris Fort Lee HS
usher, jack NV - Demarest HS
Zampetti, James NV - Demarest HS
Zwernemann, Ava NV - Demarest HS
Zirin, Samantha NV - Demarest HS
Davis, Theo NV - Demarest HS
Zilberman, Jon NV - Demarest HS
Zagelmeyed, Grace NV - Demarest HS
Yu, Connie NV - Demarest HS
Yu, Ethan NV - Demarest HS
Yari, Moreen NV - Demarest HS
Yoon, Sharon NV - Demarest HS
Wu, Michelle NV - Demarest HS
Wright, Jordan Alexander NV - Demarest HS
Woods-Bannan, Noah NV - Demarest HS
Wright, Donald NV - Demarest HS
Woods, Nicole NV - Demarest HS
White, Harrison NV - Demarest HS
Walter, Casey NV - Demarest HS
Wacha, Sydney NV - Demarest HS
Weikl, Lauren NV - Demarest HS
Weisenblum, Sydney NV - Demarest HS
Vierheilig, Caroline NV - Demarest HS
Volpe, Christopher NV - Demarest HS
Veras, Cole NV - Demarest HS
Velcic, Gabe NV - Demarest HS
Velcic, Anastasia NV - Demarest HS
Unz, Nicole NV - Demarest HS
Tulsiram, Gabriella NV - Demarest HS
Ussher-Keushkerian, Jack NV - Demarest HS
Vadis, Sean NV - Demarest HS
Swatek, Eric NV - Demarest HS
Tulsariam, Gabby NV - Demarest HS
Sullivan, Casey NV - Demarest HS
Srinivasan, Rajan NV - Demarest HS
Tandler, Andrew NV - Demarest HS
Tucci, Julia NV - Demarest HS
Sutnick, Emily NV - Demarest HS
Theuerkauf, Mike NV - Demarest HS
Stratton, Faye NV - Demarest HS
Sorenson, Lincoln NV - Demarest HS
Sopher, Matan NV - Demarest HS
Song, James Youngjae NV - Demarest HS
Sposato, Bella NV - Demarest HS
Slotky, Ori NV - Demarest HS
Skolnik, Darren NV - Demarest HS
Shim, Noah NV - Demarest HS
Shirvan, Julia NV - Demarest HS
Shalonov, Madeline NV - Demarest HS
Shah, Naman NV - Demarest HS
Sharif, Lubaba NV - Demarest HS
Shah, Deven NV - Demarest HS
Sewell, Jada NV - Demarest HS
Samperi, Alec NV - Demarest HS
Samberg, Kyle NV - Demarest HS
Sames, Vasilia NV - Demarest HS
Sengul, Dewresh NV - Demarest HS
Rudin, Rachel NV - Demarest HS
Salmirs, Emily NV - Demarest HS
Scuro, Jack NV - Demarest HS
Ruocco, Matthew Henry NV - Demarest HS
Rozen, Abigal NV - Demarest HS
Ross, Colin NV - Demarest HS
Ross, Catherine NV - Demarest HS
Rinckhoff, Matthew NV - Demarest HS
Reiss, Merrick NV - Demarest HS
Renke, Jack NV - Demarest HS
Reichert, Kelly NV - Demarest HS
Renke, Riley NV - Demarest HS
Reichart, Kelly NV - Demarest HS
Rabiner, Guy NV - Demarest HS
Quayle, Kimiko NV - Demarest HS
Quayle, Kimi NV - Demarest HS
Pilsbury, Emmett NV - Demarest HS
Press, Halle NV - Demarest HS
Polifroni, David NV - Demarest HS
Pialtos, Kyra NV - Demarest HS
Philips, Jack NV - Demarest HS
Paster, Taylor NV - Demarest HS
Pereira, Kevin NV - Demarest HS
Parikh, Raj NV - Demarest HS
Park, Joseph NV - Demarest HS
Oh, Jinyoung NV - Demarest HS
Oh, Jinseok NV - Demarest HS
Oh, Jason NV - Demarest HS
