Regis Invitational 2014

Bronx, NY
Hosted by Regis

Varsity A

RaceTab 3 by MileSplit                               Registered to: Tim Flynn, CYO NY

                           Regis Invitational - 2014-09-20                           
                          Van Cortlandt Park, New York, NY                           

               Varsity Boys 4000 Meter Run A Race                
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Julio Ruiz-Gomez      12 Monsignor Farrell     13:32.19    --
  2 Espinoza Joe          12 McKee/Staten Island   13:45.99     1
  3 Pedro Millard         12 Brooklyn Tech         13:47.30     2
  4 Robert Guidicipietro  11 St. Joseph by the Se  13:51.27    --
  5 Harrison Branch-Shaw  11 Brooklyn Tech         13:52.99     3
  6 rafael hernandez      11 Memorial HS (W. NY)   13:53.22     4
  7 Stalin Pichardo       12 Memorial HS (W. NY)   13:56.10     5
  8 Sean Goodwin          12 Monsignor Farrell     14:06.51    --
  9 Robe Zhang            12 Brooklyn Tech         14:07.07     6
 10 Nick Velez            11 St. Joseph by the Se  14:09.21    --
 11 Brendan Fox           12 Iona Preparatory Sch  14:09.98     7
 12 Jose De la Cruz       11 Memorial HS (W. NY)   14:13.43     8
 13 Daniel Graham         12 Holy Trinity          14:17.07     9
 14 Andrew Pokorny        11 Brooklyn Tech         14:19.38    10
 15 Matthew Impelli       12 Kellenberg Memorial   14:22.35    11
 16 Andrew Espy           12 Holy Trinity          14:28.41    12
 17 Jonathan Rega         12 Kellenberg Memorial   14:39.24    13
 18 Phil Carruthers       12 Iona Preparatory Sch  14:42.66    14
 19 Deshawn Simms         12 Bishop Loughlin       14:44.41    --
 20 Pat Leahy             12 Lynbrook              14:45.85    --
 21 Angelio Grullon       12 Cardinal Hayes        14:46.84    --
 22 Daniel Saczyk         12 Archbishop Molloy     14:47.70    --
 23 Christopher Woodhouse 12 McKee/Staten Island   14:50.82    15
 24 Glenn Calix           10 Memorial HS (W. NY)   14:56.24    16
 25 Jonah Eisman          12 Brooklyn Tech         14:56.67    17
 26 Brian Tracey          12 Archbishop Molloy     14:58.93    --
 27 Kevin Dray            12 Monsignor Farrell     15:02.18    --
 28 Jordan Louie          12 McKee/Staten Island   15:04.01    18
 29 Zeshan Gondel         12 Brooklyn Tech         15:06.46    19
 30 Mario Fiallo          12 Memorial HS (W. NY)   15:07.88    20
 31 Kevin Tan             12 McKee/Staten Island   15:14.87    21
 32 Michael Dunklee       12 Kellenberg Memorial   15:19.10    22
 33 Chris Athanasidy      12 Iona Preparatory Sch  15:21.40    23
 34 Anderson Heredia      11 Memorial HS (W. NY)   15:28.40    24
 35 Nikhil Gosike         12 McKee/Staten Island   15:29.48    25
 36 Kavindu Amarasinghe   12 McKee/Staten Island   15:29.84    26
 37 Michael Yaccarino     11 Brooklyn Tech         15:32.09    27
 38 Daniel Rosenbauer     12 St. Joseph by the Se  15:33.00    --
 39 Brendan Gallagher     12 Cathedral Prep        15:35.34    28
 40 Nasir Asif            12 McKee/Staten Island   15:35.96    29
 41 Christian Berrio      10 Archbishop Molloy     15:40.45    --
 42 Abdullah Abbasi       10 Memorial HS (W. NY)   15:40.87    30
 43 Jordan Roy            12 McKee/Staten Island   15:48.67    --
 44 Jonathan Miller       12 McKee/Staten Island   15:55.73    --
 45 Edward Mendez            Cardinal Hayes        15:57.31    --
 46 Devon Rodriguez       11 Christ the King       16:03.01    --
 47 Michael Waldron       12 Albertus Magnus       16:06.26    --
 48 Bilal Nadeem          12 Brooklyn Tech         16:08.51    --
 49 Anthony Orzo          12 Iona Preparatory Sch  16:09.79    31
 50 Ian McBride           12 Manchester Twp HS     16:26.39    --
