Section 1 Class C Champs 2019

New York, NY

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 1,000 Meter Run 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rizzo, Matthew 2:28.23 Bronxville
Rizzo, Alex 2:29.00 Bronxville
Leicht, Ben 2:34.08 North Salem
Kochansky, Jack 2:42.93 Bronxville
O'Leary, Kevin 2:43.19 Albertus Magnus
Brightman, Noah 2:43.30 Pawling High School
Gemme, Aidan 2:44.69 Hastings
Greco, Matthew 2:46.75 Dobbs Ferry
Watkins, Garrett 2:49.27 Pawling High School
Ferland, Ethan 2:50.04 Dobbs Ferry
Sprock, Felix 2:50.98 Hastings
Rowley, Finn 2:51.26 Hastings
Fredericks, Cole 2:53.22 Albertus Magnus
Kubina, Jakub 2:54.52 Dobbs Ferry
Aguilar, Edwin 2:56.00 Alexander Hamilton
Marcuse, Jonathan 2:56.33 Rye Neck
Lucasey, Marc 2:56.57 Dobbs Ferry
Vincent, Sean 2:57.20 North Salem
Atkins, Jason 2:57.94 Alexander Hamilton
Pagan, Christopher 2:58.36 Westlake
Fish, Noah 2:59.00 Dobbs Ferry
Fredericks, Matthew 2:59.53 Albertus Magnus
Bai, Michael 2:59.92 Pawling High School
Marino, Nicholas 3:00.10 Valhalla
Trageser, Kirby 3:00.72 North Salem
Langbert, Eric 3:00.81 Croton-Harmon
Muench, Sammy 3:03.00 Hastings
Polisena, James 3:03.40 Albertus Magnus
Goodson, Ellis 3:03.54 Bronxville
Sasaki, Shusaku 3:03.79 Dobbs Ferry
Wright, Russell 3:05.70 Albertus Magnus
Negast, Shane 3:05.70 Albertus Magnus
Keenan, Kieran 3:05.70 Albertus Magnus
Taffet, Ben 3:06.82 Rye Neck
Pithadia, Miraj 3:07.57 Dobbs Ferry
Rajani-Bangser, Amar 3:08.03 Dobbs Ferry
Burstein, Jay 3:08.09 Bronxville
Long, Preston 3:08.26 Dobbs Ferry
Moustafa, Aser 3:08.63 Dobbs Ferry
Schmidt, Chris 3:09.50 Pawling High School
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HS Boys 1,600 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Leicht, Ben 4:24.11 North Salem
Gardiner, Sean 4:32.34 Croton-Harmon
Rizzo, Alex 4:33.26 Bronxville
Brightman, Noah 4:39.63 Pawling High School
Kochansky, Jack 4:40.41 Bronxville
Mayer, Aidan 4:47.89 Croton-Harmon
Greco, Matthew 4:53.90 Dobbs Ferry
Pasquina, Lucas 4:55.39 Rye Neck
O'Leary, Kevin 4:55.86 Albertus Magnus
Polisena, James 4:57.92 Albertus Magnus
Watkins, Garrett 5:00.10 Pawling High School
Sprock, Felix 5:02.60 Hastings
Smith, Charles 5:03.03 Valhalla
Marcuse, Jonathan 5:03.38 Rye Neck
Fredericks, Cole 5:04.20 Albertus Magnus
Cadenhead, Sean 5:05.50 Dobbs Ferry
Ferland, Ethan 5:07.70 Dobbs Ferry
Pagan, Christopher 5:09.50 Westlake
Brightman, Caleb 5:10.50 Pawling High School
Muench, Sammy 5:10.70 Hastings
Lucasey, Marc 5:12.89 Dobbs Ferry
Borwick, William 5:13.70 Dobbs Ferry
Keenan, Kieran 5:13.97 Albertus Magnus
Pithadia, Miraj 5:16.30 Dobbs Ferry
Fredericks, Matthew 5:16.58 Albertus Magnus
Taffet, Ben 5:18.70 Rye Neck
Bai, Michael 5:19.16 Pawling High School
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HS Boys 3,200 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Katzenstein, Jed 10:03.11 Dobbs Ferry
Gardiner, Sean 10:06.00 Croton-Harmon
Cadenhead, Sean 10:33.60 Dobbs Ferry
Pasquina, Lucas 10:34.02 Rye Neck
Vincent, Sean 10:35.09 North Salem
Ryan, John 10:46.95 Bronxville