Palagano, Jay NV - Demarest HS
Nyfenger, Charles NV - Demarest HS
Nolan, Erin NV - Demarest HS
Oliff-Lieberman, Isaac NV - Demarest HS
Nyfenger, Susan NV - Demarest HS
Park, Jun Hyun NV - Demarest HS
Mufson, Matt NV - Demarest HS
Nathaniel, Omer NV - Demarest HS
Neil, Neil NV - Demarest HS
Morse, Jacob NV - Demarest HS
Milman, Noam NV - Demarest HS
Miller, Ryann NV - Demarest HS
Mottola, Jack NV - Demarest HS
Miller, Ava NV - Demarest HS
Mikay, Daniel NV - Demarest HS
Meyer, Cameron NV - Demarest HS
Matos, Gabriel NV - Demarest HS
Mehta, Parth NV - Demarest HS
Maxwell, Maxwell NV - Demarest HS
Maschler, Romi NV - Demarest HS
Menon, Reyana NV - Demarest HS
Marinaccio, Benjamin NV - Demarest HS
Milman, Joshua NV - Demarest HS
Matos, Gabe NV - Demarest HS
Martin, Lauretta NV - Demarest HS
Lyubarsky, Daniel NV - Demarest HS
Lourbas, Alex NV - Demarest HS
Liu, David NV - Demarest HS
Monaco, Julia NV - Demarest HS
Lim, Daniel NV - Demarest HS
Matthew, Matthew NV - Demarest HS
Lim, Elliot NV - Demarest HS
McCabe, Kevin NV - Demarest HS
Lieberman, Jolie NV - Demarest HS
Lester, Eliana NV - Demarest HS
Lester, Ellie NV - Demarest HS
Lee, KangHyuk NV - Demarest HS
Lee, Ryan NV - Demarest HS
Lincoln, Lincoln NV - Demarest HS
Lee, Kevin NV - Demarest HS
Lau, Preston NV - Demarest HS
Lee, Brian NV - Demarest HS
Kwon, DongKuk NV - Demarest HS
Lee, Allen NV - Demarest HS
Levy, Isabel NV - Demarest HS
Lee, Michelle NV - Demarest HS
Lerant, Justin NV - Demarest HS
Kyung, Andrew NV - Demarest HS
Lee, Jae June NV - Demarest HS
Lee, Alexander NV - Demarest HS
Kushner, Benjamin NV - Demarest HS
Lee, Erin NV - Demarest HS
Lee, KyungEun NV - Demarest HS
Lavin, Jonah NV - Demarest HS
Kalvani, Ashna NV - Demarest HS
Lam, Casey NV - Demarest HS
Kleinman, Andrew NV - Demarest HS
Kim, Taehoon NV - Demarest HS
Kim, Lydia NV - Demarest HS
James, James NV - Demarest HS
Kothari, Nysa NV - Demarest HS
Kipnis, Maya NV - Demarest HS
Kwon, David NV - Demarest HS
Kim, Kyle NV - Demarest HS
Hod, Ethan NV - Demarest HS
Khemlani, Karan NV - Demarest HS
Jeong, Ashley NV - Demarest HS
Hwang, Joseph NV - Demarest HS
Kim, Alexander NV - Demarest HS
Kauderer, Miles NV - Demarest HS
Kaplan, Daisy NV - Demarest HS
Jonathan, Jonathan NV - Demarest HS
Kevin, Kevin NV - Demarest HS
Kim, Joseph NV - Demarest HS
Hwang, Ha NV - Demarest HS
Kim, Daniel NV - Demarest HS
Kelleher, Liam NV - Demarest HS
Karthikeyan, Shivani NV - Demarest HS
Kasparian, Matthew NV - Demarest HS
Hwang, Justin NV - Demarest HS
Kim, Christian NV - Demarest HS
Khemlani, Kashish NV - Demarest HS
Im, Andrew NV - Demarest HS
Haray, Gretchen NV - Demarest HS
Fang, Darin NV - Demarest HS
Haray, Robert NV - Demarest HS
Hroncich, Calvin NV - Demarest HS
