STAC Championship 2019

Oneonta, NY

STAC Championship 2019 vs STAC Championship 2016

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -24 404 428
Overall Average +25.47 21:45.73 21:20.26
1st-10th Place +28.62 16:34.54 16:05.92
1st-25th Place +23.04 17:03.20 16:40.16
1st-50th Place +18.44 17:30.57 17:12.13
1st-100th Place +14.72 18:07.87 17:53.16
Common Athletes -- -- 46
Ran Faster 14 30 16
Ran Season Best 2 28 26
Average Time -35.29 20:57.99 21:33.28
Median Time -2.00 20:49.10 20:51.10
Middle 80% Times -41.05 20:45.78 21:26.82
Top 10% Times -46.42 16:59.06 17:45.48
Top 25% Times -48.49 17:36.08 18:24.58
Top 50% Times -45.73 18:33.38 19:19.11
Bottom 50% Times -24.85 23:22.60 23:47.45
Bottom 25% Times -33.15 25:03.88 25:37.03
Bottom 10% Times +14.80 27:16.26 27:01.46
Average Difference -35.29 -- --
Median Difference -37.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -38.94 -- --
Top 10% Difference -44.38 -- --
Top 50% Difference -40.57 -- --
Top 25% Difference -47.33 -- --
Top 50% Difference -40.57 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -30.01 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -42.70 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +22.12 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Torrey Jacobson-Evans Corning -1:27.60 16:19.50 17:47.10
Nathan Wilsoncroft Horseheads -1:02.40 16:48.50 17:50.90
Alexander Simpson Ithaca High School -57.80 17:02.40 18:00.20
Robert Kesterson Corning -2:38.20 17:18.50 19:56.70
Ben Supron Ithaca High School +3.20 17:26.40 17:23.20
Wyatt Breese Seton Catholic (4) -17.30 17:33.90 17:51.20
Riley Transue Johnson City -2:07.60 17:41.40 19:49.00
Hayden Belanger Elmira Express -1:20.60 17:48.10 19:08.70
Jake Scibek Horseheads +40.50 18:35.50 17:55.00
Ryuki Yamasaki Ithaca High School -2:29.00 17:57.90 20:26.90
Ese Amata Union Endicott -40.80 18:11.50 18:52.30
Allen Lawton Chenango Forks -2:21.70 18:29.40 20:51.10
Cody Ripley Elmira Express +1:33.80 20:19.00 18:45.20
aidan foley Ithaca High School -1:45.70 18:45.90 20:31.60
Patrick Hemenway Elmira Express +14.40 19:03.60 18:49.20
Johnny Rockwell Union Endicott -1:35.40 18:53.80 20:29.20
Luke Yoest Union Endicott +1:07.30 20:06.40 18:59.10
Lindsey Stokes Maine-Endwell -57.20 19:09.40 20:06.60
Dante Hovancic Chenango Forks -2:14.90 19:20.50 21:35.40
Jack Lawrence Susquehanna Valley +6.20 19:39.00 19:32.80
Samuel Argetsinger Susquehanna Valley -53.40 19:55.20 20:48.60
Andrew McNeil Binghamton HS -36.00 19:58.20 20:34.20
John Massengale Horseheads +2:46.90 22:49.20 20:02.30
Matthew Sovik Horseheads +1:00.80 21:14.80 20:14.00
Ruspal Rai Vestal -4:02.00 20:23.70 24:25.70
Angelea Collins Corning +51.30 21:16.80 20:25.50
Robert Ostrander Elmira Express -53.20 20:49.10 21:42.30
Jacob Ghiorse Oneonta HS -1:17.50 20:53.70 22:11.20
Lorenzo Carlini Union Endicott +1:24.30 22:21.50 20:57.20
Garret Breen Ithaca High School -37.00 20:58.00 21:35.00
Connor Estep Union Endicott -1:12.00 20:58.40 22:10.40
Kalia Brizzolara Maine-Endwell +1:35.20 22:50.50 21:15.30
Ian Shaffer Windsor Central -52.80 21:47.70 22:40.50
Kara Six Horseheads -1:00.10 21:57.70 22:57.80
Chelsea Corey Owego Free Academy +1:17.90 23:20.50 22:02.60
Hannah Cluck Johnson City -36.70 22:09.30 22:46.00
Elijah Young Chenango Valley -2:43.70 22:26.20 25:09.90
Zach Demer Chenango Valley -3:28.90 22:32.10 26:01.00
Rebecca Mercik Chenango Valley +1:42.90 24:32.90 22:50.00
Brett Salzman Chenango Valley -2:15.00 23:17.90 25:32.90
Caitlin Aranda Vestal -54.20 25:02.10 25:56.30
Sydney Derick Union Endicott -2:22.10 25:02.90 27:25.00
Brynn Hempstead Maine-Endwell +1:11.30 26:45.90 25:34.60
John Guo Vestal +2:00.60 27:46.70 25:46.10
Kate Ackley Oneonta HS +2:16.60 28:39.50 26:22.90
Lucy Laats Vestal -1:15.80 28:06.30 29:22.10