Kubina, Jakub 10:49.10 Dobbs Ferry
Brightman, Caleb 10:49.34 Pawling High School
Polisena, James 10:52.60 Albertus Magnus
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HS Boys 300 Meter Dash 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ginghina, Cole 37.15 Dobbs Ferry
Thelliyankal, Steven 37.23 Valhalla
Hickey, Jack 37.71 Pawling High School
O'Connell, Tommy 37.75 Bronxville
Chandler, Kahjuan 37.94h Woodlands
Heitler, Arlo 38.41 Hastings
Fujiwara, Dan 38.55 Rye Neck
Randall, Connor 38.63 Bronxville
Watson, Christan 38.80 Woodlands
Maxwell, Leelan 39.24 Woodlands
Rizzuto, Michael 39.65 Valhalla
Noguchi, Sohsuke 39.80 Rye Neck
Pena, Dante 39.83 Pawling High School
Holihan, Sean 40.08 Albertus Magnus
Conrad, Maximilian 40.20 Dobbs Ferry
D'Alessandro, Jonah 40.22 North Salem
Haviland, Milo 40.24 Rye Neck
Osei, Damon 40.40 Woodlands
Duffy, Christian 40.90 North Salem
Bernard, Jason 40.94 Alexander Hamilton
Knaus, Anthony 41.22 Albertus Magnus
Mora, Victor 41.39 Westlake
Hyuga, Kota 41.40 Rye Neck
Alfassam, Sulaiman 41.71 Friends Seminary
Rajani-Bangser, Amar 41.72 Dobbs Ferry
Pagan, Christopher 42.04 Westlake
Mygan, Dan 42.04h Pawling High School
Beck, Andrew 42.16 Pawling High School
DiGiacomo, Nicholas 42.30 North Salem
Park, Luke 42.48 Rye Neck
Wright, Russell 42.60 Albertus Magnus
Baltazar, Andre 42.81 Westlake
Colombo, Mike 43.24h Pawling High School
Ceconi, Marco 43.29 Albertus Magnus
Weremchuk, Alexander 43.34 Friends Seminary
Martinez, Dante 43.41 Croton-Harmon
Negast, Shane 43.50 Albertus Magnus
Fischer, Matthew 43.66 Albertus Magnus
Murrell, Cameron 43.74h Woodlands
Garcia, Alex 43.77 Valhalla
Erysthee, Justin 44.70 Woodlands
Chittum, Joseph 44.76 Albertus Magnus
Kennedy, Blake 44.97 Dobbs Ferry
McGrath, Emmett 45.00 Hastings
Zhao, Jackson 45.00 Albertus Magnus
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Friends Seminary
Relay Team A 1:33.62 Woodlands
Relay Team A 1:36.61 Bronxville
Relay Team A 1:38.01 Valhalla
Relay Team A 1:38.05 Alexander Hamilton
Relay Team A 1:40.98 Albertus Magnus
Relay Team A 1:41.94 Pawling High School
Relay Team A 1:47.06 North Salem
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:35.45 Bronxville
Relay Team A 3:38.10 Pawling High School
Relay Team A 3:44.58 Dobbs Ferry
Relay Team A 3:45.56 Hastings
Relay Team A 3:53.51 Albertus Magnus
Relay Team A 3:54.50 Valhalla
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:00.24 Valhalla
Relay Team A 8:32.77 Bronxville
Relay Team A 8:53.27 Croton-Harmon
Relay Team A 8:57.30 Pawling High School
Relay Team A 8:57.40 Dobbs Ferry
Relay Team A 9:22.26 Albertus Magnus
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HS Boys 55 Meter Dash 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mitchell, Lavonno 6.51 Albertus Magnus
Chandler, Kahjuan 6.63 Woodlands
Nieves, Eric 6.82 Westlake
Scott, Jeremy 6.83 Alexander Hamilton
Watters, Seamus 6.88 Bronxville
Pena, Dante 6.89 Pawling High School
Watson, Christan 6.92 Woodlands
Maxwell, Leelan 6.96 Woodlands
Hill, Nashaun 6.98 Alexander Hamilton
Osei, Damon 7.01 Woodlands
