Sec. 2 Patroon Conference Championships 2014

Greenport, NY

Sec. 2 Patroon Conference Championships 2014 vs Sec. 2 Patroon Conference Championships 2017

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +51 180 129
Overall Average +20.31 23:10.83 22:50.52
1st-10th Place -30.00 17:17.40 17:47.40
1st-25th Place -51.72 17:49.08 18:40.80
1st-50th Place -58.34 18:37.68 19:36.02
1st-100th Place -1:13.56 20:02.04 21:15.60
Common Athletes -- -- 15
Ran Faster -3 6 9
Ran Season Best -1 13 14
Average Time +28.47 23:26.47 22:58.00
Median Time +1:06.00 23:07.00 22:01.00
Middle 80% Times +39.42 23:44.58 23:05.17
Top 10% Times +42.50 19:13.50 18:31.00
Top 25% Times +1:08.25 20:09.75 19:01.50
Top 50% Times +1:24.00 21:20.00 19:56.00
Bottom 50% Times -30.63 22:37.13 23:07.75
Bottom 25% Times -1:37.00 26:46.75 28:23.75
Bottom 10% Times -1:48.00 27:23.50 29:11.50
Average Difference +28.47 -- --
Median Difference +3:25.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +32.50 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:24.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:07.38 -- --
Top 25% Difference +58.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:07.38 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +11.63 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:38.50 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:01.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Matthew Riordan Maple Hill +1:22.00 19:05.00 17:43.00
Murray Vliet Catskill +1:26.00 20:45.00 19:19.00
Hallie Allen Chatham Central -1:25.00 19:22.00 20:47.00
Mike Rath Greenville +2:29.00 21:51.00 19:22.00
Jack Osborn Catskill +3:25.00 23:07.00 19:42.00
Ethan Spring Greenville +1:50.00 21:57.00 20:07.00
Abdul Asif Catskill +4:43.00 25:10.00 20:27.00
Althea Brennan Chatham Central -34.00 21:27.00 22:01.00
Allison Basile Maple Hill +26.00 23:06.00 22:40.00
Shirah Strock Maple Hill -3:52.00 23:40.00 27:32.00
Tiffany Gao Coxsackie-Athens +1:53.00 26:14.00 24:21.00
Paulina Vojnik Catskill +2:06.00 26:32.00 24:26.00
Connor McCagg Hudson -2:40.00 25:00.00 27:40.00
Frances Kowalski Hawthorne Valley -1:51.00 26:06.00 27:57.00
Hanna Boehm Coxsackie-Athens -2:11.00 28:15.00 30:26.00