Outlook: Piggybacking off a Top 10 returner in the State, the Westchester-based school is looking to take home the title with a significant low-stick.
Riverdale Country Day (Falcons)
Last Year's Summary: 3rd in NYSAIS
Outlook: A tight compression team, this should allow the Falcons to work together to move through the pack.
Collegiate School (Dutchmen)
Last Year's Summary: 2nd in AIS, 26th in Federation
Outlook: In search of a 5th man, there is plenty of opportunity here, as Collegiate pulls from nearly every returning grade-level.
Outlook: Sophomore Luff comes from a family of runners, and could make a big jump to help his team in the final standings.
Rye Country Day (Wildcats)
Last Year's Summary: 9th in NYSAIS
Outlook: A solid showing would be more than enough to motivate this very young team for future campaigns.