Randall, Connor 7.02 Bronxville
O'Connell, Tommy 7.07 Bronxville
Thelliyankal, Steven 7.07 Valhalla
Miller, Mekhi 7.08 Valhalla
Knaus, Anthony 7.15 Albertus Magnus
Heitler, Arlo 7.18 Hastings
Merlos Jr, Diego 7.19 Rye Neck
Thiele, Stefan 7.24 Valhalla
Mora, Victor 7.28 Westlake
Mygan, Dan 7.36 Pawling High School
Haviland, Milo 7.36 Rye Neck
Holihan, Sean 7.38 Albertus Magnus
Murrell, Cameron 7.39 Woodlands
Drummond, Tyler 7.39 Valhalla
Hyuga, Kota 7.40 Rye Neck
D'Alessandro, Jonah 7.41 North Salem
Chittum, Joseph 7.52 Albertus Magnus
Nabi, Aqib 7.54 Friends Seminary
Conrad, Maximilian 7.54 Dobbs Ferry
Eaton, Aeneas 7.55 North Salem
Bompey, Will 7.57 Friends Seminary
Spain, Taiyo 7.59 Alexander Hamilton
DiGiacomo, Nicholas 7.61 North Salem
Sterling, Jonah 7.64 Dobbs Ferry
Garcia, Alex 7.65 Valhalla
Ceconi, Marco 7.65 Albertus Magnus
Golden, Ben 7.66 Rye Neck
Abraham, Antoine 7.70 Dobbs Ferry
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HS Boys 55 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garcia, Alex 10.23 Valhalla
Ruddy, Dylan 10.45 Bronxville
Watters, Seamus 7.96 Bronxville
Zambou, Bryan 8.60 Dobbs Ferry
Williams, Jelani 8.71 Dobbs Ferry
Thiele, Stefan 8.80 Valhalla
Duffy, Christian 9.55 North Salem
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HS Boys 600 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ginghina, Cole 1:24.38 Dobbs Ferry
Rizzo, Alex 1:25.12 Bronxville
Brightman, Noah 1:26.40 Pawling High School
Smith, Charles 1:27.45 Valhalla
Byfield, Justin 1:27.62 Croton-Harmon
Cantor, Micah 1:28.09 Hastings
Batista, Elijah 1:30.32 Pawling High School
O'Leary, Kevin 1:31.01 Albertus Magnus
Hickey, Jack 1:31.10 Pawling High School
Noguchi, Sohsuke 1:32.91 Rye Neck
Fujiwara, Dan 1:33.10 Rye Neck
Rajani-Bangser, Amar 1:33.95 Dobbs Ferry
Alfassam, Sulaiman 1:35.42 Friends Seminary
Malley, Zip 1:35.58 Bronxville
Fredericks, Cole 1:36.10 Albertus Magnus
Park, Luke 1:37.62 Rye Neck
Sprock, Felix 1:39.30 Hastings
Gersechwer, Benhamin 1:39.40 Friends Seminary
Trageser, Kirby 1:39.70 North Salem
Kennedy, Blake 1:41.10 Dobbs Ferry
Wright, Russell 1:41.32 Albertus Magnus
DiPonio, Anthony 1:41.35 Pawling High School
Fredericks, Matthew 1:41.90 Albertus Magnus
Maloney, Patrick 1:42.00 Hastings
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HS Boys High Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ahern, Dylan 5-10 Westlake
Mitchell, Lavonno 5-9 Albertus Magnus
Zambou, Bryan 5-6 Dobbs Ferry
Doulos, George 5-3 Westlake
Ahern, Glen 5-3 Westlake
Coan, Dennise 5-0 Croton-Harmon
Hickey, Jack 5-0 Pawling High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hill, Nashaun 19-7.25 Alexander Hamilton
Williams, Jelani 19-0 Dobbs Ferry
Ahern, Dylan 18-8.5 Westlake
Chandler, Kahjuan 18-7 Woodlands
Murray, Tim 18-5.5 Bronxville
Bernard, Jason 18-5 Alexander Hamilton
Batista, Elijah 17-11.25 Pawling High School
Moynihan, Johnny 17-10.75 Bronxville
Doulos, George 17-10.25 Westlake
Noguchi, Sohsuke 17-5 Rye Neck
Watson, Christan 17-4 Woodlands
Thiele, Stefan 17-3.5 Valhalla
Mygan, Dan 17-1.75 Pawling High School
