Ocean Breeze High School Invitational 2016

Staten Island, NY

Boys Sophomore 1 Mile

Event 21  Boys 1 Mile Run Sophomore
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Ackerman, Nick               Freehold Township      4:36.08   1       
  2 Beacher, Jake                Metuchen               4:36.37   1       
  3 Healy, Aidan                 St. John the           4:37.48   1       
  4 Kain, Patrick                St. John the           4:37.80   1       
  5 Santiago, Dan                North Penn             4:39.27   1       
  6 Gupta, Divij                 Metuchen               4:39.42   1       
  7 Stewart, Jeff                Jackson Memorial       4:41.48   1       
  8 Engle, Clayton               Jackson Memorial       4:42.18   1       
  9 Lederer, Avery               Penncrest              4:42.48   1       
 10 McCormack, Kyle              St. John the           4:47.56   1       
 11 Febinger, Ethan              South Brunswick        4:47.99   2       
 12 Joseph, Ryan                 West Windsor           4:48.33   1       
 13 Barber, Jacob                Collegiate School      4:48.53   2       
 14 Morrell, Amani               St. Anthony's          4:48.82   1       
 15 Robinson, Jake               Conestoga              4:49.19   1       
 16 Murphy, Ryan                 Pleasant Valley        4:49.79   2       
 17 Magoun, Tim                  West Windsor           4:50.43   1       
 18 Olds, Dan                    Coatesville Area       4:51.63   2       
 19 Grace, Colin                 North Penn             4:52.49   2       
 20 Coventry-Cox, Kevin          Metuchen               4:52.81   3       
 21 Chiu, Harrison               South Brunswick        4:55.69   2       
 22 Shandelman, Avery            Lower Merion           4:57.90   2       
 23 Sharo, Dan                   Jackson Memorial       4:58.99   2       
 24 Weir, Sean                   Tottenville            4:59.28   2       
 25 Sultan, Isaac                Collegiate School      4:59.36   2       
 26 Vadnais, Robert              St. Mark's             4:59.48   4       
 27 Van Helmond, Owen            Owen J Roberts         5:00.25   2       
 28 McPeak, Grady                Charter                5:01.05   2       
 29 Flanagan, Tom                New Providence         5:02.37   3       
 30 LaPorte, Patrick             Newark                 5:02.54   3       
 31 Procope, Biagio              Delaware Mil           5:02.98   3       
 32 Belber, Tobi                 Midwood                5:03.75   2       
 33 Hernandez, Chris             Susan Wagner           5:06.61   3       
 34 Turk, Matt                   Byram Hills            5:08.75   3       
 35 Mcdonnell, Alexander         Friends' Central       5:09.11   4       
 36 Delmonaco, Alessandro        Brooklyn Tech          5:10.15   3       
 37 Denlinger, Isaiah            Christopher            5:10.31   3       
 38 Affrunti, Brandin            Csihs/McCown           5:11.33   4       
 39 Narayanan, Rohit             South Brunswick        5:12.46   3       
 40 Gertz, Michael               Byram Hills            5:14.18   4       
 41 Cabera, Kelvin               Coatesville Area       5:14.49   4       
 42 musovic, adem                Townsend Harris        5:15.72   4       
 43 Coppola, Nicholas            Tottenville            5:15.96   3       
 44 marraro, kevin               Metuchen               5:18.02   4       
 45 Johnson, Oluwaseun           Curtis                 5:19.94   3       
 46 Griffin, Connor              Tottenville            5:20.50   4       
 47 Aug, Benjamin                South Brunswick        5:20.68   4       
 48 Davis, Tripp                 Conestoga              5:22.46   5       
 49 Cherevinsky, Sam             Midwood                5:23.88   4       
 50 Pepe, Alphonse               Tottenville            5:24.82   5       
 51 Pollock, Kevin               Freedom                5:25.62   3       
 52 Jain, Arihant                Holmdel                5:26.43   5       
 53 Boyer, Adam                  Freedom                5:27.53   3       
 54 Garcia, David                Midwood                5:30.64   5       
 55 Sharafaldin, Aesam           Midwood                5:33.70   5       
 56 Ecos, Achilles               Brooklyn Tech          5:34.76   4       
 57 Hall, Larry                  Cheltenham             5:34.89   4       
 58 Persaud, Kyle                High School            5:35.06   5       
 59 Bradley, Tyler               New Providence         5:35.56   5       
 60 Chawla, Ravi                 Metuchen               5:36.83   5       
 61 Baccash, Peter               Midwood                5:37.77   5       
 62 Mejia, Danny                 Midwood                5:38.38   5       
 63 Xu, Ray                      Midwood                5:40.64   5       
 64 Lee, Douglas                 Methacton              5:43.80   4       
 65 Pepe, sebastian              Tottenville            5:47.47   5       
 66 Berbari, Nicholas            Susan Wagner           5:54.75   4