
                       SIHSTFA Outdoor Champs - 5/4/2014                       
Girls 100 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Nwobu, Miracle               Port Richmond                     13.00   10   
  2 Clark, Casie                 Port Richmond                     13.30    8   
  3 Lucien, Caitlin              Notre Dame                        13.70    6   
  4 Fabre, Christina             Port Richmond                     14.00    4   
  5 Garcia, Brianne              Notre Dame                        14.30    2   
  6 Russo, Alex                  St. Joseph by th                  14.50    1   
Girls 200 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Rivera, J Renda              Curtis High Scho                  27.10   1  10   
  2 Nwobu, Miracle               Port Richmond                     27.60   1   8   
  3 Owuh, Faustina               Notre Dame                        28.10   2   6   
  4 Oloyede, Aishat              Susan Wagner                      28.20   1   4   
  5 Owah, Vanessa                St. John Villa                    28.40   2   2   
  6 Boone, Naycha                Curtis High Scho                  28.50   1   1   
  7 Clark, Casie                 Port Richmond                     28.80   1 
  8 Roia, F.                     Susan Wagner                      29.20   4 
  9 Allen, Aniya                 Port Richmond                     29.80   2 
 10 Fayanmira, Kemi              Csihs/McCown                      30.00   1 
 11 Shapiro, Zanna               New Dorp                          30.10   2 
 12 Maqelara, Zarifet            Susan Wagner                      30.30   2 
 13 Robinson, Naomi              Tottenville                       30.80   3 
 14 Burke, Brittany              Port Richmond                     31.90   7 
 15 Hourican, Caitlin            Tottenville                       32.10   3 
 16 Katz, Kaitlin                McKee/Staten Isl                  32.30   5 
 16 Kinyo, Tomilola Mora         Curtis High Scho                  32.30   4 
 16 Gravely, Nia                 Port Richmond                     32.30  10 
 19 Sanon, Tasha                 Port Richmond                     32.40   7 
 19 McLaughlin, Cathryn          St. Joseph's Hil                  32.40   9 
 21 Caruana, Victoria            St. John Villa                    32.50   5 
 21 Gouda, Sarah                 Tottenville                       32.50   3 
 21 Zhang, Caren                 Moore                             32.50   8 
 24 Cooke, Emily                 St. Joseph's Hil                  32.60  10 
 24 Rajpersaud, Tania            Curtis High Scho                  32.60   4 
 24 Grant, Shania                St. Joseph by th                  32.60   2 
 27 Athanasopoulos, Mary         McKee/Staten Isl                  32.70   5 
 28 Harrinton, Claire            Notre Dame                        32.80   5 
 29 Evans, Susan                 St. Joseph's Hil                  32.90   9 
 30 Tyagaraj, Priya              St. Joseph's Hil                  33.10  10 
 31 Cente, Moria                 St. Joseph's Hil                  33.20   9 
 32 Amoroso, Babrella            Tottenville                       33.30   6 
 33 Wong, Crystal                Tottenville                       33.40   8 
 34 Attardi, Jackie              St. Joseph by th                  33.50   4 
 35 Ust, Brianna                 Tottenville                       33.60   3 
 36 Marte, Sessalee              New Dorp                          33.70   4 
 37 Lyons, Cassandra             Tottenville                       33.80   6 
 37 Grande, Nicole               St. Joseph's Hil                  33.80  12 
 39 Guidino, Therasa             Tottenville                       33.90   5 
 40 Forsyth, Meredith            St. Joseph's Hil                  34.00   6 
 41 Butler, Lianne               Notre Dame                        34.10   6 
 41 Mirones, Maria               St. Joseph's Hil                  34.10  11 
 43 Russo, Jenah                 Tottenville                       34.20   6 
 44 Clavell, Gabby               St. Joseph by th                  34.30   4 
 44 Holguin, Ariannah            Tottenville                       34.30   6 
 46 Samuells, Briannna           Port Richmond                     34.40  11 
 47 Bishae, Gloria               Tottenville                       34.50   7 
 48 Harden, Sarah                St. John Villa                    34.60   5 
 48 Salce, Nia                   Susan Wagner                      34.60  14 
 50 Mirones, Arianna             St. Joseph's Hil                  34.70  12 
 51 Chen, Caroline               Moore                             34.90  11 
 51 Akande, Zainab               Csihs/McCown                      34.90   3 
 53 Yale, Alexa                  Curtis High Scho                  34.99   9 
 54 McClellan, Amber             Susan Wagner                      35.10  14 
 54 Chen, Alicia                 Tottenville                       35.10   7 
 56 Jaenicke, Taylor             Notre Dame                        35.20   8 
 57 Battaglica, Daniella         St. Joseph by th                  35.40   3 
 58 Defillipo, Taylor            St. Joseph by th                  35.50  12 
 58 Geedeh, Ruth                 New Dorp                          35.50   9 
 60 Fallon, Erin                 Notre Dame                        35.70   8 
 60 Huang, Michelle              McKee/Staten Isl                  35.70  12 
 62 Germara, Alyssa              St. Joseph by th                  35.90   7 
 63 Guarco, Andrea               St. Joseph's Hil                  36.00  13 
 63 Arnyo, Genevieve             St. John Villa                    36.00   8 
 65 Lindo, Ashley                New Dorp                          36.10   9 
 66 Proscia, Alyssa              St. Joseph by th                  36.40   8 
 67 Quirk, Shannon               St. Joseph's Hil                  36.70  13 
 68 Mackiewiez, Karlina          Tottenville                       36.80  11 
 69 Al-Keswani, Lilian           Tottenville                       36.90   7 
 69 Chen, Amy                    McKee/Staten Isl                  36.90  11 
 71 Kerniskey, Hailey            New Dorp                          37.10  10 
 72 Huang, Vivian                McKee/Staten Isl                  37.30  13 
 73 Delaney, Mary                St. Joseph's Hil                  37.60  10 