Nabi, Aqib 16-11.5 Friends Seminary
Ruddy, Dylan 16-10.5 Bronxville
Heitler, Arlo 16-8 Hastings
Aronson, Jacob 16-6.75 Croton-Harmon
Ahern, Glen 16-6 Westlake
Weremchuk, Alexander 16-5 Friends Seminary
Pena, Dante 16-3.5 Pawling High School
Drummond, Tyler 16-3.5 Valhalla
Miller, Mekhi 15-11.5 Valhalla
Bompey, Will 15-9.25 Friends Seminary
Garcia, Alex 15-7.75 Valhalla
Golden, Ben 15-5.25 Rye Neck
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HS Boys Pole Vault 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pennella, Henry 10-6 Valhalla
Rizzuto, Michael 9-6 Valhalla
Caldarola, Matthew 8-0 Valhalla
Mammola, Connor 7-0 Pawling High School
Hanley, Ben 7-0 Bronxville
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HS Boys Shot Put 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Scott, Jeremy 43-6.75 Alexander Hamilton
Belmnahia, Noah 41-7.75 Valhalla
Tobin, Matt 40-1.75 Albertus Magnus
Cotaj, Giovanni 39-2.75 Albertus Magnus
Cotter, Zachary 38-11.25 North Salem
Habersham, James 38-5 Woodlands
Canady, Maurice 38-1.25 Woodlands
Reyes, Daniel 37-1.75 Alexander Hamilton
Revadigar, Nathan 36-1 Bronxville
Zottoli, Robert 35-5 Albertus Magnus
Spratley, Kyle 35-4 Albertus Magnus
Ricci, Daniel 35-0.5 Rye Neck
Colombo, Mike 34-7.25 Pawling High School
Rivituso, Michael 33-11.75 Rye Neck
Azahim-Rodriguez, Louislee 33-0.25 Albertus Magnus
Lopez, Edward 32-2 Rye Neck
Redman, Luke 31-3 Bronxville
Rieber, Bentley 31-2.75 Valhalla
Bloom, Nate 31-1.5 Dobbs Ferry
Eaton, Aeneas 31-0.5 North Salem
Dinome, Evan 30-9 Rye Neck
McCormick, George 29-1.5 Bronxville
Profile, Deleted 28-9.5 Bronxville
Beldotti, Anthony Peyton 28-8.5 Bronxville
Daher, George 28-8 Bronxville
Bompey, Will 28-7.5 Friends Seminary
McCormick, Spencer 28-3.75 Bronxville
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HS Boys Triple Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Jelani 43-7 Dobbs Ferry
Ahern, Dylan 41-6.5 Westlake
Pennella, Henry 41-5 Valhalla
Bernard, Jason 39-3.5 Alexander Hamilton
Zambou, Bryan 39-2.75 Dobbs Ferry
Doulos, George 38-8.75 Westlake
Moynihan, Johnny 38-5.75 Bronxville
Ahern, Glen 35-8 Westlake
Merlos Jr, Diego 34-4 Rye Neck
Mullarkey, Louis 33-10.5 Friends Seminary
Weremchuk, Alexander 33-9.5 Friends Seminary
Aronson, Jacob 33-4 Croton-Harmon
Moses, Adin 32-10.5 Friends Seminary
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HS Boys Weight Throw 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Belmnahia, Noah 53-8.5 Valhalla
Spratley, Kyle 41-10.25 Albertus Magnus
Zottoli, Robert 39-4.25 Albertus Magnus
Cotaj, Giovanni 38-10.75 Albertus Magnus
Rieber, Bentley 38-0.5 Valhalla
Tobin, Matt 36-11.75 Albertus Magnus
Redman, Luke 35-9.5 Bronxville
Ricci, Daniel 35-5.75 Rye Neck
Daher, George 30-3.5 Bronxville
Azahim-Rodriguez, Louislee 29-8 Albertus Magnus
Dinome, Evan 27-8 Rye Neck
Rivituso, Michael 26-9 Rye Neck
McCormick, George 25-9.5 Bronxville
Colombo, Mike 25-9 Pawling High School
Profile, Deleted 23-10 Bronxville
