CHSAA Frosh NY/BQ Sectionals 2017

Staten Island, NY


Licensed to Ocean Breeze Athletic Complex - Site License  HY-TEK's Meet Manager
        2017 CHSAA BQNY Freshmen & Sophomore Championship - 1/16/2017         
                        Ocean Breeze  Athletic Complex                         
Girls 300 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Davis, Tayla                 Cardinal Spe             43.11  
  2 Grant, Jada                  Cardinal Spe             45.41  
  3 Corbett, Meghan              Monsignor Mc             54.59  
  4 Corbett, Katie               Monsignor Mc             57.02  
  5 Krzesniak, Kaya              Monsignor Mc             59.38  
  6 Torres, Anne                 Monsignor Mc           1:00.28  
  7 Deveikis, Sophia             Monsignor Mc           1:09.22  
Girls 600 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Wright, Solange              Cardinal Spe           1:47.13  
  2 McCammon, Roche              St. Joseph b           1:49.66  
  3 Wilkins-Kelly, Ti'Yanna      Cardinal Spe           1:56.68  
Girls 1600 Sprint Medley Varsity
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Monsignor McClancy  'A'                             4:56.05  
  2 Monsignor McClancy  'B'                             5:13.29  
  3 Monsignor McClancy  'D'                             5:19.74  
  4 Monsignor McClancy  'C'                             5:20.01  
  5 Nazareth  'A'                                       5:46.23  
Boys 55 Meter Dash Freshmen
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Jones, Omarian               St. Francis               7.08q  1 
  2 Herkert, Ethan               St. Joseph b              7.18q  3 
  3 McDuffie, Justin             Nazareth                  7.21q  1 
  4 Politi, Michael              St. Peters                7.22q  3 
  5 Battle, Tahliq               Christ the K              7.30q  1  7.291
  6 Kone, Sidiki                 Cardinal Hay              7.30q  5  7.300
  7 Hawthorne, Kamau             Archbishop M              7.34q  1 
  8 John, Jaylin                 Bishop Lough              7.36q  1 
  9 Murphy, Tirek                Christ the K              7.37q  2 
 10 Smith, Jaeden                Holy Cross                7.38q  2  7.374
 11 Hines, Andre                 St. Peters                7.38q  4  7.379
 12 Flores, Xaiver               Archbishop S              7.44q  3 
 13 Shea, Kenny                  Iona Prep                 7.51q  3 
 14 Reyes, Froylan               Cardinal Hay              7.60q  6 
 15 Ryan, Aidan                  St. Joseph b              7.62q  5 
 16 Walpole, Devin               Fordham Prep              7.74q  3 
 17 Galarraga, Kevin             Monsignor Mc              7.92   1 
 18 Ellis, Carl-Michael          Mount St. Mi              7.94   4 
 19 Olagunju, Manny              Xaverian                  7.98   2 
 20 Marquez, Matthew             Mount St. Mi              7.99   3 
 21 Dacosta, Nicholas            Archbishop M              8.01   2 
 22 Williams, Tyrese             Monsignor Sc              8.07   6 
 23 Morris, Jahir                Holy Cross                8.10   2  8.098
 24 Contreras, Kevin             Monsignor Mc              8.10   2  8.100
 25 Erazo, Sebastian             Monsignor Mc              8.12   2 
 26 Orr, Colin                   Iona Prep                 8.13   6 
 27 Savastano, Dominick          St. Joseph b              8.17   4  8.162
 28 Perez, Matthew               Archbishop S              8.17   4  8.164
 29 Dingle, Samuel               Cardinal Hay              8.26   5 
 30 Gagliardi, Nicholas          St. Joseph b              8.37   3 
 31 Vu, Kevin                    Christ the K              8.45   1 
 32 McCarthy, Nicholas           Holy Cross                8.49   1  8.489
 33 Yeung, Matthew               Iona Prep                 8.49   4  8.490
 34 Colmennres, Matt             Iona Prep                 8.58   4 
 35 Columbia, Alex               Monsignor Fa              8.64   3 
 36 Martinelli, Anthony          Monsignor Fa              8.66   4 
 37 Sanz, Jaysen                 Fordham Prep              8.82   4 
 38 Gambino, Giovanni            Monsignor Fa              8.84   5 
 39 Bertorelli, Stephen          Iona Prep                 8.91   6 
 40 Valverde, Giovanni           Iona Prep                 8.96   5 
 41 Bogdanowicz, Dennis          Iona Prep                 9.19   5 
 42 Rodrigues, Matthew           Iona Prep                 9.61   6 
 43 Rakhangi, Shoaib             Fordham Prep              9.73   5 
 44 Bautista, Allen              St. Raymond               9.77   5 
Boys 55 Meter Dash Freshmen
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Jones, Omarian               St. Francis               6.89   1 
  2 Battle, Tahliq               Christ the K              7.13   1 
  3 Kone, Sidiki                 Cardinal Hay              7.15   2 
  4 Herkert, Ethan               St. Joseph b              7.16   2  7.153
  4 John, Jaylin                 Bishop Lough              7.16   1  7.153
  6 Politi, Michael              St. Peters                7.17   2 
  7 McDuffie, Justin             Nazareth                  7.21   1 
  8 Hawthorne, Kamau             Archbishop M              7.22   1 
  9 Murphy, Tirek                Christ the K              7.26   1 
 10 Shea, Kenny                  Iona Prep                 7.36   2 
 11 Flores, Xaiver               Archbishop S              7.44   2 
 12 Hines, Andre                 St. Peters                7.51   2 
Boys 300 Meter Dash Freshmen
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Politi, Michael              St. Peters               37.97   1 
  2 Kone, Sidiki                 Cardinal Hay             38.39   1 
  3 John, Jaylin                 Bishop Lough             38.73   1 
  4 Smith, Jaeden                Holy Cross               39.07   2 
  5 Jones, Omarian               St. Francis              39.52   1 
  6 St. Louis, Justice           Nazareth                 40.57   2 
  7 Shea, Kenny                  Iona Prep                41.19   2 
  8 Dorce', Elijah               Nazareth                 41.43   1 
  9 Hines, Andre                 St. Peters               41.92   2 
 10 Stathopoulos, Evangelos      Archbishop M             42.47   3 
 11 Dingle, Samuel               Cardinal Hay             42.50   3 
 12 Morrison, Ajay               Christ the K             42.53  11 
 13 Garcia, Berlyn               All Hallows              42.83   4 
 14 Montuori, Mario              Monsignor Fa             42.85   2 
 15 Castillo, Alexis             Mount St. Mi             42.88  11 
 16 Franceschni, Kevin           Iona Prep                42.93   2 
 17 Maxwell, Isaih               St. Francis              43.71   1 
 18 Stephens, Darrell            Bishop Lough             43.87   3 
 19 Peterson, Stephen            Monsignor Fa             43.94   4 
 20 Hullihan, John               Xavier                   44.70   5 