 73 Blake-Ramsay, Nicole         New Dorp                          37.60  11 
 75 McMahon, Emily               St. Joseph by th                  37.80  14 
 76 Geshbitraj, Arjana           New Dorp                          38.40  12 
 77 Huang, Baoyi                 McKee/Staten Isl                  39.40  14 
 78 Mai, Dorothy                 New Dorp                          40.00  12 
 79 Conners, Colleen             Notre Dame                        40.80  10 
 80 Huang, Lillian               McKee/Staten Isl                  41.10  13 
Girls 400 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Wilson Jones, Yazmin         Port Richmond                     58.30   1  10   
  2 Boone, Naycha                Curtis High Scho                1:01.10   1   8   
  3 Oloyede, Aishat              Susan Wagner                    1:01.80   1   6   
  4 Fayanmira, Kemi              Csihs/McCown                    1:02.40   1   4   
  5 Stewart, Ashley              Port Richmond                   1:02.60   1   2   
  6 D'Angelo, Akexa              St. Joseph by th                1:03.10   1   1   
  7 Carlin, Kristy               McKee/Staten Isl                1:03.20   2 
  8 Garcia, Ariella              Notre Dame                      1:03.40   4 
  9 Flores, Amberlyn             Port Richmond                   1:04.50   2 
 10 Correale, Jesse              Notre Dame                      1:05.10   4 
 11 Pietrunti, Nicole            St. Joseph's Hil                1:05.90   2 
 12 Robinson, Naomi              Tottenville                     1:08.00   6 
 13 Williams, Alexus             Curtis High Scho                1:08.10   2 
 14 Maqelara, Zarifet            Susan Wagner                    1:08.50   2 
 15 Giacopelli, Taylor           Notre Dame                      1:09.40   4 
 16 Katz, Kaitlin                McKee/Staten Isl                1:11.30   4 
 17 Sopoulos, Mary Afhana        McKee/Staten Isl                1:11.60   4 
 18 Carney, Sara                 St. Joseph's Hil                1:11.70   3 
 19 Yu, Jasmine                  McKee/Staten Isl                1:11.80   6 
 20 Mujaj, Elda                  New Dorp                        1:12.10   3 
 21 Daaz, Alexis                 St. Joseph by th                1:12.70   3 
 22 McLaughlin, Cathryn          St. Joseph's Hil                1:13.30   3 
 23 Cosgriff, Emily              St. Joseph by th                1:13.50   3 
 24 Morgan, Oliva                McKee/Staten Isl                1:14.60   6 
 25 Connolly, Briana             St. John Villa                  1:14.90   5 
 26 Forsyth, Meredith            St. Joseph's Hil                1:15.60   2 
 27 Gallo, Melissa               McKee/Staten Isl                1:17.10   6 
 28 Khamraeva, Zebo              St. Joseph's Hil                1:17.60   5 
 29 Wierzbowski, Kristina        St. Joseph by th                1:18.70   5 
 30 Clavell, Gabby               St. Joseph by th                1:18.90   6 
 31 Germara, Alyssa              St. Joseph by th                1:20.60   5 
 31 Defillipo, Taylor            St. Joseph by th                1:20.60   6 
 33 Battaglica, Daniella         St. Joseph by th                1:20.70   6 
 34 Zhang, Caren                 Moore                           1:20.80   3 
 35 Rapaport, Loren              Port Richmond                   1:21.70   6 
 36 Attardi, Jackie              St. Joseph by th                1:21.90   5 
 37 Damitz, Brianna              St. Joseph by th                1:23.70   5 
 38 Mirones, Arianna             St. Joseph's Hil                1:24.60   6 
 39 Mirones, Maria               St. Joseph's Hil                1:24.90   5 
 40 Sullivan, Maura              St. Joseph by th                1:26.70   5 
Girls 800 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Wilson Jones, Yazmin         Port Richmond                   2:18.60   1  10   
  2 Roda, Alexa                  Notre Dame                      2:21.50   1   8   
  3 Jaenicke, Olivia             Notre Dame                      2:25.60   1   6   
  4 McCauly, Olivia              St. John Villa                  2:26.60   1   4   
  5 Roberts, Taylor              St. John Villa                  2:27.20   1   2   
  6 Weir, Susanna                Notre Dame                      2:27.40   1   1   
  7 Maliborska, Nicole           McKee/Staten Isl                2:28.70   1 
  8 Clark, Mackenzie             St. Joseph by th                2:30.20   1 
  9 Jean Mary, Tyler             Curtis High Scho                2:31.20   1 
 10 Riccardelli, Lauren          Tottenville                     2:37.00   2 
 11 Bolusi, Gianna               Susan Wagner                    2:38.20   1 
 12 Cohen, Lianna                Susan Wagner                    2:40.80   2 
 13 Wilkinson, Anna Rose         Notre Dame                      2:43.30   2 
 14 Harringtan, Erin             Notre Dame                      2:45.60   2 
 15 Mills, Shaniya               Curtis High Scho                2:48.80   2 
 16 Borodyansky, Gabrie          McKee/Staten Isl                2:49.20   2 
 17 Williams, Natalie            McKee/Staten Isl                2:50.50   2 
 18 Berntsen, Carly              McKee/Staten Isl                2:52.10   2 
 19 Lamberti, Victoria           McKee/Staten Isl                2:53.30   2 
 20 Selznick, Erica              McKee/Staten Isl                2:54.60   2 
 21 Chem, Sheryl                 McKee/Staten Isl                2:55.00   3 
 22 Carp, Sarah                  Notre Dame                      2:55.30   2 
 23 Jaenicke, Kristen            Notre Dame                      2:55.60   2 
 24 Simon, Ashley                St. John Villa                  2:58.30   3 
 25 Lauria, Nina                 St. John Villa                  3:06.30   3 
 26 Kay, Emma                    Tottenville                     3:06.90   3 
 27 Milson, Taylor               Csihs/McCown                    3:07.90   3 
 28 Fernandes, Christina         St. Joseph's Hil                3:10.40   3 
 29 Finnegan, Laura              St. Joseph's Hil                3:19.10   3 
 30 Halevi, Shanee               Susan Wagner                    3:21.10   3 
 31 Caputo, Stephenie            Tottenville                     3:21.30   3 
 32 Fernandes, Lorraina          Susan Wagner                    3:33.70   3 
 33 Certy, Raran                 Susan Wagner                    3:35.10   3 