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HS Girls 1,000 Meter Run 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Finkenberg, Sonia 3:01.69 Rye Neck
Haggerty, Patty 3:02.80 Bronxville
Weiner, Natalie 3:03.41 Bronxville
Jolley, Ava 3:04.45 North Salem
Gardner, Claire 3:07.55 Albertus Magnus
Dakolias, Clio 3:08.14 Bronxville
Mandanas, Emma 3:10.21 Bronxville
Guilfoyle, Caitlin 3:10.50 Hastings
Sullivan, Maeve 3:13.13 Bronxville
Moran, Mollie 3:15.07 Albertus Magnus
Widen, Avery 3:17.28 Bronxville
Chrappa, Gigi 3:17.38 Bronxville
Palma, Molly 3:17.51 Bronxville
DeMarco, Eva 3:20.78 Dobbs Ferry
Kramer, Jamie 3:21.06 Dobbs Ferry
Hennigan, Paige 3:22.30 Albertus Magnus
Abbott, Lyric 3:25.44 Bronxville
Denning, Rory 3:26.59 Bronxville
Murphy, Anna 3:27.39 Rye Neck
Baker, Jessica 3:36.96 Dobbs Ferry
Pecoraro, Jeannine 3:39.58 Croton-Harmon
Aldrich, Emily 3:40.68 Albertus Magnus
Newton, Nadia 3:41.36 Bronxville
Litchfield, Emma 3:41.90 North Salem
Glynn, Kiera 3:42.61 Albertus Magnus
Ducic, Emily 3:46.07 Dobbs Ferry
Ranghelli, Lana 3:46.44 Pawling High School
Saalman, Magnolia 3:46.59 Valhalla
Lileika, Gwenyth 3:46.76 Valhalla
Soto, Fabiana 3:51.23 Valhalla
Summers, Faith 3:53.30 Westlake
Greco, Genevieve 3:53.54 Dobbs Ferry
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HS Girls 1,500 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gardner, Claire 4:48.05 Albertus Magnus
Finkenberg, Sonia 4:52.57 Rye Neck
Haggerty, Patty 4:57.40 Bronxville
Weiner, Natalie 4:58.12 Bronxville
Jolley, Ava 5:03.97 North Salem
Guilfoyle, Caitlin 5:10.90 Hastings
DeMarco, Eva 5:14.24 Dobbs Ferry
Palma, Molly 5:15.86 Bronxville
Ard, Stella 5:15.97 North Salem
Ward, Phoebe 5:18.60 Dobbs Ferry
Chrappa, Gigi 5:19.59 Bronxville
Widen, Avery 5:20.42 Bronxville
Kramer, Jamie 5:21.30 Dobbs Ferry
Abbott, Lyric 5:22.16 Bronxville
Intrieri, Juliette 5:23.32 North Salem
Hennigan, Paige 5:25.10 Albertus Magnus
Aronoff, Eve 5:35.48 Hastings
Denning, Rory 5:39.34 Bronxville
Murphy, Anna 5:39.64 Rye Neck
Baker, Jessica 5:53.18 Dobbs Ferry
Henry, Mary 5:55.65 Valhalla
Ducic, Emily 5:55.94 Dobbs Ferry
Saalman, Magnolia 5:58.75 Valhalla
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HS Girls 1500 Meter Race Walk 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McDonald, Jolie 7:54.48 Dobbs Ferry
Pisacane, Julianne 8:28.18 Valhalla
Straub, Samantha 9:24.00 Dobbs Ferry
Ferland, Sarah 9:40.50 Dobbs Ferry
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HS Girls 3,000 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jolley, Ava 10:43.88 North Salem
Mandanas, Emma 10:52.50 Bronxville
Ward, Phoebe 10:56.87 Dobbs Ferry
Widen, Avery 11:27.27 Bronxville
Palma, Molly 11:31.81 Bronxville
Intrieri, Juliette 11:35.34 North Salem
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HS Girls 300 Meter Dash 61 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Balseiro, Eve 40.76 Bronxville
Ircha, Caroline 41.98 Bronxville
Dedyo, Daly 42.50 Albertus Magnus
Mellinghoff, Sabrina 43.28 Bronxville
Gardner, Claire 44.30 Albertus Magnus
Mogg, Katie 44.31 North Salem
Kanganis, Alisa 44.37 Bronxville
Downs, Ava 44.38 Bronxville
