Regis Invitational 2014

Bronx, NY
Hosted by Regis

Frosh B

RaceTab 3 by MileSplit                               Registered to: Tim Flynn, CYO NY

                           Regis Invitational - 2014-09-20                           
                          Van Cortlandt Park, New York, NY                           

               Freshman Boys 2500 Meter Run A Race               
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Michael Crorkin        9 Xavier                 9:25.32    --
  2 Jacob Garetti          9 McKee/Staten Island    9:33.55    --
  3 Aidan Donahue          9 Xavier                 9:41.37    --
  4 Tyler Dorsainvil       9 Iona Preparatory Sch   9:49.37    --
  5 Sean Crotty            9 Kellenberg Memorial    9:51.96    --
  6 Gibran Mourani         9 Iona Preparatory Sch   9:53.66    --
  7 Eric Cordts            9 Regis                  9:59.13    --
  8 William Maghak         9 Fordham Prep           9:59.71    --
  9 Spencer Carter         9 Fordham Prep           9:59.90    --
 10 Tim Murray             7 Bronxville            10:01.81    --
 11 Connor Shea            9 Iona Preparatory Sch  10:04.04    --
 12 Nichloas Gutierrez     9 Holy Cross            10:05.40    --
 13 Michael Truell         9 Horace Mann School    10:07.74    --
 14 Matt Warren            9 Washingtonville       10:08.02    --
 15 Joseph Rosowicz        9 Regis                 10:08.32    --
 16 William Hyer           9 Fordham Prep          10:08.57    --
 17 Jerardo Perez          9 Xavier                10:09.98    --
 18 Sean Coakley           9 Kellenberg Memorial   10:11.43    --
 19 Dydro Prosper          9 Kellenberg Memorial   10:13.98    --
 20 Bian Dervin            9 Archbishop Stepinac   10:15.93    --
 21 Kurtis Chan            9 McKee/Staten Island   10:16.67    --
 22 Patrick Kutch          9 Saint Anthony's       10:17.74    --
 23 Daniel Chacko          9 Fordham Prep          10:18.34    --
 24 Charlie Preusse        9 Bronxville            10:19.63    --
 25 Samuel Harris          9 Horace Mann School    10:19.85    --
 26 Andrew Suarez          9 Kellenberg Memorial   10:20.18    --
 27 Brian McIntyre           Xavier                10:20.84    --
 28 Thomas McKenna         9 Kellenberg Memorial   10:23.07    --
 29 edgardo Zelaya         9 Holy Cross            10:25.46    --
 30 Joe Orlando            9 Monsignor Farrell     10:25.73    --
 31 Ronan Lahiff           9 Iona Preparatory Sch  10:26.90    --
 32 Daniel Zeron           9 Regis                 10:27.21    --
 33 Carcaterra John        9 Monsignor Farrell     10:29.12    --
 34 Joseph Falcone         9 Monsignor Farrell     10:30.40    --
 35 Nick Pallotta          9 New Rochelle          10:31.46    --
 36 Tyler Marlowe          9 Brooklyn Tech         10:38.01    --
 37 Achilles Ecos          9 Brooklyn Tech         10:38.20    --
 38 Hezekial Gombiner      9 New Rochelle          10:38.89    --
 39 Jeffrey Li             9 McKee/Staten Island   10:39.59    --
 40 Peter Harkins          9 Iona Preparatory Sch  10:39.93    --
 41 Matthew Strelevitz     9 Washingtonville       10:40.32    --
 42 John Sweeney           9 Regis                 10:43.85    --
 43 Sean Kinnally          9 Regis                 10:44.14    --
 44 Sean Wagner            9 Saint Anthony's       10:45.17    --
 45 Zo Carroll             9 Brooklyn Tech         10:45.45    --
 46 Christian Coleman      9 Kellenberg Memorial   10:45.78    --
 47 Christopher Batista    9 Fordham Prep          10:52.46    --
 48 Tim McGrath            8 Bronxville            10:53.54    --
 49 Kemal Aziz             9 McKee/Staten Island   10:53.87    --
 50 Jonathan Shearin       9 Monsignor Farrell     10:55.90    --
 51 Phillip Siemers          Saint Anthony's       10:58.20    --
 52 James Cunningham       9 Saint Anthony's       11:02.73    --
 53 Nicholas Avery         9 Saint Anthony's       11:04.64    --
 54 Justin Tarazona        9 Kellenberg Memorial   11:06.15    --
 55 Jaleel AbdulMajeed     9 St. Francis Prep      11:07.14    --
 56 Kevin Bomba            9 Iona Preparatory Sch  11:08.79    --
 57 Jasper Tangchitsumran  9 Brooklyn Tech         11:09.18    --
 58 Michael Cohen          9 Fordham Prep          11:09.98    --
 59 ?                                              11:12.48    --
 60 Matthew Ring           9 Fordham Prep          11:12.92    --
 61 Allen Zou              9 McKee/Staten Island   11:14.48    --
 62 Joshua Creeden         9 Washingtonville       11:14.97    --
 63 Vincent Peetz          9 McKee/Staten Island   11:16.51    --
 64 William Hah            9 Horace Mann School    11:17.14    --
 65 Justyn Hope            9 Archbishop Stepinac   11:18.92    --
 66 Samuel Heller          9 Horace Mann School    11:19.72    --
 67 Justin McCarthy        9 Bronxville            11:21.12    --
 68 Samuel Stephenson      9 Horace Mann School    11:23.65    --
 69 Vincent Ioviero        9 Xavier                11:25.72    --
 70 Charles Hayman         9 Horace Mann School    11:27.33    --
 71 Erik Villavera         9 Brooklyn Tech         11:27.54    --
 72 Zion Lewis             9 Xavier                11:27.84    --