 21 Martinez, Joseph             Archbishop S             44.73   5 
 22 Tasher, Traejon              Nazareth                 45.14   3 
 23 Perez, Donovan               Bishop Lough             45.22   4 
 24 Pisapia, Corey               St. Joseph b             45.56   7 
 25 Nichilo, Vincent             St. Joseph b             45.59   7 
 26 Olagunju, Manny              Xaverian                 46.09   4 
 27 Cardozo, Diego               Monsignor Mc             46.26  11 
 28 Morris, Jahir                Holy Cross               46.37  11 
 29 Mcwhite, Gabriel             Cardinal Hay             46.45   3 
 30 White, Jalen                 Nazareth                 47.08   4 
 31 Medina, Victor               Fordham Prep             47.34   7 
 32 Collado-Ramirez, Diego       Fordham Prep             47.37  10 
 33 Ogando, Steven               Fordham Prep             47.51   9 
 34 Thwaites, Joshua             Fordham Prep             47.56  10 
 35 Rosenshine, Eli              Archbishop S             47.67   6 
 36 Ramos, Enrique               St. Raymond              47.77   5 
 37 Soddano, Nicholas            Fordham Prep             47.89   7 
 38 Williams, Tyrese             Monsignor Sc             47.95   8 
 39 Kenny, John                  St. Peters               48.04   6 
 40 Munoz, Jerald                Cardinal Hay             48.18   3 
 41 Drepaul, Damien              Archbishop M             48.33   5 
 42 Suero, Elijah                Fordham Prep             48.80   7 
 43 Minunno, Thomas              Xavier                   48.81   5 
 44 White, Armani                Nazareth                 48.88   4 
 45 McCarthy, Nicholas           Holy Cross               48.96  11 
 46 Lopez, Malik                 All Hallows              49.06   9 
 47 Tuohy, Kevin                 Xaverian                 49.23   5 
 48 Sanz, Jaysen                 Fordham Prep             49.40   8 
 49 Nanan, Nicholas              Monsignor Mc             49.46  10 
 50 DeLorenzo, Mario             Iona Prep                49.65  11 
 51 Coogan, Colin                Fordham Prep             49.65   6 
 52 Goodale, Drew                Xaverian                 49.71   6 
 53 Gentile, Jake                Monsignor Mc             49.94  12 
 53 Wilkins, Avery               Xaverian                 49.94   4 
 55 Thompson, Stephan            Fordham Prep             50.15  10 
 56 Galeno, James                Archbishop M             50.30  10 
 57 Barnes, Troy                 Cardinal Hay             50.59  10 
 58 Rosario, Orville             Monsignor Mc             50.90  12 
 59 Krasicki, Patrick            Christ the K             50.98  11 
 60 Barkovich, Robert            Monsignor Fa             51.28   4 
 61 O'Byrne, Daniel              Fordham Prep             51.36   6 
 62 LaRosa, GianLuca             Monsignor Mc             51.39  10 
 63 Sabogal, Sebastian           Archbishop M             51.66  10 
 64 Harrell, Maximus             Bishop Lough             51.91   5 
 65 McHale, Finnian              Fordham Prep             51.91   8 
 66 Gallego, David               Monsignor Mc             52.20  12 
 67 Reitano, Leonard             Fordham Prep             52.40   7 
 68 Zhou, Aiken                  Xaverian                 52.54   6 
 69 Meade, Sean                  Xaverian                 52.63   5 
 70 Martinez, Kadur              Bishop Lough             52.68   5 
 71 Atiencia, Nestor             Monsignor Mc             52.75  12 
 72 Taveras, Francisco           All Hallows              52.93   8 
 73 Martinelli, Anthony          Monsignor Fa             53.12   4 
 74 Doran, Brendan               Iona Prep                53.25   8 
 75 Featherston, Joe             Xaverian                 53.48   6 
 76 McLoughlin, Michael          Fordham Prep             53.50   9 
 77 Bertorelli, Stephen          Iona Prep                53.51   7 
 78 Smart, Dwayne                Archbishop S             53.69   6 
 79 Bogdanowicz, Dennis          Iona Prep                53.94   8 
 80 Geis, Thomas                 Xaverian                 54.78   7 
 81 Valverde, Giovanni           Iona Prep                54.92   8 
 82 Ryan, Gerard                 Xavier                   55.76   9 
 83 Marroquin, Gonzalo           Fordham Prep             56.17   9 
 84 Garcia, Thomas               Fordham Prep             56.60   9 
 85 Samuel, Leo                  Fordham Prep             56.69   9 
 86 Ramirez, Daniel              Archbishop M             56.90  10 
 87 Darraher, Patrick            Xaverian                 57.38   7 
 88 Rodrigues, Matthew           Iona Prep                57.70   6 
 89 Trombetta, Marco             Fordham Prep             58.80   9 
 90 Forman, Denzel               All Hallows              59.00   8 
 91 Almeida, Santhino            Monsignor Mc             59.82  11 
 92 Sanchez, Edward              All Hallows            1:04.71   8 
 93 Cooper, Kalif                Xavier                 1:05.24   9 
 94 Flores, Carlos               LaSalle Acad           1:05.44  11 
 95 Scott, Jahfari               Mount St. Mi           1:05.44  11 
Boys 400 Meter Dash Freshmen
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Griffith, Rephael            Fordham Prep             56.89   2 
  2 Paxis, Christopher           Monsignor Fa             57.42   1 
  3 Wakefield, Anthony           Mount St. Mi             58.14   2 
  4 Castillo, Alexis             Mount St. Mi             58.95   1 
  5 Maxwell, Isaih               St. Francis              59.26   1 
  6 Burgess, Nicholas            Cardinal Hay             59.27   2 
  7 Franceschni, Kevin           Iona Prep                59.37   1 
  8 Romeo, Jalen                 Christ the K             59.78   2 
  9 Murray, Kevin                Monsignor Fa             59.96   1 
 10 Garcia, Berlyn               All Hallows            1:00.25   1 
 11 Radu, Tudor                  Archbishop M           1:00.63   3 
 12 Newton, Craig                Regis                  1:03.30   4 
 13 Macapinlac, Nathaniel        Regis                  1:03.87   4 
 14 Perez, Donovan               Bishop Lough           1:04.44   3 
 15 Mauro, Thomas                Monsignor Fa           1:04.63   3 
 16 Vazquez-Ortega, David        Regis                  1:05.42   4 
 17 White, Tariq                 Nazareth               1:06.57   4 
 18 Stephens, Darrell            Bishop Lough           1:06.90   3 
 19 Occhiuto, Joseph             Monsignor Fa           1:07.93   3 
 20 Jevtovic, Mihailo            Iona Prep              1:08.70   3 
 21 Foley, Marc                  Regis                  1:08.78   4 
 22 Gunaratnam, Kughon           LaSalle Acad           1:09.99   4 
 23 Bufano, Vincent              Cardinal Spe           1:10.26   4 
 24 Belma, Tariq                 Bishop Lough           1:10.28   4 
 25 Gallego, David               Monsignor Mc           1:10.68   4 
 26 Martinez, Kadur              Bishop Lough           1:10.99   4 