Jinseok, Jinseok NV - Demarest HS
Glass, Michael NV - Demarest HS
Kang, Dennis NV - Demarest HS
Gwak, Robin NV - Demarest HS
Goranson, Connor NV - Demarest HS
Houck, Madison NV - Demarest HS
Groh, Skylar NV - Demarest HS
Hecker, Jordan NV - Demarest HS
Dennis, Dennis NV - Demarest HS
Hsu, Alissa NV - Demarest HS
Hefetz, Tal NV - Demarest HS
Kaufman, Seth NV - Demarest HS
Eoin, Eoin NV - Demarest HS
Kaplan, Jack NV - Demarest HS
Dominianni, John NV - Demarest HS
Frangiskou, Andreas NV - Demarest HS
Gilbert, Riley NV - Demarest HS
Dubin, Maxwell NV - Demarest HS
Fernandez, Engelman NV - Demarest HS
Goldberg, Ariel NV - Demarest HS
Diaz, Maya NV - Demarest HS
Hong, Roger NV - Demarest HS
Illouz, Matthew NV - Demarest HS
Cody, Cameron NV - Demarest HS
Dundar, Lara NV - Demarest HS
Cicio, Jack Henry NV - Demarest HS
Hervieu, Jacques NV - Demarest HS
Ha, Lauryn NV - Demarest HS
De Croce, Joseph NV - Demarest HS
Chi, Iris NV - Demarest HS
Engelman, Ryan NV - Demarest HS
Gartlan, Torin NV - Demarest HS
Jake, Jake NV - Demarest HS
Holzer, Emily NV - Demarest HS
Colorado, Johan NV - Demarest HS
Fishkind, Jason NV - Demarest HS
Cho, Minseo NV - Demarest HS
Hod, Ariel NV - Demarest HS
Infanti, Alexandra NV - Demarest HS
Haybi, Ariel NV - Demarest HS
Kalajian, Ethan NV - Demarest HS
Davis, Theodore NV - Demarest HS
Fowler, Abigal NV - Demarest HS
Dipple, Lily NV - Demarest HS
Daniel, Daniel NV - Demarest HS
Han, Jung Hoon NV - Demarest HS
Connor, Connor NV - Demarest HS
Cho, Amy NV - Demarest HS
Glick, Eden NV - Demarest HS
Centuri, Laura NV - Demarest HS
Berg, Rachael NV - Demarest HS
Doran, Katherine NV - Demarest HS
Cen, Isabella NV - Demarest HS
Celaj, Aleksandra NV - Demarest HS
Bonadio-Cappiello, Christopher NV - Demarest HS
Essafi, Adam NV - Demarest HS
Dell'Aquila, Giada NV - Demarest HS
Anguilla, Grace NV - Demarest HS
Charles, Charles NV - Demarest HS
Chung, Alex NV - Demarest HS
Chu, Eugene NV - Demarest HS
Ariel, Ariel NV - Demarest HS
Chin, Connor NV - Demarest HS
Centanni, Laura NV - Demarest HS
Constantine, Victoria NV - Demarest HS
Besnoy, Jack NV - Demarest HS
Bash, Leon NV - Demarest HS
Christopher, Christopher NV - Demarest HS
Boos, Katherine NV - Demarest HS
Abreu, Katelyn NV - Demarest HS
Changranis, Olivia NV - Demarest HS
Alevrontas, Demitria NV - Demarest HS
Balodi, Aryan NV - Demarest HS
Cagney, Patrick NV - Demarest HS
Argenz, Andrew NV - Demarest HS
Chu, Alison NV - Demarest HS
Avery, Odin NV - Demarest HS
Chang, Josephine NV - Demarest HS
Bonadio-Cappiello, Ella NV - Demarest HS
Akman, Deniz NV - Demarest HS
Chamberlain, Miles NV - Demarest HS
Cammalleri, Emma NV - Demarest HS
Chung, Joseph Jooram NV - Demarest HS
Argenziano, Liz NV - Demarest HS