 51 Matthew Stehl         12 Kellenberg Memorial   16:29.08    32
 52 Dan Mills             12 Manchester Twp HS     16:31.40    --
 53 Steeven Bernal        12 Alexander Hamilton    16:32.44    --
 54 Jerry Gaskill         12 Manchester Twp HS     16:32.75    --
 55 Aden Nasarat          12 Alexander Hamilton    16:33.70    --
 56 Michael Italiano      12 St. Joseph by the Se  16:39.11    --
 57 Ethan Illers          12 Iona Preparatory Sch  16:41.28    33
 58 Aamir Green           12 Manchester Twp HS     16:43.06    --
 59 Daniel Arteaga        12 Cathedral Prep        16:43.94    34
 60 Joshua Hodges          9 Christ the King       16:46.14    --
 61 Clive Chakavarika     12 Iona Preparatory Sch  16:49.91    35
 62 Daniel Ma             12 McKee/Staten Island   16:58.19    --
 63 Joseph Gasparini      12 Kellenberg Memorial   17:00.97    36
 64 Derek Aghamigre          Cardinal Hayes        17:15.08    --
 65 Edward Cornico        12 Iona Preparatory Sch  17:21.97    37
 66 Daniel Peragine       12 Holy Trinity          17:24.33    38
 67 Kevin Cribbin         12 Lynbrook              17:38.53    --
 68 Kevin Hayes           12 Albertus Magnus       17:48.13    --
 69 Omar Badran           12 Brooklyn Tech         17:56.82    --
 70 Matthew Alvarez       12 Holy Trinity          18:27.11    39
 71 Jonathan Miller       12 Iona Preparatory Sch  18:29.29    --
 72 Kaba Toussaint        12 Bishop Loughlin       18:30.52    --
 73 Carlton Suddler       12 Christ the King       18:34.43    --
 74 Joseph Santos         12 Monsignor Scanlan     18:51.63    --
 75 Tyler McDonnell       12 Holy Trinity          19:07.51    40
 76 Ryan Bartee           12 Iona Preparatory Sch  19:14.84    --
 77 Gregory Enriquez      12 Iona Preparatory Sch  19:16.55    --
 78 Palo Salazar          11 Cathedral Prep        19:19.79    41
 79 Dan Springsteen       12 Lynbrook              19:23.16    --
 80 Matt Shevlin          12 Iona Preparatory Sch  19:26.85    --
 81 Stephen Barbaro       11 Cathedral Prep        19:40.59    42
 82 Brendan O'Leary       11 Cathedral Prep        20:38.62    43
 83 Kyle Frederick        11 Cathedral Prep        20:40.71    44
 84 Johnny Cuevas         12 Cristo Rey            21:22.03    --
 85 Joshua Buamet         12 Christ the King       21:51.70    --
 86 Tim Sullivan          12 Bronxville            21:51.87    --
 87 Immanuel Castro       12 Cristo Rey            23:00.00    --
 88 Chris St. Louis       12 Bishop Loughlin       23:50.00    --
 89 Chris Clough          12 Alexander Hamilton    27:00.00    --
 90 Hank Thomas           12 Bronxville            29:26.00    --

         Varsity Boys 4000 Meter Run A Race Team Scores          
    Team                   Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Brooklyn Tech          38      2    3    6   10   17   19   27  
      Total Time: 1:11:04      Average: 14:12.69      1-5 Split: 1:10
  2 Memorial HS (W. NY)    53      4    5    8   16   20   24   30  
      Total Time: 1:12:07      Average: 14:25.38      1-5 Split: 1:15
  3 McKee/Staten Island    80      1   15   18   21   25   26   29  
      Total Time: 1:14:26      Average: 14:53.04      1-5 Split: 1:44
  4 Iona Preparatory Sch   108     7   14   23   31   33   35   37  
      Total Time: 1:17:06      Average: 15:25.03      1-5 Split: 2:32
  5 Kellenberg Memorial    114    11   13   22   32   36    -    -  
      Total Time: 1:17:51      Average: 15:34.15      1-5 Split: 2:39
  6 Holy Trinity           138     9   12   38   39   40    -    -  
      Total Time: 1:23:45      Average: 16:44.89      1-5 Split: 4:51
  7 Cathedral Prep         188    28   34   41   42   43   44    -  
      Total Time: 1:31:59      Average: 18:23.66      1-5 Split: 5:04