 27 Kuhn, John                   Xaverian               1:11.38   2 
 28 Duffy, Ian                   Regis                  1:11.60   4 
 29 Kenscoff, Emmanuel           Cristo Rey B           1:15.31   4 
 30 Atiencia, Nestor             Monsignor Mc           1:15.83   3 
 31 Rosario, Orville             Monsignor Mc           1:17.14   3 
 32 Geis, Thomas                 Xaverian               1:20.41   2 
 33 Darraher, Patrick            Xaverian               1:20.71   3 
Boys 800 Meter Run Freshmen
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Negrete, Miguel              Fordham Prep           2:16.34   1 
  2 McDermott, Aiden             Iona Prep              2:18.65   1 
  3 Lane, D Grant                Xavier                 2:19.43   1 
  4 Peterson, Stephen            Monsignor Fa           2:21.94   1 
  5 Pitarressi, Matthew          Monsignor Fa           2:22.48   1 
  6 Meade, Brian                 Xaverian               2:30.59   2 
  7 Marchesi, Matteo             Xavier                 2:31.05   1 
  8 Occhiuto, Joseph             Monsignor Fa           2:31.31   2 
  9 Chiquito, Moises             Mount St. Mi           2:31.74   1 
 10 Mooney, Chris                St. Joseph b           2:32.62   1 
 11 Melly, John                  Fordham Prep           2:36.10   2 
 12 D'Aloia, Michael             Cardinal Spe           2:37.86   4 
 13 Jordaens, Justin             Fordham Prep           2:38.77   2 
 14 Vitale, Justin               Monsignor Fa           2:42.43   1 
 15 McIntyre, Connor             Xavier                 2:42.79   2 
 16 Zanetti, Fabiano             Fordham Prep           2:42.89   3 
 17 McGrade, Mark                Xavier                 2:43.99   2 
 18 Marotta, Anthony             St. Francis            2:44.03   3 
 19 Cipollone, Daniel            St. Peters             2:45.02   3 
 20 Montengro, Jose              Cardinal Hay           2:45.56   1 
 21 Kaferi, Albion               Monsignor Fa           2:45.73   1 
 22 Kenscoff, Emmanuel           Cristo Rey B           2:46.19   4 
 23 Miyazawa, Leo                St. Francis            2:46.34   3 
 24 Dutzer, Evan                 Mount St. Mi           2:46.34   3 
 25 Aisogun, Danny               Cardinal Hay           2:47.16   2 
 26 Defranco, Daniel             St. Peters             2:47.54   3 
 27 Mosso, Amador                LaSalle Acad           2:49.10   2 
 28 O'Dowd, David                Xavier                 2:50.19   2 
 29 Abbruzzese, Jeff             Monsignor Fa           2:50.21   2 
 30 Thoman, Colin                Regis                  2:50.78   4 
 31 Iodone, Joseph               Monsignor Fa           2:53.75   2 
 32 Featherston, Joe             Xaverian               2:54.88   2 
 33 Duffy, Sean                  St. Francis            2:55.92   3 
 34 Davis, Liam                  Archbishop M           2:57.19   3 
 35 Rivera, Carlos               Cardinal Hay           2:58.58   4 
 36 Sullivan, Robert             Archbishop M           2:59.22   3 
 37 Salcedo, Ciro                Regis                  3:08.69   4 
 38 Pagon, Jesus                 All Hallows            3:10.89   4 
 39 Taveras, Francisco           All Hallows            3:13.93   4 
 40 Adu-gyamfi, Berachah         Cardinal Hay           3:17.40   4 
Boys 1600 Meter Run Freshmen
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Bravo, Pedro                 Iona Prep              4:56.49  
  2 Gallagher, James             Regis                  5:00.35  
  3 Rice, Ethan                  Xavier                 5:01.16  
  4 Barreira, Matisse            Archbishop M           5:13.20  
  5 Gregory, Robert Emmet        Xavier                 5:16.17  
  6 Pisapia, Corey               St. Joseph b           5:16.49  
  7 Gasparino, Paul              Monsignor Fa           5:18.46  
  8 Haggerty, Liam               Xaverian               5:26.32  
  9 Siconolfi, Paul              Monsignor Fa           5:29.28  
 10 Tinson, Connor               Fordham Prep           5:29.32  
 11 Torres, Elias                LaSalle Acad           5:30.12  
 12 Brush, David                 Xavier                 5:30.99  
 13 Llanos, Diego                St. Francis            5:37.74  
 14 Greenwood, Daniel            Monsignor Mc           5:43.28  
 15 Vassal, Domenick             Monsignor Fa           5:54.66  
 16 Meyers, Nick                 Monsignor Fa           5:59.43  
 17 Bertone, Matthew             Monsignor Fa           6:28.86  
 18 Moller, George               St. Francis            6:47.77  
Boys 3200 Meter Run Freshmen
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Bravo, Pedro                 Iona Prep             10:28.15  
  2 Branham-Upton, Oliver        Xavier                10:30.44  
  3 Bentivegna, Anthony          Monsignor Fa          10:46.59  
  4 Ryan, Niall                  Fordham Prep          10:48.70  
  5 Molz, James                  Regis                 10:54.57  
  6 Flett, Calvin                Xavier                11:11.85  
  7 Christensen, Tyler           Monsignor Fa          11:12.94  
  8 Ostling, John                Archbishop M          11:17.49  
  9 Smith, Kiernan               Archbishop M          11:33.74  
 10 Llanos, Diego                St. Francis           11:59.47  
 11 Rincon, Christian            Archbishop S          12:09.60  
 12 Buckley, Stephen             Archbishop S          12:22.31  
 13 Nunez, Joel                  Cardinal Hay          12:32.42  
 14 Tuohy, Kevin                 Xaverian              13:28.75  
 15 Doukas, Chris                St. Francis           13:39.40  
 16 Marshall, Tyler              St. Francis           13:41.01  
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles Freshmen
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Lombardo, Chase              Iona Prep                 9.61   2 
  2 Hawthorne, Kamau             Archbishop M              9.85   1 
  3 Curry, Aidan                 Fordham Prep             10.49   2 
  4 Baez, Anthony                Fordham Prep             10.52   2 
  5 Dacosta, Nicholas            Archbishop M             10.71   1 
  6 Acas, Jason                  Archbishop M             10.78   1 
  7 Greco, Vincent               Fordham Prep             10.80   2 
  8 Yost, Eric                   Fordham Prep             10.87   2 
  9 Sparacino, Sal               St. Joseph b             11.61   2 
 10 Reyes, Jonas                 Fordham Prep             11.74   3 
 11 McElhinney, Christopher      Xaverian                 12.07   1 
 12 Colmennres, Matt             Iona Prep                12.46   3 
 13 Newton, Craig                Regis                    13.90   3 
 14 Torres, Jake                 Fordham Prep             15.00   3 
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay Freshmen
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Christ the King  'A'                                1:41.74   3 
  2 Nazareth  'A'                                       1:44.46   4 