Weild, Kelly 44.39 Bronxville
Gregory, Grace 44.99 Albertus Magnus
Cham, Maia 45.32 Albertus Magnus
Guilfoyle, Margaret 45.74h Hastings
Hickey, Julianne 46.24h Pawling High School
Neil, Emma 46.54 Albertus Magnus
Santini, Diana 46.61 Valhalla
Napolitano, Donna 46.95 Bronxville
Black, Ava 47.01 Bronxville
Coyle, Violet 47.03 North Salem
Portera, Julia 47.08 Valhalla
Wright, Shannen 47.14 Albertus Magnus
Drummond, Rushea 47.61 Alexander Hamilton
Prior, Sophia 47.71 Bronxville
Masterson, Rachel 47.77 Dobbs Ferry
Carrozza, Sofia 48.00 Pawling High School
Holihan, Tara 48.06 Albertus Magnus
Doyle, Ciara 48.37 Albertus Magnus
Leitch, Alexandra 48.90 Westlake
Krasinski, Jenna 49.36 Pawling High School
Cioffi, Alessia 49.36 Pawling High School
O'Connor, Ashley 49.40 Dobbs Ferry
Mellinghoff, Remi 49.44 Bronxville
Gardner, Mary 49.46 Albertus Magnus
Pochna, Arden 49.60 Hastings
Sweeney, Kate 49.62 Albertus Magnus
Odell, Julia 50.13 Pawling High School
Ramundu, Sophie 50.16 Valhalla
Tucci, Kiera 50.30 Pawling High School
Meehan, Madison 50.58 Bronxville
Bendlin, Mia 50.68 Valhalla
Halstead, Amanda 50.68 North Salem
Duchin, Isabel 50.80 Hastings
Makulec, Sara 50.80 Hastings
Schoales, Brianna 50.83 Albertus Magnus
Laban, Marijn 50.94h Dobbs Ferry
Savarese, Abigail 51.04h Pawling High School
Ireland, Kaitlyn 51.04h Albertus Magnus
Nduka, Ada 51.08 Valhalla
MacNeill, Valerie 51.10 Albertus Magnus
Harrington, Kelly 51.11 Albertus Magnus
Schaub, Alexa 51.11 North Salem
Widen, Julia 51.32 Bronxville
Morocho, Melisa 51.38 Valhalla
Bajic, Frida 51.57 Dobbs Ferry
Saad, Anna 51.66 Bronxville
Lawlor, Madeline 51.80 Dobbs Ferry
Denton, Zoe 51.94h Woodlands
Lipman, Katherine 52.00 Rye Neck
Cocking, Sophia 52.05 North Salem
Novak, Cara 52.14 Hastings
Murphy, Jenna 52.42 North Salem
Pelegrino, Julianne 52.49 Pawling High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:46.53 Bronxville
Relay Team A 1:50.66 Albertus Magnus
Relay Team A 1:54.80 Pawling High School
Relay Team A 1:58.62 Valhalla
Relay Team A 1:59.29 North Salem
Relay Team A 2:01.49 Dobbs Ferry
Relay Team A 2:08.80 Alexander Hamilton
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:01.46 Bronxville
Relay Team A 4:14.85 Albertus Magnus
Relay Team A 4:43.07 Valhalla
Relay Team A 4:46.50 Hastings
Relay Team A 4:51.34 Pawling High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:06.43 North Salem
Relay Team A 10:34.29 Dobbs Ferry
Relay Team A 10:38.10 Albertus Magnus
Relay Team A 13:38.24 Valhalla
Relay Team A 9:31.05 Bronxville
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HS Girls 55 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dedyo, Daly 7.56 Albertus Magnus
Ircha, Caroline 7.56 Bronxville
Mellinghoff, Sabrina 7.57 Bronxville
Balseiro, Eve 7.58 Bronxville
Cham, Maia 7.70 Albertus Magnus
Long, Dezire 7.72 Alexander Hamilton
Kanganis, Alisa 7.74 Bronxville
Mogg, Katie 7.78 North Salem
McCarthy, Morgan 7.78 Pawling High School
Thompson, Madison 7.92 Tuckahoe
Downs, Ava 7.94 Bronxville
doyle, kierra 8.01 Albertus Magnus
Portera, Julia 8.02 Valhalla