Chetrit, Lee NV - Demarest HS
Aidan, Aidan NV - Demarest HS
Choi, Jin-Hyuk NV - Demarest HS
Bayuelo, Sebastian NV - Demarest HS
Chaubey, Ray NV - Demarest HS
Abby, Herkert NV - Demarest HS
Blecher, Lavi NV - Demarest HS
Carson, Tyler NV - Demarest HS
Blum, Ely NV - Demarest HS
Ashizawa, Nicolas NV - Demarest HS
Abe, Steven NV - Demarest HS
Ambartsoumian, Victoria NV - Demarest HS
Baruch, Jon NV - Demarest HS
Ambartsoumian, Julietta NV - Demarest HS
Mohr, Michael Indian Hills HS
Ruggiero, Matt Indian Hills HS
Reid, Jacob Indian Hills HS
Poggioli, Connor Indian Hills HS
O'Neil, Kayla Indian Hills HS
Chumas, Aidan Indian Hills HS
O'Neil, Kristina Indian Hills HS
Marcelo, Matt Indian Hills HS
Poppe, Ashlyn Indian Hills HS
Rosolanko, Kaitlyn Indian Hills HS
Braver, Russell Indian Hills HS
Simmers, Andrew Indian Hills HS
Sees, Thomas Indian Hills HS
Lounsbury, Allison Indian Hills HS
Ilardi, A.J. Indian Hills HS
Khanlian, Arthur Indian Hills HS
Barney, Corinne Indian Hills HS
Frederick, Jake Indian Hills HS
Kindergan, Brian Indian Hills HS
Gilmour, Shea Indian Hills HS
Zearfaus, Owen Indian Hills HS
LaDuca, Ryan Indian Hills HS
Kalkandelen, Beliz Indian Hills HS
Chesney, Brooke Indian Hills HS
Esak, Trey Indian Hills HS
Kelly, Shannon Indian Hills HS
Macejka, Anthony Indian Hills HS
Giametta, Samantha Indian Hills HS
Scalici, Giacomo Indian Hills HS
Fishman, Jade Indian Hills HS
LaMonica, Joseph Indian Hills HS
Barney, Annelise Indian Hills HS
Tarabocchia, Dylan Ramsey HS
Steiner, Gabe Ramsey HS
Winger, Maya Ramsey HS
Simpson, Parker Ramsey HS
Sipper, Carly Ramsey HS
Simpson, Amanda Ramsey HS
Schiazza, Michalangelo Ramsey HS
Stella, Mark Ramsey HS
Schneider, Jack Ramsey HS
Sailer, Zoey Ramsey HS
Ramachandran, Adrian Ramsey HS
Tarnovskiy, Dan Ramsey HS
O'Keeffe, Claire Ramsey HS
Rawdon, Chloe Ramsey HS
Paolucci, Marcus Ramsey HS
Monico, Katie Ramsey HS
O'Neill, Patrick Ramsey HS
McNeill, Kayleigh Ramsey HS
Nixon, Jessica Ramsey HS
McKeown, Catriona Ramsey HS
Moya, Zach Ramsey HS
Martone, Justin Ramsey HS
Moffo, Matthew Ramsey HS
McGahan, Sean Ramsey HS
Newman, Caden Ramsey HS
Martino, Kayla Ramsey HS
Les, Owen Ramsey HS
Leto, Hanna Ramsey HS
March, Aaron Ramsey HS
Lloyd, Kristin Ramsey HS
Landel, Ella Ramsey HS
Kull, Joaquin Ramsey HS
Goehrig, Harrison Ramsey HS
Keane, Katherine Ramsey HS
Hubbard, Aidan Ramsey HS
Friedman, Aidan Ramsey HS
Grubb, Emily Ramsey HS
Franck, Augie Ramsey HS
Fine, Aislin Ramsey HS
Garofalo, Kaitlyn Ramsey HS
Francis, Rebecca Ramsey HS
Edelson, Will Ramsey HS
DePalo, Luca Ramsey HS
Cunningham, Sophie Ramsey HS
Garofalo, Nicholas Ramsey HS
Contreras, Jose Ramsey HS
Coletti, Carolyn Ramsey HS
Fetherston, David Ramsey HS
Bunagan, Corinne Ramsey HS