  3 St. Joseph by-the-Sea  'A'                          1:44.58   1 
  4 Fordham Prep  'A'                                   1:48.37   2 
  5 Cardinal Hayes  'A'                                 1:50.31   1 
  6 Monsignor Farrell  'A'                              1:50.56   1 
  7 Xavier  'A'                                         1:50.57   1 
  8 Iona Prep  'A'                                      1:51.21   1 
  9 Monsignor McClancy  'A'                             1:51.54   4 
 10 Archbishop Stepinac  'A'                            1:52.05   2 
 11 Mount St. Michael  'B'                              1:53.24   3 
 12 Mount St. Michael  'A'                              1:54.73   1 
 13 Monsignor Farrell  'B'                              1:55.88   2 
 14 Cardinal Hayes  'B'                                 1:56.40   2 
 15 Fordham Prep  'B'                                   1:57.57   3 
 16 Iona Prep  'B'                                      1:57.86   3 
 17 St. Joseph by-the-Sea  'B'                          1:59.49   2 
 18 Xavier  'C'                                         2:00.63   3 
 19 Xavier  'B'                                         2:00.95   2 
 20 Archbishop Stepinac  'B'                            2:03.41   4 
 21 Xaverian  'A'                                       2:04.22   4 
 22 Fordham Prep  'D'                                   2:08.14   4 
 23 Xavier  'D'                                         2:13.07   3 
 24 Fordham Prep  'C'                                   2:22.82   4 
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Freshmen
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Iona Prep  'A'                                      4:04.33   1  4:04.321
  2 Fordham Prep  'A'                                   4:04.33   1  4:04.325
  3 Christ the King  'A'                                4:20.79   2 
  4 Fordham Prep  'B'                                   4:23.11   2 
  5 Monsignor Farrell  'A'                              4:23.51   1 
  6 Cardinal Hayes  'A'                                 4:24.41   2 
  7 Xavier  'C'                                         4:24.79   2 
  8 Mount St. Michael  'A'                              4:30.93   1 
  9 LaSalle Academy  'A'                                4:31.84   2 
 10 Monsignor McClancy  'A'                             4:32.95   2 
 11 Xavier  'A'                                         4:36.72   2 
 12 Iona Prep  'B'                                      4:41.50   1 
 13 Monsignor Farrell  'B'                              4:43.64   1 
 14 Xavier  'B'                                         4:53.39   2 
 15 Monsignor Farrell  'C'                              4:59.35   2 
Boys High Jump Freshmen
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Negrete, Miguel              Fordham Prep           5-04.00  
  2 Iannello, Joey               St. Francis            5-02.00  
  2 Sheriden, John               Archbishop S           5-02.00  
  4 Ramharak, Chavin             Mount St. Mi           5-00.00  
  5 Lane, D Grant                Xavier                 4-10.00  
  5 Lombardo, Chase              Iona Prep              4-10.00  
  7 Belluccio, Nicholas          Iona Prep              4-08.00  
 -- Amore, John                  Archbishop M                NH  
 -- Cadet, Christian             Archbishop M                NH  
 -- Mondelli, Louis              Iona Prep                   NH  
 -- Clark, Tyler                 Monsignor Fa                NH  
 -- Walter, Stephon              Fordham Prep                NH  
Boys Pole Vault Freshmen
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Curry, Aidan                 Fordham Prep           9-00.00  
  2 Cannistraci, Nicholas        Iona Prep             J9-00.00  
  3 Meehan, Peter                Archbishop M           8-06.00  
  4 Yost, Eric                   Fordham Prep          J8-06.00  
  5 Hevaghan, Michael            Monsignor Fa          J8-06.00  
  6 Suero, Elijah                Fordham Prep           8-00.00  
  7 Tresgallo, Dawson            Fordham Prep           7-06.00  
  8 Sheriden, John               Archbishop S           7-00.00  
  9 McHale, Finnian              Fordham Prep          J7-00.00  
 10 Walter, Stephon              Fordham Prep          J7-00.00  
 11 McLoughlin, Michael          Fordham Prep           6-06.00  
 11 Thwaites, Joshua             Fordham Prep           6-06.00  
 -- Tinson, Connor               Fordham Prep                NH  
Boys Long Jump Freshmen
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Meehan, Peter                Archbishop M          17-10.50  
  2 Griffith, Rephael            Fordham Prep          17-06.50  
  3 Berger, Gavin                Iona Prep             16-07.00  
  4 Zopich, Anthony              Monsignor Fa          16-04.00  
  5 Jennings, Joshua             Bishop Lough          15-11.25  
  6 Iannello, Joey               St. Francis           15-07.25  
  7 Barreira, Matisse            Archbishop M          15-04.50  
  8 Crea, Damien                 Iona Prep             15-04.00  
  9 Belluccio, Nicholas          Iona Prep             15-00.00  
 10 Cadet, Christian             Archbishop M          14-05.00  
 11 Sakerellos, Nicholas         St. Francis           14-04.00  
 12 Mondelli, Louis              Iona Prep             14-02.00  
 13 Oguamanam, Charles           Cardinal Hay          13-04.50  
 14 Clark, Tyler                 Monsignor Fa          13-04.00  
 15 Knight, Frank                Monsignor Fa          13-03.25  
 16 Thompson, Stephan            Fordham Prep          12-10.00  
 17 Gillies, Robert              Monsignor Fa          12-09.50  
 18 Galeno, James                Archbishop M          11-07.00  
 19 Tammaro, Joe                 Archbishop M          11-04.50  
 20 Vasiurigers, Aiden           St. Francis           11-00.00  
 21 Batista, Justin              Archbishop M          10-10.00  
 22 DePasquale, Christopher      Archbishop M          10-04.00  
 23 Sing, Jermy                  Archbishop M          10-03.00  
 -- Caldiero, Nick               Monsignor Fa              FOUL  
 -- Gant, Zhalil                 Cardinal Hay              FOUL  
 -- Diaz, Larry                  Monsignor Fa              FOUL  
Boys Triple Jump Freshmen
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Zopich, Anthony              Monsignor Fa          35-04.00  
  2 Crea, Damien                 Iona Prep             34-10.00  
  3 Berger, Gavin                Iona Prep             34-04.50  
  4 Marchese, Jason              St. Joseph b          34-01.00  
  5 Tollin, Matt                 Fordham Prep          33-06.00  
  6 Jennings, Joshua             Bishop Lough          32-05.75  
  7 Sakerellos, Nicholas         St. Francis           31-02.00  
  8 Ramharak, Chavin             Mount St. Mi          30-08.00  
  9 Gillies, Robert              Monsignor Fa          29-01.00  
 10 Knight, Frank                Monsignor Fa          28-11.50  