Girls 1500 Yard Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Scalici, Maria               Susan Wagner                    5:08.30   1  10   
  2 Drennan, Mary Kate           McKee/Staten Isl                5:14.60   1   8   
  3 Pitarresi, Lauren            Notre Dame                      5:15.80   1   6   
  4 Baldassarre, Jill            St. Joseph's Hil                5:18.10   1   4   
  5 Eng, Kassidy                 Susan Wagner                    5:21.70   1   2   
  6 Graci, Jessica               Tottenville                     5:21.90   1   1   
  7 Kelly, Tara                  Notre Dame                      5:29.30   1 
  8 Mumford, Rosie               St. John Villa                  5:32.50   1 
  9 Babilonia, Jasmine           Susan Wagner                    5:32.60   1 
 10 Santorelli, Allison          Tottenville                     5:33.60   2 
 11 Varriano, Catherine          Susan Wagner                    5:36.90   1 
 12 Oakes, Leeanna               Susan Wagner                    5:37.10   1 
 13 Henriquez, Taylor            Curtis High Scho                5:38.00   1 
 14 Liell, Vivian                New Dorp                        5:46.70   2 
 15 Murray, Caroline             Curtis High Scho                5:47.30   2 
 16 Buei, Caroline               Susan Wagner                    5:48.30   2 
 17 Morel, Kristina              St. Joseph by th                5:49.10   2 
 18 Labarbera, Alyssa            Tottenville                     5:52.50   2 
 19 BA, Roughuiyatou             New Dorp                        5:52.60   3 
 20 Mohammad, Alyssa             Csihs/McCown                    6:10.80   2 
 21 Gay, Kassiday                Tottenville                     6:13.10   3 
 22 Bardley, Emily               Tottenville                     6:20.70   3 
 23 Ursua, Dariealyn             Curtis High Scho                6:22.60   2 
 24 Martin, Elizabeth            Tottenville                     6:23.90   3 
 25 Mansour, Yasmine             New Dorp                        6:29.30   3 
 26 LaPorta, Selena              Susan Wagner                    6:33.50   3 
 27 Sharzin, Lauren              Curtis High Scho                6:35.60   2 
 28 Peralta, Alexus              New Dorp                        6:38.00   3 
 29 Abulawy, Amira               Port Richmond                   6:38.30   3 
 30 DeBernardo, Victoria         Csihs/McCown                    6:40.50   3 
 31 Fernandes, Christina         St. Joseph's Hil                6:40.90   3 
 32 Cheung, Sophia               Susan Wagner                    6:41.60   2 
 33 Been, Nia                    New Dorp                        6:58.00   3 
 34 Peado, Jaqueline             New Dorp                        6:59.90   3 
 35 Estrada, Jessica             New Dorp                        7:00.60   3 
Girls 3000 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Merlinsky, Tiffany           McKee/Staten Isl               11:30.50   10   
  2 Ibrahim, Nouran              McKee/Staten Isl               11:44.10    8   
  3 Oliver, Elizabeth            St. Joseph by th               11:48.00    6   
  4 Kelly, Tara                  Notre Dame                     11:55.80    4   
  5 Piersiak, Anna Clair         Curtis High Scho               12:27.80    2   
  6 Foster, Zaila                Curtis High Scho               13:28.20    1   
  7 Caballero, Evelin            Port Richmond                  13:40.60  
  8 Khoury, Lauren               St. Joseph by th               14:20.20  
  9 Maci, Marta                  Curtis High Scho               15:58.70  
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Dunning, Courtney            Curtis High Scho                  17.70   10   
  2 Elliott, Brianna May         Curtis High Scho                  18.30    8   
  3 Beatty, Jasmine              Susan Wagner                      18.60    6   
  4 Murray, Katherine            McKee/Staten Isl                  18.90    4   
  5 Harrington, Emily            St. Joseph's Hil                  19.20    2   
  6 Gonzalez, Crystal            Port Richmond                     20.01    1   
Girls 400 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Dunning, Courtney            Curtis High Scho                1:07.30   1  10   
  2 Elliott, Brianna May         Curtis High Scho                1:10.90   1   8   
  3 Murray, Katherine            McKee/Staten Isl                1:11.20   1   6   
  4 Beatty, Jasmine              Susan Wagner                    1:13.90   1   4   
  5 Murray, Emily                McKee/Staten Isl                1:15.40   1   2   
  6 Cinco, Rain                  McKee/Staten Isl                1:16.00   1   1   
  7 D'Espisito, Isabell          St. Joseph by th                1:18.90   2 
  8 Gonzalez, Crystal            Port Richmond                   1:22.50   2 
  9 Marchiselly, Ginanna         McKee/Staten Isl                1:24.50   2 
 10 Collins, Venus               Port Richmond                   1:25.20   2 
 11 Woolford, Ashley             Port Richmond                   1:33.20   2 
Girls 2000 Meter Steeplechase Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Baldassarre, Jill            St. Joseph's Hil                7:44.00   10   
  2 Rice, Sydney                 Notre Dame                      7:51.40    8   
  3 Drennan, Mary Kate           McKee/Staten Isl                7:58.60    6   
  4 Lynch, Alaina                McKee/Staten Isl                8:11.20    4   
  5 Yakir, Jenny                 McKee/Staten Isl                8:22.00    2   
  6 Melian, Amanda               Susan Wagner                    8:27.00    1   
  7 Hagemann, Jane               Susan Wagner                    8:38.60  
  8 DeRosa, Mackenzie            St. Joseph's Hil                9:01.80  
  9 Talledo, Fanny               New Dorp                        9:08.90  
 10 Bernardo, Clarissa           Csihs/McCown                    9:21.40  
 11 NG, Ariel                    Susan Wagner                    9:42.60  
 12 Rapaport, Loren              Port Richmond                  10:53.70  
Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Port Richmond  'A'                                             52.80   10   
  2 Notre Dame  'A'                                                54.00    8   
  3 St. John Villa  'A'                                            54.50    6   