 73 Michael Minogue        9 Xavier                11:28.11    --
 74 Jack Magarelli         9 Iona Preparatory Sch  11:31.00    --
 75 Max Rueger               Archbishop Stepinac   11:32.01    --
 76 Patrick Beglane        9 Kellenberg Memorial   11:33.53    --
 77 Max Rohrbacher         9 Xavier                11:36.03    --
 78 Lucas Ng               8 St. Francis Prep      11:38.20    --
 79 Nery Quevedo-Ramirez   9 Fordham Prep          11:39.48    --
 80 Kienan Lafferty        9 Xavier                11:41.75    --
 81 Jonathan Katz          9 Horace Mann School    11:41.97    --
 82 Billy Blancato         9 New Rochelle          11:42.83    --
 83 Will Edwards           9 Monsignor Farrell     11:44.69    --
 84 William Frost          9 Fordham Prep          11:47.84    --
 85 Nick Nuccio            9 McKee/Staten Island   11:50.33    --
 86 Benjamin Gardy         9 Brooklyn Tech         11:50.61    --
 87 Dylan Cruz             9 Iona Preparatory Sch  11:50.95    --
 88 Kyle Vidal             9 Iona Preparatory Sch  11:51.84    --
 89 Emanuel Cruz           9 Fordham Prep          11:52.06    --
 90 Carl Jaccarino         9 Monsignor Farrell     11:54.94    --
 91 James DiCarlo          9 Kellenberg Memorial   11:55.76    --
 92 James Lemp             9 St. John the Baptist  11:59.08    --
 93 Joseph Cvelic          9 Fordham Prep          12:00.17    --
 94 Hans Harburg           9 Monsignor Farrell     12:01.15    --
 95 Matteo Masotti         9 St. John the Baptist  12:01.64    --
 96 Dean D'Addario         9 Fordham Prep          12:08.23    --
 97 Giancarlo Lombardozzi  9 St. Francis Prep      12:09.11    --
 98 Eldrick Greenaway                              12:14.09    --
 99 Chris Cohen            9 Christ the King       12:14.30    --
100 William Zeng           9 McKee/Staten Island   12:22.50    --
101 Cesar Fernandez          Cardinal Hayes        12:24.83    --
102 Joseph Darcy           9 Kellenberg Memorial   12:25.75    --
103 Hugh ODriscoll         9 Fordham Prep          12:26.92    --
104 Frank DiAngelis        9 Xavier                12:27.50    --
105 Ryan Bonavita          9 Saint Anthony's       12:28.08    --
106 Conor McCusker         9 Fordham Prep          12:35.59    --
107 DePaulo Michael        9 Washingtonville       12:37.16    --
108 Sheridan Aaron         9 St. Francis Prep      12:43.97    --
109 Michael Gugliotta      9 Monsignor Farrell     12:46.38    --
110 Jake Kelly             9 Monsignor Farrell     12:48.27    --
111 Mark Melnick           9 McKee/Staten Island   12:58.42    --
112 Jordan Ng              9 McKee/Staten Island   12:59.55    --
113 Joseph Freda           9 St. Francis Prep      13:05.78    --
114 Ryan Morlino           9 Archbishop Stepinac   13:06.16    --
115 Michael Ferenezi       9 Monsignor Farrell     13:07.35    --
116 Matthew Worth          9 Iona Preparatory Sch  13:08.94    --
117 Frederic Rupnarain     9 Saint Anthony's       13:12.00    --
118 Jancarlos Almonte        Cardinal Hayes        13:16.03    --
119 Giuseppe Mosiello      9 Fordham Prep          13:16.77    --
120 Kenny Taylor           9 Bronxville            13:17.71    --
121 Michael Hernandez        Cardinal Hayes        13:30.77    --
122 Joe DeMartino         12 Monsignor Farrell     13:31.02    --
123 John Frazia            9 Iona Preparatory Sch  13:39.77    --
124 Justin Gulino          9 Monsignor Farrell     13:49.11    --
125 Matthew Fagan          9 Fordham Prep          13:50.71    --
126 Kevin Gelling          9 Xavier                13:54.43    --
127 Christian Smith                                13:54.83    --
128 Joe Persico            9 Iona Preparatory Sch  13:56.91    --
129 Marc Maquiling           Xavier                13:59.77    --
130 Declan McLoughlin      9 Kellenberg Memorial   14:08.54    --
131 Prince Okantey           Cardinal Hayes        14:13.47    --
132 James Petruccio        9 Monsignor Farrell     14:26.19    --
133 Justin Cerabona        9 Fordham Prep          14:31.69    --
134 Daniel Timpone           Monsignor Farrell     14:39.27    --
135 Joseph DeMarco         9 Monsignor Farrell     14:46.59    --
136 Dwayne McIntosh          South Bronx           14:58.95    --
137 Taj Scott                South Bronx           15:01.57    --
138 Anthony Astorino       9 Archbishop Stepinac   15:06.34    --
139 Jack Dennis            9 Fordham Prep          15:25.18    --
140 Stephen Leung          9 Fordham Prep          15:44.51    --
141 Quagdiarielio            St. Edmund Prep       15:50.45    --
142 Matthew Castillo         South Bronx           16:03.12    --
143 Jonveroly Laurent        South Bronx           16:21.48    --
144 Joseph Pastilha        9 Xavier                16:42.97    --
145 Joshua Johnson           Cardinal Hayes        17:07.94    --
146 William Kelly            Saint Anthony's       17:21.14    --
147 Sean Duffy             9 Fordham Prep          19:40.00    --
148 Hector Rivera          9 Fordham Prep          20:57.00    --
149 John DellaPietra         St. Edmund Prep       21:45.00    --
150 Andre Guerra          11 Holy Trinity          26:09.00    --