 11 Soddano, Nicholas            Fordham Prep          26-06.00  
 12 Ythier, Joel                 Archbishop S          26-03.00  
Boys Shot Put Freshmen
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Wakefield, Anthony           Mount St. Mi          45-07.00  
  2 Blatche, Decklon             Cardinal Hay          39-08.50  
  3 McDowdell, Keshawn           Iona Prep             39-03.00  
  4 Hylton, Shawn                Cardinal Hay          38-04.00  
  5 Petti, Thomas                Fordham Prep          38-02.50  
  6 Denton, Malachi              Archbishop M          37-11.00  
  7 Martinez, Anthony            Cardinal Hay          37-09.50  
  8 Walter, Charles              Monsignor Mc          36-07.75  
  9 Negro, Francesco             Iona Prep             35-10.00  
 10 Yahn, Thomas                 Cardinal Hay          34-11.50  
 11 Gant, Zhalil                 Cardinal Hay          34-09.50  
 12 Bennett, Brian               Monsignor Fa          34-05.75  
 13 Permuy, Joseph               Cardinal Hay          34-03.50  
 14 Hichez, Victor               Cardinal Hay          33-01.00  
 15 Byers, Jayshon               Cardinal Hay          32-06.50  
 16 Gabriel, Nicholas            St. Francis           32-03.50  
 17 Karolkowsky, Christopher     Monsignor Mc          32-00.50  
 18 Ganis, Ian                   Iona Prep             31-09.00  
 19 Knox, Dylan                  Xavier                31-04.50  
 20 Tarul, Frank                 Iona Prep             30-08.50  
 21 Olusesi, Rebande             Archbishop M          29-06.25  
 22 Barbieri, Ralph              St. Francis           28-06.75  
 23 Chen, Thomas                 Fordham Prep          28-00.50  
 24 Jordan, Nick                 St. Peters            27-03.50  
 25 Caruso, Daniel               Monsignor Fa          27-02.00  
 26 Fatola, Benjamin             Archbishop M          26-11.25  
 27 Abicca, Joseph               St. Francis           26-08.50  
 28 Virtudes, Matthew            Regis                 26-03.00  
 29 Gaston, Johnny               Archbishop M          26-02.25  
 30 Morrissey, Justin            Fordham Prep          24-11.00  
 31 Duncan, Chase                Holy Cross            22-06.25  
 32 Cantasano, Frank             Monsignor Fa          20-07.00  
Boys 55 Meter Dash Sophomore
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Morgan, Andre                Nazareth                  6.95q  3 
  2 Johnson, Manuel              Nazareth                  7.12q  2 
  3 McGann, Andre                Christ the K              7.14q  1 
  4 Hinds, Shawndre              Cardinal Hay              7.18q  5 
  5 Colon, Mario                 Archbishop S              7.24q  4 
  6 Perez, Christian             All Hallows               7.27q  5 
  7 Hidalgo, Justin              Archbishop M              7.28q  1 
  8 Braithwait, Ryan             Nazareth                  7.32q  3 
  9 Vodzogbe, Michael-Daniel     Cardinal Hay              7.40q  4 
 10 Palma, Nick                  St. Raymond               7.45q  6 
 11 Sadhu, Ajay                  Fordham Prep              7.52q  6 
 12 de la Cruz, Arvin            St. Raymond               7.55q  4 
 13 Celestin, Gregory            Holy Cross                7.67q  1 
 14 Kujawski, Peter              Xavier                    7.68q  5 
 15 Michael, Valenzula           St. Francis               7.73q  1 
 16 Andries, Justin              Cristo Rey B              7.75q  2 
 17 Auguste, Roberto             Xaverian                  7.78   1 
 18 Taddeo, Rob                  Monsignor Fa              7.79   6 
 19 Meed, Ryan                   Xaverian                  7.80   2 
 20 Demetriades, Nicholas        Monsignor Fa              7.84   4 
 21 Holder, Jaylan               St. Francis               7.87   2 
 22 Amoah, Michael               All Hallows               7.90   4 
 23 Barone, Vincent              Monsignor Fa              8.02   5 
 24 Pacifico, Oscar              Archbishop M              8.06   3 
 25 Torres, Jonathan             Monsignor Mc              8.09   3  8.087
 26 Kelly, Ryan                  Iona Prep                 8.09   4  8.088
 27 Perera, Shehan               Monsignor Mc              8.15   2 
 28 Gharbin, Justin              Cristo Rey B              8.37   1 
 29 Rodriques, Matthew           Iona Prep                 8.54   5 
 30 Peacock, Tim                 Iona Prep                 8.58   6 
 31 Soria, Nicholas              Holy Cross                8.60   2 
 32 Evans, Kahil                 Christ the K              8.62   1 
 33 Amancha, Kelvin              Cristo Rey B              8.65   3 
 34 Baravecchio, Matthew         Monsignor Fa              8.68   5 
 35 O'Grady, Aidan               Iona Prep                 8.76   6 
 36 Acosta, Vincent              Monsignor Fa              8.85   6 
 37 Mohamed, Milo                Christ the K              9.11   2 
 38 Rizzotto, Anthony            Holy Cross                9.19   3 
Boys 55 Meter Dash Sophomore
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Morgan, Andre                Nazareth                  6.88   1 
  2 McGann, Andre                Christ the K              6.98   1 
  3 Johnson, Manuel              Nazareth                  7.03   1 
  4 Hinds, Shawndre              Cardinal Hay              7.10   2 
  5 Perez, Christian             All Hallows               7.18   2 
  6 Braithwait, Ryan             Nazareth                  7.26   1  7.257
  7 Colon, Mario                 Archbishop S              7.26   2  7.259
  8 Hidalgo, Justin              Archbishop M              7.27   1 
  9 Vodzogbe, Michael-Daniel     Cardinal Hay              7.28   2 
 10 Sadhu, Ajay                  Fordham Prep              7.44   2 
 11 Celestin, Gregory            Holy Cross                7.58   1 
Boys 300 Meter Dash Sophomore
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Morgan, Andre                Nazareth                 37.60   1 
  2 McGann, Andre                Christ the K             37.87   1 
  3 Rutledge, Ason               Mount St. Mi             38.68   9 
  4 Ohams, Walter                Cardinal Spe             39.25   2 
  5 Burch, Ali                   Fordham Prep             39.26   1 
  6 Grant, Jonathan              Holy Cross               39.44   3 
  7 Johnson, Manuel              Nazareth                 39.61   1 
  8 Braithwait, Ryan             Nazareth                 39.83   2 
  9 Hinds, Judah                 Cardinal Hay             39.98   5 
 10 Johnson, Justin              Archbishop S             40.20   2 
 11 Nirenberg, Ryan              Monsignor Fa             40.21   1 
 12 Cisse, Moussa                Cardinal Hay             40.29   4 
 13 Finn, McCole                 Monsignor Fa             40.75   1 
 14 Berkoh, Emanuel              Cardinal Hay             41.21   4 
 15 Corrigan, James              Regis                    41.58   3 
 16 Ramon, Demitri               Cardinal Hay             41.63   9 