  4 McKee/Staten Island Tech  'B'                                  55.70    4   
  5 McKee/Staten Island Tech  'A'                                  56.10    2   
  6 Curtis High School  'A'                                        57.00    1   
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Port Richmond  'A'                                           4:22.10   1  10   
  2 Notre Dame  'A'                                              4:24.40   1   8   
  3 Curtis High School  'A'                                      4:30.10   1   6   
  4 McKee/Staten Island Tech  'A'                                4:32.40   1   4   
  5 St. John Villa  'A'                                          4:32.90   1   2   
  6 McKee/Staten Island Tech  'B'                                4:36.80   2   1   
  7 Port Richmond  'B'                                           4:39.10   1 
  8 Port Richmond  'C'                                           4:44.60   2 
  9 Notre Dame  'B'                                              4:48.30   2 
 10 St. Joseph by the Sea  'A'                                   4:49.90   2 
 11 St. Joseph's Hill  'A'                                       4:53.90   2 
 12 Tottenville  'A'                                             4:54.10   2 
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Notre Dame  'A'                                             10:15.10   10   
  2 McKee/Staten Island Tech  'A'                               10:25.80    8   
  3 McKee/Staten Island Tech  'B'                               10:32.90    6   
  4 St. Joseph by the Sea  'A'                                  10:46.40    4   
  5 Notre Dame  'B'                                             11:03.90    2   
  6 Susan Wagner  'A'                                           11:05.90    1   
  7 Susan Wagner  'B'                                           11:10.60  
  8 Curtis High School  'A'                                     11:29.00  
  9 St. Joseph's Hill  'A'                                      11:30.30  
 10 Susan Wagner  'C'                                           11:32.50  
 11 New Dorp  'A'                                               12:01.40  
 12 Csihs/McCown  'A'                                           12:09.20  
 13 St. Joseph by the Sea  'B'                                  12:11.00  
Girls High Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Carlin, Kristy               McKee/Staten Isl                4-10.00   10   
  2 Maliborska, Nicole           McKee/Staten Isl                4-08.00    8   
  3 Clark, Katie                 McKee/Staten Isl                4-06.00    6   
  4 Lucien, Caitlin              Notre Dame                      4-04.00    4   
  5 Flores, Amberlyn             Port Richmond                  J4-04.00    2   
  6 Cerrito, Rachel              St. Joseph by th                4-02.00    0.50
  6 Serecin, Regina              Tottenville                     4-02.00    0.50
  8 Jaenicke, Olivia             Notre Dame                     J4-02.00  
  9 Perosi, Fiona                St. Joseph's Hil               J4-02.00  
 10 Harris, Alexis               Port Richmond                   4-00.00  
 -- Atkinson, Tayor              Port Richmond                        NH  
 -- Orlowski, Nicole             Tottenville                          NH  
 -- Attardi, Jackie              St. Joseph by th                     NH  
 -- Morgan, Janelle              Port Richmond                        NH  
Girls Pole Vault Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Farid, Erini                 St. Joseph by th                7-06.00   10   
  2 Lynch, Alaina                McKee/Staten Isl                7-00.00    8   
  3 Szela, Jessica               McKee/Staten Isl                6-06.00    6   
  4 Tress, Sarah                 McKee/Staten Isl               J6-06.00    4   
  5 Fox, Maggie                  McKee/Staten Isl               J6-06.00    2   
  6 Eldorr, Dana                 Susan Wagner                    6-00.00    1   
Girls Long Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Clark, Casie                 Port Richmond                  15-07.00   10   
  2 Nwobu, Miracle               Port Richmond                  15-02.00    8   
  3 Roda, Jackie                 Notre Dame                     14-04.00    6   
  4 Garcia, Julia                Notre Dame                     14-03.50    4   
  5 Pietrunti, Nicole            St. Joseph's Hil               14-03.00    2   
  6 Gallo, Brianna               McKee/Staten Isl               14-00.50    1   
  7 Jean Mary, Tyler             Curtis High Scho               13-09.00  
  8 Boone, Naycha                Curtis High Scho               13-08.50  
  9 Musacchio, Daniella          St. Joseph's Hil               13-03.00  
 10 Salce, Nia                   Susan Wagner                   13-02.50  
 11 Harrington, Emily            St. Joseph's Hil               13-01.00  
 12 Dangelo, Gabriella           St. Joseph's Hil               13-00.00  
Girls Triple Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Gonzalez, Crystal            Port Richmond                  33-04.00   10   
  2 McCombs, Desiree             Port Richmond                  32-04.00    8   
  3 Pietrunti, Nicole            St. Joseph's Hil               31-06.00    6   
  4 Harrington, Emily            St. Joseph's Hil               30-10.00    4   
  5 Idowu, Lola                  McKee/Staten Isl               29-10.00    2   
  6 Ldlins, Venus                Port Richmond                  27-11.00    1   
  7 Henriquez, Taylor            Curtis High Scho               26-06.00  
  8 Forsyth, Meredith            St. Joseph's Hil               26-03.00  
  9 Katz, Kaitlin                McKee/Staten Isl               25-10.00  
 10 Hourican, Caitlin            Tottenville                    24-10.00  
 11 Sharzin, Lauren              Curtis High Scho               24-06.00  
 -- Samuells, Briannna           Port Richmond                      FOUL  
 -- Garcia, Alexa                St. Joseph by th                   FOUL  
 -- Etheridge, Kierstan          Port Richmond                      FOUL  
 -- Walsh, Mary                  St. Joseph by th                   FOUL  
 -- Wilkinson, Anna Rose         Notre Dame                         FOUL  
 -- Cooke, Emily                 St. Joseph's Hil                   FOUL  