Bussanich, Ryan Ramsey HS
Bergen, Katelyn Ramsey HS
Dakwar, Julia Ramsey HS
Connolly, Emily Ramsey HS
Bravo, Kenya Ramsey HS
Goehrig, Andrew Ramsey HS
Badenhausen, Graham Ramsey HS
Connelly, James Ramsey HS
Bender, Maya Ramsey HS
Gjini, Erica Ramsey HS
Ascencio, Katherine Ramsey HS
D'Amico, Julia Ramsey HS
Capuano, Sara Ramsey HS
DiLauro, Drew Ramsey HS
Chambers, Patrick Ramsey HS
Woodard, Matthew West Milford HS
Petrich, Collin West Milford HS
Malatak, Aksel West Milford HS
Cooper, Ryan West Milford HS
Wardlaw, Ashley West Milford HS
Hodgson, Jenna West Milford HS
Metcalf, Colette West Milford HS
Oesterle, Jack West Milford HS
Milne, Kyle West Milford HS
Clinton, Cassidy West Milford HS
Lombardo, Matthew West Milford HS
Madara, Colin West Milford HS
Delacruz, Nacier West Milford HS
Graf, Kristen West Milford HS
Dennison, Mei West Milford HS
Harrison, Robert West Milford HS
Taylor, Benjamin West Milford HS
Zemser, Mateo West Milford HS
Shao, Alex West Milford HS
Gilante, Egidio West Milford HS
Basil, Johnathan West Milford HS
Connors, Donald West Milford HS
Morales, Maria West Milford HS
Suarez, Jose West Milford HS
Koeppe, Wyatt West Milford HS
Clinton, Collin West Milford HS
Bramley, Kevin West Milford HS
Zhang, Steven Wayne Hills HS
Stepien, Kirsten Wayne Hills HS
Scroble, Patrick Wayne Hills HS
Ryu, James Wayne Hills HS
Song, Ryan Wayne Hills HS
Yun, Devin Wayne Hills HS
Sinha, Anshul Wayne Hills HS
Strauss, Leah Wayne Hills HS
Parness, Eric Wayne Hills HS
Sookdeo, Ryan Wayne Hills HS
Tricario, Michael Wayne Hills HS
Rinaldo, Joseph Wayne Hills HS
Topielski, Josh Wayne Hills HS
Kearney, Sophia Wayne Hills HS
Minogue, Kyle Wayne Hills HS
Hughes, Robert Wayne Hills HS
Ayala Bellido, Christopher Wayne Hills HS
Adamo, Amanda Wayne Hills HS
Ghani, Nadir Wayne Hills HS
Chrisbacher, Julia Wayne Hills HS
Lehman, Michael Wayne Hills HS
Lee, Gina Wayne Hills HS
Garg, Arnav Wayne Hills HS
LaRusso, Aidan Wayne Hills HS
Kinney, Andrew Wayne Hills HS
Choe, Aron Wayne Hills HS
Mehnert, Alex Wayne Hills HS
Gonzalez Batista, Elianne Wayne Hills HS
Bregman, Richard Wayne Hills HS
Bennett, Joshua Wayne Hills HS
Leathers, Kyla Wayne Hills HS
Joo, Shawn Wayne Hills HS
Bryzek, Claudia Wayne Hills HS
Knapp, Austin Wayne Hills HS
Gerard, Daniel Wayne Hills HS
Hedian, Jeremy Wayne Hills HS
Park, Dan Wayne Hills HS
Kearney, Madeline Wayne Hills HS
Chang, Kenneth Wayne Hills HS
Langbaum, Justin Wayne Hills HS
Galesi, Julia Wayne Hills HS
Hernandez, Ricardo Wayne Hills HS
Cuadros, Brian Wayne Hills HS
Munoz, Anthony Wayne Hills HS
Choe, Adam Wayne Hills HS
Darragh, Dylan Wayne Hills HS
Huachaca, Herbert Wayne Hills HS
Kinney, Joseph Wayne Hills HS
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