 17 Escobar, Michael             Cardinal Hay             41.67   6 
 18 Cotton, Jalen                Cardinal Hay             41.77   5 
 19 Jimenez, Manuel              Christ the K             41.80   4 
 20 Aguillar, Aricin             St. Joseph b             41.84   2 
 21 Bavaro, Matthew              St. Joseph b             42.38   4 
 22 Robinson, Tahj               Holy Cross               42.45   6 
 23 Yeboahbalmir, Louis          St. Francis              42.46   3 
 24 Coleman, Jerald              Christ the K             42.47   4 
 25 Morris, Treyvaugn            Nazareth                 42.53   8 
 26 Sidhu, Ranvir                Archbishop M             42.61   2 
 27 Avery, Brendan               Holy Cross               43.11   5 
 28 Davis, Emahjh                Cardinal Hay             43.46   9 
 29 Meed, Ryan                   Xaverian                 43.72   3 
 30 Cannistraci, Daniel          Iona Prep                43.78   4 
 31 Patinella, Nick              St. Joseph b             44.08   5 
 32 Romeo, Robert                St. Joseph b             44.19   4 
 33 Holder, Jaylan               St. Francis              44.25   3 
 34 Mistri, Yash                 Fordham Prep             44.45   5 
 35 Alarcon, Eoin                St. Joseph b             44.66   4 
 36 Santamaria, Felipe           Regis                    44.69   7 
 37 Zarnowski, John              Holy Cross               44.70   7 
 38 Castelli, Marco              St. Francis              44.76   4 
 39 Thwaites, Aaron              Fordham Prep             45.06   7 
 40 Pacifico, Oscar              Archbishop M             45.11   6 
 41 Bradwisch, Connor            Xavier                   45.14   8 
 42 O'Sullivan, Sean             Fordham Prep             45.27   5 
 43 Guapi, Jesse                 Christ the K             45.32   3 
 44 Andries, Justin              Cristo Rey B             45.56   8 
 45 Voigt, Billy                 St. Joseph b             45.76   5 
 46 Flores, Gabriel              Iona Prep                45.95   5 
 47 Kelly, Ryan                  Iona Prep                45.98   5 
 48 Neri, Artemio                Fordham Prep             46.11   6 
 49 Boulet, Joshua               Archbishop M             46.48   7 
 50 Bastianello, Julian          Xavier                   46.49   6 
 51 Taddeo, Rob                  Monsignor Fa             46.55   9 
 52 Amoah, Michael               All Hallows              46.59   8 
 53 Dempsey, Joseph              Xaverian                 46.65   8 
 54 Cevallos, Franklin           Fordham Prep             46.94   7 
 55 Collings, Montynal           Fordham Prep             47.13   6 
 56 Valenzula, Michael           St. Francis              47.25   2 
 57 Kohler, Joshua               Fordham Prep             48.00   7 
 58 Akhlaq, Qasim                Xaverian                 48.12   8 
 59 Cummins, Senan               Iona Prep                48.33   6 
 60 Jorge, Alejandrro            Archbishop S             49.04   8 
 61 Peacock, Tim                 Iona Prep                49.08   7 
 62 Feliz, Miguel                Fordham Prep             49.50   6 
 63 DeFlorio, Michael            Iona Prep                49.52   7 
 64 Amancha, Kelvin              Cristo Rey B             49.89   9 
 65 Baravecchio, Matthew         Monsignor Fa             50.96   9 
 66 Rodriques, Matthew           Iona Prep                51.69   6 
 67 Acosta, Vincent              Monsignor Fa             51.92   9 
 68 Gharbin, Justin              Cristo Rey B             52.22   8 
 69 Mohamed, Milo                Christ the K             52.84   8 
 70 Ceffalio, Henry              Xavier                   54.16   7 
Boys 600 Meter Dash Sophomore
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Anzalone, Steven             St. Joseph b           1:29.57   1 
  2 Athanailos, Constantinos     St. Francis            1:30.93   1 
  3 Rutledge, Ason               Mount St. Mi           1:31.27   1 
  4 Hall, Colin                  Regis                  1:32.70   2 
  5 Casamassima, Alex            Cardinal Spe           1:33.19   3 
  6 Rizzi, Dennis                Xaverian               1:33.35   2 
  7 Lavelle, Garret              Archbishop M           1:33.52   1 
  8 Finn, McCole                 Monsignor Fa           1:33.90   1 
  9 Mesbah, Jonathan             Monsignor Fa           1:34.02   1 
 10 Castillo, Brandon            Fordham Prep           1:34.71   2 
 11 Kobe, Hall                   St. Francis            1:37.50   2 
 12 Flores, Isaiah               Christ the K           1:38.22   3 
 13 Tannian, Ryan                Fordham Prep           1:38.80   2 
 14 Jimenez, Manuel              Christ the K           1:40.95   3 
 15 Kerrigan, Jack               Xaverian               1:42.47   2 
 16 Austin, Patrick              Archbishop S           1:42.72   2 
 17 Bastianello, Julian          Xavier                 1:42.82   2 
 18 Diallo, Abdulaye             Cardinal Hay           1:44.34   3 
 19 Glenn, Kellen                Cristo Rey B           1:45.71   3 
 20 Bradwisch, Connor            Xavier                 1:48.35   2 
 21 Atuahene, Samuel             Cardinal Hay           1:51.11   3 
 22 Jorge, Alejandrro            Archbishop S           1:51.93   3 
 23 Justin, Dutzer               Mount St. Mi           1:53.14   3 
 24 Akinfemiwa, Akintoye         Cardinal Hay           1:57.37   3 
 25 Okoro, Anicho                Cardinal Hay           1:57.80   3 
 26 Turner, Peter                Archbishop M           2:01.94   3 
 27 Bostwick, Bryan              Xavier                 2:07.24   3 
Boys 1000 Meter Run Sophomore
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Devito, Joseph               Monsignor Fa           2:48.68   1 
  2 Masters, Nick                St. Joseph b           2:50.04   1 
  3 O'Brien, Michael             Xavier                 2:50.69   1 
  4 Athanailos, Constantinos     St. Francis            2:52.82   1 
  5 Hughes, Kelly                Fordham Prep           2:56.51   1 
  6 Degirmenci, Demir            Archbishop M           3:00.27   1 
  7 Reagan, Luke                 Regis                  3:01.49   3 
  8 Flores, Isaiah               Christ the K           3:02.22   3 
  9 Abraham, Asher               Monsignor Fa           3:03.68   1 
 10 Ordonez, Jean Carlos         Monsignor Mc           3:03.99   3 
 11 Francisco, Benjamin          Iona Prep              3:07.61   1 
 12 Gramprey, Liam               St. Peters             3:08.39   1 
 13 Guapi, Jesse                 Christ the K           3:08.99   3 
 14 Hall, Kobe                   St. Francis            3:11.64   2 
 15 Alessandro, Joe              Xaverian               3:11.99   2 
 16 Glenn, Kellen                Cristo Rey B           3:12.26   3 
 17 Quevado-Ramirez, Nery        Fordham Prep           3:12.34   2 
 18 Conroy, John                 Xaverian               3:12.42   2 