Girls Shot Put Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Minew, Elaine                Susan Wagner                   35-02.00   10   
  2 Cioffi, Jessica              McKee/Staten Isl               32-07.00    8   
  3 Richardson, Tyler            Susan Wagner                   32-00.00    6   
  4 Todaro, Ashley               St. Joseph by th               30-06.00    4   
  5 Cameron, Eryn                Csihs/McCown                   29-11.00    2   
  6 Garcia, Brianne              Notre Dame                     29-08.00    1   
  7 Owuh, Faustina               Notre Dame                     29-04.00  
Girls Discus Throw Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Minew, Elaine                Susan Wagner                     108-07   10   
  2 Richardson, Tyler            Susan Wagner                      88-05    8   
  3 Cioffi, Jessica              McKee/Staten Isl                  88-04    6   
  4 Florine, Dorleans            Port Richmond                     85-10    4   
  5 Awopetu, Nife                Port Richmond                     82-05    2   
  6 Oluwaseun, Adeniji           Curtis High Scho                  78-09    1   
  7 Marsala, Emily               St. Joseph by th                  77-00  
Girls Javelin Throw Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Farid, Erini                 St. Joseph by th                  83-11   10   
  2 Cerrito, Rachel              St. Joseph by th                  81-00    8   
  3 Yu, Jasmine                  McKee/Staten Isl                  79-05    6   
  4 Shnaydman, Rachel            McKee/Staten Isl                  76-01    4   
  5 Gallo, Melissa               McKee/Staten Isl                  67-06    2   
  6 Mazella, Theresa             St. Joseph by th               66-03.50    1   
  7 Saile, Catherine             Port Richmond                     58-02  
  8 Melapioni, Megan             St. Joseph by th                  53-04  
  9 Morgan, Oliva                McKee/Staten Isl                  51-11  
 10 Gonzalez, Gabby              St. Joseph by th                  45-04  
Boys 100 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Ikoma, Garth                 St. Joseph by th                  11.80   2  10   
  2 Jacob, Jeffweson             Msgr. Farrell HS                  12.10   2   8   
  3 Garley, Matthias             Port Richmond                     12.20   1   6   
  4 Coleman, Andrew              Msgr. Farrell HS                  12.30   1   4   
  5 Hernandez, Edgar             Susan Wagner                      12.40   2   2   
  6 Daniels, Jordan              St. Joseph by th                  12.70   2   0.50
  6 Alexis, Jamari               St. Peters                        12.70   1   0.50
Boys 200 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Sheriff, Adrian              Susan Wagner                      23.20   2  10   
  2 Lunerola, Andrew             Msgr. Farrell HS                  23.80   2   8   
  3 Somma, Joseph                St. Joseph by th                  24.40   2   6   
  4 Azzarelli, Jeudy             McKee/Staten Isl                  24.70   1   4   
  5 Beausil, Joshua              Curtis High Scho                  25.00   2   2   
  6 Awopetu, Eluwatumise         Port Richmond                     25.40   1   1   
Boys 400 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Sheriff, Adrian              Susan Wagner                      50.60   1  10   
  2 Azzarelli, Jeudy             McKee/Staten Isl                  51.70   1   8   
  3 Beausil, Joshua              Curtis High Scho                  52.30   1   6   
  4 Dray, Kevin                  Msgr. Farrell HS                  53.10   1   4   
  5 Clark, Norman                St. Peters                        54.20   2   2   
  6 Ferrandino, Christopher      Port Richmond                     55.20   2   1   
  7 Camporeale, Nick             St. Joseph by th                  55.50   1 
  8 Ssessanga, Martin            Curtis High Scho                  56.10   1 
  9 Viscuso, Joe                 Tottenville                       59.30   5 
  9 Ruggiero, Joe                Msgr. Farrell HS                  59.30   3 
 11 Cori, Matt                   McKee/Staten Isl                1:00.40   6 
 12 Watson, Benjamin             McKee/Staten Isl                1:00.60   2 
 13 Khodir, Ahmed                Tottenville                     1:00.70   5 
 14 Scott, Neilson               Csihs/McCown                    1:01.40   2 
 15 Weiss, Justin                McKee/Staten Isl                1:01.60   3 
 16 Malik, Kelly                 Curtis High Scho                1:01.70   6 
 16 Odamoasu, Mike               Moore                           1:01.70   3 
 18 Palaia, Frank                Tottenville                     1:02.10   5 
 19 Kotowski, Kryzstof           Susan Wagner                    1:02.50   5 
 20 Lee, Chih Lin                McKee/Staten Isl                1:03.10   3 
 21 Francisco, Lorenzo           St. Joseph by th                1:03.20   4 
 22 Malik, Omar                  Tottenville                     1:03.30   2 
 23 Bah, Jacob                   Curtis High Scho                1:03.70   4 
 24 Weinstrom, Nick              St. Joseph by th                1:04.00   4 
 24 Doychinov, Alex              Susan Wagner                    1:04.00   6 
 26 Lopez, Missile               Port Richmond                   1:04.20   3 
 27 Yu, Jefferson                McKee/Staten Isl                1:05.00   6 
 28 Pan, Franky                  McKee/Staten Isl                1:05.10   4 
 29 Pena, Joel                   St. Joseph by th                1:05.30   4 
 30 Greenlinger, Jonathon        Tottenville                     1:05.50   5 
 30 LoCuscio, Mike               Csihs/McCown                    1:05.50   2 
 32 Gannaway, Reese              McKee/Staten Isl                1:06.10   6 
 33 Roman, Joseph                Tottenville                     1:06.50   5 
 34 Rotonda, Mike                St. Joseph by th                1:06.60   4 
 35 Nishimwe, Brian              St. Joseph by th                1:06.70   3 
 36 McNamara, Ryan               St. Joseph by th                1:07.90   4 
 37 Monteron, Zachary            McKee/Staten Isl                1:09.30   6 
 38 Rodney, LinPaul              St. Joseph by th                1:10.30   6 
 39 Capani, Jeton                Tottenville                     1:10.60   5 