Carrozza, Sofia 8.03 Pawling High School
Denton, Zoe 8.03 Woodlands
Weild, Kelly 8.13 Bronxville
Napolitano, Donna 8.14 Bronxville
Cioffi, Alessia 8.19 Pawling High School
Black, Ava 8.24 Bronxville
Shornick, Rachel 8.25 Dobbs Ferry
Gardner, Mary 8.26 Albertus Magnus
Wright, Shannen 8.33 Albertus Magnus
Krasinski, Jenna 8.35 Pawling High School
Mitchell, Jana 8.36 Friends Seminary
Masterson, Rachel 8.38 Dobbs Ferry
Meehan, Madison 8.41 Bronxville
O'Connor, Ashley 8.43 Dobbs Ferry
Lipman, Katherine 8.44 Rye Neck
Terjanian, Violette 8.44 Dobbs Ferry
Mellinghoff, Remi 8.44 Bronxville
Ciccone, Ava 8.44 Valhalla
Holihan, Tara 8.45 Albertus Magnus
Simon, Anna 8.49 Alexander Hamilton
Odell, Julia 8.51 Pawling High School
Widen, Julia 8.54 Bronxville
Saad, Anna 8.54 Bronxville
Jackson, Ella Blue 8.54 Pawling High School
Nduka, Ada 8.58 Valhalla
Ramundu, Sophie 8.59 Valhalla
Joseph, Melanie 8.59 Albertus Magnus
Leitch, Alexandra 8.63 Westlake
Lawlor, Madeline 8.65 Dobbs Ferry
Schaub, Alexa 8.71 North Salem
Halstead, Amanda 8.74 North Salem
Izzo, Nicole 8.78 Westlake
Meehan, Christine 8.80 Albertus Magnus
Ireland, Kaitlyn 8.81 Albertus Magnus
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HS Girls 55 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Corseri, Isabelle 10.34 Tuckahoe
MacNeill, Valerie 10.36 Albertus Magnus
Gravier, Jules 10.44 Bronxville
Leopizzi, Michela 10.51 Valhalla
Meehan, Madison 10.55 Bronxville
Laban, Marijn 10.98 Dobbs Ferry
Governale, Juliet 10.98 Pawling High School
Neil, Emma 10.99 Albertus Magnus
Nduka, Ada 11.13 Valhalla
Murphy, Jenna 11.21 North Salem
Jackson, Ella Blue 11.38 Pawling High School
Tica, Luba 11.68 North Salem
Cocking, Sophia 11.69 North Salem
Bendlin, Mia 11.98 Valhalla
Denton, Zoe 9.72 Woodlands
Hickey, Julianne 9.76 Pawling High School
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HS Girls 600 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brashear, Caroline 1:38.40 Bronxville
Balseiro, Eve 1:39.57 Bronxville
Marshall, Betsy 1:40.42 Bronxville
Ward, Abby 1:43.10 Dobbs Ferry
Sullivan, Maeve 1:43.52 Bronxville
McCarthy, Morgan 1:43.79 Pawling High School
Gardner, Claire 1:44.61 Albertus Magnus
Gregory, Grace 1:44.81 Albertus Magnus
Moran, Mollie 1:45.53 Albertus Magnus
Santini, Diana 1:49.32 Valhalla
Coyle, Violet 1:49.33 North Salem
Shepard, Andrea 1:49.42 Bronxville
Lileika, Gwenyth 1:50.99 Valhalla
Sprock, Halle 1:52.29 Hastings
Hickey, Julianne 1:54.30 Pawling High School
Alradi, Atika 1:55.04 Rye Neck
Potanovic, Mackenzie 1:55.50 Pawling High School
Prior, Sophia 1:57.66 Bronxville
Lyons, Mary 1:58.33 Westlake
Silverstein, Celia 1:58.40 Hastings
Savarese, Abigail 1:58.54 Pawling High School
Tucci, Kiera 1:58.90 Pawling High School
Aldrich, Emily 1:59.22 Albertus Magnus
Governale, Juliet 1:59.35 Pawling High School
Sweeney, Kate 1:59.38 Albertus Magnus
Bassam, Elham 2:00.67 Albertus Magnus
Glynn, Kiera 2:03.21 Albertus Magnus
Odell, Julia 2:03.67 Pawling High School
Holihan, Tara 2:04.40 Albertus Magnus
Mangum, Waverly 2:06.00 Woodlands
Soto, Fabiana 2:06.01 Valhalla