 19 Montoya, Cayden              Cardinal Spe           3:14.86   3 
 20 Albro, David                 St. Peters             3:16.81   2 
 21 Rizzotti, Joseph             Archbishop M           3:17.38   2 
 22 Zevon, Michale               Archbishop M           3:21.43   2 
 23 Prestipino, John             Xavier                 3:21.67   2 
 24 Windley, Tony                Cardinal Hay           3:24.88   3 
 25 Agosto, David                Cardinal Hay           3:25.34   3 
 26 Alcena, Joseph               Xaverian               3:25.94   3 
 27 Kelly, Brian                 Archbishop M           3:32.59   2 
 28 Justin, Dutzer               Mount St. Mi           3:32.94   3 
 29 Pindulic, Nichoas            Archbishop M           3:38.81   2 
Boys 1600 Meter Run Sophomore
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Gstalder, Charles            Fordham Prep           4:50.09   1 
  2 Marina, Chris                Archbishop M           4:58.85   2 
  3 Meade, Ryan                  Regis                  5:04.40   1 
  4 Knapp, Douglas               Xaverian               5:05.37   1 
  5 Fitzgerald, Ryan             Xavier                 5:05.96   1 
  6 Castelli, Marco              St. Francis            5:07.88   1 
  7 Gramprey, Liam               St. Peters             5:09.04   1 
  8 Romeo, Robert                St. Joseph b           5:11.88   1 
  9 Jitsukawa, Hikaru            Regis                  5:12.74   1 
 10 Delseni, Justin              Monsignor Fa           5:16.49   1 
 11 Voigt, Billy                 St. Joseph b           5:18.96   1 
 12 Penafiel, Robert             Monsignor Mc           5:25.52   1 
 13 McDade, Jack                 Archbishop M           5:25.99   2 
 14 Deem, Christian              Xavier                 5:28.14   2 
 15 Tuffy, Christopher           St. Francis            5:34.11   2 
 16 Santos, Jaden                Archbishop M           5:41.61   2 
 17 Popovics, Justin             Monsignor Fa           5:41.83   2 
 18 Loncar, Daniel               Archbishop M           5:42.55   2 
 19 Albro, David                 St. Peters             5:43.05   2 
 20 Nativo, Joseph               Monsignor Fa           5:49.29   2 
 21 McCreesh, Max                Archbishop M           5:59.01   2 
 22 Bacile, Andrew               St. Francis            6:13.09   2 
 23 Jidaan, Taeen                Cardinal Hay           6:25.96   2 
Boys 3200 Meter Run Sophomore
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Rainbolt, Andrew             Monsignor Fa          10:38.23  
  2 Loeffel, James               Archbishop M          10:38.24  
  3 Knapp, Douglas               Xaverian              11:05.40  
  4 Palermo, Dominic             St. Joseph b          11:21.59  
  5 Ruiz, Christian              Xavier                11:25.07  
  6 Pinter, Lucas                Fordham Prep          11:27.72  
  7 Ferrer, Angel                Cardinal Hay          11:38.44  
  8 McDade, Matthew              Archbishop M          11:39.28  
  9 Kirk, Kennedy                Archbishop M          11:48.86  
 10 Deneny, Terence              Fordham Prep          11:57.14  
 11 Bacile, Andrew               St. Francis           12:31.77  
 12 Tuffy, Christopher           St. Francis           12:32.20  
 13 Congimi, Paul                Christ the K          13:27.81  
 -- Abernethy, Dylan             Xavier                     DNF  
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles Sophomore
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Hidalgo, Justin              Archbishop M              9.12   1 
  2 Mehler, Patrick              Fordham Prep              9.24   2 
  3 Lavelle, Garret              Archbishop M              9.56   1 
  4 Rodriguez, Alex              Fordham Prep              9.65   2 
  5 Cipriani, Frederico          Monsignor Fa             10.18   2 
  6 Gristina, George             Fordham Prep             10.76   2 
  7 Evans, Michael               Regis                    11.11   2 
  8 Paletto, Joe                 St. Joseph b             11.18   2 
  9 Schuy, Michael               Xavier                   11.26   2 
 10 Mitchell, Brandon            Christ the K             11.37   1 
 11 O'Grady, Aidan               Iona Prep                11.92   2 
 12 Idemudia, Aaron              Christ the K             12.44   1 
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay Sophomore
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 St. Joseph by-the-Sea  'A'                          1:40.30   2 
  2 Cardinal Hayes  'A'                                 1:40.67   1 
  3 Archbishop Stepinac  'A'                            1:40.78   3 
  4 Iona Prep  'A'                                      1:43.45   2 
  5 Monsignor Farrell  'A'                              1:43.49   1 
  6 Fordham Prep  'A'                                   1:44.93   1 
  7 Fordham Prep  'B'                                   1:46.59   2 
  8 Xavier  'A'                                         1:47.35   1 
  9 St. Joseph by-the-Sea  'B'                          1:48.53   3 
 10 Cardinal Hayes  'B'                                 1:48.99   1 
 11 Xavier  'B'                                         1:50.22   2 
 12 Monsignor Farrell  'B'                              1:50.23   1 
 13 Iona Prep  'B'                                      1:53.46   3 
 14 Fordham Prep  'D'                                   1:55.04   3 
 15 Fordham Prep  'C'                                   1:55.91   2 
 16 Xavier  'C'                                         1:58.38   2 
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Sophomore
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Fordham Prep  'A'                                   3:45.73   1 
  2 Monsignor Farrell  'A'                              3:49.26   1 
  3 Iona Prep  'A'                                      3:55.37   1 
  4 Xavier  'A'                                         3:56.67   1 
  5 Holy Cross  'A'                                     3:59.23   2 
  6 St. Raymond  'A'                                    4:02.95   2 
  7 Monsignor Farrell  'B'                              4:05.96   2 
  8 Cardinal Hayes  'A'                                 4:09.49   1 
  9 Archbishop Molloy  'A'                              4:10.10   1 
 10 Christ the King  'A'                                4:11.37   2 
 11 Xaverian  'A'                                       4:11.95   2 
 12 Xavier  'B'                                         4:13.63   2 
 13 Cardinal Hayes  'B'                                 4:14.88   2 
 14 Monsignor McClancy  'A'                             4:23.08   2 
 15 Xaverian  'B'                                       4:31.67   2 
 16 Xavier  'C'                                         4:35.14   2 
 17 Holy Cross  'B'                                     4:44.29   2 
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Sophomore
    School                                               Finals 
  1 St. Joseph by-the-Sea  'A'                          8:59.08  