 40 Graganiello, Michael         Susan Wagner                    1:12.70   5 
 41 Pizzimento, Vinny            Tottenville                     1:14.40   6 
 42 Li, Zachary                  Moore                           1:14.50   4 
 43 Lucey, Chris                 St. Joseph by th                1:15.50   6 
 44 Zheng, Sean                  Moore                           1:22.10   4 
 -- Miller, John                 McKee/Staten Isl                     NT   5 
Boys 800 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Bah, Mohamed                 Curtis High Scho                2:02.10   1  10   
  2 Velez, Nick                  St. Joseph by th                2:03.60   1   8   
  3 Lauria, Joe                  Msgr. Farrell HS                2:03.80   1   6   
  4 Aziz, Mohamed                McKee/Staten Isl                2:03.90   1   4   
  5 Rice, Lahiem                 Curtis High Scho                2:04.00   1   2   
  6 Markase, Deven               St. Peters                      2:07.70   1   1   
  7 Moscola, Tim                 St. Peters                      2:08.10   1 
  8 Brandt, Kyle                 Susan Wagner                    2:09.10   1 
  9 Trimmer, Matt                Curtis High Scho                2:10.00   1 
 10 Villegas, Thomas             Port Richmond                   2:11.40   1 
 11 Jensen, Gerald               St. Peters                      2:13.30   2 
 12 Popick, Steven               Susan Wagner                    2:16.40   2 
 13 Holland, Ryan                St. Peters                      2:19.70   2 
 14 Urena, Marlon                Port Richmond                   2:20.50   2 
 15 Zarzecki, Piotr              Susan Wagner                    2:21.00   2 
 16 Chea, Samuel                 Port Richmond                   2:21.10   2 
 17 Louie, Jordan                McKee/Staten Isl                2:21.90   2 
 18 Miller, John                 McKee/Staten Isl                2:22.20   2 
 19 Martinez, Christian          St. Peters                      2:23.30   2 
 20 Kovnator, Isaac              Port Richmond                   2:25.80   2 
 21 Khodir, Ahmed                Tottenville                     2:26.20   2 
 22 Woodhouse, Christopher       McKee/Staten Isl                2:26.30   2 
 23 Firmano, Matthew             Tottenville                     2:27.20   2 
 24 Desilva, Manuja              McKee/Staten Isl                2:34.40   2 
Boys 1600 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Guzman, Juan                 Susan Wagner                    4:30.00   1  10   
  2 Ruiz-Gomez, Julio            Msgr. Farrell HS                4:31.80   1   8   
  3 McMunn, Liam                 Susan Wagner                    4:41.60   1   6   
  4 Akakeya, John                Curtis High Scho                4:42.80   1   4   
  5 Marlin, Jacob                Curtis High Scho                4:50.00   1   2   
  6 Farley, Dennis               St. Peters                      4:53.50   1   1   
  7 Esposito, William            Tottenville                     5:04.80   1 
  8 Firmano, Matthew             Tottenville                     5:05.90   2 
  9 Morales, Matthew             Susan Wagner                    5:09.90   2 
 10 Viegas, Stephen              Msgr. Farrell HS                5:11.00   2 
 11 Desilva, Manuja              McKee/Staten Isl                5:12.60   2 
 12 Martucci, Frank              Susan Wagner                    5:16.80   1 
 12 Caputo, Christopher          Susan Wagner                    5:16.80   2 
 14 Gagliano, Michael            Susan Wagner                    5:18.90   2 
 15 Guadagno, Louis              Tottenville                     5:21.10   2 
 16 Murphy, Connor               Curtis High Scho                5:22.10   2 
 17 Cardona, Michael             St. Joseph by th                5:22.40   2 
 18 Jamarie, Michael             Curtis High Scho                5:23.90   2 
 19 Crowley, Sean                Msgr. Farrell HS                5:24.70   2 
 20 Sysak, Mike                  Msgr. Farrell HS                5:25.40   2 
 21 Lam, Joshua                  Susan Wagner                    5:29.00   2 
 22 Kianball, Shane              Msgr. Farrell HS                5:29.70   3 
 23 Cusenza, Sal                 St. Peters                      5:30.70   2 
 24 Gomez, Jeremy                McKee/Staten Isl                5:32.00   3 
 25 Msallem, Anthony             McKee/Staten Isl                5:32.20   3 
 26 Franco, Dustin               Msgr. Farrell HS                5:33.30   2 
 27 Bakalli, Arber               McKee/Staten Isl                5:41.60   3 
 28 Batov, Evan                  McKee/Staten Isl                5:44.40   3 
 29 Freedman, Douglas            Susan Wagner                    5:45.00   3 
 30 Tofo, Omar                   McKee/Staten Isl                5:49.00   3 
 31 McGee, Jason                 Csihs/McCown                    5:55.60   3 
 32 Xu, Jefferson                McKee/Staten Isl                5:57.00   3 
 33 Gannaway, Reese              McKee/Staten Isl                6:02.70   3 
 34 Quattrachi, Dan              Msgr. Farrell HS                6:03.10   3 
 35 Tellewoyan, Bassah           Curtis High Scho                6:08.20   2 
 36 Kettyle, Chris               Msgr. Farrell HS                6:08.60   3 
 37 Delgiudice, Chris            Csihs/McCown                    6:15.30   3 
 38 Rivera, Jarena               Curtis High Scho                6:30.70   2 
 39 Monteron, Zachary            McKee/Staten Isl                6:49.00   3 
Boys 3200 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Bah, Mohamed                 Curtis High Scho                9:42.40   1  10   
  2 Hzil, Mohamed                McKee/Staten Isl                9:50.80   1   8   
  3 Freeman, Brandon             Msgr. Farrell HS               10:02.80   1   6   
  4 Moncada, Daniel              McKee/Staten Isl               10:18.90   1   4   
  5 Gugendiran, Pratheip         Susan Wagner                   10:21.80   1   2   
  6 Bosa, Frank                  Port Richmond                  10:23.50   1   1   
  7 Scharf, Andrew               Msgr. Farrell HS               10:42.90   1 
  8 Morales, Emanuel             Susan Wagner                   10:50.50   1 
  9 Bodnar, Jack                 St. Peters                     11:02.10   1 
 10 Butterfield, Dante           Port Richmond                  11:03.80   2 