Bendlin, Mia 2:06.77 Valhalla
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HS Girls High Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dibbini, Marielle 4-10 Bronxville
Buhler, Madalyne 4-9 Albertus Magnus
Hickey, Julianne 4-8 Pawling High School
Governale, Juliet 4-6 Pawling High School
Widen, Julia 4-2 Bronxville
Caldarola, Jillian 4-0 Valhalla
Long, Dezire 4-0 Alexander Hamilton
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HS Girls Long Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bartlett, Sara 15-11 Valhalla
Leopizzi, Michela 14-11 Valhalla
Bayer, Caroline 14-8.25 Dobbs Ferry
Mellinghoff, Remi 14-5.5 Bronxville
Carrozza, Sofia 14-2.5 Pawling High School
Dibbini, Isabella 14-2 Bronxville
Dibbini, Marielle 13-8 Bronxville
Lileika, Gwenyth 13-7 Valhalla
Widen, Julia 13-6.25 Bronxville
Paulsson, Olivia 13-0 Dobbs Ferry
Nduka, Ada 11-10 Valhalla
Saad, Anna 11-9 Bronxville
Mines, Sophie 11-7 Hastings
Lubrino, Rachel 11-6.5 Westlake
Savarese, Abigail 11-4 Pawling High School
Fischer, Sara 11-2.5 Dobbs Ferry
Trieff, Lily 11-1.75 Valhalla
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HS Girls Pole Vault 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gravier, Jules 9-3 Bronxville
Palma, Molly 8-9 Bronxville
De Gloria, Emily 7-6 Pawling High School
Cruz, Deryne 7-6 Valhalla
Tucci, Kiera 7-0 Pawling High School
Pelegrino, Julianne 7-0 Pawling High School
Trieff, Lily 6-0 Valhalla
Zhu, Kailing 6-0 Valhalla
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HS Girls Shot Put 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Proctor, Bailey 30-10 Alexander Hamilton
Dormeus, Shayenne 28-6 Albertus Magnus
Valqui, Melissa 26-7.25 Rye Neck
Dibbini, Isabella 24-9.25 Bronxville
Rodriguez, Melida 23-7.5 Alexander Hamilton
Hernandez, Martha 23-2 Pawling High School
Anderson, Caroline 23-0.25 Hastings
Jackson, Ella Blue 21-9.5 Pawling High School
Vinciguerra, Isabella 21-9 Pawling High School
Morillo, Katheryn 21-1 Valhalla
Oshikawa, Haruka 20-11 Rye Neck
Roasado, Celeste 19-6.75 Valhalla
Haviland, Samantha 19-0 Rye Neck
Deane, Julianne 19-0 Albertus Magnus
Perez, Jacqueline 18-6.25 Pawling High School
Furlong, Jaclyn 18-1 Pawling High School
Marino, Madison 17-11.25 Valhalla
Cuateco, Juliana 17-5.25 Alexander Hamilton
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HS Girls Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bartlett, Sara 36-2 Valhalla
Widen, Julia 30-4.5 Bronxville
Mellinghoff, Remi 28-10.75 Bronxville
Gardner, Mary 28-7 Albertus Magnus
Bayer, Caroline 27-8.5 Dobbs Ferry
Summers, Faith 27-7.5 Westlake
Paulsson, Olivia 27-1.75 Dobbs Ferry
Saad, Anna 25-10.5 Bronxville
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HS Girls Weight Throw 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marino, Madison 28-9.5 Valhalla
Anderson, Caroline 25-1.75 Hastings
Dibbini, Isabella 23-4 Bronxville
Morillo, Katheryn 22-3 Valhalla
Ircha, Caroline 21-4.25 Bronxville
Hernandez, Martha 20-0.75 Pawling High School
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