  2 Monsignor Farrell  'A'                              9:36.34  
  3 Xavier  'B'                                         9:53.61  
  4 Monsignor Farrell  'B'                             10:27.96  
  5 Cardinal Hayes  'A'                                11:03.42  
  6 Xavier  'A'                                        11:09.30  
Boys High Jump Sophomore
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Aboyade-Cole, Adetoni        Fordham Prep           5-08.00  
  2 Smith, Deandre               Archbishop S           5-06.00  
  3 Knoff, Thomas                Xavier                 5-04.00  
  4 Demetriades, Demetrios       Xavier                J5-04.00  
 -- Idemudia, Sean               Christ the K                NH  
 -- LaBranche, Nicholas          Archbishop M                NH  
Boys Pole Vault Sophomore
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Logsdail, Louis              Iona Prep             12-06.00  
  1 Bennett, Jack                Fordham Prep          12-06.00  
  3 McCusker, Aron               Fordham Prep          12-00.00  
  4 Giuzio, Thomas               Monsignor Fa          11-06.00  
  5 Coughlin, Michael            Fordham Prep           9-00.00  
  5 Lucik, Chris                 Archbishop M           9-00.00  
 -- Tapalaga, Ryan               Archbishop M                NH  
Boys Long Jump Sophomore
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Aboyade-Cole, Adetoni        Fordham Prep          19-02.50  
  2 Moshette, Sydney             Iona Prep             18-09.25  
  3 Sundar, Jahlani              Christ the K          18-03.00  
  4 Evans, Michael               Regis                 16-03.50  
  5 Daly, Jack                   Regis                 16-00.50  
  6 Bender, Aaron                St. Francis           15-09.50  
  7 Mallory, Jamal               Archbishop M          15-07.50  
  8 Falcone, Harrison            Iona Prep             15-01.50  
  8 Yeboahbalmir, Louis          St. Francis           15-01.50  
 10 Tapalaga, Ryan               Archbishop M          15-00.50  
 11 Smith, Aidan                 Xavier                14-10.50  
 12 Bianchi, Michael             Monsignor Fa          14-08.50  
 13 Castaldi, Ottavio            Iona Prep             14-01.50  
 14 Bannon, Finn                 Iona Prep             13-10.00  
 15 McGarry, Kevin               St. Edmund            12-07.00  
Boys Triple Jump Sophomore
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Sundar, Jahlani              Christ the K          41-00.50  
  2 Moshette, Sydney             Iona Prep             38-09.00  
  3 Bender, Aaron                St. Francis           36-05.00  
  4 Mallory, Jamal               Archbishop M          35-09.75  
  5 Amadife, Chidera             Fordham Prep          35-09.00  
  6 Dias, Kenneth                St. Joseph b          35-06.00  
  7 Bannon, Finn                 Iona Prep             33-08.50  
  8 Cipriani, Frederico          Monsignor Fa          32-08.50  
Boys Shot Put Sophomore
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Medina, Joseph               Xavier                42-05.25  
  2 Salamone, Joseph             Fordham Prep          37-01.25  
  3 LaBranche, Nicholas          Archbishop M          36-06.75  
  4 Azcona, Johan                Cardinal Hay          35-07.25  
  5 Outlaw, Jarrid               Archbishop M          34-09.75  
  6 Ithier, Irving               Cardinal Hay          34-00.50  
  7 Roman, Edgar                 Cardinal Hay          33-04.75  
  8 Gbla, Eric                   Cardinal Hay          33-04.00  
  9 Fuller, Darryll              Christ the K          33-00.50  
 10 Wynter, Brenton              Nazareth              32-06.25  
 11 Evans, Kahil                 Christ the K          32-05.00  
 12 Boothe, Sherlon              Bishop Lough          31-01.50  
 13 James, Gavin                 Cardinal Hay          30-06.75  
 14 Bartley, John                Xavier                29-06.00  
 15 Ciccone, Michael             Fordham Prep          28-06.50  
 16 Vaccaro, Vito                Xavier                28-05.00  
 17 Casey, Patrick               Archbishop M          28-04.00  
 18 Goodwin, Chris               Monsignor Fa          27-10.75  
 19 Rocco, Thomas                St. Francis           27-09.50  
 20 Natale, Domenico             Monsignor Fa          27-04.00  
 21 Lagudis, Theodore            St. Francis           25-04.75  
 22 Gidiuli, Chris               Xaverian              24-05.50  
 23 Griffin, Will                Iona Prep             21-04.00  
Boys 600 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 McGarty, Patrick             Xaverian               1:26.35   1 
  2 Strachn, Brian               Bishop Lough           1:28.62   1 
  3 Wisdom, Shadane              Mount St. Mi           1:29.47   2 
  4 Montoya, Nick                Xaverian               1:30.31   2 
  5 Barriffe, D'Andre            Bishop Lough           1:30.31   1 
  6 Blandford, Ryan              Bishop Lough           1:30.37   1 
  7 Charles, Akil                Bishop Lough           1:35.06   1 
  8 Cox, Keyshawn                Bishop Lough           1:35.57   2 
  9 Connolly, Aidan              Xaverian               1:36.56   2 
 10 Barry, Ibrahim               Bishop Lough           1:40.89   2 
 11 Hunter, Amoz                 Bishop Lough           1:41.89   2 
 12 Cohen, Chris                 Christ the K           1:42.59   2 
 13 Ramos, Randy                 All Hallows            1:45.48   2 
 14 Saint Vil, Andrew            Bishop Lough           1:46.66   2 
 15 Escalante, Alvaro            All Hallows            1:48.52   1 
 16 Palmieri, Danny              Xaverian               1:52.71   2 
 17 Almonte, Bryant              All Hallows            1:58.84   2 
Boys 1600 Sprint Medley Varsity
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Mount St. Michael  'B'                              3:43.12   1 
  2 Cardinal Spellman  'A'                              3:48.34   1 
  3 Christ the King  'A'                                3:53.28   1 
  4 Mount St. Michael  'A'                              3:56.36   1 
  5 Xaverian  'A'                                       3:57.25   1 
  6 Monsignor McClancy  'A'                             4:01.84   2 
  7 Monsignor McClancy  'B'                             4:10.58   2 
  8 St. Raymond  'A'                                    4:11.54   1 
  9 Christ the King  'B'                                4:12.26   2 
 10 Monsignor McClancy  'C'                             4:14.94   2 
 11 Mount St. Michael  'C'                              4:20.05   2 
 12 Cardinal Spellman  'C'                              4:20.26   2 
 13 Cardinal Spellman  'B'                              4:20.81   2 
 14 LaSalle Academy  'A'                                4:25.27   2 
 15 LaSalle Academy  'B'                                4:45.94   2 
 -- All Hallows  'A'                                         FS   2