 11 Viso, Gregory                Curtis High Scho               11:09.90   2 
 12 Roy, Jordan                  McKee/Staten Isl               11:33.10   2 
 13 Henriguez, Zachary           Tottenville                    11:39.50   2 
 14 O'Connor, Dan                Msgr. Farrell HS               11:39.70   2 
 15 Martello, Nick               St. Peters                     11:51.60   2 
 16 Foster, Lawrence             Curtis High Scho               11:54.70   2 
 17 Tofo, Omar                   McKee/Staten Isl               11:57.10   2 
 -- Wohr, Brendan                St. Peters                           NT   2 
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Wan, Oscar                   McKee/Staten Isl                  16.30   2  10   
  2 Fadairo, Adeniyi             Susan Wagner                      17.60   2   8   
  3 Lehn, Johnathan              Susan Wagner                      18.00   2   6   
  4 Collazo, Chrystian           Susan Wagner                      18.20   2   4   
  5 Mon, Khant                   Susan Wagner                      19.10   1   2   
  6 Kerlin, Kevin                McKee/Staten Isl                  19.50   1   1   
  7 DeMartino, Joe               Msgr. Farrell HS                  21.80   1 
Boys 400 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Wan, Oscar                   McKee/Staten Isl                1:01.00   1  10   
  2 Aly, Bassem                  McKee/Staten Isl                1:02.00   1   8   
  3 Ruszkowski, Rob              St. Joseph by th                1:03.50   1   6   
  4 Collazo, Chrystian           Susan Wagner                    1:03.80   1   4   
  5 Lehn, Johnathan              Susan Wagner                    1:07.90   1   2   
  6 Andrews, Gerard              Msgr. Farrell HS                1:08.00   2   1   
  7 Mao, Kevin                   McKee/Staten Isl                1:10.10   2 
  8 Kerlin, Kevin                McKee/Staten Isl                1:11.60   2 
  9 Villanueva, Darren           Msgr. Farrell HS                1:15.40   1 
 10 DeMartino, Joe               Msgr. Farrell HS                1:15.80   2 
Boys 3000 Meter Steeplechase Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Espo, Joe                    McKee/Staten Isl               10:36.80   10   
  2 Peterson, Gary               Csihs/McCown                   10:37.80    8   
  3 Lawry, Philip                McKee/Staten Isl               10:41.70    6   
  4 Rebecchi, Bernard            St. Peters                     10:59.10    4   
  5 Cori, Matthew                McKee/Staten Isl               11:01.40    2   
  6 Weiler, Christian            McKee/Staten Isl               11:01.90    1   
  7 Griffin, Charlie             McKee/Staten Isl               11:21.90  
  8 Morales, Matthew             Susan Wagner                   11:39.20  
  9 Guadagno, Louis              Tottenville                    12:09.40  
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 St. Joseph by the Sea  'A'                                     45.60   10   
  2 Port Richmond  'A'                                             46.30    8   
  3 Msgr. Farrell HS  'A'                                          47.00    6   
  4 Susan Wagner  'A'                                              47.90    4   
  5 St. Joseph by the Sea  'B'                                     48.20    2   
  6 McKee/Staten Island Tech  'A'                                  48.60    1   
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Port Richmond  'A'                                           3:35.70   10   
  2 St. Peters  'A'                                              3:40.70    8   
  3 Msgr. Farrell HS  'A'                                        3:43.20    6   
  4 McKee/Staten Island Tech  'A'                                3:45.40    4   
  5 Curtis High School  'A'                                      3:46.20    2   
  6 St. Joseph by the Sea  'A'                                   3:48.70    1   
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Msgr. Farrell HS  'A'                                        8:35.50   10   
  2 McKee/Staten Island Tech  'A'                                8:49.90    8   
  3 Susan Wagner  'A'                                            8:52.80    6   
  4 McKee/Staten Island Tech  'B'                                8:53.80    4   
  5 St. Joseph by the Sea  'A'                                   8:54.20    2   
  6 Curtis High School  'A'                                      8:54.50    1   
  7 Port Richmond  'A'                                           9:18.20  
  8 Susan Wagner  'B'                                            9:27.80  
  9 St. Peters  'A'                                              9:34.70  
 10 Msgr. Farrell HS  'B'                                       10:01.70  
 11 Susan Wagner  'C'                                           10:25.60  
 12 Curtis High School  'B'                                     10:26.20  
Boys High Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Sicari, Justin               Msgr. Farrell HS                6-08.00   10   
  2 Mirfield, Justin             McKee/Staten Isl                6-00.00    8   
  3 Mirfield, James              McKee/Staten Isl                5-02.00    6   
  4 LanFranchi, Anthony          Msgr. Farrell HS               J5-02.00    3   
  4 Mahoney, James               St. Joseph by th               J5-02.00    3   
  6 Dibiase, Michael             St. Joseph by th                5-00.00    0.50
  6 Cicero, Trey                 Msgr. Farrell HS                5-00.00    0.50
  8 Cheung, Richard              McKee/Staten Isl               J5-00.00  
 -- Cotton, Joe                  St. Joseph by th                     NH  
 -- Ditommaso, Frank             Msgr. Farrell HS                     NH  
Boys Pole Vault Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Crispi, Joe                  Msgr. Farrell HS               12-00.00   10   
  2 Ammirrati, Luke              Msgr. Farrell HS               11-00.00    8   
  3 Falcone, Mike                Msgr. Farrell HS               10-06.00    6   
  4 Caridad, Pat                 Msgr. Farrell HS              J10-06.00    4   
  5 Dibiase, Michael             St. Joseph by th               10-00.00    2   
 -- Weiler, Christian            McKee/Staten Isl                     NH  
 -- Griffin, Charlie             McKee/Staten Isl                     NH  
 -- Mon, Khant                   Susan Wagner                         NH  
 -- Kumaratunga, Robin           Susan Wagner                         NH  
 -- Francisco, Lorenzo           St. Joseph by th                     NH  
 -- Woodhouse, Christopher       McKee/Staten Isl                     NH  
 -- Scotto Divetta, Mark         McKee/Staten Isl                     NH  
Boys Long Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Ndoye, Khadim                McKee/Staten Isl               20-04.50   10   
  2 Mirfield, Justin             McKee/Staten Isl               20-02.75    8   
  3 Crispi, Joe                  Msgr. Farrell HS               19-08.50    6   
  4 Somma, Joseph                St. Joseph by th               19-05.00    4   
  5 Caparro, Rocky               Susan Wagner                   19-04.50    2   
  6 Italiano, Michael            St. Joseph by th               18-03.75    1   
  7 Elliott, David               St. Peters                     18-01.00  
  8 Basile, Paul                 Msgr. Farrell HS               16-01.50  
  9 Sealy, Shon                  St. Peters                     15-11.25  
Boys Triple Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Ndoye, Khadim                McKee/Staten Isl               44-04.50   10   
  2 Sicari, Justin               Msgr. Farrell HS               43-01.25    8   
  3 Caparro, Rocky               Susan Wagner                   42-03.75    6   
  4 Geoghegan, Tom               St. Joseph by th               38-00.75    4   
  5 Sinclair, Kyle               St. Joseph by th               37-01.75    2   
  6 Mirfield, James              McKee/Staten Isl               36-03.50    1   
  7 Gosike, Nikhil               McKee/Staten Isl               35-04.00  
  8 Basile, Paul                 Msgr. Farrell HS               34-11.75  
  9 Cheung, Richard              McKee/Staten Isl               32-10.00  
 10 Vigilante, Peter             Msgr. Farrell HS               31-03.75  
 11 Vigilante, Joseph            Msgr. Farrell HS               29-01.25  
 12 Gardener, Tullis             Msgr. Farrell HS               27-03.00  
 13 Genovese, Joe                Msgr. Farrell HS               25-11.25  
 -- Rivera, Zeth                 St. Joseph by th                   FOUL  
Boys Shot Put Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Folino, Paul                 Msgr. Farrell HS               54-03.00   10   
  2 Scognamiglio, Nick           Msgr. Farrell HS               45-07.00    8   
  3 Galford, Mike                Msgr. Farrell HS               45-05.00    6   
  4 Kelly, Pat                   Msgr. Farrell HS               44-00.00    4   
  5 DiTommaso, Fred              Msgr. Farrell HS               42-06.00    2   
  6 Prato, Brandon               St. Joseph by th               42-01.50    1   
  7 Pocesta, Lutfi               Susan Wagner                   41-05.00  
  8 Stapleton, Branden           Curtis High Scho               39-01.00  
  9 Caddell, James               St. Peters                     36-01.00  
 10 Rinaudo, John                St. Peters                     35-01.00  
Boys Discus Throw Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Prato, Brandon               St. Joseph by th                 126-00   10   
  2 Lefti, Pecesta               Susan Wagner                     119-10    8   
  3 Prochett, Allen              Susan Wagner                     117-01    6   
  4 Scognamiglio, Nick           Msgr. Farrell HS                 116-03    4   
  5 DiTommaso, Fred              Msgr. Farrell HS                 116-02    2   
  6 Stapleton, Branden           Curtis High Scho                 115-05    1   
  7 Kelly, Pat                   Msgr. Farrell HS                 112-09  
  8 Falcone, Mike                Msgr. Farrell HS                 107-08  
  9 Folino, Paul                 Msgr. Farrell HS                 107-02  
 10 Caldiero, Vinnie             Msgr. Farrell HS                 103-03  
Boys Javelin Throw Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Coughlin, Sean               Msgr. Farrell HS              134-02.50   10   
  2 Galford, Mike                Msgr. Farrell HS                 134-02    8   
  3 Gundacker, Donnie            St. Peters                       128-01    6   
  4 Luxoro, Blake                McKee/Staten Isl                 127-05    4   
  5 Sluder, Christopher          St. Peters                    119-08.50    2   
  6 Hunter, Michael              Susan Wagner                  117-08.50    1   

                       SIHSTFA Outdoor Champs - 5/4/2014                       
                       Team Rankings - Through Event 39                        
                              Female Team Scores                               
            Place School                                          Points
                1 McKee/Staten Island Tech           MSIT            149  
                2 Port Richmond                      PR              118  
                3 Notre Dame                         NDA              90  
                4 Susan Wagner                       SW               69  
                5 Curtis High School                 CURT             66  
                6 St. Joseph by the Sea              SEA              45.5
                7 St. Joseph's Hill                  SJHA             28  
                8 St. John Villa                     SJVA             16  
                9 Csihs/McCown                       CSIM              6  
               10 Tottenville                        TOTT              1.5
                               Male Team Scores                                
            Place School                                          Points
                1 Msgr. Farrell HS                   MFHS            176.5
                2 McKee/Staten Island Tech           MSIT            140  
                3 Susan Wagner                       SW               99  
                4 St. Joseph by the Sea              SEA              73  
                5 Curtis High School                 CURT             40  
                6 Port Richmond                      PR               27  
                7 St. Peters                         SP               24.5
                8 Csihs/McCown                       CSIM              8